#Maleficent: Mistress of Evil
ladysurreal · 8 months
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“red flowers”: fae, vargas camp 2, and glorious masquerade
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So in 2-2, the pixies of the forest are trying to put out the campfires. The boys then talk about how there was a miner's campfire a while back that caused a forest fire, which naturally spooked the local fairies. AND THEN VIL GOES AND DROPS THIS DOOZIE OF A LINE:
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EXCUSE ME, VI L SIR??????? ?? ? ???? ? ? ?? ? ? ? Did you just say RED FLOWERS? Is that not similar to the CRIMSON FLOWERS/LOTUSES that ROLLO tried to use to establish a magicless Twisted Wonderland in Glorious Masquerade?!
ADDENDUM: I learned recently (very shortly after this post went live, actually!) that the “red flowers” may also be a reference to what the animals in the live action Jungle Book call fires. I’m not personally familiar with this film, so I’ll be running with the crimson lotus/Glorious Masquerade connection for the duration of this post!!
Looking at how the phrases are written in Japanese, they use the term 赤い花 ("akai no hana"/red flower) in Vargas Camp and 紅蓮の花 ("guren no hana"/crimson lotus flower) in Glorious Masquerade. Crimson is basically a specific kind of red, and lotus is just a certain type of flower. Even more damning is that fact that in 3-8 of Glorious Masquerade, Malleus EXPLICITLY describes the spreading crimson flowers as having "a brilliance like that of fire". You can see from images of the crimson lotus that they do, indeed, seem to glow like fire.
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If you look at the real life timeline of these events releasing, it also coincidentally lines up!! Like, the original release of Vargas Camp 2 (for JP server) was in mid to late SEPTEMBER 2022. Then Glorious Masquerade would come out mid to late OCTOBER 2022. Vargas Camp 2 was literally the new story event that came out RIGHT BEFORE Glorious Masquerade... WAS THIS FORESHADOWING??????????????? And even more importantly than that... What does this mean for fae??????
One could call "red flowers" just a poetic way for the pixies to label something they don't understand. But what's confusing is that there are clearly also fire pixies living in the forest; we see several of them in Vargas Camp attacking the students. It's not as though the fairies are unfamiliar with fire itself, so why not just call the campfires 'fires'?? What if... (and stick with me here) the pixies named the campfires thus because it's potentially a reference to something far deadlier (than even the forest fire) that they experienced or heard of in their history? In the time period of ~400 years ago shown to us in book 7, we learn that human invaders drove fae out of their homes and began mining their land for resources. This, more specifically, impacts the Briar Country up north, who are fighting against humans that arm themselves with iron (something which appears to repulse the fae). These humans are also known to use deceptive tactics, such as distracting the messenger team of Lilia and co. while they launch an assault on Mallenoa's castle, where she and her unborn son are. So... what's to say they wouldn't resort to other underhanded means as well? Mean such as... utilizing a flower known to suck out the magic from living beings :))) like maybe the... crimson lotus, perhaps?
In Glorious Masquerade, we learn that the crimson lotus has been extinct for a long time now. They were destroyed by humans centuries ago because of how dangerous they were to mages. We don't have an exact number of years, but "centuries" is enough to land it in the rough ballpark of the human-fae war. Malleus himself, who is canonically 178 years old, didn't even recognize the flowers at first (as very few records of them exist in modern times); this could imply that the crimson flowers were around before he was born, which further supports that they were present during the war era.
What's more, if we look at Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (ie the second live action Maleficent movie), we see a VERY strong parallel to the crimson lotus flower. In the film, we are introduced to the Tomb Bloom, a flower that just so happens to also be red and glows a little like fire.
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Tomb Blooms are said to grow on the graves of fairies, and, when mixed with iron, creates "red dust". This red dust is considered deadly to fairies upon contact--and in the film, a fairy-hating queen lures a bunch of fae into a wedding venue to eliminate them en masse with the stuff. The crimson lotus flowers of TWST, meanwhile, are deadly on their own, draining the magic out of any magical being they touch (and permanently depriving them of magic once all the magic has been taken out of someone). For fae, who rely on magic for basically everything (travel, cooking etc.), it would be a miserable existence symbolically synonymous with death.
(Side note: in hindsight, this somewhat explains why Malleus is part of the Glorious Masquerade SSR trio. If the crimson lotus flowers were, in actuality, inspired by the Tomb Blooms (something which was weaponized against Maleficent and her kind), then it just makes so much sense for the antagonist of the event, Rollo, to utilize similar plants against Malleus, who is twisted from the Mistress of Evil herself.)
OKAY, now knowing all of that, here's what I propose as a possible timeline of events if we consider all of what I just said: ~400 years ago, crimson lotuses were plentiful. When the human-fae conflict escalated, the human side decided to play dirty to eliminate those pesky fae--because even the great Draconias would be susceptible to the magic-leeching properties of the flower. However, they discovered, upon repeated experimentation, that the flower could also harm their own mages, so they had to reformulate. Maybe this was when they learned that they could combine iron with the powdered lotus (increased surface area, and therefore also increased potency) to create something even more deadly to fae (like in Maleficent 2). Alternatively, this could contribute for the reasoning for the iron armor they wear in battle; iron repulses fae, but it could also protect them from the crimson lotus flowers due to how much of the skin it covers. For example, the Dawn Knight is said to wear a helmet that completely cover the face, and many Silver Owl NPCs do the same. There is little skin visible, unlike the armor of the Briar Country fae. But anyway, the point is that, some way or another, the humans abused the crimson lotus during this time. Once the war concluded (or in the period of reconstruction that followed), fae and humans came to an agreement to destroy all the lotuses as a part of their peace treaty/negotiations, agreeing that it was mutually beneficial to all magical creatures and mages. Humans were mainly responsible for this extinction, as there was a larger population of them that were magicless and could therefore handle the flowers without consequences. Because of the war engulfing an entire continent, fae in other parts of Twisted Wonderland would have heard about the events, fae migrated out of Briar Country to get away from the conflict, OR the conflict itself was a Twisted Wonderland-wide issue, not just contained within Briar Country. Any one of these could explain why eventually pixies on Sage's Island, in the Silent Woods (where the boys went camping), would know of the calamity caused by the crimson lotuses of the past. When they come across wild campfires, the pixies may be frightened by them due to their resemblance to the crimson lotuses and the trauma associated with war because it's human outsiders that are invading their home and propagating these 'fires'... the same situation as the human-fae war. There was the literal manmade forest fire that was far more recent, yes--but again, this doesn't fully explain why the pixies, who should be familiar with fire, would call it a "red flower" instead of just 'fire'. The association with "red flowers" being dangerous may be a result of what they recall from the war--that crimson flower which sapped away their strength and robbed them of their magic. Then, in modern day, we have Rollo somehow stumbling across seeds and breeding crimson lotuses of his own in secret for his own nefarious purposes. History (mayhaps???) repeating itself??????? ?? ? ????? ??? ??
DKJNsfhbvoqef32ygtr69r137fbofasib IDK, MAYBE I'M JUST TALKING OUT OF MY ASS AND EXTRAPOLATING TOO MUCH FROM LITTLE DETAILS 🤡 I just think it's kind of a fun theory, even if the whole timeline ends up being thrown out the window in the next main story update... Don't mind me, I'm still on my "Rollo will come save us all in a cruel and ironic twist of fate" copium--
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diaval x reader (headcanons) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
your relationship is a little complicated since he's a bird and your human/fae. you do spend a lot of time together when he is human but there are still times when he is a bird.
in these times he's always seen perched on your shoulder, nuzzling into your neck and hair. you have to spend at least an hour a week picking feathers from your hair (he laughs in the background at his masterpiece)
even though he has a human side now, his bird instincts sometimes show through. he will randomly show up wherever you live with rocks, gems, sticks, and random shiny objects that he found on his way to you. this happens both when he's in human and bird form.
related to the headcanon above, you have a small box where you keep all of the gifts he gives you. you showed it to him once and he almost cried because he didn't think you'd treasure them like this.
CUDDLES. this man would love his cuddles. whether its cuddling in your hair or on your lap, while you stroke his feathers or sitting under a shady tree with his head in your lap or yours in his.
since he was a bird for his life you would probably have to teach him things like writing and reading, he would have his head over your shoulder while he hugged you into his lap, listening as you helped him read the words on the pages.
aurora is in full support of your relationship. She secretly shows diaval romantic human gestures that he later trys with you. although the first time he tried to dance with you he stepped on your feet a lot.
the cutest little kisses. whenever he kisses you he goes completely red and shy. poor baby stutters so much.
the times when Maleficent won't turn him to his human form he well squawk in her ear and annoy her until she finally agrees, always grumbling about how she would turn him into a worm if she didn't need him. meanwhile smiling slightly as he walks to go find you.
- - - - - - - - - - - . o 0 O 0 o . - - - - - - - - - -
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multimilfs · 1 year
Maleficent x Fem!Reader: Watching, Waiting, Wanting
Summary: Maleficent + 93 -- "Say you want me, and I'm yours."
Prompts found here!
A/N: I rewatched the Maleficent movies recently and they made me so happy. I'm so glad I could write this!
Full Ficmas List
Tag List: @ghostsunderstoodmysoul @escapetodreamworld @multifandomfix
Warning(s): None
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You duck under the willow, careful not to be spotted. All you need is one last detail to make this work. Phillip looks up quickly, but relaxes upon seeing you, and you let out a small laugh. 
“Nervous?” You ask. 
He straightens his spine, “Is it that obvious?” 
“A bit,” You nod. When he deflates and begins to fiddle with his armor, you wince. You’re definitely not helping his nerves, “She loves you, Phillip. Nothing could make her say no. All you have to do is ask the question and we’ll handle the rest.” 
As if on cue, Pinto ducks through the willow branches; your last detail, falling into place; or rather, walking into place. You kneel down into the soft grass as Pinto gazes up and lets out a garbled, fey version of your name. 
You’ve come to know every fairy, pixie, and wallerbog by name since coming to the moors. And though you’d never, ever admit it, Pinto has been your favorite so far. The spiky little fairy is loyal and tenacious. If you ever found yourself in a pinch, you trusted Pinto to get you out of it. Now, though, you’re trusting her to get you into one. 
“Perfect timing, Pinto. I need your help.” 
She tilts her head and poses you a question. You don’t speak the language she does, but you understand the meaning well enough—with what? Pinto asks. 
Laying your hand on the soft grass at her feet, she takes the cue, hopping into your palm. The look on her little face is very serious and you smile. Your chest is filled with excitement. 
“Alright, here’s the situation…” 
Pinto is suitably filled in and plays the role of distraction perfectly. You watch from the crowd of creatures, trying to hide your excitement; Aurora is your dearest friend and confidant, you want nothing but happiness for her. 
You see how Phillip brings her joy. The smile on her face and sound of her laughter is enough to banish any sadness from your heart on the worst of days. Aurora has been a loyal, true friend, and you’re honored to orchestrate this proposal for her after all she’s done for you; giving you a home when you arrived in the Moors wounded and alone, giving you a family in herself and the fey folk, and introducing you to Maleficent. 
Though as the willow fairies swarm and dance, revealing the overjoyed couple, you worry you’ve somehow betrayed Maleficent by doing this. A pit forms in your stomach as you watch Diaval fly towards the Dark Fey’s nest. 
But a pair of arms wrap around you and there’s a laugh in your ear. The worry melts away. 
“Thank you, thank you!” Aurora giggles.
“Don’t thank me! Your dashing Prince did all of the hard work.” 
Aurora pulls back, holding your hands in her own, “Without you, my Aunties or Pinto would have led me to the wrong tree. You’ve worked hard too.” 
“It isn’t hard work when it’s for you.” You say softly, honestly. 
Her eyes are glazed with happy tears and she throws her arms around you again. You laugh as you’re spun, the soft grass tickling your ankles, little fairies giggling with the two of you. Life had once been so cruel and now you know only joy. How lucky you feel. 
But the pit sits in your stomach again. 
Your friend must be having similar thoughts, if the hesitance on her face means anything. She bites her lip uncertainly and plays with your hands still in her own. 
She asks quietly, “How do you think my Godmother will react to the news?” 
“I think she’ll be… happy that you’re happy… eventually.” 
Aurora grumbles and pulls away, pacing back and forth while you watch on. You see Pinto mirror her behavior out of the corner of her eye. It takes all your willpower not to also join in, but you decide to remain strong for all of you. 
That strength nearly crumbles when you hear Pinto gasp and the Aunties yell to hold on. 
The great force of her wings nearly drives you back, but you remain mostly in place. You stand back by the willow as Aurora and Maleficent talk. Though now and again you can feel eyes on you, boring into your skin, and you shrink bit-by-bit. 
You were taken by Maleficent the moment you saw her years ago. 
When Aurora and the fey folk dragged you wounded to the former’s throne, you had wondered if the injuries would overcome you. You had mourned the life you didn’t anticipate getting to live. But in what you believed to be your last moments, you were grateful to be surrounded by beauty and kindness. 
Then Aurora called out to Maleficent, and she came. Her abnormally bright eyes landed on you and you knew nothing else would compare. 
She healed you, slowly and carefully, at Aurora’s request, talking all the while though it was clear she was uncomfortable. The days after she made herself scarce and you felt the loss keenly. 
Since that day, there was rarely a time when you strayed too far from the Dark Fey. You had no desire to be anywhere she wasn’t. Her dry wit and humor put you off at first, but the sincere emotion behind them endeared you to her. Maleficent had become your greatest confidant. She’d also stolen your heart, though you’d never dare tell her.
“I suppose you had something to do with this union.” Maleficent says, loudly, and you know she’s talking to you. 
You meet her eyes and nod, “And if I did?” 
“Then you can find another nest to sleep in.” 
“Godmother.” Aurora murmurs. 
Maleficent rolls her eyes, glaring at the girl. Aurora only stares back. 
“You at least could have warned me.” Maleficent says. 
Crossing your arms over your chest, you raise your eyebrow. Had you told her the surprise would have been spoiled and she knows that as well as you. You also worry, secretly, that the to-be groom would’ve disappeared. 
“You’d have reacted no better two days ago than now, Maleficent. Your nest would have been in shambles and I’d be warning off concerned fairies instead of celebrating with Aurora.” 
Maleficent’s head tilts to the side. Her eyes are more intense, extra focused on you. 
“Aurora, will you leave us?” 
Shooting you a look of concern, Aurora nods. She wanders completely out of the clearing and you want to yell after her. You do no such thing as Maleficent steps forward and closer to you. She’s notably missing her staff; her steps still uneven from the years she’d adapted to living without wings. 
Fierce green magic spreads from her palms where she clenches them at her sides. You ache to take them in your own, to soothe her emotions, but you fear it’s unwanted. 
“You didn’t tell me.” Maleficent whispers. She almost sounds betrayed. 
“It would have upset you.” 
“I’m far more upset now.” 
“I want her to be happy, Maleficent,” You say, pleading, “Is that so terrible?” 
“She’s happy here. A whole kingdom loves and attends to her everyday. She wants for nothing. Her happiness doesn’t need to come from that boy, not when she has me. Us.” She says fiercely. 
The magic in her hands flares. You take her hand this time, feeling the power seep into your skin when you lace your fingers together. Maleficent stares down at your joined hands. 
“You’re right. She doesn’t need him to be happy, but if he brings her joy, why should we deny her that? Love isn’t so terrible.” 
“Love doesn’t always end… well.” 
You see the fear in her face, and can feel the effects of it seep into your skin. You want to do a number of heartless things to the late King Stefan; though not for the first time. 
Maleficent means well. Her love for Aurora is what changed her and made her whole again, but it didn’t heal the scars her Father left behind. It isn’t so simple, unfortunately. Your heart aches in your chest to take away her pain and fear. But if you don’t let her feel it and come to terms with it, she’ll never come to terms with Phillip and Aurora’s marriage. 
“It doesn’t always end terribly either.” You say. And in a moment of madness, your mouth opens, and you say more, “I mean, it can’t, right? Not when we’re so content.” 
Maleficent’s eyes widen and your heart drops. Did you really say that? You could kick yourself for letting your traitorous mouth give you away. But you can’t, not when you’re pinned by a pair of bright eyes, emotions behind them you can’t decipher. 
Aurora and Diaval had prodded you to confess for so long and you chose the worst moment to do so. You’re even more embarrassed when you notice Pinto to your left, watching with barely concealed interest, eyes moving back and forth between you and Maleficent. 
“What do you mean by that?” Maleficent asks slowly. 
Gathering the fractured remains of your courage, you swallow. 
“It means that I love you, Maleficent,” You whisper, “I’ve held it in worrying it’d be too much for you… but say you want me, and I’m yours. I think I have been since the night I met you.” 
There it is. 
The truth, unfiltered, and honest; out in the open with the rest of the swirling feelings. You avoid her eyes and stare intensely at your joined hands. You suppose it’s a good sign that she hasn’t pulled away yet, at least she’s not disgusted. 
Silence stretches on and you wonder if she’s plotting your murder. It’d be a good time, with Pinto being the only witness. She might not go through with it immediately though if it’ll sully Aurora’s happiness and you hope you’ll at least get to see the wedding. 
You try to distract yourself with the details; will it be here in the Moors or in Ulstead? Will Phillip’s parents approve of the union? Will they approve of Maleficent?
“How can you love me?” Maleficent asks. 
Meeting her eyes, you’re surprised by the confusion in them, like she expects you to change your mind. 
“How could I not?” 
“I’m not good. I’ve taken lives and will likely take more, I’ve done horrible, evil things.” 
“I know.” 
“You… know.” She says slowly. 
Careful not to startle her, you place a hand on her cheek, feeling her cheekbone dig pleasantly into your palm, “I know. It changes nothing.” 
Maleficent looks at you like she can’t understand you; like she’s fathoming how you can exist. You vow that she’ll never again have to wonder how someone could love her. The rest of your days, you’ll use every bit of your power to prove her worthy of true, honest love. 
It surprises you how quiet the Moors are around you. Not even a breeze is blowing through. You wonder how many fey folk Aurora has watching with her, waiting for something. If you’re being honest, you’re waiting too. 
You decide to stop waiting. 
Leaning forward slowly enough to give Maleficent an out, you press your lips to the Dark Fey’s. She tastes like the berries growing inside the crystal caves. Her lips are soft and pliant, moving carefully against your own. 
Beyond initiating the kiss, you back off, letting Maleficent guide you through the motions. It goes without saying that this is one of the only kisses she’s shared. She’s an excellent kisser despite the lack of experience; though that may just be your delight at not being pushed away or rejected. 
When you pull away, you’re still curiously alone. Then you hear a garbled noise that sounds suspiciously like finally! from your feet. Pinto is looking up with delight and you laugh. Maleficent chuckles too. 
But when you look up, she’s not looking at Pinto. She only has eyes for you. 
You try to hide your blush as fairies flood the clearing, Aurora following behind. Her smile is knowing. Blushing even brighter, you meet Maleficent’s eyes when you hug her daughter, and let yourself sit in the joy. 
Aurora found hers happy ending and you did too… if only you knew how things would shift. 
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thedisneyhub · 2 years
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Angelina Jolie as Maleficent MALEFICENT FRANCHISE (2014-2019)
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eternalstrigoii · 6 months
Warrior Women of the Dark Fey Appreciation Post
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didanagy · 10 months
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dir. joachim rønning
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dailyflicks · 2 years
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Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019) dir.: Joachim Rønning
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angelxcre · 2 years
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the ending that every maleval shipper wanted(want).
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madreemeritus · 6 months
MALEFICENT 3 WAS JUST CONFIRMED OMG I'M SO EXCITED!! Angelina will slay as always 💅
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lemariee · 1 month
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Chapter 24
Their walk through the castle's passages was in silence with both of them misplaced in their thoughts. Gerda felt a festering need to be away from Borra. It was uncomfortable being near him. She nervously rubbed at her left arm when they entered a section of the castle that was unfamiliar to her.
She eagerly surveyed her surroundings in hopes that every fragment would be engraved into her brain. It was a natural routine of hers to memorize the surroundings of every location she vacated through. Her body abruptly became reserved when the sound of voices and laughter filled the corridor. They briefly paused in front of two towering doors. She was startled when Borra unexpectedly grabbed her bicep turning her to face him.
"You will be submissive to anyone who addresses you even if you despise them. You will refrain from showing any signs of insolence. If I say anything you don't like you will keep your mouth shut. You will obey me, do you understand?" Borra hissed with a sharp edge to his voice.
"Yes." Gerda timidly stated with her heart battering.
Borra briefly surveyed her with narrowed eyes before nodding to the two guards who stood on each side of the doorway. The doors then opened on their own. A spacious hall was unveiled with its beauty unimaginable for any human to recreate. The hall was filled with numerous fey eagerly waiting for their leader to emerge. It felt as if all eyes shifted over to where Borra and Gerda stood. The babbling voices piped down just enough to show some respect towards Borra. Gerda self-consciously blinked when she felt their gazes observing her as she trailed behind Borra. She desperately yearned to glower at each one of them. However, she knew it would be best to behave until she was threatened by one of the beasts.
They continued walking straight ahead on the smooth stone floor until they reached a platform high enough to overlook the crowd. From there they stepped up a few stairs and headed to the middle of the stage. Gerda nervously swallowed when she detected several glares and heated looks from the fey as they openly scrutinized her with criticizing eyes. She focused on the back of the hall, in an attempt to dismiss the overbearing stares that burned holes into her confidence.
Borra turned to a guard that stood off to the side and nodded his head towards Gerda. He then returned his attention to the onlooking crowd. The winged guard walked up and abruptly seized Gerda by the arm. He yanked her back down the steps away from Borra. She was roughly placed on the right side of the hall. She glanced around, realizing she was placed beside the servants. It was obvious she had been expelled off to the side because she was not of importance. She was simply a slave who possibly ranked lower than a servant.
Her eyes scoured the crowd for Celtra but gave up on her conquest when the familiar fairy was nowhere to be seen. The echoing sound of Borra's voice stole Gerda's attention along with the rest of the hall. She felt relieved knowing the hall's attention was no longer fixated on her.
"Strength. Loyalty. Reliability. Commitment. All admirable traits of what is expected in a leader. Shrike has proven over and over again her worth and dedication to our people even when we were at our lowest. She eagerly fought for us when we were on the brink of losing a battle. A battle that would go down in history as one of our deadliest. Not once did she cower and beg for mercy when she was nearly captured during the fight in Ulstead. Not once did she give up and bow down to our enemies. Instead, she fearlessly faced death and fought for the liberation of our people." Borra preached to the crowd before pausing, allowing the fey to proudly cheer him on.
Gerda felt uncomfortable when even the servants joined the loud crowd in their praises and encouraging cries that resembled primitive grunts. She grew unsettled by the smug look on Borra's face as if he thought of himself as some god. He grinned at the crowd before continuing with his speech.
"For those very reasons I'm honored to announce that Strike has earned the title of becoming our second leader in command. Let's all give her the welcome she deserves." Borra called out, finishing his speech with his arm gesturing to the large doors.
The entire hall was filled with roars, grunts, and praises once the massive doors slowly opened revealing lengthy multicolored wings that resembled a rainbow. Strike proudly strolled through with a line of other dark fey following behind. Gerda recognized their faces as being Borra's inner loyal circle. She stilled when humans followed behind with some being ones she had worked with during her time in Ulstead. Her eyes were glued onto a familiar man with bronze skin. Percival.
Percival and four other human guards continued behind the devoted winged beasts with a content grin on his face. Gerda was puzzled by his purpose here, especially since he was one of the many humans who strongly detested the creatures. She felt her body fill with rage, recalling her last encounter with him before he escorted her out of the castle. Her hands balled up into tight fists with viscous thoughts soaring through her mind.
Just as she was nearing a peak in her madness, the view of black, silky wings and scarlet, full lips caught her attention. Maleficent wore a lacy black dress that tightly embraced her perfectly slim frame. Of course, she would be attending such an event given her relationship with Borra. Gerda noticed Diaval walking beside her like the committed pet he was.
"Isn't she beautiful? It's no wonder Borra is so swooned over her." One of the winged servants standing beside her whispered to another as they both gazed at Maleficent with marveling eyes.
"Yes, she most certainly is! I can't wait till they finally mark each other as mates! Their children will be both strong and beautiful. Imagine the powers they will carry." The other female servant replied.
Gerda nearly scoffed at such praises but knew that once he selected Maleficent as his mate, it would signify her ruling beside him. Their potential union was deeply troubling. Her life would not only be pure misery but possibly in danger with Maleficent residing in the same castle as her. One could only imagine the many ways the witch would torture and punish her.
Her anxious thoughts were shoved aside once Shrike and Borras's inner circle of fey made their way onto the platform. Gerda felt a pinch of envy when she noticed Percival and the other humans standing in the front row of the crowd. It was as if they were honored guests.
Gerda couldn't stop the sliver of dejection taking hold of her body. She once held a title and was qualified to be recognized as a person of respect. Now here she was standing on the sidelines beside servants. She had been forgotten and exiled by her own kind. She was a woman who belonged to no kingdom.
Her eyes widened when a banquet table made of vines and timber materialized on the raised stage along with several seats. The creatures then took their seats with Maleficent sitting next to Borra in the middle of the banquet table.
His gaze lingered on Maleficent with gentle, yearning eyes while she smiled at him displaying her white fangs and flawless teeth. It was evident that he both worshiped and cared for her. Gerda felt endangered by the sight, aware that the two would make a power couple capable of tormenting her as they pleased.
Shortly after, the servants beside her moved from their positions. They brought out assorted selections of food and drinks to Borras's table. Three of the servants then reached out their hands and slithering vines appeared. The vines formed into a long, massive table in the middle of the hall. Food and drinks were also arranged upon it, causing Gerda's mouth to water with her stomach growling in hunger at the sight. She helplessly eyed the table when some of the fey began pouring their drinks and cramming food on plates.
Solely then did she feel like a worthless being when she noticed the human guests walk up to indulge in the feast. The aching pain in her ribs was a reminder of who she was in the eyes of everyone else. A useless slave. Even stray dogs in the village streets receive better treatment than her. Gerda couldn't help but blink at the familiar moisture that took its place in her eyes. She was growing tired of the outbursts of emotions she constantly felt. Her mind longed to be numb and devoid again just like she once was in Ulstead.
"There you are! I've been searching for you when I noticed your presence was missing behind Borra. I presumed he would've kept you close by but seeing that he is busy engrossing himself with Maleficent I suppose he preferred to have you posted here." A light voice belonging to Celtra said, nearly causing Gerda to jump at her sudden appearance.
Gerda simply nodded her head acknowledging Celtra before eyeing Borra as he engaged in a conversation with Maleficent. He looked at ease and surprisingly happy. It was bizarre seeing him in such a state. This was a side of him she most likely would never meet. However, she was grateful that he had forgotten about her and ordered her to be placed away from all fey and humans. Perhaps she should be somewhat thankful to the witch for distracting him.
"He had me removed the second he took his rightful place up there which I am grateful for. I find his presence to be both overbearing and intoxicating at times. The break from him is welcomed with open arms." Gerda truthfully admitted with her thoughts going back to their previous interaction with each other.
"I'm intrigued, what was the reason he had requested you to his chambers earlier? I see you took my advice on not angering him since you're still well and alive." Celtra asked with a mischievous smirk.
"We briefly spoke to one another though I feel like he was partially interrogating information out of me about myself. As for taking your advice, let's just say that I was almost thrown off the balcony but received bruised ribs instead." Gerda muttered recalling how he took immense pleasure in toying with her.
"You truly are a stubborn human. He will kill you if you keep testing your luck with his temper." Celtra warned her with a disappointed face.
"I highly doubt he will kill me. I made some remarks that should've resulted in my death however he admitted to keeping me alive for the purpose of tormenting me. He claims my 'sweet' smell of fear was enough to keep him entertained. That is until he grows bored of me I suppose." Gerda calmly admitted feeling troubled with the idea of being his plaything.
"Or so he says. Perhaps you should be grateful for carrying such an entrancing scent. That certainly is what's preventing him from killing you." Celtra stated, piquing Gerda's interest and bafflement.
"He takes pleasure in punishing and antagonizing me, there's nothing special about it." Gerda flatly said, nodding her head in disagreement.
"True, however, you are indeed rare in various ways. You emit a scent that should be impossible for a human to possess. You defy nature being the only female of your kind to rival many of our most fruitful women. I'm certain some of our men would take you for themselves if they had the opportunity." Celtra carefully stated with a serious face.
"Too bad they would never know because if they lay a hand on me I will remove their entire arm from their body." Gerda warned with a grimace forming on her face as she thought about the filthy creatures attempting to mate with her.
"I'm confident Borra would be the first to handle them given how possessive he is of you. They know not to speak of you in such a lustful manner around him or risk enduring his wrath." Celtra admitted causing Gerda to glance at her with a puzzled expression.
"He's not possessive. He's just greedy like a child with a new toy who doesn't like to share. As he had expressed before, he does not like his property being meddled with." Gerda replied with a clipped voice while her eyes hungrily roamed over the table full of food.
"Are you hungry? I'm sure the stale bread you had earlier wasn't filling." Celtra asked when she noticed Gerda's keen gaze upon the table.
"Just a bit, though I'm not quite fond of the guests here so I believe it's best I stay off to the side." Gerda muttered with a hint of bitterness in her voice.
"Hiding in the shadows will only give the impression that you fear facing them." Celtra pointed out causing Gerda to sharply eye her.
"I certainly do not fear them. I want to make them pay for their part in my current dilemma. I only fear that the impulse of vengeance will take control around them." Gerda hastily hissed with narrowed eyes.
"Have more faith in yourself and be that woman you once were in Ulstead. Stay in control. Now, come before there's no food left." Celtra calmly stated before lightly tugging Gerda by the arm towards the feast.
Gerda swallowed her emotions and fixed her face into an empty husk void of any expressions that would give away what she was feeling. Several fey creatures whispered and glared at her. They openly made their opinion of her very clear. It was evident how unwelcomed she was. Even then Gerda kept her chin elevated till they reached their destination. Her stomach leaped in joy once her hands grabbed for a plate but the motion was cut short by a tanned hand with sharp nails. Gerda slowly looked up at the filthy creature who dared grip her wrist.
"The feast is only reserved for my people and guests. You are neither, 'slave'." A tanned, horned man pointed out with a rough voice.
"Under whose orders? You do not own me nor are you allowed to make such demands towards me. Now I strongly suggest you let go of me." Gerda threatened with a low, gentle voice taking notice of the dagger he had attached to his waist.
She knew that with one swift movement, the blade could easily be jabbed into his throat. The creature then smirked at her with his hand still gripping around her wrist before speaking out in a taunting voice. She refused to allow a repeat of the last time his kind attempted laying hands on her. This time she will protect herself even if it is her blood that gets shed.
"Borra's orders. You are not allowed to feast with us unless he permits it which he has not." The creature answered with several other fey proudly observing the scene causing Gerda's anger to rise.
He was both taunting and mocking her to boost his pride amongst the others. This filth of a creature wanted to purposely degrade her in front of everyone. Such a thought made Gerda abruptly snap. She viciously pulled her wrist out of his grip. She was about to make a move towards his dagger but Celtra intervened by stepping in between them with a polite smile. Gerda blinked several times, taking a deep breath to subdue the storm of emotions that nearly made an unpleasant scene.
"We apologize for the misunderstanding. Perhaps a drink of water for Borra's slave is adequate. I'm certain that he would be upset if she embarrassed him by fainting in front of his guests. If such an event happens, you would be to blame for that." Celtra insisted with her tone growing serious.
The wretched creature studied Celtra for a moment as he contemplated her words before stepping aside. Celtra then nodded to him before grabbing a cup and filling it with water. Gerda glared at the man with cold eyes until she and Celtra walked away from the table. They roamed through the thick crowd who paid no mind to them. Gerda carefully passed through groups of fey who were dancing or playing around with their powers amongst each other.
Some reeked of wine and honey mead as they clumsily walked past Gerda nearly bumping into her. She knew that they were far too indulged in the festivities to notice or care for her presence. That thought alone put her at ease. She would certainly hate to cause a scene after Borra had warned her about displaying any disobedience. They continued walking until they finally reached a less crowded area.
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capturingdisney · 1 year
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Maleficent x human reader (headcanons)
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your relationship starts off a bit rocky. when the two of you begin your relationship she isn't as cuddly as most would be in the start. it takes her a while to adjust and get comfortable.
since what happened with Stefan she is still quite cautious, so its a very rare occasion where she fully lets her guard down to you.
your dates consist of sitting in a flowery field somewhere in the Moores or her flying you to her cave in the mountain to watch the sunset as she wraps her wings around you
you have the full support of everyone in the Moores. they're all happy that Maleficent finally found true love for herself. you pretty much become Aurora's adoptive parent as well.
though she will never admit it, maleficent can get very jealous. sometimes when you spend time together for hours, maleficent will turn him into his crow form and wave him off when he begins cawing at her.
I think that through her intimidating aura maleficent likes to cuddle. i can picture her wanting to cuddle you a lot especially in the mornings or at night. she will just lay there holding you for hours
speaking of cuddles. when the two of you cuddle it's like the world around you disappears. maleficent wraps her wings around you and pulls you close, and the only thing you two think about is each other.
hours of just talking to each other.
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just some cute fluff for you <3
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This Blue Dress is worn on a Mannequin in Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019) and worn again later on an extra in The Serpent Queen (2022) and last worn on an exstra in Damsel (2024)
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thedisneyhub · 2 years
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Michelle Pfeiffer as Queen Ingrith MALEFICENT: MISTRESS OF EVIL (2019), directed by Joachim Rønning
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eternalstrigoii · 6 months
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