newblvotg · 2 days
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artbytesslyn · 15 hours
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The immortal wives finally got their wedding
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ffverr · 3 days
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Look at him. Isn't his tail cold?
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punkerduckiememes · 23 hours
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I needed something wholesome
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katazuki · 3 days
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Krakoa Cherik……
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summersbois · 2 days
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Morph, step AWAY from the popcorn bucket…MORPH NOOOOOOO
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What do you think it would be like to marry Kurt? Do you think he’d invite everyone he could possibly think of, or one with just his mothers, Rouge and Gambit? Who do you think would be the officiant?
And do you think he’d go all out for it and make it grand, or just leave it it simplistic? Because I feel like he’d want it to be more simple.
And what kind of ring do you think he would like? I think a silver one would go lovely with his skin, like moonlight casting it’s breathtaking image onto a glimmering lake.
I know that he is technically not allowed to get married since he’s a Catholic priest but I need him so badly! :( Oh my gosh I love him so much! 😭😭😭
You know, I think he could do both, actually. Of course, I also don’t really see him going all out and inviting 500 people while renting a massive hall, but I think he’d want to celebrate with family and friends, so here are my thoughts:
There are in fact two ceremonies, one for him, his significant other and his closest people, and one for celebrating with everyone they want to have there.
The first wedding would be a very small ceremony in a small chapel, probably somewhere in a forest in Germany, just with his s/o, Rogue as his "Best Man“, and one other person for his s/o’s Best Man or Maid of Honour (and of course the priest).
It’s just really small and private and intimate and absolutely lovely. They spend their honeymoon in a small cabin in the forest/mountains in Germany, just a week for just the two of them. Just existing with each other. And don’t think that this man won’t worship the ground his s/o is walking on.
After the first ceremony there is not a huge celebration. They maybe go for dinner in a nice restaurant but that’s it.
The second ceremony though…..is a bit more lively.
I’d like to say, that the wedding ceremony was held on the school’s ground, a few weeks after the original wedding ceremony. And since they’re already legally married, it’s all a bit more relaxed.
Honestly, I’m not sure who would officiate the wedding. My first thought would be Xavier, but I think that’s because he gives off this old, wise man vibes, that are stereotypical for a officiant. Now, that I think about it, I actually think that I would love to see Gambit officiate the wedding.
He’s as good as Kurt’s brother-in-law, so I’d like to think that he would do Kurt this favour, because for him, Kurt is family [though he would never say that out loud] and Kurt thinks the same way. And it’s beautiful.
It’s most likely during vacations. Not that he doesn’t love the kids, but he does not necessarily want them all around. Close ones and older ones, sure, but there will be another celebration for that. For this celebration, he sticks with the older ones.
There is a huge pavilion with beautiful arrangements and decorations and Storm makes sure that there won’t be one rainy cloud around for that day.
Kurt cries, when he sees his s/o walk down the aisle [just like the first time]. The vows are more beautiful than on their first wedding (they didn’t really do vows then, because it was just small) and even Logan shed a tear.
Gambit did a splendid job btw. Just like the rest who helped to organise this celebration, so it would be a bit of a surprise for the newlyweds.
The cake is of course chocolate, though not completely, if his s/o does not like it. The dance is just really emotional and Kurt safely leads his spouse over the dance floor. It kind of inspires the others, so there will be a lot of dancing.
Rogue holds a beautiful speech as sister of the groom and Kurt cries silentely, before just hugging her very, very hard.
It’s a long day, but an amazing one, and everybody made sure that the couple got a few more days to themselves in a cabin in Canada (sponsored by Logan) as some sort of second honeymoon.
After the holidays, there will be a summer party with the kids, where Kurt and his spouse will also be celebrated, but not that much.
In General, I think he will do both weddings, just to make sure that 1) he will have a day solely dedicated to him and his partner without too much stress and 2) everybody they care about will have the opportunity to celebrate with them.
However, no matter how the wedding will go, it will be beautiful. I mean, it’s Kurt Wagner, what are you expecting?
He will spend the entire night staring lovingly at his s/o and dance with them, kiss them and constantly call them “My wife” or “My husband” or “My spouse” as well as “Mrs. Wagner”/”Mr. Wagner”/”Mx Wagner”. Kurt just can’t get enough of it!
It’s also very sweet and it shows how much he cares about them.
It’s just a very, very beautiful affair and marrying him is one of the best things anyone could do.
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themuskrater · 2 days
There are so many moments in X-Men '97 where Morph will turn into a different character off screen and then when the camera pans back I'm like "WAIT! WHEN THE FUCK DID REED RICHARDS GET HERE?"
I love this show
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silver-soul00 · 19 hours
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Happy Pride remembering some good representation in the Marvel & DC world✨
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asgardswinter · 2 days
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Hugh Jackman as Logan 'Wolverine' Howlett in X-men (2000)
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Texts From Superheroes
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bo-schmo · 1 day
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I’ve been thinking about Dadneto with two toddlers in the x-mansion.
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Public service announcement: I post too much Croptop Gambit, some may call it an obsession. In an effort to correct this behavior, which is clearly only a problem because Gambit is wearing too much clothing, may I suggest this alternative?
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supercap2319 · 2 days
"Wait. This is your home, too." Y/N said to Jean. The Jean clone that Sinister had created to be an exact replacement for the real Jean Grey.
Jean shouldered his bag and smiled softly. "You know me, Y/N. How much I wanted to go. To start a new life. It isn't fair. We don't know when Sinister switched us. Which Jean really was the Phoenix. Which of us married Scott. All we have now is the future. An unknowable future built on an unknowable past. My next life will be mine."
Y/N nods and offers a hand. "Take care, Jean."
"Call me Madden Pryor." Madden smiled.
"Farewell, Madden."
"Goodbye, Y/N." Madden waved his hands, and his red hair turned black as night. "Oh. And one more thing." He leaned down and kissed Y/N on the lips before pulling back with a smirk. "I always knew that you had feelings for me."
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enjoy-parent · 2 days
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