#Yandere creatures
yanderemommabean · 2 months
so like . i see this blog is a safe haven for people who fucks beasts and whatnot.
hear me out ma, Godzilla.
thats it thank you for giving me your attention. Possibly give us hcs?
While he is massive, if you managed to catch his attention, he would be as gentle as he could. I do like to think he'd accidentally destroy nearby buildings when excited to see you, so maybe you'd have to have a large nest a few islands away for your safety and the publics! He'd like to bring you prey he'd caught, and maybe even roast it for you if he's confident he wont hurt you in the process. You're just so small! and he likes you so much! Oh he'd go on such a rampage if you got injured!
Doesn't like when other scientists come over. Sure yeah explain what you want but to him they're all just vile, annoying pests who need to just jot down their little notes and LEAVE.
Jobs dont make too much sense to him either. He always just eats when he's hungry, sleeps when he's tired, and so on. But you explain that you can't do that at all and he just considers breaking apart even more cities, because that's less cruel than capitalism.
Likes to show you shiny things but since he's, you know, MASSIVE, said shiny things are usually cars, building pieces, large rocks, and sometimes planes.
Tries his best to make the nest comfortable, but he isn't used to warm blooded creatures so he never knows when you're too cold or too hot, so one half is all fabrics and bedding and blankets and the other is nice cool rocks and industrial fans (you do the electrical work sadly but, it cant be helped, as he's a GIANT LIZZARD. Dont be mean!)
-Mommabean (Hope these were entertaining!)
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yandereforme · 11 months
So, I was thinking about @heartfullofleeches ‘s au with the supernatural harem and was inspired to make my own take on it.
Now you were born in a town right next to two very wooded areas. One side of woods is commonly used as a child’s play area, and was genuinely regarded as a very nice place. The others set of words dark and foreboding. It was considered cursed.
However, the forboding forest was not full of the dark and terrible creatures that all them expected. Well, it was, but not the time they were imagining. This forest was known by the residence as the reject forest. It was the forest that supernatural beings who did not fit with most of their community usually want to stay.
Some examples are a siren who’s singing voice is scratchy and odd, but can rap like no one else, a vampire, who loves wearing light clothing and has burned himself while watching sunsets multiple times, a fairy who looks all dark and scary, but is terrible at magic aside from healing, and eldritch entity that flickers between a giant eyeball and a weirdly shaped teddy bear, and cannot control what they turn into usually (Hey, they are only 200 to 300 years old) etc.
You are a lonely orphan, who does not like people. Well, you don’t like the people in your village. You’re almost 18 now though, so you want to get out of the orphanage before they can kick you out. However, you are also directionally challenged and clumsy, part of the reason you weren’t adopted in the first place, so it’s not that surprising that you end up in the forboding forest, and accidentally bumped into a lot of spirits.
However, your lack of socialization with your peers comes in handy, as you do not have any social boundaries, which leads to you ending up in several shenanigans, all the while slowly wrapping these people around your little finger as you show them that you love the way they are, and do not want them to change.
How do you spend time there, and the forest excepts you as its own, you do not realize you start to grow a little bit different. Do you have a light glow around you and people swear your eyes twinkle. Quietly, you are dubbed an angel of a broken.
However, just because these are outcast does not mean that they won’t shank a bitch for you. Every time they learn about your childhood, someone in your village ends up dying. You mention a story of how when you were younger one of the orphanage caretakers told you you were useless after you tripped and fell? That woman is going to fall down a deep deep ditch before she’s feasting on. You tell a story about how the shopkeeper once told you that he suspected you were stealing from him because of your upbringing, and tried to beat you up? Well, he gets stolen away in the night and drowned.
You are their protector, their angel. You are never allowed to leave. You accept them and love them. So you’re not allowed to leave. You don’t have a choice.
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heartfullofleeches · 8 months
Sea Creature Reader is moved to a petting exhibit during the grace period right before their heats when they are most docile - the calm before the approaching storm. They sit quietly in their barred cage, chittering softly and sucking up the attention and treats guests and caretakers shower them with. Staff is instructed to immediately return them to their tank when they show signs of arousal, but how are they supposed to resists when their sweet baby guides their hands lower and looks up at them pleading with those big wet eyes. Sea Creature Reader uses all the vocabulary they've managed to pick up during attempts to teach them human language and general conversations as they cry out to anyone would will listen-
"...Hug.... Want.... Hurts... Open... Please.."
Their loyal caretakers are quick to unlock their cell and pull them into their arms come to find the "hug" the monster wanted involves dragging them into their cage and breeding them well past closing hours. Their caretaker babbles on about taking proper care of reader and their young, but the creature could hardly care less about their rambles as the sound of slapping skin all but drowns them out. Their caretaker proudly shows off their bite and claw marks to jealous coworkers the next day while the creature howls for more release they're sure to find sooner than later
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ddarker-dreams · 11 months
play wrestling, yan genshin edition.
lets you win, offers no resistance because they think you're cute: zhongli, shenhe, diluc, albedo, alhaitham, kazuha
lets you win because they don't even realize what you're doing: alhaitham, xiao, cyno, ei
would've let you won, if you hadn't provoked them with insults: kaeya, eula, kaveh
wins to establish dominance: CHILDE, scaramouche, raiden shogun
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yandere-kokeshi · 8 months
— it's mate
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Pairing: yandere tentacle-monster x gn reader
Summary: coming home angry from a bad day at work, you started to have fun with yourself. But some tentacles under your bed also wanted to join.
Warnings: yandere behavior, cursing, and smut: mention of dildo’s, reader watches porn from phone (that's soon forgotten), masturbation, slight choking, tentacles (DUH), anal, creampie in all ends (;)), and hints at eggs. 
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Sighing softly, you dropped your bags from work as you entered your home, the exhaustion of the day at the office weighing heavy on your shoulders. 
Your dickbag of a boss, Jared, was an idiot. Blaming you for things that were out of your control. Treating you differently than the rest of your team. Teasing too far and being too touchy for comfort. What an ignorant prick. 
It was irritating just thinking about him. 
Watching his ‘unique’ hair toss back, dye a colorful green, and flaunt it like it’s the most amazing thing. Oh, and let’s not forget about the horrible smell of cigarettes. The sharp cologne was worse. 
Gagging was a good way of describing him.
You weren’t hungry. Eating soup at lunch was fulfilling, but you were fulfilling something else. Something more… private. 
Walking into your bedroom, you sluggishly undressed yourself, throwing the dirty clothes onto the floor as you reached for your t-shirt. But you hesitated, stopping in your tracks before, knowing full well you don’t need it. 
It was a long day, and you deserve a treat. A good treat, that’s for sure. 
You flopped on your bed, a sizzling warmth of desire swirling in your stomach. You were unsure where the urge came from, considering that nothing — not even your favorite dildos were in sight to tempt you. 
But it was still there, and it needed to be satiated. 
The soft comforter tickled your bare legs, making you bite your lips. You snaked your hands up your stomach to your chest, fondling your now-hardened nubs. It sent chills down your spine, but it wasn’t satisfying your needs. 
You reached beside you, unlocking your phone with swift fingers, and began your search; the reliable porn site you used all the time when days were too rough. 
Quickly finding an appealing video, one that you knew would get you off, you pressed it — feeling your thighs clench uncontrollably at the excitement. 
As the video continued, you chewed your lips and snaked your hand underneath your laced underwear; feeling wetness pile. Your head falls back into your pillow, your fingers barely grazing your hole.
You felt your entire body flush. Electricity sends signals down your legs and into your sex. Within seconds, one of your hands went up to fondle your sensitive nipples. Gripping at them, you swirled a finger around your areola. 
Goosebumps rode over you. 
Gasping, you stroked your hole before entering it — slowing the pace as stretching, slight pain came, then quickening it another second later as pleasure and hotness envelops you. 
“Fuck–” you rasped out, pleasure shooting through you and the rope in your abdomen tightening; a clear sign of your closeness. 
Your phone slid beside you, the voices and sounds turning you on more than ever. You quickened the pace of your rubbing, swirling your juices in your sex with your two fingers. 
Suddenly, a faint feeling — a sliding, wet object wraps around your ankle, yanking it closer to the edge. Even with your fingers, you were too occupied with wanting to finish. But yet, something else joined in. 
Black tentacles rose from under your bed, connecting to your ankles and going up your body with a weird sensation: a cold, slick but hot touch. It was pleasing. Odd. Enjoyable nevertheless. 
Cursing out, you turned your gaze down towards your bare legs, seeing black tendrils gripping your ankles. Realization hit you like a bat, and you snatched your legs up, scrambling to sit upright. 
But the darkness grew bigger – pooling around your legs, dragging your form down slowly as they gripped your thighs, skin pulling at the sounds of suction cups pulling at them. 
It was pleasant, fulfilling, just like your desire. Despite your racing heart.
It made no sound, but the pressure increased until your legs parted willingly, and you lay back against your pillow. Yet, you let out a surprised gasp – feeling a black tendril immediately coming up and gripping your neck. 
The thick appendage swirled around your face, pulsing in a way as it was leaving a type of sticky substance onto your cheek — It stopped at your mouth, almost asking for consent before forcing it into your parted lips.
You gagged, but mewled as an intense pleasure like nothing you had ever experienced swept through you, starting from your sex and sweeping up your body, right under your skin like thunder. 
Cool and insistent, the pleasure seemed to touch you everywhere and nowhere all at once.
Something purred loudly from the blacks of your room. But you couldn’t pay attention to the almost-ancient voice. 
The tentacle in your mouth began to pump slowly, moving further down your throat. You gagged loudly, and when you tried pulling it out, the slick but hot-to-touch skin rose a large growl from the abyss of your room — the sound echoing itself into your very soul. 
You found yourself mewling in seconds. The thick, iridescent tendril between your legs started to tease you; purring loudly, as if it was enjoying your tensed body and gagging state. 
First heat then cold prickled your skin from the inside, all the while the creature remained between your bent legs. 
You knew you should be afraid, yelling for help, but it felt so good. You were so wet.
Then, what felt like a thick, serpentine tongue lapped curiously around your sex, tasting you, before the very tip pressed against your hole and you yelped. That same numbing, tingling, intense hot and cold, almost like when you tasted alcohol for the first time, began to swirl around your hole, tracing the lines of your puffed sex, and finally dipping inside you.
You moaned in pleasure, toes curling, as the creature moved rhythmically in and out of you, licking over your nipples when it pulled out, then returning the pressure to your inner walls until you were dripping and shuddering. 
It seemed to like it when you moaned, pushing deeper and gripping your thighs with its strange, tentacles which joined in your other hole.
“More…” breathed a deep and echoing voice, the walls of your room itself echoing the demand. 
You were stuffed in each way. 
The tentacle in your mouth started to jerk quickly, the tentacle slapping against your chin with every thrust. You moaned, feeling pleasure sweeping through you, you wanted to say more. Please give me more. But you couldn’t. 
Not when you’re stuffed to the brim. 
Spit dribbled down your chin. Numbing your skin as it face-fucked you; the movements becoming uneven, and the creature, somehow, groaning in a non-English language. 
“Such a pretty thing…”
The voice rang in your ears, your throat bulged as a muffled scream erupted from you — feeling pulsing ropes coiling around your arms, legs, and thighs; wrapping each of your limbs tightly and spreading you wider as you rose faster to your needed climax. 
Suddenly, an intense pleasure like nothing you had ever experienced swept through you, starting from your sex and sweeping up your body under your skin like electricity. 
And with that, the length, deep-throating you, sent hot strings of fluid down your throat; coating your tongue with salty, but delicious fluid that was entirely making you crazy. 
“Yesss….” came the echoed voice, one tendril tightening around your leg as another was playing with your nipples, “Swallow us whole, pretty human.”
Your eyes were watering, as you swallowed the continuous hot, thick fluid down your tightening throat. You couldn’t breathe, all your holes being used.
Seconds went by, and before you know it, the creature slid itself out of your abused throat — you let out a low-pitched whine, not only at the fact of not finishing, but wanting to continue.
Your struck nerves were going through the roof, and the creature was enjoying it.
“No need to be upset,” the creature cooed, “You’ll soon finish. Just need to prepare for the breeding process, mate.”
The voice hummed as your eyes widened. But, it left with no room for questioning or begging, because when it said that, you were quickly repositioned — you now being on your stomach, face being squished against your pillow, and feeling a rope slithering down your sleek back. Assuring you as to what’s about to come. 
Your heart lurched as you felt something much larger, thicker, took the place of the thin tentacle, the head testing against your entrances until your spine arched, and you moaned loudly against the writhing darkness around you. 
Then, in one brutal motion, it seated itself inside you. 
Its lengths filled you, and something pressed against that spot as its movements crescendoed, tears pricking the corners of your eyes.
You moaned shamelessly, “Yes–! More!” 
The surrounding air got warmer, the movements behind you slightly rougher as each tentacle took turns — one going in, another going out, and vice versa. 
“All ours.”
The growls it revealed sent shivers into your soul. And you were taking everyone like a whore. 
Pleasure like you’ve never felt before swept through you, and you bit into the sheets, moaning like a good ol’ breeder as drool smeared across your hot skin. Strong, and thick tentacles surrounded your waist, arms, and thighs as it pounded into you faster as it growled loudly. 
And finally, you broke. 
You came with a scream, back arching, hips lifting, and hands gripping the wet sheets. Your body spasmed, the rope in your stomach snapped, and the fire spread along your body; sending you over the edge.
“You take us so well — sooo tight.”
And with that, the creature climaxed — hot, thick, and filling cum filled you to the prim. Many tentacles nuzzle your neck, jaw, and help pull your sweaty hair out of your forehead. 
It purred as the fluid filled you still. You felt the tentacles still pleasuring you, sliding in and out of your spent holes at a tortuously slow speed. Even though you were full, you felt hot liquid dribble down your thighs and onto the bed. 
The creature chuckled, a slimy-like tongue licking your sweat. It seemed to enjoy your taste.
“We promise to provide the best treatment for you – after all, we are not done.”
You didn’t say anything, even though you wanted to. You simply allowed exhaustion to wash over you, claiming you instantly as your eyes fluttered closed. 
The next morning, the birds chirping and the morning light shining in your room, you grunted at your sore body. Still feeling the same hotness as you felt before. At first, you were so sure it had to be a dream.
But as you looked down, seeing circled hickeys stained onto your skin, and the sheets stained with liquid, it proved you wrong.
Before you could get up, and use the bathroom to clean yourself up from the very messy night — you felt a thick appendage wrap around your ankle, yanking you back into the bed. And before you could speak, something beat you to it.
“Didn’t we tell you we are not done? We need you as our personal mate.”
Goosebumps rose, and the very ache inside you throbbed. 
Before long, you were at it again — all your holes used, your ass and main hole used as breeding grounds as your mouth was used as a bucket holder. And yet, you couldn’t ask for more than a perfect thing. 
You couldn’t say anything, your voice was worn out too long ago that you had forgotten. 
And yet, just as you placed your hand on your belly, hours already passed as a small tentacle affectingly swirled against your fingers, you felt your tummy quite larger; a hint of its impregnating grounds already working. 
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, it helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
Tags: @finleyrambles , @juciybeef. @valeriasbaby ,
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ystrike1 · 3 days
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peoplesgraves · 1 year
Monster hunter reader who has no idea that they’re a monster hunter and are literally wired to attract monsters.
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You find an injured dog on the side of the road and take it home and suddenly there’s a hot wolf lady sitting on your couch and insisting on thanking you for patching her up.
A bat accidentally flies into your bathroom and you call animal control. However when you open the door the bats been replaced by the palest guy you’ve ever seen who has immediate hearts in his eyes at how your first reaction is to throw the nearest object at him.
Cutting through a cemetery as a shortcut and suddenly your chin hits the ground and there’s a decomposed hand clasped around your ankle. Ever so slowly an entire person springs forth. Even with all decomposed bits you can tell they’re smiling at you in a not so platonic way.
If you step foot in the forest you can bet they’ll be at least a couple fae traps. All they want is to whisk you away to their world where you can be happy and together forever.
The ocean is also a task but far less dangerous. You’re sure to bump into a mermaid or two but instead of trying to take you to their world, they’ll try to follow you to yours. They’ll give you gifts as their way to propose and should you ever accept they’ll be bound to you and able to follow you to land.
A demon and Angel appear at your door and become a fixture in your life. Always arguing in the background about what’ll happen to your soul and who you’ll spend your eternal afterlife with.
A witch who you go to for help getting rid of the monsters but instead she gives you potions to calm your fears and anxieties. Who convinces you to give the harem a chance, they just want to love you after all.
Buying a larger house to fit all of your new companions and gaining yet another. A cynical ghost who takes great pleasure in seeing the others upset but acts like a perfect golden child around you.
Will be writing more for this because I’m in a monster mood!!
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sourlove · 2 months
a/n: thanks for all the notes everyone! i'll try to write and post more!
Yandere! King who was a good and benevolent ruler and loved by all who encountered him. From his good looks, to his amazing battle prowess, to his diplomatic skills, there was nothing he lacked or wanted for. Instead of squandering the kingdom's resources like his predecessors, he expanded the kingdom and improved the lives of his people.
Yandere! King who journeyed up the Black Mountain by himself to slay the dragon that had been tormenting the kingdom for years! Unfortunately, that came with a severe consequence.
Yandere! King who was cursed with the dragon's dying breath to never know peace until he learns to love. No one knew about that last part but the King and the dragon. They wouldn't understand it. Only an ancient and wise being would be able to look into the noble King and see a cold, empty heart.
Yandere! King who was tormented by whispers and screams only he could hear, corners haunted with bloodied corpses only he could see and nightmares that left him screaming and clawing at his own body.
Yandere! King who was tormented more by the fact that as the curse ate away more and more at his sanity, the chances of him learning to love (what a cruel word that had become) became slimmer and slimmer.
Yandere! King who didn't believe in love. He had married a princess and sired children with her simply because he had to. That's what kings did. She was a good choice: docile, pretty enough to fuck, and smart enough to know when to keep her mouth shut. But the curse had made being around anyone, especially her and her brats, unbearable. Love? What a foolish notion. He would rather die a mad man than let himself be swayed by something so flimsy, so weak.
Yandere! King who wished in the dead of night for something or someone to save him. He didn't want to live like this. He didn't want to die like this. Disembodied voices chased sleep away and the once proud King wept in misery.
Yandere! King who stumbled into you by chance. It was a regular day for you as you went about your business, travelling on the road to sell herbs and potions when you were knocked down by the kings carriage as he passed by. You kicked up a fight with the guards, lashing out at their brusque handling and one of them made a crude comment about you. In your blind rage, you fished a potion from your satchel and threw it.
Yandere! King who came out to see what the commotion was and was suddenly struck with a dark, viscous liquid that clouded his vision and made him stumble back. You were immediately forced to your knees as you stared at the King himself wiped your potion from his face. Your life was definitely over now, you thought miserably.
Yandere! King who finally turned to see his attacker and halted to a stop once your eyes connected.
Yandere! King who looked around frantically, checking and listening for anything, anything, while everyone else watched him with confusion and worry. Had the King finally succumbed to his curse? Or had you worsened it?
Yandere! King who turned to you, shaking and whispered ,"You've cured me. Y-you- the voices- the voices are gone...they're all gone!" He refused to let you leave. He snarled at his guards to release you and begged you to enter his carriage and go to the palace with him.
Yandere! King who announced that his savior had lifted his curse. The people cheered as he dragged escorted you to stand next to him, where his queen should have stood, and kissed you on both cheeks. "From now on, I will dedicate my life to repaying my debt to you."
Yandere! King who threw a feast in celebration and forced you to dance with him all night. He praised your talents and beauty to all who would listen, never giving you the opportunity to slip away from his iron grasp.
Yandere! King who pleaded with you to stay. When you adamantly refused, he stopped pleading and ordered you as your King.
Yandere! King who soon realized that the curse slowly creeped back to him after he was gone from your presence for a few minutes. Instead of filling him with sorrow, the King could only smile widely. Now you had to be with him, to sleep next to him, to stay with him, to love him, until you drew your last breath.
Yandere! King who appointed you as his new concubine. The queen was outraged but he paid her no mind. She was lucky he didn't divorce her, for political reasons, and her opinion never mattered to begin with.
Yandere! King who would burn down the entire kingdom to hunt you down if you escaped from him. So be good and don't kick up a fuss, alright? All you have to do is be a good pet and stay next to him, living luxuriously with the world at your feet.
You're his savior after all.
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zhongrin · 3 months
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modern au crack-ish yandere idea. dragons being the king of all lizards, imagine zhongli being able to control all the 'lesser' lizards to some extent, maybe even share senses with them.
and what better way for him to watch you, his dearest darling, than connecting with the common house geckos that's roaming around your house?
they're harmless, agile, and inconspicuous enough to do some basic monitoring. don't pay attention to the strange amber-eyed tiny animal perched on your bedroom walls, dear. don't delude yourself into thinking that its eyes seemed to shine in the darkness of your room while you teeter between dream and reality deep into the night. don't worry about how it seemed to chirp angrily whenever your friends come over, as if it's warning them from entering its territory.
it's just a common house pet anyway. right?
if you're a superstitious person, that's even better. geckos are said to be a symbol of luck, protection of your home and its residents. and in this case, it's especially true for you.
worry not, for this 'lizard' will gladly rid all the 'insects' who dared to step into your abode.
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a/n: lil background story time. i needed to change my bedsheets and got utterly spooked by a tiny lil house lizard flopping onto my arm when i was moving my plushies to my desk. zhongli... honey... lizards are cute, yes, but you're the only lizard i don't mind having in my bedー /smacked
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dr3c0mix · 1 year
Okay hear me out: yandere harpy. The reader is on a hike or something and he notices them and is immediately enamored. He grabs them and keeps them in his nest and because it's so high up they can't get down on their own 😳
Lovey Dovey
Harpy x GN Reader
CW: kidnapping, stockholm syndrome
first day back from my hiatus and were already on some more sweet sweet terato ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡ ive never written a harpy before but by golly ive been wanting to for a while! thank you smallcactus22 for requesting!
🪶 All you wanted was a fun adventure away from work, a breath of fresh air after being trapped in a colorless cubicle for god knows how long.
🪶 You wanted, no, needed a vacation. You looked through the many websites that showcased lovely tourist spots like beaches and retreats, all either a little too shady or way too expensive.
🪶 One caught your eye though, an ad for a hiking trip across a mountainous landscape filled with lush greens and lovely pink flowers, it was pretty affordable too. You immediately booked a spot on the hiking trail and wrote up a letter to your boss that you'd be on vacation for a few days.
🪶 When you finally came, you were already enamored by the scenery. Everything was a pink and reddish hue from all the petals that fell from the trees. You saw a person holding up a sign that said, "Hiking Trail!" and quickly ran up to the group of people supposedly taking the same hike as you.
🪶 The tour guide explained the history of the trail, it sounded more of a legend or myth however, with him speaking of an ancient race of humans with the ability to fly.
🪶 You thought nothing of it, probably just a part of the place's culture or something, you then followed the rest of the group to start the hike.
🪶 You couldn't help this uneasy feeling of being watched while on the trail, like there was something following you as you continued along the red path surrounded by pinks and blueish greens. It was probably a wild animal or two, you were in a forest after all.
🪶 On the other hand, Kalva could do nothing but watch you from the dense flora he was perched within. He's seen humans travel through the harpy infested woods before, all of which were uninteresting as a dried leaf on the ground.
🪶 So when he laid his eyes on you, it felt like an arrow to his chest. He was taken aback by how cute you were, so soft, so graceful. With the shawl you had on he would've mistaken you for one of his kind if it were not for you walking alongside other humans.
🪶 The harpies were very weary of humans, especially tourists. Only the few that have grown up near the mountains know of their existence, one that is protected lest danger falls on them like the old dragons of legend that was wiped out by greedy humans who thought of themselves as divine saviors in a world of evil.
🪶 Even with all these thoughts swirling in his head, he thought you were different. You didn't look at all like the other tourist who were babbling to themselves about who knows what with their funny black bricks that sparked now and again. They were so clumsy and ditzy compared to you who was just admiring the scenery around you, truly in the moment unlike the others who only cared for a nice photo or two.
🪶 After about an hour, the group stopped at a rest stop to take a break, you kept watching the flora dance and sway as everyone else drank and rested their feet. You treaded deeper into the pink forest, making sure to keep the rest stop in sight.
🪶 Just then you hear rustling from above, a large shadow gliding past you from overhead. You would think it was a bird if not for the size of the shadow. The shadow circled around you, as the shaking of the leaves above grew louder and louder.
🪶 Now your uneasiness is back tenfold, your heart racing as you frantically look around.
🪶 There was nothing there however, and you breathe a sigh of relief before turning to go back to the rest stop.
🪶 You yelp as you are, however, met with giant yellow eyes staring at you. You trip on a tree root and fall on your butt as a man half covered in feathers stared at you, penetrating your very soul.
🪶 You try to scramble away but the creature keeps walking nearer and nearer, his head cocking to the sides like that of a bird.
🪶 Your back meets with a tree as you're left in the mercy of this massive birdman in front of you. You feel tears starting to form in your eyes as a taloned hand reaches to your face.
🪶 You were surprised at the gentle touch you felt on your face as Kalva wiped your tear away, cooing softly.
🪶 "uhm...hello there?" you mutter.
🪶 "hello..." He replies in a raspy but quiet voice.
🪶 "Wh-who are you?" you ask, the tension in your body dissipating as you get more comfortable with him, well not really comfortable, just a little less tense as you were before.
🪶 "My name is...Kalva..."
🪶 "Kalva..I'm (Y/N).."
🪶 His pupils dilate at the sound of your name. He mutters it to himself like a word he wished to remember.
🪶 He sniffs at you, all over your body and clothes, focusing then on your bag. You reach inside and take out some crackers you packed for the hike and gave it to him. He was confused at first, never seeing a seed or insect like it, but was then greeted with a wonderous sensation of sweet and salty. He squawks happily, nuzzling his head into your chest, making you a tad bit surprised and unsure of what to do now that a bird man creature thing is cuddling you in a forest. You placed a hesitant hand on the back of his head and started petting him, he started cooing very softly, that must mean he's happy.
🪶 You then hear the tour guide call for everyone to continue on the trail, you greet Kalva goodbye and try to walk away when you're suddenly grabbed by your shoulders and lifted up. You yelp and scream, asking to be put down but the harpy ignored your pleas and flew high up into the mountains.
🪶 Oh what a day it was for Kalva! He knew the little human was the one! They fed him, they preened him, just like a good mate would! He must have been very good as his courting! Of course, his little mate couldn't have seen it from down below, but they surely would have if they accepted him so quickly right afterwards!
🪶 Finally they reached his perch atop a tall mountain. It was a giant circular hut of some kind made of branches and lined with colorful flowers and leaves. Inside, his nest was filled with cotton of the softest kind, only the best for his mate! Little baubles and shiny trinkets hung from the curved ceiling and trinkled softly as they shook. He placed them down as they shook in fear at the height.
🪶 Kalva landed next to them cooing and chirping comfortingly, don't worry my lovely! You won't fall from here! I will protect you!
🪶 It was like this for days; you trapped a thousand miles high in a nest you can't escape from otherwise the harpy would find you and carry you back. He would leave for hours at a time, offering you food and small gifts he's found he thought you might like, some of them things left behind by other tourists like a water bottle, a book, a hat and a few others.
🪶 At night, he'd pull you into a warm embrace under his wings. He can't help but stare at you as you snore peacefully under him.
🪶 Of course you were frightened to the core the whole time, but you tried your best to explain to him that you weren't his mate and that you needed to go home, but he kept insisting that you two were meant for each other, for him to coddle and fed you and you to love and preen him when he returns home.
🪶 He dreams for you both to have chick of your own, the idea of coming home to the happy chirping of little hims and yous gave him a happy giddy feeling.
🪶 After a while you figured getting down on your own wasn't an option and Kalva was your only hope in returning to the familiar world below.
🪶 You started talking to him more, books he would bring home, you'd read to him, food collected would be shared between you two.
🪶 And somehow, throughout this whole process, you managed to grow quite close to the man.
🪶 He understood English more, now collecting other foods like stolen snacks from tourists instead of bugs and wild fruits he'd usually eat.
🪶 You found yourself missing his company when he was away. He'd chirp happily as you rushed to hug him as he lands in your shared nest after a hunt.
🪶 Soon enough, he'd trust you to explore the mountain's peak outside of the nest. There was a lovely little lake next to his abode with a tree bearing red fruits. In the distance you could hear the faint calls of other harpies.
🪶 All you wanted was a fun adventure away from work, and you were given more than what you've bargained for, a glimpse into a hidden world of creatures far beyond your imagination, with one of them being your very loving mate.
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and as a bonus, Kalva doodle for yall <3
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It's raining cats and dogs
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My cat and dog hybrids, and random things about them! [Not proofread]
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★ Brutus the german shepherd
He's a big boy alright. A startling 6'6 frame, but that doesn't stop him from acting like a little bastard. He's playful and cocky, a little protective but that's just in his instincts to protect his little herd! In his physical appearance, He's starting to grow out his buzz cut, a pair of German shepherd ears ontop. he's hoping to maybe dye a couple strands of hair blond once they're long enough. green eyes that stare into your soul, absolutely no thought process behind them
★ dolly the doberman
Everyone loves dolly. There used to be another doberman named Danny but they sent him to the pound when he bit both the farmer and his granddaughter. She used to have puppies with Danny but they didn't survive the winter, they got sick and passed the coming spring. She's a little rough around the edges but you'll love her too right? Don't let Brutus hog all the love! In her physical appearance, she has very short brown hair and a pair or doberman ears, with one of them being a little bit, ontop of her head. 5'7 with a deadly brown eyed stare.
★ bladviba the black Russian terrier
A messy mop of brown curls he calls hair sits atop his head. He's usually out in the fields observing the cattle, black eyes staring out Into the distance. The others say he used to be a fisherman's dog but then he had to find a new home since he passed away one night. Stoic and serious, he's secretly a 5'8 softie who wants to hide and cuddle you somewhere. But that bastard Brutus would probably find you in less than an hour.
★ molly the chow chow
molly may be the smallest out of all them, but that doesn't mean she won't let them do all the work. Usually she's trailing behind dolly, claiming that since their names are similar they have to stick close together. She has a short temper and a little brutish, but you'll get used to her. Spiky short brown hair, with dark black eyes that sparkle when she sees you. A 5'2 sweetheart- wait who gave molly a knife-
★ sweet pea the Samoyed
Sweet pea loves many things! You, bones, their house, sleep. Okay maybe not many things but atleast some things! Usually quiet and following you from behind, they quietly take up the role of your 6'1 guard dog. Helping you around the barn, and in exchange all you have to do is let them scent you for another 2 hours every 4 hours! Dirty white hair, with black eyes as dark as charcoal.
★ bubba the borzoi
Bubba is so fucking done with both you and the others. Can you stop fucking singing 'let me do it for you' like shut up he's trying to do his job here. He refuses to let you see the slightest smile but just know he is smiling. He's just stubborn. Like VERY stubborn. Sarcastic and empathetic, a deadly combo. He could be comforting you and then calling you a blubbering fool the next. 6/10, would bite my ass. He's a startling 6'11, with blue eyes and light blonde hair
★ princess the ragdoll
Name the most spoiled housecat who ever lived. She lives up to her name, she's been in many beauty pageants and won a many prizes. Ribbons, trophies, photographs all align the walls of her room. She'll give you a side eyed look before making you go through a 600 step beauty routine, before ever allowing you to touch her. Atleast she'll cuddle you for hours on end, so the torture was worth it all. King is the only person she respects, aside from her owners. White long curly hair, blue eyes and 5'5
★ prince the Norwegian forest cat
He's the most humble cat ever known, all he really wants is to settle down, have a couple litters, and be a good dad. But princess hated his guts and quite frankly, he hated her. He much preferred you, he wondered how you'd look with a belly full of his kits.. he'll respect your wishes, but don't mind him breaking into your room every now and then. (He leaves hair everywhere, don't let him.) Ginger fluffy hair, green eyes and 5'7
★ king the Khao manee
King could either be planning your downfall or planning the entire family you'll have together. The greatest manipulator ever known to cat kind. He could convince you orange is red and red is blue if you let him (don't let him), he manipulates princess to do things for him but now that you're here, you won't mind taking over now will you? Sandy blonde hair with heterochromiac eyes. 5'6
Bonus: the forest pack ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- ︶︶︶︶༉‧
★ Roxy the wolf
butch werewolf? Butch werewolf. She's stoic and quiet, but she's just a gentle giant. Following her brothers around, she's very obedient and surprisingly, loves gardening! Long Spiky black hair, red eyes and 6'7
★ Silas the wolf
Silas is the leader, commanding his siblings when to act and when to fall behind. But he just wants a break and to lay down, take a nice long nap. Until one of his siblings comes running to him for help. Oh well, he had a nice sleep. He loves them, he truly does, but he wants a nap in peace. Very short spiky black hair, red eyes, 6'9
★ Milo the wolf
Milo is selectively mute. With a deadpan look always on their face and they seem emotionless, but that's not the case. They're just always distracted and can't really focus on many things. Be a little patient will you? Medium long spiky black hair, red eyes, 6'6
★ Kiki the Pomeranian
Kiki is some dog hybrid they found off the road and decided they're one of them. Feral and has a big dog complex. Tries to be intimidating but they just aren't. Sometimes they watch you work on the farm from the edge of the forest, a little jealous of the animals that get to watch you everyday. Messy blonde hair, black eyes that hold the anger of a toddler being forced into A school play, and very short. 4'9
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yanderemommabean · 5 months
This is my time sending a submission so hello!! I thought I’d share my thoughts on a yandere crow harpy :)
A funny lil gift giving, obsessive loving lil guy. He’s incredibly smart, but he acts dumb to make you laugh to keep you distracted from the kidnapping!!
So many things to say about crow harpy, not enough time 😔
❤️Brings you shiny things when he sees you
❤️Likes to squawk and chirp when you're around and loves to tell you about his days adventuring and finding said shiny items
❤️Doesn't like when other harpy's get too close...pecks at them aggressively and definitely insults their mothers in his native tongue
❤️He's just so happy and enamored with you. Loves everything about you and learning more each chance he can, and loves watching you do your day to day life even if you consider it boring. He could watch paint dry with you and have a wonderful time!
❤️When he eventually does take you to his nest, he swears you two are going to see the river or the woods during the full moon, and you let him carry you. Once you're in his nest however, he knows you're too scared to try and get down considering its one of those larger hundreds of feet tall tree's. Good luck looking down and not getting vertigo!
❤️Now he can show his true self. More mature, intelligent, and carries himself with a lot of confidence. You'll stay up here, in this nest, until you accept his courting. Try any tricks, act out too much, and well...the ground is right there, he can always help you greet it. (Not that he'd ever do that! He would just keep you up there longer, maybe even without blankets! Oh but would that be too cruel? He doesn't want to hurt you! he just wants your love!)
❤️Loves to scent you, give you his feathers in your hair to mark you as his, to have his teeth marks on your shoulder and neck, any sign that you're his is cherished.
❤️Loves to feed you too. Loves hand feeding you little treats and giving you small snacks, likes knowing he's providing for you, it soothes his more animalistic side!
❤️Puffs his feathers when threatened or angry, and even when embarrassed, and you have a hard time telling which is which when you say he's so cute you could eat him up
❤️Nonstop breeding sessions when in heat and I'm not sorry. Those talons cling onto you and you're going to take every drop he gives you, and you're going to do it while moaning his name.
❤️Loves to demand you cum when he cunts down, tells you that for every time you can't, it's another orgasm he's going to force out of you. Cum before then and he's tempted to be mean and say that it doesn't count, that you should learn to be on time! (He just loves to overstimulate and drain you darling! You're so pretty when fucked dumb and unable to fight him off!)
❤️You'll be lucky to not be bitten and bleeding by the time this rut has passed. During these periods, his kind are more protective, possessive, territorial and easy to anger. Playing with his feathers soothes him sometimes but others, well...It can get messy between you two, for sure.
(Hhhiiii! I loved this idea bean! Hope I didn't stray too far lol, I hope you like it too! -Mommabean)
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heartfullofleeches · 2 months
Yan Dentist and the bitey not-so little leech creature that lives in the lake in their backyard.
[The dentist stares into the creature's mouth - rows upon rows of tiny teeth coating every wall]
Yan Dentist: Marvelous!~ I've never seen so many teeth in one mouth before. They even appear to be growing on your tongue! What a beautiful freak of nature you are, my dear~
Leech Creature Darling: .....
[The creature proceeds to bite the dentist's arm]
Yan Dentist: Ahaha, that tickles! Hungry, are you? That's alright - drink up as much as you need. In return I hope you don't mind coming home with me. We can build you a nice tank in my bedroom. We'll be so happy together, my love~
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running-with-kn1ves · 7 months
Orc x Kidnapped human reader (Gender neutral)
A/N: Literally NO ONE asked for this but I kept seeing all those shrek/swamp romance tiktoks and got inspired to do some orc stuff. Man I love orcs... like big dumb bugs personified. (also ignore the experimental latin pet names idk what im doing)
CW: Kidnapping, forceful holding, arson, raiding, kind of just angst fluff?
Word count: 2600
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You knew the excitement of your life would never move past the blandness of day-in day-out work to survive, not as one without any bestowed or taught brow-raising talents that could lift you away from the mundane daily life you held in the wispy fields of the woodlands. 
As a realist you concurred that you’d never be the breadwinner in your family, maybe not the strongest when hauling crops, or the smartest when it came to solving passed down arithmetic equations from your cousins’ old school books. But as a child you always took comfort in the thought ‘at least I won’t be chained down, won’t be tied to some ugly pig farmer for a couple shillings.’ Your family valued you that much; well-- your working hands, that much. ‘One more body is one more mouth to feed’ you were told time and time again, but you pulled your weight and then some. 
You had little time to think outside of planting, weeding, bathing and eating. Meals and getting rid of the dirt covering your soles that you were scolded for after hours of being in the damp pastures were the only down time you had to yourself, not surrounded by the screaming nieces and nephews you were expected to take care of when the elder of your family members eventually passed from whatever disease ran rampant in the village the coming winter. You prepared your life, prepared for taking care of others and continuing your hard work in growing what you needed to survive, and selling what you didn’t. 
Unfortunately, that humdrum future was wiped out by swirling flames and the braying of stallions of mountainous size. They came in, trampling the greening cranberry bush you were planning to keep all to yourself, and the cabbages your family would have relied on for meals for the next two months before winter fell. 
Persimmon trees were burnt to crispy thorned stumps, the lush of your family’s acres now shredded to flecks of dead grass and muddy hoof prints, along with humanoid footsteps far too large to resemble any of the humans or disfigured hybrids in your teensy rural hamlet. Who were these unwelcomed strangers, the enormous creatures of the night that disrupted the only human civilization for miles around? You remained clueless for the entirety of being ripped out of your bed, continuing to be hauled over some olive-colored shoulder and thrown into a sack on the back of a wagon. 
“This one.” You heard, right before your dirty finger nails were pulled away from your twin beds fading sheets you desperately tried to keep. You had even managed to bring a small, lumpy pillow along with you, the creature that slung you over their shoulder leaving no assumption of a notice. You witnessed the still-burning remnants of your frail thatched home, as the silhouette of a muscular man lowered a flamed stick to its leftovers. 
The entirety of the bumpy ride to wherever your captors were bringing you to, you could only think of the fires holding onto the greenery of your land, of the dirt and rubble and smoke that clawed at your feet when you tripped into the wagon, burnt air choking you as a baby screamed out for its mother. 
Hours must’ve passed before you were brought into this musky, dank room with other fading faces from your village, but it only felt like a few moments ago that you heard the crackling of a fiery tree crushing rows of perking crops. 
The snapping of fingers nearly as grimy as your own blocked your recollection of clouded smoke and angry flames, bringing your attention back to the leather hut you sat domestically within. It was damp and dark inside, the light of torches outside being the only form of light. That, and the reflection of the metal on the warrior in front of you. He turned back, thumbing toward you as he looked at a similar creature.
“Agh, its no use, practically fucking deaf this one. Sure you don’t want one of the mothers?” 
The other orc slapped his fellow warrior on the shoulder with a hearty laugh. 
“No, my friend. Besides, sweet things’ only other option is Brutus. Don’t think he could last with one of these poor creatures without splitting it in two; ‘specially this one.” 
You were suddenly and acutely aware of the orcs conversation, now that your fate was being so clearly decided in front of you. 
The first, far sootier orc patted his fellow brethren on the chest as he turned away with a look that showed he was hardly convinced. Yet, he still walked out of the tented hut, ducking slightly to fit under it. 
You watched him leave, feeling a sense of relief as the threat had been removed. And yet, there was still one so prevelantly in front of you. 
“Hey there.” A guttural, almost faltering voice murmured to you. 
Eyes growing wide, you gripped harder onto the smushed pillow in your lap, instinctively leaning your upper body backward to get away from the orcish face right in front of you. 
“I’m not going to hurt you,” The orc gruffed, falling to a crouch as he watches you slide to the edge of the hut’s leather wall. “Just wanna see you up close.”
He consumed the entirety of your fearful attention, his existence like a heavy weight in the room as the quiet tension aimed at him. You pushed your head painfully against a wood pole behind the leather walls, trying to morph your body any distance away that would provide you a miniscule fraction of comfort. But none came, especially not when a sudden warm finger pushed into your cheek. The green thumb pulled your upper lip, showing the ends of your teeth. Your other cheek smushed into your eye as the orc did the same to the other side, observing your poor excuse for chompers compared to his large, well-groomed tusks. 
“Guess these’ll do. You can atleast chew meat, right?” he pulled your jaw open gently, making your lips part. “Don’t wanna have to feed you like a baby bird; though, that wouldn’t be the worst of troubles.” 
You slapped his hand away, grimacing at the idea of being fed by this beast-creature. 
“I can eat perfectly fine.” You grumble, noticing how stiff the orcs arm was, still holding out beside your face as it rests dejected. “What does that matter, aren’t you going to eat me anyway?”
You keep a frown on your face, glaring up at the crouched brute. 
He let out a hearty laugh, those around you turning away from their miserable memories to face the strident disturbance. 
“So cute, as if you’d be enough to feed an orcling!” He let out another chestful of a laugh, grabbing at your cheek this time with a pinch. “My little to-be spouse, I knew you’d be worth the trouble.”
Wincing in pain, your fingers came up to try and pry his rough, printless thumb off your salty skin. 
“So adorable,” He throatily squealed, dragging you closer by the cheek to stumble into his chest. The only thing covering the caverned flesh of deep holes and ravined slices in his skin were straps of bull leather, and the furs of cottontails sewn to form a thin shawl around his bulky shoulders. 
He smelled of a foreign musk, the slight piquant scent of his skin being swallowed in by your nostrils as your lips smushed against the dip in the middle of his chest. Something sharp poked into the side of your face as you were held tightly against the orc, making you muffle against him to let you go. 
“You’re right you’re right; we should have some privacy-- and you, should get a chance to see your new home. My home.” He huffed against your ear, humid breath making your neck sweat as tusks touched the top of your head. “Name’s Xerxes, don’t forget it-- make sure you tell it to any orcs that try n’ talk to you.”
“Wait now--” Your aimed attempt of protesting was cut wrongly short by the sudden grab of your ankles, Xerxes beginning to stand back up as he dragged you with him. Before you knew it you were upside down, hollering as fat fingers made their way around your tibia. A shoulder jutted into your soft stomach, throat heaving as Xerxes began to move. You saw your lone pillow left on the ground, growing farther away as the large legs belonging to your captor moved from below your vision.
With every huge step he took, the harsh necklaces of teeth (which you prayed belonged to animals) dug into your side-- huh, so that must’ve been what was scraping against your face earlier. They clinked together as he walked, his body so rigid and unorthodox that he made a sound whenever he moved, whether it be a snorted grunt or the stomp from his feet, or the shift of his clothes and sheathed weapons. 
Xerxes didn’t open the leather flap of the hut sahe carried you out, walking straight as it brushed across your head. You shut your eyes in an unavoidable flinch, but the orc hardly noticed as he adjusted you on his shoulder, grabbing right below your thighs to hold you steady. 
The brilliant idea of beating and scratching his back enough to get free was so enticing you were on the brink of trying it-- but the orc standing outside the hut you just left, the unfamilliar darkness of the grasslands surrounding you, made you think twice. 
And just like that, your world spun and you were tossed inside what must’ve been another tent, a blur of oranges from fiery torches and grey browns of animal hide entering your vision. Something soft hit your back as you let out an ‘oof!’ from the depths of your chest. 
You scrambled to get back up, alert now that you were thrown in some different environment. But as you clambered to look around, whipping your head from side to side, all you saw were reddish walls of leather and two warm torches, along with the occasional spread of a map or a scribed foreign language.
This tent was much smaller than the last, not meant for a community to rest in. Instead, it was about the snug and spacious size of a room for only one to sleep in. The softness of hairs touched your palms, layers upon layers of furs covering beneath you to create a small lump of a warm, makeshift bed. 
“Look at this,” An excited, guttural voice begged of you. “Been keeping it since forever; saw it in some… abandoned goblin grotto, once. Couldn’t help but take it with me as a memento. As soon as I saw it, I just knew it’d be the perfect gift for my future amasiuncula.”
You could taste the lie on your tongue, as if it was thick in the air once he spoke it. Orcs didn’t just ‘find’ things, the destruction of your teensy village showed you that much. But that didn’t matter, not when the piercing blue of a silk fabric dazzled at you. Why, you had never seen something so plush in your life. It was surely just a base blanket-like piece likely once spooled for the future of becoming some sort of clothing or undergarment; it was still so silkenly smooth nonetheless. Your fingers traced the perfect fabric, its sensation nothing you had ever felt in your years of living as a farming peasant. The softest thing you’d ever touched were the baby calfs your far neighbors had bred into existence. 
“See how soft it is?” Xerxes said with a slight sputter, bringing the silk to your cheek. “Like a cloud… it’s yours. My engagement present.”
You looked back up at him bewildered. “Engagement?” 
“A present. Orc tradition is to offer a gift of richness; the wealthiest thing I could get my hands on.” He covered you in the silk, wrapping your shoulders in it as he pulled you from the furs to his bare lap. You would’ve resisted given the chance, but the orc smugly kept the silk around your arms, bringing the other side of it to wrap around you, pulling it tight; you could hardly move yourself now, shoved in this warm softness of a cocoon; it frightened you. But the tusks pressed against your cheek, chewed lips touching your temple as a tongue gently poked out to swiftly press against your skin, made you fear something else more. “Always wanted a human..” The orc exhaled, audibly sniffing in the scent of your hair. “Been looking for a good once for a while now. One that’ll be nice and docile, a sweet little foal for me to enjoy--” 
You slid your arms against the suffocating silk that was beginning to build heat. “I don’t think i’m what you’re looking for, besides I’m not--”
“Oh but you are,” Xerxes cut you off, leaning his orcish face close to yours to make you look at him. “So.. soft, your skin is like obsidian smoothed and frosted by the tumbling of waves of the sea, so polished and spotted I can’t help but want to keep it in between my fingers.”
Beads hung low by his neck, attached to rings of metal that pierced large holes in his pointed ears. The black and silver balls that dangled would jingle when he moved his head to get a better look at you, along with the wire and metal ornaments wrapped around the braids in his hair. Despite the undercut he fashioned (that you could see better now), a great mane of thick brown hair traveled to his shoulders, tickling your neck as he squeezed you closer. You felt almost like a baby, swaddled and pressed close to his large beating heart that thumped against your shoulder. 
“And oh your dainty little fingers and toes, when I saw them peeking from your bedsheets I knew grabbing them with would be no mistake.”
The orc nuzzled into you with his flat nose, warmth spreading against your cheeks as his sunken face created friction. You always sort of thought your fingers were quite round, your toes a little mishappen, but compared to him, your entirety was merely like a child’s straw doll’s. 
“I don’t want to marry you!” You blurted, freezing as the orc kept himself nestled against you. “I wanna go home, I want to go back to my bed and forget this-- I'm not some little trinket to mate with!"
Xerxes gave you a look. It was so smushy, an embarrassed grin like some pubescent boy watching his crush undress. It was perverted, so snickeringly crude as he bit his lip at the word "mate."
Ahh, he heard his fellow warriors, his chief in command even, discuss their "mates" with lustful wonder and candied eyes that danced with images of their beloved, their spouse. He had never had a person, never had a soft warm thing at night to hold, for him to bully himself into; it was hard to contain the joy inside of him, even with your rapid repeating of "no no no!"
"Mate…" He repeated. 
"I said NOT to--"
"But you said it; and now… I can't get it out of my head, dulcis." Xerxes was snug against your wiggling chest, pressing his freckled cheek against yours to make your lips pucker. He was unbelievably, fiery warm, with a heat under his skin that you wondered was just a layer of embers. 
The mixture of the orcs body heat and the humid equinox night made sweat cling to your dirty skin, the satin coddling you now feeling stickier.  “Now, I s’pose its time we get you looking like a proper orc, smelling like one too. Like me,” Xerxes pressed his tusked mouth below your ear, protruding lips pressing a deep, slightly nipping kiss to below the corner of your jaw. “Get rid of this disgusting… exhilarating human stench.”
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deerspherestudios · 6 months
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sorry, I can’t draw :_)
I got an idea, what would happen if Mychael and MC swapped places? And that's what came out of it...
I use a translator, so there may be mistakes. Thanks for your work! 🩷
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yanderevampireknight · 2 months
Kaname Kuran Headcanons
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He's obsessed with you
He knows everything about you from your favorite color to the hospital you were born at
He always knows where you are
Likes to watch you sleep, but you don't need to know that
Is always telling you sweet nothings, but there's always underlying threats in them
^ Not to you
He's incredibly protective and would risk everyone's life just to protect you
He hums to you while running his fingers through your hair
He doesn't want you to be a vampire- At all. He knows how much it hurts and destroys person and he never wants you to suffer
Though, sometimes feels like he enjoys to make you suffer
He kind of gives sadistic vibes
He doesn't want to control/hypnotize you, but sometimes he can't help it. He just wants to protect you
You need to be careful around him
He may love you, but that doesn't stop him from hurting you
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