#Kurt is Carrie and Blaine is Mr. Big
datshitrandom · 1 year
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Favorite Fanfics (104/?): Pride and the City by @quizasvivamos
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 8 months
Ok. .bc it came up recently in an ask of mine. Is there a Klaine/Jane Eyre crossover fic anywhere?
If not, could you recommend your favorite historical AU fics? Now I'm in a mood to read some!☺️
Hello! I've done searched for Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte and even Mr Rochester with Klaine, but nothing is coming up at all for those! Maybe you need to write it?! ~Jen
The historical trope is a big favorite of mine. There's quite a few in 1960's-1980's
Can’t take my eyes off you by @gleekto
1969 Klaine AU.
Blaine is a gay. He’s known for years and he’s not ashamed. He just wants to be sensible about it as it carries a lot of risks. So he chooses to study Arts at one of the best colleges in the country - Columbia - that makes his parents happy. And it also happens to have the first college sanctioned gay group in the country - the Student Homophile League - for people like him. And that makes him happy. He hopes. He just has to muster up the courage to actually go to one of the League meetings. Instead he wastes his time staring at that icy hippie in his music history class who doesn’t know he exists. He needs to stop pretending people are gay in his head and actually meet some real homosexuals.
Blaine coming of age in 1969. Hippie!Kurt. Elliott and Sebastian as Blaine’s mentor-friends. Unironic use of ‘groovy’. Coming out and fitting in and falling in love.
Come Alive by delires
Newly-wed junior advertising exec Blaine Anderson finds a missing piece to his puzzle in the back room of a Manhattan bar. Mad Men era AU.
To Be Myself by @wowbright
What if Kurt had been born 25 years earlier? A story about Gen X Kurt Hummel learning about love and, most importantly, learning to be himself, 1976-1985.
Indiscretions by shandyall
As childhood best friends in the 40’s and secret high school sweethearts in the 50’s, Kurt and Blaine never would have guessed they’d both end up married to women in the 60’s. But even when the world they live in keeps them from walking hand in hand, there’s nothing they can’t face side by side.
Gimme Shelter by Kurtswish
On a joyride out with friends, Blaine stumbles upon a man that would change his life forever. It is a time when changes are coming swiftly with Civil Rights laws and Vietnam on the forefront of everyone’s minds. Finding each other and romance should have been the hard part, but what will two young men endure in the time of free love and war. Story is complete.
And also, before those eras, two highly recommended by fandom:
Westerville Abbey by @hkvoyage
Blaine is the second son of the earl of Westerville, and is considered the spare heir. After his 18th birthday, he attends the London Season to fulfill his duty of finding a wife. He soon realizes he is more attracted to the new footman. Kurt, who has just arrived at Westerville Abbey to work alongside his father, becomes equally as smitten with the earl’s youngest son. Will Blaine and Kurt be able to overcome their class differences in 1910s England? Will their forbidden love survive WW1? A Downton Abbey inspired historical Klaine AU.
and also part 2 Life in the Big Apple
Gilded Cage by canarian
In the winter of 1895, Blaine Anderson, the son of a wealthy doctor, and Kurt Hummel, the son of a middle class mechanic, cross paths at a luxury hotel in the quiet seaside town of St. Augustine, Florida. With everyone and everything working to keep them apart, can they find a way to be together?
and of course, this one:
Known as Cavemen klaine by IconicAnon
Kurt and Blaine are cavemen discovering buttsex for the first time
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forabeatofadrum · 1 year
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Happy El WooWoo Wednesday, Wet Beast Wednesday, and Tumblr also wants me to know that it is Wellness Wednesday. Thank you @whogaveyoupermission​, @artsyunderstudy​, @cutestkilla​ and @martsonmars​ for the tags.
I am still writing 3 fics at the moment when I have the time. Two days ago I realised that I am also girlbossing too close to the sun offline, not only online. Is this why Tumblr put a big Wellness Wednesday banner on my mobile dash? I might take a break from writing and what not for January, but don’t quote me on it. I know myself and a) I won’t have Ljubim te finished on time and b) I actually really, really want to finish my Carry On Prompt Fest textfic. I got pretty far in that.
Like I said, I won’t finish Ljubim te on time. Partially because I don’t really know where to next with the story, and partially because I am using all my Klaine braincells for [REDACTED] and when I am not writing Klaine, I am writing There’s nothing ironic about show choir, so have a snippet of that. Today’s chapter had Penny demolishing Simon. Tomorrow, it’s Agga’s turn:
Agatha turns around and she crosses her arms. She ticks her nails against her upper arms. She’s giving me an annoyed look. “I keep telling you I do not care much about the rivalry. Why do you? Simon said something about your mother…”
“Yeah,” I half-lie. Simon was very right about what he said, but it’s not the full truth. I want to appease my mother’s legacy, but I also want his attention.
“Well, would your mother be proud of you for picking fights over choir?” Agatha says sharply. I know she’s a friend, so unlike Simon, she doesn’t say it to hurt me, but it still stings.
“No,” I admit.
“Exactly, and you know it,” she says.
And okay, fuck, have some Ljubim te after all, under the cut with the tags and a meme. Hopefully it motivates me to continue this.
“There’s a rugby field called the Stanežiče Oval, but we can see further in March or April. Kurt, do you want to come along too?”
“To rugby?” Kurt sounds affronted, which makes everyone laugh.
“Hey, thought I’d ask!” Sunil says. Then he playfully elbows Kurt. “If you don’t come along for the sport, you can always come along to ogle guys in tight clothing and short pants.”
“Compelling argument, Mr. Kasun,” Kurt says with a smile, “I shall reconsider it.”
Blaine looks at the two of them.
“Wait, you’re gay?” Blaine blurts out. Both Sunil and Kurt look at him.
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Thank you @1908jmd​ for sending me a link to the Stanežiče Oval. Yes, this part is for the Oval prompt.
I also just realised that both Simon and Blaine in these fics are alike. They keep thinking about Baz and Kurt. BUT NOT IN A GAY WAY!
You sure about that, boys?
Tagging @quizasvivamos @crissmastrees-and-candyklaines @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @bazzybelle @dragoneggos @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @takitalks @justgleekout @cerriddwenluna @wellbelesbian @tea-brigade @ivelovedhimthroughworse @moodandmist  @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer @facewithoutheart​ @aroace-genderfluid-sheep​ @ionlydrinkhotwater​ @1908jmd​ @special-bc-ur-part-of-it​ @larkral​
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thnxforknowingme · 2 years
The Feeling's Plain to Me (9/14)
Summary: Ficlets set in the same ‘verse as It’s Who I’m With. What did Kurt and Blaine get up to in between Christmas and St. Patrick’s Day? (for the Klaine/CC Valentine's Challenge 2022)
Rating: T
Notes: So I initially said all the scenes in this fic would be happening between Christmas and St Patrick's Day, but apparently I lied. Also, this scene is going to be the final one chronologically, so it will feel a lot like an ending even though I still have a handful of chapters to write/post.
Read previous parts | Read on AO3
9: I Think I Love You - David Cassidy
Blaine wasn’t sure how long he’d been in love with Kurt.
The romantic in him wanted to trace it all the way back to their initial teasing conversation in Mr. Krenkovich’s foyer, when he’d first seen this gorgeous man and immediately wanted to know more about him. His more practical side knew that it was instead something that had built over time, new layers of affection and care being added as they got to know each other. He didn’t know exactly what the tipping point had been, but he knew he was past it now.
Blaine hadn’t been in many relationships before, but whenever he’d gotten serious with someone, he’d made a big deal about it. It was in his nature to shout his feelings from the rooftops, to make grand declarations. And then, when things eventually fell apart, he always looked back at his besotted past self with envy and pity and scorn.
With Kurt, he was trying to be a little more deliberate. This felt big - even though it was still early in their relationship, he wanted this to last, more than he’d ever wanted anything else. So he had to be intentional about these things. He’d very nearly blurted out the words on Valentine’s Day, but that felt a little too convenient, too trite - he didn’t want a repeat of Christmas. So he’d held his tongue, confident that when the moment was right for both of them he’d know it.
March 18
“Alcohol was a mistake,” Blaine groaned, his words muffled by his pillow. “Why did we do this?”
“Something about rainbows and shamrocks and snakes leaving Ireland?” Kurt responded, his voice groggy.
Blaine’s alarm began to blare again, and he clumsily reached out to turn it off. He moved his tongue around in his mouth, where it felt dry and sluggish and gross. “I do not feel lucky right now.”
He felt Kurt’s hand rest on his shoulder and rub in soothing circles. “You can do this, honey. I believe in you.”
Blaine managed to wrench himself out of bed and into the shower, his head pounding the whole time. When he came out of the bathroom, dressed and slightly more alive-looking, Kurt was occupying his tiny kitchen. He held out a plate with jam-covered toast and a travel mug full of coffee.
“Did you take painkillers?” Kurt asked him.
“Yeah,” Blaine replied, gratefully accepting his breakfast. “You’re the greatest boyfriend in the world.”
“Mm, I try,” Kurt said with a smile.
Blaine scarfed down his breakfast and grabbed his bag for work. Kurt remained in his sleeping clothes, unhurried - he had a key to Blaine’s place, so he could leave and lock up whenever suited him. Blaine pressed a kiss to his forehead and said, “Thank you, I’ll see you later, love you.”
He was twisting the doorknob to leave the apartment when he realized what he’d done.
He froze and turned back to Kurt, who was still on the couch, staring at him smugly. “I…” Blaine began, but he trailed off, unsure what to say.
Kurt tilted his head, eyes bright and teasing. “Yeah?”
Blaine ducked his head, then met Kurt’s gaze again. “I love you.”
Kurt seemed to bask in the words for just a moment before he said, “I love you too.”
Blaine leaned against the doorframe, his hungover body feeling too overwhelmed to carry all the emotion inside of it. “I really wish I didn’t have to go to work now.”
“I’ll come back tonight,” Kurt told him. “It won’t be long.”
With that promise, Blaine strode across the room to give Kurt a proper kiss. It was goodbye, but only a brief one - a tiny ending amid the countless beginnings that they were just embarking on together.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
99 Perspectives on a Single Love Story #62
A/N: The Story of Kurt and Blaine told through the eyes of everyone else but them. Each chapter is a different perspective in the ongoing tale of their love story.
I started something like this a while back - and now I’m taking the idea and really running with it. Each chapter is a ficlet of a different character at a different point in Kurt and Blaine’s life - documenting their love story. This starts in Audition, and each chapter will be paired with a different episode until reaching Dreams Come True.
Pam Anderson (Shooting Star) 
She is in the middle of leading a Mary Kay circle when she hears the news.  One of the other women checked her phone for the news, and immediately stood, screaming out that there had been a shooting at McKinley High school.  Pam Anderson’s entire world stops for a moment as the woman gives details - that a couple of shots had been heard, but as far as they know, no one has been hurt.  They’re currently investigating the situation.  
She tries to carry on without anyone noticing - plastering on the false grin she’s so good at, and going through the remaining items in her catalogue as fast as she can without trying to alarm the other women.  Most of them are older, their kids already have gone off to college.  She’s not so young herself, but her baby boy is still in high school.  At that school with a possible active shooter.  She holds her head high, but her hands are shaky.  Please let him be okay, she pleads to any entity who might be listening.  
The first thing she does when it’s over is check her phone.  A few of the women linger in the house, wanting to go over prices and reexamine the products, but she ushers them out as quickly as she can.  She needs some quiet as she looks at her phone.  No new messages, not from Blaine anyway.  She hurriedly texts, nails clicking on the screen.  
Blaine, honey, are you alright? Please text me when you can.
She pours a glass of wine as she waits for a response.  She could call Jon, let him know.  But as she looks to the clock, she knows he’s in meetings, and she has no real information for him.  And she knows how he is about the kids.  Best not to worry him yet.  
There’s a ding on her phone - she frantically grabs it.
We’re okay at the moment.  Hiding.  I love you, mom .
Her stomach drops.  
I love you, too.  Please be as safe as possible.  
She sets her phone on the counter, drinking slowly from her glass.  Time moves slowly as she stares at the unmoving phone.  What can she do now but wait?  
An endless amount of scenarios begin to run through her mind - all of them more terrifying than the last.  She can only imagine Blaine curled into a corner of that school, scared as he waits for… ?
Blaine’s her baby boy.  Her mini-me.  He’ll always be the little boy with the big heart, who wears his emotions on his sleeve.  Just like her.  She loves the man he’s growing into - still kind.  He’ll help wherever he can.  He’ll help others at his own expense.  If he can get others out before himself, he will…  
As the tears begin to well in her eyes she turns on the news.  Three different local networks are covering the situation, and not one of them seems to know anything about what’s happening.  A swat team has arrived but a perpetrator has not been found yet.  They’re slowly trying to evacuate the kids, but with no shooter found, it’s a real shit show.  
They better take down that fucker before he really hurts anyone.  She downs the glass of wine.  
Her phone rings, startling her.  It’s not Blaine.  It is a number she has in her phone for reference, but has never used.  She answers.  
“Hello, Mrs. Anderson?” A shaky voice comes from the other end. “It’s Kurt Hummel.  I’m Blaine’s…”
“I know who you are, Kurt,” she says.  It’s a little sharper than she intends.  Her nerves are getting to her. But there’s ever so slight irritation from hearing his voice.  This is the boy who lit up Blaine’s world.  He’s also the one who’s been giving him such anguish.  She doesn’t know how she feels about Kurt.  But he sounds so young on the phone.  So scared.  She can sympathize.  
“I’m sorry to bother you,” he stutters through his sentence.  “I’m sure you’ve heard what’s been going on at McKinley?”
“I have,” she replies.  
“I haven’t heard from Blaine,” he continues.  “I haven’t heard from anyone since I found out and I was wondering… maybe if you have.  I wasn’t sure who else to call.”
She softens a bit.  He just wants her Blaine to be okay.  Good.   “He texted me a little while ago saying that he’s fine, but hiding.  I haven’t heard from him since.”
There’s a long pause on the other end of the phone.  “Okay,” Kurt’s voice finally squeaks out.  
“It’s going to be okay, Kurt,” she says - reassuring him as much as herself.  “You know our Blainey.  He’s going to do everything he can to make sure people are safe.”
“I do…” he sounds tired, proud, nervous… “He’ll make everyone feel okay.  But I want him to be okay.  I just don’t want anything bad to happen,” he admits, his voice going high at the end..  He cares.  That’s the important thing she hears in his voice.  That he really, really cares.  She’s a basketcase at the moment, trying hard not to start crying.  But there’s some comfort in not going through this alone.  
“Kurt, he’s going to be alright” she says - her mothering tone kicking in.  “It looks like they’re evacuating right now.”  The image on the TV screen shows lines of kids leaving the school.  Still no update on the shooter.  But no injuries either.  “Why don’t you stay on the line until we hear something.”  
“I’d like that,” he says softly.  
She smiles, comforted, as they silently wait for an update.
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wearing the smile you gave me
This fic was prompted by a sweet anon, and I decided to dedicate it to my dear friend @randomcanbian because I love her. I know the next few days will be hard for you, and I hope this makes your week a little less difficult 💕
Pairing: Brittany S. Pierce/Santana Lopez
Prompt: “My shirt is way too big on you...but it’s cute”
Words: ~2.3k
Additional Info: Fluff, Canon Compliant, Married!Brittana, Future Fic. 
Read on AO3
Brittany wakes to the soft sound of snoring. The clock next to her bed reads 6:04 AM, but it’s still dark outside.
She rolls over in her bed and breathes a sigh of relief. Santana had gotten home last night, safe and sound. Not that she wouldn’t have, but New York is a dangerous city; one that the two of them hadn’t spent much time in together prior to their wedding. And so Brittany couldn’t help but worry about her anyway. 
It’s been four months since the wedding, and married life has been treating them well. They've settled into their new apartment fairly seamlessly, and have been taking classes at Columbia together just like they always planned. Santana would never admit this to Mr. Schuester, but his ‘hunch’ from way back when had turned out to be right - she really did want to go into law in order to make a difference in the world. Preparing for law is difficult, but Santana is loving that she gets to have such an important goal. Brittany is taking classes part-time in the math department, spending most of her time training at the Paul Taylor Dance Company. 
It’s not easy, though. Santana often works late nights at the diner to earn extra money - late nights that keep Brittany up worrying about her. Occasionally, like yesterday, their schedules don’t overlap and they aren’t able to spend time alone together. There are bills to pay, classes to attend, and responsibilities that neither one would have ever dreamed of as a teenager. And yet - it’s perfect, because it’s the two of them. Brittany thinks that her teenage self would be damn proud of where they are today. 
Now, Santana lies next to Brittany, her dark hair fanned out across her face and her features lax with sleep. Brittany smiles as she traces a finger across Santana’s cheek. This is her Santana, hers alone; the soft, sweet girl that no one but her ever gets to see. And Brittany gets to spend the rest of her life with her. She gets to wake up every morning to that beautiful face, spend her entire day loving this incredible woman, and go to sleep every night knowing that Santana will be right next to her. 
This thought alone sparks Brittany’s every nerve, and is enough to send Brittany stumbling out of bed, deciding that she isn’t going to be able to fall asleep again before sunrise. Four months in, and it’s finally hit her on this dark, cold morning - this is it. This is forever with the girl she loves. 
She quickly smoothes the blankets over Santana, presses a soft kiss to her forehead, and all but sprints to the kitchen of their tiny condo. Lord Tubbington, whom Brittany hadn’t even realized was awake, uses this as an opportunity to climb onto their dining table, attempting to make himself at home in their fruit bowl. 
“Quiet, you!” Brittany whispers. “Don’t be an asshole, Santana needs her rest.” Lord Tubbington hisses at her, and Brittany sighs and picks him up, depositing him on the kitchen counter. He mewls in protest, and she jabs her finger at him. “Behave. My wife needs sleep, and I will not have you and your gang ruining it.” She sneaks a glance back into the bedroom. Santana is thankfully still asleep, and Brittany breathes out another sigh of relief. She turns back to Lord Tubbington and says, “I’m keeping an eye on you, mister.”
Brittany leans forward and opens a couple of cupboards mindlessly, unsure of what to make for her wife’s breakfast. It’s a rare free Saturday morning, and she is not going to let it go to waste when she can do something special instead. She sifts through the ingredients they have in their fridge, making a mental note to stock up on bagels. Brittany sighs. She wishes that NYC had at least one Breadstix - she isn’t really the best cook, and Santana only deserves the best. 
Still, Brittany thinks Santana will appreciate anything Brittany makes for her, because she knows that what really matters to Santana is that Brittany loves her enough to make an effort. Even if that effort results in burnt lasagna. Which is an event that Santana has sworn to never bring up again. 
Brittany shakes that thought away. Santana’s had a hard week, and Brittany needs to do everything in her power to make it better. She spins around the kitchen again and grabs the recipe book they keep on the counter. She flips through it, landing on a page with a list of Italian recipes. She scans the pasta section, hoping to find something easy enough to make. Raviolis, farfalle, fusilli...
Fettuccine Alfredo. Bingo. 
Brittany thinks back to her wedding, when Kurt and Blaine burst out laughing when that dish was served for dinner. Apparently, when Sue had locked them in that elevator - a scheme that Brittany had no involvement in, thank you very much - Sue had slipped them a basket of Breadstix food, including a recipe for the pasta. A couple of weeks ago during a drunken night out, Kurt had been so gracious as to share it with Brittany, and ever since then, she’s had it in her back pocket; an ace up her sleeve that she had forgotten about until now. It’s Santana’s favorite, and Kurt’s recipe is simple enough that even Brittany can’t screw it up. 
Brittany takes out her phone and scrolls through her pictures until she finds the recipe. She sets the phone on the counter and gets to work, pulling out the noodles, parmesan cheese, garlic, butter, and cream. She turns the stove on, placing a pot of water on the burner. As she’s boiling the water, Lord Tubbington climbs up next to her, knocking her phone off in the process. 
“Damn it, I told you to stay away,” Brittany snaps, making a shooing motion at Lord Tubbington. She crouches down and looks at her phone, checking to make sure that no damage has been done. 
On the screen is now a photo of the night Santana came to visit Brittany at the dance studio, complete with a big bouquet of flowers. That had been one of the most magical days of her training at the studio, and Santana being there had only made the night better. Brittany picks up her phone and beams. Not for the first time tonight, Brittany is made aware of how lucky she is to be able to have this life with Santana. She places the phone onto the counter again and begins grating the cheese. 
Hours later, Brittany is stirring the alfredo sauce on the pan, contemplating the possibility of a four-dimensional cube within the macroscopic universe, when Santana comes padding into the kitchen. “Hey,” Santana says, startling Brittany out of her reverie. 
“Mmmm...that smells so good,” Santana says, stroking Brittany’s arm and inhaling the scents of garlic and cream with a sleepy grin on her face. “What’re you making?”
“It’s a surprise,” Brittany sing-songs. “And good morning, honey,” she says, giving Santana a kiss on the cheek. Santana yawns and rubs her eyes, her hair sticking in every direction. It’s the most gorgeous thing Brittany has ever seen, and - oh. 
This is new. 
Santana is wearing Brittany’s MIT shirt. The oversized one that Brittany used to throw on daily when she was at the school. The one that was her only source of comfort so far away from home; the one that she put away after reuniting with Santana because she simply didn’t need it anymore. 
Now, it somehow looks even better on the person that is Brittany’s forever home. The shirt hangs loose on Santana’s diminutive frame. She’s not wearing anything under it, and that makes her look even more appealing than Brittany had ever thought a T-shirt would look on any one person. 
“You’re wearing my shirt,” Brittany says wonderingly. 
“Yeah, babe, is that okay?” 
“Okay? I...” Brittany is at a loss for words. She slides her hands down Santana’s lovely arms and yanks her in for a kiss. She cups Santana’s face, holding her close and keeping their foreheads pressed together after they break the kiss. 
“I’m going to take that a yes,” Santana says, grinning as she pulls back. 
“You look incredible,” Brittany breathes. “You have no idea how much I-”
A loud noise goes off right then, making both girls jump. Brittany hurries back to her saucepan, pouring its contents into a bowl. 
“What exactly is that?” Santana says, peering over Brittany’s shoulder. Brittany spins around and covers Santana’s eyes.
“No, Santana! It’s supposed to be a surprise,” Brittany says, steering Santana away from the stove. 
“I want to help you,” Santana says, attempting to push past her back into the kitchen. “You don’t have to do this all by you- ”
“No can do, honey,” Brittany says, sweeping her hands down Santana’s back and hoisting her up from underneath. 
“Britt - ah - what!” Santana yells as Brittany picks her up. She struggles to get out of Brittany’s arms. “Put me down!”
“Sorry,” Brittany says, adjusting Santana in her arms. She walks over to the bedroom and deposits Santana onto the bed, sending her tumbling into the mattress. “You stay here until the food is ready.”
Santana faux-glares at her from where she’s sprawled on the bed, and then sighs in defeat. “Okay. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Brittany leans in and kisses Santana’s forehead. “Stay here.” 
Brittany races back to the kitchen, pouring the sauce over her noodles and sprinkling the remaining cheese over them. She takes out the orange juice from the fridge, removes the muffins from the microwave, and neatly arranges everything onto a tray. She carries the tray to the bedroom, careful not to trip over Lord Tubbington’s now-sleeping form. 
Santana’s face lights up when she sees Brittany, and she gasps in awe as she takes in the breakfast Brittany made. Santana ducks her head, bashful and so, so cute. “Britt,” she says, smiling softly. “You made all of this for me?”
“Only the best for you, babe.”
“How did you do it? I thought...” Santana trails off. “You’ve always said that you can’t cook. But you made my favorite meal for me.”
“A chef never reveals her secrets,” Brittany says, winking at her. She makes a mental note to thank Kurt at their next night out. 
“Oh, yeah?” Santana teases. She leans in closer. “And what else does this mysterious chef do?”
“Right now, she just wants her wife to eat her breakfast,” Brittany says.
Santana rolls her eyes. “Okay, okay. But you need to come eat with me.” She sets aside the tray and draws back the covers, gesturing for Brittany to join her in the bed. Brittany crawls in and tucks herself against Santana, pulling the blankets back over them. Santana sets the tray on their knees and hands her a fork. The two of them sit in companionable silence for a couple of minutes, taking turns feeding each other small bites of the food; just relishing in each other’s company. 
“You know what?” Brittany says suddenly. 
Santana swallows down a bite of pasta. “Hmm?”
“This shirt that you’re wearing…” Brittany reaches out and gently fingers the fabric. “This is what I used to wear when I was away. I don’t know why, but it would always make me feel safe. It helped me when I was isolated from you and all of our friends. It made me feel less alone.”
Santana nods her head in understanding. “So, how come you don’t wear it anymore? It’s pretty badass, and I bet you looked so cute in it. It’d be perfect for late nights when I’m at the diner.”
Brittany shrugs. “I don’t need it now. I have you to make me feel safe. Even when you’re not here physically, I have the knowledge that you’re my wife,” she says, showing off her wedding ring. “You believed in me when no one else did, you supported me through everything that happened before MIT, and you even managed to figure out that I wasn’t happy and got me the hell out of there. Why would I need some old shirt when I have you, my darling wife, to keep me safe?”
Santana grabs Brittany’s hand and kisses it. “You make me feel safe too, Britt,” she says earnestly. “Life is so, so hard sometimes, and you make me feel like it’s okay to just be myself in a world that doesn’t always like me.” She looks down and presses her lips together. “Growing up, I never thought I would have that. I always thought I’d marry a man, and he’d sit around judging me on everything I did.” 
Brittany winces, remembering how heartbroken Santana was for most of their high school years and how long she’d had to struggle with her feelings. She remembers too, how her own heart broke every time Santana recited a hypothetical future with some nameless man, knowing that it would never make her truly happy. 
“I never thought I’d be able to feel so free and so loved,” Santana continues. She cups Brittany’s cheek. “But here you are,” she says, grinning helplessly. 
“Here I am,” Brittany agrees, bringing their lips together in a soft, slow kiss. Brittany tries to pour all the love in her heart into that kiss, hoping that through the kiss, Santana will feel even a fraction of the infinite love Brittany holds for her. 
“And I’m going to stay with you, Santana. I’m going to love you and make you feel like this for the rest of your life.”
“I’m going to do the same for you, Britt.”
As they lie together, talking, kissing, loving one another, their stomachs so full, their bodies so comfortable, and their hearts so happy, Brittany thinks once again that this is really it for them. 
This is forever, and Brittany wouldn’t have it any other way.
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lady-divine-writes · 3 years
Klaine Advent Drabble 2020 - “To Tree or Not to Tree” (Rated NC17)
Summary: When Blaine tells Kurt that they're going out to "get a tree", Kurt never imagined they'd be trekking up a freezing cold mountainside to chop one down. (2820 words)
Notes: A re-vamp for the @klaineadvent Drabble Challenge 2020 prompt 'farm'.
Read on AO3.
“Oh. My. God!” Kurt groans, hopping out of his SUV and sinking up to his ankles in snow. “I thought you were kidding about this!”
“Nope.” Blaine rounds to the hatch of Kurt’s Navigator and pops it. He unzips a duffel he brought with, one Kurt had hoped was filled with fun surprises like a picnic lunch that they could enjoy in the vehicle with the heater blasting before they braved the weather to get their Christmas tree from a quaint but upscale tree farm, the kind that smells strongly of cinnamon pine cones and which offers customers plastic flutes filled with sparkling cider as they pass over the threshold into an idyllic Winter Wonderland lit by twinkling white fairy lights beneath the cover of a gigantic canopy. 
He’d dressed entirely in brands that Vogue recently featured in their center spread and had planned on snapping a few shots for the website - kill two birds with one stone. He’d even lent Blaine a few pieces he’d squirreled from The Vault. He could see the whole layout in his head. Behind his eyelids, the slideshow of images he had planned was fabulous.
But no. 
Disturbingly, Blaine pulls out a wood-handled ax, along with a pair of safety goggles; thick, brown gloves; and some rope. He holds them up for Kurt to see. “Totally not kidding."
“Do we really have to cut down a tree?” Kurt asks, watching Blaine gear up, a one-man wrecking crew, leading Kurt to the conclusion that he should stay at the SUV and let Blaine go on this ridiculous errand alone. 
“Yes, we do.” Rope looped over his arm and dangling across his chest, Blaine hoists his ax over one shoulder and begins the journey, carving a neat path up the slowly rising incline as Kurt follows behind, contemplating his options. He has the keys. He could definitely implement the stay behind and keep the heater company fantasy. But there is the small matter of he loves Blaine. He would be miserable and lonely waiting hours in the SUV without him. Besides, considering how well Blaine fills out those North Face pants and Carhartt jacket, Kurt sees how he can make this work in his favor. The new outdoorsman, who can go from big city to big country in the blink of an eye (courtesy of the right separates).
He’s not married to that headline, but he can hash it out as he goes.
“You do know there’s a Christmas tree farm right there,” Kurt points out, raising his voice to be heard over the howling wind. When Blaine peeks over his shoulder, Kurt throws out an arm in the direction that they came. Past the snow-covered asphalt lot, where Kurt’s SUV is currently one of five cars parked, stretch miles of evergreens, cut down and mounted onto wooden stands, waiting to be plucked, flocked, and paid for.
“Cutting down a tree has been a tradition in my family since before I was born,” Blaine says. 
Kurt looks at him sideways. “I ... didn’t know that.”
"How did I not know that? We've been married for three years!"
Blaine turns a full circle as he walks and gives Kurt a wink. "I guess I'm just full of surprises."
"You're full of something," Kurt mumbles under his breath.
"It's a tradition," Blaine continues, unaware of his husband's grousing. "One I want to hand down to our children someday.”
“Can’t we get them a pony instead?”
“I recommend not stomping up this incline,” Blaine advises, changing the subject, “or you’re going to exhaust yourself. I’m not sure I can carry you and a tree back down this mountain.”
"Hmph. Not with that attitude, you can't."
It’s a crisp December day, almost too cold to bear. The difference in temperature between the city and where they ended up is so drastic, it’s hard to believe they’re still in the same state. A perfect day to sit by the fire while binge-watching Netflix, with a cup of hot cocoa beside a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. Kurt had everything he needed to make that happen, too, except the tree. 
Kurt and Blaine had yet to have a day off together to pick one out. 
So when Blaine came home, tossed Kurt a coat, and said, “Grab your keys! We’re getting a tree!” Kurt had been ecstatic! Until he discovered that Blaine’s idea of “getting a tree” wasn’t a simple matter of driving to a tree farm and picking out a decent six-foot Scotch Pine. 
Blaine had Kurt drive over an hour away from civilization to a place where there are no Starbucks, spotty WiFi, and no doors on the bathroom stalls.
The snow on the ground at this altitude is deep, becoming deeper as the slope of the mountain rises. And as breathtaking as the world looks from this elevation, Kurt hates everything about this. He hates the snow getting into his boots, soaking his three pairs of socks. He hates the wind that seems to purposefully sweep down the mountain straight into his face. Blaine walking ahead, right in front of him, does nothing to provide a barrier from the wind.
That’s because Blaine is loving this. And as a reward, the wind must be going right through him.
Blaine leads them deeper into woods that climb higher and higher. Even though the man who greeted them at the entrance, dressed in head-to-toe red flannel and brown corduroy, directed them up the mountain, saying this was the place locals preferred to get their trees, Blaine and Kurt don’t see anyone else past the tree line. The air gets thinner. The sunlight off the snow is brighter, blindingly bright, but it doesn’t offer Kurt or his rapidly chapping cheeks any warmth. He folds his arms over his chest and shoves his gloved hands underneath his armpits, but it doesn’t help thaw the tips of his fingers, which he can’t feel anymore.
“There are trees everywhere up here!” Kurt complains.
“Yeah! Isn’t it great!”
“Pick one! What are you doing?” Kurt gripes when they pass a swath of gorgeous trees and yet keep walking.
“I'm searching.”
“For what?”
“I’m looking for the perfect tree.”
“And what constitutes the perfect tree, in your opinion? Because from what I can see, we passed over two dozen perfect trees getting here!”
“When you see the perfect tree, you’ll know the perfect tree.”
Kurt has no idea what the heck that means but decides not to ask for clarification in an effort to get them off this frickin’ mountain and home quicker. Home equals warmth, comfort, and not succumbing to hypothermia. “Well, what about this one?” Kurt asks, pointing to a tree on his right.
“Ooo! That’s a good one!” Blaine says.
“Really?” Kurt asks, surprised that he got it right on the first try. Maybe he has a knack for this, like his knack for fashion. He does have an eye for aesthetics. “So this is the perfect tree?”
Kurt stumbles. "Oh." He did not expect that answer. Eager to prevail, he points out another one. “This one?”
“O-kay, what about this one?”
“Not quite, but good try.”
Kurt would throw his hands up in frustration, but his arms are locked in place, hugging his chest. 
“How did you become the tree authority?”
“Years of practice.”
“If you’re the one with the tree picking knowledge, what am I doing here that I couldn’t do at home where we have eggnog and cable?”
“You get to marvel in awe at my magnificent strength and skill.”
“I can’t help but remind you that I could be marveling at your strength and skill at home while you hold me up against the wall in our bedroom and make love to me.”
“True. But seeing as we did that all of last night and Mr. Mulroney has the night shift tonight, I thought it would be nice if we let the poor man sleep.”
“The walls in our apartment are thin, aren’t they?”
“They really are.”
They pass through a tight cluster of trees and enter a small clearing, coming upon a scene right out of a Hallmark Channel movie. God rays shine through the foliage overhead, lighting a single tree in the center. In the quiet of this enclosed glade, Kurt can’t hear the whistling wind, and he immediately begins to feel warmer. All they need now are cartoon animals bringing them presents and an angelic choir singing carols and they’ll be starring in their own Christmas special. 
It would be ideal, Kurt thinks, considering he’s a motherless child and he’s standing beside an elf. He puts a pin in it, with a plan to write up a treatment as soon as they get back to their apartment.
Provided he doesn’t lose any of his fingers before then.
Blaine tosses the rope aside. He walks reverently up to the center tree and stops in front of it. He opens his arms wide, ax clutched in his right fist. “Here,” he declares. “Here it is.”
Kurt looks at the tree in front of them, then at all the identical trees surrounding it. “Here what is?”
“Our perfect tree.”
“And what makes this tree any different from the sixty or more trees we passed hiking up here?”
“This one’s fuller, more symmetrical, with an almost pyramid top.” When Kurt doesn’t immediately agree, Blaine motions to the tree more vehemently, trying to get his point across. “It’s just more … more tree than those other trees. More Christmas …” Blaine turns to his husband standing off to the side behind him, arms crossed, head tilted. Blaine sighs. “You obviously don’t know your Christmas trees. If you can’t see why this one’s superior, I don’t know how to explain it to you.”
Kurt shakes his head. “Sorry.” 
“You’ll see the difference when it’s up in our apartment.” Blaine grips his ax with both hands and gets into position. “Okay! Stand back!”
“You don’t need to tell me twice. I love you, Blaine, but I have no intention of getting anywhere near you and that instrument of death.” 
Kurt takes a step back, then three more as Blaine hoists the ax behind him. Kurt fishes his iPhone out of his pocket, preparing to document what is either going to be the sexiest thing Blaine has ever done, or evidence for the investigators who might try to pin Blaine's grisly death on him. Either way, watching Blaine attempt to chop down a tree might actually be worth wet socks and a nightmare case of the flu.
Kurt holds up his phone with the camera app accessed, ready to film as Blaine takes his first swing, which, surprisingly, buries the blade a respectable depth into the wood. But it’s the pullback that gets Kurt, the way Blaine locks his feet in the snow, bends at the knees, and dislodges the ax. Kurt can’t see Blaine’s back through his coat, but he imagines the play of his muscles, the rise and fall of his shoulders, the cut of his delts showing through as they strain with effort. Kurt has seen Blaine naked over a hundred times, has watched the man make love to him in videos they’ve made. He envisions everything going on beneath Blaine’s clothes as he swings that ax … and the frigid air around him doesn't feel quite as cold anymore.
“Mmmm …” Kurt hits record and focuses his camera on his husband’s assets. After a minute of chopping, Blaine realizes Kurt has stopped commenting. He lowers his ax and takes a breather, catching the tail end of his husband's complimentary hum.
“Mmmm what?” Blaine turns, curious to see what Kurt has been doing that’s kept him quiet this whole time. He raises an eyebrow when he sees the phone in Kurt’s hands. “Are you ... recording me?”
“Maybe,” Kurt says, biting his lower lip. “You know, now that I get a good look at it, you did find the best tree on the mountain. And watching you cut it down is becoming a massive turn on. You being all lumberjack-ish is kind of hot.”
Blaine grins, leveling the ax over his shoulder. “Only kind of?”
“Well, yeah.” Kurt switches off his camera app and puts his phone back in his pocket, seeing a make-out break forthcoming. “The walk up the mountain took a lot out of me.”
Blaine leans his ax against the trunk of a tree and saunters up to his husband. “Well then … perhaps I can put something in you.”
Kurt snorts. “Okay, that’s cheesy as hell ... but I wish you would."
With a suggestive smile on his frosty lips, Blaine wraps one arm around Kurt’s waist and pulls him closer, his other hand reaching between them to fondle the bulge growing in the front of Kurt’s jeans. He tugs at the buttons of Kurt’s fly, and Kurt knows Blaine has more on his mind than kissing. He shoots an anxious look around their private nook. “What? Here?”
“Why not? We’re alone. There’s no one else around. No one will see us or hear us. You can scream all you want.”
“When you put it like that, it sounds like we're in a horror movie!"
"Is that your only objection?"
"No. I'm objecting because it’s freezing!”
“Come on …” Blaine takes off his gloves and begins unbuttoning Kurt’s wet coat, starting at the middle and working down. “I’m not going to strip us naked or anything. Besides, you’ll warm up in no time. You know what they say about body heat …”
“This reminds me of one of those bad amateur porn videos on the Internet. The ones that try to have a storyline, but the acting is so awful it turns into a comedy?”
“As a professional actor, I think I take offense to that.” Blaine nuzzles past Kurt’s icy jaw and into the warm skin of his neck. “What videos are you watching anyway?”
“I can show you. Maybe we can … you know … watch one or two … when we get home …” Kurt stutters, shivering when Blaine’s cold lips connect with his flesh, then melting beneath the heat of his husband’s tongue. Blaine walks Kurt backward, away from their half-chopped pine to the shelter of a different tree, moving them a safe distance on the off chance the poor thing decides to finish itself off without their help.
“Oh, God! Kurt!” Blaine moans, warming his hands by wedging them between the soft skin of Kurt’s groin and his growing erection.
“Blaine,” Kurt murmurs as his husband sucks a mark into the sensitive skin of his collarbone, “I just … I just want you to know that … if we freeze to death … or get eaten by a bear … I’m blaming you entirely.”
Blaine grabs Kurt’s trembling hands and brings them to the zipper of his pants. “Fair enough.”
“Welp. That was less than memorable,” Kurt grumbles, trying to re-button his jeans with numb fingers. “I hope that doesn’t become part of the tradition.”
“For the ninth time, I slipped!” an embarrassed Blaine says, teeth chattering, rushing to help Kurt do up his now useless coat. “I didn’t mean for us to take a nose dive into the snow!”
“Who would have thunk that fucking on ice would be dangerous!?" Kurt says sarcastically. "Christ! I must look like a wet French poodle!"
"That's ... oddly specific."
In an attempt to salvage the look he had going, Kurt tries combing his fingers through his hair but hits resistance. “Ugh! I think I’ve got sap in my hair.” He tugs and tugs, abandoning his attempts with a huff after he manages to get his fingers free … along with a sizeable chunk of hair. 
“Fucking on ice,” Blaine repeats with a chuckle. “That sounds like an X-rated skating show.”
Kurt glares at his husband, unamused. “Yeah. Hilarious. Can we go back to getting our perfect tree now, Grizzly Adams?”
“I don’t know …” Blaine looks at the tree they’d been fucking against before his enthusiastic thrusting caused them to slip and take a header into the snow. “I think I like this one now.” He pats the trunk, shaking loose a minor avalanche from the branches that contains more needles than snow.
Kurt steps back, making a face as he judges the less than spectacular tree. “Why?”
“We had sex on it. That makes it ours.”
“This isn’t a department store, Blaine. I don’t think you break it, you buy it applies here.”
“I think this falls more under the guidelines of I licked it, now it’s mine.”
“I understand the sentiment, but this one’s got a dent in it.” Kurt snickers. “A dent shaped like your ass.”
“That’s a good thing,” Blaine says, walking off to retrieve his ax. “We’ll know which side to face toward the wall.”
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notarelationship · 4 years
Anderson’s Ghosts 23/24
Klaine Advent: Worry
Getting there...Thank you for reading and sticking with me after all these many months! one more...
If you have missed any earlier entries they can be found at Anderson’s Ghosts, or each individual chapter:  Achievement, Beer, Creed, Date, Emergency, Fist, Ground, Hiccup, Interrupt, Joy, Kinship, Lecture, Monument, Nest, Overwhelm, Part, Quarrel, Reasonable, Speed, Treat, User, Verdict
“I have to confess, Mr. Anderson, when you called and asked if we could take care of something for you today, this isn’t what I expected.”  Blaine stood, accepting the thick envelope from his lawyer before shaking his hand. “Can I ask, if you don’t mind, what caused you to change your mind?” 
Blaine sighed. He supposed he was going to get that question more than a few times over the next few days. “To be honest, I finally realized what I wanted out of my life.” 
And that was it, really. He was tired of suffocating who he was, making himself and everyone around him miserable; it was time to fix things. Not for the first time that morning, he hoped it wasn't too late. 
The next part would be harder, and not just because the streets of Lima had only been partially plowed, making driving treacherous. Blaine laughed aloud in the car. It would be just his luck to get into a car accident on his way to trying to make up for the terrible person he’d been for the past eight years. He did still worry that he wouldn’t be believed at all.
The slow drive to the Hummel’s wound up working in his favor. He recognized Sam’s car out front when he parked on the street, which was a relief. He wasn’t sure he’d be allowed inside without Sam running interference. He texted Sam to let him know he was there. Come around to the side door Sam texted back, so Blaine trudged through the snow bank and up the icy driveway to the side of the house. Sam was waiting there to let him in, so he didn’t even have to ring the bell. 
“You can leave your wet boots here,” Sam said, indicating a rubber mat with a bunch of other shoes in various stages of drying off. “Everyone’s in socks.” 
“That’s, yeah - makes sense,” Blaine managed. “Is this okay?” He asked, turning to look at Sam. Sam shrugged, but didn’t flinch or look away.
“It’s a little weird, sure. But I told them you wouldn’t be long, and that it was important, and that you were leaving town tomorrow so it needed to happen today,” Blaine answered. “Just like you said.”
Blaine nodded. “Let’s do this then.”  He followed Sam down the hall and into the family room, where everyone was gathered. Blaine was struck instantly how the whole scene was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. An almost too big for the room Christmas tree was in the corner, covered in mismatched ornaments, lovingly collected over the years. Over the fireplace hung three stockings, with Burt, Carol and Kurt embroidered on them. Mercedes was sitting next to Kurt on the sofa, and hers and Sam’s kids were on the floor, playing with gifts they had obviously just opened that morning. Blaine’s Christmas mornings had never looked so inviting. 
“Hey everyone, I think you all know Blaine Anderson, my boss - “
“And friend, I hope?” Blaine interrupted Sam, with a questioning look.
“And friend, definitely.” Sam looked at him and smiled, the lifetime of history between them warming his face. “Blaine and I have known each other since the sixth grade.” Sam carried on with the unnecessary introduction. “Burt you know, this is his wife Carol, and - “
“Kurt,” Blaine said before he could stop himself. “It’s been a long time.”
The expression on Kurt’s face was more one of confused curiosity than outright hatred, which was encouraging. Maybe this would all be okay. 
“Almost ten years, I think?” Kurt scrunched up his face in thought. Blaine nodded, not entirely sure what to say next. He didn’t know how to just say that he wished it had been different. He hoped he’d get the chance some time.
“Sam said you wanted to bring me something?’ Burt asked, shaking Blaine from his thoughts of Kurt. “I hope it’s not an eviction notice for the shop already.” Blaine couldn’t tell if he was trying to make a joke, but it didn’t feel like it. 
“No, definitely not, no,” Blaine stammered. He wanted to ask how Burt was doing, but wasn’t sure it would be welcome. “I guess I should, I wanted to bring you this.” Blaine handed Burt the thick envelope.
“Huh,” Burt grunted, his eyes narrowing as he took the envelope. “There’s a lot of paper in here. Why don’t you give me the digest version and I’ll read it all later.” 
“Yeah, okay,” Blaine scratched the back of his head, unable to stop himself from glancing at Kurt, but the expression on his face wasn;t one Blaine could read. “It's paperwork formally converting the purchase of Hummel Tire and Lube into a loan agreement that will allow the shop to remain operating independently, under your ownership as long as you need.” Blaine heard Carol gasp, but he glanced again at Kurt. His mouth had dropped open just a bit, but he closed it quickly. “If that’s okay with you? You could still take the offer if you prefer that.”
“No, no,” Burt spoke, but his expression had changed from one of suspicion to simply wary. “Do you mind if I take a look at the terms of the loan before I decide how I feel about this?” 
“Yes, of course,” Blaine clasped his hands together. “Take your time. I’ll leave word with my lawyer to wait for your call.” Burt nodded, and it seemed like a good time to disappear. 
“Blaine,” Kurt spoke. “We’re about to sit down for Christmas lunch. Would you like to join us?
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velvethoneybody · 4 years
klaine fic recs
this post is mainly just for me to organize and keep track, but if you’re interested, here is my list of fanfiction recommendations for kurt + blaine. feel free to like/reblog if you want to save for later!! these are in no particular order, but the ones i like more are at the top hehe. i’ll continue to add on as i continue to find ones i like. one-shots are at the bottom. happy reading! (none of these are my personal fics) Updated November 2023.
Current favorite: Life Less Ordinary
Blaine's life is privileged, fantastic, and entirely routine until he changes things up and tries out a new coffee shop, where one struggling NYADA student named Kurt Hummel happens to work.
Near Misses
Kurt and Blaine could easily not have met on a staircase in high school. They could have met a few years later in college instead.
This story is AU from within 2x06 ("Never Been Kissed"), with many of the broad strokes of canon remaining except where I thought they would be different because of the AU or other factors. It takes place in Blaine's first year of college, starting about a year from now. There are some spoilers through 3x22 (“Goodbye”)
In My Place
Blaine has always been shy and introverted, so after his father dies, he looks for comfort in his childhood dream - owning a book store. But then Kurt Hummel walks into his life, turning his dream into a complicated affair. Klaine AU.
Carry Me Home (Tonight)
As disagreements continue to rage in the Anderson household, Blaine is forced to spend his evenings behind a bar to pay his way through OSU. It’s not an ideal solution, but the money is good and he manages well enough. That may very well change, however, when the interested gaze of Kurt Hummel, self-proclaimed resident bad-boy, lands on him. And it seems that Kurt doesn’t have the word ‘no’ in his vocabulary.
Take It Like A Man
A Legally Blonde AU. Blaine Anderson has it all. He's a member of both the polo and fencing clubs, founder of the charity, Songbirds in Schools, and the lead soloist of the university’s famous all-male a capella choir, the Warblers. In his senior year at UCLA, Blaine -- a show choir major -- wants nothing more than to be the future Mr. Blaine Anderson-Smythe. When Sebastian breaks up with Blaine instead of proposing and heads off to a more ‘serious’ life at Harvard Law, Blaine sets his sights on following the love of his life to Boston to win him back. But Harvard holds a lot more obstacles than Blaine anticipated: challenging coursework, Santana Lopez, and an admittedly cute graduate by the name of Kurt Hummel.
A Song for Cordelia
Kurt never called Blaine after the break up, despite Isabelle's advice. It was not because he didn't believe she was right, but because his heart didn't know how to forgive. Five years later, when their paths cross once more, Kurt and Blaine decides to be friends again - just friends. But where the heart goes, the man follows…
SEQUEL to A Song for Cordelia: One of the Good Guys
This is a story about a love; big enough to survive. And it's about forgiveness, second chances and trusting that there is something good in us all. "One Of The Good Guys" takes place a year after "A Song For Cordelia".
TRILOGY to A Song for Cordelia: Carry Me Home
Things are moving fast for Kurt and Blaine, who seems to have a perfect life in New York. More success is just around the corner and the future looks bright. But the high pace gradually wears Blaine out and hard decisions have to be made. This is the third and last part of Cordelia story, following A Song For Cordelia and One Of The Good Guys.
Syrup and Honey
AU!Klaine. Kurt Hummel is 25 years old when he finds himself being the owner of the bakery he had been dreaming about his whole life, just in time to sweeten up Blaine Anderson's days.
Go Your Own Way
Kurt Hummel just wants to get through his Junior Year at McKinley in one piece. But when the new guy from Dalton Academy Reform School for Boys takes an alarming interest in him, he's certain he's going to be in for a wild ride. Badboy!Blaine, Klaine, AU
Little Numbers
AU: Blaine sends a text message to a wrong number by accident. Things progress from there.
Expectation Fails
In a D/s AU where your soulmate's name appears on your wrist (left for dom, right for sub) during puberty, Kurt and Blaine are marked with each other's names. But Kurt, the dom, is a 16-year-old high school student and Blaine, the sub, is his 27-year-old history teacher.
Post-Furt: Spinning off from Glee, Kurt begins an entirely new chapter in his life at Dalton Academy for Boys. Blaine, Wes, David and the boys of Windsor House make his life, for better or worse, far more eventful than he imagined.
Blaine is the most popular kid at school, he's also a bully. Kurt is the new kid and the victim of the football team, but bullying somebody doesn't necessarily mean you won't end up liking them, even if you try your best not to. 
SEQUEL to Sideways: Anywhere but Here
Kurt and Blaine have never been happier or more in love, but as things begin to change and doubts set in, the two aren't as certain as they once were that they can make it together, or by themselves.
The Sidhe
Epic romantic fantasy adventure, seriously AU, with angst and fluff in equal measure. I can sense your hesitation, but just give the first chapter a try. It's been winning some folks over and it may surprise you.
Coffee Shop Soundtrack
AU where Kurt and Blaine never met or dated in high school. Blaine works at a coffee shop in New York and Kurt comes in one day.
I Do, I Think
"I do," Kurt vowed without thinking, and before the thought even reached his mind, he added, "I think." Immediately realizing what he'd just said, Kurt whipped his head up, but not to look at his shocked fiance - to look at his best friend Blaine.
Twisted Fate
Kurt and Blaine have been best friends since meeting on the Dalton staircase 13 years ago. Kurt is about to get married and Blaine- as ever- is the sure and steadfast presence right by his side. But does fate have other ideas?
Worlds Apart
After a car accident, Darren and Blaine swap bodies. Will they be able to go back ? How will Kurt and Chris react ? Set before Funeral/during the shooting of Funeral, based on speculations at the time. Established Klaine, CrissColfer to come.
Hearts Flying High
Kurt had always believed he was happy with his life and the direction it was going; That is until he met Blaine, the cute businessman who happened to board his flight and make him question everything he'd once believed about himself.
Just Say Yes
Blaine Anderson's parents have just cut him off upon learning that he's gay. His entire future is gone just like that - until he finds out about a trust fund from his deceased grandmother. There's just one catch - in order inherit the money, he has to get married. Good thing Kurt Hummel is in desperate need of some cash..
Not Like the Movies
When new Hollywood golden boy Kurt Hummel receives some disturbing letters, his manager hires bodyguard Blaine Anderson to be with him 24 hours a day. In an attempt to hide Blaine's true identity from the press they decide he needs to go undercover...as Kurt's boyfriend. Famous!Kurt Nevermet!AU
Behind These Hazel Eyes
Kurt Hummel is a world famous model sick with the shallow ways in which our society judges by appearances. Desperate to find someone who likes him for him and not his looks he seeks refuge in the arms of the one man who can see him for who he truly is. AU
What Brings Us Closer Together
When Kurt is attacked, Blaine instantly leaves college to take care of him. With one decision, their entire relationship is changed and their futures reshaped. It also makes everyone around them realize just how close they really are. AU.
When I Get You Alone
Cooper takes Blaine to a strip club for his 18th birthday and Blaine sees something he *really* likes.
Roses in December
In a cozy coffee shop in a small town, a boy with beautiful blue eyes sits at the same table every day, as if he's waiting for something, or someone. Blaine feels strangely compelled to sit down and talk with him… and discovers the unimaginable.
How Kurt Hummel Loses His Virginity (But Accidentally Falls in Love in the Process)
Tired of being a virgin, and not having anybody be interested in him, shy and insecure, Kurt, decides that for his twentieth birthday, as a present to himself, he will hire an escort and lose the big V. Little does he know, that when he meets Blaine, his escort, everything will change.
You’d Tear This Canvas Skin Apart
Blaine is at last embracing his second love - art. What he doesn't expect is for the living statue of David to walk into his art class in nothing but a silk robe...
The Kurt Project
Blaine helps set up a hotline like the Trevor Project to help kids. One night before the hotline is ready, Blaine is alone in the building - no professionals to help and he hasn't had his training yet. Blaine answers the phone to find a distraught boy on the other end, and all the boy wants is a pair of warm socks before he jumps to his death from the bridge to the icy river.
Carry Your Shame
Kurt's spent his entire life being pushed around and ignored. He's never had a single friend until he met Blaine Anderson, a swimmer for the National Team and McKinley's Golden Boy. When the boys fall for each other, Kurt has to learn the hard way that there are some things even love can't fix—like the fact that his step-brother and boyfriend are mortal enemies. (Klaine AU)
I don’t get around to reading one-shots too much because I thoroughly enjoy fully written stories, but here are a couple I very much enjoyed, and once again, I will continue to add on as I read more!
The Road Not Taken (one shot)
"It took a while for Blaine’s brain to register that Kurt was talking to him because holy Mother of God, was the man in front of him a sight to behold."
I’ll Do It
(one shot)
Blaine has had a crush on his teacher for as long as he could remember. He simply wants mister Hummel. Fortunately for Blaine, his teacher’s thoughts about him aren’t exactly appropriate either…
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musiclovingbitch · 4 years
Summary: AU. Kurt and Blaine’s kids are best friends. What happens when they take them to the mall to sit on Santa’s lap and they make a very interesting request?
Written for the 2019 Klaine Advent prompt: joy and the tenth @gleepotluckbigbang​ prompt: Santa at the mall!
~1.9k words
on AO3
“Joy to the world, our King has come…” the song played over the loudspeakers of the mall where Kurt and his son Eli were waiting in line with Blaine and his daughter Stephanie, to meet Santa and sit on his lap and tell him what they want for Christmas.
Kurt and Blaine watched as their kids whispered to each other and occasionally turned to look at them, a feeling of unease settling on the pits of both their stomachs.
“Hey, kids,” Kurt said, getting their attention.
“What are you talking about so secretively over there?” Blaine finished.
“We’re just talking about…” Stephanie trailed off, looking to Eli for help.
“A funny joke Ms. Amber told us on the last day of class before Christmas break!” Eli exclaimed.
“Uh-huh,” Kurt said, unimpressed, “okay.” he let it go, for now, but they were going to have a talk about lying when they got home.
Stephanie and Eli turned and resumed their whispering, and their not - so - subtle looks.
“What do you think they’re talking about?” Blaine turned to Kurt and asked.
“From the intensity of the conversation and the looks they keep shooting us, I’m guessing they have a plan for world domination about to take effect and they’re deciding whether or not they should spare us.” Kurt responded.
Blaine laughed out loud. “Oh my God, Kurt.”
I could hear that laugh for the rest of my life, Kurt thought.
They moved a spot up the line, now only one person away from Santa himself.
Blaine could see that Stephanie, who it was agreed would go first, was getting a little antsy, so he pulled her a little over to the side and crouched down in front of her.
“Hey, are you feeling okay? You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” Blaine said, reaching out and stroking her hair.
“No, no, I want to go,” Stephanie said, “it’s just… can I ask for two things this year?”
“Of course, sweetie. Maybe, if Santa can’t carry two presents, I’ll get you one of them and Santa can get you the other. Would you be okay with that?” Blaine asked.
Stephanie nodded hard, a very pleased smile stretching across her face, making Blaine feel like maybe he’s not too bad at this whole parenting thing.
The little boy currently in Santa’s lap was returned to the embrace of its father, and it was Stephanie’s turn. She turned to face Eli, who gave her an encouraging nod and raised both his thumbs up. She turned back around and went and sat on Santa’s lap.
“Well, hello there! What’s your name?” Santa asked.
“I’m Stephanie.” she replied quietly.
“Merry Christmas, Stephanie. Now, tell me, what do you want for Christmas this year?”
“I want the Toothless Hatchimal, and I also want…” Stephanie trailed off, and looked at Eli, who nodded. Kurt felt a pit grow in his stomach.
“What else do you want, Stephanie?” Santa urged her to continue.
“I want my dad to marry Mr. Kurt so that me and Eli can become brother and sister!” she rushed out.
Both Kurt and Blaine’s jaws fell to the ground. Stephanie got off Santa’s lap and walked quickly back to them, without waiting to hear what Santa had to say about her wishes, not that he looked like he had a comment.
Next was Eli, who walked up to Santa without any prompting and sat on his lap.
“Hi there, big guy.” Santa said, seemingly getting over the shock of Stephanie’s request.
“Hi, Santa.” Eli said.
“And what would your name be?”
“My name’s Eli.”
“Well, Eli, merry christmas to you. What do you want this year?”
“I want my own Blaster from Fortnite, and I also want my dad to marry Mr. Blaine so that me and Steph can be brother and sister!” Eli exclaimed, as if he were holding on to a big secret and couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“Well, that’s…” poor Santa floundered in search of an appropriate response.
“Thank you Santa, merry christmas!” Eli said and jumped off Santa’s lap, then went over to where Stephanie was waiting next to a still visibly shocked Kurt and Blaine.
Eli and Stephanie locked hands and stared up at them with half - hopeful, half - fearful smiles.
Neither Kurt nor Blaine had recovered. Both of them tried to think of something to say, but both of them came up empty.
Steph started bouncing up and down when they remained silent. The movement seemed to snap them out of the trance they had entered.
“I think it’s about time we head home.” Kurt said.
“But dad…” Eli began to protest, but stopped after seeing the look Kurt was giving him.
“I think that’s a good idea, too.” Blaine said, nodding to himself. He could not bring himself to look at Kurt’s face.
Eli and Stephanie looked incredibly disappointed, and started whispering to each other once again. Kurt and Blaine remained silent, and resolutely did not look at the other. They silently walked their kids over to the car, silently made sure they were buckled in, silently buckled up their own seat belts, and silently drove home.
As he drove, Blaine thought back to the car ride over, which was so starkly different than what was going on now that he almost laughed. He remembered Steph demanding they put on “We Kiss In A Shadow” from The King And I, and pleading with them to sing it together.
God,he was so embarrassed. He was too scared to even face Kurt. During this entire ride, he hadn’t looked at his right hand mirror once. Which maybe wasn’t the best thing to do.
Once they arrived in front of Kurt’s apartment building, he fully expected Kurt to just get out, take Eli, and leave them forever. Instead, Kurt unbuckled his seatbelt, and moved to get out of the car, but he paused, his hand on the door handle.
He sighed, and fell back into the seat.
“Guys,” he started, psyching himself up, “what happened today was unacceptable,” he continued, and turned to look at the back seat where Eli and Stephanie were sitting, “I understand that you want Blaine and I to be together, but we’re not, and you can’t change that.”
“What you did put us both in a very uncomfortable position,” Blaine chimed in, forcing himself to speak up. He was staring straight ahead, but he could see from his peripheral vision that Kurt turned to look at him, but again couldn’t bring himself to turn his head and face him.
Kurt knew him so well by now, he was terrified his feelings would show on his face.
“I’m glad you two like each other so much you want to be brother and sister,” Kurt continued.
“And I am, too. But Kurt and I are just friends.”
If he were looking, he would have seen Kurt’s slight wince at that.
“And nothing is going to change that.”
“But dad, come on--”
“Eli,” Kurt said in a tone that made Eli close his mouth, “this is not up for discussion. Now come on, we’re going to make Blaine and Stephanie late for dinner.” he finished, and opened the car door. He opened the door and waited for Eli to come out before leaning in and saying
“Goodbye, Steph. Goodbye, Blaine.”
He closed the car door and watched as Blaine drove off, Eli next to him, waving at the car until it disappeared from their view. Then he unlocked the door and ushered his son inside and up the stairs to his apartment for a stern lecture about how much is the correct amount of involvement a son should have in his father’s love life--none.
That made him think of his own father and Carole, and once they’d had dinner and Eli was sound asleep, he called them and told them what happened. He was pretty sure he could have heard their laughter all the way from Ohio even without being on the phone with them, it was so loud.
A little after that, he has a glass or two of wine -- fine, he had four -- and contemplated calling Blaine. He already had the phone in his hands when it started vibrating -- it was Blaine. He let a few seconds go by so as not to seem creepy and answered it.
“Hello?” he said.
“Hi, Kurt, it’s Blaine.”
“I know, Blaine,” Kurt said, letting out a chuckle.
“Ha, yes, I suppose you do.”
“So, did you want something? I was actually about to call you myself.” Kurt said.
“Uh, really, you were? I just wanted to call and apologize for what the kids did today. I spoke with Steph and it was mostly her idea to do that.”
“It’s okay, really, I mean. It was shocking in the moment, but I would be lying if I said it wasn’t one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen.”
Blaine let out a relieved sigh. “That’s good, really good. And yes, it was pretty cute. I think it’d be cuter if it happened to someone else, but still. Cute.” Kurt laughed.
They were both silent for a few moments.
“I wasn’t sure if you were upset or not.” Blaine said, almost like revealing a secret.
“What? No! I love how much our kids love each other, Blaine.”
“Oh. That’s good. I love that, too.”
“Were you upset?” Kurt asked.
“So why would you think that I’d be upset?”
“I don’t know! It was a weird situation, I was just making sure.”
“You know, I had a little conversation with my son myself,” Kurt said, not - so - subtly changing the subject.
“Oh, yeah? What’d you talk about?” Blaine asked.
“Well, I was supposed to give him a lecture about not getting involved in my love life, but I remembered the fact that I set my dad and step-mom up when I was in high school and they’ve been happily married for over ten years now. The sheer irony almost wouldn’t let me go through with it.”
“Oh my god, really?”
They lapsed into silence again.
“Hey, Kurt?” Blaine said.
“I lied.”
“I didn’t call to ask you if you were upset.”
Kurt paused. “And why did you call?”
“I called…” Blaine trailed off and cleared his throat, then continued, voice firm, “I called to ask you out on a date.”
Silence. Absolute and utter silence. When Kurt finally gathered his wits about him, he spoke, clutching his phone so hard his knuckles turned white.
“This isn’t just because your daughter wants us to be together, right?”
“No, no! I’ve wanted to ask you out since the first time I saw you. I actually think Steph heard me talking to my friend Santana about it and that’s where she got this ingenious idea from.”
“So... what do you say?”
“Oh, um. I’d love to.”
“Really?” Blaine asked, the hope in his voice transparent.
“And not because of Eli?”
“Definitely not because of Eli.”
They stayed silent for a moment, listening to each other’s breathing.
“Is this awkward?” Kurt asked.
“No, it’s more cute, I think.” Blaine answered, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.
“It can be both.”
“Well, fine, it’s both. But I’m still looking forward to it.” Blaine said.
“Me too.” Kurt said.
And I’m looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you, both thought but didn’t say.
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hazelandglasz · 5 years
Can you please write the "We’re neighbors who don’t really talk but your cat might have gotten my cat pregnant?? We must raise this little kitty family together" AU, maybe with Kurt's cat getting Blaine's pregnant? That prompt is the most adorable thing ever and you are the perfect writer for it, please?
On AO3
Blaine really likes his building.
It’s all bricks and exposed beams, large windows and, surprisingly enough, a functioning elevator.
There is a grocery store right around the corner which makes an exquisite coffee and donuts.
There is a park nearby whenever he wants to sit and let his mind relax and, or, indulge in some people watching.
And next door, there is a vet, which means a lot for Blaine.
He’s very fond of his very own Miss Ahsoka, you see, so having a vet nearby puts him at ease.
The neighbors are pretty cool too--sure, there is the odd scales and arpeggios coming from one apartment, but really, Blaine should be the last one to judge.
There is a family with triplets who are simply adorable and either their parents did a sublime job of soundproofing their room, or these toddlers are quiet as a winter night.
Blaine has offered to babysat for the parents, and if he is a good judge of human characters, they are about to take him on that offer, if only to go and take a nap somewhere. They may not cry, but three babies are a lot of work.
Blaine can’t wait until his hands are full with his own babies.
But he digresses, and yet, not really.
There is one other neighbor that he meets regularly and would love to talk about babies with.
Mister K. Hummel, 21D.
The man has everything going for him, as far as Blaine is concerned: tall, slender, built like a swimmer, exquisite sense of fashion, gravity-defying hair and a laugh that Blaine would pay good money to hear more often.
Blaine is sure that Mr. K. Hummel is a cat owner, too, but he has yet to spot a feline in the building.
Why is he so sure, you ask?
Well, the bag of quality kibbles carried on Mr. Hummel’s hip was one big clue.
His behavior toward Ahsoka when they met at the mailboxes is another--only a cat owner would know how to befriend a cat that easily.
It’s either that Blaine is right, or his cat is playing matchmaker.
Speaking of romance (not that there is any romance between Blaine and one Mr. K. Hummel, they are only exchanging pleasantries and awkward elevator smiles.
For now), Blaine could knock himself out for being so stupid.
As much as he, as previously stated, likes his building, there is one minor problem with the windows. 
As in, they don’t close completely.
Oh, usually, Blaine doesn’t mind the draft--he likes the breeze, and if it gets cold, he puts his bags in front of the opening and wraps himself in a fluffy blanket--but this time, the opening allowed Ahsoka to escape, right in the middle of her heat, goddammit.
“Ahsoka, come back, darling,” Blaine calls, going up then down the fire escape. “Baby, where are y--”
One window opens on the fourth floor and he finds himself face to face with Mr. K. Hummel.
“Oh, um, hello.”
There is a long pause where Blaine can’t look away from the man’s wide, clear eyes and his pink lips.
“May I help you with something, neighbor?”
Right, his runaway cat.
“My cat took advantage of the window not closing completely.”
“I see.” Unless Blaine is mistaken, there is a slight smirk pulling Mr. K. Hummel’s lips upward.
“And it is the time of her heat, I keep on planning to take her to the vet to get her spayed, but--”
The humor disappears from his neighbor’s expression. “Oh shit.”
“The cat you carried the other day is your cat, right?”
“Well, yes.”
“Shit, shit, shit.”
His neighbor rushes back inside his apartment, leaving Blaine quite befuddled.
“Gio, come here, let me pick up--Gio, come on sweetie … Thank you!”
Blaine cocks his head to the side, and in the distance he can see a white and brown cat licking their paws.
But M. K.Hummel is back, carrying Ahsoka, who looks quite displeased with the proceedings.
“Here you go,” he says, gently putting Ahsoka in Blaine’s arms and petting her lightly between her ears before stepping back. “Let’s hope these two didn’t get into any shenanigans.”
“Oh. Oh! Because your cat is--”
“Male and 100%, yep.”
His neighbor kneels down and stands carrying the cat in his arms. “Neighbor, meet Giorgio Catmani. Gio, meet …?”
“I’m Blaine. Blaine Anderson.”
“Kurt. Kurt Hummel.”
They awkwardly shake hands while their cats take advantage of their proximity to lick each other’s muzzles like some sort of feline Romeo and Juliet.
“Let’s keep them separated for a while, shall we?”
“Good idea,” Kurt replies, petting his cat without leaving Blaine out of his sight. “See you around, though?”
“Of course. See you around, Kurt.”
“See you, Blaine.”
As he goes back to his apartment, two flights of stairs upward, berating Ahsoka for being so reckless, Blaine allows his mind to stay on the fourth floor with one Kurt Hummel and his gorgeous cat.
Like owner, like cat, for sure.
“You can be pissed with me, missy, but I’m taking you to the vet as soon as they have an opening and we’re taking care of you, okay?”
“As soon as possible” happens three weeks later, and Blaine is increasingly worried.
Not just because, clearly, he should have taken care of Ahsoka sooner, but because of her behavior, especially in the past couple of days.
She is usually an energetic cat, prompt to play and eating parsimoniously throughout the day.
But in the past days, she has become lethargic, sleeping almost all day long, and when she’s not asleep, she … well, she vomits everywhere, meowing after Blaine and pawing at him until he cleans her up and takes her in a hug.
Highly unusual behavior, that has him biting his nails while he waits for the vet.
“Ah, Mr. Anderson, what can I do for you and Ahsoka today?”
“Well, Doc, I first took an appointment to see if we could spay her, but she … I think she’s sick.”
“Let me check that for you, hm?”
The vet picks up Ahsoka who barely hisses at her--again, not her usual vet behavior--before putting her down on the table.
“Hm, she has gained some weight recently, hasn’t she?”
“Yes, maybe, but she’s turning one in a month, it’s nothing out of the ordinary, is it?”
“Hm-hm, no, no …,” the vet replies absentmindedly, carefully rolling Ahsoka on her back.
The cat looks at Blaine with an annoyed desperation.
“Shhh, baby, just a minute,” he coos, petting her nose to keep her quiet while the vet examines her.
The vet frowns as she palps Ahsoka’s belly. “Just give me a minute, Mr. Anderson.”
Just like that, she leaves the room, leaving Blaine even more worried.
“Oh baby, what is going on,” he whispers, kneeling to get his face at the table’s level.
The vet is back with a machine that is vaguely familiar.
“Is that … an ultrasound?”
Without any other word of explanation, the vet applies one end of the machine to Ahsoka’s belly. Something appears on the screen but Blaine doesn’t understand what is shown.
Or maybe, he’ll think in retrospect, he didn’t want to understand.
“Well, Mr Anderson, I have an answer for both your questions.”
“Spaying Miss Ahsoka will have to wait, and she is not sick. But you will have to be careful with her for the next, oh, two months, I think?”
“Congratulations, Mr Anderson, your cat is pregnant.”
Blaine is more than shocked by this piece of information and Ahsoka’s face reflects his emotion perfectly.
“Do you know who the father is?”
Blaine’s shock disappears to give room to his resentment. “Oh yes I do.”
All Kurt wanted after this hellish day was to come home, cuddle with Gio and drown his day into a pint of Caramel Ice Cream arranged with some Bailey’s.
That’s it, that’s all he wanted.
But as soon as he drops himself in the depth of his couch, ready to get his plan on, someone vigorously knocks on his door.
And keeps on knocking.
And keeps on knocking.
“For fuck’s sake, what?” Kurt snarls, throwing the door open, only for his anger to vanish in the face of Cutie Pants--of Blaine, his name is Blaine, stop calling him Cutie Pants.
(Though those pants are really cute)
“Blaine!” he exclaims, leaning against his door in what he hopes is a seductive pose. “What have you in such a hurry? Lost your cat again?”
Please say yes, let’s look for your cat together, maybe she got lost in my sheets … Forget it Kurt, your life is not a soft porn movie.
“No, I did not,” Blaine replies, and his tone shakes Kurt from his daydream. Is that …
Anger, directed at him?
“But I just learned about the consequences of her little escape.”
Kurt raises one eyebrow.
“Your bag of fleas--”
“Excuse you, Gio is flea free!”
“--is my cat’s baby daddy!”
Kurt closes his mouth, ready as he was to go into a rant about Blaine’s condescension for his cat, but that is one sentence he was not ready to hear.
Not sober, at least.
“I need a drink.”
Blaine stays on the threshold, his anger apparently leaving him deflated and tired. “May I join you?”
“Be my guest. We’re going to be raising this little cat family anyway, aren’t we?”
Blaine’s cheeks turn a lovely pink as he follows Kurt and closes the door, Ahsoka still in his arms.
The moment he comes in, Gio rushes from the couch to wrap himself around Blaine’s legs, meowing and purring like he never did for any of Kurt’s guests.
“Wow,” Kurt mutters as he takes the pint of ice cream and the Baileys back to his kitchen counter, mixing two bowls. “He never acts like that.”
“Such a smooth talker,” Blaine says softly, his voice similar to the way he called after his cat on Kurt’s windowsill not so long ago. Kurt absolutely oggles him as he bends over to put his precious cat on the floor but he is quickly distracted from that sight--and that is saying something--as the two cats greet each other as tenderly as two lovers reuniting after a war.
“Drama queen.”
“Drama king.”
Blaine and Kurt said that in perfect sync, and they are startled into a laugh.
“So, kitties.”
Blaine takes a small spoonful of “adult” ice cream and nods. “Kitties.”
“I am not ready to be a grandpa.”
“Ah, me neither.”
Kurt knows he should do something, say something, but Blaine eating his ice cream has turned his brain into mush.
See, Kurt may not have talked a lot with his neighbor, but he sees him.
He sees how Blaine stocks up on beer and Cheetos around football season.
He sees him coming back every Thursday with sweat on his brow and these sinful pair of sweatpants that mold his ass like a glove--and the subsequent boxing gloves dangling from Blaine’s bag.
He sees it all. Kurt can see how Blaine would be considered a man’s man, whether he’s gay or not.
So to see him eating so … daintily.
Kurt was not ready. God knows why he finds it impossibly alluring, as if Blaine needed any more points to sweep Kurt off his feet.
Kurt shakes himself back into a proper, neighborly behavior. “Sorry, got lost in the image of my clothes covered in kittens.”
Blaine snorts, hiding his face by looking down as he keeps on giggling into his ice cream. “I’m fairly sure this won’t turn into a 101 Dalmatians scenario.”
“Fairly sure,” Kurt replies with a chuckle, pointing his spoon at Blaine, “but you are not certain.”
They look down at their cats. Blaine’s beautiful cat is asleep on Gio’s bed, and Gio is wrapped around her, glaring at the humans for making too much noise.
Blaine gives his spoon one more kitten lick--no pun intended, Kurt’s brain is too fried to pull these on purpose--before smiling bashfully at Kurt. “I guess it’s time for us to go home. I--I’m sorry for making such an angry entrance.”
“Understandable,” Kurt says, licking his own spoons before gathering the empty bowls to drop them in his sink--and thus missing the way Blaine’s eyes slightly darken at the move-- “and forgiven. Now, of course, if you want me to participate in the vet’s fees or to let Miss, um …”
Kurt blinks at Blaine who bites on his lips as he blushes. “That’s an … exotic name.”
“Star Wars.”
“Ah. Perhaps I should watch it.”
Blaine’s eyes widen. “You haven’t--oooh,” he laughs, “you’re in for a treat. I have all the movies and TV series on a USB key, actually, I--” Blaine cuts himself short, the pink hue of his cheeks darkening. “I’m getting ahead of myself, is what I’m doing, I’m sorry.”
“I would love to let you introduce me to the great cinematic masterpiece that is supposed to be Star Wars,” Kurt rushes, before Blaine can scoop up his sleepy cat and fly away.
“You would?”
“I would.”
Blaine grins at him and Kurt wants to taste that smile.
“It will be my pleasure, then. I’ll arrange our journey. At your place or at mine?”
Kurt considers it. “Switch?”
Blaine makes a strangled sound before clearing his throat. “S-switch is good. One movie at yours …”
“And one movie at yours.”
Until “your” become “ours” and we live happily ever after with our cat family.
Now who is getting ahead of himself, Hummel?
Oh shut up, a man can dream.
You’re right, let’s dream.
“Well, you know where to find me,” Blaine concludes. “When are you free to discover this whole new world?”
Real-life Prince charming. “I’m available to pop this particular cherry tomorrow night?”
It takes Kurt far longer than should be necessary to catch up with his mouth and to understand why Blaine’s face is now matching the aforementioned fruit.
“I mean--”
“Got it!”
Kurt puts his hand over his face. “Today has been a long day and I blame it entirely on the alcohol.”
“Dangerous, Baileys is.”
“I shall bid you Goodnight, then,” Blaine says, curtseying with his cat cradled in his arms.
“Goodnight, Blaine.”
“See you tomorrow night, Kurt.”
Kurt does not look at Blaine walking away before closing his door and sliding until he sits on the floor, hiding his face in Gio’s fur.
Absolutely not.
He pleads the Fifth.
“Ha, ha, very funny.”
Blaine can feel his face heating up, but he still laughs.
Kurt glares at him half-heartedly, gesturing to all the cherry-flavored snacks on the table. “You think you are really funny, don’t you?”
Blaine brings the jug of Rosewater Manhattan he prepared and winks at Kurt. “I’m hilarious and you know it.”
“I have yet to witness this hilarity,” Kurt deadpans, but the corner of his mouth still gives a little telling uptick.
“That’s why we need to get to know each other,” Blaine replies. As he sets everything on the coffee table, Kurt sits on the couch, all prim and proper, like he doesn’t want to disturb Blaine’s decor.
“Make yourself at home,” Blaine says.
Please, please, do make yourself at home, let my home be your home and wow, hold your horses, Blaine.
Kurt slightly relaxes, putting one arm over the back of the couch. Ahsoka sniffs his ankles and before Blaine can do or say anything, she jumps in Kurt’s lap, purring against his stomach.
Lucky kitty.
“She’s very friendly,” Kurt says, automatically petting Ahsoka’s thick fur. 
“Not usually that friendly, but I suppose you smell like her boyfriend.”
“Are you saying I smell like my cat?”
“I’m saying you smell like boyfriend material--oh my God, no.”
Blaine firmly clamps his mouth shut, focusing on plugging his USB key into his TV.
“Um, Blaine?”
“Can you forget the last five seconds, please?”
“If you can forget the whole cherry popping comment, which, apparently you cannot.”
Blaine cocks his head to the side to glare at Kurt. It’s very hard to glare at him when he looks, finally, so at ease on Blaine’s couch, shoes off and legs folded under him while he keeps on petting Ahsoka and sips on his drink.
Like he belongs there.
Like this is where he should have been and should always be.
Oh, there you are, at last.
“Blaine, don’t worry, we apparently have a tendency to put our feet in our mouth when we are together, let’s accept it.”
“And just roll with it.”
Blaine is still on one knee in front of his TV but he looks up to Kurt and nods. “Deal.”
“So, a well-informed friend told me that there are different ways to watch the whole saga, what’s your point of view?”
Blaine goes to sit on the couch before answering. “I hesitated, but we’re going to go numerically for the most part.”
“For the most part?”
“Yeah, I’m going to slide in the animated series between movies 2 and 3.”
Kurt groans. “Really?”
“Well, if you want to meet Ahsoka’s namesake, it’s a must.”
“Fine, fine. But, what, 11 movies and an animated series?”
“That is a lot of movies.”
Kurt smirks as he picks up a small canapé of Brie, prosciutto and dry cherries. “Do you have an ulterior motive, Mr. Anderson?”
Blaine’s breath gets caught in his throat and then he decides to just take a leap of faith.
“We’ve been neighbors in this building for awhile, haven’t we? Adn all this time, I’ve been wondering What if. What if I invited you out for a drink. What if I dared to proposition you, even. What if I simply asked you out on a date, cat-less, granted, but still. I didn’t plan for our cats to fall in love and do the nasty, but it is--it is my chance, an opportunity, really, to spend more time with you and, um …”
Blaine finally looks up, tentatively reaching for Kurt’s hand. Kurt’s eyes are wide and he gives Blaine a short nod to encourage him to go on.
“... and to tell you that I am very bad, terrible really, at romance, with a serious case of footinthemouthitis, but I would love to get better at it. With you. For you.”
“I’m going to kiss you now.”
Ahsoka really has barely a handful of seconds before jumping off the couch before Kurt’s hands are cupping Blaine’s cheeks and the two are finally kissing.
It’s deliciously awkward and not right at first, but Kurt guides Blaine into a better position, and things go from deliciously awkward to delicious, period.
“Uh-huh. Come back here.”
Kurt giggles into their second kiss, pulling Blaine on top of him until they’re lying on the couch, snacks and movies forgotten.
(Sometimes afterward, between the end of The Clone Wars series and the middle of Episode III, the sentence “Oh Master Jedi, show me the way of the Force” is uttered and both will deny saying it and acting on it.
Blaine manages not to make any lightsaber jokes, and Kurt gets a Pavlovian Boner at the sound of the main theme.
They both accept it.)
“That’s a lot of kittens.”
“An armada.”
“Pour Ahsoka.”
“She’s a warrior queen, that’s for sure.”
“Eleven kittens.”
“My goodness.”
“What do we do?”
“Well, the triplets are already getting three, so there’s that.”
“Eight more to go.”
“Need a math refresher?”
“No, but--”
“Kurt, no. We agreed that we were not going to keep them.”
“Aww, come on, we could keep one. Two. Just two.”
“Kurt …”
“We already have two cats, they will take care of their offspring!”
“As if.”
“Blaine, please?”
“... Put those eyes away, you’re going to hurt yourself. Fine, fine.”
“--But I get to name them.”
“Eurgh. You drive a hard bargain, Anderson.”
“Still six more kittens who need a home.”
“Look at them,” Blaine says picking up one of the kittens, “they will find good homes without a problem, won’t you you adorable fluffball?”
“Blaine, can you put the kitten down please?”
“Oh, Mr. Hummel, not in front of the bab-mph!”
(Miss Ahsoka Anderson and Mr Giorgio Catmani Hummel are proud to present the two babies they get to keep, Cat Murdock and Sabrina.
They are also delighted to announce that they are moving in together in order to take care of the kittens and of their two humans who successfully made a match.)
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blurglesmurfklaine · 5 years
The Chair
Prompt/Summary: “I walked into this restaurant and you thought i was your blind date and i just kind of went with it because i don’t want to eat alone”, as well as based off of George Strait’s “The Chair”
Klaine; AU Alternate Meeting; ~1800 words
A/N: This is like two weeks late bc in case y'all have forgotten I'm the slowest writer in the world lmaooooooo
I hope you don’t mind but I changed it up a little, and this is what happened!
Written for @somefeministtheatrepls ‘s birthday! She’s literally one of the best people I’ve ever met (or.. Not technically met but you get the gist) the best beta a girl could ever ask for and the memeiest meme queen you’ve ever met in your life! Thank you for literally making my day every time I open up my messages and for reminding me of the little things that make life worth living :)
I’m so lucky to have so many supportive and amazing friends in this fandom!
Read on AO3
Three times.
That made three fucking times, including tonight, that Cooper cancelled on Blaine. All he wanted was a night out with Cooper to catch up, but instead he’s angrily huffing his way out of the restroom after yet another argument with his notoriously flaky older brother. 
But of course, of course, Cooper cancelled on him without giving any heads up first. And now Blaine had to go back to that bar and finish his drink (he paid eight dollars for it and he’ll be damned if he lets it go to waste) and look like that one pitiful person every bar has that drinks alone and—
His racing thoughts came to an abrupt halt as he was greeted with the sight of a pale man with perfectly sculpted hair, nodding and smiling politely at the bartender as she takes his order. 
The only thing he could think was How the hell am I going to get him to talk to me?
Before he knew what he was even doing, Blaine walked right up to the man and said, “Excuse me, I think you’ve got my chair.”
The stranger turned and looked at him with wide eyes, likely horrified at his apparent rudeness. “Oh-oh my god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t—“ he got up to leave but Blaine stopped him.
“No, no!” He exclaimed, gesturing to the empty seat next to him. “That one’s not taken, so I don’t mind if you sit here, really.”
“Are you sure?” He asked, concern lining his face. 
Blaine chuckled lightly. “Yes, I’m sure. It’s usually packed here on Friday nights, and I’d hate for you to have to stand all by your lonesome.”
“Thank you. I’d hate to wait for this blind date all alone.”
“Blind date?” Blaine asked, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.
“Yeah, my roommate set me up with this guy she barely even knows from her Diction class. She said he’d be here, waiting at the end of the bar—” His eyes went suddenly wide, as if coming to a realization. He looked down at his chair, finally noting that he had the end seat, then looked back up at Blaine. “Oh, my God, I’m an idiot. You’re my blind date!”
Now, Blaine wasn’t particularly proud of what he did next, but he really just couldn’t help himself. The man sitting next to him may have just been a stranger, but he was the type of stranger that he could see himself having a life with. Right now he was just somebody, but Blaine felt that if he got to know the man better, he could be somebody to him. It sounded ridiculous, but Blaine felt a connection as soon as he saw him, and he wasn’t about to let this opportunity pass.
“Yup! That’s me. Can I drink you a buy?” Blaine fumbled clumsily over the words before wincing at them. Nice going. “Sorry,” He continued, rubbing the back of his neck. “What I mean is can I buy you a drink? Anything you please, really.”
“Anything I please?” He teased. “Such a gentleman. Thank you.”
Blaine chuckled sheepishly, deeply hoping that the man couldn’t see his heart beating through his chest. “You’re welcome… I uh, don’t think I caught your name.”
“Kurt,” he smiled. “Kurt Hummel. And it just occurred to me that you must be Aaron.”
Blaine froze for a moment before figuring out how to get himself out of the hole he dug himself into. “It’s uh, Blaine, actually. But it’s fine, I’ve been told my name is kind of out there.”
Kurt rolled his eyes. “It is not okay, Rachel is just terrible with names. If you’re not a fan or a casting director, she’ll forget it as soon as you walk away.”
Well, that’s convenient. 
“She sounds lovely,” Blaine joked. “But I’d really love to hear more about you, Kurt. What do you do?”
“Well, right now I’m interning at Vogue.com headquarters with Isabelle Wright when I’m not at school. Over at NYU.”
“Wait a second, you go to NYU?” Blaine asked in astonishment. “Me too!”
“Really? What are you studying?”
“Music Education with a concentration in voice, minor in musical theatre performance.”
“Wow, that’s an impressive mouthful—and course load, I’m sure. I’m in fashion merchandising, but I was actually thinking of adding a Musical Theatre minor, too.” Kurt took a sip of his drink and smiled at him through the straw. “Any advice before I audition for the program?”
Blaine leaned in towards Kurt. “Well, Dr. Williams has terrible taste—and he’s sexist, but that’s besides the point right now—so try to avoid audition dates where he’s on your panel. You’ll get points for Sondheim just because of the difficulty level, so if you have anything of his in your back pocket, I’d go with that. Or, you know, one of those classical killing my baby Arias would probably work too.”
His heart fluttered when Kurt let out a snort, bringing a hand to cover his face. Whatever you’re doing, Blaine, keep it up. 
They talked for several more minutes, each glad to be finding out more and more about the other. As time ticked on, Blaine talked about every subject from his annoying older brother Cooper to his opinions on the lack of administrative support for performing arts. In turn, Kurt told Blaine about his family and how life changing his experience in vogue had been.
“Who’s playing tonight?” Kurt asked after the conversation came to a natural lull. 
“I don’t know, but they’re pretty good, aren’t they.” Blaine replied. He sat still for a moment, watching Kurt as he nodded his head along to the beat and mouthed the words. Blaine smiled and got up from his chair to extend a hand to Kurt. “Would you like to dance?”
Kurt smiled and nodded, making Blaine’s heart flutter. “I would love to.”
Kurt took Blaine’s hand and lead him to the dance floor where other couples were gently swaying along to the song played by the band.
You look so good in love You want him, it’s easy to see You look so good in love I wish you still wanted me
“You like this song?” He asked with a light giggle, acknowledging the fact that Kurt was lowly singing all the words against his ear.
Kurt chuckled. “I uh, yeah. My mom went through a pretty big George Strait phase before she passed and I used to listen to him when I missed her.”
Blaine furrowed his brows sympathetically. “I’m so sorry to hear that.”
“Thanks… there was this one song that I would listen to when I was really missing her, but I can’t remember the name.” He frowned and twisted his face in thought. “It’s something about West Virginia to Tennessee? And all I have is this beat up leather bag…”
Blaine’s eyes lit up in recognition. “I know that song!” He exclaimed. “We did a Pure Country themed party a few years ago for my best friend's birthday and that song was part of the soundtrack. I’ll be right back.”
Much to Kurt’s dismay, Blaine released him from his comforting grip and made his way through the sea of people towards the stage where the band was playing. He gently noted that his arms felt much too cold without the man he just met in them.
He was suddenly interrupted by a buzzing noise in his pocket.
New Message: From: Rachel ⭐️ Hey, Kurt, sorry this is such late notice I just got out of rehearsal for the spring show but Aaron (Adrian? God, I don’t remember his name) texted me like an hour ago that he wasn’t going to be able to make it tonight.
Kurt furrowed his eyebrows in mild confusion before typing out a response. 
New Message: To: Rachel ⭐️ His name is *Blaine* first of all
Secondly, what do you mean? He showed up before I even got here.
No? Send a pic, make sure we’re talking about the same Aaron/Adrien(?)
Kurt glanced warily around the bar, feeling a little weird about Rachel’s demand, but nonetheless quickly snapped a picture of the curly haired man and sent a picture her way. 
Cute, but not Anton (I think Anton IS the right name, though)
Wait, so this date I’ve had has been with a complete stranger?
Oooooh, mysterious!
Well… is he a total creep?
Kurt glances up back at Blaine, waiting patiently by the stage to request the song Kurt told him about, looking dreamy as ever with his seemingly permanent yet genuine smile and toned arms and olive skin and...
He’s actually kind of perfect.
In that case, you’re welcome. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
Kurt was about to respond that the only he wanted to do with this gift horse was kiss him on the mouth before the lead singer of the band spoke up into the mic.
“This one goes out to Kurt Hummel.”
Blaine happily made his way back to the paler man, extending his hand out to him. “I believe this is your song, Mr. Hummel.”
Kurt slipped his phone back into his pocket before taking Blaine’s hand and heading back out onto the dance floor.
'Cause I'm carrying your love with me West Virginia down to Tennessee I'll be moving with the good Lord's speed Carrying your love with me It's my strength, for holding on Every minute that I have to be gone I'll have everything I'll ever need Carrying your love with me
Blaine felt Kurt wrap his arms around him a little tighter at the chorus. “Is everything alright?” He asked.
“Yeah,” Kurt nodded. “I just… that was really sweet of you to request this song for me.” He admitted, feeling oddly vulnerable about admitting such strong feelings for the stranger in front of him. “I know we just met but… I really like you, Blaine. More than I’ve liked anybody in a long time.”
“I really like you, too…” Blaine trailed off and gnawed on the inside of his lip nervously. “But to tell you the truth… that wasn’t my chair after all.”
Kurt narrowed his eyes playfully and let a smile break loose. “I know.”
Blaine drew his head back in confusion. “Y-you do?”
“Yeah,” Kurt ducked his head shyly and laughed. “Rachel, my roommate texted me about halfway through our date that my blind date wouldn’t be coming.”
“Oh…” Blaine felt color rise to his face. “Look, Kurt, if you want me to go,” he jabbed his thumb behind him. “I get it. I promise I’m not some random weirdo, but I totally get if it freaks you out.”
Kurt responded by pulling Blaine closer. “It doesn’t. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been so grateful to have been stood up.”
Blaine let out a sigh of relief. “Me, too.” He further explained at Kurt’s confused expression. “My brother was supposed to meet me here to catch up, and this is like, the third time that he’s bailed on our plans.”
Kurt hummed in mock thoughtfulness. “I suppose that means you know better than anyone that the third time’s the charm.”
“I suppose I do,” is all Blaine said before finally leaning in and pressing their lips together.
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Any klaine fics based off rom-coms, I've read a good chunk of them like 27 suits and ever after. Maybe like newer ones like to all the boys I've loved before?
There are a surprising number for Klaine fics based upon rom-coms. Under the cut, there are 21 Klaine fics based upon Rom Coms. I add the link to 27 suits for other followers. 
Here is a link to our previous post that sets out three Pretty Woman AUs. 
Here is a link to our previous post that sets out three The Holiday AUs.
Happy Reading!
The Proposal by drunkonwriting
Based on The Proposal. Kurt is a super uptight music producer from Canada whose work visa has been revoked. Cue Blaine, all-American poster boy from Alaska, who has been Kurt’s assistant (or indentured servant, depending on who you ask) for three years and counting. They pretend to get married so that Kurt doesn’t have to leave the country, and end up falling in love instead.
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days by glitterandpaws
Kurt is an up-and-coming fashion designer on the brink of hitting it big, when he’s presented with the possibility of having his newest collection showcased during fashion week. The committee is torn between Kurt and Sebastian for the slot, and Kurt must make someone fall in love with him in ten days order to be in the show, but that’s not the only deal he makes. Meanwhile, Blaine is a successful journalist, writing under the pseudonym Blair for a women’s magazine as their resident how-to “girl” when he’s roped into writing a piece on “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days”. When Kurt and Blaine find each other, both of their tasks prove harder than they first appeared.~~~~~
Here is one where Blaine makes a list, and one of the items is to try and date cheerio!Kurt.
Mr Congeniality by ifinallyfoundsomeone
Miss. Congeniality!AU
Bomb threats are being sent to the newly made Mr. America pageant and FBI Agent Blaine Anderson has taken up the position of being an undercover agent to save the pageant. With some extreme grooming and guidance from his pageant consultant, Blaine infiltrates the world of Men’s pageants. Making some interesting friends, and maybe he even winning the heart of his slave driver pageant consultant, the gorgeous and fascinating, Kurt Hummel.
The Lake House by inkinmyheartandonthepage
Tumblr Prompt: Kurt has lost everything but this house. His father died of cancer, never married Carol, he has lost his friends when things became rough. So he moved out of Lima and started living there. Blaine is a young artist/painter who loses his way one night and ends up in front of the house. Cue epic love story where Kurt becomes Blaine’s muse. Rated T at the moment.
Roses and Bluebells by wynniethepooh
Blaine and Kurt work for rival florists in this “Gnomeo and Juliet” retelling.
But I’m Sure You’ve Thought About Me Naked by icantwritebutimmastilltry
The 10 Things I Hate About You AU!
Kurt and Finn are brothers, and Finn can’t date until his bitchy brother does–but who would be brave enough to try and conquer that task? Enter Blaine Anderson. Resident Badboy of McKinley High. Now all that’s needed is the incentive…
Eighteen Going on Extinct by @klaineanummel  (62K Complete)
Kurt Fabray just wants to relax after a tough week at school, but that is shown to be impossible when he realizes that his absent father has once again blown into town. Not wanting to spend more time around him than necessary, Kurt goes to his old babysitters house, the one place he feels safe when his father is in town. While there, he stumbles upon a secret he knows he was never meant to find out - one that could change the entire course of his life.
An AU very loosely based on Mamma Mia.
What I Know Now by @quizasvivamos
13 Going on 30 AU: Tired of being bullied and taken advantage of, Kurt wishes he could skip past his dreary adolescent years to a time in his life where he is respected, successful, and happy. He might just get what he wishes for, but will it come at a cost? 
I Do by pulling-the-puzzles-apart
Glee crossover with My Best Friend’s Wedding. Kurt realises he is in love with his best friend as Blaine prepares to marry someone else. Can Kurt stop the wedding? Will Blaine realise he still loves Kurt? Loosely based on the film.
Kurt In Manhattan by lemonwhiskers
Based on the film Maid in Manhattan. Kurt is a single parent working in a hotel in New York. He meets politician Blaine Anderson and his life instantly changes. Sparks fly but will Kurt’s lies about his job ultimately destroy any connection they had?
Daddies Girls by BeautyHeldWithin
It has been ten years since Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson broke up and split their family apart. Now, the two girls meet for the first time and scheme to get the happy family they never knew back. Based LOOSELY on The Parent Trap. AU
Wake Up To Me by A-Simple-Rainbow
It’s one am on a Tuesday and Kurt is pulled out of a soulful interpretation of Bootylicious by the door ringing and announcing a costumer. Kurt tosses the yellow cloth away and readjusts the knot on his apron before he makes his way towards the stranger. As the man looks up, Kurt finds himself face to face with Blaine Anderson. Blaine Fucking Anderson. NOTTING HILL AU
Swing the Spinning Step by aspiringtoeloquence
A Klaine AU version of the move ‘Never Been Kissed’ (1999). Kurt Hummel, a copy-editor at The New York Sentinel, just got his big break: the chance to become a reporter, go undercover at a local high school and write an expose. He learns a lot from the people he meets - including a young English teacher with a penchant for bowties - both about high school and about himself.
50 First Dates by Aki_Aiko
Blaine Anderson meets Kurt Hummel in a little coffee shop and they immediately click. The only problem? Kurt forgets who Blaine is every single day. Based on the movie 50 First Dates.
Always the Best Man by Water_Nix
It sometimes feels as though Kurt spends every weekend being dragged out to yet another wedding, although he himself has vowed to never tie the knot. A string of failed relationships have taught him that true love is a fantasy, and just when he’s managed to stop that particular type of daydream, he meets a man who seems to have stepped right out of all his favourite ones. With that complication and then the drunken confession of a good friend, Kurt is sent into a tailspin. He’s got his single friends finding love at every turn—and hell, even people’s dogs are getting hitched for God’s sake—the last thing he needs is to discover that he hasn’t lost hope for a special day of his own. A romantic comedy told over the course of five weddings. Kurt/past OCs. Kurt/Blaine endgame. (Also background Mercedes/Sam, Santana/Brittany, Rachel/Jesse, Cooper/anyone who’s ready and willing.)
Mi Casa Es Su Casa by GoddamnWrite
Kurt Hummel is trying to make a fast buck by renting out his apartment to those who need a little privacy. What could possibly go wrong? Based on the The Apartment.
Nothing’s So Loud by GlassParade
Blaine Anderson is the easy going skateboarding slacker who’s carried a torch for sheltered class Valedictorian Kurt Hummel for the last year. On the day they graduate from high school, he decides to do something about it. There’s no way they should work. Everything will conspire against them. Can this unlikely pairing prevail? A very loose adaptation of the movie 'Say Anything’, set in 1998.
Recipe For Love by blackrose1002
Kurt Hummel is one of the best chefs in New York City. Working in a prestigious restaurant, he had himself convinced that he has everything he had ever wanted, but, suddenly, the life he had built for himself completely falls apart when his brother dies in the car accident, leaving his eight year old daughter behind. On top of everything, there’s a newly hired chef in the restaurant that gets on Kurt’s nerves more than anyone in his life.
Secret Language of Blooms and Love by etextraordinary
Blaine is a florist in New York City. His shop specializes in the Victorian art of floriography, the language of flowers. Blane makes sure that each of his arrangements is both beautiful and portrays the correct meaning. Kurt has Blaine do his wedding flowers, but he is not expecting his entire life to change. Based on the movie Imagine Me and You.
So Much Better by Justsweeneytodd
Blaine (Elle) is in love with Warner, his boyfriend, who broke up with him right before they left for college. Blaine decides to transfer to his school to try to win him back. Along his quest to win back Warner, he meets an upperclassman named Kurt (Emmett) who completely turns his world around.
27 Suits by SurprisinglySuaveKoala
Kurt Hummel loves weddings. So when his best friend comes back into town and wants to marry the man he loves, the last thing he needs is Blaine Anderson following him around.
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
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@cerriddwenluna​ this was the best way to get all of it in one screenshot, although it’s from newest to oldest reply, so you gotta read it from the bottom up.
First off, thank you for reading good ole All the pretty things. It’s probably the first fic that made me go “wow, I am proud of this” and I reread it frequently. (Well, I do remember absolutely loving other fic that I wrote before, but I haven’t reread them in years, so...)
Re: Check, Please! it was originally a hockey AU in general, but I don’t know enough about hockey. I definitely recommend it: https://www.checkpleasecomic.com/comic/01-01-01 Check, Please! has a big place in my heart because I affectionally call it “my first big fandom after Glee” and in my post-Glee rut it awakened my love for fandom and fanwork a lot. This is why it’s my second most written fandom on AO3, although Carry On is catching up at high speed (oop-).
The superhero criticism is valid. I admit that on my rereads..... uh..... I sometimes straight up skip the drama, even though I simultaneously think it’s one of the best parts of the chapter. I have a weird feeling about all the heavier stuff I write, also in other fics. Most of the time I’m proud of it, but also a bit embarrassed. I also tend to skip it for another reason:  the chapter is so long. I think my big “Technical Flaw” for this fic was that there was no cohesive chapter length. Like, this was 7K and I think that The Good Place, that came after, didn’t even hit 1K. And while writing it, I was like “I don’t mind, it’s just for fun, and some dimensions have more to do” and even though I still agree with that sentiment, it’s the main reason why ATPT isn’t my best fic “technically” wise. Yeah, I have some “Technical Flaws” that I have for all my bigger fics. (River fic is the only one who’s flawless *flings hair over shoulder*). Fanfic is a weird cohesive mix between “it’s for fun so fuck around and do whatever” and “I must be very critical and perfectionist here”,
God the worst part of writing all these dimensions is the fact that Kurt and Blaine get dropped into these lives for a small moment. I deliberately planted little story elements that alluded to a bigger story (Mr. Anderson’s shady Pokémon business in the Pokémon dimension, Quinn being very worried about Kurt’s well-being in the artist dimension, allusion to a class system in the apocalypse dimension, the music industry being toxic in the famous dimension, etc. etc.) while knowing that I couldn’t expand on them, because these dimensions aren’t their lives. Because YES I too want more Pokémon cuteness, but I guess that’s now reserved for the original Kurt and Blaine of that dimension, and since our Kurt and Blaine move on, we can only guess. Sad :(
“I will never be able to do a The Good Place inspired fic after I read that one great Check, Please! one” I said after I read that one great Check, Please! one. Very interesting that you like that one a lot. I mean, I loved having a Janet, and the comedy that comes with her wanting to die, but as I said in the ask answer, if I could change things, I’d swap dimensions and this one would be one of the first ones to go. So WOOOH glad to hear that you like it, so that it wasn’t a waste. (Someone else left a comment about it being their favourite as well, but two comments boosts confidence, I guess) (Although someone also left a comment suggesting this is the Bad Place and 🤯🤯🤯!!)
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lilyvandersteen · 4 years
Out of the Blue: Chapter 11
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Cover art: @redheadgleek​
Beta extraordinaire: @hkvoyage​
Links: AO3, FF.net 
Author’s Note:
All's well that ends well :-) Thank you for coming with me on this adventure, and please let me know what you thought of it. I love chatting with my readers :-)
Chapter 11: Isabelle’s Wedding
"And will you promise me, never to enter into such an engagement?"
 "I will make no promise of the kind."
(An excerpt from Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen)
Blaine hadn’t been expecting any reply to his e-mail, but got a terse note back. Message received. All right, then. Moving on.
He threw himself into his work. By now, he’d pretty much become Cooper’s right hand, well-versed in the tricks of the trade, and maybe not as good at networking as his brother was, but a lot more efficient when it came to all the practical stuff.
And he liked the work. Coop did ads for all manner of things, so it never got stale, and each new contract brought fresh challenges Blaine could sink his teeth into.
Coop had carefully sounded him out over the summer to know if he considered staying on at Anderson Advertising after he graduated. “I’d give you half of the shares. We’re a good team, aren’t we, bro?”
Wow. Things were serious when Coop didn’t even call him ‘squirt’. But it was true that they worked together well, and complemented each other. So Blaine readily agreed to stay on, provided he could do other jobs on the side whenever an opportunity presented itself.
The week before his classes at NYU would start again was grueling. Long hours, clients from hell wanting to micro-manage things though they didn’t have a clue what they were doing, lots of fetching and carrying and sorting out small disasters before they could become big.
“Hamptons this weekend?” Blaine asked his brother on Friday, while locking up the warehouse.
“Sure, sounds great. Oh, but tonight, you’re on your own, ‘cause I have a date. I’ll come to the Hamptons on Saturday, all right?”
Blaine shrugged. “Fine.”
He drove to the Hamptons in Coop’s convertible, enjoying the wind in his hair. He’d been uncomfortably sweaty all day, and couldn’t wait to jump into the pool.
Once he arrived at the house, he started stripping immediately, grimacing at his sweat-soaked clothes. He hesitated for a second, and then peeled his underwear off, too.
Much better!
The Uptons next door were on a cruise anyway, according to Coop, so Blaine could do as he pleased. And that included jumping straight into the swimming pool without hunting for his speedo first. Humming happily, he strode out of the house, stopping at the parapet for a moment to soak up the sun and enjoy a soft summer breeze on his skin, and then diving into the pool.
Aah, bliss!
He’d barely done two laps when he heard someone next door, calling for ‘Kurt’. Could it be?
He swam to the side of the pool and looked into the neighbours’ garden. And yes, it was Kurt! He had his back to Blaine, but he’d recognize that quiff and that profile anywhere.
Kurt was wearing tiny yellow shorts that hugged his butt beautifully, and a T-shirt with flamingoes on it. It was the most casual outfit Blaine had ever seen him in, and it stirred feelings in him he desperately tried to squash.
He hasn’t noticed me. I should get inside and put some clothes on before I talk to him. Or I could just forget about him entirely and stay in the house until he’s gone.
Quickly, he hoisted himself out of the pool and grabbed a towel, meaning to head inside and get dressed, but his subconscious had other ideas. Before he knew it, his feet had led him into the neighbours’ garden, and he’d called out, “Kurt?”
Kurt turned around, and his mouth fell open when he took in Blaine’s state of undress.
Just when Blaine internally started berating himself, he caught a glint of heat in Kurt’s eyes, and he noticed that Kurt’s shorts had become just as snug in front as they were in the back.
Oh. Oh! I can work with that!
Blaine gave Kurt his most seductive smile and unobtrusively pulled his towel a little lower.
Kurt’s Adam’s apple jumped up, and his voice sounded high and thready when he greeted Blaine.
Blaine couldn’t help but feel a bit smug about the effect he had on Kurt, though he kept the conversation general and light.
And then there was that other voice again, and a tall and handsome guy, who looked vaguely familiar, sauntered up to them.
Suddenly, Blaine felt very underdressed and foolish again, and jealous of how Tall and Handsome moved into Kurt’s personal space as a matter of course, putting an arm around Kurt’s shoulder as he introduced himself to Blaine.
Elliott. Where have I seen him before? Oh, yes, at that very first wedding, officiating, right?
Much as he wanted to resent Elliott for barging in on his tête-à-tête with Kurt, he couldn’t, because the guy was so nice and welcoming. And apparently, a fellow NYU student, who also took Music History, albeit on Mondays, and was in Steve’s study group.
Before Blaine knew it, he’d agreed to join them for dinner, and was walking back to his own house to get dressed.
He could feel eyes following him, and with a grin, he loosened the knot of the towel, letting it fall off him entirely just before he slipped into the veranda.
Go on, take a look. You know you want to.
Dinner proved to be a noisy and informal affair. Kurt and his friends didn’t stand on ceremony. They just grabbed the take-away box with the food they wanted and dug in. Rachel didn’t stop talking for a minute, and in between bites, the others chimed in, too.
Blaine ate ravenously. He’d skipped lunch again because he’d been kept so busy, and he felt so hungry he could eat a horse.
The only one who noticed his less than dapper table manners was Kurt, who quirked an eyebrow at the sauce smeared all over his cheeks and his chin and gave him a paper towel to wipe his face clean.
Oops, totally forgot about making a good impression. Yep, Mr. Sloppy here, sorry about that…
Blaine tried to make up for it with a charming grin, and got a small smile back, which he counted as a win.
After dinner, there was singing. Blaine enjoyed the group songs, and loved jamming with Elliott, but the absolute highlight of the evening proved to be Kurt’s solo.
From the very first line of the song, Blaine was blown away by Kurt’s voice, which was clear as a bell and so pure that it brought tears to his eyes. Kurt’s performance was heartfelt and deeply moving, and Blaine felt himself falling more in love with him with every word he sang.
When it was Blaine’s turn to sing, he picked an old favourite of his, Teenage Dream. His eyes found Kurt’s, and he sang every word to him.
Kurt’s expression started out as polite interest, but his smile grew warmer and bigger with every verse, and when Dani took over from Blaine with a bluesy ditty, Kurt came towards Blaine of his own accord.
Soon, they were chatting like old friends and getting on like a house on fire, because of course Blaine had read Patty Lupone’s memoir, and of course Marion Cotillard was his favourite Vogue cover, that went without saying.
They talked until they were hoarse, and Blaine volunteered to go to the kitchen to get them both a glass of water. When he got back, Kurt had conjured up a blanket from somewhere, claiming he felt cold, and Blaine took that as an opportunity to put his arm around Kurt and cuddle in close.
Kurt shot him a thankful smile and shared the blanket with him for the rest of the evening.
Blaine was hardly aware of others being present besides themselves, having no eyes for anyone but Kurt. This was everything he’d ever wanted ever since he’d first clapped eyes on Kurt: this amazing guy noticing Blaine and liking him, and wanting to get to know him better.
When Kurt dropped his head onto Blaine’s shoulder, and started yawning, first discreetly, and then jaw-breaking yawns he couldn’t hide behind his hand anymore, Blaine knew that the polite thing to do would be to say goodnight and go home.
He threw a furtive look at the others, and found Mark grinning at him and winking.
Blaine grinned back, and shuffled around until he and Kurt were lying down instead of sitting, Kurt’s head on Blaine’s chest.
Blaine softly stroked Kurt’s hair, and Kurt nuzzled closer and made a content purring sound.
Within minutes, Kurt was out like a light. Blaine tucked the blanket in around him, and then just luxuriated in the feeling of having him so close-by and so trusting, grinning dopily at the ceiling and humming along whenever one of the others sang a song.
He didn’t fall asleep until long after everyone had gone to their respective bedrooms, feeling too jittery and hyper for his brain to slow down.
He half-woke early in the morning when Kurt got up to pee, but didn’t fully wake until a delicious smell wafted into his nostrils.
He sniffed appreciatively and opened his eyes.
Kurt was no longer with him on the sofa, but he wasn’t far away, bustling around in the kitchen. And baking, apparently. He was just taking a tray out of the oven, and the way his shorts stretched around his booty was as mouth-watering as the treats he’d made.
Blaine adjusted himself in his shorts and got up, stretching to get the kinks out of his back.
“Nice view,” said Elliott, waggling his eyebrows as he passed by Blaine on the way to the kitchen, and then “Ow!” when Dani poked him and hissed, “No hitting on other people’s boyfriends, you’ve got your own!”
Blaine beamed at being perceived as Kurt’s boyfriend. He saw everyone trickling in and grabbing cinnamon buns, so he hastened to take one too before they were all gone.
He took a big bite and closed his eyes as flavours exploded in his mouth.
His first bun was gone in mere minutes, but when he took a second, Kurt lifted it out of his hands again.
Before he could start pouting, Kurt handed it back to him, now dripping in glaze. And mmm, that made the bun ten times better still.
It must have been that level of perfection addling Blaine’s brain that made him suddenly blurt out a marriage proposal to Kurt.
Everyone took it as a joke, including Kurt, but the scary thing was that Blaine meant every word. He’d liked Kurt from the beginning, because he seemed to be the whole package: gorgeous, stylish, smart, witty, a great cook and a caring person, who went out of his way to help his friends. Last night had proved that they also had very similar tastes in music, movies and fashion, and that they shared the same views on relationships and life goals. And yes, it had taken Kurt far too long to notice Blaine, and there had been plenty of misunderstandings and road blocks on the way, but they’d established a connection now. They really clicked, just like Blaine always knew they would. It felt amazing, and Blaine never wanted to spend a day away from Kurt anymore.
Calm down, tiger! Slow and easy wins the race. You’ve made progress last night. Definite progress.
That seemed to be on Mark’s mind too when he asked what was going on between Kurt and Blaine.
If Blaine had any hopes of Kurt acknowledging this growing bond between them, they were dashed at once when Kurt brushed off the question and didn’t even look in his direction.
Quietly, Blaine excused himself and went home.
Kurt gave him some extra cinnamon buns to take with him, but he couldn’t muster up any enthusiasm about that.
Have I been misreading things again?
It was all the more confusing because Kurt smiled sunnily at him and told him to come over again that evening, and when Blaine mentioned his brother, nonchalantly said Coop could come along too, as if it didn’t matter one way or another.
The mixed signals made Blaine’s head whirl, and as soon as Cooper was awake, he discussed it with him.
“Well, I wasn’t there, so I can’t say for sure,” Coop hedged, “but there certainly seems to be something going on between you two. You know what, I’ll invite the lot of them to dinner tonight. If you’ll do the cooking. Then I can observe the two of you and tell you what I think. All right? We’ll do that. But for the record, squirt, I think you’re doing great. Just, don’t mope tonight, okay? Even if he’s being confusing, running hot and cold. Keep your cool and make sure you’re the most charming, interesting and sexy guy in the room.”
“Easy for you to say, Mr. Hottest Billionaire Under Forty.”
“Hey, you’ve got a lot going for you, squirt, and I’ve seen Kurt looking!”
Blaine sighed. “But Elliott’s going to be there too, and the guy’s this glitter rock vampire. Wears eyeliner and earrings, has plenty of tattoos. Cool factor through the roof! How can I ever compete with the likes of that?”
“Who did Kurt talk to all evening last night?”
“That’s right. So don’t put yourself down. You have what it takes to get his attention. Make yourself so irresistible that this Elliott doesn’t even make a blip on his radar. Wear those red chinos of yours that do wonders for your butt, and DON’T gel your hair.”
Blaine saluted his brother. “Aye aye, sir.”
That evening, when Kurt and his friends arrived, they brought a spectacular dessert, and it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that Kurt had made it. Was there anything he couldn’t do?
As he had promised his brother, Blaine didn’t mope, not even when Kurt sat far away from him at the table, or joined Cooper’s team to play Pictionary.
After the game, though, he took his chance to sit next to Kurt when Rachel gave up that place to go check out Cooper’s karaoke machine.
He jumped up again at once when Kurt asked if they could talk in private, and led the way into the garden.
Apparently, Kurt felt bad about misjudging Blaine, and wanted to clear the air between them so that they could start over.
Well, that was encouraging, so Blaine reassured Kurt as best he could, and then asked him to dance, right there in the garden.
He got so swept away by the romance of it all that he kissed Kurt mid-dance, and then jumped back, horrified at his lack of impulse control. Kurt didn’t seem to mind, though. He kissed Blaine right back, and they stayed in the garden until it got too cold.
Blaine walked Kurt back to the house next door, and then drew him in for one more kiss.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Kurt asked, a little breathless.
“You will. If this is not a dream I’m about to wake up from.”
Kurt’s eyes danced with mischief. “Want me to pinch you, honey?”
“I want… I want so many things. But I’d better shut up and go home before I scare you off.”
Kurt framed Blaine’s face with his hands and moved in until their foreheads touched. “Relax. I’m not easily scared. You can blurt out as many marriage proposals as you like. Fair warning, though: one of these days I might say yes. So don’t ask unless you mean it.”
Blaine huffed out a laugh. “Oh, I mean it. Marry me, Kurt?”
Kurt tapped his nose playfully. “One day, maybe. Keep asking. Good night, honey.”
Blaine was reluctant to open his eyes the following morning, convinced that it had all been a dream, but when he arrived in the kitchen, Coop was there and demanding “Deets, bro!”
Blaine blinked at him sleepily.
“You disappeared with Kurt and didn’t show up again all night. So, what happened? You didn’t elope, did you? Cause I’d have to disown you if you cheat me out of a wedding!”
Blaine filled a mug with coffee, drank deeply and then sat down at the table, helping himself to a piece of toast and buttering it. “Don’t worry, there was no elopement. I wouldn’t do that to you.”
He’d added strawberry jam to the toast and eaten half of it before Coop spoke up again. “But something happened, right?”
Blaine felt the corners of his mouth tilt up of their own accord.
Just then, Coop’s cell phone started ringing, and when he checked the caller ID, he laughed and answered the call at once. “Hey Kurt! You’re on speaker phone.”
“Hey Cooper! I just realized that I have your number, but not Blaine’s. I forgot to ask last night.”
Blaine made a grab for Cooper’s phone, but Coop held it out of his reach and laughed again. “Now why would you be needing my brother’s number, Mr. Hummel? What are your intentions with him?”
Blaine groaned, “Coop!”
“Oh hey, good morning, honey!” said Kurt’s chipper voice.
Coop mouthed “Honey?”, but Blaine made a throat-slash movement and gestured for him to hand the phone over. Coop didn’t, though. He put it behind his back and wagged his finger reprovingly at Blaine.
Kurt’s voice floated out of the speaker again. “To answer your question, Cooper, I was hoping to ask Blaine out on a date.”
Blaine, grinning ear to ear, jumped Coop and tried to wrestle the phone away from him. After a short struggle, he managed to grab it, and ran away. “I’ll be in my room if you need me, Coop!”
As soon as he was in his room, he said, “Good morning!”
Kurt laughed. “What did you do, steal your brother’s phone?”
“I borrowed it. Tell me more about this date, please?”
“Well, how do you feel about going for ice cream this afternoon?”
After that first date, many more followed, and for months on end, Blaine felt like he was floating on air because he was so happy.
The proposing had become their inside joke, and whether or not they were together, the last thing Blaine said or texted each day was “Marry me, Kurt?”
Kurt always answered with some kind of quip, or with a kiss, but Blaine kept hoping that one day, he’d actually say yes.
They were both extremely busy, Blaine with school and work, and Kurt with school, work and the preparations for a high profile wedding. Isabelle, his boss at Vogue dot com, was getting married, and insisted on having Kurt as her wedding planner. Seeing as it would be a high society affair, with over three hundred big name guests, Kurt was determined to make it a wedding to remember.
“If all goes well, maybe I’ll be asked to plan other weddings,” he told Blaine. “I mean, professionally. Getting paid for it and all. I’ve planned loads by now, but those were always favours to friends and family, and if anything, I spent money on them instead of earning any.”
“You’d like to do this as a job?”
Kurt nodded. “Maybe not exclusively, but I love planning events.”
Blaine discussed this with his brother, who promised to network on Kurt’s behalf at Isabelle’s wedding. Coop knew Isabelle from his modelling days, and they had several friends and acquaintances in common, so that would be a good start.
Coop took Blaine to the wedding as his plus one again, but this time around, Blaine didn’t protest. He was actually eager to go, and see his boyfriend in his element.
Thanks to Kurt’s flawless taste and planning and Isabelle actually having a decent budget to work with, every aspect of the wedding was perfect, down to the minute details. Blaine smiled to himself as he took in the overall effect.
Isabelle looked splendid in a voluminous dress and a hat that looked like a bird flying away, and the ceremony was moving.
During the reception, Blaine let Cooper flit through the crowd schmoozing, content to stay on the sidelines and observe. Only… That led to him hearing a conversation he was definitely not meant to overhear, between Kurt and Isabelle.
“I must say, Kurt, you’ve outdone yourself!”
“Thank you, thank you! And thank you so much for inviting Cooper, who’s been talking me up to everyone he knows! I’ve already had ten people ask for my business card because they want me to plan their wedding, too.”
“Oh, of course I invited Cooper. Who else would buy me a Solange Azagury-Partridge necklace as a wedding present? Everyone else has bought me boring gifts.”
“Useful, you mean,” Kurt laughed.
“To you, maybe. A necklace is far more useful to me than a set of Japanese knives. Those will just collect dust in the kitchen.”
“How tragic… Thank heavens Coop bought you something you like!”
“Hmm… So you’re in demand as a wedding planner now, huh, thanks to Cooper? I bet you’re glad now that he accepted that fake invitation of Brittany’s that forced you to organize an actual wedding!”
“Oh, that wasn’t the first time I planned a wedding. That would have been my dad marrying Carole.”
Blaine paid no attention to the rest of their talk. He’d heard enough. So that wedding HAD been fake! And Blaine HAD been right calling them out about it!
Anger swelled inside of him like a balloon, and as soon as Isabelle moved away from Kurt to talk to other guests, he grabbed Kurt’s arm.
“Oh hey, honey! What… Are you okay?”
Blaine glared at Kurt. “No, I’m not!”
Kurt’s eyebrows went up. “I know it must be boring for you, but I’m working tonight. I need to keep an eye on things, and stay here until the party’s over to make sure everything goes as planned.”
“Oh, it’s not that.”
“Then what?”
“I heard you, just now. Brittana’s wedding was fake! Exactly as I thought! And you made me feel horrible for calling them out!”
Kurt’s eyes flashed. “Well, you WERE horrible, Mr. Snob! Dissing all my hard work and calling it cheap!”
“You tricked my brother into spending a fortune!”
Kurt rolled his eyes. “I doubt it even made a dent. He’s a billionaire. We gave him a party to remember in return, and he was perfectly content. The only one who was a stick-in-the-mud about it was you!”
Someone cleared their throat behind them, and they turned around.
“Father!” said Blaine. “What are you doing here?”
“Manners, boy! I was invited. So this is the twink who’s got his hooks in you? Hmm. Not a very good influence on you if he’s got you screeching like a fishwife. If you really have to pick a guy instead of a girl, why don’t you choose one with breeding? One with a pedigree instead of a mongrel. The Smythes have brought their son along. Sebastian. He’s a barrister, I believe, and he’s also chosen the gay lifestyle.”
Blaine pinched his nose and told himself to stay calm. “Nobody CHOOSES to be gay, Father.”
“Hmm. I’ll send Sebastian your way.”
Edward Anderson didn’t wait for an answer and walked away.
“Well, I’ll let you and the pedigree dog get acquainted, then,” Kurt said. “Careful, though. If he’s the guy I think it is, he’s been harassing several waiters, copping a feel and offering them money to give him a blowjob in the backroom.”
“Kurt, I’m…”
But Kurt was gone before Blaine could apologise, and when Blaine followed him, he was stopped by a tall guy with green eyes and a smirk.
“Blaine, if I’m not mistaken? I’m Sebastian Smythe. Pleasure.”
“Hi… Yes, I’m Blaine. Excuse me.”
Blaine wanted to step away from the guy and go find Kurt, but Sebastian grabbed him by the arm. “What do you say we go to the restroom and get better acquainted?”
“Uhm, no, thank you. Excuse me, I have someone to see.”
“When your father pointed you out to me, I thought, nah, not my type, but then I saw your ass and I thought, well…”
Sebastian goosed Blaine so firmly that he yelped.
A moment later, Sebastian was the one in discomfort. Kurt had come back and had taken Sebastian’s ear in a death grip, hissing, “Okay, that’s IT! Out with you!”
Kurt stalked out of the ballroom, tugging a whimpering Sebastian after him by his ear.
Kurt escorted Sebastian out of the building, only stopping at the reception desk of the venue to tell the security guard that Mr. Sebastian Smythe was on no account to be let back in.
Then he went back upstairs without even acknowledging Blaine, who had followed him and tried once again to apologise.
Uh-oh. He’s really mad.
Blaine stole back into the ballroom with his tail between his legs, standing quietly against a wall and observing again, but he no longer enjoyed it.
And then he saw his father talking to Kurt, and they both left the room. What was going on?
He debated following them out, but decided he’d done enough eaves-dropping for the day, and angered his boyfriend enough as it was.
Kurt wasn’t away for long. His face was impassive when he entered the ballroom again, and his shoulders stiff.
Edward Anderson followed a little later, his face a thundercloud. He looked around until he spotted Blaine, and headed straight to him.
“I forbid you to marry him. Understand? I will cut you off without a cent!”
Blaine raised his eyebrows. “Haven’t you done that already when I went to college?”
His father’s face turned puce. “You…”
“There’s no arguing with either of you, is there? Stubborn fools! I offered the twink up to four million dollars to stay away from you, but he said no.”
Blaine smiled thinly. “We don’t need your money. I’ve enough of my own.”
His father froze. “You are NOT to marry that twink. If you do, neither your mother nor I will ever speak to you again.”
Blaine quirked an eyebrow and drawled, “That would be a terrible hardship.”
A vein on his father’s forehead swelled up to the point where it could explode any moment. “Are you mocking me? Ugh, I’m washing my hands of you. From now on, I only have one son. Goodbye.”
Blaine watched his father go.
Well, that happened… But surely, if Kurt refused Father’s offer, that means he won’t stay mad for keeps, right?
Right at that moment, he felt someone encircle his waist and hook their chin over his shoulder. “I’m sorry, honey.”
Blaine turned around in Kurt’s embrace and nuzzled his cheek. “I’m not. Good riddance, really. Cooper is all the family I need. And you, if you’ll have me.”
“Always. Even when you’re being a blockhead.”
Blaine beamed at Kurt. “So you’re saying yes?”
Kurt quirked an eyebrow. “To what question would that be?”
Blaine plucked a ring box from his inside pocket, opened it so Kurt could see the ring, went down on one knee and asked, “Kurt Hummel, will you marry me?”
Kurt pulled him up again and kissed him, then held out his hand for Blaine to put the ring on. “Yes. Yes, I will. I can plan the wedding, right?”
Blaine laughed, and then squeaked when his brother lifted up the both of them like they weighed nothing, twirled them around and boomed, “You’d better!”
When Cooper put them down again, he grinned and said, “I get to be your best man, right, Blaine? I’ve got LOTS of fun stories to share!”
Blaine groaned, and then grimaced when Kurt laughed delightedly and said, “I want to hear them all!”
Cooper clapped Kurt on the shoulder. “You will, bro-in-law! So, tell me, what do you guys want as a wedding present? Pick something fun, please!”
Kurt tilted his head to the side. “Hmm… Maybe a nice honeymoon? I’ve always wanted to visit Europe. London, of course. Platform Nine and Three Quarters, Buckingham Palace, Harrods, afternoon tea at the Ritz. Paris, to go see the Louvre and Versailles. Milan during fashion week. What do you think, honey?”
Blaine grinned. “Just the platform? Let’s do a whole Harry Potter tour! And go to Legoland!”
Cooper whooped. “Awesome! You get cracking on planning the wedding, and I’ll book you the perfect honeymoon. It’s going to be so much fun. Can I come too?”
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d-criss-news · 6 years
In a brilliant moment of serendipity, Darren Criss discovered he had been Emmy-nominated as Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie for The Assassination of Gianni Versace at an airport branch of Planet Hollywood. “We were sitting there looking at the most Hollywood thing we could. That just tickled me to no end,” regales the former Glee star, who played Kurt Hummel’s love interest, Blaine Anderson, in the musical comedy television show.
At the time, Darren was on his way to a gig in Aspen, Colorado. “The Emmy nominations were coming out at 8.30am and the flight was leaving at 9.45am and we – me, my fiancée, my manager, publicist, basically the work family – all wanted to go and watch it together, somewhere I would be close enough so that when it was announced I could run over to the gate.”
The punchline came while sitting there waiting for the nominations to be revealed: his Glee version of Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” also started to play on the speakers. Looking around to see if perhaps one of the servers had clocked him and was being “cute”, because it was quite a bizarre coincidence, he realised that nope, “this is 8.30am in the international terminal and nobody gives a shit about my version of ‘Teenage Dream’,” he laughs. “But we just couldn’t fucking believe it, like what a crazy auspicious moment! But it was a nice little story.”
By now, it’s one that will have its ending fully wrapped up: the Emmys took place on September 17 in LA, which is where Darren is now on the other end of the phone. For context, it’s one of those intensely hot end-of-July days that everyone in London is complaining about. For Darren it’s a day of playing “Mr Octopus” as he puts it. “Today is insane. When you have ‘free time’, it’s actually more hectic because in the absence of stuff that you’re obligated to do you immediately see everything you’ve neglected a lot more clearly.”
In his perky twang, he gives me “the shorthand” of this: Elsie Fest to organise for autumn, the New York show-tune themed festival he founded; music to work on for Computer Games, the band he started with his brother; marketing for the new piano bar he and his fiancée, Mia Swier, have opened; projects he can’t talk about but is excited about; a wedding to plan “at some point” next year; work on the house; and that general life admin that creeps up on all of us. “Hey, we all got stuff,” he chimes.
And among all of this, he casually slips in: “I’m also reading scripts and trying to get another acting job if I can get one.” Which can’t help but make me laugh. If he can get one? Because, let’s be honest, regardless of the Emmys outcome (a big congratulations if you bagged it and if not, you were robbed!), his portrayal of Andrew Cunanan, as well as a stellar career to date (he replaced Daniel Radcliffe in How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying on Broadway to great success, is the mind behind A Very Potter Musicaland has starred in Hedwig and the Angry Inch), shouldn’t make that too hard. But it’s “cute” – as he would say – to know he doesn’t rest on his laurels.
Darren was terrifying and intriguing in his role as Cunanan, the serial killer who murdered four men before ending his violent spree with fashion designer Gianni Versace in FX’s American Crime Story retelling of the real-life event in Miami in 1997. When it aired earlier this year, I didn’t know anyone who wasn’t watching it. If you weren’t binge-streaming it, you were glued to BBC2 desperate for next week’s instalment to watch the unfolding plot of a story that in many ways is little known, certainly on the Cunanan front.
“A lot of it is pretty shrouded in mystery. There are two groups of people who have been particularly aware of the Cunanan story. Filipinos in my life all know someone who knew him,” says Darren, who, hailing from San Francisco, is also half Filipino, as was Cunanan. “And true crime addicts.” “The story itself, which is endlessly fascinating, is not only interesting but has significant social weight and things to be discussed and topics that I think are important. It goes on and on and on,” he enthuses. “The role is incredibly nuanced and varied and complex, which is something that actors wake up in the morning for.”
Where the first series spotlights The People v. OJ Simpson, a trial that arguably most people in the world – certainly in the US – are familiar with, the Versace murder, while shocking and awful (the designer himself being a significant cultural icon and his death a huge loss to the fashion industry) lent itself to more questions than answers. Which from Darren’s point of view gave him a certain amount of free rein. “You’re not stacked against people’s expectations of an impersonation of somebody. I think that helped audiences; it really gave me and our story a blank slate.”
It’s true. As a viewer, I couldn’t help but find my feelings and point of view change as the narrative revealed Cunanan’s own backstory. “That, to me, is the most heartening thing; that’s the most encouraging thing you could say – that’s the goal.”
His performance has been described as career-defining but it’s not the first time he’s had such an accolade aimed in his direction. Yet you can’t help but think that this one, Emmy nomination aside, might just be the one to carry a little more weight, such was the grit and darkness that came with it and played out by someone we’re more used to associating with the tween spark of Glee.
It seems, therefore, an apt time to ask what his fantasy role would be. “Oh man. I have a pretty wild imagination but I’d like to think that my brain isn’t good enough to imagine the part I’d want,” he says. “And, also, fantasies evolve throughout your life based on whatever situation you find yourself in.” American Crime Story, certainly, he says is the kind of role he’d been working and waiting his whole life to play – which is not to say he dreamt of being a serial killer! “Let’s keep turning left, turning hard rights and hard lefts as much as possible, as long as the story is good. The name of the game for me is variety and versatility. If every time I do a role we have people say that’s a real departure from the last thing that would be awesome.”
Darren got the acting bug – or “storytelling” bug as he prefers to call it – at a young age. He was a child at the heart of the Disney Renaissance era and Robin Williams lived locally in his native San Francisco. One day, when seeing Aladdin at the cinema (“I can’t even tell you how many times I went to go see it,”) and realising that the Genie was voiced by Williams, his eureka moment came.
“You know when you’re a kid and you have dreams of being something and they seem kind of far off from you unless there’s somebody you can see do it?” he offers. “I remember very distinctly watching this Genie bring so much joy to the people around me… and I wanted in on that, I wanted to be the Genie. But once you realise you can’t necessarily do that and I found out the voice of the genie was Robin Williams, I was like that’s the guy, that’s the famous guy that lives in our city! I can do that and so he was really a massive inspiration for me.”
So, too, was Peter Coyote, another San Francisco-based actor, whom Darren in fact cold-called to find out what he should do to be an actor. He subsequently enrolled at the American Conservatory Theater’s Young Conservatory Programme before studying drama at college. A keen violinist, music and acting had always worked in constant tandem. “So that’s why it’s so hilarious to me that by the time I got Glee I’d already been doing this my whole life,” he says.
At the time of the Gianni Versace murder, Darren was 10 years old. “I did [remember it] in a sort of vague sense of pop cultural event. Obviously, Versace is a massive international figure so I was aware that he was murdered.” It wasn’t until much later in 2011, when his Hollywood lifestyle led him to the world of high fashion, that the dots joined.
“We were on tour for Glee and I popped down to Milan to go to this Versace fashion show, which was an amazing event and you’re there with Donatella and there in the house, the estate of the Versace family.” On a tour of it, Darren recalls seeing beautiful home pieces and fashion works. “There were a lot of things from his personal collection and [the steward] of course was saying ‘Well this was made after Gianni’s murder in 1997.’ It codified in my brain. He was taken away a little too early.”
For ACS producer Ryan Murphy, it was Darren who codified in the brain. The Glee co-creator had long had him in mind for the part. “People like Ryan have had their eye on the Cunanan story for a long time and we had worked closely in a few capacities.” Darren just had to play the waiting game. “I honestly said just let me know when you want to do this because obviously it would be a huge opportunity for me and I think it would be an incredible story but I don’t really have the keys for that car, man. You’re the driver, let me know when you want to pick me up!” Three years later and that proverbial beep came.
In real life, Darren has to be one of the most modest and upbeat people, armed with an always-look-on-the-bright-side-of-life attitude. You imagine he’s not all that good at sitting still, hence his potentially self-inflicted to-do list, which you also get the feeling is built from passion not pain. “I just feel so grateful at every turn of my career; if you’re able to do anything and that there’s any definition at all is a huge win so I’ll take it where I can get it,” he says referring to the praise he’s received in playing Cunanan, one he’s also quick to bring back down to earth with a very grounding analogy. “Every moment of your life is defining. The fact that I decided to have granola this morning defines the rest of the way my digestive system works…” he laughs. He has quite the way with words.
This too is helpful in a Hollywood landscape right now that, post-Weinstein and post-Trump, has found itself in troubling times. “What a big, big topic,” he begins. “It’s the Wild West right now, truly, there are so many things that I think it’s not necessarily Hollywood figuring itself out, it’s our whole society figuring it out as represented by Hollywood. It kind of gets the brunt of it because of its exposure and its influence,” he explains. “There are a lot of good things happening in it for people who have been marginalised and we’re setting new standards for ourselves that we should have set a long time ago, and in that sense it’s really good. But there are unfortunately other things that are happening where it’s hard to draw the line of what’s right and wrong and a lot of questions are being asked that we’ve never asked ourselves before about what’s appropriate.”
Social media, too, he thinks plays a significant role, moving faster than we are able to keep up with. “There’s a lot of things that are falling by the wayside as a result of that. I’m making very vague comments but yeah it’s very tricky,” he concludes before diplomatically topic-shifting to his own lack of social media usage. Firstly, because he’s a private person. And secondly, unlike so many people, he does realise the responsibility that comes with publishing a post. “Even when Twitter started and people would post joke-stuff and I would say ‘Woah, woah, that’s out there forever, are you sure? I think you think only I’m seeing this,’.” He says he’s always been uneasy with the idea of this kind of ‘stuff’ existing in perpetuity.
Which means that the answer to the next question requires some serious thought. Who would make for his fantasy dinner party guests? British comedian Eddie Izzard (because Darren is a big Anglophile); if we could roll back time, Sammy Davis Jr, “who the world knows as a great entertainer but he was also an insane dancer and musician”; Nat King Cole for the same reasons; and, his number one choice, Howard Ashman, the lyricist and dramaturge behind the previously mentioned Disney renaissance (aka Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast). “I’ve always admired his craftsmanship and he’s someone I’ve always thought, if I had a dinner, I’d really like to have a chat with. All of my heroes are the people who were hyphenates,” says Darren, which makes sense because he’s just the same. One small suggestion: hold the fantasy dinner party at Planet Hollywood. That would make a nice story.
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