starheirxero · 7 months
do you. want to talk about body horror with tsams eclipse? cause boy howdy im having thoughts
Eclipse’s entire existence is body horror to me in a way I can’t quite properly convey. He never had his own body, he was always inhabiting someone else’s, and the only time he ever looked like himself when was he was cloaking someone else’s body with the star which hurt him badly.
He’s a direct split of Moon, so when he first woke up, he looked at himself and knew he looked wrong. He heard himself and knew he sounded wrong. And never again from that point forward does he ever get to relish in that feeling of a right body again. He just… gets used to being wrong. He gets used to having a flawed existence.
I had a whole ramble about this in my friend’s discord and I talked about how it probably only amplifies his control issues too, because while it may be one thing to control the people around you and the person you possess, it’s another thing to control how you look I think. Like maybe my “Eclipse can be used as a trans metaphor” is showing here, but I truly don’t think it ever helped him to look at his hands and know they aren’t his.
Like, surely there had to be moments where it occurred to him that he had never lived in a body that was built for him, meant for him, and looked like him. Surely there had to be moments where the feeling of always being the unwelcome other in a body crushed him. Surely he had to think at least once that it would be nice to have a body that is a home rather than a temporary stepping stone to survival.
As far as Eclipse is concerned, all having a body is body horror……..
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skullstarz · 3 years
Hi🥺🥺 can i get a bnha and haikyuu matchup??
I’m 17, 4’9 (but i say i’m 5’0), i am pretty hyper but can be serious when needed😤 i love to exercise, play video games and do arts and crafts. I play professional rugby (i play in the top division of my country) and i love to play volleyball with my friends!
(I hope this is enough kffjkfrk, i never know what to say about myself hahaha❤️)
yes ofc its enough <333 i feel the sudden urge to pat you on the head // sorry i took so long i went on hiatus aaaaaa
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✿ he finds your hyperness cute, and opens up to you rather quickly just like he does with hinata
✿ doesn't necessarily tease you for being short, but will do things like propping himself up on your shoulder
✿ his favorite thing to do with you is play video games
✿ but just cause he's your boyfriend doesn’t mean he'll go easy on you- if you aren’t good at video games you can bet your ass he will show you NO mercy
✿ make him smth with your arts n crafts skillz he will feel so loved
✿ really doesnt get your love for exercising and he wont do it with you
✿ but will support you from the sidelines, both just in exercise and while you're playing your sport (and your video games)
✿ softest cuddles im telling u SOFTEST CUDDLES
✿ your first kiss was during a cuddle session while he was playing video games
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kenma grunted softly, thumbs moving quickly as he worked on defeating a boss in his video game. taking a break from having your eyes glued to a screen, you decided to just lay back into his chest, nodding off every now and then. at one point you were woken up by a loud groan from the boy behind you.
looking back at him with a confused expression, you earned a small "i lost the boss fight" from him. chuckling, you tell him how you managed to get past the boss before caressing his cheek. "you're cute from this angle" you tease him, receiving exactly what you expected- a blushing mess
"aw look you're blushing" you smiled before he grabbed you by the cheeks and kissed you unexpectedly. "look, now you're blushing too" he said, retaliating against you with a smile.
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✿ your love isn’t really the 'at first sight' type, rather a genuine accumulation of feelings which leads to messy confrontations and sloppy, nervous confessions (NOT AT ALL ANGSTY THOUGH!!!)
✿ he'll never tell you but your height makes him feel like this strong protective boyfriend who would do anything for you
✿ he knows you're strong on your own and can defend yourself, but he just loves knowing you're 100% safe with him
✿ loves that you're active, im talking practicing with you even though he may not be the best at your sports lol
✿ you fit in perfectly with his friend group, and he's really so happy he gets to spend time with the love of his life AND his friends he adores and loves like real family
✿ he love love loves your artsy side and enjoys making crafts with you, especially when you two exchange them like lil gifts, but sometimes his come out uhhhh.... kinda rough
✿ your first kiss was on valentines day, two weeks after you guys got together, when his craft came out really messed up and he felt bummed out about it :(
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looking over at kirishima, you can’t help but smile fondly. there he is, pouting at a piece of paper that just won’t stick to the rest of his craft looking cute as always. you couldn’t make out what he was making for you, as he insisted on you guys surprising each other with what you’ve made.
after finishing what you’ve made for him and another couple of minutes passing, you look up to see a determined, focused face turn into a bright, happy smile as he finished. “okay, done!!” he cheered, his overall behavior filling you with happiness.
removing the makeshift cardboard barricade separating you two, kirishima frowns. “aw, mine sucks compared to yours” you were sure you saw even his hair droop a little. perhaps his craft wasn’t perfect, but it was almost a perfect reflection of your relationship, made with love and passion for each other. beaming, you grabbed the gift he made and kissed him softly. “no, yours is perfect.”
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riskeith · 3 years
yes back to scheduled program:
it’s a super unpopular opinion 😳 i’ve never heard anyone say that skdhdfjdks. but same i think i’ve seen the first two over ten times throughout the years but i’ve only seen the last one Once. the movies do a great job at lore though so i don’t think reading the books are necessary... personal opinion. OH idk how famous it is but it’s a truth and dare fic and it’s super nsfw idk how much you like reading those but it’s called ‘it started with a spin’... it’s a mess but i remember reading it years ago and really enjoying it jshshsj.. also WOW???? you really fell into the drarry hole huh? granted it’s understandable they have some amazing writers. and sooo much content.
BUNNY CUTE CLUNA OH MY GOD HE SAID BUNNY CUTE!!!!!!! 🥺 ok this just made razor and bennett my new favorite duo in the game sorry everybody else..... ok nvm aether + razor too? wait no now i’m confused razor should be everybody’s baby.. including ours yes let’s adopt him... i can’t believe we already have children together 😳
RIGHT? i love that so much too! as much as i enjoy canon bamf midoriya i love fics that contain quirkless midoriya as well. something about him not needing a quirk yet changing the world is just *chefs kiss* that does feel like a you thing to do lmao sjshskks imagine how easy writing would be that way. also i’ve been curious about smth: do you have any favorite fics you can recommend? longer fics perferably i’m feeling Angsty.
it is a long time but idk.. it can create friendships that last for a long time. i’m still bestfriends with people i got to know at 5 years old and i’m 21 now so sjsjdksdk i guess being around each other for so long makes your bond different. but i’m sure it’s the same when you share those crucial teenage years together too.
diluc is always there and he’s so tempting.. damn. but yeah after xiao you could go for it!! imagine having xiao and diluc on your team... the fucking op-ness. is it difficult to get primogems at the higher levels?
WHAT????? are you kidding????? holy shit this game is on something.... how long will it take to ascend hahaha. now i know what streamers mean when they say that it’s okay to stop at level 80 with most characters....
CLUNA DO YOU HAVE 8 TUMBLR ACCS OR AM I PICKING THIS UP WRONGLY.... but jokes aside that the best system you don’t have to worry about spamming one blog or it being messy. i admire that a lot, couldn’t be me but i admire that a lot.
CHONGYUN EATING COTTON CANDY.. i just got a visual like him picking cotton candy from his hair and snacking on it help shdjjdhdjsks he’s so adorable. (pink and blue are equally used here!! i mostly see it during fairs and stuff. do you like it?) dip dye was so famous around that time remember when everybody did it? i remember crying bc i wasn’t allowed. and yeah i dye my hair once a year usually. mostly softer brown colors (my natural hair color is dark brown) and black when i’m feeling emo. i did peachy red hair once and i think that was my prime hsjsks. wbu? have you ever dyed it?
OIKAWAAAAA....... there’s something so fucking good about a seemingly confident boy that’s actually super insecure and very passionate that just hits right. right? and i do have two hq wips actually they aren’t very advanced because i’ve been so busy but they exist. one iwaoi and one kagehina. those two are my main ships in the show so far actually, that might change but who knows. i just love those two soooo much. the dynamics are just mwah. i need to get them out in the world some day.... hbu?? are you currently working on anything? hq or anything else? AND OFC IVE SEEN THAT. i actually love that drawing sooooo much cluna i remember seeing it weeks ago and going aaaaaah wow. the crown,,, his hair,,, i just think you’re the most amazing and i have such a crush on your talent.... 🥺 (just you in general as well actually 😳)
it’s the weekend, aka more time for us! can’t wait to hear from you again babe... <3
HAHAHA YEAH WHEN I SAW IT I WAS LIKE OMGGGGGGG OMGGGGGG!!!!! the things people come up with wow 😩
oooo! that’s good then. i just don’t think i absorb information as well from movies compared to books ahaha. well i’ve learnt all the important stuff through fics now i reckon 🤪 oh i’ve seen that!! but i’ve purposely been not reading it fhdjdjskkwndks i feel like the concept wouldn’t be my thing but.. i might give it a shot. AND YESS there are so many good drarry authors who’ve written amazing fics ugh i love it here
it’s what razor deserves 😩😩 where should we take him first 🤪 family day out
hmmm fic recs which pairing? i could give you a lot of drarry, and a decent amount of iwaoi and kagehina maybe.. i don’t read a lot of fic for pairings/fandoms i write unfortunately.. but for a start the drarry fic running on air i mentioned is reaaaaally good!! a shorter one but just as good one is “to hurt and heal”. and i hope you’re doing alright 💞
omg nice!! that’s so sweet tho.. do you know anyone who’s had their childhood friends to lovers experience <33 ahahah
dude xiao and diluc omg… i am manifesting 🕯 it kinda is! if you run out of achievements and you’ve explored everything you can only really get primos from your daily commissions… i believe. which is why updates with new areas like dragonspine are a big blessing djdjskkdnfjc
yeah same omg crazy.. i think i might try levelling some of my main 4 up with books and then i’ll just like passively let them gain xp as i play lmao.…
omg.… your brain m.a. your brain!!! (i love cotton candy!! we call it fairy floss ehehe. do you like it?) FJSKKDKSMS i wasn’t allowed either 😔😔. oh nice!! omg peachy red??? das cool af. and i’ve never dyed my hair before!! but i’ve been wanting to bleach it lately heheh
iwaoi and kagehina dynamics are definitely top tier… i hope you’re able to work on those wips again soon!! and i have a lot of hq wips!! none i’m actively working on.. but yeah! thank you so much 😭😭😭😭 you’re too too kind to me 😭😭😭 but yeah i was also like??? i really did that??? wow. i must’ve been possessed by some kinda oikawa loving and good at drawing demon when i drew that fr (the feeling is.. mutual 😳)
ALSO THAT REMINDS ME. I HAVE THE PERFECT PLACE TO GO ON OUR CO-OP DATE omg so i was thinking about where we could possibly go together as xingqiu and chongyun before falling asleep and literally startled awake when i realised… won’t tell you yet so it’s a surprise hehehe unless you also know 👀 what i’m thinking 👀
woo!! can’t wait for your reply 💌
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