#I'm right and u kno it's true
sephiramy · 1 year
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the reason Michael Caine and Tim Curry are so good in their respective Muppet movies is that Michael Caine treats the Muppets as fellow actors, and Tim Curry treats himself as a fellow Muppet
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string-cheese-cake · 1 year
Nobody asked but white supremacy is the reason why white women are obsessed with true crime.
So when chattel slavery was becoming cemented in the United States and other European areas, the idea of biological race and racial hierarchy emerged to justify the generational enslavement of Africans and the genocide of indigenous people. Africans and other non-whites were labeled as less developed, more susceptible to their "primal urges" and committing sex crimes and therefore needed to be controlled by white men. Specifically to protect white women.
White supremacy is typically framed as necessary to 'protect' (read: control) white women, the mothers of the next generation of whites. They must be protected from "sexually voracious black men" (read: miscegenation and mixed race children). So white supremacy operates on the myth that white women are constantly under threat of sexual violence and must be protected by white men.
That myth becomes baked into the public consciousness, many unaware of the origin or even that the idea is there. It even becomes less racially based, but there is still a common belief that white women are inherently vulnerable to violent crime. Especially among white women. To be fair, it's difficult to not internalize an idea that you are not exactly aware of but is still seeped in every interaction and bit of advice. Don't wander off, don't talk to strangers, don't go out alone or late at night, cover your body, hold your keys between your fingers, take self defense, watch your drink, don't be under the influence. Your body is soft and valuable and delicate and you must protect it.
This idea of vulnerability is reinforced in the news media, which chooses to focus on stories which fit this particular narrative of white women's vulnerability. Missing white women syndrome. This subconscious belief has saturated society. White women develop an outsized fear of death by violent crime. So what do they do? They embrace it. They eat up stories of families like theirs and the deaths of women like them.
It's been suggested that experiencing that fear of violence in the controlled environment true crime provides can be cathartic, somewhat like watching a horror film. There is also a sense of justice and closure felt when the perpetrator of that crime is punished.
In conclusion; White women love true crime because it's a coping mechanism for their deeply embedded fear of violence which was established and is upheld by white supremacy.
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Going to some bitches blog via someone else's Hazbin blog, because I tried to like/reblog their meta but tumblr wouldn't let me, and then I find out the reason why it wouldn't let me is because the OP of the meta apparently blocked me, but I've never seen or interacted with them before, but OP has like a video game icon and a fucking moving gif video game graphic of like a damn nuclear explosion for a header on top of that going off anyway, and I'm trying to read through her other Hazbin posts but I can't focus, because I'm distracted by a goddamn fucking nuclear explosion taking place above me that won't stop and just as I'm thinking "OP, that was such good meta why would you hurt my eyes and brain like this? Alas, you have a video game character for an icon, I should've known!" and in all my disorientation from that seizure trigger waiting to happen, I happen to glance at the upper right corner of her blog and clock there's no follow button for me, and it's just like, "Alright, your loss, Toots! Have fun endangering disabled people by being yet another person in this fandom obnoxious enough to keep some tacky moving gif as your header and actually think that looks good in the year of Our Lord Alastor Hartfelt 2024, I hope you make your Journey To The Light soon! ^_^ <3"
... It was probably my posts tagged with ace discourse god knows these gamer bitches never actually have any, l o l...
#Hazbin Hotel#Helluva Boss#hazbin hypocritical#ace discourse#Like pro tip turbo virgins just get any moving gifs you may have as your headers and any reference to any real life wars happening right no#off your blogs anyway cause you know serious activists hate Viv and hate fandom and don't think you're helping unless you're boycotting and#I know I'm not boycotting besides symbolically not eating McDonalds when it's offered and I know *the rest of you* 4 sure aren't boycotting#and you're probably still eating McDonalds but at least I know the best way I can help is to know when my help is wanted or not ...#What I'm telling you right now is to get anything to do with the real world right now out of your bios cause paying lip service while I kno#you're still paying for that prime video subscription right now is performative and cringe#again... as cringe as actually having a moving gif in your header...#actors can be a little bit performative and cringe as treat because they're actors... it's kind of their job.#But if you're a fan who's still mixing real world politics in with your fandom blogs right now and think real boots on the ground#activists doing real activist work (which includes boycotts) are gonna appreciate you for that ... They probably don't want it or need it.#So the best way u can really hope to help right now is to buy that little keychain or something else where proceeds go 2 help and be quiet#for the rest of the time! <3 I'm not sorry cause it's true! <3#Yes this *IS* indirectly vague blogging about another someone I've blocked thanks for asking! <3#ableism
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rebouks · 4 months
Idk if you’ve already done this (newer follower and still catching up) but would you ever do a post on how you plan a post? Like what your planning process looks like with shots, poses, etc? You’re one of my favorite storytellers and I hope to get on your level one day but no idea what goes into a true story telling post
Ooooh hi hello, welcome! I don't believe I have ever gone into my process, no! but how interesting.. what better excuse! let's take yesterdays post as an example, shall we? 👀
First of all, we start with the premise/notes, which are very rough n' look like this in a word document...
Camping – the twins are fiiighting/being a pain, Oscar loses temper with em n almost says why can’t u be like ur brother?! throwing him into memories of Salton saying that to him all the time :[ he catches himself like no wait ur perfect I just gotta finish this, twins like wtf?? But robin ofc knows what’s going on with his pappy.. Oscar wanders off later n Robin sits with him, ur not like them u kno, what? Grandma n grandpa ur not the same, OUGH ;-;
2. I suppose this step changes depending on what I feel like, sometimes I'll make the poses/take the screenies first, then write the dialogue, other times I'll write the dialogue first.. I try for the latter since I can make more accurate poses, but time is usually my enemy here cos dialogue needs a nice quiet period to write lmao (let's call this step dialogue for now though)
3. Rip sims for blender, make poses, then head in game to dress everyone, set dress and take screenies, I take a LOT and choose the best ones but here're some unedited examples for you... In this case cos there was a flashback, I also had to remake Oscar/fam as a child n' whatnot, but luckily I have their old house saved so I plonked them all in an alternative save to take those.
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4. Now we have our dialogue/screenies, it's time to throw it all together in photoshop, I usually edit the screenie first to fix any clipping etc, fix the lighting, sharpen it up a bit maybe.. but that's about it! Then I press my handy lil (custom made) storyboard action and end up with smth like this, to which I add the text! (this step takes the longest prolly.. cos it takes me forever to pick the screenies I wanna use my GOD 🙈)
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VOILA! Once I've chosen all the screenies in the right order I go thru each of em in PS one by one to edit/add captions, then we're done! \o/
I realise this probably seems quite quick/vague or even streamlined if u wanna toot my horn lmaooo but I've spent a while doing this by now so ig I've kinda figured out the quickest way of doing it - still tho, I'd imagine the above still taking between 4-5 hours from start to finish! I usually spread these things over days/weeks in advance tho like.. during the week I mostly make poses/take screenies and write, then at the weekend I'll usually edit a bunch n' throw it all together, so it doesn't rlly feel tedious since I'm switching it up all the time/doing what I fancy.
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fairycosmos · 1 year
I have a crush on u and it's actually making me kinda sad. its embarrassing, I don't know u, u don't know me. and there's not really a 'chill' way to begin conversation (not that u'd like me anyway, so no point, lol). I get internet crushes are embarrassing n stupid. but seeing how u respond to people alone, is enough for me to feel something u kno? it never fails to amaze me how attentive & present & thoughtful and deeply compassionate u are to each & every person. it's never dismissive in the slightest, and doesn't feel like ur attending to an 'audience' but actually just so attentive and in tune in the most resonant way with each person. u care. u have such a great capacity to empathise w others, to make people feel seen n heard. and it somehow seems effortless, and just undeniably genuine. you're special. please preserve this precious part of u.
awwww angel you are so so sincerely sweet <3 dw i get this for ppl online sometimes it's sort of a parasocial thing but then it's also about like. finding companionship and security and a sense of true appreciation for ppl online in the absence of having it IRL and i can totally understand how that can morph into some semblance of a crush if you get crushes on people quickly. i really really appreciate it and am so deeply flattered for real <3 esp with how fucking unloveable i feel all the fucking time lmfao!! the thing is i know it's soooo cliche but i think it's just easy to read me that way on here when in reality i am just straight up not that emotionally or physically desirable - and u would get over it quickly if you knew me, i absolutely promise lmfao. anyway it's prob cringe and unhealthy but yeah i Absolutely do care ab the ppl who make an effort to interact with me and open up to me on here and i find a lot of solace in knowing im not the only one who is severely mentally ill and struggling lmfao. i very much want people to feel seen and heard like i rmr when i was 16 and people first started telling me ab their lives on here and i was like Well i know how shit it is to feel unacknowledged and if i can give that to this person through my silly little blog why fucking not - whether it resonates with them or not, whether able to solve anything for them or not. i don't think it's anything particularly special, in fact i think a lot of people feel the same on here which is why we're often so open and vulnerable with each other, but yeah i am just another person trying my best. and this blog has been a massive comfort to my during a time where i have been genuinely entirely emotionally isolated and honestly not reading reality correctly or healthily - i know i still don't. i'm like not right in the head in a way that isn't easy to explain away and i know a lot of people on here are too (lmfao sounds like shade but i mean it earnestly.) so i think it's a two way street and i appreciate the ppl who keep up with me and who i keep up with a lot, prob more than i can articulate. i do make the effort to not be dismissive and i really adore you for seeing that and being truly kind about it. ab the feeling of having a crush - again, i am seriously so flattered and blushing and screaming inside at the absolute compliment lmfao. if ur ever in a place where you want to get to know someone (and obviously ur around my age and you think we'd get along well) - hey my dms are open!! i'd love to know ya and keep up with you too. MWAH <3
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vaguely-concerned · 1 year
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did u kno.... that the real ending to 'here lies the abyss' if you let hawke stay behind is malcolm hawke crashing through the fade in a blaze of fire and glory going "HEY WHO'S THAT MESSING WITH MY KID???" and unceremoniously squashing the spider and then they get to talk for a little bit before hawke goes back to kirkwall and the people who love them and everything is okay actually 🥺👉👈yes it's true because I say so and my uncle works at bioware so trust me I'm right goodnight
(some dialogue between them about the revelations in Legacy under the cut, because like varric I'm a huge sap who wants to give hawke some resolution)
"Did you ever regret it? I mean, I don’t know what the minimum desired return on investment for one’s soul would be, but somehow it doesn’t feel like… like we could have ever been worth the cost. Well. Me and Carver, anyway. Bethany, I could see it."  
"HAH! I’m sorry, I’m not laughing at you. It’s just that… huh. Garrett, have you had children of your own?"
"Maker forbid, I can barely keep up with my friends most days. I — No."
"That’s okay. But then I understand why you'd ask that. I’m not sure you can really know it before you feel it. I didn’t. 
No. I didn’t regret it. Never, not for an instant. I know what I did, and how wrong it was, and I would stand before the Maker himself, wherever he bides now that he’s flounced out of the Golden City in a fit of temper, and tell Him to His holy face I’d do it all again in a heartbeat. The Maker is himself a father, of a sort. I like to think He'd understand. And if not... then frankly, I don't give a damn. Getting to know you and Carver and Bethany was the greatest joy and pride of my life. I'd take none of it back. And I'm so sorry if I left even a sliver of doubt about it that would lead you to think otherwise."
and then hawke is like '*playing it totally cool clearly crying, voice breaking* that's c-cool dad ;_____;' and gets a hug on his way out of the fade and goes home and everything's okay, as previously mentioned, source: my aforesaid uncle at bioware who does exist.
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equalseleventhirds · 10 months
I really like and agree with your post on GO s2. I haven't finished it and don't really have any interest in finishing, bc it does feel so different from the story that I've been a fan of since I've read it when I was like, 11. I think it falls into a lot of the traps that other entertainment products have fallen into when they focus in on a sidecharacter (even if those characters have a lot of prominence in the narrative) in that the reason fans gravitate to those characters is bc of their relationship to the rest of the world. You've outlined it very well in your post that humans (not just 'humanity' as a concept, but actual fleshy people doing things) are so central to GO the book. And they are also the background to a lot of the story, it's the world that gives dimension to the characters and the world of book GO is so populated with little human anecdotes that are not plot relevant but are important for the texture, the feel of the story. I think you can really see that Neil Gaiman has no experience with being a showrunner, and without the anchor of the book he falls into a lot of pitfalls re pacing, scope, worldbuilding, that make the central characters fall flat. You can be a good writer but writing for the screen is a specific skillset and running a show even more so, and I think the lack of technical skills in those areas really shines through here and makes the product as a whole not work.
hey anon, thanks for this! I had to wake up properly to read it so it took me a minute but here I am.
i think you're right about those elements of the book missing and how the focus on popular characters to the detriment of the larger world defs does fall flat, yeah.
idk enough about gaiman's tv career to really speak to whether it's an experience problem or not; to be fair, this is very much the sort of story that studios eat up, and, clearly, that audiences LOVE, and providing that is definitely a skill. it's simplified, it's dramatic and satisfying (for nonfans of the book), it's a very consumable and marketable narrative. to be fair.
(this is not to say that it's GOOD that this happens. I think fandom can elevate a work, but there's a trend in the industry towards the easiest marketable work, and that tends to cater towards the most boring aspects of fandom. like I get it but. grumblegrumblegrumble both sides BE BETTER.)
it's that comparison to the book, which for all its flaws (1990, etc) had a very different purpose and message, that kind of makes it go meh. and I'm not sure that's a problem of inexperience; I think it may be a problem of time passing, and gaiman as writer having a different sort of story he wants to tell about it (tv!gomens s1 was a love letter to sir terry pratchett, and I suspect was more about celebrating that friendship than staying true to the book's intentions; my personal feelings abt that choice, or gaiman's obliviousness to the messages so many ppl took from the book, are....... hm.)
......also as a longtime discworld fan, I have my suspicions that the things I miss most were heavily influenced by pratchett writing them. I've read books by both authors, and I think the bits about human people living their human lives being enough to change the universe show up more in pratchett's work. a bit. like I can't say for sure but I Suspect. u kno.
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No I'm sorry because I do agree that if what Christian said is true and RBR employee's children are being bullied than that is categorically wrong but don't tell us that we can't call out a pattern of RBR continually victimising themselves and their employees or any individuals associated with RBR in situations that they are wrong in, victimisation that is in fact perpetuated by toxic RBR stans. Don't tell us we can't call out the negative behaviour exhibited by RBR and their employees.
RBR don't victimise themselves? The RBR that incited racist abuse against Lewis by insinuating that he purposefully with malicious intent crashed into Max only to later suggest that their golden boy had been (Rightfully) criticised for inciting racist hate against the only black driver of the sport and therefore this perpetuation of discriminatory behaviour isn't that bad. That RBR?
RBR stans don't attempt to victimise their employees? Oh the same stans that coddled Max like he was a little baby the 2 TIMES he said ableist slurs and the one time he defended racist abuse. "Oh but he's Dutch", "It's part of his culture" "He's young" "Well actually Nelson said the N-word a year ago sooo", "Hey guys I think we should keep Kelly and Max out of this even though Kelly just liked a post in which she agreed it was okay for her father to use that language and Max just suggested that every black person who was offended by that racial slur had simply misinterpreted the definition" DO NOT infantilise a 24 year old man only to turn around and accuse us of thinking RBR and their stans are the masters of being victims and making people the victims.
P.s. Also you guys totally said leave RBR/Max out of the Juri vipps situation and it was really funny because no one was acc talking about them and then u guys opened ur mouth and we remembered oh yh Max also used discriminatory language oh yh rbr did the same thing and then we realised that the only reason you wanted us to separate rbr/Max from juri was bcs yall realised that Max did the same exact thing and u lowkey agree that vips did something messed up but u couldn't possibly say that Max messed up so u just attempted to separate the two situations (well played u lil victimisers)
Oh and wasn't RBR so upset about Deitrich dying. Well how come they had a whole party to celebrate Max's victory?.
And yeah you guys bring up a very good point RBR employees shouldn't be abused for doing their job. So why was Shaila Ann Rao having her whole integrity questioned by a bunch of you guys because she used to work for Mercedes and now the FIA - Fun Fact: 4 men from Ferrari also worked at the FIA but you guys had nothing negative to say about that. Was it misogyny or sexism idk but there's something very messed up there. Oh and why is Angela always being reduced to Lewis' s*x slave when she's an educated physio like yall do kno that happened right - for the longest time Angela was not given the respect she deserved. Oh and we musn't forget the time Susie got told she belonged in the kitchen. But then Hannah Schmidt gets called a snake and you guys are so outraged. You know before hannah got called a snake Angela got called a s*x slave but I suppose you become anti-misogyny when the RBR woman gets called a snake. To clarify, it's good that Misogynistic attitudes within f1 are being combated but like where was all of this outrage when that was happening to the merc ladies. Or acc where was this attitude when ur golden boy called Kelly his "most expensive purchase" or is there a doubl3 standard in the fact that you absolutely CANNOT call out the misogyny of ur golden boy objectifying his girlfriend but hannah schmidt getting called a snake is what makes u put ur anti-misogyny hats on.
Oh and apparently Toto like leaked the budget cap info and he was the first person to know? No it was actually AMUS. And apparently Toto musn't leak info like this about RBR because the current situation on social media is very anti-rbr (do I sense some victimising) but like Helmut can accuse Lewis of taking performance enhancing drugs after he saw the fallout of Silverstone, Horner can accuse Lewis of faking injury after seeing how RBR stannies latch onto his words and unleash racist abuse. But toto's the bad guy. Funny how you teehee over Christian's misogyny and discrimination and call it 'Shitstirring' but lose respect for Toto talking about Abu Dhabi.
And the next bit may sound like me being a right bi*ch but I'm not going to care about the mental health of a team/man/fanbase that refused and often denied the mental trauma that other members of the f1 community have suffered at the hands of this pathetic team. Lance get's called ableist slur and apparently that isn't a horrific thing to experience as if it won't make Lance feel horrified at the implications and the thing is maybe there are neurodivergent people on the F1 grid, maybe there are people with hidden disabilities and what does that do to their mental health but its fine because Max is Dutch and young and he doesn't know the meaning of the language (Maybe someone should have educated him the first time he said it so it wasn't said a second time?) And apparently he doesn't use it that often and it was just a slip of the tongue in that situation but I've never heard any other driver use a slur on team radio. Have you? And if he's saying it so casually on his radio how casually is he saying it day to day life. And if he is saying it in day to day life than how can it just be a slip of the tongue. Oh and if someone was too distressed to go into the car again after a crash like Romaine's then Max would just fire them, why should i sympathise with his mental health when he himself cannot sympathise with the distress of the people around him. And the large communities who have to deal with the negative implications of having their safe sport (place) being infiltrated by a man who can say the same slurs as the bullies in school or the thugs on the streets apparently will have perfect mental health after such an incident because apparently Max doesnt care enough to apologise when a whole organisation asks for one and instead says 'not my problem' I suppose their mental health wasnt all thag important to max was it. Lewis apparently crashed into Max on purpose and that led to 200,000 racist social media posts being deleted and who perpetuated this abuse may you ask a certain team and a certain driver and I suppose that his mental health wasnt important enough to consider.
So it's upsetting that Max and the other people in charge of RBR (Christian, Helmut) have poor mental health I simply cannot muster a large amount of sympathy simply because they've perpetuated huge amounts of negative ideas/behaviours against certain drivers/teams without a single apology. The only people I feel for are the employees working their backsides off for a livelihood (I think many people in these teams are underpaid) and their children that are being bullied for a budget cap.
Also last point: don't say that we're making Max the villain by calling his Misogynistic and ableist when he has been Misogynistic and ableist. You say they're trynna make him the villain only for him to have done the villainous stuff.
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Porrim Maryam, Meenah Peixes
Act 6, page 5263
PORRIM: It's a no+ble idea.
PORRIM: But I do+n't kno+w ho+w useful I'd be.
MEENAH: oh come praaaaawn 38[
PORRIM: What's the size o+f yo+ur party so+ far?
PORRIM: It's still just yo+u, isn't it?
MEENAH: ... maybe
#losers #everywhere
PORRIM: If I were yo+u, I'd ask all the go+d tiers first. They'd give yo+u the mo+st tactical advantage, wo+uldn't they?
#Go+d tiers
PORRIM: Then yo+u can build yo+ur co+alitio+n aro+und them.
#Pajama party
MEENAH: i guess
PORRIM: +, they're immo+rtal, right? Or... gho+st immo+rtal, perhaps?
PORRIM: Dear Go+d, it's finally co+me to+ this. We have to+ talk abo+ut "gho+st immo+rtality" no+w, in a serio+us way?
#Gho+st immo+rtality #Serio+us business
MEENAH: lol yeah
PORRIM: Anyway, that's what I'd do+.
MEENAH: but i think the thing is the skull lord might actually be able to kill god tiers?
#at least... #ghost god tiers
PORRIM: Can he?
MEENAH: like bypass the whole judgment hullabeluga that makes em resurrect
#whaaaaales #<3
MEENAH: you know with the fancy clock and all
MEENAH: i dunno
PORRIM: Yo+u'll have to+ ask Aranea. I'm sure she co+uld talk yo+ur fin o+ff o+n the subject.
#Sylph o+f Wo+rds
MEENAH: yeah maybe later
PORRIM: Do+ yo+u even kno+w who+ all the go+d tiers are?
PORRIM: There's Aranea. Did yo+u ask her?
MEENAH: yeah but she has her own plan
MEENAH: girl is going on a cherub jam or some bitch ass noise
#eff that
PORRIM: Ok. Well, I ho+pe this isn't to+o+ invasive, but what abo+ut yo+u?
PORRIM: I've heard rumo+rs that yo+u reached go+d tier, but never let o+n to+ anyo+ne.
#Except presumably Damara...
MEENAH: you dont understand
MEENAH: its just that fucking thief of life getup
#looked like such ass
MEENAH: i couldnt just parade around in that hideous thing
#got a reputation to conchsider
PORRIM: So+ it is true, then. Tho+ught so+.
PORRIM: See what I mean, tho+ugh? I wasn't sure abo+ut that until just no+w. Rumo+rs are always flying, but secrets so+meho+w persist.
PORRIM: Who+ kno+ws who+ else reached go+d tier? A lo+t can happen in three sweeps. I o+nly kno+w I didn't make it.
PORRIM: But if yo+u need so+meo+ne to+ eerily pho+spho+resce in the demo+n's vicinity, while debating whether to+ try drinking his blo+o+d, then I'd like to+ think I easily crack the to+p 10+ candidates yo+u might co+nsider fo+r the jo+b.
MEENAH: yeah i know youd rock the glowin duties
#po glow
MEENAH: guess youre right i should sea what other god tiers want to join
MEENAH: the prob is that i dont think becoming god tier stops you from being lame and terrible
#lame #terrible
MEENAH: and we got a lot of people like that on our team
PORRIM: This is true.
MEENAH: guess ill keep axin around
MEENAH: gonna bounce seaya meryam
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ritterblood · 1 year
SLAMS HAND DOWN HI CURRY RANDOM APPRECIATION ASK BUT I WANTED TO SAY THAT I REALLY ENJOY READING ABOUT UR HAURCHEFANT AND UR INTERPRETATIONS AND HEADCANONS ON HIM. ngl i also snoop on ur threads on ur multimuse and i gotta say ur writing style is so good and engaging to read JDLKGJLSKGJ ITS REALLY AMAZING HOW MUCH detail and thought u put into everything, and it meshes so well with the dialogue of ur characters !!! AND OKAY IM BIASED TOWARDS HAURCHEFANT but honestly whenever i think of him my brain is just!! *POINTS* ITS CURRY'S BOI AKLJFOIQJWKLFJ sometimes when i see him in dsr too im just. 'man dont let curry kno that we let haurchefant die even with lb3' LKASJFLIQWJFLKJ BUT ANYWAY YEAH i really enjoy ur portrayal of him, it feels very true to him and its clear u put a lot of thought into it. ALSO I REALLY ENJOY TALKING TO U WHEN I HAVE THE CHANCE ur a joy to chat with and i look forward to the day when u can show me around my own country /jk LMAOOOO THANKS FOR INTERACTING/WRITING WITH ME AND I LOOK FORWARD TO MORE STUFF IN THE NEW YEAR WITH U
'man dont let curry kno that we let haurchefant die even with lb3' SFNBSHJAFBSAHF the way i cackled at this, my poor man can never catch a break, we gotta see him die like 156451564 times in dsr and y'all can't even give him a break with lb3 at ur disposal, tsk tsk.
but fr termi, you're so sweet and supportive and i honestly can't do more than give all of that right back at you. your writing, your threads, your muses, i love them and creep on them all. i'm super excited to flesh out the allan and haurche dynamic and potential ship and talked to you on discord is always a delight bc you're just rly funny and entertaining all around. here's to lots of new stuff for the new year <3
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some-creep · 2 years
Whu aren't you no longer in the community?
Always vaguely felt like I was only ever on the fringe anyway just kinda floating around, bothering ppl, acting like I was part of the group ™ (probably annoying ppl too let's be real). never really felt quite as accepted as every 1 else which like obviously obviously I'm the way that I am but u know the divide between what I wanted 2 see and what everyone else was creating got wider and that's normal it happens but I realized a little bit ago I was starting 2 feel bad checking up on artists I used to engage with because I no longer felt part ... Of anything
So I stopped doing that which just made it worse probably. Plus u Kno objectively right I was not as practiced as anyone else and like realistically it just meant anything I did was less valued which compounded with the fact I only like weird shit. I was doing stuff and getting better which was fun at first but that kinda coincided with the Feeling of Distance so it was like why bother no one even noticed I stopped drawing anyway
Sorry 2 rant but I got this ask when I was hungry so it's bonus emotions but they are all true
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addison-dykegomery · 8 days
girl I don't even go here (watch greys anatomy) but I'm enjoying the talk between u n anon lmaoo. Should I watch it hmm? 🤔
omg hey new anon bff! welcome to the madness.
yes u absolutely should. it's 20 seasons (but barring a few gems like the weed cookie episode (14x20) and the return of our lord and savior addison montgomery in season 19 it goes pretty downhill after like season 12 so you can stop watching there 🙏), it's messy af (how old is the main character? why is the chief of surgery who wanted to retire in season 1 still going strong in season 20 (love u my old man bestie richard #1 protector of lesbians) ? how many national tragedies can/should one hospital endure before the government shuts it down? and many such questions) and - speaking of national tragedies - it's DRAMATIC. secret wife. secret half-sister. other secret half-sister. OTHER other secret half-sister. cutting of certain wires. elevators. carousels. ferry boats. bombs. guns. men who go rogue. buses who go rogue. amazing plane ticket bargains. semi trucks that make me believe mermelia can be real. secret ivf children.
(there was also a covid season we do not talk about the covid season.)
but most importantly the WOMENNNNN
my personal top 9 (from left to right up to down) (yes i downloaded a collage maker and made a collage its that serious) are:
addison(my wife) amelia(my second wife. its a polyamorous marriage got a problem with that ?) lexie(our adopted genius child) cristina(my intj soulmate) maggie(our other adopted genius child) arizona(my rollerskating buddy) dr. bailey(whose first name is miranda but i'm not close to her like that) izzie(who's advancing feminism with her groundbreaking work in the heavily male-dominated field of kidnapping, apparently) and zola(our adopted genius goddaughter).
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they're all very shippable(EXCEPT ZOLA), canon lesbian couples include callie x arizona which i'm sure you know about, mika x taryn in the recent season, kai x amelia which will 100% be endgame so true 💯 and also carina x maya from station 19 which is a spin-off of grey's. and i guess the other ones would be considered spoilers but there's more 🙏
AND the femslash potential is immaculate. right now my fav ship is addison x amelia(me and the other four people who ship them write really great fic i swear), and the more popular ships would be addison x meredith(she's the main girl and i like her too but not enough to be in my top 9 sorryy google her if u want), amelia x arizona(the fandom will welcome you immediately they're so sweet) and cristina x teddy(which i cannot begin to describe to you how third eye open this ship is like there is simply nothing more intelligent. iykyk). people also ship cristina x meredith sometimes and i prefer them as platonic soulmates but i support their cause ❗️
(also as u kno i've been keeping up with the newest eps and there's material for dyke delusions in there too ! lowkey i ship simone with addison meredith and dr.bailey send tweet)
the men are all annoying except my aforementioned emotional support grandpa richard and joe the gay bartender. some storylines (or recently the lack thereof) make you want to jump in front of a bus (lol.) and also all the actors hate each other irl LMFAO so yeah in conclusion it's rlly camp it's great yapping material and you should definitely watch it. and come to my askbox to yap about it with me 😌
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mlem2460 · 20 days
TC Notes
Livin' in the Overflow
Part 4
Optimism is not an option, it's an order
Michael Todd
does the time u spend w God last past the time u spend w God?
ur personal time w God should overflow into other parts of ur life
sidebar: i had Jesus tell me to shut up in a convo 1time & it felt very rude (completely deserved & i realized i was bein a hypocritical bish & He had me go back to apologize, but still....)
overflow = whatever u need, already there & available when u need it
I'm living in the overflow
the thought of order can become overwhelming
u dont need to get it all together, u just need to take a step in the right direction
journey w Jesus bout progression, not perfection
Philippians 4:8 NLT
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.
optimism is not an option, its an order
order don't happen in ur hands first, it happens in ur head
ur actions follow ur mindset
the church needs to be more optimistic; cause it aint an option, its an order
\\\ optimism = hopeful & confident bout the future/successful outcome of an something \\\
change of scenery w the same thoughts just give u a new tent for the same circus 🤡
if God came down in person to tell u His plan for u, would ur own thoughts kill the message before it could be received?
ur thoughts can be the assassination to ur ascension 
dont let ur thoughts kill what God spoke life into
Phil 4:8 NLT
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.
ur thought life is ur responsibility & priority
part of living in the overflow, is already thinking in the overflow
u wanna get ur life in order so u can live in the overflow? start w optimism
this is not personality based
God has given us emotions & u r allowed to feel
but do not fix ur thoughts somewhere u dont want to be
do not fix ur thoughts somewhere/on something that u do not want to become ur life
\\\ God's not gonna fix ur thoughts \\\
supernatural optimism is not empty positivity
how can u have faith for something, if u dont first hope fpr it?
perfected pessimism doesnt protect u fr disappointment
there r people who have lost the fuel for faith, because they have stopped hoping
Hebrews 11:1 KJV
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:6 NIV
Matthew 18:19-20
the church needs hope to fuel faith for miracles
it may not happen, but without hope? it cannot happen
Philippians 4:8 AMP
Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God's word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart].
God knows us & He knows we become drained focusing on things not of Him
ur faith walk is gonna require ur own discipline
at salvation God renews ur heart, but u still have the same brain
take responsibility for the thoughts/area that is hurting/harming u
or nothing changes
God's people: get ur hopes up
God's never needed us to hold up His name
if u do get disappointed? He can handle that
if it aint happen for u? kno He got a reason
ur mind is ur house & home
have u taken care of ur home?
would u tolerate intruders in ur home?
2 Corinthians 10:5 NKJV
...casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought i to captivity to the obedience of Christ,...
do not let ur thoughts kill the life God breathes into u & ur life
u cant stop a bird fr flying over ur head, but u can stop it fr making a nest there
i aint gon focus on the negative, but the everyday blessings & future promises
cast ur cares
fix ur thoughts
\\\ ur life becomes the fruit of ur thoughts \\\
my life today is the fruit of the thoughts i've constantly & consistently visited thru the past
\\\ the enemy would love to turn ur mind into a trap house \\\
lack of maintenance of ur mine (home) will allow the deterioration of it
a pretty house of the outside can still have rot on the inside
my God is a Restorer
if i welcome Him, He can renovate my home to restore its former glory
squatter laws: some places have passed laws that allow people that stay in an unattended property long enough to claim it as their own
u paid for it & u own it, but didnt take care of it & now someone who's been there so long can display rightful ownership of it
not another day in this mind
i have the mind of Christ
i have thoughts that glorify God & bring me into my purpose
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hiddenbeks · 1 month
🍍🍪 and 🍕 for liah my beloved <3
odd oc asks
🍍: where does your oc feel most comfortable?
hmm. hmmm. she is outgoing and likes being around people but i think she also needs way more time to herself than she thinks. u kno. and i think it takes a long time for her to realize this... after the events of kotor she really goes on a journey of self-(re)discovery and gets to be free for the first time in her life right. no jedi higher-ups telling her what to do no sith controlling her... so basically what i'm saying is. she learns that she feels most comfortable somewhere she can be free of anyone's expectations. like when it's just her and the open road and her speeder and the freedom to go where she wants and do what she wants. or when she enters a new city where no one knows her and she can just hang out and be nobody 😌
🍪: what is something that's sentimental to your oc?
ooooh ok so she has a full sleeve tattoo on her right arm that she got like. in her early twenties during her later padawan days and early jedi knight days? i haven't figured out the design and composition yet but it's basically images vaguely related to the missions and adventures she went on... obviously after the jedi capture and mind-wipe her they also wipe any memories associated with the tattoo and i guess uhhh replace them with fake memories that a basic republic soldier could have?? so even after the wipe the tattoo is still sentimental to her but it's... artificially sentimental... whoagh
i Assume that at some point during kotor revan regains all of their true memories. not sure how that plays out yet. but assuming that liah regains them... she develops mixed feelings about the tattoo because on one hand it reminds her of some fun adventures but on the other it reminds her of the jedi order and how she doesn't rly want anything to do with them anymore. but i guess she ultimately decides to keep it because it's pretty neat despite everything. but also she starts filling her left arm with tattoos of the new adventures she embarks on!
🍕: how does your oc spend a lazy day?
liah doesn't often have "lazy" days because even when she's not on jedi (or sith) duty she's still very active and constantly looking for something new and exciting to do... but even an adrenaline junkie like her needs to chill sometimes right. so. she will sleep in and take her time preparing a hearty breakfast... might roam around aimlessly in whatever city or settlement she happens to be in at the time and just take it in... try out new foods... might do a lite version of her regular workout... relax and meditate in the evening and hit the hay early 👍
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kala-ya-aan · 2 years
Oh no, I
never wanna
See you fall back
I just only wanna see
U come on top
Yo we talking bout?
success or sex
right now?
it don’t matter?
still means
may the universe
Always surrender
Much good
for your bad
I pray the
gift of joy
reaches out
2 everyone
most especially
to the number one
leading woman
in my life, yes you
mrs jakaya boo
siempre babygirl
it’s official...
we stay on a boo thing
In time spontaneously
creating a vibe effortlessly
turning it into a mood
it's everything
that’s me and my
me and my mrs
(me and you
yep you and me…)
that’s me and my
me and my
me & my mrs
you know what
that means?
it’s so automatic,
no split decisions
we forever special
between just us
me & you, ride or die
Still experiencing a
celebration of life
in this beautiful
moment my whole
heart my soul burns
perishes nay pines
just to know my god,
your taste on my lips
every night as I pull you
closer to me putting
all the pressure
of the D inside
close your eyes babe
take all of this dick
open wide oh baby
are you ready?
Yeah right there stay like that
(dont move) I wish you were
near me right now ughhh
tongue deep like words
in a freestyle
Because it feels outdated when
I ain’t hold you dear, all the time you
reappear like a holy apparition
rught before my eyes holy shit
you know your like a wet dream
I keep falling for like ugh
youre the epitome of fine,
please dont keep your distance sexy
just breathe interlock yo fingers
in with mine stay close by the hip,
cuz wt heck even...
when im not thinking,
Its like ur right here
me lleva al séptimo
cielo del paraíso
my angel, your
a dream come true
must be why?
they call this land
a dreamtime
no word of a lie
truesay or what?
understand baby boo
everytime anywhere
you sink off far away
ima come get ya like a raid
hold ya tight the way
camera lens zoom in
on a picture make you
mine promesa, ima ride
forever, you & I just be
a good girl for your papi
do what I say, with no hesitation
no complaints mm kay?
understand this
nowhere is safe tonight
come to me baby dress out them clothes
slip in those black sexy laced lingerie
you bought for me yesterday
and lay down there baby
like a good girl look sexy
Lie there like a playdoll,
Remain close, legs wide open
in position babe lets get it on
That's me & My....
My Mrs. & I
we stay on
a Boo Thang
head rubs, neck kisses,
no time wastin
shes all mine,
uh huh, you kno
what im sayin?
I ain’t even gotta try..
Slaying my mrs
till the break of dawn
my jakaya boo, oh, how I hate it
Feels like Im drowning if were seperated
i die of unresting patience, shes to
kill and die for, they say nobodies perfect
Lucky for you I'm nobody same
as you are perfect..
My Dear Future Wifey"
[Me & My Mrs.]
By Hazienda
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equalseleventhirds · 4 years
I don't know if you've heard of it but there is a great ttrpg inspired by hadestown that is all about revolution. It's called 'the riot starts' by riley rethal and you can find it at metagame[dot]itch[dot]io - having played it, I can definitely recommend! The playbooks are inspired by various characters from Greek mythology including Daedulus and Antigone.
YES. YEAH. YES. I KNOW THAT ONE. I LOVE THAT ONE. i am sorry 2 say i have not gotten around to purchasing it yet bcos i have had to make a rule for myself that i do not buy more games unless a. i have people and plans to play it with them or b. it’s in a bundle and a REALLY GOOD DEAL bcos i cannot resist those (option b especially when i am in a Game Design Mode and wanna look at interesting mechanics), but god i wanna. i wanna play. i wanna PLAY. it’s what hadestown SHOULD be wrt revolution and community! fuck hades and persephone’s love story! i mean it’s a good story but it’s not THE story!!
riley rethal writes some excellent games in general and also when the broadway album came out she pointed out the minor word change from ‘let the world we dream about be the one we live in now’ to ‘to the world we dream about and the one we live in now’ and how that totally changes the MEANING (bcos that line is in the game ‘the riot starts’ and was formative for the game.....)
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