#also he looks like a prep but with insanely strict parents
velolceraptor · 2 months
Me thinking about Ben: teehee he looks like such a silly goofy guy °v° He's kinda dumb but that's okay :) and hee hoo hee hoo silly silly little redheaded fellow tee hee!
Also me: Ben looks like he gets verbally beaten by his family for his low intellect and probably has a lot of pent up rage while dealing with it in unhealthy ways. He also seems like the type to fear falling behind and whenever he's showed up (embarrassed; put to shame) he takes it in the worst way possible since he's dealt with it so many times, quickly growing tired of it. But he's also probably insecure about himself and was probably shamed for it so for most of the time like school, family, and after school clubs, he probably puts on a face and lies about everything, trying to suppress his emotions and not make a scene. He probably and maybe constantly tries to prove his worth but ends up mucking things up and making things even worse than before. And another thing is-
Me, now a ghost: hee hoo silly sad ginger boy
(sorry I listened to 'I bet on losing dogs by mistake while thinking about him')
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tsukishimasbaby · 17 days
heyy i think (!!) requests are open?? if not please ignore this!! i just want... caregiver shoto hcs... i can't find any content of him being a caregiver 3: thank you!! <3
Caregiver!Shoto Todoroki Headcanons!
A/N: Hii! Yes, requests are very open! Thank you for sending this in, I absolutely love Todoroki.
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He absolutely had no idea what age regression was before you told him about it. He was very sheltered, so he never really had the chance to learn about it.
When you tell him, he listens to you explain it. He then researches it on his own time. He sees that it’s usually a coping mechanism to deal with trauma, so he definitely asks if you’re okay. He tells you that you can talk to him if you need.
He doesn’t ask to be your caregiver. First, because he doesn’t really know how. And second, because he’s unsure if you’re looking for a caregiver.
You eventually ask, though. And he says that he’ll try, but he may not do things correctly. He’s mainly afraid because of how he learned to parent.
Everything works out, though. There’s a few awkward moments and you have to explain things to him and help him out a bit, but overall, he learns pretty fast!
Honestly, I imagine him as being pretty strict. He meal preps for you, you get no sweets until after dinner, you have a strict bedtime, and you have to hold his hand in public at all times.
This guy is loaded. And he doesn’t really spend his money on himself. He doesn’t really want any material possessions, so he’s rarely ever had a reason to spend it. But now he does. He does have a reason. And he buys you literally whatever you want.
This guy has bought you so many stuffies and pacis, it’s actually kind of insane.
You’ll reassure him that you don’t need or want more, but he’s like “But I have nowhere else to spend my money…” and then he might wait a couple weeks before buying you anything again. But eventually he’ll show up to your dorm with another toy or something.
He doesn’t care for physical affection much, honestly. Hand holding is fine, he likes that. But more intense physical affection isn’t his thing. He will still cuddle with you if you need it, though. He just won’t initiate it.
He is not very good at comforting people. He honestly sucks at it.
Sometimes, he has to have others help him. Which is perfectly fine, especially since he struggles with physical touch and with comforting you. He gets Midoriya to help and Midoriya is more than willing to give you all of those things.
Midoriya is also less strict and will sometimes sneak you sweets before you’re allowed to have any. He’s gotten caught a couple times and pretended like he just forgot. Todoroki knew he was lying.
Todoroki will also help you with your homework when you’re little. By help I mean borderline do it for you. All you have to do is write the answers, really. He tells you them.
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calpalirwin · 3 years
Nights in the OR
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A/N: This is called “I watch too much Grey’s Anatomy” so if you’re a fellow Grey’s fan in addition to a fellow Ashton ho, hi!
Word Count: 1.9k
And away, and away we go!
Nights on the peds floor we’re, in a word, uneventful. Low hums and beeps from machines doing their jobs while kids and parents alike snoozed between nurses prodding them awake to do their routine checks. You went through the charts of your patients, delegating a duo of an intern and older resident to each case with strict orders to page you only if something was seriously wrong, and a bright “Keep the tiny humans alive,” before making your way to the emergency room.
The trauma team usually ran the emergency room, a sea of green scrubs moving effectively and efficiently, assessing situations before paging the right departments, or diving headfirst into the work themselves. You caught sight of one of the doctors, a tall man in a shade of green scrubs darker than the rest in the room, and rolled your eyes. Attending trauma surgeon Ashton Irwin was about as arrogant as he was skilled, with an annoying habit of assessing quickly, albeit correctly, and working even faster on patients before shipping them off to the correct departments to deal with the fallout. You weren’t sure if that man had ever spent more than an hour, two tops, with a patient from start to finish. True to his arrogance and almost zero tolerance for sloppy mistakes, he was talking in hushed tones to a second year, his arms crossed tightly over his chest, jaw set, as the resident nodded frantically before running off.
Dr. Irwin took a moment to compose himself, giving the slightest shake of his head and relaxing his jaw, before turning to wherever he was needed next. His hazel eyes scanned the room, and even from where you were you could tell that they were more on the green side tonight as they met yours. He offered forth the smallest of nods and smiles in your direction, dimples indenting both sides of the smile.
You returned the gesture, before twirling your index finger about the room. Extra attending on hand.
He waved his hand. No need. Got it covered, thanks.
You smiled your best, I don’t give a damn smile, striding across the room to take a seat behind a computer, crossing your hands behind your head. And with little else to do on your part, you settled in for a long night of researching the pros and cons of artificial bones versus prosthetics in cases for patients with osteosarcoma, a joint effort you were working on with the orthopedic surgeon.
Around 2 in the morning, you took a break from your research to grab a cup of coffee and a small bite to eat. On your way back, you spotted the orthopedic surgeon with a patient. “Oh! Dr. Hood,” you said as you approached. “Come find me when you’re done. I have some ideas.”
The man swiveled on his chair to glance up at you, eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “You’re not in OR 2 with Ash?”
“Nnnnoooo…” you said slowly, taking a sip from your coffee. “Why?” you followed up in a clipped tone. What had Dr. Arrogant done now?
Dr. Hood smiled politely at his patient, and got the attention of his resident. “Ma’am, we’re going to take you up for X-rays now, and then we’ll see about setting your arm for you, okay?”
The woman nodded, clearly shaken up. Then, “What about my husband and son?”
“I’ll get word, and update you as soon as I can,” he promised, before the resident escorted the patient up to X-rays. Finally he turned his attention to you. “Car accident just came in. Parents are a little banged up. Mike and Luke are working up the dad. You know how Luke gets about stitches.”
The both of you shared a chuckle. Luke Hemmings, the plastic surgeon, had very high standards for even the most basic of stitches, and if he was on hand and free, it was an easy bet he’d do the work himself. “So, what’s Mike doing with him then, if it’s just stitches?” you asked, referring to the general surgeon.
He shrugged. “General work up and clearance, I suppose. But the mom and the son’s side took the impact the hardest. Specifically the son. Ash didn’t page you?”
You scoffed. “Why on Earth would Ash page me, Cal? It’s trauma,” you raised your hands and voice in a mocking manner.
“Uh, probably cuz the kid is like seven.”
You growled low in your throat, hands going to tie up your hair. “OR 2, you said? How long ago?”
“Not too long. They gotta still be prepping. So if you hurry…”
“Thanks, Cal,” you patted the man on the shoulder before taking off at a run towards the OR rooms, briefly mourning your discarded coffee and potato chips in the process.
When you shouldered your way into the room, Ashton was in the process of scrubbing in, while nurses finished prep. “What the hell are you doing?” you demanded, arms crossing instinctively over your chest as you made your presence known.
Ashton shut off the water with his elbow, turning slightly to face you. “My job,” was the reply in a tone that questioned your intelligence.
“Bullshit,” you spat. “That,” you pointed out the window towards the child on the table, “is a peds case, and you know it.”
“It will be once it stops being a trauma case, yes.”
“Why didn’t you page me?”
“Because I don’t need you. It’s a trauma case. I’m a trauma surgeon. Now, you want to stop asking inane questions, and let me do my job, or you wanna stand here and fight with me all night?”
“It’s a peds trauma case, and in case you forgot, I’m the peds attending who happens to be trauma certified. And I’ll be damned if you do some hacksaw job on my patient that I have to fix later when I can scrub in and do the correct job now. So, are you going to ask me to scrub in, or do you wanna stand here questioning my credentials all night when you know I’m right? Do not make me go above your head to the Chief, Ash, because you know I will.”
His jaw ticked underneath his mask, his eyes hard as he thought over your threat. “Well?” he snapped after a beat of silence. “Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to scrub in?”
It was a grueling surgery, working in tandem with Ashton. For all the shit the two of you gave each other outside of the OR, inside you were one of the best teams, each of you knowing each other’s moves before you made them, and knowing what the other was thinking in the subtlest of changes. Even with both of your focuses solely on the patient in front of you, you were both vigilant in sending Ashton’s intern out every hour on the hour with updates, in which you two were also informed of the parents’ recovery.
Just before the four hour mark, Ashton let out a small hum of approval and you nodded. “Close and get him a room on the peds floor,” you told the intern.
“You don’t want me to update the family?”
“No,” Ashton cut in, already discarding his gloves, mask, and removing his scrub cap, shocks of curly brown hair falling forward and plastering to his sweaty forehead. “I will. Give Dr. Y/L/N any trouble and you won’t see the inside of an OR for a month.”
The intern gulped, knowing their boss meant what he said and nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“Good. Y/N, I’ll meet you after I update the family to make sure we’re on the same page for how to proceed from here?”
“If you can remember how to page me, that is,” you smiled sweetly.
Ashton chuckled as he left the OR, while you stayed to oversee the intern closing, providing probably much gentler instruction than they were used to.
You rubbed at your eyes and stifled a yawn as you made your way to the cafeteria, still waiting for Ashton to page you. As you walked in, you realized why Ashton still hadn’t paged, spotting the man chatting with a few other attendings.
“Heard Y/N chewed your ear off,” Michael snickered.
“Yeah, she was pissed. Thanks for that, Cal,” Ashton said with a small giggle before changing his voice to do his best impersonation of you, “ ‘It’s a peds trauma case, and in case you forgot, I’m the peds attending who also happens to be trauma certified. Do not make me go over your head.’ Like yes, darling, I know. I’m the one who gave you your trauma certification.”
As the men started to laugh, you set your tray down in an empty seat at their table. “Morning, gentlemen!”
There was a cough as they tried to stifle their laughter, each of them getting out a choked, “Morning.”
“What were we talking about?” you asked innocently.
“Uh… just how Luke needs to learn to loosen up on the stitches,” Michael thought quickly. “Turns a five minute procedure into a half hour ordeal, it’s insane.”
“Sorry that I care how my patients look after a trauma,” Luke said with an eye roll.
“I’m sure, psych would call that mentality projection,” Calum teased.
“Paging Dr. Pretty Boy!” Ashton cackled.
“Hey! Rather be Dr. Pretty Boy than Dr. Arrogant,” Luke rounded on Ashton playfully.
“Who calls me that?”
“Uh… everybody. Y/N’s pretty accurate with her nicknaming,” Calum grinned.
Ashton let out a breath of disbelief as you smiled sheepishly at him, shrugging your shoulders. “Have you considered being less arrogant?”
“I am not arrogant!”
“Yeah, you are,” you all chorused, while Ashton crossed his arms and pouted. “Oh, whatever, the best surgeons usually are” you continued, turning your attention to Calum. “Before I got stuck in surgery, I meant to talk to you about artificial bones. Found some promising stuff.”
Calum paused in his sip of coffee. “Mmm, shit, awesome. Uh…” he checked his watch, “I got a half hour before rounds. You got time now?”
You checked your own watch. “Yeah, I got t-”
“Actually,” Ashton interrupted. “Y/N, I was wondering if we could talk real quick first. About the kid.”
“Oh! Yeah. We should probably do that. Cal, I’m off after rounds, if you’re free then.”
“Sounds good,” he nodded as he went back to his coffee while you and Ashton rose from the table, bidding the other three goodbye.
“So, his chart’s all up to date. I have one of my fourth years monitoring the situation, but I’m not expecting any complications to arise. Should be good to discharge probably later today or early tomorrow at the latest,” you brought him up to speed as you walked.
“Yeah, that’s great,” Ashton rushed, eyes darting around as he pushed open an on-call room and locked the door behind the two of you. “How long we got til rounds?”
“A little under a half hour, why?”
Ashton smirked as his hands landed hot on your waist, his lips finding yours. “Wanna boss me around some more?” he murmured against your lips, before he was trailing kisses down the column of your neck, before sucking into the sweet spot just before your collarbone, his hands jerking you to be flush against him. “Or, do you want my sincerest apology for being Dr. Arrogant, and forgetting to page you earlier?”
“Mmmm,” you moaned softly, tilting your head back, eyes shutting. “Little bit of both?”
“Yes ma’am,” he winked before scrubs went flying and your back hit the mattress.
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silversatin2105 · 3 years
Shaman king: Hao meeting his queen
Hi I have taken a little bit of a break from writing Akina’s story just to do three parter ficlets, This one will cover him meeting his future wife and their first year together , In this I have decided to give her the name Usagi as suggested by one of my followers and she will be an Itako from the Patch tribe, If you like this content please drop it a like and reblog and if you don’t ignore it.
Shaman king: Hao meeting his queen
It was a new day for Usagi in Patch village, She knew that the shaman tournament was about to start as strange faces from all around the globe started to appear, She had been busy perfecting her skills and making sure she had plenty of trinkets to sell the newcomers, On that day the weather was nice and warm as she left the hut she shared with her carer.
“What a nice day” the red head remarked as she went down to the river side to collect water for her cooking as it was her turn to make breakfast, from her backpack she took a ceramic pot and filled it with water that she would use to make porridge for the youngsters, A task that she enjoyed.
As she prepared to carry the pot back to her hut she heard a commotion in the village centre, being the inquisitive type she approached the crowd, to her surprise was a big group of new shaman following a guy with long hair and star shaped earrings, “Who is that ?” she thought as she watched them walk on by, As soon as they went she was approached by Silva.
“I want you to stay away from that shaman Usagi” Silva warned in a strict tone as he gently guided her from the crowd and back up to her hut, Silva had been watching over Usagi ever since her parents were murdered just five years ago, the elder shaman helped her prepare breakfast, Usagi tried to clear her thoughts of the mysterious stranger but the more she tried to push it from her mind the more she wanted to know who he was.
“Breakfasts ready” Usagi called out to the youngsters as they all came out from where they were and took a seat at the central table, She busied herself serving out the porridge to each child before taking her own and sitting down at the table.
Before eating they thanked the great spirits for the food they were about to eat, a mark of respect to nature for providing another day of peace and equanimity, After breakfast she washed the dishes and got her stock ready to go into the village and sell them for money to pay for tomorrows set of meals.
By the time she arrived in the village centre it was 9 o’clock, She took out her goods and arranged them by type, first was the oracle bell accessories, second was a set of woven necklaces that she had spent most of last night finishing and lastly was the key rings and charms she had prepped a few days ago, when she was sure all looked right she took a seat and did her cash float.
“The store is open “ Usagi called out with enthusiasm, She served her first customer and did her usual customer service greetings, At that moment the mysterious figure she saw earlier approached her stall and browsed the collection of trinkets on offer, after a while he looked at Usagi picking up a pentacle necklace.
“How much for this ?” the figure asked with a kind smile looking over its craftsmanship, Usagi looked up at him and stood up clearing off her dress whilst looking at him with her amber shaded eyes.
“It will be 20 dollars, I also have a shaman tournament deal on that you will receive a lucky charm for 5 dollars” Usagi spoke out the price ready to haggle if she needed to as the price of that necklace and charm could feed the youngsters for two meals.
“Oh do I look like the type who needs a lucky charm? “ The figure questioned in a playful tone looking the girl in front of him up and down almost judging her every move and testing her resolve, Usagi just raised her eyebrow and looked at the stranger in front of her.
“Look it’s a deal we have ongoing at the moment and I think everyone participating will need some amount of luck, trust me I have looked into the history of past tournaments and lets just say its no game of red light/ green light” Usagi explained to the guy in front of her making him laugh in response he was amused by her concern for the contestants of the tournament.
“A ha I see well I don’t need it, I bring my own luck” The long haired shaman retorted looking at Usagi with a curt smirk, At that moment Usagi was getting frustrated with the strange shaman in front of her, She went to speak but he cut her off almost beating him to the punch.
“I will however buy the necklace and offer the five dollars as a satisfied customer” He spoke taking the money from his pocket giving it to her making her even more suspicious, Usagi crossed her arms at that moment looking at him.
“Why was there such a commotion surrounding you earlier?” Usagi questioned looking at him determined to get her answer, this guy had ticked her off and her curiosity from earlier had been quelled but not cured.
“Well you see the reason there was such a commotion earlier is that I will be the future king” the figure answered looking at the girl with a peaceful smile before going to leave her stall, Usagi was peeved at this to her this seemed like a mocking answer and overly confident at that.
“Don’t you think its conceited to crown yourself king before you’ve actually won the tournament, let me give you a piece of advice drop the cocky attitude and you may make friends around here” Usagi warned the guy as he spun round pinning her to the wall looking into her eyes with anger almost as if she had said something taboo.
“Listen here girl you should watch who your speaking to, What if I wasn’t a nice shaman, What if I could end your life and destroy your soul at the same time, think before you…..” The figure warned before usagi cut him off looking into his eyes with a glint of anger at what he was doing.
“No you think before you speak, I was giving you advice for life around here and you took it like a petulant child, You look what fourteen years old well I am about one year your senior so cool it” Usagi schooled him making him step back in surprise, He had not been spoken to like that in all his years of being on this earth.
When the silence had cleared the figure burst into fresh laughter confusing Usagi, It was true laughter as he held his side looking up at the girl as she uncrossed her arms looking at him as if he was insane.
“you’re the first one in a while to talk to me like that, You seem strong willed I like that what’s your name girl?” the guy questioned her after regaining his composure at that moment Usagi had let her guard down a little more.
“The names Usagi, I live in the west corner of the village” Usagi introduced herself leaning against the nearby wall whilst straightening out her hair with her fingers, the figure stood by her with a smirk.
“Nice to meet you Usagi, My name is Hao…Remember it well and I do suggest you decide your loyalties, just a piece of advice” Hao trailed off before leaving her stall leaving her confused, What a weirdo she thought as she went back to selling her goods.
At the end of the working day she had managed to sell all her necklaces, Perfect that will do for meals for a couple of days was her thoughts as she made her way home to greet her guardian, He had already prepared the evening meal.
“Wow Silva this looks great” Usagi complimented him before tucking in, He looked at her with a kind smile and sipped his tea before taking a seat by her as she ate.
“Thank you, How was the sales today?” He questioned looking at her coin purse before taking another sip of his tea as she took the pouch from her side and continued eating her meal; she then took a sip of her own tea.
“The takings are well, we will be able to buy food for a couple of days” Usagi proudly spoke as Silva looked over the stock noticing that she had undersold on charms today, He raised an eyebrow looking at her with crossed arms.
“I see that you have undersold on charms today, the tournament is coming up and the contestants will need all the luck they can get, Have you been offering them like I suggested” Silva questioned her looking for an honest answer.
“I did as you suggested but that strange shaman didn’t want to buy one, said he already was lucky and get this he already thinks he has…” Usagi went on to say before being cut off by her guardian he looked at her with a grimace, this was a situation he didn’t want happening.
“I specifically told you not to get involved with him, what did he tell you?” Silva questioned sternly as if the fate of the earth depended on her answer, this was out of character for Silva as he usually respected her judgment on things, something was wrong this time around as Silva looked like he might break from his anger.
“He didn’t say much, All he said is that he will be the future king and when I called him out on it he threatened me, He told me he could destroy my body and soul he was quite rude so I told him off again and he oddly started laughing he then asked me my name and greeted himself as Hao and before leaving he told me to sort out my loyalties” Usagi told him everything and most of the truth each word adding to his anger, He looked like he might explode at any moment.
“That bastard, From now on your job of selling trinkets is temporarily revoked, That job will be given to kalim and you are not to leave the village alone” Silva ordered her as he stood up and walked towards the door as Usagi stood in protest looking at him.
“Silva that’s unfair I want to help out in anyway I can” Usagi protested to him making him turn round to look at her with a growl, what had him so enraged she thought before he spoke to her again.
“I have spoken, Godiva will be told of the new rulings, till then I will look for jobs you can do and I suggest you do your best to put that guy out of your mind, it will do you no good Usagi” Silva said before heading out to make his reports leaving her confused and upset, What was the issue was her thoughts.
And with that the night had came to a close as flared anger caused misunderstandings, What was going to happen next ?
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hanniiesuckle17 · 5 years
Stray Kids Desc.: You Come From the Isle
A/n: Requests are open! I would love more ideas for these reactions!! The regular series are on the way as well.
Stray Kids as Descendants
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Coming from Auradon he would be a little prejudiced against kids from the aisle. However the more he was with you the more he started to see through all the lies that his parents told him about people from the aisle. He found your temper quite cute and loved to hear you talk about life on the aisle. You were like a reminder that beauty isn’t always pure and perfect.
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Minho was in the second round of VKs to be brought to Auraudon, but he never lost his evil side. While the Auradon experience really changed him and let him start over away from his insane mom, he still is a mischievous little bitch. You coming from the Isle would fuel his ego even more. He couldn’t help but smirk as he watched you struggle through Goodness 101. However he likes when you turn the tables during your “study sessions”.
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The second you stepped out of the limo you felt a cold stare on your back. Changbin honestly couldn’t accept the fact that the king was letting VKs into Auradon. The two you were probably enemies for along time, even if your parents had nothing to do with one another. He genuinely couldn’t stand the fact you were a VK. His friends told him you weren’t that bad, but it wasn’t until a school gala one night where he saw you walking down the stairs and something clicked that Villians could also be beautiful.
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When he saw your familiar face in the halls he couldn’t help but smile. It fell when he realized you had assimilated quite well since moving to Auradon. He took it upon himself to make sure you didn’t forget you came from the Isle. Little did he know that you were subtlety  helping him in all his classes and with all of the new rules. He found it endearing how you tried to change his ways and liked to keep you around him. Everyone but him could see you were changing him from the better. Old dogs could learn new tricks.
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Jisung definitely was one of the VKs that wanted to escape his parents and life on the Isle. His only regret was leaving you behind. The two of you were probably good friends before he was chosen. Not wanting to be on the Isle without him you did everything you could to be in the next group of VKs to go to Auradon. It took two years, but finally you made it. Jisung burst into tears he was so happy when he saw you step out from the limo. He really did miss you and was excited to show you everything he had learned in Auradon.
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Felix was definitely on of the kids who never lost touch with their evil side. You both came over at the same time so you really had no option but to stick together. Most of the other VKs had assimilated into Auradon Prep, but the two of you were reluctant to follow Fairy Godmother’s stupid rules. He often snuck into your room at night and the two of you talked and laughed about memories on the Isle. It didn’t bother him how many time he got caught and issued demerits. He thought being with you was worth it. 
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Seungmin like Changbin would be very hesitant to newcomers from the Isle. He comes from a very strict family with not a lot of room for judgement. It would take a lot for you to break through to him, but in the end he couldn’t keep away from you despite his parents’ warnings. While family meant everything to him, something about you intrigued him and made him step out of the perfect shell he lived in before.
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It didn’t really matter to Jeongin that you came from the Isle. He was fascinated by you the moment he saw you. He would follow you around like a little puppy, always asking questions on what it was like where you came from. At first you found it weird how an Auradon kid would just open up to you and you thought it was a trick. But, the more you listened and talked with Jeongin the more you discovered it was just who he was. He was inquisitive, and kind, and could look past all the mistakes you had made before coming to Auradon.
Requests open!
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callsignbaphomet · 4 years
Whats Lokes favorite color? Does he have anything from childhood he holds onto? Does he have any secrets he hasnt told anyone yet? Does he want revenge?
Whether his original or au versions his favorite color still remains the same. Gray. Light gray, dark gray, pastel gray, carbon gray--GRAY! That's his favorite color ever because he finds it peaceful and calming.
The only things from his childhood, assuming we're talking about the Skyrim au, are his and his brother's horses. This is MY own headcanon but I'm thinking Hammerfell horses take after the irl Arabian horses so just picture a pair of those two. One onyx black with matching hair and the other gray with white hair (not sure if those are natural colors for Arabians but this is TES so you'll all have to forgive my indulgence). Basically their childhoods were drastically altered so that's why they're in Skyrim.
He kept the fact that he's a werewolf a secret for a long time because he didn't know how Jelani would react. If he'd come to fear him that would've broken him completely as he's the only family he has left. He tells him after he turned into a vampire and J was a little miffed that he hadn't told him sooner but to him he was still the same whether a werewolf or not.
Ok so tl;dr their parents were murdered when they were super young. Their mom was a healer and she wasn't able to save a merchant's son so he died. The merchant thought she hadn't done enough to save him so he said he'd be back to correct this wrongdoing. They just thought he was speaking out of grief but their mom prepped anyway.
So one night the merchant comes knocking down the front door and their dad starts fighting them off. Their mom grabs both boys and sets them on two young horses that were meant for them anyway and sends them off giving Loke strict instructions to run to the old family manor in Skyrim and to not look back. She stayed to make sure the attackers wouldn't follow them as he was mostly after the boys so that they would feel exactly how he felt when he lost his son.
After riding for a while Loke stops and hides the horses and his brother and tells him not to move. He heads back home only to find it's been set on fire but in his panic he got a really good look at the man's face and memorized it. Knowing full well his parents didn't make it he rushed back to his brother and they both ran to Skyrim.
So years later, well after he was turned into a werewolf and Jelani was turned into a vampire and then a vampire lord and they both have settled nicely in their new life the boys actually learn that the merchant who'd murdered their parents was setting up shop in Skyrim. So the boys actually go after him qnd when he was at his most vulnerable they literally fucked him up while keeping him alive. Before actually killing him Jelani Soul Trapped him. That was the first and last time he ever did that as he's very well aware of what that entails but they both figured he deserved that and worse.
Not their finest hour to say the least but he murdered their parents and left a teenager alone to raise an infant. Jelani doesn't even really remembers what his parents look and sound like. He feels an insane amount of guilt over that. He also remembers his brother crying himself to sleep every night and no amount of cuddling could fix it. This went on for a long time. Loke would put on a brave face all day long but would fall apart at night and all Jelani could do to ease it was crawl into bed with him and soothe him by cuddling up to him because that was as best as a small little child could. He took up necromancy because he couldn't stand the thought of losing anyone else. After that they both kinda felt like a huge weight was lifted off their shoulders.
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smilingformoney · 5 years
America’s Most Eligible 3 Diamond Scene: Cram Sesh with Derek
You: First impressions are crucial. I’ve gotta find Derek! Wrenn: Good luck, Jamie. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.
You walk into the living room to find Derek chatting with Mackenzie, Adam, and Jen. Derek: I’m so nervous, I changed six times this morning! Adam: That’s… Maid of Honour: Insane? Officiant: A workout? Derek: I’ll take option C… All of the above. You: Glad to see I’m not the only one who’s nervous. Before we meet the parents, we should prep each other for what to expect. Derek: Count me in. Adam: If there’s a chance of finding out what makes you two tick, we want in. You: We’ll take all the help we can get. Let’s meet on the roof in five.
You, Derek, and your friends regroup on the roof. As you all settle in around the table, you turn to look at Derek. You: Okay… Tell me everything I need to know about your parents. Derek: Are you kidding? I wouldn’t know where to start! Maid of Honour: How about the beginning? After all, Jamie’s gonna need to know your family inside and out if she’s gonna make a good impression. Officiant: That might take a little longer than we have. Officiant: You should start with how well you get along with them. Whether you see eye-to-eye can say a lot about a person. Adam: That’s a good idea, but this is also about making Jamie feel comfortable meeting them. What do you want to know, Jamie? You: As important as it is to know about Derek’s relationship with his family…
You: I really just wanna know… -Whether they approve of me.
You: Between the craziness in the mansion and the producers’ editing for drama, there’s no telling what they think! Derek: Everyone knows you can’t trust anything you see on TV. Nobody’s gonna judge you for that.
-How I can impress them.
You: Meeting the parents is hard enough without trying to appeal to a demographic. I need a cheat sheet! Adam: Hmm… I see your point. There’s gotta be some advice Derek can give you…
Maid of Honour: Derek, you know your family better than any of us. What do you think Jamie should know about them? Derek: Uh… All of my cousins on my dad’s side are twins… You: Wait a minute… All of them? Officiant: As interesting as that is, I don’t think it’s gonna help Jamie today. Derek: I’m sorry. There’s so much I could say, I’m blanking on what’s need-to-know. Adam: What it help if Jen, Mackenzie, and I go first? It’ll give you an example of what’s important… Maid of Honour: And Jamie can learn more about our families too. You: Works for me. Why don’t we start with…
Whose turn is it? -Mackenzie!
You: Tell me about your dad, Mackenzie. Is he as cool as your little sister Natalie? Mackenzie: Cooler. As cliché as it sounds, I’ve got the best dad in the world. Mackenzie: Right from the start, he never saw me as anything less than his daughter. He’s patient, easy to talk to, kind, selfless… Mackenzie: Basically everything my mother isn’t. You: Whoa… I’ve never heard you mention your mom, Mackenzie. Jen: On your audition reel, you said you grew up with a single father. Mackenzie: I did. My mom left us fifteen years ago. No note, no explanation, just an empty closet where her clothes should’ve been. Derek: That had to be terrible. Mackenzie: It was worse for Natalie. My dad was a mess, and she didn’t understand what was happening. I had to take care of everything. Adam: But you were just a kid! Mackenzie: That’s why he asked me to stop helping. He said it was like watching his worst fear come true. You: I can see why. It’s obvious…
You: He was worried you would… -Waste your life taking care of everything else. +BACKGROUND
You: You were just a kid! That’s an impressionable time to take on such a huge responsibility. Mackenzie: I thought handling it all alone made me strong, but my dad taught me that my constant strength helped everyone but me. Mackenzie: His favourite thing to say is, ‘Strength is for workhorses and machines. You’re only human, Mackenzie.’ You: Wise words.
-Flunk out of school. -BACKGROUND
You: There’s no way you’d have been able to do that and keep your grades up. You’d have never made it to law school! Mackenzie: I’m sure that crossed his mind, but I think he was more afraid I’d feel obligated to take care of him forever. You: Wow, Mackenzie. Were things that bad? Mackenzie: Bad enough that I’d gotten used to being strong for all of us. But my dad wanted to see me become more. Mackenzie: I think I got my determination from him. You: I’m sure you exceeded his expectations.
You: Give me the lowdown on Mama and Papa McIntyre. Adam: Well, their hearts are in the right place, but my parents are massive worrywarts. Adam: Though I guess that’s my fault. After the way Season 9 ended for me, I wasn’t really in the best headspace. Mackenzie: I don’t see how you could’ve been. Vince and Sierra’s plan was brutal. Jen: That was the night the Bad Boy of AME was born. Overnight, you were like a completely different person. Derek: I saw clips of your time in the Jury House. You were cold, man. You: If you became someone they didn’t recognise, that’s enough to make any parent worried. Adam: Once they saw how guarded the show made me, it turned them against reality TV. If they had their way, I’d have never stepped foot on set again. You: But you’re so much better now! You: If nothing else, AME showed you who your real friends are. They’ve gotta at least see that. Adam: I think it’s been hard getting that image of me out of their heads. Before, I was their perfect, loving son… Adam: Now, when they look at me…
You: All they can see is… -Their little boy. -BACKGROUND
You: Parents can have a hard time seeing their adult children as anything other than the kids they used to be. Adam: Not in this case. You guys weren’t the only ones chipping away at the wall I put up. My parents just never realised it had fallen. You: That has to be frustrating. Adam: They mean well. My dad actually suggested I should be more like you. He thinks you’re the perfect role model. You: Smart man.
-The wall you put up. +BACKGROUND
You: And it’s like they can’t get past it. Adam: Exactly. The way they look at me… I just feel like they’re waiting on the other shoe to drop. You: They aren’t going to hate me because you came back for the wedding… Are they? Adam: Not a chance. Before I left, my mom mentioned it would be good for me to be around someone as open as you. You: Then I’m glad to be of service.
You: Were your parents strict growing up? Jen: That’s one word for it. My dad was in the military, so discipline and order were always the priority. Jen: He and my mom wanted the best for me, but living like that placed duty over fun. I always did what I had to, never what I wanted. Adam: That had to be tough. Derek: I can’t imagine having to toe the company line even as a kid. Jen: It’s part of why I wanted to be a flight attendant. We moved because someone said so. They flew because they were free to. Mackenzie: Not to mention you’d be in control of the snacks. You: when you put it like that, it sounds like a perfect fit. What changed? Jen: Everything. Jen’s eyes water, and her gaze falls to the floor. You watch her wipe away a tear and reach out to hold her hand. Jen: My dad was killed during his deployment, and after that, nothing was the same. My mom, especially. Jen: She stopped caring about my homework and encouraged me to do things I loved. It’s how I found producing. Jen: When I asked her why, she said losing my dad put everything into perspective.
You: Sounds like she wanted you to… -Love your work. -BACKGROUND
You: But I don’t think she meant for you to bring it home with you. Jen laughs through her tears. Jen: I think she just wanted me to see that there was more to life than work. Jen: I’ve always been passionate about every project I’ve taken on, and she wanted me to live life that same way. You: I think we can call that mission accomplished.
-Live life to the fullest. +BACKGROUND
You: You attack everything with pure passion, Jen She just wanted you to have a life that you were crazy about. You: I’m sure they both did. Jen: There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss him, but I know he’d be proud of me. You: One thing’s for sure… I know I am. Jen: Thanks, Jamie…
Derek: Okay, I think I’ve got the hang of this. You: Perfect. So tell me… You: What’s the most important thing to know about your parents? Derek: Probably that they’re polar opposites. My dad’s a fun-loving, free spirit from Colorado… Derek: While my mom’s more of the practical type. She was born in Haiti and immigrated to the U.S. as a kid in the ‘70s. Mackenzie: That’s so cool! Jen: I’m sure it has its moments. Having immigrant parents can be complicated. Derek: I love having that connection to our culture, and I’ve even gone to visit where she grew up… Derek: But it made me realise how much she sacrificed for us to have the life that we do. Derek: Sometimes, I feel like anything less than success is letting her down. Adam: That’s a lot to put on one person. You: Especially when there are so many different types of success. Derek: Not in her book. Doctor, lawyer, engineer… Those are the careers she wishes I’d join. Derek: And I’ve thought about it. I know it would make her happy, but…
You: But you… -Don’t want to pretend to be someone you’re not. +BACKGROUND
You: You may be an analytical genius, but I’ve seen your work. You belong in the arts, and you know it. Derek: I love my mom, and I know she just wants me to be stable, but living a rich and fulfilling life takes more than money. Derek: Sometimes, all I need is to good around with my friends. You: The best way to honour her sacrifice is with your happiness. Everything else will come.
-Are worried about supporting our family. -BACKGROUND
You: Those careers are a serious investment, but if that’s what you want, I’m behind you one-hundred percent. Derek: But that’s just it, it’s not what I want! Derek: My work may not be my mom’s ideal, but I can take care of our family. Without all the stress that comes with those careers. You: I don’t have any doubt there. Besides, it’s not just your responsibility. We’re in this together.
-Don’t think you’d be good at it. -BACKGROUND
You: Those careers are prestigious for a reason. There’s no shame in admitting you’re not up for the challenge. Derek: I developed an algorithm that accurately predicts the next AME winner ninety-two percent of the time. I can handle the work. Derek: It’s just not who I am. I’m at my best when we’re hanging out and goofing off… not working eighty-hour weeks. You: Alright, smartypants. You have a point.
Derek: Now, if only I could get my mom to see that. I know she’s not trying to change me, but sometimes her ‘gentle nudging’ isn’t so gentle.
You: Derek… -I can’t believe I didn’t know that. +50
You: We’ve known each other for almost a year, and this is the first time you’ve ever mentioned any of that. Derek: There’s a lot of things we still don’t know about each other, but that’s the beauty of getting married. Derek: We’ve got the rest of our lives to learn them.
-Thank you for sharing that with me. +50
You: I know being vulnerable isn’t easy. I’m just happy you trust me enough to let me in. Derek: You’re gonna be my spouse. I feel like I can tell you anything.
Adam: This has definitely been a bonding experience. You: I never would’ve guessed any of the things you guys told me. You play it pretty close to the vest. Mackenzie: You’re one to talk. You’re the biggest mystery of us all. You: Me? I’m an open book! Derek: I wouldn’t go that far. You’ve heard all about our families, and I don’t even know your mom’s name! You: That’s easy…
Her name is… [Name your mom]
Derek: Diana… Well, that’s one less thing to worry about. You: You have nothing to be afraid of. Once she sees how happy you make me, she’ll welcome you into the family with open arms. You: But if you really want to get on her good side…
You: You should… -Compliment her!
You: Whoever said that flattery could get you anywhere must’ve had my mom in mind. Derek: Time to turn up the charm. I’ll keep an eye out for just the right moment.
-Mind your manners!
You: My mom is a stickler for all things prim and proper. Derek: Good to know… I guess I’ll have to be on my best behaviour.
-Dote on me!
You: My mom has been spoiling me for years. She’ll want to make sure my future spouse can keep up the trend. Derek: Spoil you rotten… Got it!
The heavy metal door opens, and Wrenn pokes their head out. Wrenn: It’s showtime. Are you all ready? You: As ready as we’ll ever be.
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sapphireglyphs · 4 years
EXO Quiz
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♦ Pick your top 5 biases and answer the questions
1. Kyungsoo | 2. Jongdae | 3. Chanyeol | 4. Yixing | 5. Baekhyun
♦ What do you like about 4?
I love so many things about Lay... hmm, if I were to choose just one thing that I really like I guess it would be his sincerity. I love how very candid he is with his feelings. 
♦ Is 2 an alcoholic?
I don’t believe he is just because I remember during an interview he once said “I believe that alcohol can make happy times even more fun but when consumed when you are sad it turns into a poison” or something to that extent. 
♦ Can 1 sing?
Is that a real question? It’s his voice I blame for me currently being such K-pop trash. I luv u bby plz come back to me healthy and happy from the military!!
♦ Is 5 in a relationship?
I don’t think so... he was... but I don’t think he is right now. But, what the hell do I know right?
♦ Would you go out with 3?
Probably not (lols!! xD) And I say this in the most loving way: he seems like a lot of work. Channie is sweet and hard working and super sensitive but I don’t think I could date ANYONE in EXO. They are all so amazing and perfect and I don’t think I could ever be good enough for any of them.
♦ Is 2 hot?
Quite! 😘
♦ Can 3 cook?
His tteok-bokki recipe is apparently very popular on SNS. 
♦ What do you like about 1?
I have written a literal essay about what I like about Do Kyungsoo. Please follow the cut for my fangirl feels. 
Ult bias... heh... I will try to keep this as concise as possible considering I can talk about how amazing and perfect he is all night.
My ultimate bias is Kyungsoo. Besides the obvious reasons as to why he's so amazing (from his beautiful, deep, baritone voice which is always so textured and full of emotions to his vulnerable, boundary-pushing, award-winning acting prowess, to his razor focus at perfecting any craft he puts his mind to - whether it's singing, acting, cooking, tap dancing, pronunciation of the English language, or putting on screen protectors!) the 3 qualities that I truly admire in him is his humble and respectful attitude towards everyone who comes in contact with him, his candidness, and his ability to flip it all on its head at the drop of a hat.
Kyungsoo has been praised by multiple people who have worked with him (co-actors and staff members alike) for his warm and caring personality. Whenever the other members are messing around too much, Kyungsoo who would scold them to focus so that the crew could rest or go home faster. When Chanyeol was stuck at home because he had hurt his vocal cords and couldn't sing or talk to anyone for I think nearly a month, Kyungsoo would often stop by and keep him company, sitting there in silence while playing games on his phone. He would show his love by cooking for the members, sending food trucks to member's individual project shoots, constantly asking the filming crew if they had eaten yet and that they should take a break. He’s even left to go and buy food for the staff members and brought it back for them, which is so rare in the industry! During concerts prep, he could often be seen helping staff members move sound equipment or asking if there was anything he could help with. That level of selflessness is so heartwarming to me. He never sees himself as a celebrity, being an insanely shy and reserved guy, he most likely dislikes the idea of "being a celebrity" so to see someone of his status/caliber be so down-to-earth it's an extremely attractive quality.
And yet, somehow, despite his rather laid back approach, Kyungsoo can often be so random in his own quirky way. I love that I know what to expect with him and yet never be bored watching him. He’s insanely caring and yet has a very strict moral code (see EXO Ladder S2 for all the “strict, rule following” Kyungsoo). He often comes off proper and polite but has moments where he would curse on national television (aka EXO Arcade) or say inappropriate or slightly perverted comments (multiple interviews and concert talks). He hates being called cute or adorable (from wearing cutesy hats to doing “aegyo”) and yet, without trying at all, he is often the squishiest human in existence. He has this amazing ability to be so competent at such a variety of things (see list above) and yet when he fails, he fails spectacularly as well. I love that duality about him - it makes him feel multifaceted and relatable AF. 
*sigh* There are so many other things that I can talk about (like how he proves that he’s a hopeless romantic when he was asked if he would choose ‘friendship’ or ‘love’, he candidly said ‘love’ without even hesitating. Or how he confessed about wanting to retire from the idol life and be a simple farmer, living off the land with his lovely wife and kids. Or how when EXO was asked what their ideal vacation destination would be, everyone wrote down an actual place and Kyungsoo just wrote, “I don’t care where we go as long as it’s together.” Or that he considers his two puppies his little sisters rather than pets in the family.) I honestly can go on and on and on but I’ll leave it off with a comment he said during an interview with JYP. The host asked him if he sees celebrity life as a good one or one that is uncomfortable? And perhaps the p.c. answer would have been something along the lines of positive experiences but instead Kyungsoo spoke from the heart and confessed that there are many things about the life that he’s uncomfortable with. That there were so many times that he was so tired of this lifestyle that he wanted to quit it all. I commend his resolve to not shy away from the truth and that candidness made me feel as though I can trust what I get with him: what you see is what you get. He’s not your ideal idol but that imperfection is what makes him so perfect and beautiful to me. Kyungsoo with forever be my penguin prince! 
♦ Has 4 had any solo albums?
Too many tbh, DAMNIT SM BRING BACK LAY TO EXO!! Yes, all of his self produced albums are fucking amazing and he totally doesn’t need SM to prove that he is a world-class artist but I miss Lay touching EXO’s butts 🤣 I love their hangouts and interactions and I just need Lay to comeback and be with his brothers!! 😢
♦ Would you set-up pair 2 and 5 together?
Lmaooooo!!! Chen and Baek would be the loudest, most chaotic pair ever! 
♦ Do you think 3 would be a good parent?
He would definitely be the “fun/cool” parent. xD
♦ What do you like about 2?
Dem vocals tho! OMFG!! 
♦ Would 3 take drugs?
I don’t know. I guess his hyper ass could do with a bit of weed in his life but probably not like... hard drugs. *shrugs* I just don’t feel like he’s the type. 
♦ Would 4 bail you out of jail?
He’s not in jail with me? Hmm, yeah, I think he would then. 
♦ Has 2 ever been on reality TV?
Can we define “Reality TV” shows a bit more? Like does that include competition shows and variety shows? Because if those count then he’s been on "King of Mask Singer” and “Travel without Manager”.
♦ Out of 1 and 5 who would be more likely to ask you out?
Like I said above, I honestly don’t think I am at all worthy of being asked out by any of the members from EXO but if we are going to play the delusional game for a tiny bit... of the 5... I think Kyungsoo would just because I’m not “confident” enough to be attractive to Baekhyun. :3
♦ Is 5 tall?
Not compared to the baby giraffe that is Park Chanyeol. 
♦ Do you like 4’s current hair style?
100%! This look on his is so refined and yet cool and sexy. ;) But, then again, Lay baby always look scrumptious!
♦ Is 2 gay?
It has been confirmed that he is not and is getting married and is going to be a Jongdaddy! :DD
♦ Would 3, 4 and 2 have a cross-dressing show?
Sure... I think they would be game... >_< Or is that just me being hopeful?
♦ Would 1 go skinny dipping?
No, he is waaaaaaay too shy to reveal his body. He said he has a tummy. *blushes* I think it’s cute but then again anything about him I find insanely attractive so... *shrugs*
♦ Does 3 remind you of anyone you know?
Not really. Channie is really playful and competitive and has a shit ton of energy but he’s also sensitive and really sweet.  
♦ Would 5 watch porn?
I 100% believe he does. I say this lovingly but hentai Baek is real. 
♦ Would you marry 1 but then have them divorce you 6 months later; marry 2 but have them run away a year later; date 3 but then lose them in a car crash a year later; date 4 but then break up 2 years later or sleep with 5 and have them or you pregnant?
Wow... Um... none of these options are really great. *sigh* Idk... I guess, I can live with dating Lay for 2 years. What an honor that would be. :3
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“Summer Survival Guide for Parents of Extreme Children”
I write a lot about raising a child with extreme behavior disorders. For other special needs parents like myself, the idea of spending two hot months trapped at home with our children and their behaviors incites household-wide panic.
The heat, the lack of schedule, the food, the break from school — it is the stuff of nightmares, my friends. Our supremely awesome kiddos — you know, those with attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD), ASD, GAD, ODD, SPD, and other diagnoses that affect mood, behavior, and sensory needs — thrive on schedules, predictability, and monitored diet and screen time.
By day three, many of us have succumbed to the normality of giving ourselves 15 minutes of peace and quiet, courtesy of kids’ YouTube and the iPad. I mean, for the love of meltdowns, there is no amount of coffee and boxed wine that could get me through this time of year without a few major meltdowns from my son (and myself).
Special needs parents know that there is no foolproof, magic solution for chilling out our kiddo, but here are five strategies that have been tested and approved in our own home  to preserve what little is left of your sanity bustle (see: completely insane freak-out zone) of the summer season.
Set a Schedule, Even if It’s Vague
We know our kids need the predictability that comes with a schedule. So even if all you do is tell them in the morning three things they will be doing (some kids need times, others need references like, “after lunch we will…”), this will be helpful to prep them for returning to the more strict schedules provided by the public school system and, hopefully, weed out some of their anxiety that comes with their return in August. For our son, schedule is key. So, I used to be super prepared and had a Melissa and Doug Calendar that had special pockets for our activities and clocks with the time.
[Free Sample Schedules for Reliable Family Routines]
Then I had another kid. So, yes, there’s that. Now, we do a simple Dollar Store dry erase board with the day’s activities. Sometimes he can pick; other times the board makes for an easy way for him to lose a privilege should the need arise.
Decrease the Screen Time (Like, Yesterday)
Several of the beautiful mamas in my “tribe” (see: the women responsible for my sanity who also have children like mine, so they get me) have kiddos who thrive on screen time so they are rewarded with this privilege much more often than our son. For our boy, screen time almost always equals a meltdown. This may come in the form of him losing a game and ending up punching or throwing the iPad, or his losing it when his screen time is up. Regardless, there are few times when it ends well for us.
However, if you believe that screen time is a normal part of your kid’s day, summer break may mean more time on the computer/video game/tablet. It may prove best for you to begin to decrease the extra time online about a week before returning to school. This will them to adjust more slowly and (fingers crossed) without much of an aggressive transition back to the real world when that first school bell rings.
Focus on Meals and Snacks
Think regularly scheduled eating times and meals that have  a representative from each section of the food pyramid, not the food groups recommended by Will Farrell in Elf. I am as guilty as the next mom of counting a couple of popsicles by the pool as breakfast and a handful of M&M’s lunch because he ate a cheese stick too, and, well, it is summer vacation. So there!
[Special ADDitude Collection: Summer Learning Ideas for Kids with ADHD]
However, as much as science confuses me, I am a huge nerd and the research doesn’t lie. Many ingredients found in these types of foods are either full-out triggers or additional irritants to our children’s already destructive behavior, such as aggression, outbursts, hyperactivity, and inattention. The quicker we can wean them off the summer-flavored Oreo’s and back onto something that, at least at one time, could be found growing from the ground, the better for our kiddos.
Rely on Your Sensory Strategies
Whether your kiddo is sensitive to specific clothing, needs a weighted blanket, or relies on a sensory body sock for calming, use it! Our son has Sensory Processing Disorder, so these have become part of our day-to-day as we research and learn more about his needs.
Vacations are a nightmare of sensory overloaded proportions. Consider an average day: sugar-filled cookies, singing in the car, dancing boardwalk lights, the feeling of sand in their toes, the barrage of forced hugs from distant relatives come to visit, and the pictures with strangers dressed up in costumes. It is terrifying, especially for our kids who are easily overwhelmed by just one thing from this list.
When All Else Fails, Remember the 3 P’s: Pacing, Privacy, Peace
Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how many things we try, how many strategies we put into place, or how much we pray or cry, it is just a bad day. So, at our house, we rely on pacing and breathing to calm ourselves (that includes this mama, too). If that doesn’t work, we go somewhere alone. This may just be to another room in the house, outside, on a walk, or (in the case of myself or my husband) a drive. Sometimes we just need some distance to have our emotions and move forward. The last thing we need to do is intentionally choose peace.
On more days than not, our house is a war zone. Vacations and summer break are no exceptions; in fact, they are usually worse. So, sometimes we deal with whatever it is and choose to move forward as a family, regardless of the name calling, the things that were thrown, or the public meltdown that made my stomach hurt. At the end of the day, we will still be a family. No one at Target comes home with me after shopping (even though I am pretty sure, Karen, at the customer service desk, is my secret BFF). So let’s just take a tip from that snow witch, Elsa, and let it go.
Parenting is a messy gig. Parenting our kiddos is next-level CIA-operative-style adulting. Know that your brand of crazy might look different from ours, but we are in this together!
[Self-Test: Sensory Processing Disorder in Children]
Removed Credits: Original Content Source
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amrinobambino-blog · 6 years
Mothers & Daughters
The countless times I have thought about scrapping this blog entirely versus posting and sharing is insane. This is slightly different to what I've written about before but I feel like we get so caught up in the wedding preparation and excitement we often forget about the journey we are about to embark upon, So I wanted to change things up a little and make it more real and raw.
it's time for reflection.. So the Wedding is done and married life begins!
6 months in and the toughest 6 months of  my life. Hold up Hold up let's not get ahead of ourselves here and make assumptions about my marriage. This post is purely about my feelings of leaving Home and entering the new chapter in my life.
Leaving Home was never something I prepared myself on nor even thought about during my wedding prep. As stupid as it sounds I was pretty naive about it all and so caught up in wedding planning I totally forgot to stop step back and think about what I was actually stepping out of and into.
I mean I guess I always knew that leaving home would be hard because it's Home and all I've ever known for the last 25 years. But also because of the codependent relationships I share with my family. You could say I was a pretty sheltered individual living with parents, had a curfew didn't live out for university. The eldest in my family and the only girl on my dad's side of the family. Every memory I have of my childhood sits in those four walls.. Three generations have been brought up in this home its sacred.
So naturally this was going to be hard but I was somewhat prepared as a Indian girl the thought of moving out of your parents home after marriage was normal and though it would be hard it would eventually become my new normal but justify normal and take into consideration adjustment. I was taken by complete surprise.
So let's go all the way back to the very beginning, my relationship with my Mum was just like any other Mother and daughter relationship. I was quite rebellious and argumentative still am! I always felt as if she never understood me just like every kid at that age - i suppose
But it wasn't until my early teens when things started to take a turn. I began to understand my Mum so much more, we connected on another level and I soon realised that as much as I relied on her she also relied on me.
My mum married at 18 and had me the first child at 19. Pretty much the traditional punjabi wedding back in the 90's. You marry a complete stranger you know nothing about- you move in with your in laws and learn to adapt their way of living and finally you have your children. Your given no choice and handed all the responsibilities of a daughter in law, sister in law, housemaker etc.. and all this at the age of 19.
My parents were strict we lived with our grandparents and decisions were made for you. My mum was the more relaxed of the two but growing up she had her own martial issues and in law trouble and so had put expectations and duties on her own shoulders to carry our this strict parent role but at heart was always the more lenient one. Dad on the other hand was super strict and was the traditional controlling male- not much has changed there.
It's fair to say that My mum has had her fair share of struggles but despite this she is a surviour and even with all the lows and hardships she's faced in her childhood and marriage she continues to hold a positive nature. That massive smile on her face with those comforting warm brown eyes will never disappear.
A couple of years ago my Mum lost both of her parents and the stress and shit storm of everything else going on in my family took a massive toll on her. I noticed a massive difference and drop in her attitude and positivity. Maybe I was older so I took more notice of it. I noticed a more vulnerable side to her and so naturally I automatically adopted this confidant role.. I wanted to step up as her protector and because I never expected much from my dad I wanted her to never feel alone. So I guess we got closer and the bond grew stronger and so I guess you could say the rest was history.
OK OK enough of the heavy! My Mum began to confide in me so at the back of my mind although i dreamt of this big wedding and supposedly the happiest day of my life there was always a hint of sadness that would creep over me which would be a reminder of leaving home. But I would throw it away and distract myself with wedding planning.
I specifically remember one day when I was packing my suitcases before the wedding and coming home from work and my mum had been organising my belongings. I remember immediately overreacting and lashing out at her for packing up my things and shouting at her directing my anger and frustration of the situation on her. I break down and I burst into tears she consoles me and I cry and then put on that fake brave face.
I look back at my dholi now i remember sitting on the chairs in my front room being watched by family and friends and the family go about the usual punjabi dholi traditions. I remember zoning out and hear distant chatter and mumbling but not making out anything it’s foggy and unclear and I’m surrounded by my thoughts and the sound of my heart beating fast. I’m thinking to myself why am I not crying?! The dholi is supposed to be emotional so why am I not crying?!
I am told to get up by my Mum as my mum hands me the bowl of rice and I take a handful, Still completely bewildered I am looking down at the floor and am suddenly hit by this massive wave of emotions. I feel a tear drop down my cheek I drop my face further down as if I am embarrassed to express my emotions in a room filled with strangers. I start to analyse the situation why am I crying there's no need I'm moving 20'minutes away I'll see my parents all the time. This can't be the reason? Oh but wait this is no longer my home?! My tears won't stop they continue to roll off my face down my neck and onto the handcrafted silk top.
I take a step towards the door into the hallway and am now fully aware that these are my last steps in my home as the daughter who grew up here as a person who lives in this home. I walk past those green coloured wallpapered walls that me and my brother would mischievously draw on and my lengha brushes off the navy carpet with the Indian floral print. I am now noticing the little details of my childhood home and everything looks different. I’m walking past the family photo that hangs in the stairwell I see my coat hanging on the coat hangers by the door that I hung there yesterday as a person who lived in this house.
This is My home! Why am I leaving my home?! I feel like I'm outside of my body and standing behind my body watching me taking this final steps. I feel like a stranger in my home for the first time. I could have never anticipated such a feeling so un-real but truly raw. The air was different the atmosphere was silent.
I sat in the car and said my goodbyes tears falling down my face, trying hard to catch my breath I take a last look before the car moves forward at my mum and all I see is her sore eyes filled with tears, her emotions were transparent I could feel every emotion she felt our mind and bodies were in sync.
As the car pulls away from outside the house I don’t look back but close my eyes and wipe away the black tears and see the image my Mum and Dad. My mums head on dad’s shoulder they have were both sad but they looked comforted. I almost read a different body language from my dad it was almost as if he was speaking with his body language that he was there for Mum and that I wouldn't need to worry. Did he finally step into the shoes of the comforter and protector for her?
The car is half way down the road and the sun is orange its bright lighting up the street it's beautiful but somethings different the road doesn’t feel like mine it’s strange and weird. I’m lost, unsettled and uncomfortable and this was pretty much life for the first 6 months.
The first year is the toughest I totally get it now! but did not understand what that actually meant until I experienced it for myself.
I feel like I can look now look back at the last year and half and tell myself that everyone was right it does get better and you do adjust. But if I could change something I would have prepared myself if I could have. But why is this part of the story never told especially in the Indian community where it’s common to move out after marriage and join another?! But maybe this was my journey for a reason I’m stronger and have a different perspective and different kind of respect for all the women that have gotten married and left their homes to join a new one and those that don’t get to see their parents as often as I
Life changed but it changed for the better. We can’t see our reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.... it took me a year and half to look back and heal.
0 notes
smilingformoney · 5 years
America’s Most Eligible 3 Diamond Scene: Cram Sesh with Jen
You: First impressions are crucial. I’ve gotta find Jen! Wrenn: Good luck, Jamie. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.
You walk into the living room to find Jen chatting with Mackenzie, Derek, and Adam. Jen: I’m so nervous, I changed six times this morning! Derek: That’s… Mackenzie: Insane? Adam: A workout? Jen: I’ll take option C… All of the above. You: Glad to see I’m not the only one who’s nervous. Before we meet the parents, we should prep each other for what to expect. Jen: Count me in. Derek: If there’s a chance of finding out what makes you two tick, we want in. You: We’ll take all the help we can get. Let’s meet on the roof in five.
You, Jen, and your friends regroup on the roof. As you all settle in around the table, you turn to look at Jen. You: Okay… Tell me everything I need to know about your parents. Jen: Are you kidding? I wouldn’t know where to start! Mackenzie: How about the beginning? After all, Jamie’s gonna need to know your family inside and out if she’s gonna make a good impression. Adam: That might take a little longer than we have. Adam: You should start with how well you get along with them. Whether you see eye-to-eye can say a lot about a person. Derek: That’s a good idea, but this is also about making Jamie feel comfortable meeting them. What do you want to know, Jamie? You: As important as it is to know about Jen’s relationship with her family…
You: I really just wanna know… -Whether they approve of me.
You: Between the craziness in the mansion and the producers’ editing for drama, there’s no telling what they think! Jen: Everyone knows you can’t trust anything you see on TV. Nobody’s gonna judge you for that.
-How I can impress them.
You: Meeting the parents is hard enough without trying to appeal to a demographic. I need a cheat sheet! Derek: Hmm… I see your point. There’s gotta be some advice Jen can give you…
Mackenzie: Jen, you know your family better than any of us. What do you think Jamie should know about them? Jen: Uh… None of my uncles have pinky toes… You: Wait, what? Adam: As interesting as that is, I don’t think it’s gonna help Jamie today. Jen: I’m sorry. There’s so much I could say, I’m blanking on what’s need-to-know. Derek: What it help if Adam, Mackenzie, and I go first? It’ll give you an example of what’s important… Mackenzie: And Jamie can learn more about our families too. You: Works for me. Why don’t we start with…
Whose turn is it? -Mackenzie!
You: Tell me about your dad, Mackenzie. Is he as cool as your little sister Natalie? Mackenzie: Cooler. As cliché as it sounds, I’ve got the best dad in the world. Mackenzie: Right from the start, he never saw me as anything less than his daughter. He’s patient, easy to talk to, kind, selfless… Mackenzie: Basically everything my mother isn’t. You: Whoa… I’ve never heard you mention your mom, Mackenzie. Jen: On your audition reel, you said you grew up with a single father. Mackenzie: I did. My mom left us fifteen years ago. No note, no explanation, just an empty closet where her clothes should’ve been. Derek: That had to be terrible. Mackenzie: It was worse for Natalie. My dad was a mess, and she didn’t understand what was happening. I had to take care of everything. Adam: But you were just a kid! Mackenzie: That’s why he asked me to stop helping. He said it was like watching his worst fear come true. You: I can see why. It’s obvious…
You: He was worried you would… -Waste your life taking care of everything else. +BACKGROUND
You: You were just a kid! That’s an impressionable time to take on such a huge responsibility. Mackenzie: I thought handling it all alone made me strong, but my dad taught me that my constant strength helped everyone but me. Mackenzie: His favourite thing to say is, ‘Strength is for workhorses and machines. You’re only human, Mackenzie.’ You: Wise words.
-Flunk out of school. -BACKGROUND
You: There’s no way you’d have been able to do that and keep your grades up. You’d have never made it to law school! Mackenzie: I’m sure that crossed his mind, but I think he was more afraid I’d feel obligated to take care of him forever. You: Wow, Mackenzie. Were things that bad? Mackenzie: Bad enough that I’d gotten used to being strong for all of us. But my dad wanted to see me become more. Mackenzie: I think I got my determination from him. You: I’m sure you exceeded his expectations.
You: What’s the most important thing to know about your parents? Derek: Probably that they’re polar opposites. My dad’s a fun-loving, free spirit from Colorado… Derek: While my mom’s more of the practical type. She was born in Haiti and immigrated to the U.S. as a kid in the ‘70s. Mackenzie: That’s so cool! Jen: I’m sure it has its moments. Having immigrant parents can be complicated. Derek: I love having that connection to our culture, and I’ve even gone to visit where she grew up… Derek: But it made me realise how much she sacrificed for us to have the life that we do. Derek: Sometimes, I feel like anything less than success is letting her down. Adam: That’s a lot to put on one person. You: Especially when there are so many different types of success. Derek: not in her book. Doctor, lawyer, engineer… Those are the careers she wishes I’d join. Derek: And I’ve thought about it. I know it would make her happy, but…
You: But you… -Don’t want to pretend to be someone you’re not. +BACKGROUND
You: You may be an analytical genius, but I’ve seen your work. You belong in the arts, and you know it. Derek: I love my mom, and I know she just wants me to be stable, but living a rich and fulfilling life takes more than money. Derek: Sometimes, all I need is to good around with my friends. You: The best way to honour her sacrifice is with your happiness. Everything else will come.
-Don’t think you’d be good at it. -BACKGROUND
You: Those careers are prestigious for a reason. There’s no shame in admitting you’re not up for the challenge. Derek: I developed an algorithm that accurately predicts the next AME winner ninety-two percent of the time. I can handle the work. Derek: It’s just not who I am. I’m at my best when we’re hanging out and goofing off… not working eighty-hour weeks. You: Alright, smartypants. You have a point.
You: Give me the lowdown on Mama and Papa McIntyre. Adam: Well, their hearts are in the right place, but my parents are massive worrywarts. Adam: Though I guess that’s my fault. After the way Season 9 ended for me, I wasn’t really in the best headspace. Mackenzie: I don’t see how you could’ve been. Vince and Sierra’s plan was brutal. Jen: That was the night the Bad Boy of AME was born. Overnight, you were like a completely different person. Derek: I saw clips of your time in the Jury House. You were cold, man. You: If you became someone they didn’t recognise, that’s enough to make any parent worried. Adam: Once they saw how guarded the show made me, it turned them against reality TV. If they had their way, I’d have never stepped foot on set again. You: But you’re so much better now! You: If nothing else, AME showed you who your real friends are. They’ve gotta at least see that. Adam: I think it’s been hard getting that image of me out of their heads. Before, I was their perfect, loving son… Adam: Now, when they look at me…
You: All they can see is… -Their little boy. -BACKGROUND
You: Parents can have a hard time seeing their adult children as anything other than the kids they used to be. Adam: Not in this case. You guys weren’t the only ones chipping away at the wall I put up. My parents just never realised it had fallen. You: That has to be frustrating. Adam: They mean well. My dad actually suggested I should be more like you. He thinks you’re the perfect role model. You: Smart man.
-The wall you put up. +BACKGROUND
You: And it’s like they can’t get past it. Adam: Exactly. The way they look at me… I just feel like they’re waiting on the other shoe to drop. You: They aren’t going to hate me because you came back for the wedding… Are they? Adam: Not a chance. Before I left, my mom mentioned it would be good for me to be around someone as open as you. You: Then I’m glad to be of service.
Jen: Okay, I think I’ve got the hang of this. You: Perfect. So tell me… You: Were your parents strict growing up? Jen: That’s one word for it. My dad was in the military, so discipline and order were always the priority. Jen: He and my mom wanted the best for me, but living like that placed duty over fun. I always did what I had to, never what I wanted. Adam: That had to be tough. Derek: I can’t imagine having to toe the company line even as a kid. Jen: It’s part of why I wanted to be a flight attendant. We moved because someone said so. They flew because they were free to. Mackenzie: Not to mention you’d be in control of the snacks. You: when you put it like that, it sounds like a perfect fit. What changed? Jen: Everything. Jen’s eyes water, and her gaze falls to the floor. You watch her wipe away a tear and reach out to hold her hand. Jen: My dad was killed during his deployment, and after that, nothing was the same. My mom, especially. Jen: She stopped caring about my homework and encouraged me to do things I loved. It’s how I found producing. Jen: When I asked her why, she said losing my dad put everything into perspective.
You: Sounds like she wanted you to… -Love your work. -BACKGROUND
You: But I don’t think she meant for you to bring it home with you. Jen laughs through her tears. Jen: I think she just wanted me to see that there was more to life than work. Jen: I’ve always been passionate about every project I’ve taken on, and she wanted me to live life that same way. You: I think we can call that mission accomplished.
-Live life to the fullest. +BACKGROUND
You: You attack everything with pure passion, Jen She just wanted you to have a life that you were crazy about. You: I’m sure they both did. Jen: There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss him, but I know he’d be proud of me. You: One thing’s for sure… I know I am. Jen: Thanks, Jamie…
-Reclaim your childhood. -BACKGROUND
You: You said yourself you didn’t do the things you were passionate about. Maybe she thought it was time to change that. Jen: It was never about going back. We both realised the past was the past. My mom was just a different woman. Jen: Losing the love of her life made her realise we have as much of a duty to ourselves as to anyone else. You: That’s… one hell of a silver lining.
Jen: Now, if I could just convince my mom I’m not working too much, I’d be golden.
You: Jen… -I can’t believe I didn’t know that. +50
You: We’ve known each other for almost a year, and this is the first time you’ve ever mentioned any of that. Jen: There’s a lot of things we still don’t know about each other, but that’s the beauty of getting married. Jen: We’ve got the rest of our lives to learn them.
-Thank you for sharing that with me. +50
You: I know being vulnerable isn’t easy. I’m just happy you trust me enough to let me in. Jen: You’re gonna be my wife. I feel like I can tell you anything.
Derek: This has definitely been a bonding experience. You: I never would’ve guessed any of the things you guys told me. You play it pretty close to the vest. Mackenzie: You’re one to talk. You’re the biggest mystery of us all. You: Me? I’m an open book! Jen: I wouldn’t go that far. You’ve heard all about our families, and I don’t even know your mom’s name! You: That’s easy…
Her name is… [Name your mom]
Jen: Diana… Well, that’s one less thing to worry about. You: You have nothing to be afraid of. Once she sees how happy you make me, she’ll welcome you into the family with open arms. You: But if you really want to get on her good side…
You: You should… -Compliment her!
You: Whoever said that flattery could get you anywhere must’ve had my mom in mind. Jen: Time to turn up the charm. I’ll keep an eye out for just the right moment.
-Mind your manners!
You: My mom is a stickler for all things prim and proper. Jen: Good to know… I guess I’ll have to be on my best behaviour.
-Dote on me!
You: My mom has been spoiling me for years. She’ll want to make sure my future spouse can keep up the trend. Jen: Spoil you rotten… Got it!
The heavy metal door opens, and Wrenn pokes their head out. Wrenn: It’s showtime. Are you all ready? You: As ready as we’ll ever be.
3 notes · View notes
smilingformoney · 5 years
America’s Most Eligible 3 Diamond Scene: Cram Sesh with Adam
You: First impressions are crucial. I’ve gotta find Adam! Wrenn: Good luck, Jamie. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.
You walk into the living room to find Adam chatting with Mackenzie, Derek, and Jen. Adam: I’m so nervous, I changed six times this morning! Derek: That’s… Maid of Honour: Insane? Officiant: A workout? Adam: I’ll take option C… All of the above. You: Glad to see I’m not the only one who’s nervous. Before we meet the parents, we should prep each other for what to expect. Adam: Count me in. Derek: If there’s a chance of finding out what makes you two tick, we want in. You: We’ll take all the help we can get. Let’s meet on the roof in five.
You, Adam, and your friends regroup on the roof. As you all settle in around the table, you turn to look at Adam. You: Okay… Tell me everything I need to know about your parents. Adam: Are you kidding? I wouldn’t know where to start! Maid of Honour: How about the beginning? After all, Jamie’s gonna need to know your family inside and out if they’re gonna make a good impression. Officiant: That might take a little longer than we have. Officiant: You should start with how well you get along with them. Whether you see eye-to-eye can say a lot about a person. Derek: That’s a good idea, but this is also about making Jamie feel comfortable meeting them. What do you want to know, Jamie? You: As important as it is to know about Adam’s relationship with his family…
You: I really just wanna know… -Whether they approve of me.
You: Between the craziness in the mansion and the producers’ editing for drama, there’s no telling what they think! Adam: Everyone knows you can’t trust anything you see on TV. Nobody’s gonna judge you for that.
-How I can impress them.
You: Meeting the parents is hard enough without trying to appeal to a demographic. I need a cheat sheet! Derek: Hmm… I see your point. There’s gotta be some advice Adam can give you…
Maid of Honour: Adam, you know your family better than any of us. What do you think Jamie should know about them? Adam: Uh… My aunt’s he only redhead in six generations… You: That’s… actually kinda cool. Officiant: As interesting as that is, I don’t think it’s gonna help Jamie today. Adam: I’m sorry. There’s so much I could say, I’m blanking on what’s need-to-know. Derek: Would it help if Jen, Mackenzie, and I go first? It’ll give you an example of what’s important… Maid of Honour: And Jamie can learn more about our families too. You: Works for me. Why don’t we start with…
Whose turn is it? -Mackenzie!
You: Tell me about your dad, Mackenzie. Is he as cool as your little sister Natalie? Mackenzie: Cooler. As cliché as it sounds, I’ve got the best dad in the world. Mackenzie: Right from the start, he never saw me as anything less than his daughter. He’s patient, easy to talk to, kind, selfless… Mackenzie: Basically everything my mother isn’t. You: Whoa… I’ve never heard you mention your mom, Mackenzie. Jen: On your audition reel, you said you grew up with a single father. Mackenzie: I did. My mom left us fifteen years ago. No note, no explanation, just an empty closet where her clothes should’ve been. Derek: That had to be terrible. Mackenzie: It was worse for Natalie. My dad was a mess, and she didn’t understand what was happening. I had to take care of everything. Adam: But you were just a kid! Mackenzie: That’s why he asked me to stop helping. He said it was like watching his worst fear come true. You: I can see why. It’s obvious…
You: He was worried you would… -Waste your life taking care of everything else. +BACKGROUND
You: You were just a kid! That’s an impressionable time to take on such a huge responsibility. Mackenzie: I thought handling it all alone made me strong, but my dad taught me that my constant strength helped everyone but me. Mackenzie: His favourite thing to say is, ‘Strength is for workhorses and machines. You’re only human, Mackenzie.’ You: Wise words.
-Flunk out of school. -BACKGROUND
You: There’s no way you’d have been able to do that and keep your grades up. You’d have never made it to law school! Mackenzie: I’m sure that crossed his mind, but I think he was more afraid I’d feel obligated to take care of him forever. You: Wow, Mackenzie. Were things that bad? Mackenzie: Bad enough that I’d gotten used to being strong for all of us. But my dad wanted to see me become more. Mackenzie: I think I got my determination from him. You: I’m sure you exceeded his expectations.
You: What’s the most important thing to know about your parents? Derek: Probably that they’re polar opposites. My dad’s a fun-loving, free spirit from Colorado… Derek: While my mom’s more of the practical type. She was born in Haiti and immigrated to the U.S. as a kid in the ‘70s. Mackenzie: That’s so cool! Jen: I’m sure it has its moments. Having immigrant parents can be complicated. Derek: I love having that connection to our culture, and I’ve even gone to visit where she grew up… Derek: But it made me realise how much she sacrificed for us to have the life that we do. Derek: Sometimes, I feel like anything less than success is letting her down. Adam: That’s a lot to put on one person. You: Especially when there are so many different types of success. Derek: not in her book. Doctor, lawyer, engineer… Those are the careers she wishes I’d join. Derek: And I’ve thought about it. I know it would make her happy, but…
You: But you… -Don’t want to pretend to be someone you’re not. +BACKGROUND
You: You may be an analytical genius, but I’ve seen your work. You belong in the arts, and you know it. Derek: I love my mom, and I know she just wants me to be stable, but living a rich and fulfilling life takes more than money. Derek: Sometimes, all I need is to good around with my friends. You: The best way to honour her sacrifice is with your happiness. Everything else will come.
-Don’t think you’d be good at it. -BACKGROUND
You: Those careers are prestigious for a reason. There’s no shame in admitting you’re not up for the challenge. Derek: I developed an algorithm that accurately predicts the next AME winner ninety-two percent of the time. I can handle the work. Derek: It’s just not who I am. I’m at my best when we’re hanging out and goofing off… not working eighty-hour weeks. You: Alright, smartypants. You have a point.
You: Were your parents strict growing up? Jen: That’s one word for it. My dad was in the military, so discipline and order were always the priority. Jen: He and my mom wanted the best for me, but living like that placed duty over fun. I always did what I had to, never what I wanted. Adam: That had to be tough. Derek: I can’t imagine having to toe the company line even as a kid. Jen: It’s part of why I wanted to be a flight attendant. We moved because someone said so. They flew because they were free to. Mackenzie: Not to mention you’d be in control of the snacks. You: when you put it like that, it sounds like a perfect fit. What changed? Jen: Everything. Jen’s eyes water, and her gaze falls to the floor. You watch her wipe away a tear and reach out to hold her hand. Jen: My dad was killed during his deployment, and after that, nothing was the same. My mom, especially. Jen: She stopped caring about my homework and encouraged me to do things I loved. It’s how I found producing. Jen: When I asked her why, she said losing my dad put everything into perspective.
You: Sounds like she wanted you to… -Love your work. -BACKGROUND
You: But I don’t think she meant for you to bring it home with you. Jen laughs through her tears. Jen: I think she just wanted me to see that there was more to life than work. Jen: I’ve always been passionate about every project I’ve taken on, and she wanted me to live life that same way. You: I think we can call that mission accomplished.
-Live life to the fullest. +BACKGROUND
You: You attack everything with pure passion, Jen. She just wanted you to have a life that you were crazy about. You: I’m sure they both did. Jen: There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss him, but I know he’d be proud of me. You: One thing’s for sure… I know I am. Jen: Thanks, Jamie…
Adam: Okay, I think I’ve got the hang of this. You: Perfect. So tell me… You: What’s the number one thing I need to know about my future in-laws? Adam: Well, their hearts are in the right place, but my parents are massive worrywarts. Adam: Though I guess that’s my fault. After the way Season 9 ended for me, I wasn’t really in the best headspace. Mackenzie: I don’t see how you could’ve been. Vince and Sierra’s plan was brutal. Jen: That was the night the Bad Boy of AME was born. Overnight, you were like a completely different person. Derek: I saw clips of your time in the Jury House. You were cold, man. You: If you became someone they didn’t recognise, that’s enough to make any parent worried. Adam: Once they saw how guarded the show made me, it turned them against reality TV. If they had their way, I’d have never stepped foot on set again. You: But you’re so much better now! You: If nothing else, AME showed you who your real friends are. They’ve gotta at least see that. Adam: I think it’s been hard getting that image of me out of their heads. Before, I was their perfect, loving son… Adam: Now, when they look at me…
You: All they can see is… -Their little boy. -BACKGROUND
You: Parents can have a hard time seeing their adult children as anything other than the kids they used to be. Adam: Not in this case. You guys weren’t the only ones chipping away at the wall I put up. My parents just never realised it had fallen. You: That has to be frustrating. Adam: They mean well. My dad actually suggested I should be more like you. He thinks you’re the perfect role model. You: Smart man.
-The wall you put up. +BACKGROUND
You: And it’s like they can’t get past it. Adam: Exactly. The way they look at me… I just feel like they’re waiting on the other shoe to drop. You: They aren’t going to hate me because you came back for the wedding… Are they? Adam: Not a chance. Before I left, my mom mentioned it would be good for me to be around someone as open as you. You: Then I’m glad to be of service.
-How handsome you are! -BACKGROUND
You: And they’re not the only ones. Adam chuckles. Adam: I favour my dad, so he might agree with you, but they just don’t believe I’m not that closed off person anymore. You: I can’t imagine how hard it’s been trying to persuade them. Adam: On the bright side, my mom thinks your open personality is just what I need to come back around. You: You know what they say… ‘Mother knows best’.
Adam: I just wish there was some way for them to see how hard I’ve worked to grow past that season.
You: Adam… -I can’t believe I didn’t know that. +50
You: We’ve known each other for almost a year, and this is the first time you’ve ever mentioned any of that. Adam: There’s a lot of things we still don’t know about each other, but that’s the beauty of getting married. Adam: We’ve got the rest of our lives to learn them.
-Thank you for sharing that with me. +50
You: I know being vulnerable isn’t easy. I’m just happy you trust me enough to let me in. Adam: You’re gonna be my spouse. I feel like I can tell you anything.
Derek: This has definitely been a bonding experience. You: I never would’ve guessed any of the things you guys told me. You play it pretty close to the vest. Maid of Honour: You’re one to talk. You’re the biggest mystery of us all. You: Me? I’m an open book! Adam: I wouldn’t go that far. You’ve heard all about our families, and I don’t even know your mom’s name! You: That’s easy…
Her name is… [Name your mom]
Adam: Diana… Well, that’s one less thing to worry about. You: You have nothing to be afraid of. Once she sees how happy you make me, she’ll welcome you into the family with open arms. You: But if you really want to get on her good side…
You: You should… -Compliment her!
You: Whoever said that flattery could get you anywhere must’ve had my mom in mind. Adam: Time to turn up the charm. I’ll keep an eye out for just the right moment.
-Mind your manners!
You: My mom is a stickler for all things prim and proper. Adam: Good to know… I guess I’ll have to be on my best behaviour.
-Dote on me!
You: My mom has been spoiling me for years. She’ll want to make sure my future spouse can keep up the trend. Adam: Spoil you rotten… Got it!
The heavy metal door opens, and Wrenn pokes their head out. Wrenn: It’s showtime. Are you all ready? You: As ready as we’ll ever be.
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smilingformoney · 5 years
America’s Most Eligible 3 Diamond Scene: Cram Sesh with Mackenzie
You: First impressions are crucial. I’ve gotta find Mackenzie! Wrenn: Good luck, Jamie. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.
You walk into the living room to find Mackenzie chatting with Jen, Adam and Derek. Mackenzie: I’m so nervous, I changed six times this morning! Best Man: That’s… Maid of Honour: Insane? Officiant: A workout? Mackenzie: I’ll take option C… All of the above. You: Glad to see I’m not the only one who’s nervous. Before we meet the parents, we should prep each other for what to expect. Mackenzie: Count me in. Best Man: If there’s a chance of finding out what makes you two tick, we want in. You: We’ll take all the help we can get. Let’s meet on the roof in five.
You, Mackenzie, and your friends regroup on the roof. As you all settle in around the table, you turn to look at Mackenzie. You: Okay… Tell me everything I need to know about your dad. Mackenzie: Are you kidding? I wouldn’t know where to start! Maid of Honour: How about the beginning? After all, Jamie’s gonna need to know your family inside and out if they’re gonna make a good impression. Officiant: That might take a little longer than we have. Officiant: You should start with how well you get along with them. Whether you see eye-to-eye can say a lot about a person. Best Man: That’s a good idea, but this is also about making Jamie feel comfortable meeting them. What do you want to know, Jamie? You: As important as it is to know about Mackenzie’s relationship with her family…
You: I really just wanna know… -Whether they approve of me.
You: Between the craziness in the mansion and the producers’ editing for drama, there’s no telling what they think! Mackenzie: Everyone knows you can’t trust anything you see on TV. Nobody’s gonna judge you for that.
-How I can impress them.
You: Meeting the parents is hard enough without trying to appeal to a demographic. I need a cheat sheet! Best Man: Hmm… I see your point. There’s gotta be some advice Mackenzie can give you…
Maid of Honour: Mackenzie, you know your family better than any of us. What do you think Jamie should know about them? [x] You: I didn’t think that was even possible! Officiant: As interesting as that is, I don’t think it’s gonna help Jamie today. Mackenzie: I’m sorry. There’s so much I could say, I’m blanking on what’s need-to-know. Best Man: Would it help if Derek, Jen, and I go first? It’ll give you an example of what’s important… Jen: And Jamie can learn more about our families too. You: Works for me. Why don’t we start with…
Whose turn is it? -Derek!
You: What’s the most important thing to know about your parents? Derek: Probably that they’re polar opposites. My dad’s a fun-loving, free spirit from Colorado… Derek: While my mom’s more of the practical type. She was born in Haiti and immigrated to the U.S. as a kid in the ‘70s. Mackenzie: That’s so cool! Jen: I’m sure it has its moments. Having immigrant parents can be complicated. Derek: I love having that connection to our culture, and I’ve even gone to visit where she grew up… Derek: But it made me realise how much she sacrificed for us to have the life that we do. Derek: Sometimes, I feel like anything less than success is letting her down. Adam: That’s a lot to put on one person. You: Especially when there are so many different types of success. Derek: not in her book. Doctor, lawyer, engineer… Those are the careers she wishes I’d join. Derek: And I’ve thought about it. I know it would make her happy, but…
You: But you… -Don’t want to pretend to be someone you’re not. +BACKGROUND
You: You may be an analytical genius, but I’ve seen your work. You belong in the arts, and you know it. Derek: I love my mom, and I know she just wants me to be stable, but living a rich and fulfilling life takes more than money. Derek: Sometimes, all I need is to good around with my friends. You: The best way to honour her sacrifice is with your happiness. Everything else will come.
-Don’t think you’d be good at it. -BACKGROUND
You: Those careers are prestigious for a reason. There’s no shame in admitting you’re not up for the challenge. Derek: I developed an algorithm that accurately predicts the next AME winner ninety-two percent of the time. I can handle the work. Derek: It’s just not who I am. I’m at my best when we’re hanging out and goofing off… not working eighty-hour weeks. You: Alright, smartypants. You have a point.
You: Give me the lowdown on Mama and Papa McIntyre. Adam: Well, their hearts are in the right place, but my parents are massive worrywarts. Adam: Though I guess that’s my fault. After the way Season 9 ended for me, I wasn’t really in the best headspace. Mackenzie: I don’t see how you could’ve been. Vince and Sierra’s plan was brutal. Jen: That was the night the Bad Boy of AME was born. Overnight, you were like a completely different person. Derek: I saw clips of your time in the Jury House. You were cold, man. You: If you became someone they didn’t recognise, that’s enough to make any parent worried. Adam: Once they saw how guarded the show made me, it turned them against reality TV. If they had their way, I’d have never stepped foot on set again. You: But you’re so much better now! You: If nothing else, AME showed you who your real friends are. They’ve gotta at least see that. Adam: I think it’s been hard getting that image of me out of their heads. Before, I was their perfect, loving son… Adam: Now, when they look at me…
You: All they can see is… -Their little boy. -BACKGROUND
You: Parents can have a hard time seeing their adult children as anything other than the kids they used to be. Adam: Not in this case. You guys weren’t the only ones chipping away at the wall I put up. My parents just never realised it had fallen. You: That has to be frustrating. Adam: They mean well. My dad actually suggested I should be more like you. He thinks you’re the perfect role model. You: Smart man.
-The wall you put up. +BACKGROUND
You: And it’s like they can’t get past it. Adam: Exactly. The way they look at me… I just feel like they’re waiting on the other shoe to drop. You: They aren’t going to hate me because you came back for the wedding… Are they? Adam: Not a chance. Before I left, my mom mentioned it would be good for me to be around someone as open as you. You: Then I’m glad to be of service.
You: Were your parents strict growing up? Jen: That’s one word for it. My dad was in the military, so discipline and order were always the priority. Jen: He and my mom wanted the best for me, but living like that placed duty over fun. I always did what I had to, never what I wanted. Adam: That had to be tough. Derek: I can’t imagine having to toe the company line even as a kid. Jen: It’s part of why I wanted to be a flight attendant. We moved because someone said so. They flew because they were free to. Mackenzie: Not to mention you’d be in control of the snacks. You: when you put it like that, it sounds like a perfect fit. What changed? Jen: Everything. Jen’s eyes water, and her gaze falls to the floor. You watch her wipe away a tear and reach out to hold her hand. Jen: My dad was killed during his deployment, and after that, nothing was the same. My mom, especially. Jen: She stopped caring about my homework and encouraged me to do things I loved. It’s how I found producing. Jen: When I asked her why, she said losing my dad put everything into perspective.
You: Sounds like she wanted you to… -Love your work. *-BACKGROUND**
You: But I don’t think she meant for you to bring it home with you. Jen laughs through her tears. Jen: I think she just wanted me to see that there was more to life than work. Jen: I’ve always been passionate about every project I’ve taken on, and she wanted me to live life that same way. You: I think we can call that mission accomplished.
-Live life to the fullest. +BACKGROUND
You: You attack everything with pure passion, Jen She just wanted you to have a life that you were crazy about. You: I’m sure they both did. Jen: There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss him, but I know he’d be proud of me. You: One thing’s for sure… I know I am. Jen: Thanks, Jamie…
Mackenzie: Okay, I think I’ve got the hang of this. You: Perfect. So tell me… You: Tell me about your dad, Mackenzie. Is he as cool as your little sister Natalie? Mackenzie: Cooler. As cliché as it sounds, I’ve got the best dad in the world. Mackenzie: Right from the start, he never saw me as anything less than his daughter. He’s patient, easy to talk to, kind, selfless… Mackenzie: Basically everything my mother isn’t. You: Whoa… I’ve never heard you mention your mom, Mackenzie. Jen: On your audition reel, you said you grew up with a single father. Mackenzie: I did. My mom left us fifteen years ago. No note, no explanation, just an empty closet where her clothes should’ve been. Derek: That had to be terrible. Mackenzie: It was worse for Natalie. My dad was a mess, and she didn’t understand what was happening. I had to take care of everything. Adam: But you were just a kid! Mackenzie: That’s why he asked me to stop helping. He said it was like watching his worst fear come true. You: I can see why. It’s obvious…
You: He was worried you would… -Waste your life taking care of everyone else. +BACKGROUND
You: You were just a kid! That’s an impressionable time to take on such a huge responsibility. Mackenzie: I thought handling it all alone made me strong, but my dad taught me that my constant strength helped everyone but me. Mackenzie: His favourite thing to say is, ‘Strength is for workhorses and machines. You’re only human, Mackenzie.’ You: Wise words.
-Flunk out of school. -BACKGROUND
You: There’s no way you’d have been able to do that and keep your grades up. You’d have never made it to law school! Mackenzie: I’m sure that crossed his mind, but I think he was more afraid I’d feel obligated to take care of him forever. You: Wow, Mackenzie. Were things that bad? Mackenzie: Bad enough that I’d gotten used to being strong for all of us. But my dad wanted to see me become more. Mackenzie: I think I got my determination from him. You: I’m sure you exceeded his expectations.
-Marry the wrong person like he did. -BACKGROUND
You: Normalising the experience makes it easier to repeat it. It would be a never-ending cycle. You: I just hope he doesn’t think I’m like your mom. Mackenzie: I just think he didn’t want me to get used to taking care of everyone but myself. You: That makes sense. No parents wants to see their child be taken advantage of. Mackenzie: I’d made it my job to be strong for our family, but he never wanted that for me. Instead, he made me determined to live a life I love. You: And look at you now. He must be proud.
Mackenzie: He’d never say so, but I can tell nothing would make my dad happier than to see me taken care of for a change.
You: Mackenzie… -I can’t believe I didn’t know that. +50
You: We’ve known each other for almost a year, and this is the first time you’ve ever mentioned any of that. Mackenzie: There’s a lot of things we still don’t know about each other, but that’s the beauty of getting married. Mackenzie: We’ve got the rest of our lives to learn them.
-Thank you for sharing that with me. +50
You: I know being vulnerable isn’t easy. I’m just happy you trust me enough to let me in. Mackenzie: You’re gonna be my spouse. I feel like I can tell you anything.
Best Man: This has definitely been a bonding experience. You: I never would’ve guessed any of the things you guys told me. You play it pretty close to the vest. Jen: You’re one to talk. You’re the biggest mystery of us all. You: Me? I’m an open book! Mackenzie: I wouldn’t go that far. You’ve heard all about our families, and I don’t even know your mom’s name! You: That’s easy…
Her name is… [Name your mom]
Mackenzie: Diana… Well, that’s one less thing to worry about. You: You have nothing to be afraid of. Once she sees how happy you make me, she’ll welcome you into the family with open arms. You: But if you really want to get on her good side…
You: You should… -Compliment her!
You: Whoever said that flattery could get you anywhere must’ve had my mom in mind. Mackenzie: Time to turn up the charm. I’ll keep an eye out for just the right moment.
-Mind your manners!
You: My mom is a stickler for all things prim and proper. Mackenzie: Good to know… I guess I’ll have to be on my best behaviour.
-Dote on me!
You: My mom has been spoiling me for years. She’ll want to make sure my future spouse can keep up the trend. Mackenzie: Spoil you rotten… Got it!
The heavy metal door opens, and Wrenn pokes their head out. Wrenn: It’s showtime. Are you all ready? You: As ready as we’ll ever be.
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