#I hope this helps!
lizaisdrawing · 3 months
Hai <3 do you have any timelapses of your work? Would love to see!
Oh, I love your AU and the way you render is so…for a lack of better word— t a s t y. I think your arts gonna have to go in the study folder. I apologise for the spam likes—
Hello! I do! I use procreate so all of them are recorded :] I just never thought of uploading them at least for now. I’ll post my latest one and see how it goes. TW: flashing kinda?
And that makes me really happy! Glad I can be of service <3
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midnightcrows · 6 months
do you have any tips for coloring/rendering? your art always looks so effortless and cool!! you always have the best color palettes.
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aw thanks!! my reccs for making color palettes work is to learn color theory, not merely for understanding color palettes but to understand color values. if you pick a bright red and a bright yellow at the same value on a color wheel they actually don't read the same because of the ways our eyes work
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you'll see a lot of my art is either complementary colors or analogous, including the first paintings above are analogous- green, yellow, orange. Yellow, pink, purple, blue.
the top portrait here is mainly dark teals and in gray scale the red glasses are also a dark value, but because red is so different from the blue/greens it stands out by color alone
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Something I've learned lately is using Color Burn, Linear Burn, or Darken color instead of Multiply for my shadows, set to a very low percentage, esp for pieces where i really want the colors to be dark and rich
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Lastly, when stumped for color palettes take inspiration from nature
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unboundprompts · 8 months
hii! how are you? i'm currently writing about a character with ED (bulimia), and i don't know how to exactly write it without it looking like i'm guessing everything.
if you have a web page, or information about it that you can tell me about I'd be very glad to read and learn from it!
How to Write a Character with an Eating Disorder
@writinghelpers made a post on this that can be found HERE that includes multiple types of eating disorders, as well as some common misconceptions.
@thecaffeinebookwarrior made a post that can be found HERE and it includes multiple resources for different types of eating disorders, as well as multiple resources of general knowledge regarding ED's.
@lets-get-fictional answered an ask regarding ED's found HERE and they included links and tips on how to not romanticize the ED.
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lyralit · 5 months
hi i'm so sorry but could i please have some prompts about like a sort of harry potter type magical school's lore? like how it was created, why it was created, that sort of thing. for reference there were four creators, and its a mixed school in japan that accepts students of any nationality. the creators also had a weird thing for poisonous flowers. u obviously do not have to do this, and even if you don't thanks for reading and thanks for your time<3 i also just wanted to add i love ur prompts and seeing u on my dash always makes my day xx
the haunted washroom on a floor that isn't meant to exist
different flowers associated per house / one house per creator
the poisonous flowers can be how they died!!
different types of spirits that haunt the different floors (dryads in the greenhouse, water nymphs by the pools)
animal cafés! like ghost cats that haunt the cafetorium
some sort of oath when you join; the traitors are killed
the creators were witches of some kind banished from their old school for dabbling in forbidden magic
rival school competitions—a network of international magic schools based all over the world
a week a year where all the teachers disappear and the students have to fend for themselves in the school, divided into cohorts / houses, and the winner gets a prize
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cemeterything · 2 years
do you have any tips for how to deal with dermatillomania?
mine used to be very bad so i actually straight up stuck bandaids all over the spots i had already picked badly enough to create open wounds and any spots of textured skin that were likely to trigger the picking reaction (which for me was mostly acne and scabs). that way when i went to scratch or pick at my skin without realizing, feeling the texture of the bandaid helped me to realise what i was doing and stop before i did any further damage (also the smooth texture of the bandaids was a relief). if you'd rather not go around with bandaids stuck all over your skin, hydrocolloid patches can also help, but are more expensive to acquire (though also better for your skin). the key to recovery is breaking the habit, i still struggle sometimes but it's much less intense than it used to be and i no longer have big patches of destroyed skin on my face and neck.
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sarcasticscribbles · 7 months
What's your opinion on Jared Hopworth?
I imagine him as a big square with extra limbs but sexy
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dreemurr-skelememer · 8 months
You don't have to answer this, but I was wondering how big do you usually make your canvas when you start a drawing? It might be silly, but I never know how big to make mine so I end up with things to big or too small for the canvas and I'd really like to know what a normal size should be...
here are the sizes i usually use depending on what i want to draw!
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i most often use "big chunko" because i like drawing multiple pieces in a big canvas over anything else, gives me more freedom and it's a little more fun and has more space
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these are usually my settings!
it's important to note that i usually draw zoomed in at 80-150% (118% is my standard), i do this because i get really particular in how my lines look
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and since i zoom so far in, i usually just screenshot the piece then paste it into whatever i'm posting it does kill the quality, but it's not something that really bothers me personally because i like the lower quality look lolz
when it comes to an artwork ive drawn on a zoom level less than 100, i usually select a rectangle around the artwork (merged into the background!) and copy it into my clipboard to paste instead of a screenshot
drawing bigger gives more space for detail and improved quality 100% zoom is what you usually see when opening an image without zooming out or zooming in, so any more or less than that, the quality increases or decreases :)
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originalaccountname · 10 months
Is it confirmed that Dazai’s bandages are covering up scars and stuff? Because I see that in I think every fic I’ve ever read, so if it isn’t explicitly canon then it’s practically the next best thing to that, but idk! When I first got into BSD my brain immediately decided he wasn’t covering up anything, no scars or marks, idk why! Maybe something to do with how the bandages on his eye weren’t hiding anything either
What I know is that it was Harukawa (the manga illustrator)'s idea to add bandages when designing Dazai. It was their way of incorporating the "suicide enthusiast" part of his character Asagiri had written in his profile. Harukawa thought that for him to be constantly covered in bandages would show how careless he was. Here's an interview that talks about designing some of the main cast! (don't mind the pronouns they're all over the place)
As for the scars part, I've only ever seen rumours of Asagiri mentioning that Dazai has many scars under his bandages in an interview, never the interview itself or its source, so I can't say. It wouldn't really surprise me though, considering the origin of their presence as said above.
The nature of those scars and their number though! that is very debatable. But we have multiple (to say the least) canon events where Dazai gets injured: a broken arm a slash across the chest and a broken leg in Fifteen, sporting new bandages Oda noticed in Dark Era, getting stabbed in 55 Minutes, getting shot (among other things coughs) in the manga... it really wouldn't be surprising if he had a number of scars from more serious injuries at the very least.
EDIT: it was mentionned in Dark Era that Dazai has a number of scars under his bandages!
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crabsnpersimmons · 2 months
yo dawg, or i guess uhhhh
yo crab
what are those marker pens that you used in your exam 2 moon doodle? are they felt tips? can i buy 'em online? i like how they look on your sketchbook, but maybe its the type ya use. what's your current sketchbook brand?
sorry just curious, take your time answerin
yo yo! no problemo!
they're pentel brush sign pens! they're water-based, felt-tip pens with a flexible nib:
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i bought them online from amazon as birthday present a while back, so you may be able to buy them online, depending on your location (i'm from Canada!) they also come in a pack of "standard" colours, like your usual red, orange, yellow, etc. pack, but i don't have that pack 😅
i included two swatch pages so you can see how they look on different papers. the left one is my pocket sketchbook (the same sketchbook that the Moon doodle is on), which has smooth paper. whereas the right swatch page is on my larger sketchbook, which has textured paper (which I think might be for dry mediums... but oh well). you can see on the left swatches, the colours are lighter but a bit inconsistent (you can see some speckling). but on the right swatches, the colours are deeper and the lines show more feathering, but the colours are fairly consistent. neither of these bother me too much though, because it's these happy little accidents that make traditional art fun (and to drop kick my perfectionism)
also! just an extra note, pentel also sells a very similar looking pen but the tip is not flexible. so if you don't like brush pens, that's an option, but i believe it only comes in the standard colour pack. if you like these colours, i think the brush pen is your only option (but as far as brush pens go, these are fairly beginner friendly!)
as for my sketchbook... that's tougher to answer 😅
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it's a pocket sketchbook i got from my local dollar store, and they don't even carry this size anymore 😭 they carry larger sizes, but i specifically wanted something small that i can put in my pocket and literally just doodle wherever i am. i don't have a lot of info on the brand or the paper quality, but i can tell you it's a bit yellow, as smooth as printer paper but slightly thinner than printer paper, so my markers and fineliners will show through the other page. i included a photo of a spread in my sketchbook where you can see the markers and lines on the other side of the pages showing through (also featuring that exam Moon doodle, some very rough character design explorations, and @starriegalaxy's Fear Factor boys)
but as always, i try not to fixate on the paper or the colours too much when i'm just sketching. my sketchbook is a place for me to experiment and play, and drawing on a cheap sketchbook with markers that bleed through or don't colour smoothly helps me to throw perfection out the window and just draw because it doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be
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moonpaw · 8 months
okay but i've been meaning to ask but i dont want to sound mean. Do you know if there is a way for jsut me to not see all your badges? I like your posts and i really dont want to unfollow you but scrolling past you on my dash genuinely hurts my head because of all the colors...
if you're a pc user, try dashboard unfucker! there's an option to turn off badges
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hinata-boke · 9 months
hihi is it okay to ask where you read the haikyuu bu chapters? do you read them online (and if you do could you share)
of course! i read the most recent one here on shonen jump plus: https://shonenjumpplus.com/episode/14079602755080360339# (though there's no translation for that one)
for the chapters up to 90 with eng translation, i read them on mangadex: https://mangadex.org/title/67047cf9-9624-4b9d-903e-c82f4f58f973/haikyuu-bu
or on kuromantic's blog: https://www.tumblr.com/kuromantic/tagged/haikyuu-bu
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nobodysdaydreams · 3 months
Bods! Random question for ya:
If you had someone wanting to get into our little fandom, what fics on AO3 would you recommend to them and why? Positivity for your fellow authors is encouraged!
Fantastic question! I actually think that this entirely depends on what genre they like:
Do they prefer fluff, angst, crack, romance, friendship, what is the vibe they are going for?
Do they not have a book or show preference or do they have a strong preference?
Do they have specific characters or relationships they like to read about?
Do they want a quick one shot or a longer fic and are they okay reading a fic if the fic is in progress? This question might be more optional or mood dependent, but I thought I'd add it.
Another optional question: is there a specific type of AU they like?
Going through all the characters and possibilities might be a bit much, so I went through my bookmarks on AO3 as well as some of my mutuals works to highlight some personal favorites of mine, though that is heavily based on my preferences, so keep that in mind. If this person or indeed if anyone needs specific recommendation (e.g., "fluff featuring the four main kids book version only" or "angst involving the twins in the show" etc.) then I’d be happy to provide those, but as it is, there’s just too many wonderful author’s in the fandom and too many wonderful works to list here.
With that in mind, here is a list of some of my favorites and the genres they correspond to, while trying to provide a wide variety of authors, genres, book vs. show fics and characters. I tried to include fics I recently bookmarks so some of the newer less well-known stuff can get some attention:
nicholas and company destroy the prison industrial complex! by @mysteriouseggsbenedict: A book related crack fic about Nicholas and the mbs adults destroying the prison industrial complex. I laughed out loud while reading this, it's hilarious.
Innocent or not, you're not a bet I care to take by @sophieswundergarten: A book related angst/fluff piece about the relationships between the executives in the aftermath of canon events. It was an honor to have this gifted to me; I reread it all the time.
“There is no evil in sorcery, only in the hearts of men” by @myfairkatiecat: A show related fic that revolves around a magic AU that honest fits the show really really well and is criminally underrated. The way the element of magic is worked into the character dynamics really sells it.
here's to (never) growing up by @mollyhats: Between show and book canon (could go either way). Classic bonding and fluff with the kiddos, mostly hurt/comfort.
The Best Decision by @heyitsthatonesmolgay: the show versions of Nathaniel and Nicholas talk to their past selves. Great if you like one shots that you can read quickly, but then think about literally forever. Again, it was an honor to have this gifted to me, and I reread it all the time.
I can feel all my bones coming back and I'm craving motion by @oflightningandstars: A book fic about the Wetheralls focusing on elements of neurodivergency (which I love) that is really well written. Also includes Moocho, of course.
capture the sun by @mahpotatoequeen: A book centered fic about the life of Kate Wetherall that is really a deep dive into her character through the years. Beautifully written, a lot of hurt/comfort.
Food for Thought by @phtalogreenpoison: A book fic about Milligan and Number Two, once again focusing on hurt/comfort and disability head canons (you see now what I meant about my bookmarks reflecting my interests). Incredible read, highly recommend.
The Interview by @acollectionofcuriousreblogs: A book fic about Sticky Washington that's very good if you like angst. Super unsettling, but an amazing read.
someone only you could want by @kneeslapworthy: A show fic about SQ and Curtain's relationship healing post canon. This one is an older fic, but once again, underrated and still one of my favorites.
It's still raining by @sqenthusiast: A book fic about the executives and the shared hurt and trauma they suffer through under Curtain. Includes a lot of Jillson's POV, which is a rare one, so I really appreciated that.
Lifeline by @mvshortcut: A combination book and show fic about Constance and Nathaniel post canon. Amazing visuals, some great stuff in regards to the complexity of Nathaniel's character and brilliant utilization of Constance's psychic powers.
Fairytale by @fandom-queen-13: A book fic that is an fairytale retelling using the mbs characters (mostly the Wetheralls) that is extremely well done. I don't want to spoil anything, but if you like AUs, you should read this one.
The Alpaca by @lizardwoman-from-earths-core-2: An amazing fic that show how the show alpaca became a member of the Wetherall family.
Let all the singing follow them, and bring them comfort by @crow-in-springtime: Show Curtain takes the family to see Hades Town to make up for his many crimes. It's a fun time!
I'm sure there's a lot that I'm forgetting, again, I tried to provide a bit of a variety here, but if any of you ever have specific requests, I would be happy to dig those out for you.
And feel free to add onto this post if you want!
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loveshotzz · 1 year
Heyyy do you have any recommendation for Joe keery Fan fiction if you have please share I am really missing him
Hi babe! I don’t read rpf but here’s some of my favorite steve fics where he’s not exactly canon. I hope that helps!
@superblysubpar ‘s We’ll Call It Love series, it’s a modern!steve AU.
@carolmunson ‘s wealthy!steve set list where he’s super rich and in his late 20’s.
@upsidedownwithsteve ‘s A Couple Day’s In another modern!steve au
@abibliophobiaa ‘s Beyond a fakemarriage!richhusband!steve and another modern AU.
@usedtobecooler ‘s one shot she did for me with king!steve and alt reader.
@sweetsweetjellybean ‘s your Steve’s Dad’s secretary AU. here.
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benkyoutobentou · 7 months
hi! i'm sorry for the dumb question but i wanted to finally start reading manga in japanese (i already have a little list of titles beginner-friendly) buuuut i'm not sure where i actually find it ;; sorry again for the stupid question
Not a dumb question at all! There are a bunch of places to get manga, the most accessible probably being (unfortunately) amazon.jp. You need to have a Japanese address to buy things regardless of where it's being shipped to (or not, in the case of ebooks), but I believe just any address will do. You can also sometimes buy manga directly on the publisher's sites. Cmoa is another good place to check, and they also will often have entire volumes of manga available to read on their site for free (just look for the 無料 section). Bilingualmanga might also be of interest. It's free (and therefore sometimes gets taken down), but is exactly what it sounds like. Their selection isn't huge, but what they do have, they have in both English and Japanese.
If you want to buy physical volumes, CDJapan is my go-to. I'm in the USA, but I'm pretty sure they ship to most parts of the world. Kinokuniya is also a good place to buy manga from, especially if you're lucky enough to have a physical store near you. My main issue with them is that I think they're overpriced, though. Another thing that depends on luck, if you have any Book Off stores near you, go check them out! It's secondhand, so finding what you're looking for is definitely luck based, but I think it's a good experience to browse Japanese language books and manga regardless.
If you're having trouble finding something in particular, or want some... slightly less legal sources, feel free to contact me off anon!
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lazuliquetzal · 10 months
Hey speaking of fanfiction/writing asks, I have a weirdly specific writing question: How do you manage to balance comedy and drama so well in your writing? I've read other stories straddling comedy and drama genres, but I often felt that the comedy cheapened the drama, and the drama made the jokes fall flat. But I've never felt that with your writing? In fact, the drama often makes the jokes funnier, and the jokes make the drama more impactful. Maybe it's contrast? How do you do that?
So the idea behind juxtaposing comedy and drama is kinda like putting coffee in your cake--the bitterness draws out the sweetness and makes it stronger. The contrast highlights the presence of the other. But if it's too unbalanced, you either get cheap drama or flat comedy, as you mentioned.
The first thing you need to decide what flavor (genre) you're going for. For example: I consider Dawn of the Fourth to be heavier on the drama than the comedy. I crack some hilarious jokes all throughout DotF, but the moments that I build up to are dramatic moments, even before the mystery kicks in! Ch1 builds up to baby Time screaming about the moon, Ch2 builds up to Wind lying to Time, Ch3 builds up to Wind being seriously suspicious about Sky, etc. The important, plot-moving moments are consistently played straight. So even though I crack a ton of Very Funny jokes, the thrust of the story is actually a mystery-thriller.
In contrast, I would consider Dinked Up to be more comedy than drama. The scenes are all comedic situations. Most of the moments of payoff are jokes. Every scene has a bit of sentiment to it, though (they all circle around Dink's very sincere teenage angst) which is why, when we hit the turning point, it's (hopefully!) not out of place. The drama hits harder in this case because ideally, the reader would have gotten used to the comedic flow, so when we swerve into drama, it's a surprise. Then we get to the climax, which is pushed along with comedy (Time being super nonchalant, Dink tripping and yelling super pathetically, etc). While it is running off of drama, it's a return to the comedy of the earlier scenes. I'm still ending the story with the same tone I established early on.
So basically: while I may be pinballing back and forth between comedy and drama, there's structural consistency going on underneath.
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abbeyofcyn · 11 months
All mighty art god, pleases allow me some information on how to do prosthetic arm!!!!!!
Cause my leo has one but my mind goes blank when I try to think of a more detailed why to do it, cause your art is so fucking good!!!!!!!
Reference on my leo (old art but you get it)
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I'm nothing near an expert but I'll try to share what I did.
What I used as my main reference was looking up ball jointed dolls. I've also looked at (robotic) prosthetics to help me design something that kind of looks realistic. And lastly I looked at knights armour and searched for android character design.
Your design already looks really cool! Perhaps what you could change is the elbow joint to make it more realistic for when it bends, but that's totally up to you. It doesn't have to be realistic at all but it's just something I like when making my designs.
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