#Just had to post a funny real quick to stay on top
masquenoire · 2 months
>> Pokemon Personality Quiz
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Well, this was off to a good start. Roman looked at his result proudly, finding it very accurate for a man like himself. Nothing suited him better than a Dragon, being a natural leader with strong ambitions to take over Gotham and claim the city as his own. Damn right he had high standards and he wasn't afraid to show it!
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"Agreeableness is very low? Fuck you, I'm perfectly agreeable when it suits me!" The rudeness of this quiz.
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It was only getting after his result that the grumbling stopped, Roman completely in shock at what he'd gotten. He'd expected dragons; fierce, proud, powerful beasts that matched the vigor and menace he exuded and what he'd gotten was far from what he'd expected.
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"And just what the fuck is that? A Goodra? Are you fucking kidding me!?!? That ain't no fucking dragon, that's something out of My Little P.ony or some kid's shit! Don't get mad if it slimes up my good suit? You better believe I'm gonna get PISSED at this gooey-eyed piece of shit touching me! Sure, don't give me the badass with blades in his face or the giant Blue Crocosaurus. Even the frozen turkey would be better than fucking Goodra." Roman seethed. This shit was exactly the reason why he didn't like Pokeymans or whatever the hell the stupid series was called.
Tagged ByStolen from: @peranarkia (♡) Tagging: Whoever would like to do it?
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year
Please do the Chris Evans pottery fic! I legit have always thought about for years! Like him taking a night class or a private class for anxiety or hobby (that Scott guilted him to take) so he doesn’t get recognized and the reader (please preferably male) vaguely knows who he is and doesn’t care and teaches him and he falls in love with reader. Like a slow burn. Bro please I’m on my knees begging 🙏 your writing is god tier for Chris fics
related to this
First and foremost I have to say, goddamn, you really went back into the archives to find that post 💀💀 don't get me wrong, I appreciate the hell out of you for that but, also, oof, have I already been on Tumblr for 3 fucking years!?
What? When?
Second, I actually never thought too much about that idea haha. I just couldn't get past the idea of Chris using his hands in that way 🥴 because look, I'm much more of a sculptor than a potter, but it has never been lost on me (a) how much skill it takes to throw on the wheel, and (b) how fucking hot it can look lmao
So, because I never thought too deep about the idea beyond the look, I have to say That's A 👏🏻 Top 👏🏻 Notch 👏🏻 Idea 👏🏻
I love that idea, like:
Chris rolls up to a night pottery class with a baseball cap pulled down real low, trying not to be noticed, squeezing his shoulders in to be less big and noticeable.
You notice him though--he looks a little funny, trying so hard not to stand out and obviously not realizing that a long sleeve, chunky cardigan is 100% the wrong thing to wear when you're about to be playing with clay. But, you don't care about him being Mr. Movie Star (or dressed badly for this activity lol) because, obviously, if he's here for a class, he wants to learn
(Later you'll learn that Scott was the one to push him into it, telling him, lovingly, to quit just talking about beginning to work with his hands and actually Do It)
and so, he's gonna learn.
You are the teacher though, so... it's your duty to keep the secret that Captain America is in their midst.
(But that won't keep you from teasing him subtlety by asking him if he'd perhaps like a blue or red or clear glaze)
Chris might not pick up the skill of throwing as quickly as some of the others (mostly because he's never messed with clay before while many of the other students have even if it was years ago in high school or college or wherever), but he's dedicated.
He puts his all into learning throwing.
You learn quickly, instructing Chris, that he has this tendency to squeeze a little too hard and over-correct the clay. The strength he's got comes in handy with wedging clay and assisting in reconstructing the electric kilns by putting in the heavy shelves, but, when on the wheel, it's not about how hard you can press the clay, how hard you can squeeze it, or anything like that (unless you're working on huge, HUGE projects with massive amounts of clay... but, these students are not there yet). It's about letting your hands glide over the clay, it's encouraging the clay to stretch and compress delicately.
Pottery very much more finesse than force.
And you tell him that a lot in the beginning, "relax, for now, don't try to control it too much. Try to let go and just feel. Keep your elbows anchored in your hips and thighs, but, otherwise, stay loose and relaxed. Breath out. Sink into it, y’know? Relax."
Chris laughs, looking up at you from the little mound of clay he's been centering on his wheel head, "I didn't know this would be so... spiritual? I mean, shit, this feels like therapy."
"Ha," you say, "just be glad it's therapy and not Ghost."
Chris chuckles, "are those my only two options?"
"Right now, rookie? Yes." You point back at his unattended and still spinning wheel, "now, please put your nose back to the grindstone before I'm forced to saddle up behind you. I don't need to be shot in the streets before I get hands-on with my teaching"
You swear, under that cap and beard, Chris blushes. But. He also gets back to work, so... you can't be sure you're not just seeing things 👀
There are a lot of little moments like that throughout the class. Flirting. Maybe. Maybe not. Chris might just be that charming. You can't be too sure.
It's very charming to watch Chris pick up his wobbly creations after they've been put through the bisque kiln and laugh at their unstable bumps and lumps as he tries to set them flat on the table. Plus, when he sands his pieces, he murmurs to himself, talking about all the silly mistakes he finds. Nail marks. Dips. Bulges. Extra bits of clay he missed when trimming. You swear you hear him call himself a "meatball" once...
That is a challenge to not laugh at, but, you don't because you don't want him to know you're paying such close attention to him. (You can't have favorite students after all 😘)
And later, it's very sweet to watch him admire his first glazed pieces. He's very gentle with them, running his fingers back and forth, back and forth, over the smooth glaze. He seems to enjoy the smooth sensation.
Also, listen, I have no proof but I feel like Chris is gonna be the type of potter that gets Really Messy. Like, clay and slip all over his hands, of course, but also all up his forearms and flecks of it on his face and in his hair. His poor apron and shoes.
Also, I think Chris would be the type of potter that wipes their hands on their thighs over their apron 😮‍💨
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Chris takes one class then another and another. He's getting much, much better.
But, he still looks like he's watching you perform magic when you quickly throw a vace or pie platter for a demonstration. It's really endearing. You'd love to see more of his face while watching you work, but, no matter how good you are at pottery, you can't do it without looking. Not yet... maybe someday, if you keep practicing.
And eventually, I'd like to think that you exchange numbers. Chris no longer takes your class and so it's fair game.
He comes over to your place and you cook a meal together because you already know each other well enough. So, you skip the more public dates that are better for strangers.
Chris seems mystified by the fact that ALL your plates, bowls, mugs, etc. are things you've made. Thrown on the pottery wheel. He just thinks it's very cool and personal. Also, he swears because of taking your class that he can't look at a factory-made plate or bowl or mug the same. They look so plain and lifeless now. In return, you tease that you'd offer to make him a set for his own home as a present (maybe for his birthday or Christmas) but, you're gonna insist that he at least try to make a set himself first.
And, hey, if he needs more encouragement maybe that Ghost option could come true...
Sorry, this is so short but I just had to get some real quick thoughts out between study sessions lol
Thank you so much for bringing this up again and thank you for reading!!
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Some thoughts on @indifferentvincent post about TC, fandom, and public perception of famous figures. Under a cut because it’s long.  
As pointed out by someone else, TC is much better known than Anne Rice, and to be honest, I had not been aware of her more nefarious actions until I got more into fandom. TC however is more widely known and easier tabloid fodder, so I will just outline my personal journey to becoming a TC fan.
For context, I live in the UK; I remember hearing about the Oprah couch incident at the time, but this happened way before Twitter or YouTube, so it wasn't a clip that was readily shared over and over again. I'm trying to recall my reaction to the news at the time. I likely just thought "he jumped on a couch, what's the big deal?" because I don't think I ever saw the full clip. I think it was just that quick moment of him jumping on and off it again. I do remember a bit more the incident where a "prankster" squirted water in his face at the red carpet for a movie and he, understandably, was not happy about that and thinking, "Good for him for calling that guy a jerk."
But, to be honest, I wasn't a TC fan or hater; he was just an actor I never really watched, partly because I remember my mum saying she didn't like him when I was a kid, and for whatever reason that left an impression, I just de facto decided not to actively seek out his movies. That's not to say I didn't watch them if they were on TV, I remember catching bits of Mission Impossible when I was younger and I think Rain Man was the first movie I saw of his as a kid. And obviously I was aware of certain movies because they entered the zeitgeist without me ever seeing the film at the time, such as Top Gun, “You can’t handle the truth,” “Show me the money” or Les Grossman for example.  
While I didn't seek out his movies or tabloid gossip about him, he was an easy target for comedians, and the most common joke was during the years he was with Katie Holmes: "Katie, if you need help, blink twice." Yes, part of this joke arose because he was perceived as overly intense and thus assumed to be a controlling guy by default, but Scientology also played a role. While people saw Scientology as a cult, I think it was thought of in the UK as this dumb thing Hollywood celebs get into, so therefore there are no real victims. So that is where I was most exposed to the "public perception" of him, through bits on comedy/panel shows, and I just decided to stay away from his work because things seemed "off" about him.
I know it may appear to some that TGM opened the floodgates to my liking of TC, but I believe it was a gradual erosion of preconceived notions of him that began with the Nerdist interview in 2014. Back then I would listen to all the interviews, even if it wasn't an actor I was familiar with, so when the TC episode popped up, I was hesitant to listen, but I did, and I remember thinking, "Okay, he's a guy who's driven, but he obviously loves movies, and he seems like an alright dude." But the elephant in the room of Scientology was never brought up, and I think part of me wanted answers about why he was part of this group. Later, I saw him on a number of Graham Norton shows, where he came across as approachable and amusing, as he would later in James Corden skits. But I think what pushed the door open on TC a bit more for me was catching Rogue Nation on TV because I was 100% surprised by it and by TC in it because both were fun and funny, but even then I didn't seek out all of his movies. I watched Fallout, because I'd liked Rogue Nation, but it didn't hit me as hard that first time because I wasn't as invested in the franchise or the character of Etan at the time; I just saw it as Tom Cruise doing stunts.
And then eventually, we live through some of the weirdest times: I hear good things about TGM, and since I was never overly anti-TC, I go and see it; I love it; and then I spend about a month being hesitant in regards to whether I should even like or reblog stuff on here about him or TGM, as I slowly dip my toe into the water of watching more of his movies, because the Scientology stuff, before I decide, "What the fuck, I like the TC I see on the chat shows and the James Corden skits, and I'm liking an awful lot of his back catalogue" and I just hope that I don't attract shit from people on Tumblr for liking him.
For now, I have based my judgement on the numerous stories from multiple people who have worked with him, and TC sounds like a good guy. The TC who talks about movies seems like a good guy and the one who appears on the talk shows seems like a good guy.
The Scientology is still an unknown and if people struggle to watch his work because of that, fine and I won't begrudge people who have valid criticisms of him but they have to be based in some facts or evidence and not just the, "he looks weird. I hate his face," kind of nonsense that you see when people want to distance themselves from him, while liking some of his work. Which is what I have seen from some fans in both the TGM and IWTV.
There are two things I have found funny about people trying to separate TC from both the IWTV and TGM fandom, the first is the idea that Miles Teller is what made TGM good. I don’t know how prevalent that idea is currently within the fandom, but I did see it a number of times at the start and I don’t know where they get this idea from because TGM wouldn’t even exist without TC. Not just because of the original TG movie, but because he was the driving force behind TGM. As both the character and actor, he is the backbone of that movie, so to try an erase his hard work like that is just laughable to me. Fair enough if you don’t like him, but give him the credit that he is so clearly due for giving you a movie with all your favorite dagger ducklings.
In the IWTV fandom there is this idea that TC would be pissed at how gay the new series is, or implying that the 1994 movie is not gay enough because TC changed the script or didn’t want to be seen as gay, which is something @indifferentvincent brilliantly debunked in this post. The reason I find this funny, when people seem to obsess over this idea that TC wouldn’t have wanted to make IWTV gay, is because I want to just say to these people “you know Top Gun exists, right.” IWTV would not be his first rodeo with queer representation on screen. How can Top Gun exists in pop culture as one of the “gayest of gay films” while also keeping Tom Cruise separate from that legacy?  
The one fandom where I don’t see people trying to disconnect TC from it however is Mission Impossible. It often seems that if you like those movies you are fan of Tom Cruise and you recognize that he is Ethan Hunt, there isn’t the same attempt to separate him from the role as you see with Lestat. 
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hailieshapedbox · 1 year
my younger cousin has a lot of mental health issues and its really affecting everyone in the house n we dont know how to help him help himself/: its a bit tormenting on everyone. ive tried to help a lot but i had to stop bc it was affecting my mental health and he started be really mean, now i see why everyone has to minimize how much they can help and be around. i just gotta vent real quick though bc i cant take this sometimes. my uncle missed his psych appointment with his main dr. twice and had me reschedule it bc his assistants that fuck everything up, had it all fucked up. i made my uncle buy a whiteboard to keep track of all his shit bc i have enough projects for myself, i texted him multiple times throughout the week about the appointment and helped with other reminders on top of other things for his business (and his friends jewelry start up). i texted him the day before and the day before that about the appointment, i put a post it note on the coffee maker that his friend just let fall aside and got coffee all over (but still it was right on the counter), and he still woke me up to ask me what time it was at and even had the nerve to tell me to get ready in an hour to “help get him going and get him over there”. bruh i went back to sleep, i was up for 2 hours tryna sleep laying there like a dead fish or whatever they say n barely got a couple hours. ive told him so many times ive been dealing with insomnia and he just thinks everyone has trouble sleeping and doesnt understand n ive told him im underweight and how i have no energy and its like nobody ever hears me when i ask for help. hes woken me up probably 10x now n i started hurting myself tbh bc my peace was being too intruded. i got handle and control of that though, i dont wanna hurt myself you know. but only coping method that ever helped. whatever when i got up i did knock on my cousins door n ask if he heard his dad and i texted him bc he didnt say anything. i went to go work out. when my uncle got home he saw me working out and tried to get me to go with and ik its only bc he wants me to sit in the office so he can nap in the car. i even made a joke about it and he agreed laughing and went to go take a nap. instead of going to tmobile to get this kid a new sim card that hes been needing and begging for for going on two months. lmao bruh i try
this was just one morning i could write books of diary entries accumulating my emotions but i dont have time for that tbh im procrastinating n finally writing out bc i just want this week to be over i want it to be monday i want it to be next month when my brothers getting here and my mom comes over and imma make ed come back in town.
idk if yall noticed but until valentines day, i hadnt posted anything the entire month of february. took this long being single to realize valentines day is my favorite holiday and i couldnt missy opportunity to share my heart. i even posted on iG for the first time in like a year. i love love, its all i am, its all i need.
ive had so many post ideas too, but everyone is asking so much of me. its crazy because a few months ago i fucking begged the universe for more responsibility and god damn did i get it, im really trying hard to manage and stay aligned any way i can. im getting close to getting really good. im tryna get there so soon bc i see it through so clear but i just cant. even stopped drinking and cut back on weed a bit bc i just dont have time for it.
i had a whole other thing to rant about and i could have so many others, does kinda help to vent it especially writing. i forgot what it was once i started writing about valentines day and happier things. its funny how easy it is to flow into different emotions, yet so hard to control that and discipline that. even when i then after put myself into my happiest spaces, just doesnt always work. thats why when i see the opportunity for happiness i take it and thats why i dont get stuck on things easy, i hate stagnacity (wrote a song about that the other day). not easily influenced, but easily inspired. music actually usually does it. well imma go see if it still smells like campfire in the shower n do that or something else productive n try to make the most of whats left of the day. fuck i usually post this kinda stuff in the middle of the night so not to many people see it, i try not to be a bother or negative. love you all always
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avo-kat · 11 months
i was checking my drafts (for the irrational fear that there will be a bug that suddenly releases all your posts in draft; this has no basis on reality, so dont worry), and found this post from march 1st 2023.
its me working out that im definitely not trans:
dont mind me, im just sitting here and thinking out loud
me: oh im just a regular woman. not straight. but otherwise normal. thats all. :) [pre 2020]
me: hm actually. you know what? hmhm. something is up
me: no its fine. its time. i came out as lesbian to my friends! this is great. i love this. time to buy... lgbt merch. [around 2020]
me: what kind tho... hm.... somehow.... u know? normal rainbow stuff is fine, right?
me: hmmmm im not feeling so good actually??? [around 2021]
me: is that... u know what.... i think i may be.... non-binary? i thought this was only smth for kids but looking into it, huh, i guess so!
me: now i can wear more boy clothes. and walk a bit more masc. thats kinda fun. mens tank top. mens shorts. baseball cap. i feel awesome. hairy legs. hairy armpits. hell yeah!
me: but im just nb im not trans thats not being trans
me: i dont wanna intrude or take away or smth im just nb
me: im fine being the way i am no need to do hrt or anything really
me: and honestly, i dont wanna lose my identity as a queer woman!!! i love being a queer woman! well ok not a woman anymore but im still like, sapphic! that kinda thing!!! im deathly afraid of losing this part of my identity!
me: im super fine w my body and im fine staying this way and also being my agab at my job
me: besides im so cute now and id deffo look ugly as a guy
me: i dont even like guys that much so like come on
me: that one guy is giving me such gender envy. thats just 1 exception tho [around 2022]
me: i prefer he/they but im fine with all pronouns :)
me: i like it when ppl use male words for me. just makes me feel good. nothing else :)
me: (i have no dysphoria cuz im nb im not trans)
me: its cool im fine
me: hmmmmmmmmm
me: mhmhm eeeh
me: im not feeling so great again thats so weird....??? [late 2022/early 2023]
me: mhmhmhmhmh
me: oh look im growing facial hair
me: guess ill shave. thats annoying. kinda cool but annoying
me: oh wow i gotta shave more often huh thats so annoying
me: hm hair is growing more... actually... feels nice touching my hairy face kinda
me: oh well i gotta shave for work, so
me: ach. why does that feel unpleasant?
me: oh well. heh, if i were a man (im not tho), some things would be kinda fun!
me: if i were a guy. that would be fun. like. purely hypothetical, yknow?
me: like if i suddenly got the superpower to change my appearance. that would be sooo cool. just cuz.
me: wouldnt that be fun. it would. it would be so fun.
me: not trans tho
me: def not trans. i feel shaky and queasy just thinking of it. im not
me: just nb. im fine. im fine staying like this. like. im. im fine.
me: like sure im not like super comf
me: thats on me deciding not to be more gnc in public. yeah. it would be such a hassle
me: yeah. what if tho lol. can u imagine. god, telling my boss? no way man that wouldnt fly
me: and id be so ugly. im cute right now. and im not strong. or build. and im too fat. if i were to be a man id wanna be, like, hot, yknow? strong and sharp jawline. if i were to be guy. im not. i wouldnt. im not trans lol
me: lemme write this fanfic real quick. just smth self-indulgent. what if i woke up in the body of the main character of this shounen anime lol. id be a boy lol. like. id be a man. mans body lol. that be fun lol. and what if i managed to fall in love with that male character. wed be so gay together. haha. two guys. such a funny idea
me: .....................
me: like what if i got top surgery.
me: like, sure. a year ago i was scared of losing my boobs. like if i had breast cancer and had to remove them. id look so off. my body would look wrong. boobs are an important visual element.
me: but what if i got top surgery. like. i hate bras. i dont like them being touched much either honestly so i wouldnt really lose anything? it would be more comfy for me day to day. and while sleeping. so, honestly, only upsides?
me: ...what would i need, theoretically. hm. half a year of therapy? oh. yeah. no. im not trans. so. yeah.
me: ....................
me: like, what name would i even pick. idk. well doesnt matter. im not trans.
[new addition, july 2023] me: im trans :D
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poledeer · 3 years
Rookie (Abby Anderson x Reader)
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This is something that I wrote a while ago and thought why not post it. I’ll probably edit this a milion times in the future but hey i’m getting better everyday. This is also posted on ao3~ Enjoy~
"Name?" a man asked as you stood at the small gate.
"(Y/N), sir. Here for training."
"Come on in."
He let you through and you walked forward, trying to remain confident. Looking around you saw a bunch of people under a few tents.
"I don't trust these new recruits." you heard a familiar voice say.
Looking in its direction you saw Manny, your close friend from "childhood" if you can even call it that, with... You'd recognize that braid anywhere. Oh my god that's Abby. He looked at you almost as if he felt your eyes on his back.
"Ah, (Y/N) !" he came up to you and hugged you. "So, you're really here, huh."
"Yeah yeah, I know." you rolled your eyes. "Have some trust, yeah?"
He put his hands up defensively and smiled grabbing your shoulder.
"Look at you, from treating wounds to getting them."
"Very funny."
"Lighting up the mood. That's Abby, by the way. My bestie." he pointed to the blonde girl beside him.
"(Y/N), I've heard a lot about you." you said trying not to fangirl right there and then. It was like meeting a real life legend.
"Yeah, (Y/N) is a uh, a fan."
You punched him in the arm and laughed. "Asshole." you turned to Abby.
She gave you a friendly handshake and smiled. "Finally, Manny couldn't shut up about you for the last few weeks when he found out you're coming."
He just rolled his eyes.
"Have fun in training, rookie." he smiled playfully, slowly walking away.
You stuck your tongue out at him and waved Abby goodbye.
You walked through a gate and already heard one of the "top dogs" yelling at new recruits.
Yeah, fun...
"Whoever does the best today gets a reward." you played your 'captain's' words over and over in your head.
"I didn't know the reward would be going on patrol with you guys!" you slammed your head on the table in defeat.
Manny whimpered a quick "ouch" before rubbing your back.
"Don't worry, girl. We'll be there with you to keep you from uh.. dying."
You groaned rubbing your face with your palms. "Oh god..."
"That sounds risky though, doesn't it? Sending the best recruits out." a girl named Mel said.
"That's how you make a good soldier." Manny defended the captain.
"That's how you lose a good but inexperienced soldier."
You sighed in defeat.
"Come on. We need to get Abby."
You walked through the halls and entered his and Abby's room. You looked to the right side which was nicely cleaned and organized, then to the left side which was... Definitely Manny's.
"Ey Abs, ready to go?"
She looked up at us and nodded.
You walked closer and looked around, noticing a bunch of books at a shelf over her bed.
"Divine Comedy?" you smiled.
Abby looked at you and smiled. "You know it?"
"Yeah, it's a classic." you smiled back.
The two of you looked at each other for the next few seconds in silence only for it to be disrupted by Manny munching on some chips that you assumed he found under his bed. Abby looked at him with unamused expression and put her backpack on.
"Let's go"
Walking down the stairs of the stadium knowing where you'll be going soon had you more than nervous and it wasn't hard to notice. At least not for Manny, who put his arm around you and said the usual "you'll be fine" and "we'll be there with you". Needless to say, it didn't quite work. But it's the thought that counts.
"Damn, I'd eat one right now." you said looking at one of the tables under a tent, where you saw about a dozen watermelons.
Manny followed your gaze and smiled.
"I'll get you one if we're back."
You looked at him. “If?”
He laughed and exclaimed. “When! When! Perdón, no hablo ingles.”
You stayed silent and just kept walking. Soon you got to the, as you call it, "puppy area". Manny walked up to a guy and talked to him while you and Abby went into the big cage where Marta was waiting for us. She began to pet her and play with her while you smiled and watched the adorable scene in front of you. Who knew Abby's tough side could crack because of one cute dog. Manny came up to you and handed you a ball.
"If you want to de-stress, now would be a good opportunity."
You smiled and played fetch with Marta, who was more than happy to keep running after the ball. With the corner of your eye you noticed Manny and Abby talking and looking at you - you just shot them a smile and continued playing. After a few rounds you crouched and pet Marta .
"Save your strength, girl." you put down the ball and took her outside.
"You good?"
A few minutes later, after getting your gear and a car, you set off. Manny was driving, Marta was next to him, which left you and Abby sitting on the bed of the truck. Silence filled the trip, leaving you to your own thoughts and anxiety. 
The first few minutes were fine - no infected, no scars. But then everything went downhill, when an arrow barely missed your back and hit the side of the truck. You looked behind you and saw a group of people on horses, chasing you.
"Fuck, scars!" Abby yelled. "Manny!"
"I got it!" he said trying to lose them.
You and Abby tried your best to shoot them - and you did, at least a few. But there was just too many of them. Manny soon lost control of the vehicle and you crashed. Before your body could slam against the front of the car, Abby grabbed you and pulled you close to her to prevent it. The vehicle burst into flames and she pulled you away from it before helping Manny unstuck his door. As they were open, Marta ran out and sprinted away, into the city.
"Goddammit." Manny exclaimed.
"Everyone okay?"
The both of you nodded before hearing those damn whistles again. Abby looked around, seemingly starting to panic. "There! The hotel!" she exclaimed a bit too loudly and you set off quickly, trying to make it before one of you gets shot. You ran, turning around here and there to glance at the approaching horses. Not wanting to risk getting ambushed, you threw a molotov behind you to stop the scars from chasing you, and it worked. Soon you reached the big, wooden door of the hotel. Manny managed to open it and you sprinted inside, quickly shutting it behind you.
Abby peeked out the nearest windows for safety as you sat on an old sofa in what looked to be a lobby.
"Anything?" you hear Manny ask.
"I think we lost them. But it's best we stay alert". Abby sighed and looked at you, sitting with your face buried in your palms.
You heard quiet footsteps approaching you and looked up.
"Good job out there. Saved our hide, gotta admit." she smiled playfully and sat next to you.
"C'mon." you laughed. "I think you got the wrong person."
"I'm serious." she looked at you sincerely.
You nodded and smiled. "Thanks."
"We should probably check the floors." Manny suggested, ruining your moment with Abby.
"There's two, plus the lobby, so we can just split up?"
"You wanna leave (Y/N) alone?" she sounded a bit upset.
"I-I'm fine on my own. Besides, this building was cleared, like, last week so it should be fine." you stepped in.
She sighed. "Okay. You take the top floor."
You nodded and already went for it. Before you got to the stairs you heard Abby murmur with Manny.
"If Isaac finds out about this, you're sooo fired."
"How about a bribe?" he chuckled and punched her lightly in the arm.
The old stairs creaked under your steps as you made your way up, stopping once in a while to listen if the noise got anyone's, or anything's attention. The possibility of someone standing behind any corner, just waiting to make a hit terrified you to the very core. So much, that you couldn't help but feel watched.
Yeah, splitting up WAS a bad idea.
The thought of Abby and Manny being close lifted your spirits, just a tiny bit. You heard them walking around under you. You heard them opening doors, closets, checking everywhere. The old furniture creaked everytime they moved it. It felt as if the floor would collapse with every step.
As you went deeper into the corridor, you heard another creak. But this time it wasn't underneath.
It was right next to you.
You turned your head towards the sound and saw a door slowly opening. You aimed your gun right at the crack, but all you saw was darkness. You were about to call for Manny, when you noticed it. Your breath hitched when you saw an eye, peeking at you through the crack.
A Stalker.
You couldn't make a sound. You were locked in this horrifying stare off.
Does it know I see it? You thought.
As you were about to pull the trigger, it swung the door open and leaped at you, slamming you to the floor. The impact resulted in the wooden panels breaking and collapsing under the both of you, sending you one floor down. You felt the air being knocked out of you as you tried your best to scream for help. The Stalker fell a few meters away from you, but quickly recovered and-
You heard a gunshot, which made you yelp and crawl away from the scene. Abby was here. She stepped closer to the Stalker to make sure he's dead before she dropped her gun and ran to you.
"(Y/N), are you okay?" she sounded panicked.
You tried to sit up straight, supporting yourself on your hands and whimpered in pain.
"Shit." you held your right wrist.
Then you heard loud, quick footsteps approaching. Abby got to her handgun and stood in front of you, aiming at the only door, only to drop it seconds later when Manny ran in.
He looked at you sitting in a pile of rubble and kneeled in front of you.
"My wrist is uh...it’s um..." you stuttered, trying to remain calm.
Abby took a deep breath and nodded.
"Let's get you up." she gripped your arms over your elbows and helped you stand up straight.
"We'll crash at the lobby." she announced before putting her hand on your lower back and leading you there.
You sighed and sat on the couch, keeping your head low. Manny handed you bandages as the only thing you all had to take care of your wrist. For now, it would do. You wrapped it carefully around but struggled to keep it in place.
"Let me help." Abby sat next to you and immediately took your hand, readjusting the bandages and some more.
You glanced at her and she looked awfully calm.
"Abby?" you spoke up.
She looked up and blinked.
"I'm sorry. I really didn't want to be a burden and now-"
"Let me stop you right there."
Your heart skipped a beat and you felt your face heat up from the sudden interruption of your confession.
"Even the best soldiers have worse days, and it's your first assignment." she asked as she finished working on your wrist.
"Well, y-yeah, but-"
"Don't be so hard on yourself. Most of the rookies I've seen have gone MIA on their first days, and all you have is a dislocated wrist. If anything, I'd celebrate."
"The assignment isn't done yet though."
She looked at you as if you're completely insane.
"(Y/N), if you weren't so cute I'd literally punch you right now."
You looked at her, shocked.
"Did I hear that right or is it just the painkillers?"
She laughed and held your hands, being extra careful with the right one.
"You have to be more confident with your skills."
You blushed and blinked multiple times as if trying to wake up from a dream.
"I think I need a minute."
Abby laughed and rubbed your hands.
"Tell you what. Once we get back to the base - I’m taking you on a date."
You smiled and nodded.
"Aaand maybe I could train you just a little bit."
"So a date with guns?" you laughed.
She smirked and sat next to you, keeping quiet.
Now the only sound in the room was Manny barricading all the doorways in the lobby. You glanced at him.
"He told you, didn't he." it was more of a statement than a question.
You nodded and raised your brows, already thinking of a way to get back at him. Then it came to you. You waited untill he was closer to make sure he hears.
"You know, he has a legit sex den by the hospital."
Surely Manny will hold a grudge for a while, but you don't care. You got yourself a date with Abby.
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erwinsvow · 3 years
𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 | 𝐚𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬
a/n: hey everyone! hope you enjoy these college headcanons! part two can be found here! warning for nsfw in jean's, and mentions of alcohol/partying throughout!
jean kirstein
jean shows up to college thinking it’s gonna be high school part two, and quickly gets put in his place
his old antics (for both school and girls) won’t fly anymore, so he tries his hardest at both
i personally see jean as not the smartest, most gifted kid (in college!) but definitely one of the hardest workers
this man comes in pre-law and changes to sports management real quick
he definitely plays some kind of club sport, lacrosse or basketball or maybe even both and he is way too into it
like club lacrosse is his life.
he 100% has eyes for cheerleaders, because he loves idea of someone rooting for him, and if you are one, then it’s instantaneous
he notices you at one of his games, giving a shove to conny and asking if he knew who you were
which is met with “what do i look like, a phone book?”
he builds up the courage to ask you out eventually, to which of course you agree, and it’s pretty much a happy ending after that
makes for a lot of sweaty, post-match sex, with him still in his jersey and you in your uniform hiked up
reiner braun
frat bro reiner is a business major with a focus on finance
reiner is the guy who dedicates 100% of his time to school during the weekdays, and the weekends are for the bros
he’s the first in the library, last to leave lecture because he stayed behind to get clarifications, and pretty much aces everything
halloweekend, he decides to drag annie and bertholdt to a party, because they are in desperate need of letting loose
probably dressed up as something mildly douche-y that didn’t require a lot of thought: a foot ball player jersey with eye black improvised by annie
he is a heavy-weight if you’ve ever seen one, probably on his fifth cup of cheap beer and not even slightly buzzed
annie and bertholdt are sloshed, so he keeps one eye on them to make sure they’re alright
you, on the other hand, are serving as designated-driver for the night and sipping on soda
i think any kind of sweet, innocent costume (angel, fairy, woodland creature) would get his attention immediately
he goes over to you to try to make conversation, and finds himself stumbling over his words even though he just swore he wasn’t tipsy yet
but you find it cute, and given how you have seen him before around campus, studying all the damn time, you’re pleasantly surprised to find a sweet, interesting guy making conversation with you at a halloween party
eventually, your friends take off with their hook-ups, and reiner is left behind alone too after making sure everyone had a safe ride home
with no one left besides you two and his passed out friends, you offer him and his roommates a ride back to his dorm
after dropping annie off, you arrive at the dorm and help lug a blacked-out bertholdt to their room
you say goodnight and as you leave, feeling bold, you leave your number on the whiteboard hanging on their door
so that then turns into coffee-and-studying dates, and eventually a relationship before too long
armin arlert
i think we all know what armin is like in college: marine biology major and history minor
this is an effortless genius, so unlike reiner, he doesn’t have to spend all his time studying
i think armin would be the kind of guy who has school and life figured out, and he slowly realizes a healthy relationship is the one thing missing from his life
there’s honestly plenty of people who want to date him, if he had ever cared to return any of their gazes
i honestly see him being oblivious, so when a fellow classmate asks if he wants to study together, he goes “oh, sorry, i wasn’t really planning on studying, but maybe eren wants a study-buddy, i’ll let him know for you!” instead of realizing that was someone flirting
so it’s the same for you
you’re taking the marine sci class as a last resort, everything else was completely filled up, and you just had to get out of that physics class
but all this talk about oceans and sea-creatures is even worse, somehow. to put it short, you’re struggling, and armin is the kid who raises his hand at every question without so much as jotting down a note during lecture
you know mikasa through a friend-of-a-friend type situation, and ask her if armin would be willing to tutor you sometime
doesn’t matter that part of the reason you’re doing so poorly is because you’re staring at the back of his head most of class
armin and you get together to study on a saturday evening, and what began as a recap on the history of the ocean quickly turns into laughing, talking, and then “you wanna go grab something to eat?”
for someone so smart, he’s really dense
he thinks you’re being friendly and doesn’t want to assume you’re thinking this is a ‘date’ even though you’re internally screaming
it takes you leaning in for a kiss after he’s walked you back to your dorm for it to click
needless to say, he wasn’t quite so oblivious after that
eren yeager
eren was determined to get into the same college as armin and mikasa
my man is undecided, and then sociology after he’s forced to pick
not exactly a fuckboy, not exactly a stoner, just somewhere in between
procrastinates doing work and submits every thing a day late, even though he probably would have gotten full marks if it was on time
him and mikasa decide to take a marine bio class with armin, and he ends up falling asleep during lecture
i don’t see him going for a goody-two shoes type that wants to reform him, because he just wouldn’t want to deal with that
it’s not a toxic relationship, but pretty close to one
on again, off again ever since the two of you met in a dingy frat basement, absolutely hammered, and hooked up
this boy does not want to admit that he’s caught feelings, but eventually it comes to that because he is very much the jealous type
catches you engaging in polite conversation with reiner and he is seeing white in seconds
he realizes he has to make you his
marco bott
the most wholesome nursing major with a minor in english because he is a sucker for lit
i don’t think there is any shortage of girls who want to be with marco, just given how sweet and genuine he is
that being said, i feel like the few time he’s wanted to pursue a relationship with someone, they haven’t reciprocated/just saw him as a friend
which isn’t the easiest thing to deal with, but because he’s a mature angel, he doesn’t hold that against anyone
instead, he kind of succumbs to this false idea that people want to be his friend, and not his girlfriend, which he’s a little insecure about
that’s why i think you and marco would have idiot best friends to lovers, featuring everyone around you knowing how head over heels you both are except the two of you
you two meet in a particularly challenging class, and not recognizing anyone, you both turn to the friendliest face in the room to make study-buddies with
over a whole semester of late-night cramming (and talking), scribbling smiley faces on flashcards, and good luck texts before the exam, you realize how much you’re gonna miss constantly hanging out with marco
and on his end, he’s complaining to jean about how after the final, you two won’t have any reason to keep talking
“so ask her out then, you idiot”
“she probably doesn’t think of me like that…”
“are you blind?” jean says, with a roll of his eyes
after the class has ended and you’re both headed back home for winter break, you work up the nerve to text marco one last time
“let me know if you ever need help studying for another class :)”
you have no idea that he’s over the moon, and that finally brings an end to your friendship, and starts your relationship
bertholdt hoover
mister bertholdt is structural design and architecture major
there’s basically six of those total in your entire college, so he definitely gets a bit isolated/lonely sometimes
he basically came to college with reiner & annie, and figured he didn’t really need more friends than that
so when they’re busy, he’s just by himself
annie definitely makes fun of him for not spreading his wings and flying out of the metaphorical nest, but he’s comfortable with how it is
not a huge fan of the party scene, and prefers a quiet night of studying
i feel like you and him would be the last two studying in the library most nights, and sometimes walk out together after the librarian reminds you both the building is closing
so, when reiner and annie drag him to a party one weekend, he’s shocked to see you there too with outgoing friends of your own
he’s used to seeing you in the bright fluorescent lighting of the library, so this dim, hazy room after the shots have already gone to his head is hard to take in
you two eventually end up talking after your friends push you towards him
“funny seeing you here.” “i could say the same to you.”
he already has a crush (you do too, but he doesn’t want to accept that) so the alcohol inhibits his usual caution
a little bit of dancing, a lot of sitting on the pavement outside while looking at the moon, stars, and each other, topped off with a first-kiss starts your relationship
levi ackerman
teaching assistant levi is a staple of your college
almost infamous, really
you count your lucky blessings that he’s still a year or so away from graduating with his ph.d. in molecular biology and that he’s ta’ing this microbiology class
you’ve definitely heard all sorts of rumors, but you really don’t know what’s truth and fiction
he definitely hasn’t slept with a third of his students (right?) but the lingering way he looks at you isn’t helping quell your thoughts
technically speaking, teaching assistants and students are not allowed to date, interact, etc
until the semester in which you are their student is completed, at least
it doesn’t take long after that for you two to constantly run into each other
“how’re your new classes going? any hot ta’s?” he asks, sipping his tea from the bookstore cafe. you choke on your hot chocolate.
all this being said, you’re an upperclassmen about to graduate, possibly start a ph.d. or masters program yourself. i see him teaching upper-level courses exclusively.
it’s not long after that you admit your feelings to each other, since after all, there’s no time to waste
erwin smith
you’re a second year masters program in the history department. your specialization is military history, so of course professor smith is assigned as your thesis advisor.
i mean, he’s only written several textbooks on the subject
on first sight, you can’t believe he’s a professor. because certainly, this is a some cruel twist of fate. he’s closer to your age than some of his colleagues.
you both try to keep it strictly professional
at first least. this gets gradually harder and harder
there’s a certain chemistry there neither of you can deny.
having a mutual interest in the same subjects doesn’t help too much either. suddenly, you guys are spending hours pouring over topics for his next textbook and your thesis.
the conversation continues over chinese food in his office, long after the rest of the building has cleared out for their friday evenings
“well, i won’t keep you any longer. i’m sure you have much better plans on a friday night than talking military policy with me.”
“there is no where else i’d rather be.”
hope you all liked it! :)
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snow-in-the-desert · 3 years
Dramione Recommendations
Ok so, 2020 has been A LOT but on a personal note one of the most surprising things to happen was me discovering Dramione fanfiction and becoming unashamedly obsessed with it. I really didn’t see that coming but I’m here now and I’m here to stay. 
I think I started reading in the Dramione fandom around mid July last year?? (In all honesty I’ve lost any true sense of time’s progression at this point so I could be well off the mark with that) And I’ve decided to compile a list of all my favourite fics I’ve read so far. Why? I really just want to gush over all the amazing writers I have found through this fandom because y’all deserve it. 
Side note: If any of the authors actually sees this post just dm so I can buy you coffee or post you writing supplies or something idk I feel like that’s the least I can do for all your amazing work x
Remain Nameless by @heyjude19-writing
Ok I have to start with RN because this fic is pretty much the sole reason I decided to create an account with A03 or a tumblr or just decided to get involved with this fandom at all. 
I headcannon this story hard. But I think even if you aren’t a fan of Dramione you should just read this because it is so unbelievably good and well written and poignant and Draco’s sarcastic personality in this is truly a thing of beauty in this - I relate to his inner monologue’s on a deep personal level. 
I could rave about this story any time, any day of the week, just ask me. In fact, maybe I’ll just start a HeyJude19 fan club to fulfill that urge.
There are so many elements that I love but for the sake of brevity, RN is a beautifully told story of Draco and Hermione finding love and healing in a post-war HP setting. Heyjude19 had the very special ability of making me want to simulatenously laugh, cry and swoon with the power of her words. Just stop what you are doing and go read it now if you havent already, ok?  
I also really enjoyed reading Bells on a Hill, Beers, Potions and Unwise Notions and A Shift in Focus, if you are looking for smaller fics, definitely give these a go. They are all funny and heartfelt stoires that will make your tippy toes wriggle with glee. 
The Rights and Wrongs Series by @lovesbitca8
The Right Thing To Do, All The Wrong Things and The Auction are the holy trinity of Dramione writing. I have christened it thus, so mote it be. And frankly I’m not interested in any other opinion than that one, thank you very much!
After reading this series I don’t think I’ll be able to look back on the orginal HP books without thinking of Hermione’s and Draco’s memories of their time at Hogwarts in these fics as anything other than strictly cannon. 
So many things to love about this series but I think one of the major highlights was Hermione and Draco’s use of occlumency. LoveBitca8 created such beautiful visuals with how occlumency works as a magical practice and seeing Draco and Hermione so devoted to eachother to the point of safeguarding their inner most feelings to protect eachother was unbelievably romantic and poetic. 
Also the smut is divine ;)
Manacled by @senlinyu​
My heart will never be the same after reading this story. Like I actually can’t think about this fic without getting a lump at the back of my throat. I have never felt so emotionally ruined after reading anything, compared to the likes of this fic. Just please, please read it. To badly quote HP, reading Manacled will make you suffer but you’re going to be happy about it.
The flashbacks are a rollercoaster in of themselves but the way Hermione inadvertently refers to them when she is still in a state of memory loss was so heartbreaking to read. My heart still aches for them both. Also its a truly satisfying to see Draco and Hermione written in a way were they are both so fiercly protective of one another. They make my insides go soft. 
I also really enjoyed Snow Fall, Now Is A Gift and All You Want by the author but to be honest anything written by Senlinyu is always thoroughly enjoyable and worth a look. 
The Erised Effect by @adaprix​
Ada is QUEEN of dramione smut but ‘The Erised Effect’ is top tier. Its equal parts funny, romantic, sentimental and oh so sexy. Ada really knows how to build and build on sexual tension and doesn’t disappoint on the final delivery. I’m a big admirer of her writing style and just veraciously read whatever she posts but ‘The Erised Effect’ is just golden. A must read. (Also Pansy’s sexual fantasy in this story is a visual I don’t think I’ll ever be able to remove from my brain so thanks for that Ada)
Also quick side note: Adaprix’ stories were the first I read when I was looking into this fandom and it was enough to get me hooked on the pairing from the get go so I have that to thank Ada for too. I remember devouring all the stories she had posted to A03 and when I was done I was like... now what am I supposed to do with my life?? And that’s basically when I began to look deeper into the fandom and thus the course of my life in 2020 changed for the better. 
Some other stories I love by her are Break for Me, All My Sins, The Big 4-0, The Fucklust Series and The Flat in Bath. 
Clean by @olivieblake​
This 6th Year AU where Draco and Hermione work together on a class assignment and end up falling in love had me feeling all kinds of ways when I read it. I almost don’t know where to start but I think one of the stand out things for me was how immersed I felt in reading it. 
Hogwarts is captured really well, you get a good sense of class atmospheres, character nuances and behind the scenes of events that happen in HBP but from a Draco and Hermione’s perspectives. It’s well executed and intricate tapestry of a fic. With an excellent plot twist ending! 
Also Hermione and Draco’s relationship in this is equal parts fluffy and smutty and it just ticks all the right boxes that you want to see for those characters ;)
Breath Mints / Battle Scars by @onyx-and-elm​
The angst in this one is just *chef’s kiss*
God I love this fic. The way Draco is portrayed is very true to his defensive and tetchy character in the original books but he is also given so much more depth. The way his diary entries are written are just so well executed. It’s a true testament to the author’s creative writing skill. And I LOVE how even though Draco is clearly in such a messed up place, he still has a basic level of self respect and dignity that he won’t tolerate being used or undervalued in his relationship with Hermione. 
Yep, I really love Draco’s characterisation in this one if you can’t tell.  But Hermione is also well written too. Her stuggles and trauma of returning to Hogwarts after war is described in a believable and grounded way. And my heart definitely ached for them both. I just wanted to wrap the pair of them in a big fuzzy blanket and tell them that everything will be alright. 
WANDS OUT! by @persephonestone​
This murder mystery / Dramione / Theo x Harry / AU crossover is everything I didn’t know I wanted until I read it. I felt like I was picked up and plonked right into an alternative dimension where all the characters of HP are just living it up in an Agatha Christie novel. 
It’s a funny and clever story that I found refreshing to read amongst all the other fanfics that are usually cemented in the HP timeline or universe. Theodore Nott in this fic is perfection he should be written like this in every fic from now on in my opinion. I couldn’t stop giggling any time he had a scene in the story.
And the ‘only one bed’ trope in this fic is 10/10. I don’t want to give spoilers but ohmygod. It hits all the right notes. 
The One With Technical Difficulties by cassielassie 
Cassielassie has an excellent three part series of Dramone called ‘The One with...” but I have to give special credit to this story in particular for one main reason. ELEVATOR TROPES. I can’t get enough of em. I think I have my early childhood viewings of NCIS to thank for my obsession with elevator tropes they just do something to me that simply cannot be explained with mere words. The palpable sexual tension of being in a broken down elevator with an ‘enemies to lovers’ pairing, a heated arguement breaks out followed by a discovery of mutual feelings and a romantic embrace...
Eugh. It gets me everytime. And this fic is no exception. I loved it for all the reasons I’ve already stated above but also for the attention to detail in Draco and Hermione’s careers makes this one particularly immersive. The dynamics between them established in this one-shot are convincingly portrayed and the chemistry between them is so undeniably hot. 
The Light is No Mystery by @masterofinfinities​
Yooo if you want to read a dramione fic that is a deep dive into Pureblood culture and Post-War recovery but is also a perfect allegory for discrimination and today’s political landscape of moral grandstanding for votes then look no further than this one. 
This story has a bit of everything. Intrigue, mystery, ptsd and recovery, enemies to lovers / secret relationship, government conspiracy and humour, to name a few. I eargerly await every update to this story and am anxious to know how it ends!
The Eagle’s Nest by HeartOfAspen 
Finally! A fic that gives me the Ravenclaw representation I crave. I think I could recommend this fic on the lore depicted of Ravenclaw house alone. ‘The Stacks’ and Rowena Ravenclaw’s own ‘come and go room’ are just such cool details that I could see being real in the HP universe. 
This fic is so cosy and makes me feel like I’m just popping back into Hogwarts for another year. You get to see all the usuals like prof. Mcgongall, Nearly headless Nick, PEEVES, Hagrid, as well as learn more about minor characters from the other school houses. The story follows Hermione going to her day to day classes and there are interesting concepts about magic and alchemy that are explored. 
Draco and Hermione’s relationship in this one is of course very fluffy and heartfelt. But it’s the attention to detail that really makes this fic outstanding and the experience of reading it feels fleshed out and true to HP universe.
A shorter fic by HeartofAspen that I recommend is one called Set in Stone, it has an adventurous, Indianna Jones vibe to it, that I am so down for. 
Teachable Moments by @purplesugarquills
In this fic Hermione is an innocent little virgin determined to learn everything about sex. And Draco Malfoy is her tutor. If that isn’t enough to get you on board then I don’t know what is. Both Heartfelt and Steamy. PurpleSugarQuills writes smut so well but it’s the progression of their growing attachment and the nervous treading of new uncharted waters of romantic relationships for both of them that just adds a whole other level of feels to the story. Also chapter 9 is like reading poetry - its so good. Eugh just give it a read if you haven’t already.
Les Pèlerins by @pacific-rimbaud
This story is high art. It’s transcendent. Reading this story feels like the emotional equivalent of standing around a hundred glowing fairy lights, sipping hot cocoa and being wrapped in the loving embrace of a s/o. I can’t speak my praises highly enough or even become passably coherent in my words when I try to articulate a review. 
From the very first paragraph I felt like I was just whisked away on a Parisian holiday and I’ve never even bloody been to Paris but damn it if this story didn’t make me feel like I was there. The writing style is just so tactile and intense it’s like I could feel the cold winter air brush against me as I read it. Eugh I just completely fell in love with the story and the writer. 
New Year’s resolution. Read everything PacificRimbaud has ever posted online. 
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hwascripts · 3 years
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Domestic life with Hawks (Keigo)
Desc: What it’s like being married to Hawks, living with him, my own personal headcanons and how he is as a husband overall
TW// Swearing, very brief mention of Hawks’ childhood trauma (you’ll miss it if you blink kinda thing)
oh my god I have not posted a headcanon in over 2 months- let’s hope this makes up for it
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-Let me just get the ball rolling and say this man will tease you 25/8. He 100% uses his feathers to snatch things out of your hands, or he’ll move every piece of furniture a few inches so that you’re confused but not suspicious.
“Keigo was this table here before?”
“Yeah babe, it’s been there since we first bought it”
“Strange...I could of sworn it was closer to the right”
-Little shit can barely hold back his chuckles as he watches you knock into everything like a baby deer.
-Aside from teasing you relentlessly I don’t think he would ever pull any seriously harmful pranks- he hates when you’re angry with him.
-Because of how busy he is being the number 2 hero neither of you get to go on as many dates as you want. Dates with Hawks usually only happen once a month- twice if you’re lucky.
-But it’s okay because Hawks is the type of husband that won’t ever let you feel forgotten.
-Expect him to fly by your office while you’re in a meeting because he does it so often that your co-workers place bets on when he’s going to pop by next.
- He’s definitely flown into the window before
-Aside from ambushing you at work, he’ll send different flowers to your office all the time with a little note attached explaining the meaning.
-He’s the type of husband who can read you like a book, you cannot get ANYTHING past this man.
“Babe I know you’re mad about me taking all of your left shoes and making you late to work”
“How the fuck-“
“I’ve interrogated class A villains for years, reading you is a walk in the park”
-No but for real it’s scary how quick he is to catch onto your feelings, it’s like a sixth sense. You could be having a bad day at work and suddenly:
Message from Kei❤️💍: Why don’t we go out for dinner tonight?
-Man his perceptive abilities are god tier.
-He’s the type of husband that quietly comforts you by letting you cry on his shoulder while he holds you. Hawks is great at smooth talking, but Keigo genuinely has no idea how to verbally comfort you.
-He feels like he can completely let go of the Hawks persona when he’s around you. He’s not “Pro-Hero Hawks” when he’s alone with you, he’s just regular Keigo.
-And he’s a very trusting husband because if he can let go of that persona and be vulnerable self around you, then he has no reason to have even the slightest bit of doubt.
-Oh you thought he was protective when he was your boyfriend? get ready for “mother hen Keigo” after the two of you get married.
-He has so many enemies and now that you’re his official other half he needs to increase your security- he would hate himself if he allowed you to get in harms way.
-Of course he knows you have boundaries- he would never want to make you feel overwhelmed. He’ll just ask the hero’s patrolling your area to report to him if there’s anything suspicious.
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-Now that we’ve gone over what he’s like as a husband, let’s talk about the process of moving in with him.
-Let’s be honest, he won’t feel confident enough to ask you to move in with him until you’ve been together for at least 4-5 years.
-He needs to know that you’re here to stay before taking such a big step with you. Don’t be surprised that he’s asking you to move in with him on the day he proposes.
-Hawks lives a fast paced life, never having someone who stuck around for more than a few years. He’s hesitant to propose because in the back of his mind he fears you’ll leave him too.
-Once you say yes and agree to move in with him, he starts to panic a little.
-His penthouse apartment feels so empty because he’s never had the time or patience to even personalize it- he’s always busy working, why should he care?
-The logical side of his brain makes him realize that the two of you will make it feel like a real home.
-Once the day came around he helped pack all your belongings and he just marveled at all your interests- civilians had the free time to have interests whereas he barely had the time to rest.
-He packs each of your belongings with care after analyzing each piece. You end up bonking him on the head because what the hell is taking so long?
-After all of your things are put away in your new shared home, he can’t help but grin a little bit. He was finally experiencing what a home is supposed to feel like.
-The first few months you need to stop him from buying ridiculous things.
“Keigo what the hell?! I said no stupid purchases!”
“An inflatable banana pool floater is not a stupid purchase”
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-He has a nasty habit of throwing his dirty hero costume on your favourite rug whenever he gets home.
“Babe I’m sorry, I’ll stop doing it”
“You said that yesterday, and the day before!”
-Whenever he’s exhausted he’ll flop on top of you and ask you to rub the tender spots around his wings.
-Good luck getting him off you if he falls asleep while you rub his back, man sleeps like a damn boulder.
-You have to teach him how to make nutritious meals because this man will literally eat anything so long as it’s quick. As a hero he rarely has time to eat, so cooking good food is completely off the table for him.
-You end up cooking him filling lunches/dinners for him whenever he goes on patrol. He always gives you a sweet kiss as a thank you.
“The meals don’t taste as good whenever I leave without giving you a goodbye kiss”
-He’s actually got a habit of stroking your cheek whenever he gets home from patrol and you’re already asleep.
-Sometimes he forgets his wings are huge obstacles so don’t be surprised if he whacks you with them by accident. Asshole thinks it’s funny when you squeal.
-Nobody can say he doesn’t have a habit of texting you cute photos of dogs he sees while on patrol.
-He’s slowly working out of his habit of suddenly slipping away whenever you try to sneak hug him. His childhood trauma makes him react like that.
-He has the cutest habit of nuzzling your jaw with his nose before he flys off for work. Also has a habit of touching your waist when he passes by you
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-The two of you will always cook breakfast together- no if’s, ands or buts.
-It’s one of your favourite domestic things to do with each other and it makes him feel like a normal couple.
-When he comes home from a rough day he immediately searches for you and gives you a “I’m back” kiss- no matter how bruised and battered he is, he’ll always give you a kiss when he returns home.
-When he gets into bed with you he’ll rest his head on your chest and listen to your heart beat, it reminds him that all of this is real and that you’re not just a figment of his imagination
-Patching him up and then kissing his wounds has become another daily ritual for the two of you- even if it’s just a pesky paper cut. He does the exact same for you.
-No matter what, the two of you always make time to talk about your day over coffee or tea. again, it makes Keigo feel like he’s in a normal relationship
-Call me boring for this one but cleaning up after dinner is a daily ritual for the two of you. He’ll fling soap bubbles at you and laugh as you chase him around and try to give him a soap beard.
-Listen, Keigo just wants to feel like a normal person. Doing normal household chores with you makes him so happy.
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Hawks is a very loving husband who would die a thousand deaths for you. He’s not perfect but then again, no one is perfect.
He’s a filthy tease and a prankster but he’s one protective bastard that loves you to the moon and back.
10/10 would marry Hawks any day
573 notes · View notes
machine-gun-casie · 3 years
where are you?
synopsis: you feel insecure with colson and he’s having none of it. (itty bitty titty committee!fem!reader)
wc: 4k
warnings: smut (18+), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it and all that), dom/sub undertones, “sir”, soft dom!colson, praise kink, choking kink.
a/n: this is my first ever smut so pls be gentle! i wrote the reader as small chested, but nothing else is described because ik how annoying it can be when small chested reader starts turning into skinny reader, so i hope you enjoy! please tell me what you think and how well i did because this is so nerve  wracking!!! i love you guys!!
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“Col, what are you doing?” You whined, crossing your arms over your chest. You were both lying on the couch when he suddenly jumped up and pulled you along with him. 
“Wait a minute.” He giggled as he set up his phone on top of a contraption made of random books he found lying around and two tissue boxes. His front facing camera was open and from what you could tell he was filming on tiktok.
“Oh my god, is that tiktok?” You groaned lightly. Colson had been obsessed with watching tiktoks recently, yet he hadn’t been really into making them. But the last time Casie was over, she taught him how to navigate the app and he was so eager to create. But did he have to be eager right now? You hadn’t had a chance to lie down with him all day.
“Yes,” he replied and walked away from his phone to stand directly in front of you, “now stand like this.” He instructed as he placed his large hands on your waist and positioned you to face him properly, taking your hands in his gingerly and putting them by your side.  
The first few notes left the speakers of his phone and you furrowed your eyebrows as you tried to figure out the name of the song. “Am I supposed to react or something?”
“No no, just wait.” He smiled, incredibly excited for whatever this was. As the music grew louder, Colson came closer and brought his hand up and grabbed the collar of your sweater gently in his palm. He pulled the sweater outwards and leaned forward to look down your shirt.
“Where are you?” He mouthed with the music.
Your jaw dropped as you threw your head back in laughter, your hand instinctively coming up to cover your chest once more. “You motherfucker!”
Colson laughed and pulled you into him by the hem of your sweater, “Come on, you know that was funny.” The audio replayed in the background as the time allotted for the video was used up, leading Colson to let go of you and reach for his phone.
“It was.” You agreed. “Doesn’t make you less of a dick.”
“You know I love your tiny tits, babe.” He mumbled as he fiddled with his phone.
“You better.” You chuckled and went back to the couch, hoping that your blanket was still warm.
“Hey, I’m gonna post this. Is that cool?” He called out to you.
“Go ahead.” You replied as you made yourself comfortable. “That was funny. Is it a trend or something?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, “there was another audio that went like ‘to girls with anything smaller than a b cup, I hope you gentlemen have a good day’ or something. I thought that was funnier, but I couldn’t find it.”
“Yeah, tiktok’s search thing is crap.” You rolled your eyes. “Honestly, the most memorable part of the videos on their platform is the audio. You should be able to find things without having everything saved in your favorites.”
“Anything else I should include in my email to tiktok’s team?”
“Yes, tell them to verify me while they’re at it.”
It was only an hour or so later when Colson had to leave for something or other, he had told you about it a few days prior but you couldn’t remember for the life of you. He said that he’d be back before midnight, which was code for ‘you should wait up for me’. It was around ten p.m. when you decided that you should probably freshen up and put something nice on. 
After a quick shower and some of that lotion that Colson loved the smell of, you sat on the damp bathroom counter and pulled out your little makeup bag that you had yet to unpack after your last trip with Colson.
Makeup wasn’t a necessity for nights with your boyfriend, but you knew he loved how roughed up you looked with smeared lipstick and mascara running down your cheeks. So you put on your heaviest mascara that wasn’t waterproof, focusing on your lower lashes, and one of your cheapest lipsticks so it wouldn’t stain no matter how badly it smeared.
You weren’t really thinking of how you would look as you went through your routine, but more of what would happen when Colson got home. So when you opened your lingerie drawer, full of red, black, and bright pink sets all thanks to Colson, you were surprised to be hit by feelings of insecurity and dread.
Considering the fact that your relationship with Colson was almost a year long thus far, you hadn’t felt insecure or uncomfortable with him in so long. Was it really… No. It couldn’t be.
That stupid tiktok. It was getting to you. 
You weren’t sure why. You knew it was a joke, a good one at that. It hadn’t made you uncomfortable at the time. Nor did it now, really. You and Colson have joked about the size of your boobs many times, just like how you joked about how skinny he was or how bad morning breath always was. It was just how your relationship grew to be after you both fully let loose around each other. 
So why was this getting to you? You tried to come to a conclusion as you pulled on one of your favorite sets. As you stared at yourself in the mirror and adjusted the lingerie, you heard the front door open and decided that the time for analyzing your insecurities was not now.
Moments after you settled down on the bed, the door open and revealed Colson in a nice fancy looking suit. He let out a low whistle as he dropped his phone and his keys on the dresser, “Wow. What did I do in this world to deserve this?”
“I think you just got real lucky.” You smirked. “Love the get up, lover boy.”
“Yeah? Balmain for next week’s carpet.” He did a little spin as he walked closer. A fitting with Balmain, that’s right. “How much do you love it?”
“Not enough.” You feigned a frown and cocked your head to the side. “I’d like it off now, please and thank you.”
“Since you used your manners.” He smiled as he shrugged off the white suit jacket, disposing of the shirt and the pants quickly after, leaving him in just his boxers. “You look gorgeous, sweetheart. I’d rip that set off you if I didn’t know how much it costs.”
“I don’t mind,” you purred as he climbed onto the bed next to you, “my man can buy me another.”
“Your man?” Colson raised his eyebrows at you, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned. He pulled you onto his lap, purposefully placing the damp patch on your lace panties against his pulsing erection.
Your hips bucked up at the contact and you hissed. “Yeah- my man.” You leaned forward and placed a soft kiss against his lips, pulling away as soon as he tried to take it further. “He takes care of me so well.”
“How does he take care of you, sweetheart?” Colson asked as he trailed his hands upwards against your thighs, one of them speeding up to your waist while the other stayed on its course. Your boyfriend wasn’t one for teasing, especially when he was as hard as he is now, so you knew where his hand was headed and it wasn’t going to take long.
“He fucks me so-” You gasped as his fingers reached the side of your panties, pushing them aside to stroke you gently. “He fucks me so good.” A moan escaped you as his pointer finger slowly sunk into you, knuckle by knuckle.
“Yeah I do.” Colson grinned as he watched your face contort. “So pretty, baby.” He let his thumb rest against your clit once his finger was fully sheathed inside of you.
“Colson,” you whined as you tried to ride his finger, “move.”
He pouted at you mockingly. “You were being so nice just now with your ‘please and thank you.’ You’re throwing around commands now?”
“Please, please, touch me.” He wasted no time in pumping his finger in and out and using his thumb to circle your clit. You whimpered at the attention, losing yourself to the pleasure. He had barely touched you and you were already desperate. “Another one, Colson. Please?”
“I love it when you use your manners, baby girl. Always so polite.” He smiled and watched you carefully as he pushed in his middle finger with the next thrust. His middle finger being slightly longer in addition to the girth of both fingers had your jaw dropping as your head fell back. “So perfect. Look at you, taking my fingers so well. Think you can take my cock just as good?”
“Yes, yes, please Colson.” You nodded fervently, trying to pull yourself off of his fingers. But he wouldn’t let you, pushing up along with you to keep his hand in place as he tsked at you.
“Not now babygirl, need you to come for me first. I don’t wanna hurt you.” He replied as he brought the hand on your waist up to your face. “Can you come for me?”
You whined as your eyebrows furrowed, eyes screwed shut at this point. “Wanna come on your cock.”
“And you will,” Colson reassured you, letting his hand fall to your neck, his thumb gently stroking the column of your throat, “but you gotta give me one before I can let you. I know you can, sweetheart. You’re always such a good girl for me, always taking care of me. Let me take care of you.” He circled your bud faster as he praised you, pushing his fingers in as deep as he could without hurting you to press up against your g-spot. He watched as you rolled your eyes back as the pleasure hit you and he knew you were close. 
He let his hand trail down your chest and then he pulled the lace covering your right breast down. Colson lowered his head and connected his mouth to your hardened nipple and you groaned as he swirled his tongue around it. You grabbed him roughly by the sides of his head and pulled him into a deep kiss. With your eyes closed you didn’t see Colson’s eyebrows knit together in confusion.
He pulled away and looked at you carefully, realizing that you were on the precipice. “Come for me, Angel.” He breathed heavily against your lips. And like a good girl, you did.
Your mouth fell open in a silent scream as you let the pleasure wash over you. Colson smirked as he watched you ride out the high, knowing that he did that to you with only his fingers.
“You really know how to use your hands.” You panted, leaning forward to place your forehead against his. 
“I changed your mind on fingering, didn’t I?” He asked. Colson was right, you used to hate being fingered before you met him. It just felt like prodding fingers and harsh jabs in a place that was far too sensitive for that. He begged and begged to touch you for weeks before you finally agreed, and it was probably one of his proudest moments when he managed to make you come five times with just his fingers that night.
“Ugh, I hate that word.” You chuckled,
“What? Fingering?” Colson asked as he gently pulled his fingers out of you, knowing damn well what word it was. “But I thought you liked getting fingered? I always finger you so good, don’t I?”
“Oh my god, shut up!” You laughed. “You are a man child.”
“A man child who’s great at fingering.” He waggled his eyebrows at you as he brought his digits up to his mouth and sucked them clean. He placed his wet fingers against your cheeks and brought you closer to him, kissing you deeply. You could taste yourself on his tongue and it was intoxicating.
“Fuck me already!” You whined as you broke away from him. You pawed at his boxers to show him how desperate you were. “Please, I need you. Been waiting for you all day.”
“Me too, baby.” Colson huffed, lifting you off his lap and putting you down on the bed to take off his boxers. Once they were halfway across the room, Colson tried to push you down on the bed but you resisted.
“Wanna ride you.” You whispered and watched his eyes light up. 
“Can I take these off first?” He asked, hand coming up to your bra strap, and you nodded. He reached back and unclasped the fabric, watching the straps gently fall down your shoulder. He always loved undressing you, never letting you do it yourself. His hands came up to gently squeeze both your breasts, thumbs rubbing back and forth on your nipples. You slowly reached down to slip off your panties, knowing that Colson would stop you. “Hey, no. Let me.”
He always undressed you, he thought as he pulled your panties down your legs. Why would you attempt something different today? Something wasn’t adding up.
“Lie back.” You whispered as you pushed him down. You crawled up towards him and moved your legs to straddle his hips. “It’s been too long, baby.”
“I fucked you this morning.” Colson chuckled, voice tight as he felt your sopping wet pussy land on his aching dick.
“Like I said,” you sighed nonchalantly, “too long.”
Colson wasn’t one for teasing. You, on the other hand, lived for it. You glided against his length slowly, slicking him up and torturing him at the same time.
“You’re killing me here, sweetheart.” Colson groaned.
“You know it’s my favorite thing to do, my love.” You smiled, leaning down to kiss him. “Gotta remind you who’s in control.”
“Fuck,” he groaned at your words, “you wanna have that talk now? We both know I give you the reins when I feel like it.” He swiftly flipped the two of you over, leaving him hovering over your body. His right hand quickly reached up to circle your throat, applying the slightest bit of pressure. “Now be a good girl and ride my dick like you said you would.”
“Yes sir,” you smiled as you got the exact reaction you were hoping for. He dropped down next to you and helped you back into your previous position, but you stayed hovering over his hips. You grabbed the base of his cock and positioned the tip against your entrance. Slowly lowering yourself, you let go once the tip was firmly in place. You placed both hands against Colson’s heavily inked chest and pushed down the rest of the way.
You both moaned in unison when he bottomed out after what felt like forever. Colson tried to move his hips, but with the slight shake of your head he paused. “Gimme a- gimme a second, Mr. Monster Cock.”
“After all this time, sweetheart?” He smirked.
“You say that every time, Colson.” You laughed as you tried to relax. “Okay.” You nodded as you slowly lifted yourself off his hips, pausing at the tip and then lowering yourself a little faster than before. “Feels bigger every time. You’re not taking those penis enlargement pills, are you?” You knew you were only stroking his ego at this point, but his face was worth it.
“They should probably use me for their ads.” 
“They’d sell out too fast.” You groaned, your eyes fluttering shut. “I should ride you more often.”
“You don’t like it when I’m in control?” He asked, head rolling back and accentuating his adam’s apple. He opened his eyes and placed his palm against your throat again, warning you.
“Love it when you’re in control, baby.” You hummed. “But I gotta say, watching you from this angle is the closest thing I’ve ever seen to heaven.”
“Good answer.” He chuckled, letting his hand slip down to your chest. Before he could even try to hold you, you grabbed his hand and pushed it against the bed, holding it there.
It finally clicked in Colson’s head as he saw the sweater you were wearing earlier that morning hung up behind the door. You had barely let him touch you today after he filmed that stupid tiktok. Oh fuck no, this wasn’t gonna happen on his watch. 
He sat up with you still in his lap and grabbed both of your hands. “What are you doing, y/n?” His tone and the use of your name and not a pet name stopped you in your tracks.
“I’m fucking my boyfriend, what are you doing?” You asked, not understanding what he was on about. 
“You’re not letting me touch you.” You looked down at your hands in his and raised your brows at him. “No,” he paused, placing both your hands in his left one and reaching towards your chest, “you’re not letting me touch you.” He squeezed your left breast causing you to gasp and arch your back. “Every time I get close, you push me away.”
“I’m not-”
“Don’t lie.” He shook his head disappointedly. “You know that video was a joke, right? I can delete it right fucking now if you want me to.”
“Colson, it’s not about that-” You started.
“Then what is it about?” He raised his brows at you. “You’re not letting me enjoy what’s mine.” He pinched your nipple hard and watched as you arched your back again. “You are mine. And I like to enjoy what's mine. These are mine. I like to kiss them,” he leaned down to do just that, “I like to bite them,” he gently nipped against the soft skin of your breast. “And I fucking love marking them.” He sucked a spot right next to your nipple, pulling away only when he was sure it would be dark enough to show. “Don’t stop me from enjoying what’s mine, you understand?”
“Yes sir.” You nodded, wrists still held in his left hand. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. It wasn’t about the video, I promise.”
“Shh,” he pressed his lips against yours to silence you, “we’ll talk about it later. We’re not having any important conversations when you’re squeezing my dick like that, sweetheart.”
“Like,” you paused to clench your inner walls, “that?”
“Oh fuck!” Colson choked out, thrusting his hips up roughly. “Darling, I think you should let me handle this now.”
“I’m all yours,” you breathed.
As soon as the words left your mouth, Colson let himself go. He didn’t even bother flipping you over, he just took control with you on top. He grabbed you by the hips and simply used you.
You tried to sneak your hand down to give your sweet spot some attention, but Colson’s growl stopped you. “Be patient, baby.”
The thrusts were no longer consistent as his hips stuttered, telling you that he was close. “Colson,” you whined, “please.”
He paused and closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he saw how wrecked you looked. Tears leaving black trails of watery mascara down your cheeks, and lipstick smeared to one side, probably because of how he flipped you over that first time. He could see how desperate you were and he wanted to be the solution. He needed to be the solution.
Reaching down slowly, taking his time trailing your body as he went, Colson circled his finger against your clit and began to thrust ever so slowly. It took so much effort to maintain his slow pace, but anything was worth it when it came to you. “You’re so beautiful, you know that?” He asked as he focused on your blissed out face. “Beautiful and mine. All mine.”
“Yours,” you nodded as you squeezed your eyes shut. “So close, Colson. I’m so-”
“Let go for me, baby.”
With a high pitched moan, you let go. You spasmed on his cock, milking it and making it incredibly difficult for him not to blow his load right then and there.
As you started to wilt against him, you felt him slowly pulling out of you. “But you-”
“Wanna- Oh fuck… Wanna come on your tits.” He groaned, pumping himself as soon as he was out of you. You quickly laid down on the bed and pushed out your chest. He brought his knees to either side of waist and placed the hand that wasn’t working his cock around your throat. “Mine.”
“Yours.” You gasped. With a few more pumps, his head was rolling back and he was painting your chest.
He panted heavily as he came down from his high, eyes still tightly closed. When he finally opened them, he smiled lazily. “Look at you, covered in my load. So pretty, baby.” He reached down and rubbed the seed into your skin and against your nipples. Leaning down, he placed a kiss on your forehead and sagged against you for a moment.
After his breather, he sat back up and headed to the bathroom, tossing a ‘be right back’ over his shoulder. You were left alone in the bedroom for a minute, hearing the water running in the bathroom reminding you that you need to pee.
You weren’t entirely sure where the sudden insecurity came from tonight. Not that you weren’t ever insecure about your body, but never during sex and definitely never with Colson. You sat up on the bed and stared at the open bathroom door where your boyfriend was. He had only ever made you feel loved and gorgeous. Maybe his obvious acknowledgment to your lack of cup size did make you question. Question your worthiness of him. He was obviously well endowed, and most people knew that. You chuckled lightly as you remembered the stupid cock sock.
Maybe it made you feel a little less than, you thought as you walked towards the bathroom. You walked in and let your fingers trail against Colson’s shoulder as you passed him at the sink to do your business.
You watched him as he grabbed a towel and ran it under the warm water. You quickly finished and sat on the bathroom counter in front of him. He slowly wiped away at your chest with the damp cloth, being gentle against the soft skin. 
But here he is. Caring for you. Loving on you. Loving you. You almost laughed out loud at yourself for questioning his love or your worthiness when he was so obviously devoted to you of his own accord. 
“I love you.” You broke the silence.
“I love you, too.” Colson looked up at you, slightly shocked and confused. You had both already said the ‘L-word’ a while ago, but you usually kept the love confessions in dark rooms and not in the harsh bathroom light. “Was I too-”
“No.” You shook your head as he reached for your pack of makeup wipes behind you. “No, you always take care of me so well.”
You went quiet again, before you opened your mouth to speak at the same time that he did. He paused and waited for you to speak, but when you didn’t, he started again.
“If that video bothered you, you should have told me y/n. I’m sorry I made you feel insecure, but next time you gotta tell me before it escalates.” He spoke softly as he pulled a wipe out of the pack and cleaned up your face. “I love you. That includes every part of you.”
“I’m sorry, I promise it wasn’t the stupid video. It was actually really funny.” You chuckled. “I don’t know what hit me. When I was getting ready before you came, I just looked down at my drawer and felt so stupid. I felt like I was pretending to be sexy for you. Like- Like I was convincing myself all this time that this turned you on when there’s no way it could.” He opened his mouth but you looked at him and he paused. “But I know that that isn’t true. And I’m sorry for doing that back there.”
“I swear to god y/n, if you apologize one more time-”
You laughed, placing your hand on his chest. “I’m so- I’m not! I’m not sorry!”
“You aren’t,” he nodded, his eyes meeting yours so that you knew he was being serious, “because you have nothing to be sorry for. And I know that if I apologize again, this is never gonna end. I love you, and you are so sexy, and I am the world’s luckiest man because you’re all mine.”
“Yeah, you are.” You giggled and smiled as he rolled his eyes. 
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astranva · 4 years
TikTok series | FaceTime Challenge
Word Count: 771. she’s a short one
Category: Fluff!
Warning: None, this is cute
Summary: Y/N records Harry’s reaction to a fake FaceTime call on TikTok.
here’s the challenge i mean
imagine if i wrote more angst instead of coming up with all these fluffy pieces. i wish
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Since the beginning of quarantine, like many people from all over the globe, you had taken a liking to spending time on TikTok.
While you and Harry had shared the same home, you were both also glad to at least be inside with one another instead of him being locked out of the country because of the pandemic. So, between your stay in your London home and driving to stay for a while at your cozy home in Italy, you were always laughing and giggling as you showed Harry some videos on the app, even showing some that his fans created for him.
It wasn’t a secret that you and Harry were together, especially since the fans were surprised that Harry was with someone who worked as a software application and web developer who found joy in working with codes, posting pictures on Instagram with her cat and friends as they bowled and cooked, made videos of how exciting it was to finally buy new eyeglasses after keeping the last ones for 7 years straight, coming off as someone who was easy to approach and interact with.
The fans weren’t the only ones surprised, because so was Harry. While he knew how funny you were, especially because of your frequent use of sarcasm, he was surprised that fans seemed to like that about you, too.
When you sent out a tweet sharing a funny TikTok, fans were quick to find your account and follow you, even when you had 0 videos posted, but then you began to post.
For the first few videos, you only recorded some of the recipes you had learned during quarantine, using the French and Ratatouille’s song, Le Festin, as you did.
For one of your videos, you had made a mug cake, a mere second of Harry eating it as he sat in front of you recorded was enough to send everyone into a wave of excitement of their idol and favorite artist on the app, bathing in the mundane and domestic life with his girlfriend.
You had seen many pranks and challenges on the app, all of which that made you laugh and gasp.
And then you watched the FaceTime couple challenge.
The challenge had funny videos attached to it, partners reacting differently to it that had you curious to know how your own boyfriend would react and you thought that there was only one way to find out.
You were in Italy, both of your bodies a little hot from the sun you bathed in an hour ago as you two swam in your private pool.
You and Harry sat on the same couch across from each other, your feet beside him as he subconsciously ran his fingers on your calf, eyeglasses on as he held a book in his other hand. His hair was a little messy, white t-shirt and pink shorts on, looking like a dream under the golden sunlight the windows had allowed in.
You tried to stifle your giggles as you opened the app and found the sound, flipping the camera so that it showed Harry before you began recording.
The sound of an incoming FaceTime video call sounding before one of you accepting it was heard.
“Yo, what’s good shawty?” The male voice sounded, Harry’s head instantly snapping to your direction with furrowed eyebrows, “Your man still around?”
His eyebrows shot up, his head tilting as he mouthed a “what?” while his eyes squinted before moving to hover over you, the last second of the video being one of his face close to the camera as he looked up at you in confusion but with a small smile as you laughed.
Harry looked at your phone, finding a footage of him starting with the recorded sound starting to play before he rolled his eyes as you laughed, a dimpled smile making its way to his face.
“You’re the worst.” And as if he was embarrassed, Harry lied on top of you, burying his head into you neck as you continued to laugh.
“That was so good.” You laughed, “You thought that was real?”
“I didn’t know what to think,” he whined before laughing, pulling his head away to look at you, “Just worried that you’d go for someone who calls you shawty.”
“I’d be a daft if I ever think about going from being called lovie to shawty.” You pecked his lips before looking back at your phone, beginning to laugh again, “Look at how concerned you look!”
“Y/N…” Harry dragged, burying his head back into your neck.
“I’m so posting that.”
Needless to say, the fans had a field day.
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leviiattacks · 3 years
heyyy there, saw your requests are open. and i'm wondering maybe you could do a timeskip where everything is done and levi finally opened his tea shop. then there he met reader, and he treats them differently from other customers. thank you, hope you're having a good day.
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author note :: this was kinda rushed as is most of what i post. the reader is a writer just bc i thought it would be cute and also ISTG. i wrote this entire thing thinking leviolas was such a cool name for a tea shop then googled it and saw it’s also the name of a spider so... ++ btw i have not yet double checked or proofread this because i wrote it at 2am but yeah it’s definitely not great :-) word count :: 2.4k??? somehow???
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you’re sweet like honey when you first order from leviolas. you’re the same when you ask the owner for extra napkins and you remain exactly the same when you return with the intention to stick around for a writing session with a black tea by your side
something about you is attractive. that’s what levi thinks of you when you first walk into leviolas
you’re just incredibly wholesome poking your head around looking at all of the handmade pastries and confectioneries in admiration
you think the homely decor is cute and reminiscent of cottages in the countryside, the view outside the windows is beautiful and the scent of coffee alongside tea is heavenly
the pastries are beautiful and you find yourself eyeing the macrons pretty frequently. just EVERYTHING about leviolas is cute :-(
but one particular thing is especially adorable to you
and that would be the owner
when you hear his name for the first time you’re a little shocked
levi ackerman to be specific captain levi ackerman, the high ranking official who aided in paradis’ independence and freed the nation from the grip of titans
you read about him a year back in a paper or two and vividly recall the valiant title he held as humanity’s strongest soldier
he still holds the title that’s for sure but now he happens to own a tea shop
it’s slightly unusual it’s not every day you see a soldier retire and live such a plain life but you suppose the simplicity makes levi happy
honestly, if you had been through hell and back like him you too would wish to spend the rest of your days in the company of tea leaves and sweet cakes
today is a day like any other you’re sat by one of the windows and contemplating sitting in the outside seating area
the sun is shining and lands uncomfortably on your face at this angle and you may as well make your way outside
but before you can a shadow looms over you and a broad chest leans over to cover the window with dainty curtains
“you looked bothered by the light.”
oh god.
it’s him.
he’s standing there looking at you with an unreadable expression and all you can do is open and close your mouth not knowing what to say
humanity’s strongest soldier
levi ackerman
also known as the really really really attractive cafe owner you’ve been crushing on for the last few months now
seeing him up close is much more different to looking at him from the comfort of your seat or whilst you order
he’s normally got his back turned whilst collecting orders or another worker collects them as he prepares the beverages
that’s why the unexpected interaction has you nervous
you can always tell when he’s made your drink because he honestly has a way with tea leaves and you kinda want to gush about how much you enjoy it
but, no, no, no.
you’re panicking just looking at him
soft black strands of hair stick to his forehead, his undercut is oddly satisfying to stare at and he smells of pine trees which again is refreshing
“ah hahaha thank you for blocking the sun out!!”
why the fuck did you ha ha????
this is so awkward.
putting on your best front you beam up at him hoping your toothy smile doesn’t look stupid
then again it probably does because who the hell has a good toothy smile
levi’s gaze lingers on you but if he has anything else he wants to say he doesn’t make it known
instead he firmly nods and turns away
you’ve messed up,,
only!!! you manage to mess up even more....?
without thinking your hand latches onto the back of his blue button up and your face burns up realizing what it is you’ve done when he stiffens to a stop
as quick as your hand has grabbed onto his shirt it lets go and you awkwardly laugh again
“i’m sorry i didn’t mean to hold onto you so hard i was just...wondering if you could let me in on your secret.”
the random sentence is one you’ve made off the top of your head because you don’t have any real reason for holding onto him
but thankfully for you the saccharine of your voice is enough to sway levi
when he turns to see you with the same smile eagerly awaiting his answer something sparks in him
his chest feels a little funny but he ignores it
“secret?” he questions
“yeah!! your tea!! you’re really good at making it and aaaahhhh” you sigh contently thinking back on it.
“i remember when i ordered rose tea one time. you made it beautifully and the taste was infused so delicately it was incredibly soothing.”
hearing you ramble passionately about what he loves to do makes his chest feel funny again
he doesn’t know what the hell is going on exactly
but the only way he can explain it is his heart somersaulting and flipping despite him not wanting it to
despite that, it’s quite enjoyable
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it’s probably got something to do with your kindhearted demeanor or the way you always manage to give him a smile when you waltz in
but levi finds himself fighting to touch you more and more as the days pass
your collar is always haphazardly done and he wants to lean in and fix it
sometimes you’ll have an eyelash on your face and he wants to lean in to swipe it away with his thumb
occasionally he stares at your hair and wants to sort it out. half the time it’s all over the place from the wind
he wants to lean in and smooth it out.
all he wants to do is LEAN IN but he sees no valid reason to
he’s lucky he’s always able to catch himself before his thumb reaches your cheek (you’re very oblivious and never notice how close he really gets)
ever since your first encounter at leviolas a few months back he’s been dragged into your world of books and lively stories
it doesn’t take you long to break out of your shell and you’re always telling levi something new
he doesn’t speak as much as you but when you coax out a story or two out of him he’s always earnest
you’ve learnt a lot through the conversations
you’ve learnt about his lost comrades, the horrible things he had to see on the battlefield, how he hopes he’ll live happy with what he has left
there are certain conversation topics he skips entirely and you respect his boundaries
you and levi are sat by a window and a comfortable silence floats between you two
it’s been four months
four months since you asked what his secret was
come to think of it he never told you what it was
he’s intently staring at you as you drink the lemon tea he’s just made you and his stare is a little too intense
feeling nervous you pick up your cup hoping for something to occupy yourself
recently the butterflies in your stomach have been increasing in number but you know it’s wrong to fancy levi
you don’t know why you think that but it’s the fact that you’re sure you’re not his type
he probably likes organised people, dependable people, funny people
not you.
you’re just an irksome author who spends your days writing in his shop
honestly he finds you annoying he has to. you’re always hanging around here
however, you do remember the one day you did choose to write in the park he thought you had died or something. that made you feel a little sad because he can’t really help but automatically worry if his routine is broken and you happen to have accidentally become part of his schedule
no, like levi’s literally said he has your name in his planner and whenever he thinks of a new thing to make you he’ll write it down with your name next to it
but still,, you’re convinced he has to find you annoying
there’s no reason for thinking it but you DEFINITELY think it’s correct
absentmindedly you haven’t even noticed levi still staring at you
looking up at levi he’s clearly worried about something
humming in response telling him to continue he does
“i like someone.”
“...i’m not sure they’d return my feelings, that’s why i mentioned it.”
you smile at him warmly and you feel your heart sink, obviously he has to like someone. it’s probably someone in the corps, someone strong, someone capable. you’re not any of those things.
“well, you need not worry. if a man as good as you fancied me i’d be over the moon. i’m sure they would too!”
keep optimistic, don’t let him see you upset.
levi’s cheeks grow bright red and he bashfully tries to hide his embarrassment by covering his face with his hands
you laugh when he doesn’t budge and stays in the same position 
“c’mon levi, confess they’ll accept you have nothing to fear.” you coo persuasively
finally letting up after a few seconds he lets his arms drop to his sides.
“would you date me?”
the question takes you aback and you stare at him startled
soon realizing the idiocy laced in the inquiry he quickly retracts his statement
“nevermind, that was stupid.”
ignoring him you still want to answer
“uh well, i would. i have thought about it on occasion.”
he’s blinking rapidly trying to process what you’ve just admitted.
“you’ve thought about...?”
“dating you. yes i have.”
“and why the hell would you do that?” you can’t tell if he’s mad at you
“you’re capable, respectful. you’re considerate and quiet. i mean it you’re an amazing man really. also your tea!! imagine getting to drink it every day.”
you really have to add in the part about his tea because you know he loves it when you compliment it :-)
“ok, you drink my tea every day already.”
his short uninterested response stings and the dam of regret bursts open 
you shouldn’t have said all of that.
you and levi sit in an awkward silence for what feels like an eternity. you don’t dare look at him and your course of action is too drink your tea as quick as possible before dismissing yourself.
but before you can set your plan in motion levi breaks the ice.
“let’s date.”
you freeze and your eyes grow to the size of saucers
what did he just say???
he has to be losing his mind
“but levi what about the person you like?”
his eyebrow cocks upwards and an amused expression stretches across his face.
“i was talking about you.” he confesses boldly
this is a fever dream, nope, nope nope. you can not comprehend that this is your reality.
pinching your arm you hiss a little when you feel the pain
okay so, you’re definitely not dreaming...
“i, you, me. you...you like me?” the sentence is a jumble of words but you manage to sputter out something that makes sense
“yes. i like you.”
he’s being so blunt you can’t tell if he’s being serious but when you remind yourself that this is levi you relax, a blunt straightforward confession is meaningful coming from him 
you get all blushy and flustered and you let out another one of your awkward hahahahaha’s but it’s a good hahahahaha
cautiously testing the waters he grabs your hand from across the table intertwining his fingers with yours
the gesture is adorable. the buzzing sensation that travels through your laced fingers makes you giggle to yourself giddily
“leviolas suddenly a matchmaking agency now? ;-)” your joke is dry and unfunny and levi rolls his eyes at it 
“you’re not funny.”
“but you still like me.” you tease
“yes. i still like you.” he admits
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a few days have passed since then
you and levi have been the talk of the town 
humanity’s strongest soldier finally found his flame???
the chatter and rumors spread like wildfire, both you and levi aren’t fans of being in the spotlight but nothing negative has been said so there’s no complaints so far
levi places a cup of tea in front of you, it’s a herbal kind because you’ve been complaining about a headache
today you’re explaining why you dislike the plot of beauty and the beast and how there’s so much wrong with it. from the weirdly toxic relationship to the power imbalance. levi stands listening attentively whilst waiting for you to take a sip of the tea
just as you’ve paused to take a large breathe and prepare yourself to continue explaining how unbearable that book is levi uses it as his chance to say what he’s been wanting to 
“drink up before it’s ice cold.”
following his instructions you interrupt yourself and take a gulp of the herbal tea
your eyes glimmer in approval. it tastes of strawberries and you’re delighted already feeling your mood slightly raise in response
“it’s GREAT?? what did you put in it?? it doesn’t even taste medicinal.” once again, you’re fawning over his tea
“so levi ackerman, what really is the secret to all these perfect cups of tea?”
and without a seconds hesitation he responds.
“i was making the tea for you. that’s the secret.”
it takes a while for the gravity of his words to sink it but when the meaning does you cup his face in your palms and peck him everywhere. he whines a little but you can tell he enjoys the attention
you find that you’re more than happy you’ve found a home in levi and his shop
and levi’s more than happy he’s found a home in you and your books
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joshslater · 3 years
Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
I can understand why they don't trust people here, a lot of them are real criminals after all, but it still feels a bit humiliating to down the crushed pill and empty the entire glass of water while the nurse is watching. I have to show up fifteen minutes before the scheduled appointment to take the first drug, whatever it is, and then sit down and wait for it to take effect. The fifteen minutes doesn't even count towards the reserved time. It's three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, up to three hours each, for four months. That's the sentence to stay out of jail. Miss an appointment, straight to jail. Don't comply with the treatment, straight to jail. Still a pretty good deal. Nine hours per week I don't have any control over, or ten hours if you count this sitting and waiting bullshit, compared to all hours all the time in jail.
I have no idea what the pill is for. Some sort of sedative I'm sure, because I always feel a bit dull and agreeable after. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have followed all the doctor's instructions so readily if I wasn't drugged somehow, at least not the first few times. Now it is kind of a routine.
I show up, take the drug, and wait a bit. Then she shows up and asks me to join her in one of the procedure rooms. She tells me to remove my shoes, jeans, and underwear and place myself on the chair. It's not really a chair. It's like a Z-shaped thing where you place your legs on the padded lower bars so you are kneeling, and then bend forward so your upper body is flat with the top with your head looking down on the floor past the edge of the padded top surface.
She walks behind me and asks if I'm comfortable. Not really. It's demeaning to sit there and expose my ass to her, legs apart, but I guess that is the point of this therapy. How it will address my supposed anger issues is beyond me. Better than jail though. When I tell her I am she secures my hands down by my hip with straps and then proceeds to strap my legs in place by securing my ankles. She says it is for my own safety, so I don't fall off. It's probably bullshit, but she is right in it's not very secure, but tricky enough to wiggle out of. Not that I have tried. She then tips the entire thing forwards. I had a bit of a scare the first time and audibly gasped as I thought I was about to crash face first into the floor with arms and legs tied. Turned out it's just a secondary position of the thing, positioning my ass up in the air.
"Are you comfortable?" she asks again, every time. Again I say I am, strapped to chair, face almost touching the floor, my naked ass high and exposed. She then slowly inserts something into my asshole. It doesn't go that far in, but feels heavy and has some wires or tubes going to it that I can feel draping my leg. It enters easily. I don't know if it is the same device as the first time, but I wouldn't be surprised if they have been scaling up the size slowly. All I can do is look down the floor while she sets me up and then starts the machine.
Just before leaving the room there is a little pinch in the ass as she injects something in my butt cheek. Then she leaves, promising to be back once it has run its program, never explaining what "it" or "the program" is. The first minutes I feel nothing. Then there is movement, though different between appointments. It can expand in width, it can penetrate deeper, it can vibrate, it can rotate, it can change temperature. It often runs through a series of configurations.
I don't know which of the drugs, if any of them, is making me horny but it doesn't take long until I can hear the soft tapping of precum dripping into the metal tray at the bottom of the chair. It's pointless to try to stay alert. You're stuck in the chair for hours with nothing else than looking at the floor and listening to the hum of the machine and the drip of body fluids. You can just as well close your eyes and let yourself drift away in machine-induced bliss.
It's affecting me for sure. The Monday session is the one I'm craving the most. I start getting anxious already Sunday afternoon, feeling like something is missing. So far I've resisted the temptation to buy a vibrator and explore my ass on my own time, but there is little else I can think of on Mondays before the appointment.
It always feels like no time at all has passed, certainly like too little time has passed, when she comes back into the room and gloves up. I'm just zoned out like a stoner and sometimes don't notice her until she removes the thing from my ass. She then proceeds to unlock the dick cage from my dick and balls. Given my horny bliss the dick will shoot up like a bamboo rod. She has some sort of wand that feels pretty thin that she then puts into the ass right up to the prostate. It never takes many seconds of vibrations for me to shoot a load. It feels like they are bigger than ever before. I'm certainly pulsing more times than before, like 6-10 ropes.
She then washes my butt, dick, and balls, and massage them with some sort of cream. Perhaps different ones. Then she picks up a new, probably sterilized, dick cage and locks everything up. She tilts the chair back up again and asks if everything is OK before undoing the straps holding me in place. I answer that everything is OK, but that really undersells it. I'm like a stoner in a post-orgasm haze for at least ten minutes. Then she reminds me to put on my underwear, pants, and shoes before leaving and reminds me of the next appointment two or three days later.
"You're next," she tells me from the other side of the waiting room, interrupting my read of top sexiest men on Love Island list from Cosmopolitan. The selection of magazines is rather limited. "Afternoon," I reply, putting away the magazines and walking towards the door.
"How was the weekend?" "Hot, as you well know. I didn't do much." I don't tell her I was spending all of Sunday considering pushing blunt objects up my ass to relieve myself. "It doesn't invite to activities, does it? Go ahead and make yourself comfortable."
In a now well-practiced routine I kick off my shoes, take off my jeans, fold them and place them on the chair just inside the door, remove my boxers, and put them on top of the jeans. Then I kneel in place on the procedure chair and give my dick cage a quick jiggle. Nothing worse than being strapped to some medical equipment and having your scrotum pinched. Then I bend forward over the shelf, and position my arms back, along the sides of my body.
As always before the doctor secures my arms and legs, and tips the entire contraption forward.
"Are you comfortable like this?" "Yes."
She then deviates from normal procedure by wiping down my ass with some sort of wet wipes and then inserts the automatic douche. I can feel liquid being pushed in and sucked out of my ass a few times, after which she removes the equipment and leaves the room. I'm starting to become anxious. This is the longest I've been in two months without anything vibrating in my ass. I try to flex my butt cheeks to no success.
After way too long someone enters the room again. "Good afternoon, I'm James." I can only move my head a little and can't see much more than a pair of sneakers and the lower part of sweatpants.
He rifles through some papers.
"I understand you've been under this treatment for two months now, correct?" "Yes." The whole thing feels absurd. Whoever this dude is, he's talking to my exposed ass. "So you now have a fully developed prostate massage addiction?" "What? No!" "No? So, you would prefer to be released and go home now?"
No, I need my treatment, but that is totally different.
"No. You have to do what you normally do." "You want me to massage your prostate?" "Yes! Or whatever is normally done."
I can hear the snap of a rubber glove and within seconds a finger is with ease pushing into my ass. He is probing around carefully and deliberately. I want to move my butt to get it deeper, to have it flick across my prostate, but I'm too tied down. He fumbles around like that for minutes.
"You need to get in deeper," I say almost desperately. "I'm sorry my fingers are only so long," he says, continuing with his ineffectual rummaging. And after a few seconds, like he was carefully considering it, "My dick is longer, though. I can use that if you like." "Funny," I say, dismissing his joke.
While he continues doing what I must now assume to be deliberately the wrong thing, the thought continues to linger in my mind. Would it really be a big difference between having another man's fingers or his dick up my ass. Yes! Yes, I decide. But why? This is covered by patient confidentiality, right? HIPPA or HIIPA or HIPAA or whatever. No one has to know.
"What if you did?" "What if I did what?" He was forcing me to say it. "What if you did use your dick instead?" "Would you like me to?"
He must be right. I must be addicted to prostate massage. Why the fuck that happened is a later question. I feel like a soda bottle being lazily shaken by someone. I need to be unscrewed.
"Yes. Yes!"
He pulls out his finger and I can hear the sound of latex, him fiddling with his pants, and then without warning feel something thick and warm moving up inside me. I have a slight shiver as it moves past my prostate and further in. It sure is longer than his fingers all right. I can feel the warmth of his body as it touches against my butt cheeks when he finally gets balls deep. He stops there, leans over me, and asks "Are you comfortable like this?"
"Yes," I say automatically before realizing I really am.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 294: A Half-Assed Escape
Previously on BnHA: Mirio was all “SURPRISE I’M BACK THANKS TO OUR RESIDENT SEVEN-YEAR-OLD WHO RECENTLY EARNED HER BACHELOR’S OF BEING A TOTAL BADASS.” Kacchan was all, “you know what, Dabi’s been trending long enough, time to remind the fandom what a real G looks like,” and he blasted his little bleeding body back into the fray and was all “FROM HERE ON OUT CALL ME DYNAMIGHT!!” Mirio was all, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh, you’re serious,” and Kacchan was all “!!”, and so that’s the story of how my son got murdered twice in one day. Meanwhile in the Todoroki Drama Zone, Deku was all “STOP MURDERING MY FRIEND” and Dabi was all “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” and fandom had a whole big debate about Whether Or Not Dabi Trying To Murder Deku’s Friends And Mentors Is Any Of Deku’s Business, which went exactly how you think it went. Anyway, so then Deku yelled at Dabi, and Endeavor was all moved by his manly words and randomly went to go uppercut Machia in the chin. And, seeing as how the Momoserum finally chose that exact moment to kick in, Machia is now down for the count.
Today on BnHA: The Miriosquad handles the Nearly High End Noumus, freeing up Jeanist to jasphyxiate (okay that one doesn’t really work so well) the rest of the League. Compress is all “TIME FOR THIS MILD-MANNERED SIDE CHARACTER VILLAIN TO SHINE”, except that by “shine” what he actually means is “use his quirk to punch a literal hole right through his own ass to free himself.” The rest of the chapter is basically just a back and forth between him and Jeanist, with Jeanist trying to recapture him, and Compress repeatedly thwarting him by chopping more holes out of himself because HE’S FRESH OUT OF FUCKS, AND THE ONES AT THE STORE ARE ALL SOLD OUT, MOTHERFUCKERS. Anyway, so with Compress basically dying and all, Horikoshi is all “you know what that means”, and delivers a freshly-baked villain flashback revealing that Compress is a descendant of Harima Ouji, a.k.a. the Peerless Thief, a.k.a. some famous guy whom Gentle mentioned this one time for like two seconds back in the day. The chapter ends with Compress finally demasking himself and dumping Tomura back onto the ground, a.k.a. The Worst Possible Place For Tomura To Be. ( •﹏•)
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AIZAWAAAA you’re alive and receiving medical help thank GOD. HOW MANY EYES DO YOU HAVE. AND MIRKO!! HOW MANY LIMBS DO YOU HAVE, OMG
so is this Aizawa dreaming about Crust’s final moments, then?? jesus. with All Due Respect to Crust’s memory, does Aizawa not already have enough misplaced guilt on his conscience as it is?? “nope, we’re gonna keep piling it on. that’s all he is now. three limbs, an indeterminate number of eyes, sexy hair, and Guilt” well shit
motherfucker y’all really out here placing an oxygen mask on Gran Torino’s corpse. fucking shounen characters. each one comes with a lifetime warranty
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for a moment I considered going back and checking my previous recaps to count how many times I’ve already made a joke about Dabi’s fire incinerating Hawks’s wings but not touching so much as a hair on his five o’clock shadow, so that I could calculate whether or not I could possibly get away with making that same joke one more time. but then I realized I could just do it in this kind of roundabout way I’m doing right now instead. so there you have it
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so anyway though, Jeanist is giving a speech about how god knows how many people all worked together to bring Machia down. and now RHA is getting in on those fabric puns too, I see. “A SINGLE STRAND MAY BE THIN BUT TOGETHER THEY FORM A STRONG ROPE” oh so you think you guys are funny eh? I’m a frayed knot
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fffffff. so much for him taking over as the Number One once all this is over. so let’s just recap real quick, because Horikoshi has long since made it clear that one of his plot goals for this arc is to wipe out every single member of the Billboard Top Ten. so how we doin?
Endeavor - was just figuratively eviscerated in front of the entire nation by his homicidal zombiepunk son. also burnt half to death and possibly down a lung. will almost certainly be forced to retire after this one way or the other
Hawks - lying prettily in a medical tent. wings status: gone. hair status: still perfect
Edgeshot - MIA, last seen fighting Re-Destro. I really want him to have kicked RD’s ass because fuck that guy, but realistically they probably fought to a draw at best
Mirko - alive but in critical condition and missing something like 1.5 limbs
Crust - dead, currently haunting Aizawa’s traumatized dreams. now he’s gonna be triggered the rest of his life by people giving him the thumbs up, THANKS A LOT
Kamui Woods - was set on fire which is His Weakness. thoughts and prayers
Wash - last seen floating hospital patients to safety as Tomura’s wave of decay descended towards him. probably dead ffff
Old Man Samurai - haven’t seen this fucker in a hot minute, who even knows where he’s wandered off to
Ryuukyuu - currently being treated for her wounds, looked pretty bad off. but it’s hard to tell how hurt she is since most of the injuries were acquired in her transformed state. SHE BETTER GET WELL SOON
anyways, so yeah. so much for the top ten. guess that’s another reason Horikoshi brought Mirio back now, huh
so there’s a big panel of everyone fighting the Noumu while Machia lies there all “blurgh.” good riddance my dude. it took like twenty chapters and a hundred people to stop this guy so I really fucking hope he stays down. you’ve had your fun
anyway so Jeanist is sending another steel thread towards Dabi! and he’s all “just a bit more!!” fklklj this is gonna go real well isn’t it
meanwhile Mirio’s fighting a Nearly High End with all of these weird rock formations jutting out of its skin. go on and kick his ass then, Mirio
“each of these guys is probably just as strong as the Noumu from Kyuushuu” hold on I thought Ujiko or Tomura or someone said that wasn’t the case? not that Mirio would know I suppose. anyways let’s just hope he’s wrong cuz if not these kids are probably screwed
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WOW, SON. IT’S ALMOST AS THOUGH YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOUR TORSO, OR SOMETHING!! although listen up, real talk, the fact that Kacchan of all people can’t muster the energy to yell at someone questioning his ability to kick ass is HIGHKEY troubling and we may be in need of an intervention here soon :/
now Jeanist is finally turning his attention to the League! was... was it not already on the League. omg
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hey so um. what the actual fucked up hell. my soul left my body. imagine if you saw the reflection of this panel on your bedroom window. you would never sleep again
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(ETA: just a next-day clarification here, apparently my sleep-deprived ADHD word-skipping brain completely skipped right over the “a” in that last panel, so what I read was, “and Shigaraki’s limp noodle.” so yeah, the moral of this story is always read the speech bubble carefully before you start making running jokes throughout the rest of your post, folks.)
oh wow he’s really freaking out lmao
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to be fair though, I’d argue that Dabi has gotten pre-tty close at this point :’) thrilled for him, really I am
but anyway, well then figure something out you big dramatic robot-armed fiend. didn’t you just say you could touch your own ass? can you not just Compress yourself to break free?? does it not work on you? or would you be stuck afterwards lol
(ETA: I was picturing him compressing his entire body at once, not just chunks of it. ghhhlkh.)
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holy shit Jeanist. are you stupidly trying to cut off their air, or are you going for more of a sleeper hold (jleeper hold??) thing instead. the latter would be way smarter and faster and probably safer as well just saying
but unless Spinner is just being super dramatic, it sure looks like he’s fucking strangling them djslkjlk. this will certainly cement his popularity among the villain stans. good thing you’re not running for office any time soon bud
anyway so I have no idea what these guys are trying to do now. what is this
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do you even have till the count of 5 at this rate. I mean
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jeez, talk about... A HALF-ASSED ESCAPE ATTEMPT :D :D :D hahaha. but real talk though, Horikoshi has clearly never tried to leap twelve feet straight up in the air multiple times in succession with only half his glutes though. everyone, I regret to inform you that this panel right here on the left may be slightly unrealistic
also where the hell is he going to go?? did you pack a jetpack away in one of those little marbles sir. and what about Dabi?? and Skeptic too, I guess, but we don’t really care about Skeptic
(ETA: at this point I had to stop reading for about two hours because I had to go out and take care of something; that’s also why this is being posted later than usual lol. anyways so where were we.)
oh my lord
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the existence of a translator’s note here implies that the earlier line about Compress being able to reach Tomura’s junk was not, in fact, ad-libbed. hmm. hmmmmmmmm
anyway so now he’s grabbing Compress again because OF COURSE HE IS, so now we’re right back to square one! except now Tomura and Spinner are secured inside of little marbles, and presumably Compress is the only one who can release them
oh nevermind he’s just maiming himself again instead, SHEESH
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Skeptic a man is dying please have some goddamn respect
so, uh. is he gonna die, though??
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I really can’t tell wtf is going on here, this is the most confusing the art has been in a while. Horikoshi put all of his spoons into that creepyass close-up panel earlier, that bastard
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so apparently Harima was a Robin Hood type guy who stole from... heroes?? wtf. are heroes the 1% in this scenario. y’all didn’t have any Fortune 500 CEOs to steal from?
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THAT’S THE BLOOD THAT FLOWS THROUGH YOU, OH SHIT. and in a related oh shit, the fact that we are getting a Compress flashback now of all times doesn’t bode super well for him. ffff
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listen here boy if you touch one freaking hair on Shouto’s candy cane head I swear to god --
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(ETA: “masks are removable, makeste” you know what it’s been a long day okay lmao. or I suppose Compress is really the one who is lmao.)
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okay. okay. looooool okay then
as if it wasn’t enough for him to demask himself, he also had to get all shirtless and then do this weird attempt at a sexypose too huh
hard to say exactly how much of his torso is currently missing, but safe to say that’s proooooooobably not good. :///// fuck
on the other hand, Kacchan also has a torso hole and he’s still flying around like he just drank a dozen red bulls, so
this man lost his ass and he’s still out here monologuing like it’s the last two minutes of The Prestige. one might say he is monologuing his ass off
so he let Spinner and Tomura free, but is Dabi still trapped in his marble?? wasn’t he all on fire and stuff?? hopefully he can still turn off his quirk in there because if not that’s a pretty fucked up way to die. somewhere out there Snatch’s ghost is all “YEAH I’LL SAY.” oh how the turntables
last but not least, sooooooo. Tomura. back on the ground. that’s. um. ...shiiiiiiiit
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desiredmalfoy · 3 years
Sometimes Its Too Late (Past Fred x Reader)
House: For the reader to decide
Pairings: Past Fred x Reader , Draco x Reader
Universe: Not canon!
Warning: Talks about cheating (it’s not okay) and some mild bad words. 
Word Count: 4.3k
Part 3 of the Dear Malfoy Series [Part 1] [Part 2]
So I did a little history to how Draco and the reader know each other. Just to add a bit to the story. This is not edited! I apologize but it was an 11 page doc and I was just excited to post.
Your new friendship with Draco Malfoy was complicated. She had known him from previous events she was forced to accompany her parents to. Her dad was the Head of Magical Games and Sports. His work often required him to interact with other top ministry officials, including Lucius Malfoy. But they weren’t close to the Malfoys, nowhere near it. Her family’s ideology differed greatly from that of the Malfoy’s. So most of her interactions with Draco were a smile and a nod at the events they both were forced to go. Draco had always been a very private person who tended to enjoy his own company. That only increased during her first year when she immediately became friends with Harry, Ron & Hermione. It seemed to (y/n) that Draco was hurt about Harry rejecting his offer of friendship and wanted to make his years at Hogwarts miserable. The Golden Trio quickly became the three people that Draco could not stand. He was never mean to her the same way he tortured the other three. He made snarky remarks to her on occasions but she could deal with them. Which is why she tended to ignore him at all costs. To her, it was better to not give him the satisfaction of seeing her upset. They had never been on the best terms because of his treatment of her friends. This is why his newfound kindness made (y/n) dwell on his true intentions.  
While she had dinner with Draco, he extended the offer for any other meal. She had actually enjoyed the company of the Slytherin Prince for dinner. They made small talk about their classes. It didn’t go unnoticed to either of them that not only were her friends looking at her, but others around the hall were too. Probably gossiping about how Draco Malfoy and (Y/N) (Y/L/N) Harry Potter’s Friend were sitting together. The feud and mutual dislike the two boys had between each other was greatly known to everyone at the school. She knew they were going to definitely be the talk of the school. 
“Thank you so much for letting me sit with you Draco”, (y/n) said as she started to get up to make her way out there.
“It’s not a problem”, he answered simply as he too got up from his spot. “Let me walk out with you. I don’t they’ll follow you if they see you with me.”
She simply nodded at him and started to make her way out of the hall. She couldn’t bring herself to look back where she knew her friends were looking at her. They had been constantly looking toward her most of the evening. She just wanted this day to be over. They ended up walking to her common room in peaceful silence. 
“You know we’ll be all they’ll be talking about”, she said out of nowhere. 
“You know the people here can’t avoid good gossip”, Draco responded. “Everyone here is always so bloody interested in the life of others because they have nothing going for them.”
“Bloody pathetic if you ask me.”
(Y/N) let out a small laugh at his comments. “I can agree with that.”
Draco only laughed lightly while nodding at her. If you would’ve told her she would actually be having a civil conversation with Malfoy, she would’ve laughed right in your face. Because of how ridiculous that sounded, bloody hell it would’ve sounded ridiculous just yesterday morning. 
(Y/N) thought she had done a pretty good job at avoiding her friends for the past couple of days. During meals, she’d sit with Draco. Sometimes his friends would join them. Blaise Zabini being surprisingly pleasant company to her while Pansy Parkinson wasn’t the nicest. But that’s something she already knew. She made small snide remarks to her but she would always shut her mouth when Draco would send her a glare. Luckily she only had to deal with Parkinson during the meals she would show up to. 
By now the school had known that she and Fred were over. That and her new “blooming” friendship with Draco was all others could talk about. Some students guessed that she had dumped Fred for Draco. She had overheard Lavender Brown talking with Parvati Patil about how you were the one who had cheated on Fred with Draco.  
“She got caught snogging Malfoy in an empty classroom by some second-year student.” 
“Merlin, she's so pathetic. She really left Fred for that snake.”
“I know! I mean what can you expect from her type…”
She shut her mouth real quick when she noticed you were listening to their remarks. But not only were you ready to confront them; you also didn’t notice Draco standing a few feet behind you sending the girls a glare. Their odds of coming out of this unharmed were not looking good at all. Lavender grabbed Parvati’s hand and quickly made their way down the hallway. 
You wished people would just mind their damn business. She should’ve just stayed in her dorm but she had a big test coming up.
With a big Transfiguration test upcoming, there was no avoiding the fact that (y/n) needed to go study at the library. There was no way she was going to fail this test. Screw Fred Weasley. (Y/N) clutched her books tightly and kept walking toward the library. She was still thinking about the comments made by the two girls when she ran into Angelina Johnson down the hall with a few other quidditch players, including Fred and George. They were laughing and he looked like nothing had happened or that it had really affected him at all. 
She had to walk past them in order to get to the library and she knew this wasn’t going to be pretty. Just looking at him so carefree made her want to burst into tears right in the hallway. You couldn’t get more pathetic than her. Crying over a boy who doesn’t even care about you. She tried her best to just walk past them as if she hadn’t just been staring at them from down the hallway. She had finally made it past them when she closed her eyes for a couple of seconds to try and regain her composure and hopefully get rid of this horrible headache she was feeling. She heard someone call her name from behind her. 
“Fancy seeing you around these halls”, George said to her as she turned around to face him. “I don’t see your new friends nearby.”
“Who”, she questioned him. She obviously knew who he was talking about but wanted to play dumb to his comments.
“Malfoy, Zabini, and Parkinson”, he answered. “I never really took you as the type to be their friend.”
“First of all, Pansy is definitely not my friend”, you responded with an eye roll. “I don’t know what to truly call Draco and Blaise.”
“Oh? You’re on first name bases now”, George responded with an eyebrow raise. 
“Well maybe if my real friends had told me my boyfriend was cheating on me then I would actually talk to them.”
People were starting to stare at you in the hallway, interested in what was being said between the two of you. Fred and Angelina were a bit behind George watching on tensely. 
“Look, I’m sorry abo-”
“No, if you were really my friend you would’ve said something. It doesn’t matter if he was your brother.”
“So you don’t get to come to me and try to judge me on who I talk to.”
Before George can say another word someone behind him spoke up. You thought it was the coward of your ex but instead it was his new girlfriend. 
“Can we please speak somewhere else”, Angelina said behind him. (Y/N) rolled her eyes at the girl who had caused their pathetic love triangle. Can’t be in a love triangle if you’ve already been dumped.
“I really don’t want to talk to you and I definitely don’t want to go anywhere with you.”
“I just really need to tell you that we didn’t want to hurt you.”
“Oh really”, you answered mockingly. She probably sounded immature but you weren’t looking to be the bigger person anymore. “You two sure have a funny way of showing that.”
“Look, I’m sorry for hurting you. But things just happen sometimes.”
“Really? Because I could think of many ways this could’ve ended better”, (y/n) sneered with an eye roll.
They all stayed quiet, letting you keep on on speaking.
“But you know what’s funny? You knew we were dating and you went along with it. That just shows how pathetic you truly are.”
Before Angelina could answer her back with her own remark, two familiar faces walked through the group of students who had formed around them.
“What’s going on here”, Hermione questioned you and Angelina who were now standing face to face. 
“Nothing Granger”, Angelina said with an eye roll as she still looked at you. She looked between you and the girls before making her way out of the crowd of people. Fred followed right behind her while George kept looking between the two of you before following them out. The group of onlookers started to finally walk away from the situation leaving her with Hermione and Ginny.
Why can’t she catch a break? Merlin why is she being punished? 
“Don’t you dare run away from us (y/n) (y/l/n)”, Hermione said as she stood firmly in front of her. Ginny right next to Hermione, in an attempt to block her way. Hermione really sounded like her mother sometimes.
“We want to talk to you,” Ginny said as she gently reached for (y/n) hand. “But not here, too many nosy gits here.”
“Let’s go to my dorm”, Hermione suggested as one of the many perks of being a prefect was her own dorm. At this point (y/n) had yet to say a word to them but let them drag her to Hermione’s room. The walk to the dorm was pretty quiet, knowing that if she spoke right now she would more than likely burst into tears. Walking into the dorm, she took her usual spot on the end of the bed. 
“What happened between you and Fred”, Hermione questioned you as she sat next to you.
“He didn’t tell you?”
“He told us you broke up. But that’s all really”, Ginny answered as she wrapped her arms around (y/n)’s shoulders.
“Did he tell you we broke up because I caught him with Angelina Johnson in his dorm”, (y/n) said as she felt the tears starting to come out. 
“Is that why you were speaking to her in the hallway?”
“Are you serious”, Hermione exclaimed. “He did not mention that part! What a prat!”
“Oh, I am definitely going to go find him and hex him now.”
“Ginny! Wait a second”, (y/n) called after her friend and grabbed her hand before she went too far.
“I can’t believe I forgot you! Of course you should hex him too! Let’s go (y/n), we got to find him before curfew. Hermione can be our alibi.”
“No, I don’t want you to get in any trouble.”
“Don’t worry, mum isn’t going to be mad when she finds out why we hexed him. Mum would probably send him a howler giving him an earful.”
“As much as I would love to also hex Fred Weasley, we can’t Ginny”, Hermione stated sternly at the girls. She then turned to you and placed her hands on your shoulders. “What I want to know is what were you doing with Draco Malfoy!”
“He offered me a seat with him. I didn’t want to sit at my usual spot because I didn’t want to make things awkward. It just kind of went from there and I just kept sitting with him”
“Awkward how”, Ginny questioned you.
“Well, he’s your brother and I thought you wouldn’t want to be my friend anymore if you saw we broke up. I thought being there would make things worse.”
“It doesn’t matter that he’s my brother. He’s the one in the wrong here and it doesn’t change the fact that you’re our friend.”
“That’s true (y/n)! We love you and care about you. Please don’t ignore us. But that still doesn’t explain Malfoy.”
“Well, he found me at the astronomy tower crying after it had happened. We talked and he wasn’t a complete git to me.”
“Are we talking about the same Draco? Draco Malfoy?”
“Yes”, (y/n) said with a small laugh. Feeling the relief of having her friends by her side. 
“Maybe he hit his head and forgot how much of a prat he is?”
This only caused the three of them to burst into laughter. It was good to have her friends with her again.
The gray sky was a reflection of every thought storming in her brain. 
She didn’t really want to be at this quidditch match at all but Ginny and Hermione had convinced her to come out. She knew it had been three weeks since she found Angelina and George in his dorm but that type of pain doesn’t just disappear. She had been sitting in the quartyard with Draco earlier in the day, when she had mentioned coming to the game with Ginny and Hermione. She knew it was a long shot but she decided to invite him.
“Have you lost it”, he answered teasingly. “Why would I go to a quidditch game and sit in the Gryffindor section?”
“Why not”, she asked him with a pout.
“Because I don’t have a death wish (y/n). Plus if I don’t exactly want to go out in the hands of some Gryffindor.”
“You’re so dramatic Draco”, (y/n) laughed at his usual antics. Getting to know him more and more made her realize he wasn’t all that bad. “I forgot the Slytherin Prince can’t be anywhere near there.”
She only agreed to come to this blasted game only because she was dragged here by Hermione. Luna had joined them along for the game. She was honestly only here to cheer for Ginny if she was being honest. She had been watching quidditch for years but she still was confused on what was even going on. She simply cheered for Ginny or when the rest of the section went crazy. The game went by quickly with Hufflepuff in the lead but soon Gryffindor caught up and completely dominated the game. It wasn’t long before Harry had caught the golden snitch on his grasp. He lifted it up triumphantly in the air. As everyone was celebrating the big win for Gryffindor against Hufflepuff, the teams came back on the ground.
That’s when Fred kissed Angelina. He kissed her in front of everyone. 
Y/N could feel the pity glances being thrown her way. She felt dozens of eyes on her, awaiting her reaction to the scene unfolding before her. She could feel her chest tighten as she tried to maintain her composure. She made eye contact with Hermione who was looking at her with sympathy pity in her eyes. Y/N looked away from Hermione and turned her attention to the dull gray sky. 
“Are you alright”, Luna questioned next to her. Luna’s soft touch on her shoulder brought her back to reality. She had forgotten she was even next to Luna. 
“Yeah”, (y/n) breathed out. “I’m fine, don’t worry about me.”
“Heartbreak takes time to heal. It’s okay to still be hurt”, Luna whispered to her as she gave her hand a small squeeze. 
“Thank you Luna”, she responded with a small smile. It didn’t exactly make her feel better but she was glad she cared for her. “I have to go. I’ll see you later.”
She didn’t give much time for Luna to respond before she made a quick exit out of the Gryffindor section. She needed to get away from here. She walked and kept on walking before she ended up in a random hallway in the castle. She didn’t even know where she was. 
Just then (y/n) slid down and sat against the wall of the hall. She started to cry at what she had witnessed on the quidditch pitch. She shouldn’t even be crying over someone not worth her tears. She hated that she still felt hurt over Fred. The betrayal of someone she loved and trusted still burned deep in her chest. She should be over him, she should not even care what he does. 
(Y/N) hated that they could just flaunt their relationship like it was nothing. Like if she wasn’t the collateral damage of them. She hated the pity looks she got from others. Everyone knew by now what had happened...that she wasn’t good enough to be loved by him. 
She heard footsteps come her way. She tried to wipe away her tears, not trying to be caught like this. She probably looked so bloody pathetic right now. When she looked up from the floor, she saw it was Draco. He shows up at the most convenient times. 
“What’s wrong”, Draco said as he made his way toward her. Once he was in front of her, he knelt down to be able to speak to her at eye level.
“I hate him”, (y/n) said simply. “I hate that he could do all that to me and just move on like nothing.” 
Draco looked into her (y/e/c) eyes waiting for her to continue. 
“He kissed her in front of everyone after the game.”
“I hate all the pity looks from everyone in this school.” 
“He’s a git that never deserved you”, Draco said to her as he offered her a hand to get off from the floor. (Y/N) looked at his hand and accepted the gesture from him. He helped her stand up from the worn out floor.
“Thank you for being here for me this past few weeks”, (y/n) said as she looked up at him. “You’ve surprised me Malfoy.”
“Gee..thanks (y/l/n)”, Draco responded with a playful eye roll. 
“I know we never were really friends, but you’ve been here for me and I really appreciate it.”
“Oh, so we’re definitely friends now”, Draco jokes with an eyebrow raise.
“Hey! I take back my friendship then Malfoy”, you laughed as you playfully smack his arm.
“You’re not allowed to take it back”, he said with a smile. 
Before she knew it, Draco had engulfed her in a hug. He snaked his arms tightly around her figure. (Y/N) wrapped her hands around Draco’s waist as she buried her head into his chest. She could feel Draco stroke her hair gently. 
Lost in the comfort of Draco’s arms, (y/n) ignored the world around her. All she could concentrate on was his soft touch and how he smelled like expensive cologne, green apples, and mint. 
What she failed to realize was that a few seconds after, Fred and George entered the same hallway. 
But Draco did notice this. 
They stopped for a couple of seconds to look at them. Draco noticed that Fred’s glare lingered on them as George continued to walk away pulling his brother along. He could only throw his signature Malfoy smirk. 
The more time you spent with Draco the harder you fell for him. And it scared you a lot. Last time you fell this hard for someone was when you were dating Fred. You didn’t want to get your heart broken again but you were definitely head over heels for him. You felt butterflies in your stomach every time he looked at you or when he would laugh at your silly jokes. He was even trying (like really really trying) to be nicer to your friends. He was more civil with Hermione and Ginny but still a little hesitant with Ron and Harry. At least the three of them weren’t trying to constantly hex each other anymore. Ginny had even once gone as far as to joke with you that if all it took for him to be nice was to be around you, she herself would’ve set you up with him. Although she and Ron had a running theory that Draco was replaced by someone nicer, something that you could only laugh at when mentioned.
Hermione and Ginny were convinced that he had a crush on you as well. But you were still afraid that those feelings weren’t mutual. What you didn’t see were the glances he always gave you when you didn’t sit with him during meals. You had come up with the solution to sit for breakfast with Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Harry. While during dinner you sat with Draco and Blaise. You were oblivious to the fact that he also felt the same butterflies in his stomach when he spoke to you. Or how he was internally freaking out when you grabbed his hand while the two of you ran to herbology to prevent from being late to class. You thought it was just a friendly gesture for him to help you everyday with potions because of how bad you were at it. But everyone else knew that Draco wouldn’t just help anyone.
The closer you got to Draco the more you fell for him. And the farthest Fred drifted from your mind. Soon, he became nothing more than just another student at Hogwarts to you.
The Yule Ball was approaching quickly. Bringing a lot of bitter sweet thoughts to you. It was about to be a year since Fred had asked you to be his date and later his girlfriend. The dance was only a week away and you had yet to find a date. Going solo wouldn’t be so bad but having a date would be more ideal. 
It was Saturday, just like every other Saturday since she got to Hogwarts, she sat under her favorite tree near the Black Lake with her current book. She was currently reading a book about a tragic love story between two star crossed lovers. She was a sucker for these types of books.
Engrossed in her book, she didn’t notice Fred come to her until he cleared his throat. If she never had to speak to Fred Weasley another day in her life, she would have been nothing but happy about it. Well sometimes you don’t always get what you would like. 
“What do you want Weasley”, she sneered at her ex. “I was enjoying my time alone.”
“Look I’m not here to argue. I want to talk civilly with you”, Fred said pleadingly. He looked at her with the same stare he had the night she had caught them.
“Then talk”, you answered with a shoulder shrug. You put your book down and stood up so that you were face to face with him.
“I’m so sorry for all the hurt I caused you. I really am (y/n). I regret it so much.”
“A little late with that apology Weasley.”
“I know but I miss you (y/n). I miss you everything about you. I was so confused and I let it get the best of me. But I realize now that it’s always been you.”
“Look Fred, I do-”, you spoke before he quickly cut you off. He was closing the gap in between the two of you. She could feel his intense gaze on her even though she was looking out towards the lake. 
“I mean it darling. I miss you and I need you back.” He placed one of his hand on her upper arm and the other on her cheek. 
“No Fred! You don’t just get to waltz back into my life after breaking my heart.” You said as you removed his hand from your cheek. 
“I’m really sorr-”
“You don’t just get to put me on the sideline until you decide if you actually loved me or her. I deserve much more than that.”
“I’m not going to stand by like some idiot waiting for you to come back to me. I maybe would’ve been stupid to take you back before, but not anymore.”
“We can work through it”, he tried to plead with her. “I will do anything to gain your trust back.”
“It’s too late for that Fred”, she said simply as she grabbed his other hand to remove it from her upper shoulder.
“Let go of my girlfriend”, Draco's voice boomed as he made his way toward them. Both she and Fred turned to the blonde making his way angrily toward them. Fred’s grasp was still firm on her arm. 
“I said let go Weaslebee”, Draco snapped as he pulled his hand away from your arm. Once Fred’s hold on her was gone, Draco pulled her behind him.
“Girlfriend? Are you seriously going out with Malfoy”, Fred asked you with shock all over his face. He looked at you hoping that you would tell him that Draco was lying.
“Yes, he’s my boyfriend”, you answered him while looking up at Draco. Your hand now firmly around his bicep.  
“Are you serious (y/n)?” He asked once again, praying you’d say that it was all a joke.
“I am Fred. I meant it when I said we were over for good.”
Without saying anything anymore, he walked away from the two of you. He was clearly heartbroken but you really didn’t care anymore. Maybe now he’ll know how you felt. You turned again to look at Draco who was looking down at you with a silly grin on his face. “You know you never asked me to be your girlfriend.”
“Sorry about that. I saw you talking to him and that’s the first thing that came to mind.” You could see the pink starting to tint his porcelain skin. 
“Well, I’m not saying I am opposed to it. But you should definitely take me on a date before.”
A genuine smile, that you had grown to completely adore, grew on his face. “Well, how does the Yule Ball sound? I promise I had a better way planned to ask you.”
“When were you planning on doing that”, you questioned him. “The dance is only a few days away. Someone could’ve totally swept me off my feet and asked me?”
“Not really, not after I had Goyle and Crabbe stop anyone thinking about asking you”, he joked. Well you hoped he was joking because knowing him…
“You’re something else Malfoy.”
“But you like me.”
“Yeah, I guess I actually really do like you.”
Unknown to you, that was the very moment Fred had realized he had totally screwed up and truly lost you. Something he’d never forgive himself for.
OMG this is was big one to write! I had so much I wanted to include but I decided to leave those ideas for separate writings. There is still one more part to this. It’s a Fred POV. Let me know if you would like to be tagged when I post it.
Tag List: @philsloveycacti @thecrazytealady @impossibelle @stuckindilemma @idkmanicantenglish @28cnn @bettysgardenswift @crazyjuly @alluringshawn @britishspidey @emmamarie7708 @slytherinambitious @loostssoul @bellaiscool @cherrytomato2 @lindsaytriestowrite @famdomhideout @mina-kimi @loveforreading @legili-mens @keepsmilingandstayhappy
If your name is crossed out, I wasn’t able to tag you. 
Reminder: None of my work can be reposted anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you give credit, please do not repost!
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Ooh a request?! Delightful. List 1-45 & 79, Javier Peña. Fem!reader with curves if possible? :) thx for an amazing blog! A friend of mine got me HOOKED on your stories. ❤️❤️❤️
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45. "Everyone keeps telling me you're the bad guy."
79. "I can't get you out of my head."
Javier Peña x Fem!Reader ; warnings: language, smoking, drinking, mild smut (18+ only)
Javier Masterlist 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“You must be Javier Peña,” you stuck your hand out and held confidently and waited for the man in question to shake it. Instead, he looked at it almost as if it offended him, placing his own hands on his hips as he cocked his head to the side in order to study you. When you realized that he wasn’t going to shake it, you pulled back and scoffed lightly, “or not.”
“Who are you?” his brows knitted together as he stool a quick glance over at Van Ness and Fiestl, who immediately looked away, pretending they hadn’t witnessed the interaction. Whatever this was, they knew exactly what this was going on and had neglected to keep him in the loop, “why are you here?”
“Why are you such an asshole?” you tilted your own head to the side and offered him a wickedly sweet smile. Javier’s expression flickered for just a moment before he just shook his head and pointed at the door.
“See yourself out, kid,” he huffed before turning back to his desk to settle in for the afternoon, “I’m too busy to waste time on things like this. I’ve got things to do.”
“Like what?” you refused to back down and be bossed around by a man that refused to even shake your hand. Javier huffed as he sat down and lit up a cigarette, frowning when he saw you take a seat opposite him. 
“Like catching bad guys,” he scowled, and despite the annoyed expression on his face, he still managed to be one of the most handsome men that you’d ever encountered. It wasn’t fair that he could be this much of an asshole, and be gorgeous on top of it, “doing actual work.”
“Huh,” you crossed your legs and leaned forwards, noting the way his dark eyes scanned your form, “that’s funny, because everyone here keeps telling me you’re the bad guy. It's all about perspective, right?”
"And what's your take on all of this?" he was playing it cool, putting his feet on his desk as he smoked and watched you with a searing intensity.
"That's yet to be fully determined," you confessed, leaning back and playing at being just as relaxed as him. Your heart was thumping wildly around your ribcage as you sized him up and he did the same. You weren't about to just give in to him, "I know you helped bring down Escobar, that you're determined to do the same with Calí, that you've fucked your way through half of Colombia, and you're an asshole in every sense of the word. You haven't proven me wrong so far."
"Does that attitude get you far?" he took a particularly sharp drag of his cigarette before slowly exhaling.
"Its gotten me this far," you cocked your head to side and made tutted lightly, "if we're doing to work together, I'd appreciate a little respect."
"What do you mean?" and he laughed. The bastard had the audacity to laugh at you, "in your dreams, kid. This is a real job, and what are you doing? Playing pretend?"
"First of all," you resorted to pulling out a card from your purse and tossing it at him, "I'm from DEA in LA, and I've been working in Mexico. I look young, sure, but if you think you're going to disrespect me because of that, then you've got another thing coming. I'm here to help you finish this once and for all. You can take my help or I can go back to LA and watch you crash and burn. Its your call, Peña."
He pursed his lips as he looked over your card, surprised by your stubborn determination and also pleased by it. Your chest rose and fell rapidly as you watched him, trying to anticipate any move he could make.
"Fine," he held your card between his fingers before crumbling it and tossing it into his trash can, "welcome to the team, junior agent. One fuck up and you're on the first plane back to LA."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"Fuck, fuck - Javi," his name was a rushed, reverent plea as your arms wrapped around his neck, "yes, right there!"
You could practically feel him smirking against your skin as he pressed kisses all over your neck and collarbones, making it a point to leave to nip at the delicate skin. He wanted to leave marks, wanted the world to know you were his. 
You were currently in his lap, on the couch in his apartment. You'd come over for dinner and a drink, telling him that you couldn't stay - shouldn't - but one thing had led to another and here you were. You were lost in him as he fucked the life out of you. 
Again. It was supposed to be a one time thing. Both of you had agreed. And...that had been months ago. One night had turned into two and then three and then...many more.
From reckless and clandestine affairs in his office or in the closets around the building, to an exclusive relationship, to...whatever this was. Neither of you had ever placed a real label on it, but it was something. Perhaps it didn't even need a label - you were just and he was yours. That was good enough for you.
"Feel so fucking good, Dulzura," he groaned as he reached down to rub gentle circles on your clit, causing you to mewl in his ear, "so perfect."
"Javier," you burrowed your face into his neck as your walls clenched around him, and he closed his eyes as he started to stutter in just thrusts, "so close. Please, baby…"
"Let go," his voice was low and dark in your arms as you felt the grip of your orgasm wash over you. His cock twitched as your walls hugged him and he soon followed as he slipped inside of you, your name falling from his lips like a prayer, "fuck."
"Javi," you couldn't help but laugh lightly as you carded a hand through his dark locks. Pulling back, you beamed at him before gently kissing his swollen lips, "I really had only intended to come for dinner and a drink."
"What happened?" He smiled as he brushed a few stray locks out of your face before kissing you slowly, deeply. He might not have been the best with words, but he always seemed to be able to convey his feelings with his actions. You shrugged innocently before slowly moving out of his lap, already missing the feeling of him inside you.
"I don't know…" you grabbed a cigarette from his pack on the table and lit it up as you laid back and watched him, "there's a certain DEA agent that can be very convincing. And he's handsome and charming, even if he's an asshole sometimes. But I can't get him out of my mind."
"Very funny, Dulzura," he stood up and pulled on his boxers as he drank in the sight of you in your naked, post coital bliss. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead before heading into the kitchen, "beer?"
"Ahh, that drink I was promised," you leaned your head back and watched as he opened the fridge with a smirk on his face as he shook his head, "at least you keep true to your word."
He laughed, warm hearty thing before coming back over and sitting down, lifting your legs up and placing them in his lap before handing you a bottle. Taking one last drag from your cigarette, you quickly stubbed it out before taking a drink from the beer. It wasn't anything special, just the cheap local kind, but somehow, enjoying a cold one with your lover made it that much better. 
"What?" you'd caught Javier staring at you several times, his brows knitted in his concentration as he aimlessly traced over your skin. Nudging him gently with your leg, you tried to capture his attention, "hey, Javi. What's wrong? You're thinking too loudly."
"Why are you here, kid?" there was an odd look of self doubt in his features as his eyes bore into yours. You set your bottle down before leaning up and moving so you could reposition yourself in his lap.
"Are you having second thoughts?" you took his bottle and set it next to your before taking his face in your hands, "Javier, you know why I'm here. You don't have to say it and I won't say it if you don't want me to."
"Its for cheap beer, huh?" he asked before you broke into a fit of giggles and peppered gentle kisses all over his face. He liked this, he'd realized some time ago, how gentle and soft you were, how you took time to make him feel good - feel loved. It was almost entirely foreign and at first the odd mixture of feelings had hit him like a truck and caused him to panic; but it soon quickly dawned on him what it was. While he was terrified, he didn't want to fight it. Not now, not with you.
"Yes, Javier Peña, its for the cheap beer," you whispered against his lips, "I-I love cheap beer. I'm in love with it."
And just like his mind meant reeling, and he felt a flush of warmth was over his entire being. But he looked back at you, with a fierce determination, his eyes still managing to be soft as they crinkled in the corners just the way you liked.
"I...I'm in love with it too," he whispered after a moments of saccharine bliss as you had continued to kiss him, scratching at his scalp just the way he liked, "fuck - I'm in love with you."
"Javier," you beamed at him, fighting off every worry, every fear with the smile that seemed to light up his soul, "too far. I was literally just talking about the beer."
"Fuck off," he laughed before wrapping his arms around your waist and standing up, causing to you to laugh. He started walking down the hall, taking care not to drop you, eagerly heading for his bedroom, as you held onto him for dear life but continued to kiss him.
"What are you up to?" you whispered in his ear just before he gently tossed you onto his bed. You crawled up towards the headboard, grinning at him as he tugged off his boxers again. 
"I was going to make love to you," he had a calm air about him before he moved to loom over your body, "but now I'm thinking you're too much of a brat for that."
"Why not both?" you teased as you pulled him down to your lips, "both is good."
"You'll be in this bed all night."
"And then you better get started."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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