#Thanks Larissa this was a delight
noodyl-blasstal · 11 months
HI HELLO do you remember that au we played with with the yoga class + assassins !!!!!
Boy do I remember yoga class assassins! Thank you for this, truly, thank you. [This is part of an AU ask game, send me an AU and I'll tell you five facts about it... or ramble extensively under the guise of telling you five facts, who could say?]
Yoga Classassins basic premise: Taako is a yoga teacher who specialises in assassins. In, and within a mile radius of his studio is neutral ground. No fighting, no murdering, just stretching out all the murder limbs because they're knotty from skulking, crouching in wait, and lying on cold roofs wiith sniper kit. 1) Kravitz starts coming to class because his shady organisation stopped paying for the fancy gym he liked and this is the only place that has any classes which fits his schedule and they're all Taako's. He's right grumpy about it because he's used to doing really intense HIIT classes and smashing the fuck out of punch bags. Then he sees the teacher and, surprisingly, he decides he might quite like yoga actually... and maybe that Zumba class he mentioned doing... 2) Taako has a policy about not hitting on his students ever, no matter how beautiful they are. No matter how much he definitely knows they're checking him out. He's not sure he trusts himself to correct Kravitz's posture etc. without it feeling skeevy, so he does it minimally and Kravitz (mistakenly) thinks he's super good at yoga. 3) Taako's classes have a very loyal following because a limber assassin is a less injured assassin. Gotta make sure you do your stretches, can't go murdering people if you have strained muscles and you're off your game. Recovery time is bounties lost! This does mean he has to be super careful about what he says. The first 'accident' sure did solve the issue he was having with his shitty landlord, but after the boss at his second job disappeared the day after he mentioned the overtime he was stiffed out of he had to caveat any minor gripe with a "no murdering anyone about it!" 4) Kravitz gets assigned a job, there's this scientist right, he's about to make a breakthrough which is going to revolutionise clean energy, a new kind of engine, it's going to dramatically reduce the need for fossil fuels.
5) He's doing his scoping work like any good assassin, and oh fuck, is that Taako? Is Taako married? Is Taako married to the guy he has to eliminate???? Wait, why is there two of Taako? Fuckballs. He already felt weird abou this one, but the pay could get him out of the game and fund Raven's community centre...
6) (Because maths isn't the boss of me) Kravitz has such a packed schedule because he helps Raven (basically his adoptive Mum although they didn't do the legal bit) and her wife Istus run a community centre which absolutely saved his life. Raven definitely knows what he does for a living but just doesn't ask about it.
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daydream-cement · 11 months
Beautiful, Good Girl (NSFW)
Larissa Weems x Reader
Larissa must enjoy just how beautiful she really is. Bit of smut with no plot whatsoever.
Thank you to @sassypizzahideout for your request! This fic was based off this amazing post by @peaches-n-cherries (Link to post)
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“That’s right, my beautiful, good girl. This show is all about you.” You muttered into Larissa’s ear, earning a whimper from the long-legged beauty who sat between your legs. You both were facing a mirror, completely unclothed as the platinum blonde unraveled in your arms.
Your hands gently massaged her breasts, fingers twisting at her rosy nipples. The buds of her breasts soon began to harden at your touch. Her legs soon began to fidget and shake as her desire grew between her legs. 
A breathy chuckle passed through your lips to the hair at the nape of her neck, sending chills through the headmistress’s body. “Look how desperate you are…” 
“P-please…” Larissa uttered, her neck craning so her face could tuck itself in the crook of your neck. While the gesture was sweet, this was all about her and you had made it clear she needed to watch how beautiful she was. The headmistress needed to follow orders if she were to be rewarded. 
“Chin up… Keep looking at yourself…” You order, a free hand coming to catch her chin while the other slipped down her abdomen - gently caressing her soft flesh before allowing your fingers to slip into her slit. Directing her gaze towards the mirror, you begin circling your fingers around her clit, delighted with how wet you found her to be. 
Her gaze was faltering - half lidded eyes fluttering with every jolt created when you glossed your fingers over that sweet spot at the underside of her clit. You adored how well acquainted you had become with her body. Long nights and early mornings before work allowed you to come to know every square inch of this statuesque beauty which now making you determined to put that knowledge to good use. 
The wide spread of her legs faltered as a jolt coursed through her body, leading you to wind your legs over hers before pulling back. This forced her legs open for you, readying her for whatever sweet torment you wished to put her through. 
Her breathing became more ragged and shallow as the circling of her clit began to feel a little too good. To rectify this, your fingers slipped away from her sensitive bud to her sweet opening. She was wetter than anticipated as you slowly inserted two fingers - the digits slipping in with ease due to her extreme arousal. 
Glancing up as your fingers disappeared into her aching cunt, you noticed Larissa’s eyes had fluttered shut. In response, you gripped her face a little tighter, sweetly whispering a command in her ear, “Look into those stunning eyes, baby… Look at how pretty and pink your cheeks flush when my fingers press into you…”
Larissa weakly pried her eyes open, her hands gripping your knees as she fought to do so. She examined her body just as you told her to, whimpering when her eyes fell to your fingers pumping in and out of her dripping pussy. 
Your tone was so condescending, yet so sweet - ultimately aimed at driving the shapeshifter mad. “I want you to cum all over my fingers… Can you do that for me, baby?” 
“Mhmhm…” The headmistress whimpered her reply in a pathetic hum as she bucked her hips against your fingers. Her eyes were now glued on her pussy as you began to move your fingers faster. She found it as mesmerizing as she did pleasurable. With her now following instruction, you dropped your hand away from her face to lightly squeeze her neck - the sensation immediately causing her to moan in desperation. “Oh, fuck me!”
Her cry of pleasure caused you to growl and increase your pacing. You began to absolutely punish her with your finger fucking - the sound of her sopping cunt filling the air as you fucked her harder with your fingers. Larissa’s whimpers and moans grew louder and louder as the minutes passed. 
Suddenly, you pulled the fingers from her leaky pussy and held them in front of her face, offering your glistening digits for her to take in her mouth. She accepted them greedily, groaning as soon as her tongue made contact with her juices. 
When you pulled them from her mouth, there was a trail of saliva between your fingers and her mouth. You growled at the filthy sight and splayed your hand from her neck onto her jaw, tilting her head to face you so you could place a sloppy kiss to her lips. Your tongues mingled for a long moment, passing saliva and her cum between your mouths. 
As you kissed her, your wet fingers found her cunt once again and plunged back inside to continue the finger fucking. This led to Larissa moaning into your mouth as you stroked the spongy tissue deep inside. 
Larissa broke the kiss suddenly, forewarning you of her eminent orgasm. “Oh, god- Darling, I may-” 
“Watch yourself, baby. Watch yourself cum all over my fingers.” 
At your command, she faced forward once more and whimpered at the sight of her leaky pussy creating a wet spot beneath her. You latch your lips onto her neck, softly biting and sucking at her sweet flesh as your eyes peer up into the mirror to watch her fall to pieces. 
She lasted a final ten seconds before her back arched and hips lifted off the ground. An orgasm shook her body, her eyes squeezing shut after she witnessed as much as she could. Your body worked against hers to keep her still, fingers slipping from her cunt to swipe over her clit a final few times. Larissa cried your name - the name becoming softer on her tongue as she repeated it over and over. 
Her face turned to meet yours to kiss you once more and you finally pulled your fingers away from her pussy to rest against her abdomen. The dominant demeanor leaving your body as your tongues and limbs began to intertwine with a new sense of passion. 
Larissa had turned in your arms and pushed you to the floor, her lips pressing all over in an act of thanks. There was no attempt on her behalf to initiate anything further - rather, she was more interested in pressing kiss after kiss to your jaw as she whispered to you, “I love you, my sweet darling.”
“I love you, baby…” You wrapped your arms around her waist, holding her to you for a few moments. 
The two of you would inevitably grow tired of the uncomfortable position on the floor and venture into bed where you would tangle yourselves together once more. Her face would undoubtedly be tucked under your chin, feeling incredibly safe as she was wound tight in your embrace.
Taglist: @charymobile, @bri-sonat, @weemswife, @ihavenoclue2008, @smutuniversesblog, @opheliauniverse, @teashock, @enchantressb, @alex-nyx, @renravens, @whenyouhaveanobsession, @scream-queenlover, @l22e22a , @shyladyfan, @lilfartbox1, @rubberduckiesbathing, @mcufanisme, @peanutbutterprincess, @Alexthefavgay , @ladylarissaweems , @lvinhs, @myzzjolanda, @ohana19 , @principal-weems09, @emilynissangt-r, @xuukoo, @brienneswife, @dumbasslesbi, @kay-liah-scope , @oculusalien, @kimiinou , @sweetderacine, @giogwensversion, @milciak, @Awkprettywrad , @gela123, @thevillagegay, @katiemcgrathsbitch1, @naomi-m3ndez, @mysaviorfalsegod, @h-doodles, @salems-spaghettios, @imgayforwoman69, @Awkprettyward , @bychrissi, @fyrecatz
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Hunter's Delight
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon, violence, blood, coercion, and other elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: A peaceful getaway turns to horror when you encounter a strange man in the woods.
Character: Kraven the Hunter
Note: So, this isn't what I was planning as my birthday fic but my other fic was just not happening lol.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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The smell of cedar tinges the air. Birds wing across the pale blue sky and critters rustle in the twigs and leaves that trim the forest floor. Shadows nestle between the trunks and lend an ominous hue to any otherwise harmonious landscape.
It’s a long needed escape from urban crush. The fatigue of your nine to five recedes as your brief getaway frees you of the unseen cuffs of modern survival. There are no emails, no memos, or stuffy meetings. There is only you and naked outdoors.
Oh, and your friends.
You never traveled much. Most of the time you had off, you were too tired to do much more than the bare minimum. You hadn’t even thought of it until Larissa invited you. It just never occurred to you to spend the money or the energy. Now you’re more than happy you did.
You follow the snakish path that dips between valleys and over hills, up steep walkways and across sprawling plateaus. The lush green is endless, littered with patches of thick forest, and the occasion running river crested by an old wooden bridge. 
Larissa chatters loudly about your eventual return to the cottage. She dreams of kebabs cooked over the campfire and some fruity sangria. You trail the others, four of you in all. Jodi and Cameron ahead of you as your host leads the way. Work friends, but you suppose more now that you’re here.
The river water sends up a fresh scent from behind the looming trunks and you glance over at the gleaming ripples, almost twinkling as you admire them between the trees. You could do this every day. Just wander until you can’t move anymore.
“I can’t believe this is your first time up north,” Jodi says, drawing you from your mind.
“Uh, yeah, never did much exploring I guess,” you shrug.
“Even as a kid?”
“Nope. I think we had one family trip and we didn’t even make it to the amusement park,” you chuckle dryly, “ah well.”
“Ugh, I remember one time, when we were camping, my brother, Toby,” Cameron begins, “he put a frog in my bag. I screamed so loud. My mother didn’t even believe me.”
“Damn,” you remark. Cam tends to do that. Everything in some way relates back to one of her stories.
“Oh, I have an idea,” Larissa stops and faces you, “we have to decide who’s cooking.”
“It’s fine, I said I would–” You begin.
“Boo, that’s no fun,” she snips, “we used to play this game when I was a kid. I always won. Whoever collects the least acorns in ten minutes cooks.”
“Acorns?” You look around nervously. “Where?”
“You shouldn’t get lost. If you go too far, just stay still and we’ll find you,” she brushes off your concern, “it’ll be fun. And I know all the best spots!”
“That’s no fair,” Jodie pouts.
“How about I start after you. I’ll only do five minutes,” she barters.
“How do we know time’s up?” Cam picks a fingernail.
“Like I said, if you don’t show up, we’ll come find you.”
“I guess…”
“Alright, how about, whoever collects the most gets princess treatment for the night. The rest of us will have to serve you drinks and get you whatever you want,” she offers with a smug grin.
You bite your lip but don’t argue. It’s obvious she’s going to win but you wouldn’t mind the chance to explore a bit more. Besides, you never complain about time alone. It’s so peaceful here, that might just be a reward of its own.
“Come on!” Larissa claps, “bragging rights are included.”
“Fine,” Cameron sighs, “I guess it’s not completely stupid.” 
“It’ll be fun just to wipe that look off your face, Lar,” Jodi snorts.
You shrug and give a nod. You have little faith in your foraging skills but you don’t mind running to the cooler a few extra times that night. Besides, the cottage did get a bit suffocating with all of you there. This might be your only chance for alone time.
“Alright, on three,” Larissa declares, “one, two–” Jodi sprints off and Larissa holler, “I didn’t say three!”
Cameron runs after her and Larissa scowls. She puts her hands on her hips and drags her foot over the grass. You give a sheepish smile and awkwardly sway.
“Guess they won’t know if I start early,” she says and sets off in the opposite direction.
You slowly putter away as you head for the river. You have no intent of gathering acorns, you just want to watch the water. You weave between the trees and come out to the shore along the winding river. You watch the lazy flow and the little minnows flitting beneath the clear ripples.
You get closer and sit on your knees in the dirt. You drag your hands through the water and push your fingers into the silt. You bend slightly and look at your reflection. You're almost hypnotised by the ambiance. 
You close your eyes and pull your hands from the water. You place them on your shorts and take a deep breath. You want to hold onto this moment, to remember it once you're stuck back behind a keyboard.
You smile and your lashes flutter open. You see your reflection again, then it suddenly darkens as a shadow comes up behind you. At first, you’re confused, but you assume it’s one of the girls trying to scare you.
“Very funny–”
You fly forward into the water, arms flailing out as you splash into the shallow depth. Your head is pushed down to the riverbed as a foot crush your skull. You cough and gag, gulping down water as your breath bubbles out of your nose. Your head begins to thrum as you choke until at last, the weight relents and you rip your head from beneath the surface.
A sharp boot cracks into your ribs and sends you onto your back. You heave as you land flat, keeping your head just above the water. A man stands above you, crystal blue eyes boring into you as a growl creases in his forehead. He squats and grabs your chin, unsheathing a large knife from his belt.
“Scream and I’ll cut your throat out,” he warns as he pokes the knife tip along your lip, hushing you as he turns it slowly.
You shut your mouth, eyes rounding in terror as you watch him. Who is he? What does he want? You can’t let him know about the other girls. At least, you hope he doesn’t already.
“Listen to me,” he traces along your jaw and down to your throat, “you will do exactly as I say.”
You blink, saying nothing. His voice is gristly and unbending. His dark hair curls behind his head and he wears a thick beard that thins to coarse stubble. Around his neck is a thick cord with a single fang hanging from it.
Your eyes nearly cross as you try to see the knife in his hand..
“Gold locket. Pearl set in the middle. Bring it to me.”
You stare at him searchingly. It’s like he’s speaking another language. Or your brain just won’t hear them as fear courses through your veins. 
“She wears it around her neck.”
You see the golden chain around Larissa’s neck. You noticed it once or twice, never really thinking much of it. You just thought it must be sentimental. Your lip trembles as the man clutches the back of your neck and leans into the blade.
He chuckles, “you want to live. I can feel it. So no more questions and I might let you. The locket, midnight. I will wait here. If you do not come, I will come to you. And you can weep with their heads in your bed.”
You gulp as he smirks at you. You nod slowly as he loosens his grip. He releases you. You almost sink back under the water as he stands and you push yourself up. He swirls the thick knife then holds it up to reflect the sunlight.
“Such a beautiful day, it would be a pity if it were to end in blood.”
“I will bring you the locket. I promise.”
“I know you will,” he says as he struts towards the trees, “it is why I chose you.”
You sit dumbfounded, staring after him until you can see nothing but the trees. You shiver as the water stirs calmly around you, soaking you through to the point of discomfort. You climb out of the river and wrings out the fabric of your shirt.
As you look around at the serenity of the pastoral bliss, you can’t fathom that the man had ever truly been there. The tenderness in your neck assures you otherwise. He was and he will be back.
“What happened to you?” Cameron giggles as you appear from the trees. 
“No acorns, huh?” Jodi boasts.
“I uh… dropped them in the river. Tripped,” you lie. You’re too stunned to explain further.
“You okay?” Larissa asks.
“Yep, fine,” you utter.
“Well, Jodi got eleven and Cameron got eight, and I… got twelve.”
“Cheater,” Jodi mutters under her breath.
You’re thankful they’re too distracted by their child’s game to be very concerned. You throw up your hands. “Looks like I’m cooking,” you resign dully.
“And I get to be pampered,” Larissa trills tauntingly.
“Whatever. You’ll be lucky if I don’t dump the sangria on you,” Cameron warns.
Larissa laughs. The girls might play up their cattiness but it’s just friendly competition. Another thing you never really had growing up. Friends.
They leave the acorns in the grass. You’re quiet as you follow them onwards. You look back just before you’re out of sight of the river. You don’t see the man but you have no doubt he meant what he said. He knew about Larissa and the necklace, that’s enough for you.
As a gracious loser, and a terrified individual, you volunteer to make a pitcher of sangria for the other girls. They happily accept the offer and go out to get the fire started. The night is quickly setting in as you watch the time on your phone. As there is only one solar charger amongst the bunch of you, your battery stays at fifty percent. Without reception, it isn’t of much use anyhow.
You mix the wine, brandy, lemonade and fruit together with a wooden spoon. You hear Larissa giving orders outside over the crackle of the fire. The locket with the pearl. You know she’s still wearing it, you looked for it and there it was, around her neck. What use is jewelry all the way up here.
Your thoughts are split by the snap of the spring door. Jodi tramps inside and huffs.
“Is the wine ready yet? She’s driving me nuts.”
“I’ll bring it out,” you assure her, “why don’t you grab the kebabs, they’re ready to go.”
You nod to the pan of skewers and she lets out a disappointed grumble. She takes the pan and leaves you again to ponder your impromptu mission. You’re not stupid enough to ask for the locket. You watch the oranges swirl in the wine mixture…
You can’t. Can you? You peek over your shoulder and peek through the window. They wouldn’t notice. You could say you used more wine than you thought.
You turn your back to the window. The girls can survive a few bendaryls, they won’t survive that man and his knife. You can deal with hating yourself. That’s never been hard.
You tiptoe across the kitchen. You don’t know why you think they’ll hear you, your guilt just makes you paranoid. You go down to the room and search in the lower bunk for your bag. You take out your box of emergency benadryl and slide out a full insert. Just enough for an edge, nothing deadly.
You sneak back out and drop the pills one by one into the sangria. You stir and you stir and you stir. Finally, you’re content that your potion is complete. Your curse is pharmaceutical allergy relief with a side of drowsiness. The girls are probably too thirsty to notice you’re not sharing.
Jodi stumbles back from the outhouse. You watch her cautiously, ready to hop up and catch her. She manages to make her way back to the fire and falls into the folding chair with a burp.
“Damn, that sangria is strong,” Cameron chimes.
“And it’s going right through me,” Jodi slurs into a giggle.
“Me too,” Larissa stands up and puts her hands in front of her shorts, “my turn.”
You listen to her go around the side of the cottage, her sandals scraping and scuffling. Jodi leans her head back and snorts, waking herself and lurching forward. You get up and keep her from falling out of her chair.
“Hey, you should lay down,” you say.
“Lightweight,” Cameron teases and gulps down a mouthful. You try not to cringe.
“Whatever, I’m fine,” Jodi babbles.
“Come on,” you get her up, letting her lean on you heavily.
She’s dragging her feet as you get her across the yard and to the steps of the deck. You haul her up and through the back door. Inside, you feel her slacken on your arm until you're pretty much carrying her. You get her into her bed and roll her onto her stomach, already snoring.
You check the time. It’s late. Just after eleven.
You go back out, the blaze of the fire obscuring your view of the yard.
“Not you too,” Cameron chortles as Larissa falls past the chair trying to sit.
“I think it’s time to call it a night.”
“Bleh, listen to the office administrator, she never gives it up,” Larissa sneers, “isn’t that right?”
“Yeah, I guess,” you agree softly. You want all the abuse she has to offer you. You deserve it.
“You wanted to be princess for the night,” Cameron calls over, “let her carry you to bed.”
You ignore Cameron as you steady Larissa and direct her around the fire. You take the same path with the same end, dumping her in the singular queen she claimed for herself in the main bedroom. You make sure she’s on her stomach and shake out your nerves. 
You flip on the flashlight built into your phone and shine it over her. You apologise before you unclasp the necklace. It’s heavier than you expect. You tuck it in your pocket and leave her.
One more.
Cameron meets you at the door to your surprise. She’s yawning and staggering. You let her pass as she mutters about the fire. You follow her, making sure she gets to her bed before you go outside to kill the fire.
When all is dark and still, you look up at the moon and measure the journey ahead of you. What if you get lost? What if you can’t remember the way back? You think you do. Doesn’t matter. It’s almost half past and you need to get going.
You grip your phone as you come out around the front of the cottage. You remember that you came from the right… didn’t you? You turn on your flashlight again as the darkness consumes you. You tremble at the sheer endlessness of the night.
As you set off, you hear every twig snap, every branch sway, every bat squeaking from some hidden nook. You are exposed to the unseen. Easy prey.
You hear the low trickle of water, louder in the dearth of night. You use it to guide you, flinching as leaves brush against you. You shine the light around you, trying to get a glimpse of your surroundings. It only illuminates the shadows and adds to the depths of the blackness.
A noise rolls in the darkness. Thunderous as it grows louder, footsteps making themselves heard, a beast closing in. His laughter comes from all around you, dizzying you as you spin and try to find him.
At once, he quiets and you hear nothing but the stirring of the breeze. No footsteps, not laughter, only the frantic beat of your heart. You stop and squint as you shakily raise your phone, making out the thick trunk of a tree.
There is a sudden warmth behind you. His hand is on yours, squeezing before he rips away your cell. You hear it land in the grass. His other arm hooks around your middle. His breath seeps through your hair and across your scalp.
“Give it.”
You reach into your pocket, squirming as you dig out the necklace. You hold it up with a whimper and he wraps your hand up in his again. His rough skin sends a shiver through you. He hums above the soft tinkle of the chain.
“Very good,” he keeps you close, “you are an obedient little pet, aren’t you?”
You don’t move, you don’t speak. He has what he wants. Now you want to go.
“I’ve decided,” he says bluntly. You hold your breath, trying to decipher his meaning. You try to pull away and his arm hooks tighter around you. “I will take you too.”
“What?” You quiver and grasp his arm, shoving on it without result, “no, let me go–”
“You can scream for me,” he walks you forward until you collide with a tree, putting your hands out to keep from being crushed against the bark, “the louder, the better.”
Your fingertips curl painfully against the tree. He traps you against the tree as he lets out a grow, the heat of his breath and body enshrines you. You shake and whine as panic sinks into your chest.
“Please, let me go. Please, I did what you asked–”
“I’m not asking,” he snarls and grabs your shoulder.
He spins you so violenly you can’t help but fall back against the tree. The subtle friction of metal on leather cools your blood as a sliver of moonlight gleans off the knife’s edge. You brace the tree as you babble dumbly. You don’t want to die.
He brings the curve tip of the knife to the hem of your shirt and yanks up, shearing open the front so that it falls open, revealing the bralette beneath. He makes as quick work as that, slicing up the middle and exposing you to the night chill.
He stands over you, bearing in on you as he bends slowly. You gasp as he clutches a handful of your hair and pulls your head to the side. He leans in and grazes your throat with his teeth. You writhe, caught in the arrest of his gruff touch.
He bits down, pinching your flesh until you cry out. He snickers and unclenches his teeth, trailing further down, teasing along your collarbone and over the tender flesh of your shoulder, once more nipping into you. He tortures your flesh, sucking it until it throbs.
He goes lower, tracing his path first with the metallic cold of the blade, then piercing with his teeth. He bites into the curve of your tit, he leaves sore marks blazing all around, at last taking a nipple in his mouth. His tongue swirls around your hard bud, toying with it, sucking, flicking, until finally he bites again.
You sob as he sinks his teeth in. You feel the flesh break and the warmth trickles from you into his mouth. He hums as he drinks it in, unlatching to let your rough skin turn fiery in the open air. He tends to the next, just as cruelly, as your body wracks in shock and agony.
How can this be happening? It can’t be real. You don’t understand. Who is this man? Where did he come from? You close your eyes, trying to hide from reality as it nips at your flesh.
You drone as he leaves a trail of spit and blood down your stomach, biting again and again, a tortured trail down to the top of your denim shorts. Your legs shake, threatening to give out.
“Ah, ah, ah,” he tisks and pinches your thigh, “you are weak but you will not give up, pet.”
He cuts along the seams of your shorts, left then right. You tremble with bubbling, teary gulps. The denim falls to your feet and he uses the end of his knife to play with the cotton elastic of your panties. He clicks his tongue but does not voice his amusement further.
He drops to his knees, a hand framing your hip as your legs quake. He squeezes, his thumb jabbing into your pelvis. He drags his knife down the front of your panties and hooks the fabric along the tip. He tugs until they rip, breaking through the fabric, cutting a line along your cunt. 
He turns the flat of the blade against your flesh, grazing the folds before pulling it away. You bat your lashes as terror overflows. Your head lolls as your muscles twitch. You see the man’s faint shadow in the slats of moonlight breaking between the cedar trunks, you hear him lick the blade with a purr.
A silver shine reflects the eerie night glow as he raises his knife. You scream as he aims it toward you, stabbing into the wood just beside you. Your heart hammers to cacophony as he laughs at your fright.
He pushes his hand up your thigh, his calloused fingers mean against your soft skin. He feels along the shorn cotton and dips two fingers into the opening. He delves between your lips, flicking his fingers up and down your cunt. Your legs quiver and you clutch onto the divots in the bark, fighting not to fold into a heap.
He slides his fingers back and forth, feeling every part of you, doting on your clit, only to trail back to your entrance. You suck in air sharply and sob. Please just do it. Just let it be over with.
He pushes into you. Slowly, Deliberately. He leans forward and nuzzles the soft vee of hair along your cunt and sighs into you as he wiggles his fingers deeper and deeper. You groan as he stretches you. Even as your body reacts, even as the slickness welcomes the intrusion, it hurts.
He growls as he meets some resistance. You clench around his knuckles and he rams his fingers into you, to their limit. You shriek and your sandals slip in the dirt. Your nail catches in the veins of the tree and snaps.
The coolness of his tongue frightens you as it pokes out and slides along your lips. He tilts his head and glides between your folds, doting on your clit with furious flutters. You gulp and gasp, panting as a new heat blooms inside of you. Your pulse races with more than adrenaline.
He eases his fingers back then in again. Your cunt clenches around him, constricting as his tongue toys with you, flurries your nerves to an unbearable storm. Your insides clutch as rivulets of hot and cold gather in your core, mingling to a fiery roil.
You spasm, stunned by your own body. You stand on your toes as your muscles tauten and your nerves ping off each other. You cum with a raspy whine, forced over the edge by the battle of his thrusting fingers and diligent tongue.
His laughter rumbles through you as he indulges in your dissemblance. He slows as you heave helplessly. He slides his fingers out of you, leaving an emptiness there, and wipes your cum down your leg. He parts from your cunt entirely, a rocky snarl as he stands.
You smell yourself on his breath as he comes close again. He grabs the back of your neck and draws you away from the tree. Your legs tingle and shake beneath you. He turns and hurls you down to the ground. You land on your knees, hitting your elbows in the dirt.
He grabs your hips, keeping them up. He kneels behind you, one hand brushing up your back and forcing your chest down to the ground. You don’t fight him, you have nothing left.
He feels along your panties, hooking his fingers in the rent of the fabric and tears it further up your ass. He gropes you roughly, digging his nails into your skin and dragging them up, leaving hot scratches along your ass. He runs his hand from your shoulders to your hip, gripping you as his other hand retreats from your ass.
The air stills and your ears ring as each breath scalds in your chest. You stare into the deep void of the forest as his zipper splits through the silence. Time slows as dread suffocates you. This is it. This is really happening.
His fingers tickle along your ass and you twitch. He reaches your cunt, rubbing and spreading your lips, taunting you as he curves his fingers along it. He edges closer on your knees, pushing yours wider, and he pulls his hand away.
He prods you with his tip, making a slow path down to your entrance. He circles it as he groans, basking in the tension of that moment. He leans against you until his tip slips into you. You strain around him, heaving into a horrifying wail as he pushes deeper.
He reaches to your neck, pinning your face in the dirt as he jerks his hip, filling you with the single, agonizing motion. You cry out louder, your horror echoing into the sky. Your head quakes and your ears vibrate with the volume of your own grief, rising from you without restraint.
He slides back and snaps into you again. The slap of flesh underlines your breathy weeps. His weight puts an ache in your neck and down your spine. Your fingers dip into the dirt as you clutch at handfuls of dirt. He bucks again, again, again, each time growling with delight.
His palm cracks against the side of your ass, a new pain radiating through your hips. With each thrust, he smacks you, curling his nails into you, pinching, only to do it again. You whimper and wail, trapped in his fervour as you taste soil and the salt of your tears.
He bends over you, hooking his arm around your middle and the other around your neck. He sits up with you against him. His hand brushes up your side and kneads your chest as he rocks you in his lap. Your head lolls as you hiccup through your tears.
He ruts from below, splitting you in two as his muscle bulges around your neck. You wheeze as he squeezes tighter and tighter, until the world speckles to grey and black. You feel his final, jarring rams as they throb in your core, and the sudden burst of heat inside you. Almost soothing as it assures you of the end.
But it is not. He puts you on your back. Senseless, dazed, he’s on top of you, crawling over you like an animal. He fucking you against the ground, holding your leg bent against him, biting into the flesh along your shoulder. Torturing you from the inside until he’s spent again.
Not spent, not done. You’re on your side, the world flickering beneath teared-webbed lashes, each ruts shaking you. Legs together, he claps against your thighs until again he empties into you with a raucous roar.
Again, again, again. Until you’re smeared with dirt, grass, sweat, and cum. Until you’re left an empty husk across the forest floor. 
Your eyelids part as he pulls the blade from the tree, a softer light emanating from the sky as the dawn approaches. He sheathes the knife as he marches around you, poking you with the dirt of his boot. He stops and squats at your side, a crooked smile on his lips.
“This hunt is not over, pet,” he reaches to brush a roughened thumb across your cheek, “I know you are stronger than this.”
He stands again and rolls his shoulders as he shakes out his mussed curls. He takes a step forward, then another, and another, striding into the sunrise without a look back. You lay prone across the lumpy ground, trying to untangle his words. They are more than a warning, they are a promise.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 7 months
Hey darling
Sooooooo I just saw your post about writing for larissa x Melissa x reader and wanted to request one. Maybe reader is sat reading a ✨️spicy✨️ book and gets really needy from it so begs larissa and Melissa to make everything in the book come true
Yessss…! Hey 🦄 anon!! Thank you so much for the request! I haven’t written for Melissa xLarissa xReader so this is exciting!! I love it 🥰 Hope you Enjoy ♥️♥️
Spicy Fantasies ~Larissa Weems xMelissa Schemmenti xFem Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, fluff, polyamorous, threesome, doggystyle fucking, g!p, shapeshifted d!ck, implied humiliation kink, more implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
Your thighs clench together as you read the pages of you book with anticipation… Your eyes wandered shamelessly up and down each page, taking in the explicit words, lines, and sentences. You sat curled up in one of Larissa’s reading chairs in her office, your breath bated and your mouth dry…
It was Friday evening, which meant Melissa would be coming home from her job in Philly. You and Larissa waited eagerly in the blondes office, the tall principal working away at her job, while you read your spicy book.
But I was also lonely and heartbroken and so fucking wet it was dripping down my thighs.
Then I let her fuck me. Because she was right: I do like it, I do always want it. And as she slammed into me over and over again, I told her to tell me the fantasy, this life she was offering me. And she did, goddamn her, and it all sounded so perfect coming from her lying businesswoman’s mouth. She told me about the lazy afternoons wed spend together, the expensive restaurants she'd take me to, the orgasms she'd give me on top of smooth Egyptian cotton sheets. She told me about the flowers and jewelry and vacations in Bora Bora and expensive cars and everything else that would fill up our illicit life together, all while I ground myself on her plastic cock, ground myself toward the best orgasm Id had since college. She was cursing by this point, folding me over the bench and driving into me from behind while she pressed my face against the leather and I felt the cold metal of her wedding ring against my hip. It was degrading and terrible and I came almost immediately.
And then I came again.
“Y/N…? Y/N…?!”
Melissa’s voice grew louder and more clear as she pulled you back out of your trance.
“Hi sorry what?” You stuttered, putting your book down and trying to cover the blush on your face.
Melissa wore a devilish smirk as her gaze met yours. You looked around and found Larissa standing up, looking at her two wives, holding her office bag, and ready to go home.
“Watcha readin’?” Mel cooed.
“Nothing much…” you mumbled, tucking the book away.
But before you could, the redhead lunged forward and grabbed the book from your hands. You squeaked in resistance, but to no avail. Melissa flipped through the pages, until she found your bookmark. Her eyes widened as she read the passage that you had just read.
“Naughty girl…” the redhead chuckled under her breath, waltzing over to the blonde and dramatically showing her that very same passage.
You slunk down in your chair in embarrassment as you cheeks went fire engine red. Larissa’s eyes lit up and darkened on very she’d finished reading the passage.
The tall principal then put down her bags and whispered something to the other teacher. They both hummed and agreed in unison. Mel then went to the door, locking it shut. You looked at your wives one after the other in puzzlement.
“Change of plans…” Melissa hummed.
Larissa came over to you, placing an arm on each side of your chair, effectively blocking you in.
“How wet are you from reading that, Darling…?” She seductively cooed.
You gulped and your whole face went red at her directiveness.
“I… ummm… dripping…” you choked out a whisper.
“Hmmmm…” Larissa hummed in delight, “Dripping…” she repeated in satisfaction.
Melissa came up behind you and the chair, teasing your neck and shoulders with her mouth and fingers.
“What do you want, Baby…? Use your words…” she tauntingly cooed, continuing to tease you.
You whimpered incoherently.
“I bet she wants to be ruined. Is that what you want, Darling…? Do you want us to show you a proper, lavish time, pamper you, only to absolutely ravish you later on…?” The blonde huskily cooed.
“I… yes” you breathed out, your eyes wide and your face red.
The red head chuckled at your response, and she began leaving distinct and painfully-pleasurable marks. The tall principal quirked her head at you, her eyes ablaze with a dark, dominating lust.
“Now now… Mistress wants to hear you.” Larissa wickedly chuckled, “Beg, sweet girl. Use your words and tell us exactly what you want…”
You gulped and nodded.
“R-right, sorry Mistress… Want you to fuck me… P-properly fuck me… Tell me how you’d take me out to dinner, show me off as yours to everyone… How you’d take me to an exp-pensive hotel room afterward and… and…” you whimpered.
“And…?” Melissa purred, grabbing your shoulders, and urging you to continue.
They were both getting off on this…
And that only made you wetter.
“And I… you’d tell me how you’d spoil me… H-how you’d be my sugar mistress… Degrading me… Slamming into me… Holding me down while I squirm, while I beg for you to go h-harder—” you breathily stammered.
Both women hummed in satisfaction at your words. Melissa then circled your chair, coming up next to Larissa, both of them now staring you down intently. They exchanged looks once more and nodded, before looking back at you. The blonde then stood up, releasing you from your confinement.
“Strip. Then go lean on the desk, tits first.” Larissa demanded.
You gulped and nodded, squirreling upwards and quickly undressing. Your wives also began undressing, although they halted once they reached their undergarments. Once you were fully naked, you scurried to Larissa’s desk, leaning against it as you had been told to you. Melissa came around the desk where your head was facing her, and Larissa came up behind you, groping your ass.
You whimpered at her sudden and harsh touch. Larissa then removed her knickers, and you gasped and squirmed when you felt her shapeshifting dick against your bare ass.
“Oh Darling, we are going to make all your little fantasies come true…” Larissa purred lustfully.
Melissa Schemmenti Masterlist
Larissa Weems Masterlist
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weemsfreak · 7 months
We Fell In Love In October
This is late late, I have been working on it for so long but I have been busy. It is a fall/halloween story, sooo Happy Halloween!!
Larissa Weems x f!TeacherReader
Warnings: Mention of blood, fake weapon
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Autumn held a special place in your heart. This time of year wasn't too chilly or overly warm, and you lived for fall fashion. Halloween, in your opinion, was the supreme holiday, and you'd fight anyone who said otherwise. You weren't particularly keen on horror or gruesome themes, as you were a bit of a pussy, but the mystery and dark undertones were totally your thing.
Donning your trusty combat boots and a burgundy sweater dress, you set out for the quad. The leaves descended gracefully from the trees, adorning both the ground and the sky with their vibrant hues of red, orange, and yellow. Lately, your thoughts have been preoccupied with Halloween costume ideas, an opportunity to indulge in your need to dress up, to temporarily adapt a different persona. You thought it was always interesting to not be yourself, or be a different version of yourself, even if it was just for a day. As you made your way down the path to the decorated school, you allowed the soothing sound of gravel and rustling leaves underfoot to envelop your senses. This morning  the students were having in a pumpkin carving contest, and you had a brilliant idea in mind for your class's entry.
"Chemistry!" you exclaimed, presenting your pumpkin idea to your class. Your students returned raised eyebrows and cheers, but it was fitting, you thought, considering you were the chemistry and potions teacher.
As the time for judging arrived, each class eagerly presented their carved pumpkins to the panel of judges, which comprised the school's secretary, the student council president, and Principal Weems. Your students had crafted their pumpkin to resemble a gory scene, complete with brain-like patterns painted on its top. It was an impressive sight, but there was a secret added touch.
When it was your class's turn to showcase their pumpkin, Wednesday and Enid took the lead. Wednesday had attached a small container filled with yeast and water, the vital catalyst, to the top interior of the pumpkin. All eyes in the quad were fixated on her as she raised a carving knife and plunged it downward, piercing the pumpkin's 'brain'. In one swift motion, the knife was withdrawn, taking with it the pumpkin's  brain matter. Thick, crimson fluid followed, erupting from the pumpkin's top like a gory volcanic display. The audience's reactions ranged from collective "ew" and "gross" exclamations to screams, but you took note that Principal Weems, in stark contrast to some others, appeared unfazed. Your heart raced with excitement when you noticed a hint of a smirk on Wednesday's face. The audacious display, which was not well-received by others, brought her a sliver of joy, which in turn made your day successful.
Enid then cleared her throat and proceeded to explain the concept behind the pumpkin's gruesome spectacle.
"We employed a simple experiment of 30% hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and red food coloring. When Wednesday stabbed Mr. Gourd of Gore here, she introduced yeast into the mixture as a catalyst, which triggered the rapid and bloody reaction." Enid then went on about the scientific principles at play, and you reveled in the amused expressions of your students. While you loved artistic and engaging activities with your students, you believed that there were valuable lessons to be learned in every aspect of life.
The principal approached the lectern with her signature smile, and you felt butterflies invade your stomach as she spoke.
"This event has been an absolute delight, brimming with fantastic ideas! I want to thank everyone who took part." You watched in awe as her gaze wandered through the audience, ultimately landing on you. She sent a sly grin your way as she subtly fluttered her lashes, before lowering her head to open the piece of paper she was holding.
"The victor of this competition is none other than 'The Gourd of Gore!'" Your students erupted in  cheers and applause, and Enid enthusiastically drug Wednesday up to the lectern to receive their prize.
By day's end, you found yourself utterly drained. Your students had been unusually rowdy, likely due to the multiple anticipated fall-themed activities the principal had organized. The events that she was so enthused about included the harvest festival, a trip to a corn maze and pumpkin picking, and costume day. It hadn't escaped you, however, that Principal Weems had become noticeably less enthusiastic about these activities since the harvest festival.
As you descended the stairs toward the main entrance, your hand reached for the door handle. Just then, a familiar voice cut through the air, though it was far from pleasant. This was not the velvety tone or accent that pleased your ears, no. Instead, it was a voice of judgment, a gravely voice. You heard the words, a sentence that made your teeth clench in anger as you quickly travelled towards it.
"Boys, look at this lesbian."
Wide eyed you turned the corner and immediately spotted the source, Kyle, laughing with his friends. You glanced around to see who the target of his ridicule was, and your eyebrows knit in disbelief when you found her. She was stopped in her tracks, blinking, silent, inhibited. You, too, froze, trying to comprehend the situation until your anger took over.
"Slenderman, she's woman Slenderman!" Kyle hollered, pointing at her as he hunched over in hysterics. Principal Weems still stood, her mouth agape and her eyes wide, rendered silent. You watched the gears turning in her mind, knowing she should address the situation, but reluctant to respond to such insult, such an audacious comment from a man, a boy.
"Kyle!" you seethed, striding purposefully toward him, your fists clenched. Kyle turned to face you, his eyes widening. "You will never judge someone for things beyond their control, you will never judge a woman, full stop," you said, your anger evident.
"You will never understand what it's like to walk in someone else's shoes. Apologize to Principal Weems this instant."
Ironically, it seemed that Kyle was more frightened of you than he was of Principal Weems, as he would never dare say such derogatory remarks to you, or so you thought.
Kyle's smug expression transformed into a sly smile as he turned toward the principal. She had ventured closer now, and she met his gaze with her lips pursed.
"I want to hear it from her," he said, narrowing his eyes at her. He then pointed directly at you, "Or does a teacher need to stand up for the principal, huh? You're even more bitchy than her" he chuckled, smiling at you menacingly.
"Detention tomorrow at 4, Mr. Dunn." The principal spoke with force, her tone abrupt enough to make you flinch. She straightened to her full height as she stared down at Kyle with the heat of the sun. Leaning closer to him, she lightly pressed her finger to his chest. She spoke quietly, yet you could hear how the words hissed through her teeth.
"If you fail to attend, this 'lesbian Slenderman' will see to it that you are expelled."
You were not particularly hard on your students, but you weren't easy on them either. You had standards, you hated laziness, and you had no patience for any foolish behavior. Of course you were human too, you understood where the line was between slacking and being inhibited, between acting out and having fun. Larissa admired your character, you knew what you wanted and you weren't scared to voice it. Occasionally, she heard students whisper about how you were 'worse' than her, but she honestly got a kick out of it.
Lunch today was provided by the Weathervane, courtesy of Marilyn, who settled down with you at your desk.
"Okay,  I got three different sandwich's, so you can pick. I also got a hot chocolate, a matcha latte, and a chai tea!"
Marilyn went on to talk about the planned events, pulling both chuckles and eye rolls from you. She was delightful to talk to, but there was a point, the red head just had so much energy. The principal walked through your door suddenly and slowly made her way to your desk. Your head snapped to her as soon as you heard her enter and you offered her the biggest smile, joy filling your body and pouring out of the seams. Marilyn turned around to find the principal when she noticed your change in demeanour.
"Oh! Hi Principal Weems" she chirped.
"Marilyn, Y/N" the principal greeted smoothly. Marilyn faced you once again, her observation catching you off guard. "You know y/n, you're a lot like Wednesday" she commented.
Your smile faded as you looked at her, "What?"
 It wasn't exactly an insult, per se, but you had no clue where she was going with this.
"Well, you're usually pretty neutral, and you don't smile much or seem to express much enjoyment." You cut Marilyn off with a glare, unsure of what she was implying. "But, whenever you see something or someone that you really like, you light up!" Marilyn finished with a smile.
You blinked in surprise, not realizing you had such a noticeable reaction. You glanced at the principal, who was giving you a knowing smirk. Oh this was embarrassing, you didn't mean to do that, you didn't mean to be so obvious. Sure, when you looked at Larissa you got butterflies, you felt warm and fuzzy, and your lips involuntarily stretched into a smile so big that your eyes almost shut, but did you not smile otherwise? Were you really that unapproachable?
When you said nothing, the principal spoke up.
"I wanted to compliment you on your pumpkin idea from the other day, y/n."
Marilyn had finished eating and decided to excuse herself as she bid you both goodbye. Once she left, the tall woman took her seat. She agreed with Marilyn, you were a bit like Wednesday. She had taken notice of a change in your demeanour, from watching your reserved nature when around your students or others, to when you were around her. She found it incredibly endearing and cute, how she seemed to make you happy with her presence alone.
The principal batted her lashes at you, "I thought your classes pumpkin was quite intelligent. It was well executed, if you know what I mean."
 You giggled, "Thank you Larissa, I knew the students would like it."
Larissa smirked as she looked you up and down, her voice dropping an octave, "I was quite impressed."
A blush so deep formed on your cheeks that Larissa had to hold back a laugh. Attempting to avert her gaze, you noticed that Marilyn had left the third drink on your desk. You pushed it towards the woman, "Hot chocolate?"
Larissa accepted gladly, wondering if you knew of her love for hot chocolate. "Would you like to join me for a drink tonight? My office, 7pm?" Larissa watched you with hopeful eyes as she forced the question out of her mouth.
You were surprised, allowing your face to contort into one of confusion before you realized that you had.
"Oh, of- of course!" you stammered.
Nervously, you entered the Principal's office and sat down at her instruction. She smiled down at you as she neared the couch and offered you a glass of red. You two chatted about autumn and the Nevermore family for a while, but you couldn't help but notice Larissa shivering slightly. You realized that she had a blanket on her lap, and there was no fire lit as usual.
"Larissa are you cold? Why don't I light a fire for you?"
Larissa sighed and glanced at the fireplace, gesturing with her hand in dismissal. "I just haven't had the chance to get more wood. I'll be fine."
You smirked at her, "Nonsense, I got you." Standing up, you walked over to the fireplace and knelt down in front of it. Placing your hand on the cold stone floor, a warm fire appeared right before you. You returned to the couch, and Larissa blinked at you in amazement, a smile gracing her lips. You chuckled at the woman as you sent her a wink, "I'm magic."
"Thank you for standing up for me the other day."
Larissa spoke quietly as she looked into the crackling fire, breaking the silence. "I wasn't myself, I was caught up in my head, and when Kyle insulted me I- I just didn't know what to say because, well, he's right."
You set your eyes on golden hair and pale skin illuminated with an orange glow. You furrowed your brows at her, he was right?
"What? Kyle? He's not right. He's rude, judgemental, he doesn't care about anyone."
Larissa nodded her head in agreement as she hummed, "Yes, he definitely needs something, discipline of some sort." She looked over to you, her gaze boring into your own, and you suddenly understood what she meant. You took her hand in yours and leaned closer to the woman, "What was he right about, Larissa?"
The principal didn't pull way, but you cold tell by her body language that she was bracing herself for rejection.
"I am a lesbian, and I am as tall as slenderman" she chuckled, swallowing the lump in her throat. You let out a scoff that was followed by a laugh, and you gripped her hand tighter in reassurance. You smiled at her, "Well, if that's the case, you're the most beautiful lesbian slenderman that I've ever seen."
You were overly excited to visit the corn maze and pumpkin patch. You loved picking out pumpkins and gourds, white ones, black ones, painting them and decorating with them. You took in the crisp autumn day as the chatter of the students was heard in the background, it brought you peace.
As you helped organize the students at the start of the corn maze and settled yourself at the back of the group, Larissa made her way to your side. The woman in charge of the corn maze then asked for the students' attention. "Alright then, the pumpkin patch will be found at the end of the corn maze, enjoy!"
Just as the students began their journey through the maze, she added a "Oh I forgot to mention, there's a bit of mud in the maze, so hopefully you're all wearing boots!"
You immediately turned your attention to Larissa. You were dressed in cozy fall attire and your boots, but you knew that she was, in fact, not. Larissa, in her infinite wisdom, had chosen fashion over function by wearing high heels. A light blush graced her cheeks as she realized why you were looking at her. "Maybe I'll stay behind," she casually suggested. You knew how much Larissa had been looking forward to this event, listening to her talk about wanting to pick pumpkins from the patch. You were about to agree with her, offering to select pumpkins on her behalf, but a better idea popped into your mind.
"Well, let's see how muddy it is. Maybe you can get around it!" you said with a playful grin.
After a few turns of the maze, you realized that Larissa wouldn't simply be able to 'get around it.' "Shit," you muttered as you gazed at the muddy path ahead. Larissa sighed, "Well, I tried." Your eyes sparkled as you looked up at the woman, and you couldn't resist the chance to be her knight in shining armor, or whatever version of that you were.
"Principal Weems," you declared, playfully bowing to her, "It's clear you missed the memo about fall footwear, but fear not, for I shall carry you over the mud."
Larissa raised an eyebrow, her expression one of surprise and delight. "What?" she asked, shaking her head.
"I will carry you, if you wish," you replied, offering her your hand. Reluctantly, she looked between you, her heels, and the mud, before finally placing her hand in yours. You carefully lifted her into your arms bridal style, reveling in the delighted giggle she let out as you scooped her legs off the ground.
With each step through the mud, you tried to watch your footing, but your focus remained on her. She was so close to you, clinging to you tightly as you did her. A huge smile lit up her face as she took in the scenery, and your heart swelled at the thought of her enjoying herself with you.
As you carried Larissa through the maze, she pointed out various things to make the experience fun. The maze was not particularly long, so you arrived at the pumpkin patch before you knew it. As you gently set Larissa back on her feet, you realized that you hadn't noticed when the mud ended, and you had carried her the entire way. Maybe she hadn't seen the end of the mud either, or maybe she simply didn't want to mention it.
The pumpkin patch spread out before your eyes, an array of different shapes, sizes, and shades of orange, white, and dark green. You picked your way through the field, choosing a white pumpkin and two different-sized orange ones. You watched the principal as she carefully padded up the rows of pumpkins. You wanted to laugh, her hands clasped in front of her, posture straight as a board. She was observing the scenery before her, and so were you. Your attention was diverted to the students, who ran around in a competitive game to find the perfect pumpkin. You watched them for a while, reminiscing about the carefree days of your youth when you, too, could play and have fun.
Your gaze returned to Larissa, who was a few rows away from you, getting help with cutting a large white pumpkin from its vine. Despite getting lost in the fall endeavour, you remembered that you were, in fact, a teacher.
"Be careful please, I don't want anyone tripping over vines and getting hurt!"At the sound of your voice, the principal looked up at the students. They were still playing the game and having fun, but they were noticeably being careful. She then shifted her gaze in your direction and silently mouthed a thank-you, winking at you.
Exiting the maze was more challenging than entering it. You opted for a different route, hoping for less mud, but you soon discovered that it was no better. You and Principal Weems had been keeping up with the students until you noticed that she was no longer by your side. You halted when you felt the absence of her presence and looked down at the ground. It seemed you were standing in a sea of mud, and it extended as far as you could see.
"Crap," you muttered under your breath. You turned and walked back to Larissa, who was chucking at you profusely.
"What's wrong? Am I heavier than you had anticipated?" Your cheeks reddened as you looked up at the woman, she was actually lighter than you had expected, or perhaps you were just stronger.
"Of course not. I would carry you any day, my lady."
Making your way through the maze with Larissa in your arms was tough. You both got caught in a dead end a couple of times, Larissa's laugh when you did enlightening your heart immensely. You placed her down when there was no mud, as she insisted, but when the mud returned, you scooped her back up. Eventually you caught sight of the end of the mud and realized that the maze would soon be ending. You held in a laugh as you purposely took a wrong turn and ended up at a dead end again.
"Oh frig me and my horrible sense of direction" you said, smirking at the woman in your arms. Larissa let out a loud laugh and made your breath hitch as she pressed her cheek to yours, hugging you close. She knew what you were doing, and she thought you were adorable.
"You're a joy to be around, darling."
After the schools rendezvous, you ventured to the Weathervane. Standing in line, you were trying, and failing, to decide on a drink. Your attention was rather focused on something else, like a tall blonde standing a few people ahead of you. So lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice when a student made his way to your side.
"Principal Weems and the mayor huh? Bet they're banging."
Kyle said it so nonchalantly that it took your brain a minute to register, it was so unhinged and random. You turned to him wide eyed, ready to knock him out, but as you shifted your gaze, he was beelining to the exit of the Weathervane. You stood with your mouth open in shock, unable to formulate a response or punishment for that statement. Leaning to the side, you glanced ahead and realized that Larissa was indeed in line with the mayor.
Larissa and the mayor, Larissa and the mayor. They worked together, they had a cooperation, but it wasn't like that, was it?
The more you thought about it, the more you rejected that theory. But the more you thought about it, the more bothered you got. You couldn't shake the growing jealousy.
Visions of them together invaded your thoughts, an ethereal frame against, well, a man. Large hands on soft thighs, plump red lips on rough ones, delicate pale skin against hairy skin, the sounds she would create, sounds you wanted to hear, sounds of - "No!"
You shook your head frustratedly, forgetting yourself. This kid made you angry, Larissa made you irrational, the thought of her with someone else made you insane. Up ahead, you noticed Larissa had directed her attention toward you and offered a warm smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she waved. It was as if she knew you were thinking about her, although you hoped she didn't. You were far too flustered to even smile back, and you didn't have a clue of what to do about Kyle. So, you made the quick decision to take your leave, before you did or said something stupid.
Since Halloween was on a Saturday, Friday was costume day. You had thought hard about what or who you wanted to dress up as, and you finally settled on an idea. A rather clever idea, as you thought she would get a kick out of it. You handed treats to your students and complimented them on their costumes. Some students didn't dress up, and some dressed up just to spite others.
"Are you supposed to be Principal Weems?" Wednesday asked, looming over your table in the quad. You swallowed your lunch, nodding at the girl. "Uh yes, kind of" you chuckled. Wednesday looked you up and down, nodding in approval. "I like it" she said before walking away.
At days end you made your way through the halls. You were disappointed about your lack of Halloween plans, especially since your favorite holiday was on a Saturday. You were also extremely disappointed that you hadn't seen Principal Weems today, perhaps she was busy.
Taking the longer way to your quarters, you stopped as you approached the hallway which held the principals office. Your feet had involuntarily brought you this way, and now that you were here, they would walk you right past her door. As you entered the hallway, Kyle popped out of nowhere and scared the absolute crap out of you.
"Hi Ms" he said, standing directly in front of you as he gazed around frantically. Your face scrunched as you looked down at him in question, he was definitely up to something.
"Kyle, what are you doing?" Kyle turned to look at the large doors behind him before he turned his attention to you.
"I'm just uh, supervising the hallway. It's nice outside, go enjoy the day" he said, desperately trying to usher you away. "What do you mean supervising? Why are-" You were cut off by a horrified scream, a scream that sounded like it came from her office. Your head swivelled to the doors before your gaze locked on Kyle.
"What did you do!?" you growled at him. He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, "I didn't do anything!"
You scoffed and made your way frantically to the doors, but you were stopped by Kyle grabbing your hand and putting himself in your path. "Don’t go in there! Principal Weems said that she doesn't want to be bothered."
You shook your hand lose from his grip and stared down at him menacingly.
"Get out of here now, or you will be in so much trouble so help me god" you spat. You stepped around him without question and entered the principal's office, almost slamming the door behind you. You scanned the office quickly and found nothing out of the ordinary, except for a box on the desk. Walking towards it, sounds of sniffles and whimpers became louder until you found the principal. You hurried around the desk and almost fell to your knees at the sight of the woman sitting on the floor in tears. She covered her face with one hand, and held a photo in the other. Before you could ask her what was wrong, your eyes landed on the photo. Dark ink printed a picture of you, lying on the floor covered in blood. Confused, you scrambled to your feet and peered into the box on her desk.
Inside was a pint of blood labelled with your name and a letter on top.
 Dear Principal Weems,
I believe I have taken the life of one of your staff. My deepest apologies, but my thirst does not discriminate.
Happy Halloween,
your favourite Vampire
"What the hell" you whispered, staring down at the note. Just then, it all fell into place. Kyle must have figured out that you had a thing for the principal, as he has seen you two together recently, and he has been super annoying about it. It was sly for him to use Larissa's care for you against her, and it was believable, after all he was a vampire. But why would he do this to her? It was an unnecessary, lousy prank.
You settled down on the floor next to the woman and took her hand in yours, throwing the photo to the side.
"Larissa" you whispered, stroking her arm. She let out a sob as she ignored you, it was like she didn't realize anyone had entered her office.
"Larissa I'm not dead" you said a little louder. You reached up to pull her other hand away from her face and she flinched at the contact. Her head spun to meet you in a panic, wide eyed she let out a gasp.
"D-darling! You’re here?!" she questioned, bringing her hand to cup your face to make sure that you were real. You placed your hand on top of hers as you giggled, "Yes Rissa, I'm not a ghost."
The principal closed her eyes and focused on her breathing as you watched her. She was extremely frazzled, not that one wouldn't be if they had found out one of your staff members (and hopefully friend) was murdered.
"Come, lets move to the couch" you offered as you stood and helped her do the same.
You sat close to the woman and looked down at the photo. "Someone's good at photoshop" you murmured.
Larissa reached out and slowly took it from you. You watched as she stared down at the photo, small tears escaping her as she tried to compose herself.
"So it's, it's just a prank?" she asked through sniffles.
You scooted closer to her and rubbed at her back soothingly, "Yes Riss, it's just a stupid prank. That's not my blood in that jar, hopefully it's not anyone's." The principal eventually calmed thanks to your presence. You noticed her attempt to put on her personal or perhaps professional façade, but she gave up as her nerves were far too shot.
She whispered, "I thought I had lost another Nevermore family member. I've been so on edge lately, I thought it had to be true."
You stopped all movements and leaned closer to her, looking her in the eyes. She wouldn't look at you.
"What do you mean another Nevermore family member?"
Larissa's gaze slowly but surely met yours, and you watched as her lower lip quivered.
"I haven't been entirely truthful with you" she murmured.
As you stared into pools of blue, you could see that she was hurting, she was tired. So, you decided to let it go, for now. "It's alright Rissa. Let's just deal with Kyle, shall we?"
Larissa nodded her head before looking back down at the photo, not wanting to deal with it at all. The thought of you dead, not being here with her anymore, not taking care of the students any longer, not carrying her through corn mazes, and not looking at her with those adoring eyes, made her heart break. She could no longer wait.
"Would you like to come to my house tomorrow? Perhaps we can hand out candy and watch a movie?"
Larissa looked down at you with hope as she wiped a tear from her cheek.
A smile instantly lit up your face, maybe Halloween would be fun after all. You nodded enthusiastically, and you watched the woman's expression brighten.
Until her brows knit. She looked you up and down, taking note of your elegant updo, your red lip, your pearl earrings, your high collared knee length dress, and your heels. You looked like her, a rather dark mysterious version of her, like she was the white swan and you were the black.
"Are you dressed like me?" she asked with a bit of insecurity. Of course, you did look like her, but she never thought that you would purposely dress like her. She didn't think you'd adapt her style, didn't think that she was beautiful, not enough for someone to want to look like her on purpose.
You let out an embarrassed giggle and nodded in confirmation as you played with your hands. A huge grin grew on the older woman's face and she let out a loud laugh. You smiled at her mascara smudged skin as she leaned in and took your face in her hands. Her eyes scanned your face before she looked you in the eye, "You are absolutely precious."
Draping a long black hooded dress over your body, you applied some dark makeup. You adjusted your hood and added a tattoo to your forehead, finishing your look as one of the Dimitrescu daughters. Staring at yourself in the mirror, you noted that you were rather creepy looking, even sans blood. Your intention wasn't to scare the kids, you didn't want to scare them, or maybe you did. You shrugged as you grabbed your fake sickle, making sure your powers were in check before setting out for the night.
You made your way through the woods, a torch being the only source of light besides the moon. You finally stumbled onto the road and giddily set out for the principals house. You had wanted to be there before it fell dark, but you had a matter to attend to where the darkness was paramount. So, you skipped down the road with your sickle in hand, enjoying the rustling leaves in the breeze of the night.
When you arrived at the principals house, there was a small line of trick or treaters. You watched from afar as she handed out treat bags, big ones at that, and made conversation with all of the kids. She looked over the moon to be seeing them all, asking about their costumes and plans for the night. Her red lipped smile was the cutest thing you've seen in your entire life, and all you wanted in the world was to kiss it off of her. Your gaze moved around her house, and you wondered how you missed all of the decorations. The large windows at the front of her house were lit up by orange, purple, and green lights from the inside, contrasting brightly against the dark outside. There were a couple pumpkins on the step, and one of those huge skeletons in her yard, the 12 foot one that you've always wanted. You decided to pop in line behind the kids, and you squinted your eyes at the woman, as if that would help you see better. She definitely had a costume on, was she a devil? You squealed internally as you took in her red horns, choker, and black cape. This was the first time you've seen her in black, and damn did it look good on her.
You held your sickle over your shoulder as you waited for the kid in front of you to leave and for blue eyes to meet yours. When they did, her jaw dropped slightly and she paused, looking you up and down.
"Y/n?!" she squeaked, shaking her head at you.
You smiled, "Hi Rissa!"
The woman pulled you into a half hug before stepping to the side, "Why are you in line? Come in darling."
You stepped into her house and immediately went wide eyed at the sight of the elaborate design.
"I was waiting for candy" you chuckled.
You saw Larissa's side smirk as she continued to pass the treat bags out, and you barely caught a chocolate bar that she sent flying your way.
You were passing out treats when some students arrived at the doorstep.
"Oh! Hi girls, how's it going?" you greeted.
"Great!" Enid squealed, pulling at Wednesday's hand in excitement. As Larissa appeared behind you to greet the students, she placed her hands on your shoulders, sending a shiver down your spine. "Ah, girls, do come in."
"So Principal Weems, you’re a devil?" Enid asked brightly.
"Sure am" Larissa replied, collecting some treats to give them.
Enid then looked at you, "And Ms., you're a…a"
"A Dimitrescu daughter, obviously" Yoko said.
You laughed and winked at Yoko, "Exactly."
Wednesday looked you up and down, her monotone never faltering, "Yesterday she was Weems, today she's a killer." Larissa returned to your side and handed them all treats. She then turned her attention to you, smirking down with dark eyes, "I appreciated her costume yesterday, it was very clever, and detailed" she breathed.
You flicked through the Halloween movies looking for something good to watch. Your favorites were along the lines of Beetlejuice, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Edward Scissorhands, but you've watched them SO many times already. Larissa placed a charcuterie board on the table and passed you a glass of wine, taking her cape off. As she sat next to you, you couldn't help but let your eyes trail down her figure. She was wearing black leather pants and a tight long sleeve shirt, you almost spit out your wine at the sight. Larissa never failed to notice your expressions or actions, no matter how subtle.
She scooted closer to you and batted her lashes, "I'm so glad you came over darling. I was worried I had made this food for nothing" she chuckled. Your lower lip quivered at the thought of someone standing her up. You were elated at the thought of her wanting to hangout with you, but putting this much effort in and being worried that you wouldn't show? She was too sweet for this world.
"I would never leave you hanging Rissa. I'm sorry I was late, I had to tend to…something first." Larissa tilted her head at you, wondering what on earth you were tending to.
She pursed her lips, "You know, we never did come up with a discipline for Kyle."
You snickered down at the floor, shaking your head amusedly. "I may have taken that into my own hands."
The woman's mouth opened in question before she closed it, grabbing her wine off of the table and settling beside you. She smiled and brought the glass to her lips, "Go on."
-A couple hours ago-
Just as it was getting dark out, you set out for the old Gates' mansion. You had left a note for Kyle and a few of his friends, anonymously, for them to meet up there. Of course you didn't know if they would actually show, but to your delight, they did. You hid behind a wall by the entrance of the house, watching as the group conversed. It was dark now, the only source of light being their flashlights.
"Why are we here dude?" one of his friends asked nervously.
"I don't know man! I got a note!" Kyle replied.
"Oh sorry, I didn't realize that you got a note!" his other friend said sarcastically.
It took everything in you to not laugh at their bickering, boys. Once you figured it was time, you made a loud noise to get their attention.
"What the hell was that?" Kyle questioned, fear evident in his voice.
Just then, you flicked your wrist, and in a second the house was illuminated by a ring of fire. You peeked out from behind the wall, seeing the boys staring at the flames in terror.
With a nod of your head, a message was burning on the front lawn.
'Kyle, we know what you did. We're coming for you'
The boys stepped away quickly when they felt the heat, and Kyle went wide eyed as he read the message.
"Shit boys! Let's get out of here!" he hollered.
You could hear the horror in his voice, but it only made you laugh menacingly. Once they had vanished, you cut the fire off, no trace of the event left.
"And then I came here" you smiled. Larissa's jaw was on the floor, staring at you in disbelief.
"Y/n I- I don't know what to say. Are you sure you weren't too hard on him?"
Despite Larissa's attempt to portray her usual headmistress demeanour, you could see her smirking.
You shrugged your shoulders and shook your head, "Rissa, there are a couple things he's done that you actually don't know about. So, no, I don’t think I was too hard on him."
You paused, "Plus, I wanted to get revenge, for us" you winked.
You agreed on a horror movie, to your dismay. You didn't want to look like a wimp in front of Larissa, so you clicked on the conjuring as you swallowed the lump in your throat. You turned your focus to other things while the movie played, things like the interior design of the house, your costume (which you thought was fire), and Larissa herself, who was lost in the movie. You watched as she sipped her wine, plump lips resting on the rim of the glass. 'What a good distraction, just drink' you thought.
When you got tired of that, you turned to the movie, hoping you could stick it out. But as a particularly horrifying string of music played, you squealed and buried your head into the woman's shoulder. Larissa let out a soft laugh as she brought her hand to stroke at your hair.
"What's the matter love? You don't like scary movies?" You shook your head no, holding onto her arm.
"Do you want me to turn it off?" she asked quietly, to which you sat up and quickly said "No!"
You stuck it out for awhile, watching the movie while partially distracting yourself with snacks and wine. Some of it was hilarious to be honest, but certain parts you just couldn't do. Larissa noticed as you sat wide eyed, your breathing staggered as you attempted to calm yourself. She wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close to her, which immediately brought you some peace. You smiled as you continued to watch the movie, but when a jump scare happened, you grabbed the woman tightly and buried your face in her neck. Your eyelashes brushed against her skin as you blinked, it was dark and you felt safe. She was so soft, her skin smelled of lavender, and she was so, so comfortable. When you felt her settle into your touch and pull you tighter, you closed your eyes and let your breath become even once again.
You didn't know how long it had been before the movie ended and Larissa turned her face toward yours, her chin resting lightly against your forehead. You lifted your head from her neck and peered up at her, the light burning your eyes. She smiled caringly down at you, and you both sat in silence as you scanned the lines on her soft skin.
"Would you like to take a walk, darling?" she whispered.
You sat up eagerly before looking out into the night and sighing sarcastically, "Sounds like something you'd say If you wanted to murder me." You then picked up your fake sickle, "Good thing I have this!"
Larissa led you through her backyard and into the woods. She had assembled a breathtaking light up trail around the perimeter of her yard, white lights hanging from the trees and leaves scattered along the dirt path. You sauntered through the woods as you took in the beauty of the trees, reveling in the colors one last time before fall would fade and winter would come. Larissa basked in the peace and in your presence, and you could tell that she appreciated nights like these, she needed more nights like these. You entwined your fingers with hers and stroked your thumb over the back of her hand gently as you walked side by side. You then snickered as you pointed to her shoes, she wasn't wearing heels this time.
"Someone didn't want me to carry them tonight, I see" you spoke sarcastically. Larissa looked down at her boots and quickly removed them, leaning on you for support.
"Oh no, now how will I walk through this path!?" she said, bringing her hands to her face in faux panic. You rolled your eyes at her and scooped her up, loving the giggle she let out.
At the end of the path there was a bench, a small spot decorated with pumpkins and gourds. You sat down on the bench and placed Larissa in your lap, holding her close with your arms around her waist. You wrapped a blanket around her, scared that she might be cold.
"Thank you, love" she whispered, resting her head on your shoulder.
You both basked in the calmness of the night, finding comfort and warmth in each others embrace.
Larissa looked up at the bright full moon, "It's such a gorgeous night."
She then turned to you, her face only inches away from yours. You watched as she spoke, watched her lips move in a taunting manner, a seducing manner.
She was beauty, grace, she was gentle and kind. She was pure, unique, she was stunning. The sweetest woman you've ever met was sitting in your lap, her melodic voice sounding for only you to hear.
Yet, you were unsure of what she was saying as you scanned your eyes over her delicate face. You brought your hand up and traced your finger over her smile lines.
"Y/n? Are you listening?"
Your gaze shifted from her lips to her eyes, bright and wide and questioning.
"Can I kiss you?" you whispered, stroking your thumb over her bottom lip lightly.
Larissa's eyebrows softened, her surprise evident. She didn't speak, so you took that as a no and removed your hand from her face. As you backed away and went to apologise, the woman pulled you against her, slamming her lips gently against yours.
You hummed into the kiss as she caught you off guard, threading your fingers through her light hair. The taste of red lipstick and wine overtook your senses, feeling her exhale against your skin made you shiver.
She pulled away, stroking your cheek with her thumb and resting her forehead against yours.
"I noticed how much you like Halloween, love. Would you like to carve pumpkins together? Maybe roast some pumpkin seeds?"
You squealed in excitement as you nodded your head, grabbing her face and pressing your lips against hers with need. You gave her light but meaningful pecks on the lips before moving to her cheeks and forehead.
You then tucked your head into her neck, "I wish this night didn't have to end."
Larissa lifted your head gently and pressed her cheek against yours, both of you gazing up at the moon.
She pressed a kiss to your forehead, "When we're together, darling, every night is Halloween."
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weemssapphic · 8 months
Lipstick Stains - Pt. 11
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Larissa Weems x fem!reader
summary: Larissa meets your roommates - and a phone call manages to sour your evening.
words: ~4.3k | ao3 link in title
A/N: sorry for the long wait (again) 💀 really struggled with this for some reason but to make up for it, chapter 12 is complete already and will be posted soon (and will feature our darlings going on their super slutty trip <3). until then, hope you enjoy and that it turned out okay! <3
Larissa felt so safe and so warm in your arms that she’d ended up falling asleep; her head on your chest, her feet dangling off the end of the couch, your arms snug around her waist. The slamming of the front door woke her with a start, and she buried her head into your chest, thinking perhaps that if she willed the world around her to fade away, it would. No such luck - footsteps approached the living room and a vaguely familiar voice came closer and closer.
“Hey, are we still- oh. Shit. Sorry!”
Larissa tightened her grip on you as she felt you shift beneath her, feeling the vibrations of your voice in your chest against her cheek.
“Do you always have to be so loud?” you complained, sounding groggy - it seemed you’d fallen asleep as well, and Larissa’s lips curled up into a soft smile.
“It’s not even 6 pm, I didn’t think you’d be asleep!” 
“We were just taking a nap!”
“I can see that.” The smirk in Cassandra’s voice was evident from her tone. “Anyway, I was going to ask if we were all still planning on ordering pizza tonight. I’m starving.” 
“I guess. When are Robin and Christin coming home?”
Larissa wondered how much longer she could keep herself out of this conversation and pretend to be asleep - your hand came up to rest on her head, nails gently scratching at her scalp, and she shivered in delight.
“Christin just texted, they’re on their way.”
“Okay. Uh, yeah, we can order pizza.”
Larissa chose that moment to peek cautiously up at you. You noticed her move and smiled down at her - that smile alone made Larissa’s heart flutter.
“Sorry if we woke you,” you murmured.
“It’s alright, darling.” Larissa’s voice was slightly hoarse and she cleared her throat, a little embarrassed as she felt the lingering presence of your roommate in the doorway. “I should probably get going…”
Pushing herself into a seated position, she smoothed her dress and ran a hand subconsciously over her updo. She felt you shift beside her, resting your cheek on her shoulder and placing an arm around her waist, giving her a gentle squeeze. 
“Do you have to go?” you mumbled into her shoulder. Larissa’s heart clenched at the undertone of neediness in your voice, and she felt the familiar gnawing sense of guilt in her stomach at everything that had transpired in the past 24 hours. 
“You should stay,” Cassandra chimed in. Larissa’s gaze snapped over to the young woman and was met with wide brown eyes that watched her curiously. “I mean, Y/N seems to really like you. It would be cool to get to know you.” She shrugged, leaning against the door frame as her eyes flicked between Larissa and you.
Larissa looked down at you for your reaction. “It would be cool,” you agreed softly. “But I know you’re not feeling well so it’s okay if you just wanna go home.”
She supposed it would be important to get to know your roommates - and despite how tired she was, she was craving your company now more than ever. So she wrapped an arm around your waist and smiled at Cass. “Thank you for the invite. I would love to stay for the evening.” Larissa didn’t miss your beaming grin, or the way you squeezed her tighter. 
Cass left the two of you alone and padded off to her room. The moment she was gone you had Larissa pressed against the back of the sofa, straddling her lap and pressing your lips to hers in a searing kiss that took her breath away and drew a soft groan from her throat. She rested her hands on your waist, kissing you back eagerly.
“Thank you,” you whispered, punctuating your words with kisses. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Larissa pulled back, fixing you with an amused look. “What are you thanking me for, love?”
“For saying you’ll stay.” You blushed and hid your face in the crook of her neck, your words muffled against her skin. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to. I know it’s not the best time and you’re tired and maybe you just want to go back to Nevermore but-”
“Darling.” Larissa took your chin gently between her fingers and guided you to look at her. She felt her heart soar at the care and worry for her own well-being that she saw reflected in your eyes. “I want to be here with you. Your friends are important to you and I think it’s time I met them properly.”
“Okay,” you murmured with a smile. “Still, thank you.”
Robin and Christin came home shortly thereafter and the five of you ordered pizza. It wasn’t long before you were squished together on the couches, chowing down and chatting.
Larissa could tell why you liked your roommates so much. Watching you interact with them made her feel a wistful sort of grief for her own past experiences - how nice it had been when she’d come to Nevermore and met her new roommate, the beautiful and witty and mysterious Morticia. Oh, how they’d hit it off in the beginning, thick as thieves, becoming the best of friends… becoming more. And then Morticia had changed. When she found Gomez, it was like Larissa had become nothing but a toy to her. Instead of coming back to her dorm after a day of classes, excited to gossip and giggle and snuggle like in those early years at Nevermore, she would enter her room with a feeling of dread, never knowing if she’d find her roommate cozied up to Gomez, or perhaps getting ready for some party that Larissa hadn’t been invited to.
In spite of her own heartache, she couldn’t help but smile as she watched the four of you joke around, happy that you’d managed to find people who seemed to truly care about you.
The way that Christin clung to Robin, resting her head on Robin’s shoulder as they sat on one end of the larger sofa, emboldened Larissa, who found herself subconsciously reaching for your hand and wiggling her fingers in between yours.
You turned to her with a look of surprise on your face and Larissa couldn’t help but grin. With a brief glance at your roommates who were locked in a heated debate about whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza, Larissa raised her thumb to the corner of your mouth and swiped at a drop of pizza sauce, the pad of her thumb lingering on your lip for just a moment, before she lifted her thumb to her mouth and sucked it between her lips. Larissa let out the faintest of hums to tease you, heat pooling in her core as she watched your pupils dilate, your gaze fixed on her lips.
“Jesus, you guys are worse than Robin and Christin,” Cassandra whined, pulling both you and Larissa back to the present. Larissa felt her cheeks grow warm, smiling sheepishly as you mouthed an apology before turning to your roommate.
“You’re just bitter because you’re single,” you said - the brunette shot a withering glare in your direction.
“How would you like it if I brought a guy home and-”
“It’s different if it’s a man,” Christin interrupted with a playful eyeroll, you and Robin quickly agreeing as Cassandra huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.
“You’re the one who agreed to live with a bunch of lesbians,” Robin said with a grin.
“Well Y/N used to be on my side,” Cassandra grumbled. “Before she met Larissa.” Her gaze landed on the blonde, her lips quirking up into a devilish grin - Larissa could feel her face grow warmer still.
“Leave Larissa out of this,” you protested.
“I’m right here, you know,” she murmured, unable to hide the wide smile that was beginning to stretch across her face.
“Don’t worry, we like you. But Y/N has turned into such a simp since she met you.” 
Your other roommates agreed and Larissa looked down at you, amused to see that your cheeks were glowing just as red as hers felt. 
“Moving on,” you said, clearing your throat. “Whose turn is it to choose what movie we watch?”
After pizza, Larissa agreed to stay for a movie - you were glad your roommates hadn’t sent her running for the hills (yet), and thrilled at the prospect of snuggling up to her on the couch, craving the physical closeness. It was Christin’s turn to choose a movie and she went for a classic: Mamma Mia.
Larissa’s plush thighs bracketed your own, your back pressed comfortably against her front and your head resting back against her shoulder. One of Larissa’s hands was splayed across your abdomen, pulling you snugly into her, the other hand resting on your hip as her thumb lazily stroked your curves. You could feel yourself slowly melting into your partner, as if your bodies belonged together, fitting like puzzle pieces. Larissa was warm and soft and oh so comforting, your brain going slightly fuzzy as you relished in the sensation of her breath on your cheek and her legs brushing against yours, enveloped completely in the scent and feeling of her.
A soft buzzing could be heard and Larissa’s hand left your hip, shifting you aside slightly to reach down into her purse next to the couch. With a glance at her phone screen, a sigh escaped her lips and she pressed a quick kiss to your temple before wiggling out from underneath you, whispering, “I’ll just be a minute.”
You settled back onto the couch as Larissa padded into the kitchen, nestling into the warm spot where she had been sitting moments prior. You found you could hardly concentrate on the movie, though, as you strained your ears, curiosity getting the better of you - it was awfully late to be getting a work call. It was no use, however - Larissa spoke in such hushed tones that you couldn’t make out a single word.
When Larissa re-entered the living room, you shifted aside so that she could resume her position behind you. As she pulled you between her thighs, you craned your head back to look up at her, noting a subtle shift in her demeanor - what exactly she was feeling, however, you couldn’t tell, as her features quickly settled back on neutral.
“Who was that? Is everything okay?” you whispered, trying not to draw the attention of your roommates.
“Everything is fine, darling,” Larissa whispered back, with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. You quirked an eyebrow and Larissa quickly looked away, her gaze landing on the television - you felt your stomach drop at being dismissed so quickly. She pressed her lips absentmindedly to the crown of your head, draping an arm loosely over your midsection.
Realizing you weren’t getting any more information out of her, you turned back to the movie, but your attention waned and you found yourself unable to fully relax into Larissa’s arms as you had before. Larissa was hiding something from you, and it did not feel good. It felt as though your intestines were twisting themselves slowly, excruciatingly, into intricate little knots. It felt as though a lump was rising in your throat, making itself a home and making it hard to breathe as your brain immediately jumped from one worst case scenario to the next about what Larissa could possibly be hiding.
As you felt the distant sting of tears threatening to make an appearance, you extricated yourself from her grip.
“I’m getting water, does anyone want anything?” you asked, trying to keep your voice level, purposely avoiding Larissa’s gaze.
Robin shook her head no, Christin let out a quiet “nope”, Cassandra said “no”, all turning their attention back to the movie. Larissa stayed silent, and you could feel her eyes on you as you left the room, burning a hole into your back.
Standing in the kitchen, you leaned against the counter, your back to the living room as you took deep, steadying breaths. Surely you were overreacting. Surely. It was probably just a call from someone at Nevermore about a student, routine business, Larissa was probably just tired. You were probably doing what you did best and reading too much into things. Right? 
Except it felt like something bigger. Larissa seemed so stressed and on edge - no matter how often she would tell you she was fine, she clearly wasn’t, and there was nothing you could do to help her. And that feeling sucked.
Soft footsteps sounded behind you and your heart fluttered hopefully as you turned around - only to be met with the sight of Cassandra, leaning in the doorway and watching you with her dark brows knit together.
“You didn’t come in here to get something to drink.” It was a statement, not a question - you’d known each other for so long that she could see right through you. You shook your head no, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth to hide the way it wobbled.
Cass sighed and stepped closer. “You wanna tell me why you’re hiding in the kitchen instead of cozying up with your woman?”
You shrugged and she rolled her eyes in response. “Is it because of the phone call? Do you think she’s…” She bit her lip and gestured vaguely.
“No… I don’t know. I don’t think so? But she’s being weird.”
“So talk to her.”
“I don’t think she wants to talk.”
“So make her! If something is bothering her, you should know.”
“Yeah, I know…” You nodded, swallowing against the lump in your throat. The thought of adding to Larissa’s stress made you nervous - you never wanted to do that - but there was something else. What if she was hiding something from you? Would you want to know? Would you be able to handle it if she was?
“You guys get lost in there?” Robin called out from the living room.
“We’re coming,” you yelled back. Cassandra gave you a pointed look, which only served to deepen the pit in your stomach. You ignored it and poured yourself a glass of water, brushing past her to re-enter the living room, your roommate following close behind you.
You settled back into Larissa’s arms - she looked worried, her brows knit together, but there was also a hint of guilt swimming in those sapphire pools. It made you feel worse, knowing that Larissa could sense something was off, and you hoped she would address it soon.
When the movie finished, Larissa’s arms tightened around you and her lips found your cheek. You tensed at the contact - Larissa noticed and immediately pulled back, and you felt a strange sense of guilt at avoiding her concerned gaze as you sat up and stretched.
“Ah shit.” Robin stood from the couch as she checked her phone. “It’s almost midnight, I have to be up in 5 hours. It was nice to meet you, Larissa.” 
Larissa smiled warmly. “Likewise.”
One by one, your roommates excused themselves - Cassandra making a point to bump your shoulder on her way out.
“They’re all very kind, I’m glad you have them,” Larissa said once the two of you were alone, tilting her head to the side and smiling softly.
“Yeah, me too…”
Larissa’s eyes searched your face, her smile slowly fading as she took in your rigid posture. “Darling, are you alright?” She took a step closer to you, taking one of your hands in her own - you were certain she could feel how clammy your hand was, and your fingers twitched nervously.
“I’m fine,” you lied, not quite able to meet Larissa’s gaze. 
“Y/N, look at me.” Strong fingers gripped your chin and urged it up, your head tilting backwards. You had no choice but to look the shapeshifter in the eyes, your breath catching in your throat at the stern look on her face.
“Good girl,” she murmured, her voice low, and your cheeks turned pink. Her gaze seemed to drink in your expression - nervous, sad, needy - and her face softened, her hand dropping back down to her side. “Have I done something?”
It took you a moment to find your voice - when you did, it was hoarse. “I don’t know. Have you?”
Larissa furrowed her brow, her eyes narrowing - you could tell she was thinking. Hard. Then her face fell, seeming to take your stomach along with it.
A long, heavy silence engulfed the both of you, Larissa’s nostrils flaring as her eyes darted about the room - your own eyes were glued to her face, carefully taking in every microexpression that passed across it before it finally settled on hurt. Your stomach rolled uncomfortably as a wave of dread began to crest within you, growing larger with every passing beat of silence.
Finally, Larissa spoke, her voice strangely calm and level. “Is this about the phone call I received?”
“I… I don’t know. Is it? I feel like-” You could hear your voice start to shake and you swallowed thickly. “I feel like you’re not talking to me… What about Morticia? I don’t even know who she is and yet you’re, I don’t know, drinking yourself to death because of her?”
Larissa sighed, reaching up to cup your face. “Oh, love, it’s alright, it doesn’t matter. It’s silly. Please, don’t worry ab-”
“Don’t tell me not to worry about it, Larissa,” you hissed, feeling angry tears threaten to spill over your cheeks. “I am worried about it. I’m worried about you.” Your throat was getting tighter by the second as you stumbled over your words. “I want to help you but I don’t know what’s going on, I feel like you’re trying to shut me out.”
Larissa’s eyes fluttered shut, a pained expression crossing her face as she swallowed visibly, her throat bobbing. “I don’t mean to shut you out,” she whispered, letting out a shuddering breath. “Morticia was my roommate at Nevermore. She once meant very much to me, but that was a long time ago. Now she is nothing more than a thorn in my side and, unfortunately, the mother of one of my students.”
She looked as though she wanted to say more, her mouth opening and then closing again, no sound coming out. Then she shook her head lightly, her voice bordering on pleading. “I’m sorry. Please trust me.”
You weren’t satisfied, not in the slightest - your mind was racing with question after question. But Larissa looked as tired as you felt, and any fight you had in you was quickly draining from your body. “I do trust you,” you whispered. “You can trust me, too, though…”
Larissa’s eyes, blue and glassy and wide as saucers, snapped up to meet your gaze. “I do.”
She placed her palm, warm and comforting, on your cheek, her long fingers curling behind your ear, and you found yourself nuzzling into her touch. Her eyes darted hesitantly between yours and she leaned down to kiss you, slowly enough for you to stop her. You didn’t, allowing plush red lips to melt against your own - hesitant and loving and needy all at the same time. One of Larissa’s hands curled in your hair while the other gripped your waist and tugged you closer as her tongue swiped at your lips.
A door somewhere in your apartment creaked open and, becoming aware that your roommates were still very much awake, you pulled back. “It’s getting late. You need sleep. Proper sleep.”
Larissa peered down at you, unblinking. Finally, she nodded slowly and bent to fetch her purse. “You’re right.”
“I’m not done talking about this,” you whispered, half-hoping Larissa wouldn’t hear you as you fidgeted with the hem of your shirt.
“I know. Please be patient with me?” Larissa’s voice was soft and bordering on timid, and you nodded, offering her the most reassuring smile you could muster as you walked her to the door.
You watched her form retreat until she’d disappeared entirely into the night before closing the door and leaning back against it, your body tense and your heart aching.
In the following days, you could tell that Larissa was trying to make it up to you. She sent you more texts than usual, mundane updates of her day - she even sent you a voice note during her lunch break, the very first one she’d ever sent you, telling you proudly how she’d managed to get groceries and restock her fridge. In the evenings she called you, waiting until you’d fallen asleep before hanging up. You talked about many things, but not Morticia - never Morticia. It still left you feeling a little… off - you hoped she would be ready to talk soon.
On Thursday, you returned home from your morning classes to an empty apartment and busied yourself with making lunch when the doorbell rang.
Figuring one of the girls had forgotten their key again, you opened the door, only to be met with the sight of a delivery driver holding a large box.
“Delivery for Y/N?”
“Uh.” Your brows scrunched together in confusion - you hadn’t ordered anything. “Yeah, that’s me…”
The man thrust the package into your hands and turned to leave, wishing you a nice day. You closed the door and looked down at the package, your heart skipping a beat when you read Larissa’s name on the shipping label.
Settling on the couch, you opened the box - there was a bunch of gold tissue paper and, among it, a small card. A smile crept up your cheeks as you picked up the card, recognizing Larissa’s neat, tight cursive.
My darling, In anticipation of our trip, I have a little gift I’d like to give you. It would please me greatly if you would wait to unwrap it until we’re together, so I’d like for you to bring it with you. I hope this isn’t terribly presumptuous of me, but I couldn’t help myself. Hopefully you are looking forward to this weekend just as much as I am. All my love, Larissa
You bit your lip, your heart feeling like it could burst at any second. Carefully sifting through the tissue paper, you uncovered another, slightly smaller box and something softer and more compact - clothing? - both wrapped in gold paper. You pulled out your phone, snapping a picture of the mountain of tissue paper and sending it to Larissa.
Y/N: You really didn’t have to get me anything!
It only took Larissa a minute to respond, as if she had been waiting to hear from you.
Larissa: I know that, darling. I wanted to.
Y/N: Are you suuure I can’t open it yet? You’re really killing me with the suspense here…
Larissa: I am certain that you can be a good girl and wait for me.
You were grateful to be home alone, your cheeks growing warm and electricity spreading through your limbs. It was crazy just how much you were at Larissa’s mercy, how she was able to turn you on with so little effort on her part - you decided that Larissa deserved a little teasing.
Y/N: And if I don’t want to be a good girl? Then what?
Larissa: Then you would deserve to be punished. 
Y/N: Well maybe I want to be punished by you.
It took Larissa noticeably longer to reply to that text than to the others, and you grinned down at your phone, imagining the principal getting all riled up in her office - perhaps texting you during a meeting, trying to hide how flustered you’d managed to make her. In all fairness, you’d gotten yourself worked up as well, your cunt throbbing with a need that you’d have to take care of soon.
Larissa: Noted.
You laughed - it had taken her a whole 4 minutes to reply with that one word.
Y/N: That’s all?
Larissa: Darling, you’ll be the death of me… I’ll call you tonight, alright?
Y/N: Yeah, of course. Don’t forget to eat lunch :*
Larissa: Thank you x
Larissa did call you that evening. You were snuggled up in bed, your phone lying on the pillow next to you as Larissa’s soft, lilting voice floated from the speaker. The clacking of her laptop keyboard could be heard in the background.
“Have you packed already?” Larissa purred. 
“And you packed what I sent you?”
“Yeah - unopened and everything.”
“Good girl,” Larissa murmured seductively, her voice dropping an octave.
“God, Larissa,” you groaned as heat spread through your body. “You know how unfair it is when you do that.”
“I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about,” Larissa said coyly - you could picture her batting her lashes and smirking, and it did nothing to help with the throb between your legs. “I’ll pick you up around 10 tomorrow, our flight leaves at 12:45.”
Your eyes grew wide. “10? In the morning? Are you sure?”
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?” You could hear the frown in Larissa’s voice, the clacking of the keyboard coming to a halt.
“I just mean… don’t you have to work?” You worried your bottom lip between your teeth as your pulse picked up.
“I think Nevermore can survive without me for one day, love. Even principals are entitled to a vacation,” Larissa teased.
“Oh.” You were glad Larissa couldn’t see you blush. “Yeah, okay, I’ll be ready at 10.”
“You sound surprised.”
“I’m not, I just thought…” You were unable to finish your sentence - honestly, you were a bit surprised, having thought she’d want to pick you up in the evening after work.
“You mean so much more to me than you realize,” Larissa said softly. Her words overwhelmed you - you wanted so desperately for them to be true, your heart close to bursting. If Larissa had been there with you, you’d have kissed her senseless on the spot. 
You swallowed, your voice hoarse with emotion. “I can’t wait, Larissa.”
“Neither can I, darling. Now get some sleep, I want you well-rested for the weekend.”
“Yes, ma’am,” you replied with a giggle, reveling in the barely audible snort that Larissa let out. “I love you, Rissa.”
“I love you, too, pretty girl.”
Taglist: @mysaviorfalsegod @imlike-so-gaydude @rainbow-hedgehog @enchantressb @alder-saan @eveymay @amateurwritescm @brienneswife @principal-weems09 @messynessi @larissaoftarthweems @anti-bright-places @lvinhs @catechristiesstuff @ladyzmilf002 @milfsloverblog @opheliauniverse @orangeisnttheonlyfruit @im-a-carnivorous-plant @alexusonfire @bigolgay @kimiinou @wastdstime @scream-queenlover @imprincipalweemspet @justcallmelittleone @willowshadenox @milfsloverblog @yourlocaldisneyvillain @leftoverenvy @yahaqueen @peggycarter3 @lilfartbox1 @makemyworldworthliving @crow-raven-crow @mosscoveredcrucifix
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shslbunnylover · 5 months
★★★𝘼𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙠𝙮 𝙛𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙨 (12 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙁𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛𝙢𝙖𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙮 9: 𝘿𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙣𝙤𝙬)★★★
Character: Larissa Weems
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @lilfartbox1 (Message me to be a part of the taglist until I get a page set up!!)
Trigger warnings (DL, DI): N/a
Genre: Fluff
A/n: 3/4 of the way there! Time always flies, doesn't it?
Word count: 1.3k
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"Sweetheart, it's time to get up," Larissa tickled your sides softly, waking you up to thousands of snowflakes falling from the sky out the window. "It's snowing outside and I've made hot cocoa,"
"Wait it's snowing??" You quickly sat up, swinging your legs off the side of the bed to go look closer at the beautiful sight outside. "Larissa, look!" You beamed, placing your hand up against the cold window, leaving a slight print in its wake.
"I noticed that," Larissa chuckled, walking swiftly to stand next to you as you looked on with childlike wonder, secretly adoring your endearing nature.
"Ohhh I have an idea! We should wear those matching sweaters and go outside! There's enough of the stuff to make footprints!" You explained your idea, sharply and excitedly turning your head to look at your wife lovingly.
"I love that, that sounds delightful," The platinum blonde placed her hand over her other, holding her hands in front of her chest in the regal manner she always held.
"I'll go get them!" You beamed, running over to your closet and pulling out your matching Christmas sweaters, tossing the larger one to Larissa whilst you quickly got changed.
Larissa simply laughed as she caught the sweater, putting it over her tank top and slipping on a pair of leggings after removing her shorts.
After a couple of minutes of you two changing your clothes, you both walked into the kitchen to get the hot chocolates that Larissa had made.
"This is so good 'Rissa!" You smiled as the warmth of the cocoa filled your body, smacking your lips when you had finished your swig.
"I made it just how you like it, I'm glad it was up to your standards," Larissa looked at you, nodding softly in your direction.
"Anything you make is up to my standards, you know that," You laughed, taking another sip and relishing in the warmth that the drink brought you.
Larissa smiled, drinking out of her glass before placing it on the counter and looking at you.
"Hm, I must thank you, sweetheart," She said, taking a marshmallow in between her nimble fingers and placing the soft confection in her mouth, making sure to swallow before continuing to speak. "You've allowed me to take a break from my work, and that's helped me more than you'll know,"
"It's no problem 'Rissa, I wanted to make sure your Christmas was as good as possible, that can't happen when you have a bunch of work that you're forcing yourself to do," You replied sincerely, your eyes never moving from your hot chocolate.
Larissa smiled, glancing out the window to observe the snow before changing her vision to look at you.
"The snow has piled up, and I've checked the weather. It's not going to stop until tonight. Would you like to go outside now, sweetling?" The older woman asked, holding her gloved hand out for you to take.
You nodded excitedly, wrapping your hand around your wife's and using your other hand to open the door, shivering slightly at the cold blasted in your faces.
"Chilly," You giggled, stepping into the snow, watching with excitement as you and Larissa left a trail of footprints the further you walked into the white blanket that magically covered the yard.
"That it is, but I think the cold is beautiful," The platinum blonde spoke, her British accent as alluring to you as sugar is to a fly.
You remained silent, preferring to gaze up at your wife with an adoring expression, your eyes focusing on every beautiful detail on her.
The small crow's feet that formed at her eyes, the smile lines that formed around her supple red lips, her ice-blue eyes that sparkled at the beauty of the falling snow, her soft and regal hands that caught the snowflakes she admired, and the expression of pure joy on her face felt like something magical to you.
"Sweetling?" She broke you out of your thoughts, "You're staring again," Larissa smirked, bopping you on your nose.
You squeaked, your sudden noise turning into a full-on laugh as you covered your nose with one of your hands.
"You're adorable, you know that darling?" The blue-eyed woman remarked, lowering her hands to hold yours.
You chuckled.
"Well thank you, baby," You replied, squeezing her hands softly before pulling them away.
You ran over to a nearby tree, making a tiny snowman out of the piles of snow around the plant. You shivered slightly as some of the tiny crystals melted in your palms, leaving them wet and chilly, but not enough to stop you from enjoying the creation you were making.
Larissa walked up behind you, watching each of your movements closely.
'They're such a dear,' The blonde thought, tapping you on the shoulder once you were done building.
You turned around with a curious expression, only to see your wife holding her hand out to you.
"May I have this dance?" She asked with a soft smile.
You nodded eagerly, grabbing her hand to pull yourself up, giggling as she spun you around and held you in her arms.
"Of course, M'lady," You chuckled, your feet moving in synch with hers, the snow falling around you as graceful as your movements.
"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, you know that?" Larissa hummed, spinning you around gently and gently, watching with sharp eyes as she took in all of your features that were highlighted by the snowflakes dusted on top of them.
"You know that you're the best thing that's happened to me, right?" You asked in reply, twirling the taller woman around before dipping, causing her to laugh (and for you to blush).
"I guess we agree then," She laughed, pressing your lips together with a smile.
"I guess we are," You looked at her, twirling yourself into her embrace.
The two of you swayed in the wind, your cheeks reddening each time she placed a kiss on your forehead.
You laid your head back against her chest, feeling her heart against the back of your head.
"I love you, Rissa," You sighed, shutting your eyes.
"I love you too Y/n, more than life itself," Larissa replied, spinning you to face her before kissing your nose.
If you enjoyed reading this, don't forget to like, reblog and comment! Thank you and you are loved <3
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softshrimpy · 1 year
How To Woo A Hot Principal
Chapter 1/?: Step 1- Shameless Flirting
Summary: Working at the weathervane was exactly what you needed. The routine, the people, your co-worked. It certainly helped that a certain tall, blonde, fucking gorgeous woman happened to frequent the cafe. Now some may call hopelessly flirting with your customers inappropriate behavior.
But truly, when it came it Larissa Weems, who could blame you?
I’m just in love with Larissa Weems and a silly bitch. I hope you enjoy ✨🦐
Chapter 2
Cross posted to AO3 Here
HTWAHP Masterlist
“Just because I like older women does not mean I’m a homewrecker.”
“Huh, interesting.”
“You’re telling me you’ve known me for three months now and this whole time you thought I was out here waiting to ruin a marriage?”
“In my defence-“
“I can’t believe this, I thought we were friends Kingston. Now I have to rethink everything.” You sighed, dramatically.
“You’re the most dramatic person I’ve ever met.” He chuckles.
You slap him with your cloth, scoffing at his comment before going back to cleaning the coffee machine.
You had been in Jericho for a total of three and a half months. It was a quaint little town, a bit hyper-focused on their pilgrim ancestry but not the worst small town you’d experienced. You had been working at the Weathervane since you’d arrived, enjoying the routine it provided and the socializing. That was where you had met James Kingston (A British man disguised as a regular person in your professional opinion. I mean what kind of name is James Kingston anyway?). The two of you had become fast friends, partly due to the work you did and partly because he found you hilarious and you found him tolerable. (this is a lie, you love him dearly.)
Working as a barista meant you got to know most of the residents of Jericho quite quickly. Some you found infinitely more interesting than others.
“Oh look its your lady crush.” James comments, wheezing when you whip around from what you were doing to stare out the window.
“Shut up, I just- I respect a woman in power that’s all.”
“Oh I’m sure its all respect in that filthy brain of yours when you think of her.”
“Fuck off.” You laughed, hurrying to the register when you saw her coming through the door.
“Good morning miss Weems.” You greeted, doing your best to shut your heart up and give her a relatively normal smile.
“How many times have I told you to call me Larissa darling.” She smiles, much to the chagrin of your heart-calming plans.
“She’s a bit slow this one.” James jokes, earning him a swift kick on the shin.
“Your usual, Larissa?” You ask.
She nods, chuckling at the two of you before moving to sit at one of the booths. Larissa came around often enough, usually in the mornings, you assumed before the academy day officially started. Sometimes she’d come around after dropping one of the students at Dr Kinbotts. You lived for the times she stopped by, almost always kicking James off the register if he was stationed there just to talk to her. So yes, you had a massive crush on the woman. But honestly? Who could blame you? She was a goddess among you mere mortals and you were simply relishing in her heavenly presence when you could.
Christ, you were a useless gay.
You finished making her usual, quickly doodling a small flower next to her name before taking it to her. You place it down on the table with a flourish, bowing dramatically.
“Your coffee my fair lady.”
She chuckles, shaking her head at your antics before standing, coffee in hand.
“Thank you, y/n. You always make my mornings delightful.” She hums, squeezing your arm as she leaves.
You watch as she goes, a dreamy smile on your face, before proudly strutting back behind the counter. James giggles at you earning him yet another smack with the towel.
The rest of your day is pretty mundane. Dr Kinbott stops by at around 12 for her usual. The sheriff comes around and gets an Americano to go (You suspect he’s actually just checking on Tyler.) Throughout the day you’re giddy thanks to Larissa. You often find yourself daydreaming about what it would be like to see her more often. You think perhaps you might actually implode if she were to ever have more than a two-minute conversation with you. You finish up the day with Tyler, letting him leave before closing up. All in all, a regular day in Jericho.
You were working your regular Saturday shift when Larissa arrived, looking rather upset. She placed her order and sat down at a booth, pulling out her laptop and getting to work. You made sure to put a little extra sugar in her coffee and grabbed one of the choc chip cookies before bringing it to her. You placed it down on her table, earning a mumbled thanks as she picked up the coffee. It took her a moment to notice the cookie, but when she did she glanced up at you questioningly.
“It’s on the house. You look like you’re having a shitty day so I thought you could use a little something to make your day a bit better.” You smiled, clasping your hands behind your back.
“You really are too kind to me,” she mumbled, taking a sip of her coffee.
“Pffft, Nah. You deserve it.” You brushed her off. You took a moment before speaking again. “I know we don’t know each other that well but uh if you want to talk I’m here. And I can give brilliant commentary, no advice though, I’d probably encourage murder or something equally illegal.”
She laughs, covering her mouth with her hand. You think her laugh might be one of your favourite sounds.
“That’s very sweet, but aren’t you busy with your work?” she asks.
At that, you throw your apron off and over your shoulder and sit down across from her.
“Galpin’s pretty competent, plus he owes me one anyway. So spill.”
She considers you for a moment, before heaving a sigh.
“The academy is receiving a new student next week.” She starts. “Which under usual circumstances would be fantastic, however, this student happens to be the daughter of… an ex-paramour of mine.” She mumbles, almost drawing in on herself.
“Did they do something awful that made you break up with them?” you ask.
“No actually, uh she broke up with me…for the man that is now her husband.”
You stare at her for a moment, mouth agape.
“You’re telling me someone chose to walk away from you? But you’re- I mean you’re gorgeous and smart and- was she blind?? Was she dumb?? I mean obviously, she was but… what.”
She chuckles at your outburst, cheeks flushing slightly.
“Yes, well, they seem very happy together. And I’m sure she’ll rub that in my face in some offhand way. And she’ll make jokes about me marrying my job because ‘no one else would want me’ which I-I mean it’s not- that’s not why I’m so devoted to the school!”
“She sounds like a bitch.” You comment, “I can throw hot coffee at her if that’ll make you feel better?”
“You’re very sweet but that’s assault darling.”
“I’d literally kill a man for you no questions asked, assault is nothing.”
She chuckles, swatting at your arm before sighing again and dropping her head into her hands.
“Well, look, I don’t know who your ex is, the stupid bitch, but you have become a talented, successful, absolutely gorgeous woman. So, no matter what happened between you or what she does whenever you see her, know that she’s just a jealous, silly old hag who could never be half as brilliant as you are.”
She stares at you at that, her eyes bright. You wait for her to say something, feeling yourself get more nervous the longer she stays silent. You play with your fingers, thinking perhaps you went too far and have now fucked any and all chances of having even a friendship with this gorgeous woman.
You stand up, pull your apron back on and do your best not to overthink every word you’ve said.
“Uhm, sorry, have-have a great day Larissa.” You mumble turning to walk away.
Suddenly she grabs your wrist, stopping you and turning you around. She stands up, towering over you. She looks down at you, a dazzling smile on her face. And then, by the gods, she bends down and presses a kiss to your cheek, and hot fucking damn you almost spontaneously combust on the spot. You stare up at her, awestruck and definitely blushing madly.
“Thank you, y/n” she smiles. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
And with that, she squeezes your wrist, giving you a dazzling smile and leasing the coffee shop. You watch after her like a lovesick puppy, heart racing.
You’re absolutely whipped for this woman.
Larissa didn’t come around for the next few days. But you knew she was a busy woman, she had things to do. You definitely weren’t considering changing your name and fleeing the country thinking she now didn’t want to see your face again after what you said and her thanking you was just because she felt awkward. Definitely not.
You found yourself glancing out the window every five minutes or perking up whenever the bell above the door would ring, only to deflate when it wasn’t Larissa walking in. You were busy wiping down one of the tables when James appeared at your side.
“My bestie in Christ, you know I love you, but you currently look like an abandoned puppy.”
“I do not,” you scoff.
“Sure, sure... Oh hey, Larissa!”
You whip around faster than you’ve ever moved in your life, coming face to face with an empty doorway. You scowl as you hear James wheeze next to you.
“Don’t forget we work with hot coffee. And accidents happen, Kingston.”
He laughs at your threat, patting your shoulder as he heads back to the counter. You continue working for a while before James pipes up again.
“Oh damn. Good morning miss Weems.”
“That’s it, give me the boiling water I’m giving you the wicked witch of the west treatment.”
“Now why would you be burning your friend at the mention of my name?” a velvet voice speaks from behind you.
You spin around on the spot, gaping at the woman behind you. There she stands, all tall and gorgeous and dreamy. You feel yourself blushing as you try to stand straighter and lean on the table you were cleaning. Unfortunately, you did such a great job that you slip and all but fall on your ass. You’re tempted once again to throw boiling water on James as he cackles at you. Larissa, the kind goddess she is, rushes over and offers you a hand.
When she pulls you up you realize you greatly underestimated how close she would be as you’re now toe to toe with her, staring up at her, cheeks aflame. She smiles down at you, her hand still holding yours as her other arm settles on your waist. You’re barely breathing at this point and then she has the audacity to flash you the cutest smile.
You take your chance to take her in up close, knowing you’ll probably never get this close to the goddess ever again. You notice the crow’s feet at the edge of her eyes and the slight bags under them she tried to hide with makeup. You also notice she smells absolutely fucking divine, you can’t quite pinpoint what it is but it suits her so well. You know you’re staring and you should stop, but you can’t help it.
“You should be more careful, sweetheart.” She murmurs, her eyes sparkling. “I wouldn’t want my favourite barista getting hurt.”
You’re still gaping at her, your brain turned to mush at the way she spoke, low and velvety. You open your mouth to speak but can’t seem to find anything clever to say, for once. Something she takes full advantage of.
“What’s wrong darling? Cat got your tongue?” she whispers, and oh god is she getting closer? She looks closer.
You’re startled back into the waking world when James accidentally drops something, the loud clanging making you jump back from the woman in front of you, heart racing and body flushed. Larissa drops her hands from their hold on you, stepping back slightly. You internally whimper at the loss of her touch and then immediately internally scold yourself for being so uselessly gay.
“So uh, how-how has everything been? I haven’t uh seen you around lately.” You commented, sliding behind the counter and getting started on her drink.
“It’s certainly been an eventful few days, to say the least.“ she sighed, leaning onto the counter.
“Well, you were dearly missed at our humble café.” You remark, placing her drink in front of her.
She chuckles at that taking a sip of her drink before letting out a relaxed sigh.
“God I could’ve used this yesterday.”
“The drink or my riveting conversation?” you joke.
“Perhaps both.” She hums.
“Well, I mean we could always deliver to your office on the days you can’t get here.” James offers, grinning at you.
“Oh no, I wouldn’t want to cause any trouble-” Larissa starts.
“It wouldn’t be any trouble at all. Isn’t that right?” he comments elbowing you suggestively.
“Oh! No of course it would- I would be honoured- I mean it would be my pleasure Larissa really.” You manage, giddy at the prospect of delivering her coffee every day.
“Really you don’t have to go through any extra fuss for me we have coffee at Nevermore so I-“
“You’re worth the fuss though.” You say, and then immediately want to shoot yourself for speaking aloud.
Silence falls between the three of you, Larissa looking shocked, James at a loss and you mentally preparing what to put on your tombstone. It’s a while before Larissa speaks.
“Well, when you put it like that how can I say no hm?”
“So, I get to deliver you coffee every day?” you grin, tapping the counter a few times in excitement.
“If that’s what you want, sweetheart. You can bring it to my office, I’ll expect you before nine.” She hums, turning to leave.
“Yes ma’am! I won’t let you down” you respond, giving her a mock salute.
She chuckles, waving at you and waits a fucking second did she just fucking wink at you?? Oh, Jesus on skates your life just keeps getting better and better. As soon as she’s outside and gone from view you all but squeal, throwing yourself at James.
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billiedeansbitch · 1 year
𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 [𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏]
𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary: Larissa was compelled to use her annual leave to take care of her nieces for five days; what she wasn’t expecting was that an unnecessarily attractive baby-sitter would be accompanying her as well. 
a/n: The Bouchards are original characters.
warning/s: none for this chapter.
Next part >>
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Sunday afternoon, the Bouchard’s family car halted in their driveway, a woman in her early forties exited from the passenger’s side as the kids—Tory and Laura, came bolting out of the door and running toward the woman, engulfing her thighs with their dainty, but strong arms. Enamoured, the woman kissed their foreheads, gently stroking their backs with her soft-looking palms.
Mr. Bouchard—or Adam, as he insistently told you to call him, hauled two suitcases from the trunk, both were no less elegant as the tall woman who exudes a promising character, with the finest, breath-taking, blue eyes. The gods had been so kind to her.
The children peeled themselves off of her as per their mother's request to let the woman breathe, which then was dismissed by the woman with a wave of her hand and let the children pamper her with delightful hugs. They surely loved her.
Bewitched, you couldn’t help but wonder in between Mr and Mrs Bouchard, was the one related to the woman. It was hard to gamble, none of them had any resemblance with her, not with the nose, not the eyes—they all had brown eyes and all brunettes…
Registering Mrs Bouchard’s voice, you snapped from reverie that caught you, “Yes?” she beckoned you to her side. With the little amount of time you took your eyes off her, you were surprised to see the woman was already by the door with the kids clinging on both of her sides, offering a pleasant smile.
Mrs Bouchard took the courtesy and introduced you to the other woman and vice versa. After exchanging pleasantries you offered to take her coat.
“It’s okay. Here, let me help.” Truly, your motive was to innocently help her discard the coat. However, you were attacked at the moment of weakness when the expanse of pale, supple skin made an impression on your eyes. Your mouth gaped at the appetizing sight. She wore a green sleeveless dress, flaunting a good amount of skin that your eyes drink fairly well.
Larissa, who was very much aware of your lingering gaze, cleared her throat and handed her coat over, “Thank you,” and you dismissed yourself, taking her coat, which you secretly inhaled as it was rich with her scent. And your heart clenched in response to the smell. It was new to your nose, smelling of fresh cut flowers and vanilla, with some hint of peach…
While the family started to welcome their guest, you busied yourself tidying the toys the children had played with prior to their Aunt’s arrival. From time to time, your eyes would wander, seeking for the silver-haired woman, it was a challenge not to, her presence seemed to demand attention, your attention specifically.
As an unfamiliar flutter called for your attention, your cheeks consequently warmed. You hadn’t been this engrossed over a person in so long, and while it appeared to be exciting, it also felt melancholic. A woman of her age would certainly not bat an eye at you, you looked young, inexperienced, out of her league. It was never going to work out.
Later, while the children were keeping their Aunt occupied, the wife and husband went about every nook and cranny of their house, checking what else they have missed for their four day vacation in the Bahamas and you watched them dizzily as you munched your sandwich in the breakfast nook.
Panting, Renata Bouchard stopped by, steadying herself by the table, her other hand squeezing your freehand, “Thank you. Thank you so much for doing this at the last minute. I owe my life to you.”
A soft, sincere smile appeared on your lips, “It’s no big deal. I love watching your kids.” And watching their aunt…
Renata couldn’t help herself but pull you into a hug. It was awkward but no less genuine.
“Honey! It’s five! We have to go! We don’t want to miss our plane!” Mr Bouchard yelled somewhere in the house.
“Will you fetch the kids and Larissa, sweetheart?”
While the parents struggled with goodbyes, it was also evident that they couldn’t wait and get in the damned car and leave.
When the car disappeared from your eye-line, the kids had long gone and retreated to their own rooms doing God-knows-what that was keeping them entertained. 
A voice bloomed in the background.
“Do you really not speak much?” Larissa spoke with a playful bite in her tone, arching her sculpted brow.
In surprise, your body jolted. You had thought she went inside as well.
“You have seem to render me speechless is all”
“Goodness, tell me it isn’t because I intimidate you, dear.”
You gave her a smile with sheer confidence to deceive her into thinking you weren’t burning with desire and said, “No, not at all, Ms Weems.” As if.
You didn’t know how you broke the eye contact, but you did and walked past her, aiming straight for the kitchen with your poor heart beating so fast. And without another word, you started making dinner.
She didn’t follow. Thank God. But as the pasta boiled and the sauce and meatballs were nearly cooked, Larissa appeared. Before the smile that was quite fixated there already, get you distracted, you shield your eyes away and focus on steering the sauce.
“That smells delicious.” Larissa was standing right behind you now, hovering, if she ever so desired to lean her body forward, her front would have touched yours and your body would have burned from the contact. Lucky you she maintained a tiny space, perfect to torture you.
With clenched jaw, you turn, carefully so as you were mindful of how thin the gap was between the two of you. She looked down at you, “Do you mind?” She wanted to taste it.
“Please, help yourself.” Expecting her to grab a spoon from the drawer, Larissa decidedly not to and just wrapped her hand around yours to lift the wooden spoon and guide it to her mouth catching you off guard. She blew a couple times before tasting the red sauce and licked her lips.
Larisa made a sound, making it known that she liked it, “This might be the best spaghetti sauce I’ve ever tasted in a while.”
You felt her withdraw her hand, and you intently watched it settle on the blade of your shoulder, her thumb affectionately stroking over the skin where the hem of the sleeve just ended.
“T-thank you.”
She smiled one last time—although if you stared longer you would have convinced yourself it was a smirk—before leaving the kitchen, and said something about getting the kids ready for dinner.
A long exhale escaped your lips, your shoulders sagging, unaware of how tensed they were until now. You took a pause, supporting yourself as you grip on the edge of the counter, trying to collect yourself as much. She took a lot from you, the very little time she had you practically trapped between the stove and her body, had drained you.
Your gaze fell on your right hand, the skin still tingled from her touch. Did she know what she was doing to you? Was it deliberate? Because if so, you were willing to play with her, whatever game it was in her head, you would dutifully play the part she wanted you to even if it included acting dumb.
Dinner went civil. The girls enjoyed the spaghetti and meatballs without a fuss. You kept yourself collected. She kept her tricks all to herself. Every once in a while, you two would eye each other and just harmlessly smile, trying to see which of you would break first. It was a fun night.
After Larissa guided both twins to clean their hands, Laura spoke, “Auntie, can you read to us before we sleep?”
From the sink you watched her crouched to their level, “Anything for my munchinks,” Something about the woman’s lively, blue eyes made you wish they were looking at you with the same dose of affection she was giving the siblings, her red lips curving into a smile. Your heart almost ached for some bit of her warmth.
The adoration only strengthened at this point, and you knew it would only fiercely grow each and every time she would show off her billion-dollar smile.
You watched the trio disappear in the twins’ bedroom, you chose to stay behind despite the ridiculous longing you felt, giving them the time to bond with each other as it was crucial for Larissa’s first night with the kids and you weren’t going to take that away from her. You didn’t want to be on her bad side.
It was still early in the night, only ten minutes past nine and the twins were already asleep without any commotion at all. When Larissa returned with a proud gleam in her eyes, sauntered toward the kitchen to rummaged for some liquid courage, hoping it would spark a nice chat with you. And that was when her eyes found a note on the counter.
“Be right back. Just getting some stuff next door.” It read. The corners of her mouth twitched upward.
When Renata divulged the piece of information to her that you would be staying to help her around with the children before they left, she was more elated with the idea than the other woman anticipated. You looked like a nice companion, although you weren’t entirely there for her own benefit, but still having another grown up around would make this whole experience less nerve-wrecking.
And she nearly cursed when her eyes landed on what she described as an unnecessarily attractive baby-sitter and a very intriguing one at that.
Earlier when the kids’ father was pacing around the house looking for his damn keys, Renata told you he was supposed to have already left half an hour ago to the airport to pick up the kids’ aunt. You didn’t know why you expected an old, mean lady, hunched with greying hair wearing a dress and a cardigan combo. Perhaps the way he sweat and paced like he was losing his balls made you think that.
And then surprise, bomb drop, it was a stunning woman with gorgeous red lips. A woman who was dizzyingly attractive with an impressive stature, her elegance called for attention, and it effortlessly captured yours. Fucking hell, Renata absolutely skipped that part.
When your overnight backpack was ready, you left the house, lip worrying between your teeth and hands in your pockets.
The front door opened, Larissa was already settled, sitting on the long couch with her long legs crossed, they were clad in her skin toned tights, you noticed. Her feet were freed from her heels and curling from the cold of the night. She was much more relaxed, more approachable and casual.
“There you are, come and join me, sweetheart.”
Her gaze danced around your legs, finding it hard to keep her eyes off of the skin that your shorts were flaunting. It was a riveting sight. But she urged herself to gather some decency and look away.
The soft glow of the lamps hid the blush on your cheeks quite well. You sat opposite her, “Let me pour you some.” She had a smile curling on her lips.
“So, tell me about yourself, dear. What do you do when you’re not babysitting my nieces?”
“I’m a part time college instructor. I work on Tuesdays and Fridays and sometimes I cover for other professors.” So you were a teacher…
She handed you the glass, you gladly accepted. It causes your fingers to brush against each other.
“Fascinating…and what do you teach?
“Philosophy.” A beat of silence.
Larissa shifted in her seat, somehow it caused her dress to bunch up, giving more sight of her thighs. She cleared her throat, “So, are you married? What’s the deal with you? I can’t seem to read you.”
It made you flushed. “I’ve no husband.” She arched her brows, unbelieving. “A boyfriend perhaps?”
You shook your head. The tension only thickened. “No men.” Larissa knew what you were trying to point out. With a satisfied hum, you saw a fleeting smirk on her lips before she drank the remaining of her wine.
From the visible curiosity in your eyes Larissa tilted her head to the side and said: “What is it you want to ask?”
It prompted your eyes to look into her piercing gaze, “How about you?” pertaining to her status.
“Married.” You felt your finger grow cold right then, breath caught in your throat. “To my job.” She finished.
If you were right, and listened very well, this person here was an esteemed Principal of an outcast academy in Vermont. It all made sense with her posture, the authority in her voice, and her allure—which you were yet to find out if it was because she was an outcast herself or it was naturally all her.
And suddenly, you thought what kind of an outcast she was, but you decided against asking, feeling you’d be imposing.
When silence befallen, you took it as a cue to speak your mind about something that had been worrying since having been left alone with the woman, “I hope you are not offended by my presence. I’m not sure what you were expecting but I’m sure as hell I was not included in the picture yet here I am.”
“Oh no, not at all. Actually it’s quite the contrary. I’m absolutely delighted to have extra hands to help with the kids as I am no mother myself.”
You pressed yourself further into the seat and muttered: “I’m pleased to hear that.” Pleased to which part exactly?
Many glasses later, your eyes could finally roam around without shame, and you started saying things like, “You’re so beautiful.” But mostly they were whispers you meant to keep only to yourself but she heard of them and blushed in response to your kind affection. And you were aware of the unconcealed looks she gave.
So maybe if you tell her now that you find her fascinating and attractive, she would smile at you and tell you she liked you, ending whatever the on-going game was. And then your eyes would linger to her lips, she would ask if she could kiss you and you would nod with trembling urgency to feel her mouth. She would then close the gap and you would be kissing under moonlit night, the bottle of wine forgotten in the coffee table.
The whole idea of it was so tempting. But it wasn’t easy to do. Not even when you were wine drunk.
Now you felt like you were fooling yourself. “It’s getting late, I should go.”
You got up, smoothing your clammy palms over the denim that clung to your thighs. “If you need anything, the room I’ll be staying in is only next to yours.”
Larissa wanted to bid you a good night kiss, so she attempted to stand up but suddenly felt unsteady on her feet, “Oh, careful.” Your body moved close, ready to catch her if she were to lose balance.
Now, you couldn’t leave this woman alone here, could you? “I think I should take you to your bed first.”
She hummed, agreeing to your proposal. Larissa was a silent drunk, she only hummed and nodded, considerably cooperative, too. You got back with a full glass of water and a tablet so she could take care of her headache in the morning.
It felt like hours of being rooted on the floor, on stand-by in case she needed anything more, and then you finally snapped, concluding that Larissa had quietly fallen asleep.
Much to your dismay, there was no accidental kissing that happened.   
“Good night, Larissa.” You finally said, and walked away.  
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m1lflov3rrr · 10 months
Tattoo (NSFW)
Pairing: Larissa Weems x fem!reader
Warnings: smut, degradation kink, praise kink, mommy kink, bdsm, edging, orgasm denial, smut with slight plot
Word count: 2,519
Summary: You thought you’d surprise your girlfriend…
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”Oh, this is going to be great!!” Your friend Lily squealed in excitement as you told her about your plan to surprise your girlfriend of two years, Larissa Weems. 
”I know, right! She’ll be left speechless.” You said smirking. You were walking to the tattoo shop with your friend as you had the idea a few nights ago. You were going to surprise your girlfriend by getting a tattoo on your lower inner lip, that would spell ’mommy’. You knew that you might be pushing your luck, since Larissa would always scold you if you mentioned getting anything tattooed onto your body. She was always so modest and elegant, but deep down you knew that she would find it hot. She just didn’t want to admit it. 
”Hello, ladies! Welcome, what did you have in mind?” Asked the man in the shop as you arrived. 
You exchanged knowing looks with Lily, and responded, ”I’d like to get a tattoo on my lower inner lip, if that’s possible.” 
The man smiles, seemingly delighted, ”Absolutely! What kind of tattoo would you like?” 
”I’d like one that spells ’mommy’.” You said. 
The tattoo artist smirked and clasped his hands together in excitement. ”You’re bold. I like you. Come on, let’s get started!” 
You sat down on the chair and he sat across from you, Lily was standing there, looking thrilled. 
And before you knew, you got started. 
About 30 minutes later, the man announced that he is done and handed you a mirror to have a look. You gasped, ”This is exactly how I wanted it! Thank you, so much!” 
You paid and made a plan for tonight, for the big reveal. 
You got back home, finding Larissa working in her office. You had bought a house six months ago, and it was the best thing that had happened to you. It was a two-story house, in the Jericho suburban. You decided it was best to live in Jericho, as you both had a job at Nevermore. Her as the principal, you as one of the teachers. It was the perfect arrangement. 
”Helloo,” You called out as you peeked through the doors to her office. 
Larissa’s gaze immediately snapped from her work to you, a big smile started to plaster all over her face. ”Darling! Oh, I’m so glad to see you, I’ve missed you! How was your day with Lily?” 
You smirked internally, walking over to her and sitting on her lap, wrapping your hands around her neck. ”It was good, we went for lunch and did a little shopping.” 
”Well, I’m glad to hear that. I’ll be done in 20 minutes, okay?” 
You smiled and nodded, getting up and pecking her on the lips. Then, you went to the kitchen and prepared dinner for you two, you decided on lasagne. Out of you two, you were the cook. Sure, you weren’t the best at cooking, but definitely better than Larissa. You chuckled to yourself as you remembered that one time she tried to surprise you and make you a romantic dinner, only to forget the food in the oven for too long and burning it. Gladly, you two had then made a new dinner together, and the night ended on a good note. 
After dinner was done, you set the table, just in time for Larissa to come into the kitchen. 
You raised an unimpressed brow at her, ”I thought you said 20 minutes,” You said disapprovingly, checking your watch. ”It’s been an hour, Larissa.” 
She sighed, wrapping her arms around your waist. ”I know, I’m sorry. I just had to respond to all the emails and get the paperwork done. Now, I’m all yours.” 
You chuckled and she sat down on the table. ”Mmh, that smells delicious. Is that lasagne?” 
”Yes, it is.” You said, setting the bowl on the table. 
”My favourite.” She said as she put some of the food on her plate and started eating, letting out a heavenly moan at the taste, to which you giggled quietly. 
The dinner went by normally, just you two chatting about your week. And as you finished eating, you were the first one to get up, picking up the plates. But Larissa stopped you. 
”Ah, ah. You’ve done enough, let me do this.” 
You smiled at her and kissed her softly, ”Thank you, I’ll be upstairs.” 
And with that, you ran as fast as possible to your shared bedroom, rummaging through your closet and quickly changing your undergarments into something sexier. You picked a black lingerie with a matching bra, and changed quickly, putting on your normal clothes back on so your girlfriend wouldn’t suspect anything. 
You sat on the bed, leaning against the headboard and scrolling on your phone as Larissa entered the room. She sat down on the bed and pulled you to her embrace, peppering your face with kisses. 
You giggled at her, pushing her gently away from your face. Now was the time. 
”I have a surprise for you,” You said, taking in every micro-expression from the woman. 
She furrowed her brows in confusion, but she seemed very excited, too. ”What is it?” 
Without a word, you seductively looked into her eyes and raised your right hand to your lower lip, pulling it and showing her the text. 
Her eyes widened and she gasped audibly as she saw what you had done. ”My goodness, what have you done to yourself?!” She exclaimed, replacing your hand on your lip with hers, swiping her thumb across it. 
You smiled and tried to speak as clearly you could, that- ”I wanted to leave you astonished, which by the looks of it, I obviously did succeed at.” You said mockingly, smirking. 
”You…” She said, narrowing her eyes. Her shocked eyes soon turned to ones filled with lust and desire. ”You did this for your mommy?” She asked, still in disbelief. 
You nodded, looking up at her through your eyelashes, playing innocent. 
She hummed in satisfaction, and without a warning, gripping your chin tightly in her hand to ensure eye contact. ”I must admit, it does suit you. My name suits on you, Y/N. And I will go to any lengths necessary to ensure that no one will see this, but me. No one will touch you like I do, sweet girl, I own you.” She growled, and you pressed your tights together, already feeling the heat between your legs. 
This action didn’t go unnoticed by Larissa, as she looked down and back up to your eyes with a dangerous, hungry smirk, ”Aww, aren’t you just so horny for me? Such a needy slut for mommy?” 
And the headspace her words alone sent you, was enough to make you hazy and nodding vigorously to anything she was saying. ”Y-yes, mommy. I need you, please,” 
She smirked at your neediness, ”But you’ve been such a bad girl for mommy, haven’t you? Going behind mommy’s back, doing this to your body. I think you deserve a punishment, don’t you think?” 
Your cheeks flushed at her low and hoarse tone, you gulped and nodded. 
She looked at you like you were her prey, like she had to do so much to prevent herself from eating you whole. And before you even had time to process anything, she was crashing her lips against yours, tightly gripping your hair as her hand went behind your head. You yelped in surprise, this was something new. You had to do anything not to release a pathethic whimper at her actions. 
She pushed you off her lap, resting you to lie down on the bed. ”Now, strip.” She said. It was not a question, it was a demand. 
You widened your eyes in surprise, not knowing how to respond to her unusual tone in bed. 
Before you could react to anything, there was a loud smack, echoing through the walls of your shared bedroom. She had slapped you. ”Is it really that hard to do as mommy says? I said, strip.” She almost growled at you, leaving you no room to argue. So, you did. You noticed her smirking at your choice of lingerie. And soon, all your clothes were thrown somewhere across the room, you were back in your laying position. 
She ran her slenger finger from your neck, to your chest, to your stomach, sliding it down to caress your wet folds. You gasped loudly as she came to rub your clit slowly. ”Please,” You breathed out. 
”Tsk, tsk. None of that. You’re going to stay right here, in this position,” She said as she took your wrists and held them above your head. Then, she let go, but you didn’t dare to move. She went to her closet, pulling out a box you hadn’t seen before. You frowned at her while she had a smirk on her face. Then, she pulled out handcuffs. Handcuffs. 
You widened your eyes and your jaw dropped, as she came back to sit on the bed and tied your hands, locking them in place on both ends of the headboard. 
Then, she started sucking on your chest, giving your nipples special attention while she brought her knee between your legs. You sunconsciously started grinding your exposed core against her, to gain at least some friction. She obviously noticed this, as she smirked against your breasts and pulled her knee away. Then, she stood up again, pulling something else from the box. A vibrator. 
Your eyes were watering in need, you wanted her to touch you so bad. ”Mommy, please, please fuck me, I’ll be good, your good girl,” You pleaded, the remains of your dignity hopping out the window. 
She raised her eyebrows at you, ”Already begging, darling? Well, since you asked so nicely,” She said as she turned the vibrator on, leaving it on the lowest setting and going up to place it on your clit. And as she did, you moaned loudly. ”Mommy, s’good, please, more,” 
She did as you said, putting the level higher and higher as you chased your orgasm. Your moans and whimpers got louder and louder, and you started bucking your hips at the toy, arching your back and trying to close your legs. But her incredibly strong hands came to stop you from closing them, opening them as wide as possible. 
”Ah, please, oh god, mommy, I’m going to-” You said between disordered breaths and moans. And just as you thought you would reach your peak, she pulled the toy away, causing you to whimper loudly. ”What? No, mommy, please,” 
She came up to your face and kissed your lips passionately, squeezing your boobs with both of her hands, causing you to yelp in her mouth. She chuckled lowly, almost sadistically, watching you beg her to let you cum. But she wouldn’t let you off that easily, no. 
”Oh, baby, don’t worry, you’ll get what you want…” She faux cooed. ”…Later.” And turned on the vibrator, on the lowest setting and putting it back to your aching core. You moaned again, looking at her with pleading eyes. You wanted to touch her too, but you couldn’t. Your hands were tied. She caressed your hair, enjoying the view of you whimpering beneath her. Then, she abruptly got up, ”I’m going to take a shower, enjoy yourself,” And left the room. 
”What?! Mommy, you can’t leave me like this, please!” You screamed, the pleasure was not good enough to make you cum. No matter how much you would buck your hips and arch your back, it wouldn’t let you reach your peak. She wanted you to suffer. 
And oh, you did. When Larissa came back into the bedroom thirty minutes later, you were a mess. Panting and seeking any sort of friction. ”Please, please, I’m begging you mommy! I’ll do anything, I swear, just please let me cum!” You cried, tears falling down your cheeks. 
She tsked. ”Aww, my little girl is just so horny, isn’t she? Should mommy help her out?” She questioned. 
”Yes, yes! Please,” You begged. 
She looked like she’s contemplating it, before smiling and nodding. You breathed out in relief, finally. 
She dropped the towel that was covering her naked body, ”Only if you make mommy feel good first. Then, you’ll get your reward. Does that sound good, darling?” 
You nodded vigorously and whimpered as she climbed on the bed, closer to you, before sitting on your face. Her arousal was obvious, glistening her pussy. You wasted no time in teasing her, as she grabbed the headboard to steady herself. And you started licking her, from her entrance to her clit, and back. She moved her hips in rhythm of your sucking, you even pushed your tongue in as far as you could a few times. 
”Ah, right there, don’t stop! You’re doing such a good job, little slut. Just like that, oh!” She moaned loudly while riding your face. 
As her breathing became disordered and she wasn’t bucking her hips in rhythm anymore, you knew she was close. You picked up your pace, trying to pleasure her as well as you could in this situation. 
”Ah, Y/N, just like that! I’m going to-” Her own moans interrupted her as she reached her orgasm, screaming in pleasure. You let her ride it out, being more gentle with her as she must’ve been sensitive. You licked her cum and she got off of you, and kissed your lips, letting her taste herself. She moaned into your mouth, ”You did so good for mommy, I think you deserve your reward.” 
And she went down on you, still with the vibrator in the lowest setting. Then, she plunged two fingers inside of you, causing you to scream in pleasure. She set the vibrator in the highest possible setting, laying it on your clit. 
”Oh, oh! Mommy, god, faster, harder!” You screamed. 
And she did, go faster and harder. With her other hand, she came and touched your boobs, pinching your nipples. Your eyes rolled back at the sensation, it was simply seconds until you would see stars. 
”Ah! Mommy, I’m going to cum, please, ah,” You stuttered between your unholy moans. 
She chuckled, ”Cum for me, darling,” 
And instantly, you did. It was the best feeling ever. The exctacy, the euphoria, the pure bliss you were feeling. You were panting, hard. She let you ride it out, and then, pulled her fingers slowly out of you and turned the vibrator off. She came up to you and you already knew what she wanted you to do. You opened your mouth and sucked her digits clean, and she groaned at the sight. Her voice was just adding to the high you were in, the hazyness you felt. 
”You did so good for me, baby,” She cooed, this time genuinely. You released her fingers with a pop, smiling at her. Then, she put the vibrator back in the box and pulled something else out. A huge, black strap-on. Your jaw dropped at the sight as she put it on herself. 
She looked at you in amusement, ”Oh, you didn’t think we were done, did you? Oh, darling. It’s going to be a long night.” 
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sharedramblings · 1 year
Crafted with Love
Summary: It's finally the time to give her the gift you've been working on.
Author's note: I have a love-hate relationship with this one because this has been in the works since last month. So blame it on that if the writing is inconsistent.
Taglist: @friskyfisher
The carefully wrapped box in your hands covered your abdomen as you speed back to the living room, plopping back beside her on the floor.
"Here you go!" You can't help the higher pitch that overtook your voice, or the excited grin on your face, or the slight shake in your body as excitement and anticipation invades you when you finally present to her what you've been working on weeks before this special day.
Larissa's eyes went wide and her eyebrows shot up as she regarded the gift you placed in front of her. The wrapping was a clean color of white, laced in a maroon ribbon. There's a small card attached with a 'Happy Anniversary, My Love!' written on it, a cute tiny heart drawn on the end.
"Thank you, honey." The delight and appreciation evident in the soft and gentle way she said it, as well as the twinkle that you can see in her eyes.
You pecked her cheek and drew back, silently observing her while she couldn't stop looking at it. Her lips tremble a bit, seemingly holding back the entirety of her emotions inside.
"Do you want to open it now?" you inquired, trying to feel what her next move would be.
She looked up at you, a teasing smile on her face. "Hmm, you just want to see my reaction, don't you?"
You nodded immediately. "Always."
Her reactions are addicting, and you'd really want to see her face the moment she opens this particular gift.
The already small distance between your bodies was lessened even more when she moved her head closer to yours, maintaining eye contact as she whispered in a low tone, "I wonder until when will you be so enamored with me"
You watched her lips form the words, mesmerized by the movement, and there was no stopping how your breath hitched. Her normal, speaking voice affects you but her low voice is another thing entirely, and you knew she's doing this solely for that reason. Her light inquisitory note set your mind straight though, and you can't pass up on a reply. "Until forever. Even in the afterlife, I'll still be so in love with you."
The proximity allowed you to see the subtle changes in her face. The way her eyes soften and glimmer, how her blue orbs penetrate your brown ones. The way her lips twitch before giving way to her smile– the prettiest smile you've ever seen. The way her cheeks were dusted with a pink color. You love every little thing about it.
"That's a rather bold declaration, don't you think?" She asked, but there was no hint of doubt. No skepticism. Simply asking purely for the sake of hearing your answer.
"Not when I'm certain of it." She placed a quick but sweet kiss on your lips before turning back to the gift at hand, ending the subject with your confident answer. She reached for the scissors and delicately cut at the wrapping to open the box, gasping when she finally caught sight of the items stored inside.
"Darling..." there were no words after that. Larissa was, to put it plainly, stunned. Her eyes were fixated on what's in front of her, disbelief and surprise written all over her face.
There's three things inside, she observes. Some sort of a small, broad, rectangular thing that resembles a book. On top of that is a slender flipbook-looking stuff with the words 'Care Vouchers for My Darling Headmistress'. Beside it was a paper flower bouquet, a mix of blue, red, yellow, purple, and pink in the shape of roses, lily flowers, peonies, and columbine flowers. Underneath it all were pink and white confetti-like papers to splash some more colors and present the gift up as a whole.
She tenderly picks up the bouquet first, holding it up to admire it closer. The colors blend well with each other, no specific color nor flower looks out of place. "It's beautiful." She said, a bit breathless, as she traces the paper that's holding all the flowers in a bouquet before feeling one of the paper petals in her fingers.
A proud smile takes its place in your lips, silently watching her take in the flowers. You did a lot of them, not stopping until you're satisfied with the appearance of every single one. After all, she deserves only the best.
You snuck in a quick picture, your phone already in silent mode. This is a moment you'd like to immortalize, and you were glad of your quick thinking.
Larissa decided it's time for the next one, taking the flipbook out of the box. There in her lips, a soft smile appears as she mentally reads what's on the cover page.
"Your Darling Headmistress" she taps at the words while looking at you.
You hummed approvingly, the sound accompanied by your nodding. "That's right. My Darling Headmistress."
You were both blushing at that, but neither shied away and looked elsewhere, both of you maintaining the loving gaze. There's just something that drives you both mad when being each other's lover is vocalized, even after all these years.
"Let's see what's in store for her." Excited curiosity lights up her eyes while she says that. You gestured at the compiled voucher in her hand, prompting her to get on with it.
Upon opening it, she's undeniably in awe. The blush that settled on her face a while ago grew exponentially and coated her whole body in a warm blissful feeling. The first one was something simple. Five kisses on the lips. She stayed on that first one to appreciate the layout. The side of the paper that connects with the spine of the booklet has a dotted line that resembles the design of a voucher that would be torn off on that part, while the main part has a simple background, the text in different sizes and colors. Again, everything's balanced. Nothing seems like it doesn't belong there. On the small paper that would be left attached on the spine was '5 kisses' printed, while on the removable part of the voucher she sees a short description, when it could be use, and the expiry date.
Five kisses on the lips was the biggest phrase that was written. The description was a normal size: All throughout the day, you will be given a kiss until the designated amount is reached. It could be a quick peck or something a bit longer. Be ready ;)
Below it was when it could be used. A short, "Whenever the headmistress, aka my wife, wants it claimed" was typed out in the same size as the description. The expiry date is the smallest, with the next year of this very same day as the date. A year-long utilisation.
The wink on the description elicited a breathy laugh out of her, seeing as it's a not so subtle indication of something more. Larissa flipped through it, reading the different things she could cash in with you. Hugs. Kisses. Massage. Different kinds of dates like picnic, movie, dinner, walk, weathervane, lunch, stay-at-home, impromptu, and a lot more. Activities that could be explored in bed, noticing that most of it are things she has mentioned throughout the years that still wasn't given a try. Dealer's choice if she wished to be surprised. Silly things you'll do if she wants to. The last few coupons were blank with only a little note that she can write whatever it is she deemed she need, and you'll honor it entirely.
The whole thing gave her a whiplash, one moment she's touched, the next she's laughing, and then she's suddenly hot and bothered, and after that her mind is whirling from the possibilities of those blank vouchers.
Once she's got ahold of her rampant emotions though, she's able to think about some of the concerns she has.
With the flipbook held near her chest, she looks at you, ready to voice out her mind.
"You just gave me a lot of power over you."
You regard her with a bemused look, "You say that as if you haven't since the beginning."
She bowed her head down and smiled fondly as she felt her skin flushed when the memories of you willingly doing anything for her flashed in her mind. You have always been devoted to her.
"And I'll certainly have a lovely time with these newly-bestowed ones upon me." She says with an air of confidence and entitlement.
"Oh no, what have I done?" Your eyes went wide, faking a scared expression at her announcement.
She watched you in delight before moving forward. "Do I really need to tear the voucher off?" You nodded, and her delight was immediately replaced by disdain.
"Can't I just flip it to the one I'd like to claim? It's too gorgeous to rip apart." She reasons, attempting to find loopholes to maintain the perfect condition of the coupons.
"That would defeat the purpose and the design." You countered, maintaining your ground.
"Besides, how will I remember if you've already used them?" you lightly teased, poking at her side.
The insinuation made her mouth open in disbelief, offended that you think she'll do such a thing. "I would never trick you"
You shrugged. "Still a no. Rip it off if you want me to do what it says." She's annoyed that you're so intent on this, but she has another thing to ask.
"Is the expiration date real?" Because she's not sure she can use it all within the timeframe, and she'd hate for it to go to waste.
You nod, which made her frown. "Keep the expired ones as a souvenir."
Larissa doesn't know what to feel with that suggestion. On one hand, she'll have some of the coupons intact, on the other, what if it's something she truly wanted from you but the expiry date has already passed?
You relent when her silence stretched on for a while, her eyebrows still furrowed in her forehead. You run your fingers outward to smooth out her eyebrows, which gets her attention. "Maybe I can be persuaded with something if it's already expired."
A surprised delight lit up her features, "Such as?" She asked, willing to consider what you have in mind if it all comes down to it.
"Surprise me." She nodded at that. She will. She'll make sure of it.
The blonde regarded it appreciatively one last time before putting it in the table, eyes locked in on the last object she hasn't yet to open.
The white engraving of her initials was the only thing on the cover, L.W. She didn't let herself guess what it could be, quickly opening it on the first page. For what felt like the umpteenth time she paused that evening, because there on the page was her, a picture of her on your very first official date. A picture she definitely didn't know existed.
A photo album. It's thick, the page only having one picture in it. She gape at it, reeling from the onslaught of yet another set of emotions. You made this. You made her a photo album. If the first one is any indication, she's bound to look at photos she hasn't seen before. Photos you took discreetly of her.
She looked at you, eyes shimmering with all the love she has for you. She wanted to hold you, to kiss you, to thank you, but nothing came. She simply looked at you, like you just gave her the world, because you did, time and time again. You gave her the world and more. She feels like she's on cloud nine, feet swayed off the ground by the extremely thoughtful gesture.
Your hand found hers, squeezing gently. She doesn't need to say or do anything. The look on her face says it all, and that was all you needed in return.
You motion for her to continue, to flip to the next one. Because there's still a surprise in store for her. The one you're the most nervous for.
So Larissa did. And before she can look at the second picture, something written on the back of the first one caught her eye.
August 18, 2000
The first time I had a date with my now wife! Can't believe you agreed to go on a date with me. I knew you are way out of my league, yet you gave me a chance. And I for sure did everything to live up to it.
Always so breathtaking, captivating me with your wits and beauty. Ever since then, I've always been yours.
Her eyes glisten with tears as she reads along, her lips now full on trembling. The album in itself was something she can't believe someone would do for her, now pair it with the letters written on the back, then it's entirely too much.
Your love for her has always been expressed throughout your relationship, but this was next level. You've carefully made this for her, because you wanted to. Because you're celebrating another milestone you've reached. Larissa feels dizzy, fuzzy with the amount of effort this must have taken. Her heart is beating out of her chest, clamouring to be in your loving touch.
She whipped her head to once again look at you. A soft, barely heard "Darling..." left her lips. This is too good, too much.
Her hands found their place on your skin, resting on the back of your neck. Her long, nimble fingers were caressing you, trying to show you her deep fondness.
"I can't... I can't believe you'd do something like this" she muttered, her voice shaky, eyes roaming around your face. The headmistress still seemingly can't grasp the fact that you did all of this for her. That you went through all of this for her.
"You deserve this and more, my love." You uttered with certainty, which sparked the tears to fall off her eyes, creating its own path to her cheeks down her chin. You quickly wipe it off, smiling softly at her.
"Thank you" she says, kissing you shortly.
"None of that. I'd gladly do anything to make you happy." You verbalized sincerely.
Larissa is more than happy though. She's euphoric, grateful, so deeply and thoroughly loved.
"I love you." She professed, placing another kiss on your lips, much longer this time.
"I love you to–"
"I love you so much." Her tone was heavy and sure, emphasizing her words. And then another kiss was placed upon your lips, the taste of hers lingering in yours.
You lick at your lips, ready to say it back again, but Larissa has other plans.
"I love you more than life itself." A passionate kiss with a length that takes all your breath away.
"I'm so lucky to have you." The kiss is then accompanied with her tongue, exploring the inside of your mouth, before pulling back.
"You're my wife." Then the kiss returned to a quick peck. "My darling." Another on your left cheek. "My honey." On the right. "My sweetheart." On your forehead. "My one and only." On your nose, which makes your nose scrunch. "My home." She declared last, lips going back to yours.
You were putty in her hands. The giddiness you feel shows itself on the way you're biting your lower lip after her display of affection, your cheeks warm after all the endearment.
She picked the album up to sit in front of you, her back touching your front. You snake your arms around her, hands locking in her midsection. She rest her head to your shoulder, and you leave a kiss to her temple before pressing your cheek to her head.
You two stayed like that while she browsed the album, asking you questions about the pictures after reading the letter attached to the previous photo.
Tonight is perfect to end the mark of your 10th year of being married, a happy anniversary, indeed.
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daydream-cement · 10 months
By The Pool (NSFW)
Larissa Weems x Reader
A little Saturday fun by the pool.
Author's Note: Thank you to @alexusonfire for reading this one over for me :) I hope y'all enjoy!
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Each day of the summer, Larissa would be out back of your home tanning the day away, only stopping to get in the pool, feed herself, or take a work call. Today, the headmistress was delighted in the fact that it was a Saturday, meaning you would be home to spend the day with her. 
In light of you being home, the shapeshifter tied on her skimpiest bikini and walked out to the pool area with a book and tanning oil in one hand and a towel in the other. The blonde piled her hair high on her head in a tight bun as she stood before her luxurious beach chair. 
Stretching out on the cushy, circular beach chair, Larissa peered over her sunglasses towards the little outdoor workout area you had created for herself. You were in the middle of your workout and Larissa couldn’t be more pleased with the view. 
Larissa pushed the sunglasses higher on her nose and lazily turned her head, allowing herself to fully gawk at you. Her mouth watered at the sight of your shoulder muscles working under your tank top. 
It had only been a few months since the two started dating and Larissa couldn’t get enough of you. Her hips rose and fell on the beach chair as images from the past evening and morning raced through the platinum blonde’s mind. Your lips moving down her stomach… The shapeshifter’s hands gripping your shoulders as you work the strap in and out… Your hands pushing the headmistress’s legs back as far as they could go…
She felt insatiable. She wanted more from you, but Larissa opted for the route of seduction rather than straight up calling you to leave your workout in exchange for sex. 
Readjusting herself on the beach chair, Larissa flipped to lay flat on her stomach and reached behind herself to pull the strings of her bikini top and bottoms loose. She even went as far to move the fabric of the bottoms off her ass so as to expose the lips of her pussy if one were to look at just the right angle. The blonde felt herself growing wet at the exposure she felt and she could only hope to be dripping wet by the time you took notice and began touching her.
You had taken notice. You were aware of Larissa’s presence outside as soon as she exited the home and had been watching her from the corner of your eye the whole time. It wasn’t until the strings came loose that you couldn’t tear your gaze away from the blonde. 
Larissa tucked her towel under her head and closed her eyes, pretending to nap as she was actually daydreaming about your touch. The image of you looking up at her with sweet eyes as your mouth and hands were attached to the headmistress’s breasts continued flashing in the woman’s mind. 
Your workout wasn’t quite over, but your legs had carried you toward the blonde without much conscious thought. You would have snuck up on Larissa if it wasn’t for your trance-like state making you unaware of the bottle of tanning oil on the ground. You knocked it over and stumbled, drawing Larissa’s eyes open and bringing a smile to the blonde’s face.
“Hi, darling. Everything okay?” The headmistress’s tone was as sweet as sugarcane. Her big doe eyes looked over the tops of her glasses at you as she pushed herself up on her elbows, exposing more bare cleavage to you. 
You gaped for a moment, searching for words as your brain malfunctioned from your girlfriend’s sweet words, face, and body. Larissa noticed your affectionate leering and smiled, her hand reaching up to tug at the hem of your tank top. You quickly shifted to your knees, ready to hear whatever the headmistress was about to say. 
The shapeshifter giggled at the way you fawned over her and she took your face in her hand when you were close enough, she drew you in close to press a soft kiss to your lips. When she parted, her whisper was low in register, her eyes dark with desire, “Would you put some sunscreen on me, darling? I wouldn’t want to burn.”
Your rapid nod came first, and then your words, “Mm, yes.”
“Thank you, dear.” The blonde giggled more at your dream-like state and snatched the toppled sunscreen from the ground and handed it over. 
With the sunscreen in hand, you crawled onto the beach chair and surveyed Larissa’s body. You were working to remember every curve, dip, and mark. Its every feature was a work of art to you.
Dripping a copious amount of lotion onto the headmistress’s back, you set aside the bottle and began smearing it, delighting in the feeling of her body against your fingertips. You took your time massaging it into Larissa’s skin and had to bite back a smirk when the blonde whimpered as you massaged her shoulders.
Larissa’s already lightly tanned back was mesmerizingly shiney from the lotion and you were growing overwhelmed from her increasing desire. Everything about Larissa was so soft, from her demeanor to her body, which only made you feel weaker for this woman. the shapeshifter could ask for the world and you would work endlessly to give it to her.
More lotion was poured onto the headmistress’s lower back and you gave into some of your urges as you allowed your hands to linger on the blonde’s ass. You massaged the globes, drifting her hands towards Larissa’s cunt before drawing them back again. Regardless of the increasingly sexual touches, the headmistress kept her breathing calm while a little smile grew on her face.
“You are so beautiful...” You trailed off, your hands manhandling your girlfriend’s ass. 
“And I’m all yours.” Larissa muttered into the cushion of her chair as her hips lifted up off the chair into your hands. 
You seized her opportunity and shifted your grip to the headmistress’s hips, pushing them higher with verbal direction for the blonde. “Lift your hips for me. I may have missed a spot.”
Doing as she was told, the headmistress pushed her knees forward and raised her hips off the chair, pressing her shoulders and face into the cushion beneath her. The feeling of your hands shifting back down the backs of her thighs sent a shiver down the shapeshifter’s spine. She was entirely exposed to you and the blonde could have sworn she felt your hot breath against her cunt. 
With Larissa’s hips high in the air, you lowered your face to the headmistress’s bare cunt and swiped your tongue up the blonde’s slit. The shapeshifter gasped at the wonderfully familiar feeling of your tongue dipping in and out of her dripping hole before swirling around her clit. The blonde was mewling with every stroke of your tongue, her hands holding the cushion in a steadfast grip. 
“Oh, darling. Oh, baby... That- Oh, it feels so- Hnng...” The blonde’s chest was heaving as she whimpered and cried out. Her eyes fluttered shut and she began rocking against your tongue to fuck herself. 
As soon as the headmistress’s greedy hips began rolling against your face, you pulled away, seeking to assert your dominance over the needy blonde which only earned a frustrated groan from your girlfriend. 
“Relax, Larissa...” You chuckled, voice teasingly condescending as you pulled the headmistress’s hips back to the cushion. In an instant, you continued teasing Larissa by putting more lotion on your hands to rub into her legs. 
Larissa’s cunt was aching for your touch as you continued applying lotion  to the blonde’s seemingly endless legs. She had fallen apart and felt entirely helpless as she squirmed and rutted against the beach chair, desperately seeking relief for the coil that had begun tightening in her abdomen. It wasn’t helping the headmistress’s growing desperation whenever your hands trailed back up her legs, thumbs swiping over her pussy lips before drifting back down once more. 
You noticed the lotion across Larissa’s back and shoulders had seemed to set in, so you cooed to your love, “Flip over for me... We need to make sure your tan is even.”
“O-okay.” The blonde whimpered, turning onto her back and settling her legs on either side of you. The headmistress’s gaze was intense and pleading, but your gaze was stuck on Larissa’s breasts which had been exposed by the blonde turning over. 
You crawled up Larissa’s body, your mouth ghosting over the blonde’s stomach to land at the space between her breasts. There was no hiding your ulterior motives any longer - you craved the headmistress far too much. Your lotioned hands squeezed at your girlfriend’s breasts as you pressed sweet kisses up and down the shapeshifter’s sternum. 
While the headmistress craved you no less, an adoring smile graced her lips as she raised a hand to the back of your head. Her hand tangled in your hair, scratching at your scalp with her manicured nails and enjoying the silky texture of your hair. She watched your eyes flutter shut as you became momentarily distracted in the comforting position you often fell asleep in when you reclined on the couch together. 
“Mmm... I love you...” You hummed, enjoying the comforting position for a moment longer before drawing yourself down your girlfriend’s body to finish what you started. From the softness of her tummy to the hypnotic curve of her hips, you savored every picturesque view before settling between her legs. 
“And I love you, sweethe- Oh...” Larissa swiftly cut herself off at the feeling of you burying your face in the blonde’s cunt. 
Each time you ate her out, the headmistress was shocked by the intensity in which you took care of her. Your arms slipped around Larissa’s thighs and held them tight, preventing the blonde from moving too much beneath you. It was always a mystery how you could bury yourself in Larissa’s cunt and only come up for air when the headmistress was writhing and begging for reprieve. 
You focused in on Larissa’s clit, swirling and sucking at the bundle of nerves repeatedly. In response to the great deal of stimulation, the headmistress’s hands shot between her legs and buried in your hair, holding your head in place for her to grind against your mouth. 
The moans that escaped the blonde were soft and airy: absolute music to your ears. 
“Honey...” The headmistress gasped as her back arched, earning a growl from you. With a firm hand on the blonde’s stomach, you pushed the headmistress flat against the cushion. Neither of you realized, but a wet spot beneath Larissa had begun to form as a result of your saliva and the headmistress’s juices. 
It was too much for the shapeshifter to handle. With a wordless groan, Larissa’s chest heaved from her orgasm and she had been sent over the edge with a flick of your skilled tongue.
The headmistress took no time to recover as she quickly sat up and captured your face with her hands, drawing you towards her. The blonde giggled at the sight of the slick shine from your nose to her chin and she swiped the towel from behind herself to wipe away the fluids. 
“Aren’t you cute?” Larissa breathed as she pulled your face to her own, allowing her tongue to mingle with yours to taste herself. She urged you into her lap with slender fingers gripping your thighs. 
You both remained in that chair for the remainder of the morning, exchanging sweet kisses, caresses, and orgasms, knowing it was the perfect way to spend a Saturday.  
Taglist: @charymobile, @bri-sonat, @weemswife, @smutuniversesblog, @opheliauniverse, @teashock, @enchantressb, @alex-nyx, @renravens, @whenyouhaveanobsession, @scream-queenlover, @shyladyfan, @lilfartbox1, @rubberduckiesbathing, @mcufanisme, @peanutbutterprincess, @larissaoftarthweems, @sicklygrlsicklygrl, @lvinhs, @myzzjolanda, @principal-weems09, @xuukoo, @brienneswife, @dumbasslesbi, @oculusalien, @sweetderacine, @giogwensversion,@milciak, @gela123, @thevillagegay, @katiemcgrathsbitch1, @naomi-m3ndez, @mysaviorfalsegod, @h-doodles, @salems-spaghettios, @imgayforwoman69, @bychrissi, @alexusonfire, @weemssapphic
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rippersz · 11 months
(A Larissa Weems x Reader oneshot) (DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT) (Darkfic; Larissa has a very skewed vision of love.)
Larissa Weems had lost so much in her life.
She lost her innocence due to her mother’s anger. She lost her father to a workplace fire. She lost her inheritance to her brother. She lost her virginity to a girl who was too rough. She lost her family name due to her preference for said girl. She lost the one-who-got-away to a man named Gomez. She lost her friends due to time and distance. She lost her free time because of work. She lost her spark because of age
and she lost her mind because of you.
Oh you…
So sweet… so caring… you looked at her as if she painted Saturn into the sky. As if she aligned the constellations. As if she made the Earth spin.
As if she alone could save you.
And she could, she realized. She could. Yes, Larissa Weems was entirely capable of saving you. Saving you from the world… from the hatred that spilled out of Pandora’s box… from the ardor of others that would never- could never- appreciate you like she did.
Love you, even, like she did.
And she did love you. She did love you. She loved you very much. She loved you so much that she’d do anything for you. She’d conquer the world for you. She’d give up Nevermore for you… but thank goodness she didn’t have to. Thank goodness you’d come in on a rainy night, seeking shelter, stumbling far from Jericho, eyes bright and smile wobbly. Knocking on the main entrance, using the door knockers and pounding as loudly as you could, waking the groundskeeper who alerted her after he figured that you weren’t there to cause harm. And you weren’t of course. You would never harm them… you would never harm Larissa. Especially after she nearly fell down the stairs in her haste to get to the entrance; throwing on a wine red robe over her nightie and showing up with a silk head-wrap around her platinum hair, keeping it in place while she looked over you with a critical eye. Almost immediately she found you to be utterly glorious. Terribly beautiful in your shivering disheveled state, with your hoodie thrown over your head and your leggings soaked through and your sneakers making squeaking sounds on the linoleum as soon as she beckoned you inside. You were suitably questioned… and that soft voice of yours flipped a switch in Larissa’s usually crowded brain; quieting her thoughts, dispelling them for as long as you spoke.
And she had to hear it again. She had to hear you again. She had to listen to you speak for hours - hours on end! - about anything and everything. Not because she really cared about what you had to say but because your lips were so soft and so perfect when they formed those delightful words. And she too, quite liked the blush that ran over your cheeks when she offered a set of dry clothing to you. Though despite your enchanting features and nervous laughter, the last straw was your unexpected love of the outcasts. So curious you were. Asking if they all had different routines… asking if they were protected there… asking if they ever preyed on normies… asking if she was going to prey on you. What a silly little joke, you sweet thing. And what an adorable giggle you let out as soon as she responded - as soon as she told you the truth. ‘Goodness, no’ Larissa had expressed with a wry smile, ‘never unless asked.’ Your sudden hush wrote everything in stone for her.
‘I need her. This woman. She’s mine. She has to be. She’s too precious to be scorned by these monsters.’
And by monsters she meant others. Anyone who wasn’t herself. Anyone who wasn’t Larissa bloody Weems, headmistress of Nevermore academy, seasoned shapeshifter, kind and loving and humorous. For no one else understood things like Larissa. And that meant no one else understood you. Not like she did. Ever.
Such a sentiment, thank the gods, came to fruition quite quickly. And once the time came that you were to be protected, right after a harsh day in which some of the students whispered a bit too much about your presence (being that you weren’t a student or a teacher or anything in between), you’d only put up the smallest fight. ‘It’s for your own good, Y/n. These children are ruthless. Others are ruthless! I cannot risk you getting hurt.’ Larissa was worried when she said those words but as soon as you were settled down in your new home, in the delightful little crawl space between the walls within one of the corners of her room, her anxiety settled. You looked oh so sweet there, resting against the soft blankets and pillows she laid out - shimmering eyes looking up at the fairy lights that she oh so graciously hung some feet above you.
And those tears… why she understood them, too. Her painted lips formed a small ‘o’ as she cooed and shushed you, running her soft thumbs beneath your eyes and catching each tear that fell. ‘Please don’t cry my sweet girl… I’ll be back soon. This key,’ she presented it to you and pushed it into your shaking palm, ‘will allow you to enter my quarters. But it should only be used in case of an emergency. Am I clear, dearest?’ You’d only nodded then, looking at her blankly. Poor thing… her darling was tired. But still - that was never an excuse for bad manners. Larissa’s tongue clicked harshly against the backs of her teeth. ‘Am. I. Clear?’ She said louder, only wishing for you to properly acknowledge her. And you did. Such a good girl for listening! Your little confirmation, your little ‘Yes, Larissa.’ was enough for her.
You, in general, were enough for her.
You read the books she leant you. You colored and sketched and drew in the sketchbooks she bought you. You wrote in the notebooks she gave to you too, always looking away when you had to hand them over at the end of each day - just so she could read through your writing and make sure you weren’t feeling anything less than grateful and comfortable. And when she returned to her quarters after the working day, making sure to enter her bedroom at 4:30 on the dot, she donned more comfortable clothing and unlocked your little home - beckoning for you to join her for the evening. Such sublime memories were made each night; ones she cherished constantly. Sitting in front of the fire together, with your head resting against her calf as she read aloud from a certain novel; watching a TV show with you in her lap, allowing her to braid your hair mindlessly as she lost herself in your gaze, delighting in the little flickers of light she saw flash across your eyes; falling asleep on the couch with her arms wrapped strongly around your midsection and your feet nearly always touching the floor, dangling over the side. Silly girl, she always assumed you were uncomfortable in that position, but you reassured her with a smile and a thumbs up.
That was just another thing she loved about you. Your kindness - your care - your ability to make her feel as though she was doing a good job. Leaving pre-packed meals in your little home before she departed for the work day, sticking a sticky note to each tupperware lid so that you could memorize the shape of each drawn heart. Her affirmations were soft and purposeful. ‘Be good for me, little one. I shall be back soon - before you know it <3’ ‘Remember what that key is for, darling. No, it’s not the one to my heart - you already had that long before the one you have now <3’ ‘Draw a beautiful picture for me today, my sweet. I’ll keep it in the little folder I’ve dedicated to your gorgeous art <3’ And each time you gave the tupperware back to her, she noticed the sticky notes were gone. You were collecting them?! Adorable! But for fear of you stopping your little sneaky operation, Larissa didn’t bring it up. She merely watched the notes disappear day after day.
Though… as time went on… she noticed something.
She noticed everything, so of course it wouldn’t escape her, but there was… there was something. Because along with the notes, along with their vanishing, that glorious familiar spark in your eye began to die out.
It… it faded. Slowly but surely.
Like something was wrong.
But nothing could have been wrong. You were with her for- for years! You were her- her- well. She used so many pet names for you that your actual one slipped her mind from time to time, but even so… she still loved you. She still loved you no matter what. Spark or no spark! You were hers!
…Even as you got greyer… …And sadder… …And even as your smile seemed more and more forced each time she saw it… …You were still beautiful to her… …You were still lovely to her… …She would still rather die than ever leave you… …Her darling… …Hers.
And no one would know because it was none of their business.
Just yours and hers. As it would always be.
As it was meant to be.
(Strange upload, I know, but I wanted to try something different. If I'm to be a psychological horror girl, I gotta get the writing down as best I can. So this was just an exercise; though I may do other things similar in future. Thanks for reading, if you did. - Ripley x)
(P.S. Heat III already has over 6K words and is very much in the works. Should be out within the next few weeks. Thx lots.)
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First Times Ch 3: Show Me, Teach Me ~Larissa Weems xFem Student!Sorceress!Reader
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Part 3!!! And Larissa is teaching Reader how to pleasure along with some aftercare.
Link to Ch 1 , Ch 2, Ch 4
Mommy…Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, age gap (all legal), smut, kissing, hickeys, bruises, teasing, fingering, thigh riding, praise kink, mommy possibly turned mistress kink…?, fluffy aftercare, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
“Good Morning, my Dear.” Larissa spoke as you entered her office the next Saturday morning.
“Morning…” you sleepily stated.
“Come have a seat, love. I’ll be finished with my work in a minute.”
You silently nodded and went to take the seat across from Larissa. It didn’t take long for Larissa to pack her paper away, leaving her attention to you. But when her eyes met yours, you sheepishly looked away.
“What is is, my Darling?” Larissa asked with a light chuckle and small smile.
“I…” you stuttered, embarrassed by your thoughts.
At your loss for words, Larissa got up from her seat and came over to you. She knelt down in front of you and embraced your hands.
“Talk to me? Please, love.” She urged you with concern and care.
“Can you teach me how to pleasure you?” You said in a dead whisper.
You expected Larissa to find it funny and unacceptable that you didn’t know how to please another woman. But quite the contrary… Larissa brought on hand up to your cheek, while the other still held yours,
“Of course, darling. I would love to show you.” She cooed in response.
You smiled and went red at her words, immediately looking down again.
“Hey, hey, look at me.” Larissa gently urged you, moving your chin up to meet her eyes, “Is this what you would like to do today…?”
You nodded vigorously and eagerly. Larissa chuckled at your reaction.
“Darling, if you keep not answering, I may have to teach you about punishment…” she teased.
Your stomache dropped and your heart quickened at the thought of punishment.
“Sorry…! Yes, I’d like that very much, Larissa…” you rushedly admitted.
Larissa hummed in delight at your response.
“Do you remember the safe words?”
“Yes, ‘red’ is stop.” You replied.
“Correct. ‘red’ is stop, ‘yellow’ is pause, and ‘green’ is good, do you understand?” She reassuringly asked.
“Yes, Larissa.”
“Good girl. Now, I have an attached private quarters next to this office. Would you be comfortable with moving in there, today?” Larissa gently asked you.
“Yes please…” you eagerly whimpered.
Larissa lightly chuckled at your response as she raised herself again, extending a hand to help you up as well. You graciously accepted her hand, which you noted were quite beautiful and breath taking, and Larissa led you to a side cabinet door in the corner of the office. She opened the door with a click and you followed her through. The door was closed and locked with another click.
“Sit on the edge of the bed, love.” Larissa instructed you.
You did as you were told. Larissa smirked at your quick obedience and turned around so that she was now facing away from you.
“Help me with my zipper, love?” she asked.
You instinctually found the zipper on Larissa’s stunning dress and began to unzip her dress for her, as she took out the many pins in her hair. With the zipper undone, Larissa thanked you and stood up, letting her hair cascade down over her shoulders and her dress pool on the ground, which she easily slipped out of. You stared at her with your mouth practically agape.
Larissa was wearing a wine red lingerie set that matched her lips perfectly…
“Like what you see…?” she teased you.
Blush crept up your cheeks at the idea of being caught staring. Larissa then came around the bed and placed herself against the headboard, patting the opening between her legs for you to fill. You immediately complied, scooting over to plant yourself in between her thighs.
Then you felt Larissa’s lips on yours. At first, the kiss was calm and caring… But it quickly delved into rushed heat and passion. You both pulled off your shirt in desperation. Larissa pulled away from the kiss first, eliciting a small whine from your lips.
“I want you to explore and mark up my body, love. Start with my lips and move down south…” she instructed you.
Your eyes lit up at her words.
“Yes, Larissa...” You immediately obliged, exited to please her for the first time.
You began peppering kisses all over Larissa’s face, coming back to her lips every once and a while. Then, you moved down to her neck and collar bone. You hit Larissa’s pressure point and she lightly gasped. You immediately looked up in concern, but your concerns were put to bed by the lustful and needy eyes that met yours.
“Don’t stop, darling…” Larissa panted, “bite down on that mark, love…”
You did as your lover told you with a light hint of confusion. As you sucked on her pressure point, Larissa let out a strangled moan in pleasure, causing you to double down on your efforts, leaving a trail of hickeys and marks wherever your mouth went. You continued to explore her body and wander down her curves. You reached her bra, and Larissa gladly arched her back for you to unclip it. You couldn’t help but lick your lips at the sight of Larissa’s more exposed body.
“Go ahead, love… Swirl your tongue around each bud, you can use your fingers too…” she reassured you.
Breaking from your trance, you hesitantly took a nipple into your mouth and swirled your tongue around it. At this, Larissa gasped, arched her back to you even more, and bucked her hips forward, grabbing onto your arm.
“That’s it, love, don’t stop…!” Larissa encouraged you breathlessly.
You continued to lap away at her left erect bud, and then proceeded to go over her right bud with the pad of your thumb. Larissa visibly and audibly shuddered, and her nipples hardened even more at your actions. After spending ample time caressing and tasting Larissa’s breasts, you moved down to her stomache. Larissa was letting out breathy moans and whimpers at this point.
“Baby, be a good girl and take off mommy’s knickers for her…” Larissa moaned out in need, stopping you in the middle of you teasing her thighs.
Your breath hitched. Larissa’s eyes widened at her slip of the tongue.
“Yes… mommy…” you whispered, hooking your knickers with your teeth and taking them off.
God was she a heavenly sight…
Larissa moaned out in delight. You looked back up at Larissa for direction.
“Come straddle my lap, baby…” Larissa purred.
You came right up to Larissa, trapping her against the bed board.
“Would you prefer to use your fingers or your tongue, darling?” she asked you, caressing your cheek lightly.
You blushed at Larissa’s words and actions, “Ummm… What would you like…?”
“Let’s start with your fingers, dear…” she spoke gently, guiding one of your hands down to her throbbing heat.
You dragged a finger through her soaked folds, making Larissa’s head fall back in a silent scream of pleasure.
“That’s it, love… You can slide a finger inside me once your ready…!” Larissa breathlessly and needily moaned out.
You immediately did as she said and slid one of your fingers into her soaking cunt, slowly thrusting in and out of her.
“Fuck— you’re a natural love!!” Larissa cried out, jerking her hips to meet the thrusts of your finger.
You blushed at her comment, as your own inside started to tighten with need and lust. Fucking Larissa was turning you on… Insanely so…
“You can add another finger if you want…!” Larissa whimpered, practically begging you to add another finger, so you slid another finge inside her throbbing heat.
“Good. Now as you thrust in… OhhHh Fuck!… As you thrust in, curl your… curl your fingers inside me…” Larissa breathless stuttered through strangled cries.
Larissa’s hand went straight to your hair and her toes curled when you started curling your fingers inside Larissa’s fluttering pussy.
“FUCK—! just like that!!” Larissa cried out, tightening her grip on your hair, making you whimper in both pain and pleasure.
You decided to pick up the pace a little, which Larissa immediately showed you was worth it, as she began crying out and moaning even more and even louder.
“So good fuck mommy’s so close…!” Larissa sinfully moaned, “Place your thumb on my clit and… and roll it in circles please fuck please…!!”
You did so, bringing the pad of your thumb to her clit and rubbing it in circles. This is what broke Larissa. You could feel her walls clenching around your digits as she came, crying out like a broken record.
It was fucking heavenly…
Eventually, you slowly pulled your fingers out of her dripping cunt, once she had come down from her high, and you instinctually stuck them in your mouth. You both moaned at the sight. Larissa then pulled you forward and smashed her lips onto yours, moaning at the taste of herself. You both pulled away, panting breathlessly.
“So… how’d I do…?” you insecurely asked, a furious blush washing over your cheeks yet again.
“Oh my love, you did marvelous. You did so good for mommy, such a good girl…” Larissa showered you with praise, taking you into her embrace, which you graciously accepted.
The two of you snuggled for a while, but you couldn’t shake the tension built up in your own core.
“Mommy…?” you whispered into Larissa’s chest.
“Yes, my darling?”
You sat up, still straddling Larissa’s lap, and you instinctually began rolling your hips lightly into Larissa’s lap.
“I need… can you…?” you brokenly panted to Larissa, your mind still in a sex fog.
Larissa immediately understood your need, smiling lightly at your pure nature and manners, “Of course darling, come straddle my thigh…”
You looked at Larissa with concussion for a second, but quickly understood when she guided your hips to roll against her tensed thigh, making your keel over in overwhelming pleasure. You quickly took over and began grinding down on the blonde’s creamy thigh.
“Just like that, love… Ride mommy’s thigh…” Larissa purred into your ear, her pupils dialating at the sight of your lustful actions.
And boy did you ride her thigh…
With your shirt and knickers still on, you rutted against Larissa’s thigh in desperate need for some friction and release.
“Please mommy…wanna cum…!!” you mewled out, eyes glazing over and your hip jerkings getting sloppier by the second.
“Go ahead, love… let go and cum for mommy…” Larissa purred.
You came, squirting your wetness all over your knickers and Larissa’s thigh with a breathy scream. Then in exhaustion, you collapsed in Larissa’s lap. Larissa helped you get your bearings back, while mindlessly tracing your bra line through your shirt.
“How about a bath, my darling…?” Larissa gently suggested.
You nodded and with a spent throat replied, “Yes please…”
“Alright, you stay right here, and I will grab some things to clean us up and go start that bath.” Larissa spoke, moving out from behind you, but not leaving the bed before giving you a peck on the lips.
You heard the bath start to run as Larissa was out of the room. She came back with a warm washcloth and a water.
“Take the rest of your clothes off for me…?” Larissa asked with nothing but gentleness and caring in her tone.
You got up, your legs still a little wobbly, and stripped off your shirt, bra, and knickers. Larissa patted you back into the bed, where she cleaned up the mess the both of you had made on your legs and her thighs.
Then, Larissa scooped you up, eliciting a yelp and giggle from you. She brought you to her private bathroom and placed you in the warm water of the bathtub. Larissa then promptly joined you, sliding in behind you. You immediately snuggled in between her legs again.
Larissa caringly watched as you innocently dozed off in her embrace, smiling to herself at your pure, sleeping form.
She was eternally grateful that you had entrusted your innocence to her… It was past lust, she truly cared…
Chapter 4 linked… 😉
Larissa Weems Masterlist
Tag list @snakeskins-world @friskyfisher @just-your-casual-nerd @scream-queenlover @bobia13 @justcallmelittleone @dopenightmaretyphoon @killer-quill @im-a-carnivorous-plant @larissaoftarthweems @what-a-violet-world @a-queen-and-her-throne @liliweems @ant0weems @principal-weems09 @larissaweemsgf @shyladyfan @leonorasbabygirl @simpsforwomen @psychopathicnightmare17 @walkethisway @wifeymaterialsstuff @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @kimiinou @enchantressb @sicklygrlsicklygrl @larissa-weems-chokehold @teenybean @lucky1fancy4wolf @sapphicsbeloved
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no-phrogs-in-hats · 1 year
20/20 Vision !NSFW!
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Reader
Warnings: SMUT, blindfolds, mommy kink
Words: 1190
A/N: For Savy, who was promised this smut prompt in September and then never received it. Thank you for your patience ily<3
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You sit in bed with a book in your hands, eyes scanning the pages and mind drifting off into another world. Your attention is drawn to the bedroom door when it opens, and in walks a tall woman, her red lips curled into a subtle grin.
“Hi!” You’re beaming as Larissa leans down and pecks you on the lips. “How was your day?”
After she tells you about her day–for once not including the mentions of one Wednesday Addams— she goes into the closet and changes out of her clothes and into something more comfortable. When she opens the door again, she’s grinning as she holds up two pieces of black silk.
“So…” you chirp, a smug look on your face. “I assume those are for my wrists…”
Larissa walks forward slowly, her eyebrows raising as she sits on the bed in front of you. After crawling forward on her hands and knees, she rests in between your legs, hand cupping your jaw gently as she places a soft kiss on your lips. “Oh no, darling,” she mutters as she pulls away, looking into your eyes. “These are for both of us…”
You giggle as you kiss her again. “And what in the world could you mean by that?”
“Well,” she says, “I thought we could play a little game…” She leans forward again, her voice lowering. “One where we’re both blinded…where we can only feel each other…where we can only hear each other…where every sense is magnetized.”
Your breath starts to pick up as you glance at the silk in her hand and then back to her eyes. “I think that’s a wonderful idea,” you mutter, taking one of the blindfolds from her hand and reaching to turn the lamp off. Your eyes never break eye contact as you both bring the blindfolds to your eyes and tie them securely around your heads. “I assume the game has started now.”
As her hand runs up and down your neck, memorizing your shape, Larissa chuckles. “Well, I think we have a few things getting in the way…” Her fingers trail down to the hem of your shirt. “Like this right here.” 
You suck in a breath as you feel her nails rake up your torso, fingers slowly moving your shirt up and over your head. Your hands run up her arms in search of her shoulders, goosebumps forming beneath your fingertips as they continue up her neck and across her face to find her lips.
You take a shallow breath as your thumb runs over her bottom lip, and you lean in to kiss her softly, taking delight in the way she smiles against your lips. 
Despite your vision being completely gone, it was still as if you could see everything happening right in front of you. Just as Larissa had stated before, every sense is magnetized by a hundred. A single touch to your navel was akin to the contradicting feeling of an ice cube forming streaks of searing hot goosebumps.
You shiver beneath her touch as her fingers move down to your hips, the tips lightly skimming the surface of your flesh. With her lips still on yours, Larissa’s free hand moves from gripping your hair to carefully, and painfully slowly, moving down your neck and to your chest. As another chill runs through your spine and her fingers toy with your nipple, you break away from the kiss and gasp as her long, slender fingers trace circles on your clit before dipping into your entrance and curling immediately. 
“Oh, fuck, Larissa…” 
The moan is breathy and Larissa is able to feel it on her own lips as she grins. “Does it feel good, sweetheart?”
You move your own hand down to her bare hips now as you try and grind your own on her fingers. “God, yes, Mommy.”
With your lips moving to her throat, you can feel Larissa flinch, the feeling unexpected with her blindfold depriving her of her senses. Only a few seconds later your fingers were mimicking hers, sliding easily into her wet cunt.
Her pulse begins racing and you grin as you nip at the skin of her neck. She gasps as you bite down harshly, trying to suppress a moan as her fingers move faster. Your hips move faster and so do your fingers, your other hand coming up to Larissa’s hair as you press your foreheads together. 
Moans filled what little gap there is between the two of you. 
“God, Larissa, please don’t stop, please!” You plead deliriously and your fingers grasp at her hair tighter, your head falling back and your mouth hung open. “Please, please, please, Larissa! I’m gonna fucking cum.”
You begin to shake, your fingers curling inside her even quicker.
Her words come out between moans and you can feel her hips rutting harder, her other hand holding your waist as you do the same. “Cum for me darling,” she breathes. “Be a good girl…make Mummy proud.”
Your shaking body tenses as loud moans fall from your tongue and you fall forward, your head on Larissa’s shoulder. As you catch your breath, you sit up more and press a fervent kiss to her lips. “Please, Mommy, cum for me. I want to hear you scream in pleasure. I want to know I’ve made you proud…that I’ve been a good girl for you.”
It didn’t take long for her to crumble as well, her mouth falling open in a silent scream as wave upon wave of pleasure washed over her. As her release crashed through her, you moved her hips, desperate for her to soak in every drop of euphoria she could get.
Calming down, she removes her blindfold and yours. Your eyes adjust to the darkness and a dazed smile grazes your lips as you pull your fingers from her, immediately putting them in your mouth to clean them off. She pulls you in for a kiss, her tongue grazing yours before she stands from the bed and tosses the blindfolds to the side.
You collapse into the pillows, chest heaving and arms above your head before she comes back with a cloth. As she cleans you up, you pull Larissa in for a soft kiss. “Thank you,” you mutter against her lips, eyes still closed.
After discarding the rag, she climbs on top of you, hands on your cheeks as she kisses you back. Larissa rolls over onto her side and you follow her trail, pulling the comforter up over your bare bodies, and draping your arm over her waist as hers does the same. The other comes under your neck, hand coming up to rest on your shoulder.
“I’d say that was a pretty fun game,” you muse.
Larissa giggles, ending with a sigh. “I have to say, I must agree.”
“You’ve always been the more clever one in this relationship.” You look up at her as you entwine your legs with her. Gasping in mock outrage, your eyes widen. “You’re not even gonna deny it?”
“No,” she snickers. “I’m not.”
You sigh, smiling as you press a kiss to her shoulder before pecking her on the lips. “Fair enough. Goodnight. I love you.”
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weemssapphic · 10 months
Hi lovely! Got so excited when I saw your requests was open again, your writing is so addicting 😍
I’ve had this idea since I saw a post with a gif of Larissa holding a teaching pen and I can’t stop thinking about it.
What if Larissa was actually teaching anatomy one day at the school you being the assistant teacher for that specific class and at the same time you being secretly in a relationship with her. So as she teaches the class you become more and more turned on, while she talks about the body not being able to control yourself. Ending up having to take Larissa to her private rooms, saying “teach me anatomy” and Larissa be like “didn’t you pay any attention to me earlier” while getting you to “learn anatomy” on her body. Larissa receiving/reader giving, real smutty and hot! Kinks are more than welcome too, hope it makes sense! x if you won’t, it’s totally okay ❤️
Hello ❤️ thank you so much for the compliment and for the request - I'm so sorry that it took me so long to write this (I wasn't very happy with my first draft and I'm super against posting something I hate). But I hope you enjoy it 🫶🏼
Teach Me
Larissa Weems x f!reader
Words: ~3.3k
Content/warnings: nsfw (smut) - choking, authority kink, praise kink, hair pulling, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, strap-on use
“Good morning, class! I’ll be taking over this week’s lessons until Ms. Hanson is back from her sick leave. Today we’ll be going over last week’s exam, and then if we have time we’ll start chapter 8. Any questions?” Met with a brief silence, Larissa continued. “Excellent. Let’s start, shall we?”
Larissa nodded over at you, a small sign for you as the assistant teacher to make your way down the rows of desks and hand the students back their graded tests. Some of them groaned, some squealed in delight - once you’d finished your task, you made your way back to the front of the room, making eye contact with Larissa as you did so. You found her watching you with a faint smirk and a quirked eyebrow.
God, she was so hot when she did that. The smirk painted on those luscious red lips started a small flame in your abdomen - the blue eyes that bore into your own held just a smidge of teasing amusement as you visibly shivered. Larissa knew just what she was doing to you, she always did - her eyes briefly flicked down your body, drinking in your form, and you felt yourself flush.
The two of you had been in a relationship for several months now, choosing to keep it a secret from your students and most of your coworkers for the sake of professionalism. It was normally an easy secret to keep as, apart from staff meetings, your professional interactions were limited to none - especially in front of the students. Today, however, Larissa was taking over the class you normally assisted for, which was equally delightful and a little nerve-wracking.
Larissa was a force to be reckoned with. You’d seen her address the entire school plenty of times as principal, but there was something about seeing her take control of a classroom that was unbelievably arousing. She spoke with such passion, making sure to involve the students and encourage them - somehow, she managed to create a collaborative environment where even the shyest of students felt comfortable enough to speak up.
You couldn’t help but think that, if you’d had a teacher like her when you were younger, maybe you’d have learned a thing or two in anatomy class - perhaps even enjoyed the subject.
Or maybe not, you reasoned, as your eyes fell to Larissa’s backside, perfectly displayed in her form-fitting dress, when she leaned over her desk to rifle through a stack of papers. Maybe you wouldn’t have been able to focus on a single damned word.
And as anticipated, as the lesson progressed, you found it harder and harder to concentrate. You tried, you really did - keeping your eyes mostly on the students or on your notes, rather than on Larissa, trying to soak up every word that was being said in case your assistance was needed. This proved more difficult than you thought it would, as even Larissa’s voice, authoritative yet soft, served to get you worked up. But you were almost successful - until Larissa found that she had just enough time left in the lesson to start chapter 8 and reached into the drawer of her desk to pull out a pointer.
You watched, mesmerized, as she extended it and walked up to the blackboard. If anyone were to ask you what was drawn up there, you wouldn’t have been able to say, even though you’d prepared the lesson yourself due to Ms. Hanson’s absence - your mind went blank as your eyes were glued to Larissa’s hands. Long, red-tipped fingers gripped the pointer firmly, flexing around the little stick. Her other hand waved around animatedly as she spoke.
You squeezed your thighs together, growing more uncomfortable by the second as the dampness between your legs grew. You’d always loved how she spoke with her hands - right now, you couldn’t help but ponder what else she could be doing with them. How those long fingers could reach deep inside of you, curling against your-
The shrill sound of the bell ripped you from your trance, signaling the end of the lesson. Students began to rise, gathering at the door to shuffle out of the classroom and to the cafeteria for lunch. You swallowed hard, your eyes finding Larissa at her desk as she packed away her laptop and some papers.
You were on your feet the second the last student had closed the door behind themselves, taking long strides towards Larissa’s desk. She raised her head and smiled at you.
“Darling, I-”
Your lips met hers in a desperate, sloppy kiss, a needy moan clawing its way out of your throat. Larissa let out a chuckle as you deepened the kiss, her hands coming up to cup your cheeks as she pulled back.
“What was that for?” she asked playfully, humor dancing in her eyes. “Not that I’m complaining…” Her lips curled up into a smirk.
“That was for how hot you look teaching.” Your breaths came out in ragged puffs as you captured her lips once again. This time, Larissa let out a soft moan, fisting the front of your shirt and pulling you closer.
“We have a few hours until the next class… Everyone else is at lunch,” you mumbled against her lips.
“And what would you like to do with all that free time?” Larissa’s voice was low and raspy - it only served to turn you on further.
“You could teach me anatomy?”
“Were you not paying attention earlier?” Larissa teased.
“Nope,” you murmured. “I think I need a private tutor.”
“And you’re certain I’m not too distracting?” she purred.
“Rissa…” It came out whinier than you intended, but that didn’t appear to matter much: Larissa grinned against your lips, pressing one final kiss to them before allowing you to drag her through empty corridors all the way to her private quarters.
Larissa had you pinned against the door the second it closed behind you. Her hips pushed into yours as she clicked the lock, and then her hands were on either side of your head, trapping you against the oak as her lips found your neck. She sucked at your pulse point, her teeth grazing over the sensitive skin and leaving goosebumps in their wake.
“Tell me, darling,” she purred, her voice dropping an octave, her warm breath washing over your ear. “What do you remember from today’s lesson?”
Your breathing stuttered in your chest - if it had been hard to think before, well, now it was simply impossible. All you could focus on was how Larissa loomed over you, her body pressed against yours, her lips on your ear. The heat at the apex of your thighs was becoming unbearable.
“I-I don’t know… just- your hands,” you stuttered out sheepishly - that really was all you remembered, Larissa’s fingers flexing as she spoke, how they-
“Funny,” she whispered into your ear, nibbling at your earlobe. You felt your knees begin to give out - if Larissa hadn’t been pressing you to the door, you might’ve collapsed on the spot. “I don’t remember that being a topic in today’s lesson. Perhaps it’s better we start with the basics then, hmm?”
Before you could come up with a suitable reply, you felt Larissa’s hand close around your throat, her fingers applying gentle but firm pressure, flexing against your sensitive skin. You met her gaze to see blown pupils gazing hungrily down at you, painted lips pulled into a seductive smirk.
“Think you can be a good girl for me?” Larissa’s eyes were hooded as she looked down at you, applying just a little more pressure to the sides of your neck. You nodded fervently, not trusting yourself to speak, and Larissa grinned.
She let go of your throat, ignoring your whimper of disappointment, and turned to stroll nonchalantly towards the bedroom. “Give me 2 minutes, then you can come,” she called airily as she disappeared into the hallway.
They felt like the longest two minutes of your life. When they were over, you headed after her, your spine tingling with excitement. You walked into the room to find her sitting on the edge of the bed in her bra and panties, legs parted - her heels had been kicked off, her dress discarded.
“Now, is that how you think you should address a teacher?” Larissa raised an eyebrow, lips turned into a disapproving frown.
“Uh… Principal Weems?” Your face felt hot with embarrassment, but then Larissa grinned and let out a pleased hum and you found yourself growing hot for an entirely different reason.
She spread her legs and your eyes fell to the damp spot at the center of her panties. You felt your mouth go dry and you took a few steps forward, until you were standing between her legs. She made no move to touch you - she simply watched you with an amused grin plastered on her face.
“Why don’t you show me what you know, darling? My body is at your disposal…”
You didn’t need to be told twice - you lunged forward, planting a sloppy kiss to Larissa’s lips as your hands began to trail down her body, finding the clasp of her bra and quickly undoing it. You slid the straps down her arms and dropped the garment onto the floor, focusing your attention on her now exposed chest. Your lips trailed down her skin until they found one of her breasts, and you began to litter the soft mound of flesh in little kisses and bites.
“Take my nipple into your mouth and suck,” Larissa instructed, her voice slightly breathy but still firm and commanding. You did as you were told, sucking on the small, rosy bud and feeling it harden under your tongue. “You may bite - gently.” You grazed your teeth over her nipple before biting down, feeling Larissa arch into you and hearing her sharp intake of breath.
“Good girl, now the other one.” The heat between your legs grew as Larissa commanded you, and you mirrored your actions on her other breast.
You left a trail of kisses down Larissa’s stomach - the soft swell of which was so tantalizing that, with a cautious glance up at the blonde, you sunk your teeth into her flesh, biting down gently. A strangled gasp escaped Larissa’s throat and she looked down at you in amusement.
“Getting a bit bolder now, are we?” she teased, clearly enjoying the way your cheeks went pink. “I’m not stopping you, darling.” With her permission, you spent a few more minutes loving on her stomach and hips, biting and sucking, then soothing the little marks you left with a gentle lick of your tongue.
Soon, Larissa began to squirm beneath you, giving your head a gentle push. You settled between her plush thighs then, taking a moment to give them the same reverent treatment as Larissa let out quiet sounds of pleasure.
You pressed a soft kiss to Larissa’s cunt through her underwear, before pulling the garment down her legs to reveal her dripping sex.
The scent of Larissa’s arousal hung heavy in the air, she was already so wet for you - you licked your way up her slit, taking a second to worship her folds before finally circling your tongue around her swollen clit. 
“Fuck, Riss, you taste amazing,” you groaned. You felt Larissa’s hand on the back of your head, then a sharp tug at your hair. Larissa looked down at you with a raised eyebrow.
“I-I’m sorry, Principal Weems,” you breathed out. 
“Good girl,” Larissa purred. The hand holding your hair loosened its grip and you resumed your ministrations against her clit, flicking your tongue over it in little kitten licks.
Larissa arched her back off the bed and rolled her hips against your face. Ironically, considering the lesson, you knew her body well by now - you knew she wanted you inside of her. Happy to comply, you began to tease her entrance with your fingertip, earning yourself a breathy whine from the blonde.
“Enough teasing,” she murmured, and you slipped one digit into her hole, slowly pumping it in and out, before adding a second. Her walls stretched around your fingers and she let out a soft hum. 
“Such a good student,” she teased, her voice breathy. “Quick learner.” You could almost hear the smirk in her voice, and it only served to turn you on further - you were certain your underwear was ruined.
Your fingers found a steady rhythm inside of her, curling into the soft, spongy spot that had her writhing beneath you. Using your other hand to hold Larissa’s thigh and steady yourself, you wrapped your lips around her clit and sucked, letting out a wanton groan as you felt her begin to tremble.
Larissa came undone beneath you, letting out a drawn-out moan as her hips bucked erratically against your face. You continued to fuck her through her orgasm, until she stilled beneath you and allowed herself to sink into the mattress. 
You crawled up Larissa’s body, settling on top of her and pressing a bruising kiss to her lips which she immediately deepend with a low groan as she licked her arousal off your tongue. 
“Principal Weems?” you mumbled against her lips. She hummed in response. “You said I could do anything, right?”
Larissa grabbed a fistful of your hair and gave it a sharp yank, the pain sending a shiver all the way down to your toes. Her painted lips were pulled into a devilish smirk and her eyes sparkled with curiosity. 
“And what exactly are you proposing, darling?”
You bit your lower lip, blushing as you reached for the drawer of Larissa’s beside table - her smirk widened and she rested her head back against the pillow, watching you intently. 
You pulled out the harness and dildo that rested in the drawer, your blush deepening as Larissa hummed her approval. She never took your eyes off you as you tugged the harness over your hips, tightening the straps and securing the fake cock in place.
Larissa squirmed impatiently on the bed, already spreading her legs for you. You could see how wet she was and your own clit ached at the sight. Larissa reached out for your hips and you caught her wrists, pushing forward and pinning her arms over her head.
Larissa’s pupils widened at the action, a gasp escaping her lips, her hips squirming.
You reached back into the drawer with the hand that wasn’t holding Larissa’s arms in place and pulled out a burgundy silk tie, dangling it in front of her face. She grinned up at you, giving you her best, innocent doe eyes.
“Go ahead, darling, I’m waiting,” she teased. You tied Larissa’s wrists to the headboard, making sure it was tight enough to hold her but loose enough so it wouldn’t hurt.
“That okay?”
After giving her wrists an experimental tug, Larissa nodded in confirmation. You pressed a searing kiss to her lips, before trailing kisses down her body, caressing her bare hips with your hands. You stopped at her inner thighs, taking a few moments to worship them with kitten licks and litter them in little bruises until you felt Larissa squirm desperately beneath you. The low whine that she let out was so delicious that you groaned into her pussy, and she bucked her hips up impatiently.
You placed a hand on either one of her thighs, spreading her legs open for you. She bent them at the knee and titled her hips up eagerly.
“So pretty,” you groaned as you zeroed in on her dripping cunt, taking the fake cock in your hand and teasing her hole before sliding easily inside of her. Larissa’s lips parted to let out a gasp and she squeezed her eyes shut as she got used to the sensation of being stretched out. 
When she opened her eyes again, she gave you a nod and gently bucked her hips. You began to thrust the cock in and out of her, finding a slow and steady pace at which to fuck her.
Leaning over her, you continued your rhythmic thrusting as you wrapped your mouth around her nipple, flicking your tongue over it as your other hand began to fondle the soft swell of her breast.
Each flick of your tongue and thrust of your hips drew an even filthier moan from Larissa’s lips as she rolled her hips against you. Looking up at her through your lashes as you sucked on her breast, you could see her wiggling her arms against the restraints. She gazed hungrily down at you, eyes heavy-lidded, lips parted sensually. 
“Kiss me,” Larissa demanded, and though you didn’t think she was in a position to be making demands, you couldn’t resist - you wanted to kiss her so bad, so you did. Your mouth left her nipple in favor of pressing a bruising kiss to her mouth, which she immediately deepened with a breathy sigh. 
Your tongues danced around each other, Larissa’s breathing hot and heavy. You swallowed her soft moans and low grunts as you reached deeper and deeper inside of her, tilting your hips in the way you knew would bring her the most pleasure.
Her thighs began to tremble against your hips and she arched her back off the bed, her front pressing insistently into you - her skin was warm and slick with sweat.
One orgasm turned into two, turned into three, until Larissa wrapped her legs around your hips to pull you flush against her.
“I-I c-can’t…” she murmured breathlessly. “P-please…”
“Shh, it’s okay.” You caressed her cheek lovingly before pushing yourself up and carefully sliding the dildo out of her. Before removing the harness and tossing it to the ground, you undid the tie around Larissa’s wrists, placing a gentle kiss to each wrist before allowing her to drop her hands to her sides.
You crawled up the bed next to Larissa and snuggled against her, your own breathing almost as labored as hers. 
“Was that okay, love?” you asked, pressing a kiss to her flushed cheek. You could feel her nod against you, a small smile playing upon her lips.
“Mmmh, thank you, darling,” she murmured.
You reached over her to check your phone - you still had an hour before your next class.
“Close your eyes and rest,” you whispered. “I’ll be right back.” Larissa hummed in response and you went to fetch a warm, damp washcloth and a glass of water, which Larissa drank as you cleaned up traces of her arousal from between her legs. Then you snuggled up next to her and allowed yourself to fall into a light sleep, her arm slung loosely around your waist.
The sound of your phone’s alarm 40 minutes later had you groaning and burrowing your head deeper into the crook of Larissa’s neck.
“Do we have to teach today? Can’t we just cancel the classes and stay here?” You gave Larissa your best puppy-dog eyes and biggest pout, but you knew as soon as she chuckled and kissed your forehead that your pleading wouldn’t work.
“After how much work you put in to prepare everything?” Larissa teased, and you rolled your eyes and huffed. “Tell you what.” Her voice dropped an octave and she moved her mouth to your ear - you had to clench your thighs together in response. “If you’re a good girl this afternoon, then I’ll show you what I know tonight.” You had to bite your lip to keep from moaning as Larissa’s breath washed over the shell of your ear, raising goosebumps on your neck. With that motivation, you allowed yourself to be ushered out of bed and dressed yourself for your afternoon classes - only now, the ache between your thighs was even worse than it had been that morning. How you were going to survive the rest of your classes and be a good girl, you had no idea.
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