#actually hoh
batterwing · 3 days
Captions are not a choice. I cannot hear, understand, or effectively comprehend something without captions. There is no excuse for not captioning something. It is, quite frankly, the bare minimum.
There is no other disability or ailment that excuses not putting captions on things.
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wheelie-sick · 10 months
please remember that super hearing is not the default for autistic people.
autistic people are 10 times more likely to have hearing loss than allistic people! so many of us aren't able to hear the lights or the fridge. we're often sensory seeking for sounds because we're deprived of them. even when we are sensory avoidant for sounds our sensory avoidance frequently presents differently
hearing is not the default for autism
super hearing is not a universal autism experience
please remember deaf/hard of hearing autistics
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violetstarr24 · 11 months
Haven't seen any posts for you guys, so... happy disability pride month to Deaf/HoH folks. Happy disability pride month to those with hearing aids or cochlear implants, and those without them. Happy disability pride month to those who use ASL as their primary language, and those who don't know ASL at all. Happy disability pride month to those with equal hearing loss in both ears, and to those with uneven hearing loss or hearing loss that only effects one ear. Happy disability pride month to those who were born with their hearing loss, and happy disability pride month to those who acquired their hearing loss over their lifetime. And lastly—happy disability pride month to my besties with SSHL (Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss). Stay strong <3
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flare-dragon · 4 months
Question for those who wanna response: When's the last time you saw any media where any of the characters (major, minor, or extra) were known to be deaf?
(Bonus question: Who was the character and from what media did they originate from?)
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like-this-post-if-you · 2 months
like this post if you're hard of hearing/deaf and/or know sign language
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tortiefrancis · 1 year
every single time a post says "unmute" and there's no cc or audio transcript or whatever i feel like committing a felony
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sillydeafwitch · 6 months
the listening fatigue is hitting hard rn and I’m very tired but have this picture of fred
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connor-101 · 2 months
People seem to think that just because I'm HOH, it means that I can't enjoy music. Which is totally stupid!I love music! I just seem to interpret it in a slightly different way!
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unclepolyglot · 9 months
Writing Signed Languages in Fanfics
so i recently got into learning ASL (which is amazing!! i love it so much!!) and am planning to reference it when writing a Legend of Zelda fanfic, like certain facial expressions or how quickly/forcefully a sign is made, etc.
the thing is, since i'm hearing, i'm wondering if those of you who are d/Deaf or HoH can give me some tips on how to write a signing character, like things you wish you'd see in fanfics, or things you wish writers would stop doing.
also, to show that the MC is communicating in another language other than English, i'm thinking of using these Japanese 「quotation brackets」. thoughts?
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hard-of-death · 1 year
When hearing people find out that only like, a 1% of hearing parents of deaf and hoh children actually learn to sign for them, and that even then most of those that do learn, only learn "the basics", aka a few signs related to domestic life without any type of structure or grammar, just single signs here and there, and they start this whole fucking scene where they act like their entire world is ending and they cry and shout and act all indigned and HOW CAN THEY??? That is so so ugly and sad!! Just so sad :(:(:(:(
And they basically just expect you to consolate them and promise that yes, you know they won't ever do something like that (even tho they don't even have the decency to repeat themself when you ask them to. Or look at you when they speak. Or do anything to make communication easier. And you KNOW they would do exactly the same thing that 99% of hearing parents do) And you have to smile and nod and say yes, yes it's a terrible thing and then you have to start laying in front of them your whole D/deaf /hoh childhood story and give them a detailed presentation on your relationship with your parents because they won't stop asking so they can keep pretending they could not even fathom it was this bad, and pity you and go tell their friends how sad this all is :( and how they are gonna go save the Deaf!! And that they will learn to sign and be the hero we were expecting all along...and then they just
Don't even learn how to say "good morning"
Or properly communicate with us
Or even just listen to us so they are not this misinformated or ignorant to Deaf issues
Or even just
I don't know, try
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batterwing · 9 months
Happy Deaf awareness month to:
D/deaf people who use sign language
D/deaf people who use spoken language
D/deaf people who use spoken language and sign language
D/deaf people who use AAC
D/deaf people who aren't fluent in sign language
D/deaf people who are learning sign language
D/deaf people who lip-read
D/deaf people who have comorbidities
D/deaf people who don't have comorbidities
D/deaf people who are physically disabled
D/deaf people who aren't disabled
D/deaf people who are mentally disabled
D/deaf people who are intellectually disabled
D/deaf people who are sensory disabled
D/deaf people who are deaf and blind
D/deaf people who go to speech therapy
D/deaf people who don't go to speech therapy
D/deaf people in special education classes
D/deaf people who need an aide
D/deaf people who need an interpreter
D/deaf people who use transcription
D/deaf people who use FMs
D/deaf people who are forced to use aids they don't want
D/deaf people who can't access medical care
D/deaf people who go to Deaf schools
D/deaf people who grew up in Deaf culture
D/deaf people who grew up in hearing culture
D/deaf people who grew up in hearing and Deaf culture
D/deaf people who make Deaf art
D/deaf people who make music
D/deaf people who love music
D/deaf people who use hearing aids
D/deaf people who use CIs
D/deaf people who don't use hearing aids or CIs
D/deaf people who have Deaf family
D/deaf people who prefer the term hearing impaired
D/deaf people who prefer the term hard of hearing
D/deaf people who prefer the term Deaf gain
D/deaf people who prefer the term Deaf
D/deaf people who prefer the term deaf
And to all D/deaf people, have a good September from your local Deaf person <3
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wheelie-sick · 9 months
happy deaf month to all the deafies who aren't palatable to hearing people!!! happy deaf month to every deaf person who:
refuses to speak for hearing people and only signs
prefers signing to speaking
refuses to wear hearing aids or cochlear implants
refuses to engage with people who aren't willing to accommodate them
doesn't "try their hardest" to fit in with the hearing world
doesn't care to fit into the hearing world and prefers the Deaf world
doesn't tone down their bluntness for hearing people
you are wonderful and ILY 🤟
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nothoughtsgayboy · 11 months
So I went to see The Lion King in theatre (it was indescribably good) and they had captions! For like the whole show! In multiple differnt areas! Why didn't I know this was a thing? It's super cool, and I could finally watch a play without missing half of the jokes and dialogue!
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simplytiredtransboy · 8 months
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deepblueskiesabove · 6 months
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diceydeals · 1 year
Hearing and History
12th April 2023
So, I recently found out that my level of hearing is a lot lower than I thought it was and probably always has been.
What does this mean? Basically I probably would've benefited from hearing aids and learning sign language as a child rather than relying on self-taught lip-reading, guesswork, and asking people to repeat themselves/be patient.
Let me tell you, people are not always good at being patient.
I have very mixed feelings about this. Listening is very tiring, and I have always said this! I couldn't do mental maths questions because they were on a tape recording. Ditto language listening and oral exams, which I kept failing at school. French was nearly impossible for me because I cannot hear the words or make sense of the month movements. Thank gd for Spanish!
I didn't have a hearing test until I was in secondary school. That policy has changed now in the NHS so hearing loss is picked up very soon after birth. Basically, there were a bunch of points in my life when someone could have intervened to give me the tools to navigate the world rather than just let me figure it out.
I am not part of the Deaf community. I don't know anybody my age who is hard of hearing or deaf. My family thought it was 'normal' because my mum, her sister, and my grandad all have hearing loss. I was teased for being deaf while simultaneously nobody taking the implications of my deafness seriously. It was a lose-lose situation. Essentially, it wasn't that I wasn't deaf enough, it was that it didn't effect me obviously enough for anyone to do anything.
Now I have hearing aids, I can hear music, I can hear lyrics. I can hear (although not focus on) multiple conversations. Birds are insanely fucking loud. Projectors and air-conditioning drive me up the wall. My tinnitus is definitely worse, but that may also be a side effect of long covid (apparently that's a thing). It's a wild experience that I'm still getting used to, a year later.
I would still love to learn sign language. But now's not a great time: I'm tired, working and studying full-time, recovering from covid, and generally have shit going on. British Sign Language lessons are expensive in person, but learning online is something I'd rather avoid as I can't concentrate easily. This means more travel, more money, more time, more energy. This means I have to wait.
I wish I could've had the chance to learn when I was first diagnosed.
TLDR; just because you can work to the point of exhaustion to fit the needs of the world, doesn't mean you should have to! You deserve accommodations. The world needs to bend so that people don't break.
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