#I know the only correct reply to his response would be a strong allcaps LOL
ladyofpembroke · 2 years
I wasn’t going to be petty but now i want to lol.
Anyways, last night I replied to a completely unhinged comment on a fic I was reading because I felt like it was so rude to the author and literally bonkers. I don’t have the original comment because the author deleted the thread (after thanking me) but basically this was a fic about post-GoT Sansa and a character from HotD who got timetraveled to the future(that part isn’t really important except for the fact that this rude commenter hadn’t watch HotD or read any of the books).
Anyways so in this huge huge chunk of text, this jerk says he just had to say this so the author shouldn’t be offended but he literally just had to give his unsolicited opinion. He talks about how he hates this fic because he hates Sansa and goes on a rant about season 8 and the fact that actually he knows best and Sansa is going to be a horrible ruler and the north seceding would not work blah blah. Basically a whole rant about the show to just say how he finds this fic terrible and blah blah very rude followed by oh sorry to the author but I absolutely have to say this. Like I said completely unnecessary and unhinged. (He also was a guest but put presumably his actual name down???)
So you know me. I’m a very nice person and usually very non-confrontational. BUT I know that getting this type of comment can really hurt so I felt like I had to reply. So I did and shortly after I get a response nearly as unbelievable as the original comment. Here’s the exchange:
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The author (rightly) deleted the thread before I could reply but let’s address this nonsense
“You think I wanted to say all of this?” Yes I do actually because you typed it out. No one was holding a gun to your head.
“Lie to myself” bro you can have a mean thought without saying out loud, certainly without typing it out and sending to someone who will be hurt by it
“Inadvertently disrespect the author” literally six sentences after saying the fic was “garbage” (it’s not btw)
Also “watch yourself” ? Please tell me how your the good guy while you vaguely threaten me on the internet
Lol what a clown and jerk. Like I legitimately do not understand people like this. Do they think they are the center of the universe? Like I said if you don’t like don’t read but even if you are hate reading something in what world would it ever be ok to write out your mean comment on the authors fic?? And this guy couldn’t even own it he had to act like he was going to die if he didn’t post his shitty opinions, what a loser
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