#also tagging
glcnpowell · 1 month
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save him.
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cametotheshowinsd · 1 month
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1very1fancy1doilies1 · 4 months
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sword lesbian! (minus the sword)
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ellsey · 7 months
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hold on y'all i think endo is cooking
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cornerful · 3 months
Éomer: *suggests that Galadriel might be anything less than the coolest person in the whole world*
Gimli: Don't talk about things you're too stupid to understand
Éomer: I don't need to be smart to KILL YOU
Legolas: if you so much as touch My Dwarf I will stomp you to death with your own horse's hooves
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stoneshipmapper · 8 months
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a-lonely-dunedain · 4 months
wizards will literally see an orb and be like "is anyone gonna ponder that?" and not even wait for an answer
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skeletonshower · 5 months
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This Yuji Okumoto interview from an old Tiger Beat magazine clipping for TKK2 is so funny … he wore a baggy shirt to his audition to hide his muscles because he was worried he was gonna look just too biggggg and muscularrr next to the oh so tiny Ralph Macchio.
Yuji don’t you get it….. THAT’S THE POINT
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bizarrelittlemew · 7 months
do you like the idea of Ed finding Stede's long lost letters?
do you also like canon divergence au, both of them being each other's manic pixie dream girl, and a whole lotta pining (while fucking)?
well, earlier this year i wrote a fic with all of this (and more) called Something Timeless Going On, and you can read it right here! 💗✌️
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bisexualdeans · 1 year
that was in all seriousness one of the best written and most fleshed out and most heartbreaking and somehow most heartwarming queer stories i have ever had the pleasure to watch. and i'll keep it in my heart. this episode was a jewel. it gave us hope while giving us sadness. it gave us a reminder that no matter how much the world falls apart and no matter how old and lonely you are and no matter how isolated you are as a queer person in a fucked up world there is love. there is love there is purpose there are flowers. there are paintings of your loved one and dinners together and there are songs to be played and berries to be plucked and there are friends to be had. there is someone to hold at night there is sex there are kisses there is companionship. as well as fights and bad days and disagreements and every other thing that makes up a relationship because there is love. even if you're older and queer. older means we're still here. and when there is death and endings it doesn't necessarily mean misery: there was a long long life and there was love and to quote doctor who here, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. the good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't always spoil the good things and make them unimportant. there is always going to be an ending but before that there was safety and protection and there is love there is love there is love. for all of us especially for those of us who are older and hopeless and lost and isolated and for all queer folks who never believed there would be love.
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kitty-mactabbysh · 4 months
Also you know what while we're at it
Halo S2 is coming up (oh nooo), and I just got reminded that my favorite genre of character is 'Characters Played By Burn Gorman Who I Did Not Expect To See In This'
Like fr??? I love being jumpscared by this man
My favorites out of these really were him in Halo (?????) and jumpscaring me in Enola Holmes??? Like????
I hope this trend never stops 👍
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bigmammallama5 · 3 months
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jewellersstunts · 5 days
reblog if you’re going to concerts this summer!!! i want to know who everyone’s going to seeeee
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peachyfnaf · 1 month
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hey did yall know it was tmgafs anniversary like a couple days back?? cause i sure did lol
there was a thing in the tsbs discord to celebrate, we had to draw or animate some of our fav scenes from the show, and i chose this moment that made me laugh so hard it almost made me choke on my raw ramen:
they are so funny. i love this show so much. yippee <3
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escapedaudios · 2 months
One of the worst sci-fi tropes ever is when aliens contact humans they judge us, except their judgements don't feel alien in nature. Instead their judgements are usually the exact same things that real-life center left human political pundits say. Like the aliens dock and they'll say something whack like "Hm, such a primitive species, they pollute their environment and go to war with each other for oil". Oh wow, this definitely isn't the author projecting their rote standard political views onto this advanced super wise super intelligent space alien. It's so boring and hamfisted.
They are ALIENS. They should not give a FUCK about whatever you think is important as a human. Get WEIRD with it. If I'm going to be judged by an alien, I want them to judge us for some weird ass alien Sci-Fi reasons. I want them to feel alien, I want to see a creatively written perspective and not a carbon fucking copy of completely standard points of view that already exist on planet earth in huge numbers.
I'm all for using Sci-Fi to make allegorical points too, political or otherwise. But when the ultra-intelligent interstellar space alien is repeating human points verbatim, except more smugly and more judgemental I roll my eyes so hard. Like how is this species from another galaxy exactly ideologically alligned with the average George Bush-era American democrat. It's so weird.
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touchingmadness · 6 months
Aspec Book Club [Interest Check]
I'm tossing around the idea of starting a book club for reading (1) books centered on characters on the a-spectrum, and/or (2) books by authors on the a-spectrum. I've realized that there's a lot more out there than most people seem to think, and I'd love to have a space for aspec readers or anyone else looking to experience more aspec characters to find and experience new works.
This would likely be more on the casual, low-commitment side, probably hosted on Discord with one book per month that either centers on an ace-spec and/or aro-spec character or that is written by an ace-spec and/or aro-spec writer. Either way, at the very least, there's nothing better than a book club than to help you find new books and put a dent in your TBR pile.
There would obviously be a few semantics to iron out (age range for members, if it should focus on specific genres or readership demographics, meeting format, etc), but I want to assess interest before I go too far with this.
If you would like to receive updates about this endeavor, feel free to leave a tag request in your own tags, in the comments/replies, or in my inbox. I'm also open to answering any questions, just know that this is a very "throwing an idea at the wall" situation! 😊💕
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