#anakins robot hand
newalderaanplaces · 1 year
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motherofdogs1010 · 3 months
A Jedi in Arrakis (Paul Atreides x Reader)
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Summary: While on the run from Empire troops, Jedi padawan Y/N comes to find out that hyper-driving in a compromised craft can have some major setbacks when she discovers not only is on a new planet but a whole new galaxy as well...
Warnings: jedi!reader, eventual 18+, NSFW, angst, fluff, eventual smut/pinv!sex, oral sex, talks of questioning the Force and teachings, more to come as story progresses
A/N: Like Ahsoka, I left Reader to have white, which means they are neutral and I feel Anakin would have taught any other padawans to be neutral when it came to the Force. The type of lightsaber Reader has for any photo reference is the same type Darth Maul has!
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics Banner by @vase-of-lilies
Part II
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She had e/c eyes that looked at him softly as she laid beside him; the white silk she wore over her body showing the curves she possessed as she reached a hand out and caressed his cheek.
"Paul", she softly said, her skin tanned and soft.
Her hair fell around her and framed her face as she blinked.
Her voice lulled him before he heard a humming, a buzz of electricity coming to light before a white light took over, shielding him from her...
In a galaxy far, far away...
Hands gripping the steering wheel of her craft, Y/N looked at the controls to see if hyperdrive was even possible and saw that it was not yet as she dodged another Imperial craft shooting at her.
"BB, you better hold onto your metal butt", she called out to her robotic companion.
BB-1 was a BB prototype similar to the R2-D2 design with the little robot being circular and having a teal color scheme; she heard the little robot let out a squeak as it rolled to secure itself to something.
Y/N hadn't thought of the Empire being on Dantooine but she thought wrong; she had been sent there by her Jedi Master, Anakin while Ahsoka (her fellow padawan/classmate) was sent to assist in the Clone Wars on the field. This intel was supposed to be useful to the Rebellion against the Clone War and Y/N knew if she was captured, that could only result in terrible things.
"BB", she said as she dodged a meteor in their path. "Connect to the database and upload what we got then delete everything."
BB let out a little beep followed by a whirling noise before getting to the task as she saw the Storm Troopers still on their path.
It was an agonizing five minutes of waiting for BB to upload the data, hearing an excited beep from BB as she had just winced as their craft was hit with another beam from the Storm Trooper craft just as she saw that hyperdrive was possible as the system alerted her of all the damage.
"Alright, BB!" she said, looking over her shoulder. "Now really hold on to your metal butt! It's going to be bumpy!"
BB let out a whirl of noises just as she hit the button for hyperdrive...
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Her head was pounding as heard BB's concerned noises before she heard the beeping of the ship and opening her eyes with a gasp and looking around, it all rushing back to her of the system failure during hyperdrive, her trying to navigate as they were descending fast onto an unknown planet.
"Hold on, BB", she said, "let me... let me grab my-"
She grasped at her side where her lightsaber was clipped as she un-clipped herself from her seat, standing up as she winced from the headache; BB came towards her and beeped, Y/N patted its round little head as she went to the door of the ship, hitting the button to open it but saw wouldn't budge.
With a sigh, Y/N went to where her supplies pouch was and making sure she had plenty of water and food before activating her lightstaber, its white energy glowing as she stuck it into the metal of the door, doing her best of welding it open.
And with success she did as she managed to budge the door open to show a endless desert with hot air that hit her in the face; it reminded her of Tatooine with its similar landscape except she would say Tatooine had more rocky structures than this place.
"Where are we, BB?" she voiced as she stepped out.
The sun was hot against beige tunic and she frowned under the force of the heat, looking at BB before putting her hands on her hips.
"I guess let's do some exploring, huh?"
It was hard walking through all the sand, making sure she didn't stumble as she walked. And it was pretty boring considering there was just sand and oh, more damn sand; she wondered why it looked like the sand glittered at some points as her and BB continued their journey before her eyes widened at the sight of a large machine that reminded her of AT-AT Walkers except this one was larger in width and was... digging into the sand?
Either way, that had to mean that people were around as she began to jog towards there considering that it was so close.
BB rolled easily over the sand as they heard the sound of aircrafts and looking up, she saw two that resembled a bug, a dragonfly really. It hovered in the air as if it was looking over the machine and she squinted as she looked before beginning to feel the ground begin to shake violently to the point that she was knocked over.
Looking around, her first thought was a Nightwatcher worm and she looked at the machine as she begun to run with BB following closely; she held her lightstaber in her hand, her pouch bouncing as she ran with all her might to the machine.
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Paul watched as the dust cloud grew as the sandworm quickly approached the Harvester, his father arguing that it was better to save the men on the Harvester than prioritize the Spice.
"Forget the Spice, we need those men", Leto argued and Paul's eyes squinted as he saw two figures running towards the Harvester.
"Look there", Paul pointed, his father leaned and looked.
"It's a girl and a... robot?" he said.
A.I. and anything of that nature had been banned in the Empire since the great war against A.I. so many centuries ago so it was curious as to who this was.
"How many men are on that?" his father asked.
"21", Shadout responded. "23 with the girl and the robot."
"We can only carry 6 on each ship", Paul mentioned.
"We'll make it work", his father confidently said.
She was right that machine would draw in people as it was being evacuated as the sandworm was coming closer. BB was squealing as the sandworm was hot on their trail before she panted, "Go, BB! I'll hold it off!"
BB squealed and she said, "Go! I'll be there too!"
Turning around, she panted as she sucked in a breath and held her hand out, focusing her mind on the Force and its power as the creature closer. She felt vindicated as she saw the creature hit a invisible wall, panting and sweating as she held back the creature, the heat exhaustion getting to her as she tried her best to keep the creature back as black began to spot into her vision.
Suddenly, a hand gripped her shoulder and she looked to find two men: one around her age with handsome, pale features and dark curled hair, and an older man with greying hair.
"Come on, follow us", the older man said, she nodded.
With a final push of the Force, she ran behind the men onto one of the ships, stumbling but gleefully cheering once she saw BB there, who twirled in happiness and squealed.
"BB", she said, the robot rolling to her and she hugged it. "I told you I'd make it."
BB let out noises and she laughed.
"You understand that?" a man asked.
"Don't you?" she asked as she stood. "Where am I?"
"You're on Arrakis", a older man with thick dark hair and a facial beard said. "I'm Duke Leto of House Arrakis and this is my son, Paul. Do you mind telling me where you're from?"
"Arrakis? I've never heard of it", she mumbled, "I'm Y/N L/N from Naboo. What star system is this?"
"Canopus", Leto said and Y/N's eyes widened. "Where is this Naboo? I've never heard of such a planet in the Empire?"
Y/N now realized where she was as BB let out a concern noise. They weren't just in an entirely different solar system, they were in an entirely different galaxy...
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motelofmermaids · 3 months
i barely see gentle anakin skywalker… so… i am introducing it to y’all! rots anakin (lord have mercy) ❥ (+18)
anakin skywalker is unpredictable, in more ways than one—always leaving your breath caught in your chest.
he was rough in his voice, he had a strong sense of force. you knew that, he stood tall and confident… been through the darkest of days, the darkness of his life. he was cold because of that, never quite letting anyone in as much as he did with obi-wan. but you were different, and he knew that from the beginning. when you were sitting across from him in the jedi council, being only two years younger than him—the second youngest person to hold a position on the council—he knew you were different. you were soft in all ways. your voice, gentle. your eyes so sweet and smile just as warm when looking at everyone. including him.
you were the one that was there to arrest chancellor palpatine when anakin was at his lowest, fighting the dark side, slowly succumbing to the manipulation. you were there to give him a voice, allowing him to use it when the council fought so hard to refuse. he was head over heels, always around you. he smiled more, spoke up more—joked around, even. and eventually, he was not afraid of you being a little too close, was not afraid of your touch burning his skin—he was not afraid of receiving true love, because he was no longer afraid of losing you like he had lost his mother.
he stood tall and strong, but he was no longer cold and dark. anakin conveyed this in many ways, more specifically when you were beneath him. with a hand on your hip, his other, robotic arm, rested up against your head, his elbow digging into the pillow to hold himself up—too afraid to put too much weight on you, so afraid to break you like fine china.
he’d go slow, so excruciatingly slow. you’d beg out quiet sobs. ‘ani, please… ani, you can go faster,’ and how he loved your sings of utter submission. kissing up your neck, breathing so heavily into your ear. he’d leave you shaking, tears prickling your eyes because anakin was gentle, treating you like the most vulnerable thing as he shielded you with his body, fucking you with such fervor. wasn’t afraid to moan, show you just how much he craved your entire being. you were his religion, the way you whimpered and cried against the ghost of his lips—and god, he loved your lips. loved seeing his thumb trace it, loved seeing his fingers push in, pull out, push in until you were drooling around them.
anakin talks you through it so well, knows what to say to get you clenching around him, eyelashes fluttering as he stares into your pretty doe eyes. cannot help it, he argues, the way your whole body floats and blushes and glows when he calls you a ‘pretty girl,’ when he’s telling you ‘god… fuck—you take it so well, good girl.’ you were irresistible. he did it even when he’d be doing all the work, turning you into a sweet puddle of mess. he’d tell you how good you were doing. he craved the reaction. the praise he gave you, it made him feel powerful.
he’d mumble heavy i love you’s into your thighs, exploring every crevice, mapping out every single detail of a body he wants to engrave behind his eyelids. loved the way your fingers would twitch and pull his hair when his tongue would have you soaring and hiccuping out the most divine sounds. you were an angel, he’d conclude, every time his lips wrapped around your sensitive bundle of nerves.
he cannot get enough you, he never will, and he conveys it in multiple ways. anakin skywalker is gentle.
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elcarimercanto · 1 year
Things that actually happened in Star Wars Pt. 2
A cowboy breaks into the Jedi temple and steals one of their magic cubes
Obi-wan threatens to eat a shark man in prison
Lando wears Han's clothes
Palpatine told his villan origin story to Anakin at a fish opera
Leia gets shot out into space and then superman flies her way back to safety
Force Speed was shown like one time in The Phantom Menace
Fives makes a dick joke to Anakin
Zeb makes a dick joke to Ezra
Hondo almost sold Ahsoka as a sex slave but then gets saved by a circus act of children
Rex has to distract obi wan while Anakin and Padme were sexting
Padme gets Jabba's gay uncle arrested at his strip club for kidnapping his great nephew
Zeb and Kallus end up living together
Anakin and Padme almost make out on a space train until Obi-wan cockblocks them
Anakin tries to feel someone's temperature with a gloved robotic hand.
A clone gets eaten by a space eel(Rip Cutup)
Literally everything in the Umbara arc
Ezra gets milk cartons thrown at him then falls off the flying ship
Count Dooku throws a sand attack at Anakin
The council sent the horniest Jedi to protect the hottest senator
Luke shows up to fight Palpatine with the Chanel boots on like the fashion icon he is.
Luke wears Han's pants to the medal ceremony
Shaak Ti's died at least 4 times
Basically D-Day but it's Geonosis instead
Obi-wan and Girlfriend go for a casual stroll then witness a terrorist attack and a suicide
Link to part 1
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anisangeldust · 10 days
Coriolanus Snow NSFW alphabet
A/N: did one for Ani a bit ago!
Because Coriolanus is the way he is, I’m doing this all based on the idea that he genuinely loves you.
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Fem!reader x young!Coriolanus
A = Aftercare: Coriolanus would definitely have to learn about the importance of aftercare. I feel like he’d only understand after a few months of being sexually active. But after that it’s 10/10.
B = Body part: his favorite body part on himself is his hands. The way he can make you feel good, the power and strength they posses, and how objectively beautiful they are. On a partner would definitely be hips. He loves to grab, squeeze, and pinch your hips.
C = Cum: Coriolanus LOVES cumming on you until you’re akin to a glazed donut. He loves the way it marks you, almost like he’s claiming his territory. But when he wants kids, it’s creampie after creampie for you!
D = Dirty secret: He’s definitely very subby sometimes, and it takes him a very long time to admit that he loves not being in control all the time.
E = Experience: Academy Coryo was a cum in his pants if you touched him virgin, but anything PK on he’s very experienced.
F = Favorite position: 100% piledriver. He’s obsessed with how deep and hard he can go. But I also think doggy and riding him are other faves.
G = Goofy: Coriolanus Snow isn’t goofy. He’d be as serious as they come during sex.
H = Hair: He strikes me as the kind of guy who is completely shaved. Like no hair at all down there. And (don’t hate me) he’d expect the same from you, I lwk think he’d think pubic hair is gross.
I = Intimacy: With sex in general he used to be very robotic, just get off and go. But once he met you he’s so obsessed with your pleasure that he treats you like a princess while fucking you like a slut.
J = Jack off: once again, Academy Coryo was best friends with his right hand, but anything PK after he sees no use. He can always find someone to fuck. And after you two start he can’t get off if it’s not you doing something.
K = Kink: President Snow is into ddlg. I said what I said. Also I think bondage/ any kind of sensory stimulation or play is up his alley.
L = Location: (President Snow) He loves the bed most of the time; if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, but he also adores bending you over his desk randomly.
M = Motivation: Anything to do with you is a turn on, because you two go at it so often, he thinks about you all the time. And anything associated with you makes him want you.
N = No: I know lots of people love Snowjanus x reader, but I can’t imagine Coriolanus ever sharing you. He’s obsessively possessive, and he’d rather shoot himself in the face than have someone else pleasure you.
O = Oral: I don’t think he’s as much of a munch as people say he is. He’s 100% prefers receiving, but he also definitely gets off on you getting off; so he’s really good at eating pussy.
P = Pace: Listen, if he really wanted to, he’d be slow and loving. But 99.9% of the time he’s fast and rough, he fucks you until you can’t feel your waist and down.
Q = Quickie: I feel the same I do for Anakin. He’ll do it if he really needs you or you really need him, but he prefers taking his time and getting into it.
R = Risk: He’s 100% into anything you put on the table. Coryo is a freaky mf. I think maybe all except President Coriolanus would be done for exhibition.
S = Stamina: Coryo’s stamina is crazy. He goes until he feels satisfied. So if that means it’s hours upon hours, too bad.
T = Toys: At first he’d hate toys. Why would he let silicone do what he can do? But after a bit and some learning, he starts to understand the benefits. I think he’d own a butt plus for each of you, and a multitude of vibes and dildos.
U = Unfair: Oh he’s so unfair. His favorite punishment is to get you super close to the edge, and then make you wear a chastity belt while you watch him get off. (Escp President Snow)
V = Volume: I don’t think he’s super super loud, just grunts and groans. Maybe the occasional mewl or whimper.
W = Wild card: Anal. You, him, doesn’t matter. He loves being on the giving and receiving end of anal.
X = X-ray: He’s definitely packing. Maybe 7-8 inches? He’s definitely not super girthy, but he’s longgg.
Y = Yearning: Coryo could go all day if he wanted, he has the stamina of a teenage boy who snorted viagra. So anything about you makes him hard and needy.
Z = Zzz: he’s out like a light. He cuddles into your boobs and he’s a goner, lord help him if you play with his hair.
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skywqlkergf · 7 days
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anakin skywalker + blowjobs
f!reader. smut. softish anakin. praise. oral (m receiving). this was supposed to be a blurb and it's a little longer, hope you all like it. this is my first smut with anakin. :3
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it's not often that anakin lets you suck his cock, he much prefers to be sheathed in your warm, wet cunt. it's not that he's even remotely against receiving oral, he just prefers when he can take care of both of you.
today, though, today was different. he was beyond frustrated with the council, and obi-wan constantly breathing down his neck. he wanted to run and hide, but instead his pretty little thing has other ideas in mind.
you can practically smell the irritation coming off of him, from the way he stomps into the room. you usher him to sit down, quick to make him a drink and sit next to him intending to listen to him, first.
he ignores your looks of concerns and just envelopes himself with you, he pulls you in a for a tight squeeze before pushing his lips to yours. it's obvious, that he wants a distraction. a slice of his perfect piece of heaven, to ease the stress.
“let me help you, baby.” your soft voice coos at him, as you cradle his face in your hands. you push a kiss to his lips before climbing to the floor, in front of his lap.
“oh, baby, please. you don't need to, don't want your knees hurting you later.” his voice laced with concern, and your lips curve into a soft smile at his thoughtful nature when it comes to you.
“let me, please.” you urge him, you're not even sure when the last time he let you give him head. it was like an itch that you can't scratch. needing to feel him in your throat.
he can't help the smirk that starts, loving to listen to you beg. never did he think he'd be so lucky, as to have a girl who gets cockdrunk on him.
“if you want it that bad, who am i to tell you no?" he chuckles, his hand coming run his fingers through your hair for a moment. he was sure no one else could ever look as pretty on their knees for him as you do.
you're quick to untangle his pants and his cock springs up once you move anakin’s boxers. your mouth practically drools at the sight, but it's hard to ignore the emptiness in your cunt.
anakin leans back into the couch, legs spread, observing as you look at his member like it's the prettiest thing you've ever seen. and it is, anakin’s cock is thick and long, and it fits in all the right spaces when he's fucking you like there's no tomorrow. it's such a pretty pink at the head.
for now though, you want to focus on him. help him relieve some of that pressure, that you know is so hard for him to keep under control. you start with kitten licks on the underside of his cock.
it's enough to make him shudder, watching with darkened eyes as you take him into your mouth. swirling your tongue around the head, you look through lidded eyes to see his head fallen back against the couch. soft gasps and sighs falling from his mouth, like a prayer.
“doing so good f’me, baby.” the pleasure makes his words slur, and it gives you the motivation and drive to take more of him in.
easing into a nice rhythm of up and down, causing anakin to tug his lip between his teeth and his eyes flutter open to see you taking him all the way in.
his robotic hand coming to softly grasp, your hair, making you go just a little faster.
“just, fuck, yeah baby. just like that, mm.” he groans as he speaks and it makes you speed up. your favorite part is when he starts to get close, little shudders and whines as he attempts to let you do it all on your own.
it never stays that way for long, within moments both of his hands are using your hair as a handlebar. tugging quick and thrusting roughly down your throat.
“sorry, princess. fuck. can't help, myself. just too good.” he praises you, and your bring your hands up to fondle his balls. this is exactly what it takes to push him over the edge. one rough thrust and you can feel his warm cum cadcading down your throat, which you happily swallow.
you lean your head against his thigh, he softly rubs your face. a dorky smile meeting your soft colored and watery eyes.
“you look so pretty with those tears running down your cheeks.” anakin almost whispers, like it's a secret that only the two of you could know about.
“you should make me cry some more then.” you give him a cheeky smile. you know there's no way today's gonna end without a couple bruises as momentos. you wouldn't have it any other way.
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palfriendpatine66 · 1 month
Woke up to Owen Lars thoughts. Specifically re: C-3PO.
Our guy Owen has avoided owning a droid for 20+ years because they remind him of Shmi. He’s had to deal with the Jawas the whole time and knows it would go a hell of a lot better with a translator, but every time he thinks about getting a protocol droid he thinks about Shmi. About how she doted on that insufferably annoying droid because it was her last connection to her son. And he decides he can go another year relying on gestures and paying more than the parts he’s getting are worth.
But now he only has Luke’s help for one more harvest and he’s not getting any younger - his joints ache more and more with each sandstorm - and he decides it’s time to face his ghosts. He can’t avoid reminders of the past forever. He sends Luke for some droids.
And the boy comes back with C3P0
The droid doesn’t look the same - he’s been treated to some upgrades over the years and some fancy gold plating they couldn’t have afforded to give him - but he gives his designation and it’s not just a similar robotic voice dragging up memories that both haunt Owen and remind him of better times. But it’s him, without a doubt. C-3PO human cyborg relations. Shmi’s most prized possession. Returned back to her home and final resting place, back to the last piece of her son.
To Luke.
And when the stormtroopers break down the door and pour in, he has a moment of pure relief that Luke isn’t home. That this time it won’t be a Skywalker’s body found broken in the desert.
He should have known. An R2 unit had rolled up and interrupted Shmi’s humble funeral and Anakin had swept away to whatever dangers waited for him in the stars. He’d brought the two droids with him and the Lars were left to mourn and heal and carry on under the harsh suns. They looked after themselves and weathered the heat and the sand like everything else that was born, and fated to die, in the desert.
But not Luke. Luke wasn’t born on Tatooine, even though the boy has the desert in his blood. Owen sees the same relief written in Beru’s eyes as he takes her hand. Luke isn’t going to die here.
He has the stars in his blood too.
Owen just hopes the boy will meet a better end than his father. That his story won’t end so soon.
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dearanakin · 11 days
trust you - Anakin Skywalker x f! reader
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Summary: You work as a tech for the Jedi Temple and end up having to fix Anakin's robotic arm, once again. He starts having trust issues when she and his son, Luke Skywalker, become close to each other.
Warning: Angst, hurt, mentions of injury, cursing | Ps: Luke is his only child in this story. Anakin doesn't become a Sith (for now hehe)
Word count: 1.7k
Anakin arrived in the tech room with a frown plastered over his face, as always. His cheekbone was bloody and his metal arm was loose as well as malfunctioning.
She was sitting on her table, writing down on a piece of paper when his name was announced. She turned her head around and watched as he silently sat down on a chair across from her. One of her droids excused itself, leaving them both alone.
Anakin had his blank stare at some random point in the room, not bothering to look at her, who dragged the chair closer to him. (Y/N) gently grabbed his metallic arm, looking at the prosthetic.
"What happened this time?" She asked, trailing his limb. He still didn't look at her, or even mentioned to do so. "Tough assignment today?"
He sighed, rubbing off the dripping blood from his chin as he tried to close his fake fist. The motion failed, and he pulled his fingertips as he's supposed to feel the touch.
"Got a blast shot on it" His husky voice was almost a whisper, she nodded. When (Y/N) looked at again, she noticed how tired he looked. He had bags under his eyes and his forehead seemed to have more wrinkles to it.
She nodded and got up looking for her tools. It wasn't actually strange for her to fix his arm, because this wasn't her first time doing it. Maybe it wasn't even her first time seeing him coming back from a mission all beaten up.
Sometimes, he would look less upset or mad. But it was hard to decipher how he was feeling because Anakin was a pro at hiding his emotions ever since he lost his love interest. Perhaps having Luke around him would make him seem less disturbed, but also, having a kid wasn't easy for him.
(Y/N) took a closer look and noticed the robotic articulations were almost melting. It was going to take a while and she was afraid of telling him the bad news. Most people are always feeling intimidated by him, especially by the way he looks at everyone.
She let out a quiet sigh, catching his attention anyway. Since he became a stronger Jedi, his hearing had improved a lot. "What?"
It was the first time Anakin actually looked at her, wondering just what the fuck happened now. Slowly lifting her gaze at him, she gathered all of her courage to speak up.
"Your robotic articulations are "injured". And we're going to need some time to fix it, I'm sorry". She gave him a sympathetic look, to which he scoffed and shut his eyes.
"How long?" His voice carried some sort of rage and (Y/N) saw him making a fist with his other hand.
"Uh, we don't know. But I'll make sure it won't take too long".
Anakin grunted and ran his fingers between his hair. It was quite hot to see him like that, she thought to herself. At the same time, (Y/N) scolded herself for even thinking of something like that.
He didn't look at her when he released his fingers from his curls. "I'll give you a day".
While detaching his faux limb, she tried not to roll her eyes. He was always giving orders to people, not ever caring who they were. "We'll try our best Master Skywalker", she said bluntly.
(Y/N) placed the robotic arm above another table and reached for a first aid kit. She approached the man cautiously while holding a wet cotton. Anakin, who finally looked at her after snapping out of his reverie, furrowed his eyebrows when he saw what she was doing.
(Y/N) gently placed her hand on the Jedi's cheekbone, who remained still as she wiped the almost dried blood from his face. Anakin didn't flinch, even though he felt his skin burn from the contact with the stinging product.
He closed his eyes tightly to avoid eye contact with her, he didn't want to show any fragility at that moment. He was forced to face (Y/N) in front of him anyway, when she walked away to throw the material in the trash.
"You should get some rest, Master. Take this as an excuse to cool off for a bit". (Y/N) gave him an ice pack for his wound, smiling at him.
Anakin stood up from his chair holding a serious expression on his face while nodding. "Yeah, thank you".
He left the tech room without looking back. She scoffed. It was his thing to be the least polite ever and not even look at anyone.
(Y/N) considered it a win having caught his attention twice that day. He never does that. Not ever since he lost Padmé anyway.
Luke came running straight to me as soon as I got to the loft. He was doing his homework with C-3PO before I arrived.
"Daddy!" He shouted as his small arms hugged my legs. "Your arm is missing, what happened?".
Little guy never failed to actually notice things. I crouched down to stay on his level and messed up his hair. "Dad was on an assignment, and it got shot with a blast".
He frowned for a second before messing my hair back. "Hey, little one!"
Luke started laughing as he ran back to the Droid, hiding behind him. "Are you alright, Master Skywalker? Do I need to contact the medical bay?"
I shook my head and flopped down on my bed. "Thank you, 3PO. I just need some rest".
The Droid nodded and walked back to the table, so my son could finish his homework. I sighed, it was weird to have a missing limb. It has been so long, I don't even remember how it felt like. I could still feel my ghost fingers moving.
I felt a throbbing pain on my cheekbone as well as my ribs, making it harder for me to breathe properly. My single hand went straight to my hair as I ran through it nervously.
I tried to dial down the stress, but couldn't even keep my eyes shut for what felt like half an hour. Luke had left the loft with C-P30 for whatever reason, which made me feel relieved. I didn't want my kid to see me like that.
"Fuck", I muttered under my breath. I wasn't sure I had painkillers lying around, and I didn't feel like going to the medical bay for an appointment.
I only found a bottle of liquor and decided to pour some into a glass. The strong taste burned my throat, and it hit my stomach briskly. If that doesn't numb the pain, I would have to drag myself out of the house. It was enough already I didn't have my metal arm, I wouldn't want to deal with that excruciating pain.
I didn't realize I had laid my head down on the kitchen countertop. The muffled sounds coming from my door woke me up, and I quickly grabbed my lightsaber, holding it next to me.
It was already dark, and only then I noticed Luke wasn't there. He wasn't watching TV or playing with his toys. Nor was he trying to sneak on me looking for my weapons that he fancied.
My fingertips became cold as I carefully walked towards the living room, still hearing low whispers. The giggling made me drop my shoulders and put down my lightsaber when I realized it was Luke.
"Luke! What the hell were you doing out? It's dark" My voice came out louder than I intended, and it scared him. He was using both hands to hold (Y/N)'s left arm, like he was trying to drag her inside.
"I'm sorry, Master Skywalker. He went to the tech room with 3PO. He wanted to see your arm". Her voice sounds apologetic and a bit apprehensive, even.
I crossed my arms in front of my chest, watching as Luke reluctantly let go of her. "Sorry, dad. I just wanted to see how your arm was. I asked Miss (Y/N) to show me around as well, and 3PO said it was ok if she watched me".
"I didn't mean to bother, I'm really sor-" I cut her off before she could even apologize. My gaze met his and he nodded, knowing he should go to his bedroom.
"You should've brought him right away. He's not supposed to be out when I'm not with him". (Y/N) bit her lip and brought her hands together. "Don't do that again, please. Or I won't let him go near you".
She got taken aback, her eyes met the floor as she crossed her arms. "I really am sorry. I didn't know". I could barely hear her voice, it felt like she had a lump in her throat.
All I did was nod and watch as she turned her back to me and walked out of my door. I was about to make my way to Luke's room, when I found him propped up on the door stop, looking at me with fear.
"Buddy, I said you should only stay with C-3PO" The boy looked down at his feet and sniffed.
"But I wanted to look. I wanted to see how your metal arm is. It's pretty cool, by the way! Dad, don't be mad at her. She was nice to me, and she stayed with me the whole time!" He pleaded, he had his small hands holding the hem of my under tunic.
I released a drained sigh and sat close to Luke. "You can't trust everyone, Skywalker. It's a different world out there, we need to watch ourselves".
I didn't want him to trust anyone, I didn't need to see him trust every person who's nice to him. I've been there before, I know what it was like. I lost my girl. I trusted someone and I got stabbed behind my back.
I don't want Luke to be like me. I know who I became after losing Padmé. And I can't trust anyone anymore, either. I have issues trying to trust Obi-Wan again.
And more importantly, I don't want to fall for someone and lose them again. Because at some point, it always happens. 
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Clone Wars: When the world ends
Fox watches as Coruscant burns, his men scrambling behind him as democracy falls to the dust. His hands tighten behind his back as he watches smoke rise from the Jedi Temple, a parallel to the smoke rising here in the Senate building.
The screams of Senators and screeching of speeders zooming by barely drowns out the cries that is clones and Jedi alike fighting off the protestors on the street.
Several Venators lift from the Jedi Temple, filled to the brim with younglings and clone cadets, guarded by at least two Jedi Masters and several Clone Commanders and Captains.
He stands amidst the Chancellor's office, his boss’ late body strewn across the floor. Anakin stares emptily at his friend's beheaded head and Fox wonders if he’s actually grieving the man or grieving himself.
Fox’ fingers clench around the comm that continues to relay the emergency alert across the GAR.
Thorn shouts evacuation orders in the background, grabbing Senators from the burning building.
Or at least the ones that he wants to help.
The Senators that have degraded his men and shouted insults and passed laws to make it harder for a clone to live, for a Jedi to stop fighting...
Well, when it's the end, what value do they hold to a clone who's loyalty is for their men and their Jedi?
Thorn turns his back, refusing his men the right to help them. He signals to Stone who open fires on them, pulling Padme and Bail towards the rescue speeders.
A chime echoes in the room, and Fox glances down to see it coming from his comm.
Marshall Commander Cody.
He answers.
"Where are you?" No greeting. No formalities.
Desperation coats his words and Fox wonders how much time they have left.
"We are on our way." Thorn has finished loading up the last of the speeders, while Thire runs back in to make sure no clones are left behind.
He comes back with only two shinies and Fox knows they are ready to evacuate the building.
"We don't have much longer. Our last ship is ready to deport. What's your ETA?"
Thorn waves them forward, jumping on to a speeder bike. He signs to Fox from below, and Fox answers. "T-minus 20 minutes.”
Anakin comes up next to him, his robotic hand creaking as it grips tight around the handle of his lightsaber.
"We will wait 25." Fox nods in acknowledgment, ready to hang up when Cody stops him. "Fox?" He stares down at Cody's concerned face. "We'll meet you here, right?"
Fox doesn't speak for a while, his eyes flicking up to the burning city around him. Anakin quietly snorts at the question and Fox can feel his gold eyes staring into the side of his temple.
"Yes," he lies. "Just look out for my armor." He hangs up before Cody can say anything more.
Thorn's armor is heavy on him, unfamiliar despite being the same size.
As he follows Anakin out of the office, red blade lighting the way, he can't help but wonder...
Are they the villains??
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d4yl1ghts · 2 months
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anakin skywalker x jedi, wife, fem!reader
summary: anakin feels bad after accidentally harming you whilst training
warnings: injury
You were currently working on using the force with your secret husband, Anakin Skywalker, the ‘chosen one’. You had never been strong with the force but to be a powerful Jedi you must conquer the use of the force and so here you were. Your skills lie with your lightsaber as you are quite agile and impulsive in battle, leading you to make quick decisions. Anakin’s main priority was his lightsaber too but he was very good at using the force, leading him to train you.
Anakin was teaching you how to choke someone with the force and so to demonstrate he was doing it on you. Unfortunately he hadn’t realised you were at a loss of breath due to his focus on the force. He suddenly heard a thud and you had passed out due a lack of oxygen. “Shit.”, he muttered towards himself. He hastily yet carefully picked you up and took you to the medical bay to get your vitals checked and to see if there would be a lasting injury.
As you came to term with your surroundings, you felt a familiar cool hand against your warm one. Anakin.
You could barely remember what happened, only that you had been training your force skills. Turning your head towards Anakin, you questioned: “What happened, Ani?”
You took note of his guilty look and his avoidance of eye contact. “We were practicing the force.”, he paused. “I was teaching you how to choke people.”, he paused yet again, struggling to find the correct words. “I got distracted whilst I was using the force on you and you went for too long with out oxygen and fainted.”, he simply stated, making no eye contact. “Oh.”, you said in response, slightly shocked. You now knew why he looked so guilty.
“I’m fine, though, right?”, you asked as you looked around at the medical equipment. “Yes, my love, I requested that they keep you here for another night as I can’t take the risk of anything happening to you.”
Your cheeks heated up, he was so thoughtful towards you.
You had only now taken notice of the loss of contact from his metal hand. You reached out for his arm but he instinctively pulled away. You frowned in confusion. “What’s wrong, Ani?”
“I caused you harm.”, he replied. Anakin finally glanced up at you with tears in his stunning eyes. “How can I forgive myself when I hurt you?”
You shook your head slightly: “Baby, it was only an accident, you were distracted.” You brushed his hair away from his eyes as he leaned into your soft touch.
“I’m so sorry, my love, I promise I will never hurt you again.”, Anakin stated confidently. He stared at you with such devotion that you thought you would melt. He placed his robotic fingers under your chin and tilted your face up towards his and tenderly kissed you with so much passion that you could feel his apology through the kiss. “I love you.”, he said once he broke away for air.
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queenendless · 28 days
Chase (Darth Vader x Fem!Adult!Reader)
A/n: Tales of the Empire gave me ideas. Particularly on a snowy chilly planet ... it's a very open setting as to what is going on in this so bare with me. First time writing SW stuff on here.
So AU with unburnt Vader who's also kinda OOC in this, some fluff and steamy romance with some Anakin at the end, but it's a short ass piece cause of short notice for today.
And May The 4th be with you.
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Your cloak blew from the chilly winds.
Your hood covered head raised up to meet at the top of the snowy hill.
Climbing up with the darkening gray storm clouds piling up, heighting the anxious tension filling you up inside, the helmeted figure coming into view struck through your core.
He had pursued after your wandering lost self.
You wanted to see how far he would go, as selfish as that was.
Your fear of the cold blooded, brutal Sith Lord becomes mingled with how you are lustful of his imposing presence.
Your cape fluttered in the blowing cold winds as you hurried away, straight to the ice cave entrance.
He knew you thrive off the chase.
And you knew he was relentless in playing along.
“You cannot run forever, Y/n."
His deep modulated voice bounced off the towering crystal ice walls, using the light shining from the high cracked ceiling to guide you.
“I've come this far.” Your tepid sweet voice echoing back at him had him growling a bit.
“You cannot hide from me.”
You didn't need to be Force sensitive to feel that he was honing in on you quickly.
Your flushed nervous face met your eyes as your bumpy reflection followed your side, his heavy footsteps sounding that much closer. “Doing good so far, all things considered.”
You should have figured uttering those words into existence would jinx your ongoing streak. The moment you stepped back from the dead end and spun around on your heel, you bumped into that armored chest.
You screamed a bit as his leather black gloves grabbed your forearms and pinned you to the wall gently but firmly.
His red lenses hid his eyes boring into your very soul, his giant frame enveloping you, pressing you carefully against the alien texture. His heavy breathing made your breathing go silent like a scared mouse, caught by the big bad beast.
“The game is over.” For some reason, he sounded so smug about it.
“You're unbelievable.” You pouted up at that obsidian face.
“You're foolish.” He scoffed.
“Says the man wearing the robot suit.”
The fact that he released his grip on you and leaned back a bit to actually take off that intimidating helmet still took your breath away.
“It helps with the image.” To hear that warm enriching amused voice again already had you giggling as your hands cupped his sculpted cheeks to pull his face down to peck those tempting lips.
His helmet clanked along the ground as his arms slithered around your waist to lift you off the ground, grinning slyly to you hugging his waist in response.
“It's working, my Lord.” You shakily spoke, weaving through that shoulder length darkened hair to tug him closer, pecking many a time quite desperately.
“This little ploy of yours has gotten us completely off track.” His husky tone was sheer evidence that he did not give a damn. Not one bit.
“Forgive me, Lord Vader, for my teasing.”
You squeaked as those giant leather hands of his cupped and squeezed your ass.
“I shall have to punish you, my dear. Quite thoroughly~” Those blue eyes were riddled with devious intention, marking your neck with ferocious bites along your delectable skin.
Your fevered gasps and lecherous cries traveled the caves as you became a mess under his wet steamy mouth. “A – Ani~!”
The former Jedi turned Sith Lord smirked, devouring your mouth with that needy tongue of his.
“Hush, my love. We're just getting started.”
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xzaddyzanakinx · 6 months
The General
General Anakin x fem reader
Warnings: slapping, unprotected sex, cum kink, spitting, anal penetration, dom/sub, piss implied but not outright stated, safe word mentioned.
Info: Anakin is whiny, like pathetically so. NOT PROOFREAD
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Anakin had been gone on a mission for nearly a month, and today, he was coming home. The Clone Wars had taken its toll on him long ago, and it only continued to get worse. Each time he would come back a little more rough around the edges, it would take more time for him to settle back in to home life.
The weight of the world was constantly being stacked on his shoulders and he was tired of feeling like the Republic’s janitor. Cleaning up after their sloppy politics and poorly thought out plans. The stress was damn near eye level and he felt like a man who couldn’t swim. So close to sanity but far enough away that you could struggle for a bit before you drown.
“Darlin’?” He called out into your shared space with a creak in his normally honey smooth voice.
You rushed to the living room and threw yourself at him. No matter how many times he left, no matter how many times he promised you he would return safely, and no matter how many times he kept that promise; you were still afraid.
He wrapped his arms around you tightly, crushing you against his chest in a way that forced the air from your lungs. You expected him to release you any second now, but he didn’t, and his grip was only getting tighter.
“Anakin?” You asked softly, your voice a soothing balm for him.
“I’m sorry baby doll,” He said stoically despite the red rim around his eyes, “just real glad to be home.”
“How can I help? Do you need to talk about it?” Your concern for him was palpable and he sighed in acknowledgment of that fact.
“I-I just need a minute.” He conceded and went down the hall to your bedroom, eager to shower and put away his armor for the time being. “Come get comfy and I’ll hold you when I get out okay? I just… I really need a mental break.”
“It’s alright Ani, you just let me know if you need anything okay?” You assured him. “Do you need me to bring you anything?”
“Mmm. Well actually yeah.” He smiled softly. “A glass of wine?”
“I’ll be right back,” you forced a smile, ready to rip the head off whichever Separatist has made him return in such a pitiful state.
You returned as fast as possible, tossing his favorite robe in the dryer to warm up for when he got out on your way there.
“Here you go,” you hand him the cup and ran your fingers through his greasy hair. “When you’re ready, tell me. I put your bathrobe in the dryer for you.”
“Thank you sweet girl.” He chuckled tiredly, pulling the curtain back to capture your lips in a sweet kiss.
He took a long gulp of wine and shuddered from the bitter aftertaste and handed the glass back to you, closing the curtain to resume his shower.
Not too long after Anakin called for you, and you brought him his warm robe and a towel, along with his favorite flannel pajama pants and a loose tank top. You returned to the living room to wait for him, having fixed a light meal while he was showering.
“Smells good.” Anakin mumbled as he walked over to the countertop and took the plate you made for him.
He joined you on the couch, staring mindlessly ahead as he robotically ate his food. His breathing shallow and tired as if these were the first breaths he had taken since returning. It pained you to see him like this, his personality tucked into the recesses of his mind in order to separate himself from the atrocities of war.
You’d do anything to take the pain from him, anything at all.
“Ani?” you asked softly, a ginger touch to his knee to capture his attention.
“Mhm.” He answered, his eyes glued to the TV.
“I’m worried about you.” You whispered.
“Don’t be. I’ll be alright.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and huffed, you knew he didn’t mean anything by it, that he was just tired, but it still made you sad.
“But-“ You started.
“‘But’ nothing. I just need a break okay?” He turned to you with tears in his eyes. “I just need to not think!”
“Please just let me help you.” You reached out, your palm on his chest.
“You can’t help me.” He sighed, trying to calm himself. “You can’t replace me as General, you can’t erase everyone’s need for me to have all the answers or lower the expectations people have of the chosen one!”
You sat and listened, understanding that this was one of those times he needed to vent, he wasn’t searching for advice.
“I’m exhausted.” He whined, dragging his hands down his face. “So fucking tired of it all. This isn’t what I signed up for, Jedi are supposed to keep the peace and all we’ve been doing is contributing to the effort to destroy it.”
“I-I just want to not feel… needed. You know?” He asked, glancing over at you. “It would be nice to… to not make any decisions.”
“I-I understand why you feel that way.” You said softly, the look on his face telling you there was so much more he wanted to say.
“Anakin… please.” You looked up at him with wide eyes, emotion flooding you as you searched his face and found only truth in his former statements.
“I can help.” You said quietly, leaving your seat on the couch to kneel between his legs.
He didn’t respond verbally, but he didn’t try to stop you as you started tugging at his pants, watching his cock swell in anticipation as you stroked it softly through his boxers.
Anakin groaned softly, his cheeks flushing crimson at the unexpected touch. He tried to resist but failed miserably as you continued to tease him mercilessly.
“Feels good.” He managed to croak out between breaths. Eventually, he gave in, letting himself fall backward onto the couch cushions with a dull thump.
"Yeah, baby?" you purred, your hands now free to reach into his boxers and pull out that thick length he was blessed with.
He sucked in air through his teeth as you exposed his hardened member to the cool air of your shared space. It stood tall and proud, dripping with precum, just begging for attention.
You wrapped your hand around it firmly, stroking slowly at first before increasing the pace until you had him moaning loudly. Your fingers expertly massaged his balls while your tongue traced along his neck and collarbone, leaving a trail of saliva behind.
As you worked him up further, Anakin arched his back against your ministrations, his hips bucking involuntarily in need. His cock throbbed violently in your grasp, almost demanding release. With a tight thrust of your hand, your thumb brushed against his sensitive head, sending waves of pleasure coursing through him.
“Remember a couple weeks ago, when you said I could be in charge?” You asked breathlessly, leaving his cock unattended for a minute while you took off your clothes quickly.
Fuck yeah, baby," Anakin growled, his voice hoarse with desire.
He watched you strip yourself naked piece by piece, hungry eyes devouring every inch of your body. Your breasts jiggled enticingly as they bounced free from your top, followed by your bra, revealing their plump firmness. As for your pants, they fell to the floor revealing your smooth pussy lips that were already glistening with anticipation.
"Tell me what you want." He managed to croak out between ragged breaths. His cock twitched violently in response to the thought of what was coming next.
“I got you alittle present.” You purred. “you know how I love it when you get all sensitive and whiny…”
Anakin groaned loudly at the mention of his weaknesses, but he couldn't deny the thrill it brought him. He raised his head slightly to see what you had prepared for him this time.
“I’ll be right back okay? I’m gonna fix it, make sure you’re feeling all better.” You said as you sauntered into the kitchen, looking back over your shoulder to encourage you to get to your room and your bed as soon as possible, and he quickly complied.
His eyes widened in surprise when he saw a small container filled with ice cubes in your hand, you brought the cold glass up to his neck and pressed it there. Bringing an uncomfortable stinging feeling to his flushed skin.
"Fucking hell..." he muttered, his voice cracking with desire.
"Go ahead," you encouraged, your fingers teasingly brushing against his sensitive flesh again. "Take one."
With trembling hands, Anakin reached out and carefully picked up an ice cube from the container. Slowly, he brought it closer to his cockhead, watching as goosebumps formed along his skin. Gently, he rubbed the cold surface against his tip before moving downwards, leaving a trail of icy pleasure behind. Each touch sent electric shocks straight up his spine.
“Feel good baby?” You asked softly, nipping and sucking at his stomach.
Anakin's entire body shook with each icy touch, his moans becoming more ragged and needy. "Yes... goddamn it feels good," he panted out between gasps for air.
"More," he begged, reaching for another ice cube, but you smacked his hand away.
You knew exactly how to push his buttons, teasing him just enough to drive him mad. This game of power dynamics between then two of you was one of your favorite things to indulge in during intimate moments like this.
With a sinister grin, you retrieved another ice cube from the container and placed it between your teeth before lowering yourself onto his throbbing member. The cold sensation against his sensitive head sent waves of pleasure coursing through him, causing him to arch his back again. His hands gripped tightly onto the sheets as you continued to tease him, the heat from your mouth coupled with the ice provided him with a feeling he’d never experienced before.
“This isn’t all I got planned.” You teased, pulling off his cock with a slurp to catch the ice.
Reaching for the bedside table you opened the drawer and pulled out handcuffs, lube and a vibrating butt plug from a brown paper bag.
Anakin's eyes widened in shock and excitement as he saw the array of toys you had brought out.
"Oh, hell..." he groaned, his voice cracking with desire. “You’re trying to kill me.”
"What do you want me to do with these?" he asked, his tone filled with both anticipation and fear. He knew what was coming next, but there was something about surrendering control completely that made him feel both alive.
“Take off your fucking clothes.” You commanded, swatting at his ass as he scrambled up to comply.
You secured his wrists to the bedpost to ensure he wouldn’t squirm away, then went back to mercilessly teasing his twitching cock. Stroking him with feather light touches.
“I’m gonna fuck you senseless, drain every bit of cum from you, make sure you can’t think a single thought.” You purred.
“You’ve been so stressed puppy… let me take care of you, hmm?”
Anakin's breathing became heavier as he complied with your command, his heart racing faster than ever. He lay spread-eagle on the bed, legs spread wide apart, exposing his hardened member and tight hole to your hungry gaze. His eyes were filled with equal parts fear and desire, begging for release while also craving punishment.
"Yes... please," he managed to croak out between gasps. "I need you."
You applied some lube generously onto both your fingers and his anus before slowly inserting one finger into his tight opening. The sensation caused him to squirm and moan loudly, his body tensing up involuntarily. You continued to tease him, alternating between gentle probing and rough thrusts that made him sweat and writhe in pleasure.
After several minutes of torturous teasing, you finally slid two fingers inside him, stretching him open further. Anakin's hips bucked wildly against your hand, his cock leaking copious amounts of precum onto the sheets below.
"More, please..." he begged, his voice hoarse.
“Gotta work this tight little ass open, don’t wanna hurt you baby.” You cooed, suckling the tip of his cock as you pumped your slim fingers slowly into his puckered hole.
“Let me know if it hurts okay puppy?” You said softly, taking his cock fully into your mouth and removing your fingers.
You continued to suck his dick sloppily, just how he liked it. Your tongue hanging out to cover as much of his shaft as possible while you started rubbing the lubed vibrating plug around the rim of his anus, before slowly pushing it inside.
Anakin groaned loudly, his body shaking with the combination of pleasure and discomfort.
"It hurts a little," he admitted through gritted teeth, his eyes watering slightly. "But also feels so damn good."
His cock twitched violently in your mouth as you continued to suck and stroke it while simultaneously teasing his tight hole with the vibrating plug, rocking it back and forth. The sensation was unlike anything he had experienced before, sending waves of intense pleasure coursing through him.
"More... please," he begged again, his voice cracking with desire. His hips bucked wildly against your mouth, begging for more penetration.
“Good boy, doing so well.” You praised, licking your way up his abdomen before hovering over his nipples.
“This good?” You asked, twisting the plug back and forth in his hole.
Anakin's entire body trembled with each twist of the plug, his cock throbbing harder than ever.
"Y-Yes... goddamn it feels good..." he managed to choke out between heavy breaths. His nipples hardened under your tongue's attentions, standing erect and ready for more.
"Baby please," he begged again, his voice cracking with need. His face contorted in frustration as he began pushing his hips against you in a futile attempt to gain more stimulation.
You nibbled and licked his nipples, completely leaving his cock unattended now. Knowing how uncomfortable it must feel for him.
“Can you come for me like this?” You asked, voice low and silky. “Can you be a good boy and cum for me?”
Anakin's body shook with each nipple tug, his cock throbbing and leaking.
"I... I'll try," he gasped out, his voice shaking with need. "Just... please..."
“You can do it baby I know you can.” You encouraged, thrusting the plug farther into his ass each time.
“I’ll touch your cock after you cum for me okay?” You promised, having him open his mouth so you could suck on his tongue.
Anakin's body tensed up, his cock throbbing violently in anticipation of release. The combination of pleasure and discomfort became too much for him to handle anymore.
"Now... NOW!" he cried out, his entire body convulsing as waves of orgasmic bliss washed over him. His cum shot across your chest and stomach, painting a messy canvas of white liquid. Breathing heavily, he collapsed back onto the bed, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
"That was... fuck..." he managed to croak out between gasps for air. "Best fucking thing you ever did to me."
“I’m not done.” You growled.
Slowly removing the small plug you showed him one the next size up, coating it in a generous amount of lube before guiding it slowly into his anus.
“Just relax, just lay back and let me take care of you alright?” I cooed.
Anakin's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as you continued to push the larger plug into his tight ass, stretching him even further.
"N-No! Stop!" he pleaded, but it was futile against your iron grip.
"Relax, baby," you commanded sternly, your voice laced with authority. "This is what you wanted, isn't it?"
With a final push, the larger plug popped inside him, filling him completely. Anakin gasped loudly, his entire body tensing up again. His cock twitched weakly, still coated in his own juices.
"O-Oh god..." he managed to utter out between ragged breaths.
“Feel okay puppy? Do you need me to stop?” You asked, caressing his jaw.
Anakin's face contorted in pain and discomfort, tears welling up in his eyes. "No... no don’t stop..." he whimpered out, his voice barely audible.
His body trembled as if on the verge of collapse, but there was a tiny part of him that secretly enjoyed this newfound sensation of being completely taken over by you.
"Just... give me a minute," he finally managed to choke out through gritted teeth.
Tell me when you’re ready baby.” You soothed him with sloppily kisses to his neck and collarbones.
Moving down to start softly sucking his cock again while holding the plug firmly in place.
Anakin's body shook with each suck and stroke, his cock growing harder again despite the intense fullness in his ass.
"I... I can't..." he moaned, his voice cracking with desire and frustration. "Please... just... stop for a second."
After a few more minutes of this torture-pleasure cycle, he finally spoke up. "Okay... I'm ready... please..."
“Sweet boy, you’re doing so good for me.” You praised, kissing his cockhead and nibbling on his shaft.
“Gonna turn it on now okay? It’s gonna vibrate harder than the other one.” You warned him softly before clicking the button and feeling it buzz too life.
Anakin's body tensed up again at the sudden increase in stimulation, his cock throbbing violently. "O-oh god..." he groaned, his voice a mix of pleasure and discomfort.
He squirmed, trying to push away from the vibrating plug but was held firmly in place by the handcuffs.
"Please... make it stop..." he begged, tears streaming down his cheeks. His cock twitched wildly, leaking more of his seed onto your chest and stomach.
Do you need your safe word Anakin?” You asked softly. “say ‘Red’ and I’ll stop.”
Anakin's eyes widened in shock, his mind racing with the implications of using his safe word. He hadn’t considered it before, but now...
"N-no... I can handle this." he managed to choke out through gritted teeth. "Please, keep going."
His body shook violently as the vibrations intensified, pushing him closer to another orgasm. "I'm close... please... I'm gonna cum again..." he begged, unable to hold back any longer.
You twisted the plug and pushed it a bit farther, triggering his orgasm almost immediately.
“Oh look at you, so pretty when you cry for me.” You whispered, swallowing his whimpers with a kiss.
Anakin's body convulsed violently as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss washed over him. His cock erupted again, coating his chest and stomach with his seed.
"Ahhhh..." he groaned, his voice breaking with the intensity of his climax.
"That was... fuck..." he panted out between ragged breaths, his face still flushed red from the experience. "You're a fucking monster."
"Clean me up baby," he requested weakly.
“You love it.” You teased. Licking and sucking all the cum from his stomach and cock before tapping his bottom lip, signaling him to open his mouth. Which he did, hesitating before opening his mouth obediently.
You spit a glob of saliva and cum directly onto his tongue and then forced his mouth shut. Anakin gagged and choked, his eyes watering as he struggled to process the foreign taste.
"M-more... please..." he begged between heavy breaths, his body trembling from the strange combination of lust and disgust.
“You ready for my pussy?” You purred, straddling his hips and positioning yourself over his dick. Anakin's eyes widened in shock as he felt your wet, warm pussy surrounding his cockhead.
"W-wait, just a second darlin’, wait!” He managed to croak out, unable to form coherent words. His hands trembled against their restraints as he so badly wished to reach up to hold onto your hips, grip them tightly and stop your movements.
“I’m gonna ride you real slow, I want you to feel every bit of me.” You whispered.
Anakin's cockhead twitched violently inside you, his hips bucking wildly as he tried to thrust upwards in response.
"Y-Yes... give it to me..." he groaned, his voice filled with need and desperation.
He could feel every inch of your tight, wet pussy engulfing him, as you slid down slowly stretching out your cunt around his thickness. You moved slowly, agonizingly slow, you wanted this to last.
"Fuck me harder!" he pleaded, his words coming out ragged and hoarse. His arms pulled against his restraints causing the handcuffs to dig into his flesh as he begged for more.
“No.” You said sternly. “but I’ll turn up the vibration.”
You smirked, watching his eyes fly open as you increased the setting by two notches. Anakin's entire body shook with each increase in vibration, his cock throbbing violently inside you.
"Oh god... please stop..." he begged, his voice breaking.
So you did, you stopped all movement and turned off the vibration completely. He immediately cries out in frustration, tears spilling over his cheeks.
“N-no! No! I didn’t mean it!” He whined, high-pitched and drawn out.
His hips bucked wildly, trying to find relief but only managing to push himself deeper into your tight channel.
"More... please... I need more," he begged again, his eyes pleading with yours.
“Beg me for it.” You commanded, seating yourself fully on his cock and rocking gently. Playing with your clit just to torture him alittle more.
Anakin's face contorted in pain and pleasure, his body trembling with each contraction of your pussy around his shaft.
"Please... I need you to fuck me harder! Make me cum!" he begged, lust practically dripping from his tongue.
You turned the vibration back on suddenly and without warning. Causing him to groan loudly and thrash his arms against his handcuffs. His cock throbbed violently inside you, leaking a mix of precum and left over semen from his previous orgasm.
"I can't take much more of this..." he panted out between ragged breaths, his eyes pleading with yours.
“Oh my poor baby.” You pouted, tracing his lips with my fingertips. “you’re just leaking cum everywhere aren’t you?”
You sped up just a bit, sliding up and down his cock harder with each down stroke. Anakin's body jerked with each powerful thrust, his cock throbbing in sync with your movements.
"Y-Yes... fuck me harder... please..." he begged, his voice a whimper. He could feel the edge of another orgasm approaching, but it seemed so far away yet so close at the same time.
"I need... I need to cum... Please... let me cum!" he pleaded, his eyes begging for release.
“You can do it baby. Go ahead.” You cooed, pinching his nipples with one hand and shoving your fingers in his mouth to quiet him with the other hand. Anakin's body tensed up, his cock twitching violently as he held back the orgasm. His body refusing to comply with his needs.
"Ahhhh..." he groaned, his voice muffled by your digits. Sweat dripped down his forehead and, mixing with saliva from his mouth.
"I... I can't... please..." he begged, his hips bucking wildly against yours. His cock throbbed in sync with his heartbeat. You slid off his length carefully, listening to his whiny protests with a grin. You seated your self back between his thighs, your hand twisting and pulling the plug while he squirmed.
With a final push of the plug, he lost control completely, his entire body convulsing in another powerful orgasm. His cum shot out like a waterfall, covering your chest, stomach, and even some of your face with his essence.
"Fuck... I came so hard- shit.” He groaned.
“Good boy.” You praised him, kissing him softly before pouncing back onto his cock.
“Oh gods- damnit!” He yelped.
“Now I’m gonna fuck myself on your cock, gonna use you like a dildo alright?” You said sternly.
Anakin's eyes widened in shock and surprise as he felt you ride him mercilessly, slamming down onto him over and over again.
“Such a big cock… stretching me out so good.” You moaned, gripping his throat.
Anakin's cock throbbed violently inside you, his hips bucking in sync with each powerful thrust. "Y-Yes... fuck me harder..." he begged, his voice hoarse from all the moaning and pleading.
"More... please... I need more," he panted out between ragged breaths, his eyes locked on yours.
You quickly turned the vibrator up two more notches, it was now buzzing so violently now that you could feel the vibration from his cock.
“Oh god damn.” You moaned. “fuck yes baby.”
Anakin's body shook with each powerful thrust, his cock leaking fluids inside you.
“Y-Yes... please..." he moaned, his hips bucked wildly, trying to push deeper into your tight channel.
"I'm close... I'm gonna cum again," he panted out between ragged breaths, his eyes pleading with yours.
“Go ahead baby, cum for me.” You panted.
Anakin's cried out as another powerful orgasm engulfed him, his cock erupting inside you, coating your insides with his seed.
"Ahhhh..." he groaned, his voice hoarse from all his pathetic pleas. His hips bucked wildly, trying to milk every last drop out of himself.
"I... I... can't... I... oh god..." he panted out between heavy breaths, his eyes glazed over with exhaustion and satisfaction.
You turned the vibration up all the way, using him as a human vibrator while you sat still on his cock, rocking your hips back and forth while you rubbed your clit furiously.
Anakin's cock twitched and throbbed inside you, his hips bucking wildly as he tried to match your movements.
"H-Holy fuck..." he groaned, his voice barely audible over the sound of his heavy breathing.
“Shhh deep breaths baby.” You shushed him. “I’m almost done.”
"Y-Yes... almost..." he managed to croak out between ragged breaths. His eyes were glazed over with exhaustion and satisfaction, but there was a look of dissatisfaction as well.
“More. I need something- something more.” He whined.
“You need something else?” You laughed, waiting until he closed his eyes to slap him across the face.
Anakin's head jerked to the side, a red mark appearing on his cheek where you had slapped him.
"I... I need you to fuck my ass again." His voice was barely audible, barely more than a whisper.
“Alright baby I can do that.” You smirked.
Reaching behind you and thrusting the plug back and forth in his ass, twisting and pulling it. Anakin's body tensed with each rough thrust of the plug, his cock twitching in your pussy.
"O-Oh god... please..." he moaned, "More... please... I need more," he begged, his eyes shut tightly.
“You want the next size up?” You asked with a devilish smile.
Anakin's eyes widened in shock and fear, his body tensing up. "N-No! Please... I can't handle that!" he begged, his voice trembling with panic.
"I... I... I'm full... please don’t..." he pleaded, his eyes filled with tears.
“Okay baby, it’s okay.” I said softly. “I’ll just get my vibrator okay?”
You reached behind yourself and grabbed your massage wand vibrator and pressed it to your clit, giving him even more stimulation as he could feel the vibration through your pussy clenching around his cock.
Anakin whimpered and whined as the vibrations intensified, his cock throbbing in sync with each powerful thrust of the plug.
"O-Oh god... please..." he groaned, his voice barely audible above the combined sounds of your heavy breathing and the humming of the vibrator.
"I'm... I'm gonna cum," he panted out between ragged breaths, his eyes glazed over with pleasure and exhaustion.
“Good boy that’s it.” You encouraged him, riding his cock faster as you got closer to orgasm. “look at those pretty tears.” You wiped one with your thumb and licked the saltiness away.
His hips bucked wildly, his hands clenched in pain. Grunting and groaning through gritted teeth. He looked as if he’d run a marathon and was being forced to do a second lap.
“Let it out baby, come on.” You praised. “I can’t hold it Anakin.”
“Here it comes baby, I-i’m oh fuck! Fucking- damnit!” You doubled over on his cock as you came hard, clenching around his cock and leaking juices everywhere.
"Ahhhh... yes!" With each powerful contraction of your muscles, his cock pulsed violently inside you, releasing another massive wave of his seed.
"Y-You're so tight right now... oh god..." His pupils overtaking his irises, leaving no room for his beautiful eye color.
"I... I can't... I'm done... please..." he panted out between ragged breaths.
“Oh Anakin.” You whined, feeling hot semen leaking out over your cunt, dripping down to his balls. The lewd squelching sound along with the feeling of being stuffed so full of his seed triggered another orgasm.
“Holy-“ You panted, cumming again in rapid succession. “s-sorry baby, hold on.”
“I can’t! No, no- it hurts.” Anakin whined, tears falling down his cheeks. “ah! Fuck!”
A hot wet liquid shot out into your cunt, too thin to be cum, and far too much of it.
“N-no!” Anakin whimpered. “No! M’ sorry, so sorry.”
“Shhh it’s okay, I’m so proud of you Anakin, so so proud.” I told him, shutting off the vibrator and slowly sliding off his cock. Taking in the sight of the massive puddle beneath you both as you reached up to take off his handcuffs.
“Sorry I’m sorry.” He sobbed, “didn’t mean too.”
“Oh my sweet boy, it’s okay.” Crawling over to him and letting him rest his head on your shoulder in a sleepy hug. “You know I don’t mind.”
He hiccuped out a tired chuckle, “I know, I’m still s-sorry though. I- I didn’t ask first.” He whined apologetically.
“Is this what it feels like when I tie the vibrator to your pussy for punishment.” He asked, sleepy enough that he slurred his words.
“Yes.” You laughed.
“Oh, okay. I get why you scream now.” He mumbled.
“C’mon let’s get you cleaned up.”
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@wickedtactics @tsugumiholic @kingdomhate
@burnthecheshirewitch @cherrylooney @star611
@tahliac11 @exquisit3corpse @jeldog @arzua10
@bby-imasociopath @depressed-kay
@aliciaasky @naty-1001 @mrsmikaelsxn
@illiethefairy @slut-4-ani @offthethirlwall
@slutforhayden @ausskywalker @angelsadmired
@slut4starwarssmut @chocolatepalacecloudhoagie
@starkiller419 @hearts4mitski4 @no1klet @lethargic
@allhailbuckybarnes @shadowhuntyi
@bobtheturmpetman29 @mortalheartache
@fallinlovewithevil @sythethecarrot
@joshfutturmansrighthand @chaoticantihero
@vadersslut @luvvfromme
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f1rewalk3r · 1 month
worm is, by and large, a story about playing with common superhero tropes.
the trope i find the most interesting, is that of identity. that of masks.
when a character takes an alias, fans often can run away with it. we can see this in breaking bad with the oft-memed “this is the moment walt became heisneberg.” or star wars, with anakin vs darth vader. fans tend to see this alias as an entirely separate character, as someone whose actions are divorced from the original identity due to the construction of that mask.
but this is not the case. heisenberg is walt. walt is walt. heisenberg is the mask he wears, that he is a ruthless cold manipulative killer.
but he’s not. he’s an amateur. every time mike analyzes him, telling him he’s a time bomb, an idiot, mike is right. the viewer, and fandom, are tricked by the heisenberg’s persona. we can see this mask slip often, if we’re paying attention. moments where his manipulation is called out, and we can see the pure panic on his face. that panic is heisenberg. that panic is walt
similarly, vader is anakin. i don’t care about canon or non canon sith-magic psuedoscience. darth vader is anakin, consumed by grief, lashing out at the world due to the consequences of his own actions. (ignoring the nuances of palpy’s manipulation. this isnt a star wars lore post.)
worm, though, takes “what if you were the mask. what if the mask was you” one step further.
alec is jean paul, who is regent, who is hijack, who is one of heartbreaker’s children, forever and always, until only through a caring and loving hand he is able to step beyond, step out of cover, if you will, and be more then the mask. more than the identity. more than the power or attitude that labels him as a lazy sociopath. it is perhaps through this sacrifice that we see him at his most human.
tattletale is a mask for lisa is a mask for sarah. she can see, fundamentally, through and beyond the walls and masks that other people wear. their secrets, what they hide from others, what they hide from themselves. thus, she has no reason to let her own walls down. why would she need to? and thus, sarah fades away, and so does lisa, until there is only tattletale, exchanging snide comments with antares, the person who might possibly be able to understand her the most.
colin becomes so fixated on his own advancement in the prt that armsmaster burns down around him, leading him to fully enclose himself off from the world. despite this, and despite the parallels he has with the man who made him this way, he finds himself with connections. a surrogate daughter, a robot wife. he is the mask, but the mask is defiance against alan, against sphere, against mannequin. the mask says, “you are wrong. your ideology is wrong, your worldview is wrong, and in the face of a fate and world that is cold and uncaring, the only thing to do is to defy it.”
the slaughterhouse nine proudly wear the mask that says “you are your actions. so why not make those actions the worst and most harmful they can be?” the masks remain there, enforced by their leader, by the prt, by their own refusal to be anything but the worst they can be. only riley rises beyond bonesaw. only she is gently coaxed out of the shell she wears.
oh taylor. sweetheart, beloved.
taylor, perhaps most out of all, becomes skitter. she becomes skitter to avoid being taylor, and when the prt and media decide to out skitter as taylor, she becomes weaver to avoid being skitter.
these identities are not taylor to taylor, they exist to bury taylor, to hide her deep inside. but only when she starts to become khepri does she reflect and realize.
despite all the talk about passenger influence, conflict drive, etc.
it was always taylor. she isn’t queen administrator becomes she had the QA shard. she has the QA shard because she is Queen Administrator.
it wasn’t QA that gave her the propensity to violence that sundancer flinches at. it was taylor. it always was taylor.
this is perhaps Worm’s central takeaway about identity. it’s one many fans and fanfic authors get wrong. that skitter subsumes taylor, that taylor is gone beneath that mask. but she doesnt, and she’s not.
it was always her. all along.
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skywlker-sluvtt · 1 year
hi theree im on my period and i was thinking about period sex with anakin would be good rn 🤭 i was wondering if youre comfortable with it you could write something for it?
no pressure haha
HIIIII YOU'RE MY FIRST REQUEST SO THANK YOUU!!!! We're twinning cause I'm on mine too and the cramps are crazy. I wrote a lil one shot thingy and I'm not superrrr proud of it but I tried so lmk what you think. feedback is always appreciated and this is just a bunch of my weird thoughts poorly written out 😘
Warnings: Period sex lmao so 18+!!! Smutty stuff be warned, poorly edited
Word count: 1.1k
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┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐
You stifle a small groan shifting uncomfortably into fetal position to try and prevent the cramping and aching in your lower back and abdomen. Waking up with your period had to be one of the worse things in this galaxy. Another wave of pressure ripped through your stomach and you winced. Even after a warm shower the pain never subsided it got even worse. Anakin had been stirring in his sleep slightly before he rolled to his side pressing his body against yours and resting his hand on your belly sensing the built-up tension resting there. Lazily you cover his hand with your own and pressed it into your abdomen to relieve the pain. “What’s wrong love?” He mumbled. Anakin’s morning voice was deep and scratchy just listening to it might alleviate the pain you felt. “My period” You mumbled curling into a tighter ball.
His warm hand slipped under your thin singlet to rub where it hurt the most. “I’ll get you your hot water bottle” Anakin said slowly getting up. “Please?” You smile a little as he pressed a kiss to your cheek and got out of your shared bed. You watched with a little smile as he yawned and rolled his shoulders all the muscles in his back rippled as he exited the room. He’s so pretty. The smile on your face only lasted a second before another pang of pain hit you making you let out a groan and press on your stomach harder. Anakin returned after a few minutes with the bottle wrapped in a towel and he helped you tuck it tight against your body before returning behind you to give you emotional support. “Love you so much” You whispered. “I love you more” He grinned kissing the shell of your ear.
“Y’know I read about something that’s meant to greatly help period pains” He mentioned squeezing your hips. “What?” “Sex” He smirked. You giggled a little at the thought. “Anakin first of all that’s disgusting. Two I think you made that up and three I look hideous right now I’m sure you wouldn’t want to put yourself through that” You teased. Anakin sat up slightly and rested his head in the palm of his robotic hand before gently guiding your face to look at him. “I happen to think you look gorgeous in the morning” He grinned. “I happen to think you’re a dirty liar” He chuckled at your words and kissed you. “Let me try, I think it would relieve both of us” Anakin continued. “M’just trying to help baby, I wanna pull the pain out of your uterus with my dick” He teased making you giggle at his dumb analogy. “You’re weird Anakin,” You told him rolling your eyes.
“It might help Y/N we can just try” Anakin shrugged biting down on his bottom lip ever so softly telling you how much he wanted to do it. It might actually take away some of the pain and help your hormones release or something like that. “Fine but if it gets too bloody and gross I’m done” You replied. A smile grew across his face and you returned a similar grin. “Promise I’ll make you feel so good” He whispered leaning down to kiss you more passionately. You reached up to slide your fingers through his messy hair and rolled on your back. After a few minutes, Anakin pulled back to get you naked. He slid your panties down your thighs giving them a firm squish. “Good girl, lift your hips” He guided, you did as he asked feeling more and more aroused by the second. Anakin took the towel off the water bottle and folded it neatly underneath you then positioned himself between your thighs.
“Ani please” You sighed as he leaned back down to kiss you caging you between his arms. Another ache racked your stomach and you bucked your hips toward his. “Anakin please it hurts” You whispered. “Yeah yeah, sorry baby” He grinned. “Just wanna go straight to it?” He asked. “Please yeah” You nodded wanting to reduce the pain as fast as possible. He sat up and lined himself up with your entrance with a delighted smile and slowly pushed in leaning down to kiss you in the process. You both let out little gasps at the feeling, it felt extra sensitive you could almost feel every ridge and curve on his hard dick. You moved your hands across his back and he sighed. “How is it?” He asked. “Really good” You confirmed before he started moving, starting steady and long thrusts.
Your pain slowly subsided feeling as though his cock was able to massage the pain from inside of you. “Ani” You moaned, you’re whole body felt sensitive as he ran his hands from your tits down to your waist guiding your body to move with his. “Stars Y/N why didn’t we do this sooner?” He smirked looking down at the mess you’d both created. It made him harder to see the blood on the towel below both of you. Anakin focused on deepening his strokes taking his time to make the pain disappear. The cramps were replaced with pleasure as you felt the familiar knot grow making you clench tighter around him squeezing your eyes shut. “You look so sexy when you do that” Anakin groaned. “Kiss me” You whimpered.
Anakin gladly did pressing his lips to yours in a hot sloppy kiss. “Faster” You whispered to him. As he sped up he continued to whisper things against your lips. “God baby we’re gonna do this every single day you’re bleeding” He smirked. “Please Ani c-close,” You said arching your hips closer to his no longer feeling any cramping. “Maker, I’m gonna stuff you so full of my cum it’ll be the only thing coming out of you” He continued leaning back to grip your hips with one hand and fuck you harder. Anakin began to play with your clit rubbing it in tight circles. The sound of your high-pitched whines made him twitch inside of you before long moans spilled from both your lips and his cum coated your insides. He continued to try and fuck you through it his thrusts becoming sloppy he slowed.
Your chest moved up and down quickly as you recovered from your huge orgasm. Anakin hung his head low against your shoulder rubbing circles on your hip. “Did that help?” He asked softly. “More than helped shit” You sighed now rubbing his scalp he smiled wide and sat up to look at you and press a gentle kiss to your wet lips. “How messy is it?” You grinned. “Just a bit” He lied glancing down at the red pooling between your thighs with a little smirk.
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star wars but I've never watched it
I'm flirting with death (the star wars fandom) and it's about to succumb. I mean, be seduced. I promise when I flirt the intended result is not succumbing (usually). Here, have this, I know you maggots have missed my summaries they're so comprehensive and well-researched. Two cups of black coffee down. LET'S GO, MAGGOTS.
It is not Star Trek, and if I mix them up, both fandoms will tear me limb from limb, but mainly Star Trek because they're less popular?
No, that was not intended to be inflammatory, it's just what I was warned when I first got kidnapped. Don't blame the student, blame the system.
Except that's actually a misquote, it's No, I am your father. Mad trivia game. Huge star wars fan, me (why do I sound like Crowley).
It's set in outer space.
Are daleks stormtroopers?
Yoda pulls sentences in half like Crowley pulls Aziraphale's legs apart while they're not talking, and then tries interesting positions.
Leia has space-buns and makes out with Luke.
Luke is Leia's brother.
Anakin, whom I thought was some sexy babygirl side character, is apparently Darth Vader.
I am certain some people still find him a sexy babygirl. I just hope if he has a sister, she doesn't.
Is incest hereditary? Besides the obvious, I mean.
Small and green, Yoda is.
Daleks or not, there are storm-troopers, and they wear white plastic but not in a kinky way. Mostly. I remember one video a maggot showed me of a dustbin and--anyway.
They have bad aim.
There is a Death Star, and there is also a Death Star in Star Trek, but this is the more obvious one.
It has machinery specially engineered so if you shoot at that one place, the entire spaceship explodes or shuts down, which is a convenient feature.
A baby Yoda, they made. To make merchandise in time, Disney failed. Money, they lost.
There's something called the Force which everyone irl uses to try and get their remote to fly to them while sitting on the couch watching TV. They squint and reach out their hand while doing this. It rarely works.
There are a lot of unnecessary sequels and prequels. People are not happy.
A lot of Star Wars has inspiration drawn from ancient Indian philosophy and Hindu mythology. Just fun trivia, since I'm such a huge Star Wars fan.
R2D2? Robot go beep beep.
Han Solo and Leia get together.
Who is Han Solo? The guy who witnessed Leia making out with her brother. Whatever gets you off, king.
Dead, Yoda might be. Not sure, I am.
Rogue 1?
Return of the... Empire? No, wait, Jedi.
Empire Strikes Back!
Jedi exist. Because uh, it was in the title. They'd better exist.
Luke's daddy cuts off his hand. Not in a sexual way. But you never know with this family.
End (Not. Disney is going to milk this cash cow till they run out of ideas because of underpaid writers, and then they'll do a remake, probably).
Welcome, you are. Comprehensive, all-inclusive, this summary is.
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gummyfang · 9 months
♡♡♡ |   ˗ˏˋ SUBORDINATION  ´ˎ˗
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➳ 【 D a r t h V a d e r x Reader 】
❧ Warnings: 𝟏𝟖+, 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭, 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰, 𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐛 / 𝐠𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐜, 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐧, 𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞, 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐯𝐢𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐥
[ 2.3𝐤 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 ]
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: i get it we all love ani but regrettably my ass fell for the bald evil chicken nugget instead. people dont write for DV enough sooo here i am <3 though he doesnt take off the mask sos pretend its anakin if u like. please note this is half written to force myself through writers block so this isnt the quality i usually write but its gotta do it
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 ♡
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“This– This is highly unprecedented, Lord Vader.”
Your voice pushed itself out of your lungs in quivers and breaths, unable to stabilize itself against your pulsating nerves. If you’d had half a mind to speak from a place of rationality, you would have known that the inkling of a suggestion you were speaking against the Sith Lord provided enough reason for him to squeeze every ounce of life out of your limp body and toss it to the ground. 
Lucky for you, he had different plans for your body. 
Though the dark opaque lenses obscured his eyes from your view, you could practically feel his golden gaze pierce through your body. The burning sensation stirred and prodded at your core. He already had you in his stern grasp, and he hadn’t even started yet. 
“Your protests are merely performative. You have done nothing but bring this situation onto yourself.” Although the robotic vocoder neutralized his tone, the sneering intent of the comment was not lost on you. 
And he was right. 
Here you were, sitting sprawled out in his lap, your legs loosely wrapping themselves around his hips as you straddled the taller man’s lap. Your hands clutched onto the coarse fabric covering his robotic upper arms, as if you might topple over if you didn’t stabilize yourself against him. You hardly had any status to speak of, your role within the hive of the Empire negligible when compared to the Lord you were pressed up against. And yet, when being seated in this position, looking up at him like you were a pet, it felt like whatever dignity you had left was crumbling right before your eyes. 
This was bound to happen. Probably, at least. Hums and whispers drifted around the corridors of the ship about the extent of Vader’s capabilities. Everyone knew of his unorthodox method of execution, although the less physical nature of his power was shrouded in rumor.
In your own defense, even if you had believed the word that he could hear thoughts as if they were spoken, you’re not sure if you could have controlled your train of thought around him regardless. Your attraction to the Sith Lord was loud and bold, overtaking the clarity of your mind whenever you found yourself around him. The only feeling that rivaled your lust was your shame. It ensured you kept your mouth shut and your attraction under lock and key. You knew damn well that any kind of disrespect could get you killed, letalone this.
Unlucky for you, secrets were hard to keep from Lord Vader. On top of that, your thoughts just happened to be damn loud. Whenever Darth Vader found himself near you, his own mind flooded with your filthy imaginations effortlessly. At first it wasn’t something he acted upon. Mainly because he wasn’t entirely sure what he would do about it. To respond to these matters meant acknowledging them, and Vader found himself unsure of whether or not he wanted to do so. 
But the more Vader was exposed to those indecent thoughts, of how you yearned for his fingers to slip between your folds, for his gloved fingers to drag in and out of your soaked cunt deliciously, the more he found those thoughts becoming his own. The more powerful the urge to take in the view of your meek body beneath his own, and the more he was overtaken by the need to mold your body to his touch like clay. 
And the more you exposed him to your mind with your mere proximity, the more he’d started to consider indulging in your mutual fantasies. You’d grown somewhat careless, deeming the rumors to be just that, your curiosity drawing you closer to him when it was just the two of you. Before you’d realized, you were pulled into his grasp. 
You swallowed thickly, shame and sheer embarrassment forming a lump in your throat. Was this punishment? No, it couldn’t be. Lord Vader’s methods of punishment were much more cruel, more direct. And although your mind struggled to accept it, it left you with little guesses as to what his intentions could be. Still, even when his fingers were tracing your ribs up and down as if he were counting them, your mind desperately sought for the verbal confirmation.
“But- why?” 
Your words vented out between your lips in hot puffy breaths as Vader’s fingers ghosted over your clothed chest. His touches lacked experience, but were laced with intent under his watchful gaze.
“You are feigning ignorance.” he scoffed, his hands firmly settling onto your waist. He’d made it clear he wasn’t going to tell you what you already knew. All you could do was whimper quietly as his hands dipped down, wasting no more time as his fingers hooked around the waistband of your pants and started tugging the fabric down.
You lifted your hips obediently, allowing him to proceed. Vader wasted no time with discarding the dark piece of clothing before firmly yanking you back against his own body. You couldn’t hold down a yelp as your skin met the cold, hard material of his armor. The dark mask tilted to the side, and for a moment you could swear he was amused by how easily you folded under his touch. 
In this position, pressed up against him so closely, you swore you could feel everything. The sound of your own blood rushing in your ears was only overpowered by the artificial noises of his suit steadily compressing and decompressing, the hot air venting against your bare skin. You could feel the biological remnant of his upper leg flex against your clit, causing you to freeze up slightly with a soft whimper. 
But most of all, though the sight was obscured from you by those red-tinted lenses, you felt that golden stare piercing through you. Was he enjoying this? Was any of this genuine? Or was this just a cruel game of subordination? “You concern yourself with the specifics of the situation too much. This is what you wanted, no?”
It was like each of his words filled and pulled at the crevices of your mind. You’d heard of the Sith’s methods in altering people’s thoughts and ideas, but despite your lack of sensitivity to the Force, it did not feel like that’s what he was doing. No, Vader was simply exploring. Using what he found to guide you in the directions he wanted you to go. And, to be frank, you were more than eager to follow. 
Your tongue stuck to your palate dryly as you opened your mouth slightly, soft yet nervous breaths fogging up his dark armor, and Vader took your silence as an invitation to continue. Even if you did have any genuine complaints, he surely would have been aware of them by now. 
The fabric of his gloved hand dragged coolly against your skin, having found its way beneath your uniform and simply discovering the dips and shapes of your body. With every touch, your nerves seemed to crackle. You cursed yourself for being so sensitive, so nerve-wrecked.
His thumb presses down on the small gap between two of your ribs, tracing its way down before stopping at your thigh. Despite his movements lowering towards your aching center of arousal, his helmet never seemed to dip down. His line of sight remained transfixed on you, your expressions, your feeble attempts to keep your feelings under control. 
A thick silence where nothing happened had suddenly overtaken the situation. Where everything had previously been so overwhelming from the Sith Lord’s probing and prying at your mind and body, suddenly the stagnant mechanical breathing was all you could hear. 
As you would soon learn, this silence was just the calm before the storm. 
The blood flow ringing in your ears seemed to grow a little louder. External hums and buzzes weighed down on you, as if the air permeating through the room had grown thicker. 
Vader’s hands still hadn’t moved. His hand remained right where it was, the leathery texture of his glove just barely grazing your bare skin. And yet you could feel him. Further down. Touching you.
Your mouth fell open in a soundless gasp as an electric, buzzing pressure built itself up against your clit. You could feel the pressure dip between your folds, teasingly circling around the area you wanted to feel it in most, before dragging its way back up.
Whining softly, you let your head drop down until your forehead rested on the Sith’s shoulder, sucking in a few uncertain, shaky breaths. The pressure was firm, overwhelmingly so, but not enough for it to hurt. Vader seemed to have flawless control over how he wanted to touch you. 
He finally managed to wrench a loud whine from your throat when you could feel his Force touch suddenly drag over your clit roughly. But this time, his touch did not dip back down. The pressure started to circle around the little bud, lingering in the places that would draw the loudest noises from you. 
It was an indescribable sensation. The buzzing pleasure reached deeper than your fingers, or any other man had ever accomplished, for that matter. It almost felt like the sensations were reaching down deeper inside you. Hell, for all you knew, they were. The only thing you did know is that if he kept going like this, your orgasm would come crashing down within minutes. 
“Your resilience isn’t quite what you have made it out to be in your mind.”
Vader’s words snap you out of the pleasured stupor you were losing your mind to. Though his modulator would have cut out any sneering lilts to his tone of voice, the comment almost sounded like more of an observation. Your mind was likely betraying things in the moment that even he hadn’t been aware of before this point. 
Your eyes look up at him, pupils blown out and lips parted. His gaze remains fixated on you, the invisible touches never faltering in tempo or intensity. 
One of his hands was hovering above your thigh. The muscles in his fingers and the back of his palm were contracted, slightly curled, only slightly strained to keep you in his grasp. His other hand suddenly began moving up, and you soon felt the cold leather covering his fingertips brushing over your cheek. Four of his fingers rested on your cheek and jawbone, as he rested his thumb on your bottom lip. 
At this point, your consciousness had abandoned you. All your mind could think about was him, and the pleasant vibrations between your legs. Without giving it a second thought, you slid his digit between your lips. The leather left a musky taste in your mouth, but you were too fucked out to care. Vader pressed his thumb down on your tongue, leaving you sighing out of your nose contentedly. 
“Obedient little pet,” he hissed in a low tone. 
The wrist of his other arm twisted a little. Neither your mind nor your body could have ever prepared you for the sensations that invaded your senses mercilessly. 
Out of nowhere, the pressure had multiplied. Moved. Dear Maker, the feeling was deep inside of you now. Your eyes shot wide open as you almost bit down on his finger. Thankfully you had half a mind not to do so, remembering exactly whose lap you were sprawled out on. 
“Do not stop.”
His command was harsh, a threat lingering behind his voice. You whimpered, fat tears sticking to your lashes as you continued sucking on him meekly, trying to stabilize your breathing. 
The ever present tugging at your clit had been a lot to handle, having you teetering on the edge. This new sensation was on a whole new level. The vibrations deep inside you were harsh and unforgiving, brushing your cervix and leaving your pussy fluttering around the hot emptiness the Force left in its wake. 
The pressure rammed itself against your gummy walls until it curled itself against that sensitive little spot. Your body tried to lurch forward with a harsh cry, but Vader’s grip on your jaw suddenly tightened painfully. He was keeping you right where he wanted you, where he could see all of your reactions to how he was bending your body to his very will. 
You choked out a sob, overwhelmed by the pleasure, the pain, the vulnerability of it all. 
The Sith finally removed his digit from between your lips, thumb instead brushing over your cheek in an almost tender manner. The slew of soft cries and pants sounded heavenly to him. 
As the Force continued to abuse that gummy spot deep inside your cunt, you couldn’t hold on much longer. You cried out as you pressed your forehead against his shoulder, your pussy clenching down harshly around nothing as you felt the slick drip between your legs. Each aftershock had you forgettinghow to breathe, the pressure coaxing you through each pleasurable wave of your orgasm until you were lost in it. 
But as your high gradually came to an end, you realized that the movements inside you had not. Far from it. The swirling pressures had started to accelerate, moving even more roughly, bruising your insides. You found the strength to lift your head, looking at him with a questioning tearful expression. His respirator cycled a few times before you heard what you could swear was a chuckle. 
“You think this is over, little pet?” he sneered. “It is only over when I say it is.” You felt a particularly rough pressure against your G-spot, making you sob loudly in overstimulation. Vader leaned over, lifting your chin so he could observe every detail of your precious, ruined face. 
“You really shouldn’t ask for things you can’t take.”
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𝐚𝐝𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ♡
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