#I am not returned from the world of the dead but i must send a carrier pigeon to mention my hands still twitch.
countandra · 16 days
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welcome to your life [pomni, the amazing digital circus]
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feelrush · 4 months
— dialogue prompts from jade city by fonda lee.
“what’s going on? you seem out of sorts tonight.”
“send me the bill for the damage. i’ll take care of it.”
“tell me, my friend. have you had any other trouble around here lately?”
“sitting out here alone? something the matter?”
“how am i still alive when they’re all dead?”
“what did you come for at this hour, anyway? spit it out.”
“you should have killed that man!”
“i fell asleep waiting for you, and in return you scare the shit out of me. where were you?”
“you’re the most important thing in the world to me.”
“i’ve forgotten the past. everything’s forgiven, now that you’re back.”
“ah, what to choose, pain or failure?”
“where are you taking me?”
“cancel the rest of the day’s meetings. i’ll be in my office.”
“wait here and don’t move until you’re called.”
“i’m sure you’re wondering why you’ve been brought here.”
“may i… ask a candid question?”
“i’ll wait for an answer, but not for long.”
“you have to pay attention every fucking second because i can’t always be there if there’s trouble, understand?”
“sometimes the old ways are not without wisdom.”
“can you drive? can you handle a gun?”
“i keep seeing you, but i don’t know your name.”
“do you have anything to drink? it’s still hot inside.”
“whatever it is you decide to do, i’ll support you. i’ve told you that before, and it hasn’t changed.”
“i’m afraid i’m paying you this visit out of a sense of great concern.”
“there needs to be a balance of power.”
“what do they think we are? hired thugs?”
“why the fuck are you here?”
“i knocked but you must not have heard me.”
“you look as if you could use a massage.”
“i visit here too often; it’s not safe for you.”
“i have a gun, and i know how to use it. i won’t be a burden. i can take care of myself.”
“we’ll talk about this later.”
“from now on, i’ll be sure to call out hello to you when i’m still well out of knife range.”
“what can i do to help?”
“if anyone tried to kill you, you deserved it.”
“what is wrong with you? you don’t know who you are anymore.”
“give me your blessing, or condemn me, but don’t wash your hands of me.”
“not ready to die yet. gonna quit while i’m ahead.”
“you work for me now, you understand?”
“i’m disappointed you didn’t accept my offer.”
“we can plan a wedding, a big one. pick a date. i was thinking soon—springtime, what do you think?”
“you can do anything else you want, but not this.”
“it’s not that i think you’re boring. it’s just that keeping watch over you isn’t all that exciting, you know.”
“and here i was, starting to think all our meetings were because you were working up to hitting on me.”
“where and how did you fuck up?”
“risk your own life how you like, but leave me alone to live mine.”
“i’m not a coward.”
“i’ve never asked you for anything, but i’m asking you now, to keep this secret.”
“you do a good job, you make a big impression, show just how valuable you can be—that’s when we talk for real.”
“you were fantastic out there tonight.”
“do you want to get something to eat? we can do it another time if you’d rather go out with your friends tonight.”
“please don’t kill him.”
“must you leave so soon? come back to bed. stay the night.”
“heaven help me. i’m going to kill them all.”
“betrayal, murder, and war have a way of ruining one’s plans.”
“i could still kill him for you.”
“i can kill my ex-boyfriends myself.”
“don’t look like that. like you think i’m disappointed in you when i’m not.”
“i couldn’t sleep and wondered if you’d be kind enough to join me for a cup of tea.”
“it’s been a long day, and i don’t think i’d be very good company right now.”
“but what’s the value of silly pride compared to doing what’s best for the people one loves?”
“expectations are a funny thing. when you’re born with them, you resent them. when you’ve never been given any, you feel the lack of them your whole life.”
“people are cruel. don’t tempt them with arrogance.”
“so long as i live, i’ll never turn my back on a friend.”
“get out of my sight! i never want to see you again!”
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 6 months
anywho, CAN. Can can can caaaaan you write a one shot about where the reader is a young well known killer, she wears a mask to hide her (or their. Any pronouns you’re comfortable with!) identity from the people BUT she gets to go school without the mask so they’re safe! :D
AND THEN (idk but something something happened at school that caused the reader to kill someone out of pure rage.(anger issues RAH)then they run away from school and into the woods and all that stuff) Masky or any other Creepypasta sees the reader and recognizes them by the mask and convinces them to join them AND ALL OF THAT
OH and their killing method is capturing the victim who has done bad shit in their life(like bullies, bad parents and these type of people) record them in tapes, then torturing them to admit the horrible shit they done, then send the tape to the relatives of the victim for them to know AAAAAAAAAAND scene.
I WILL BE KNOWN AS 🐰 TO YOU and be a regular :D
Take your time with this and take care!!
Omg this is totally giving early 2010's creepypasta fandom/pos
Thank you so much for requesting!!
Masky discovering a new creep
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Being a world famous killer blows. First world problems, amirite? Anyways, it really does stink. Having such an occupation is filled with endless controversies, people debating over what your doing is right or wrong. You also don't get much sleep, so school is 10x harder. You know that what you're doing is for the greater good. What you do is so others can live peaceful lives, not for your own selfish desires. But it's not like you can explain that, lest you be arrested and charged with murder.
And so, you put up with the tiredness, sores and cuts you get from your little "hobby". This being said, your temper tends to be quite short when it comes to people messing with you. While you rest your head on your desk to try and get some sleep you hear your name, as well as some insulting words and laughs from the girls in the desks behind you. If you actually zeroed in on their conversation, you can tell that they are talking about how greasy your hair looks and how beat up you always are, this being said they are making fun of you for what they assume is abuse at your home.
It is true that you haven't showered in a while, you just hadn't had the time or willpower to. But to make fun of someone for potentially getting abused? That had you all sorts of ticked off. You try to bury your head further into your desk to try and ignore them, but it seems that they only get louder and meaner with their insults. When your anger builds up to a point of no return, you lift your head and turn to face them. "I'm not getting abused, ok? And even if I was, what kind of right do you think you have to make fun of someone for that?! It's obvious your mommy and daddy don't love you, but if you think you can take that out on me, you are dead wrong because baby, I am not the one."
Your yelling has caused most of the class to look at you, and the girls are silent for a moment before laughing amongst themselves again, calling you weird and saying that they must have been right if you were getting so defensive about it. Their words swirl in your head and it gets to a point you can't take anymore. "Shut up." you say "Shut up shut up shut up!" You get out of your desk and push one of the girls out of her chair, climbing on top of her and beating her senseless. The other girls are now calling you crazy, trying to pry you off of their friend but it's no use. Your teacher is calling up the principal but when she sees your hands being coated with blood and the girls face getting bashed more and more into her skull, she instead calls the police.
By the time you have come back to your senses, blood is splattered all over the classroom, all over your clothes, and the girl is nonresponsive. You gasp and stand up, covering your mouth in utter disbelief at what you had done. Without even looking at your scared classmates and teacher, you run out of the classroom, knowing that if you want any chance of escape, you have to go now. You run past multiple teachers who don't even know what's going on, they only try to stop you for running in the halls. You don't listen and keep on running until eventually you realize that you are in the woods. You're a ways away from your city, and you can hear sirens blaring in the distance. No doubt they're looking for you.
The adrenaline has worn off, and you're tired. You are stumbling through the woods blindly. Your legs give out and you fall to the leaf covered floor, catching your breath and letting your sore legs rest. After a while, you hear footsteps approaching you. You curse under your breath and try to get up to run some more, fearing a cop might have found you. Your legs don't work, and the footsteps catch up to you. You are lifted off the ground by the collar of your shirt and met with the face of an older man, eyeing you up and down with a hatchet slung over his shoulder. "Yeesh kid. What happened to you?" He asks, putting you back down on the floor and awaiting your response. You are too scared to answer, only looking up at him worriedly.
He raises a brow and looks at your hands. "Is that blood...?" he asks, leaning down and looking at your hands. "Hey, you're that kid everyone in the city over is looking for!" he finally concludes. This has your heart beating out of your chest. "I heard what you did....I think you better come with me. There's someone I think you'll wanna talk too." He says, picking you up again and half carrying you. "Don't worry, we aren't going to the cops" He says with a chuckle, as if the idea is absurd. It is after this that you begin to feel dizzy, only to pass out again.
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Following up from this letter. A short insight into Ollie is here.
[Two missives are handed to Gale during a lecture at Blackstaff Academy by his wife's imp familiar, called Dreth... who cares not a whit at the interruption he has caused. (Dreth and Gale are... antagonistic allies).]
Missive # 1
For the eyes of Professor Gale Dekarios School of Illusion Blackstaff Academy On behalf of Oleandra Dekarios
Ser Dekarios,
I am writing this letter on behalf of my adventuring companion, who has mentioned several times that you are to be informed if anything should befall her during our adventures.
Before you begin to worry overmuch, she says that she is, and I quote, "fine, and anyone who tells him differently will be sent to their gods with all haste".
In the interest of truthfulness, and at the risk of my person, I must inform you that Lady Dekarios was gravely injured in our latest delve into the bowels of the glaciers north of the Spine of the World. She served her role admirably, taking several blows meant for our divine healer, who by your wife's grace was able to survive and keep the rest of us on our feet and fighting to ultimately overcome the latest danger that permeates this forbidden space. It is by Lathander's light that your wife was returned to us, although she remains in a fragile physical state.
I assume you know that if she were to read the above sentence, that she would inform me that I "know not the meaning of fragile" and she would be ultimately too happy to "demonstrate on my femurs". Nevertheless, it is the truth, as spells as complex as Raise Dead do tend to require physical rehabilitation in the days afterwards.
As for our quest, Lady Dekarios continues to remind us that we have not yet accomplished our tasks for this delve, and she refuses to rest topside despite her injuries. We have persuaded her to rest at least long enough for her energy to be recovered. Brother Cedric has assured me that the ritual was performed without a hitch, which means we have less than a ten-day before she compels us back towards whatever lies in store.
If I may be frank, Ser Dekarios, I fear you of all people best understand her tendency to overextend herself, and I beg that you send word to any allies you may have in the region to come to our aid --- not for the sake of the mission, you understand, I believe that we have that well in hand. Instead I implore you for the sake of my companion's own well being. I will never forgive myself if her actions to protect my beloved Cedric cost you your wife.
With the utmost gratitude, Lord Petris Blackway of Luskan Servant of Umberlee
Missive # 2
Beloved, My moon and stars, Love and light of my life, My best friend through this life and the next, Wizard not only of Waterdeep but also of my heart, My reason for being and everything that is good and beautiful in this world,
I am fine.
Dreth wouldn't give me Lord Busy-body's letter so I am sending my own. Please feel free to deal with the impish little shit as you see fit.
I. Am. Fine.
Your dearest Ollie, who is very much fine and who is very much looking forward to never hearing the name "Petris Blackway of Luskan" ever again.
Sweet Ollie,
I do sincerely doubt that you are “fine”. If you were fine, these letters would not have been delivered in such haste in the mid-portion of a lecture. Nevermind, I believe my students found the delivery entertaining despite their harrowing contents.
I have arranged some time with my higher-ups. I shall be heading north to you within the day you receive this letter. Worry naught, my love, I shall not make the journey alone! Tara has elected to join me, for the sake of making sure I do not find any mysterious tomes or get abducted again. With a few spells and the help of travel sigils, it won’t take me long to find you.
Rest assured, I won’t stay for long. If I continued with you on your journey I fear you’d put my head on a stick! I am just arriving with some medicinal items and my love for a few days, then I shall return home.
You worry me at times with your everlasting adventurous spirit. You’d believe saving the world once would quench your thirst for investigation for lifetimes to come, but your physical adventure is akin to my literary indulgences and I cannot fault you for that. That does not prevent the gray hairs from growing whenever I think too hard of whatever you may be facing.
Aside from myself, I have sent word to some companions in the area you are in. They shall arrive to check on you much sooner than I, and provide a sufficient solution to any magical needs you or your allies may have. You can call me whatever names you deem fit for my precautions when you see me in a few days.
And, by the gods my dear, do stop threatening the imp. You’ve lost enough allies in this world, and I do not think punishment suffices for the creature that was only following your instruction. Perhaps you hit your head and forgot that you told him to notify me if you befall some sort of sickness or injury? I adore you, my love, I truly do, but try to not break the bones of your familiar.
My sweetest Ollie… you know I rarely have the words for your bravery. Every day, you amaze me with your self-sacrificing spirit. Without your acknowledgement of this fact of your life, you would not be so ready to help others. It is a point I have always admired of you. Let the others care for you, for once. You need not always be a provider, you can be provided for, if you let them. If you let me.
I adore you to the ends of this world and back through the Nine Hells. Do not overextend yourself too much, my dear. I shall arrive soon to tend to you. In the meantime, let the others help you. Or so help me gods I’ll incapacitate you myself and force you to return to Waterdeep before you can finish your journey.
With all the love a man can have,
𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔
text reads: gale dekarios
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fromkenari · 9 months
Waterloo Letters #4 (4/4): Hometown stuff
Re: Hometown stuff A [email protected]                9/4/20 8:31 PM to Henry H, Fuck. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what else to say. I’m so sorry. June and Nora send their love. Not as much love as me. Obviously. Please don’t worry about me. We’ll figure it out. It just might take time. I’ve been working on patience. I’ve picked up all kinds of things from you. God, what can I possibly write to make this better? Here: I can’t decide if your emails make me miss you more or less. Sometimes I feel like a funny-looking rock in the middle of the most beautiful clear ocean when I read the kinds of things you write to me. You love so much bigger than yourself, bigger than everything. I can’t believe how lucky I am to even witness it—to be the one who gets to have it, and so much of it, is beyond luck and feels like fate. Catholic God made me to be the person you write those things about. I’ll say five Hail Marys. Muchas gracias, Santa Maria. I can’t match you for prose, but what I can do is write you a list. AN INCOMPLETE LIST: THINGS I LOVE ABOUT HRH PRINCE HENRY OF WALES 1. The sound of your laugh when I piss you off. 2. The way you smell underneath your fancy cologne, like clean linens but somehow also fresh grass (what kind of magic is this?). 3. That thing you do where you stick out your chin to try to look tough. 4. How your hands look when you play piano. 5. All the things I understand about myself now because of you. 6. How you think Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars (wrong) because deep down you’re a gigantic, sappy, embarrassing romantic who just wants the happily ever after. 7. Your ability to recite Keats. 8. Your ability to recite Bernadette’s “Don’t let it drag you down” monologue from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. 9. How hard you try. 10. How hard you’ve always tried. 11. How determined you are to keep trying. 12. That when your shoulders cover mine, nothing else in the entire stupid world matters. 13. The goddamn issue of Le Monde you brought back to London with you and kept and have on your nightstand (yes, I saw it). 14. The way you look when you first wake up. 15. Your shoulder-to-waist ratio. 16. Your huge, generous, ridiculous, indestructible heart. 17. Your equally huge dick. 18. The face you just made when you read that last one. 19. The way you look when you first wake up (I know I already said this, but I really, really love it). 20. The fact that you loved me all along. I keep thinking about that last one ever since you told me, and what an idiot I was. It’s so hard for me to get out of my own head sometimes, but now I’m coming back to what I said to you the night in my room when it all started, and how I brushed you off when you offered to let me go after the DNC, how I used to try to act like it was nothing sometimes. I didn’t even know what you were offering to do to yourself. God, I want to fight everyone who’s ever hurt you, but it was me too, wasn’t it? All that time. I’m so sorry. Please stay gorgeous and strong and unbelievable. I miss you I miss you I miss you I love you. I’m calling you as soon as I send this, but I know you like to have these things written down. A P.S. Richard Wagner to Eliza Wille, re: Ludwig II–1864 (Remember when you played Wagner for me? He’s an asshole, but this is something.) It is true that I have my young king who genuinely adores me. You cannot form an idea of our relations. I recall one of the dreams of my youth. I once dreamed that Shakespeare was alive: that I really saw and spoke to him: I can never forget the impression that dream made on me. Then I would have wished to see Beethoven, though he was already dead. Something of the same kind must pass in the mind of this lovable man when with me. He says he can hardly believe that he really possesses me. None can read without astonishment, without enchantment, the letters he writes to me.
McQuiston, Casey. Red, White & Royal Blue: A Novel (pp. 301-304). St. Martin's Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
We must be psychically linked for real cause I was just thinking of the dark au and you start working on it again LMAO. Me personally I think reader should have some kinda mutation that allows them to copy other mutations or a time/dimension jump one so it could be revealed that oops! reader accidentally sent all of them away! And cause some big feelings in the yans, like they want to blame reader for what happened but they still love them so dearly and it wouldn’t be fair to reader who is still learning and growing their powers to be solely blamed, or it’s a wrong place wrong time type thing where reader and one of the teens powers interact in such a way that they get sent to where ever they are/stuck in the time stream a la batman the return of Bruce Wayne
That is a good idea, Spino Anon! It's really creative! I don't know if that's how I will write the au, but you have given me a thought or two on how to explain the four teens ending up in the dark future/au. I hope you are doing alright! I think as a treat, I can do a few headcanons I have for the Dark AU.... Let's do it:
• I headcanon that for the Dark AU, it's set in a reboot-esque au of X-Men Evolution, so things are mostly the same, but a little different. Such as more found family dynamics and less trying to toss children and rivals off of cliffs ( it's a reboot/retelling/reimagining due to platonic yandere stuff/adding Reader/adding more adventures/wanting to rewrite certain scenes/wanting to add further to it/etc.)
• Reader is a friend to both groups of teens, and likely joined one, if not both, at some point
• Reader took care of the others a lot. Reminding them to eat (mostly the adults for that, plus a handful of the teens, Reader would also make dinner/breakfast/snacks/treats for the platonic yans, maybe teaching a teen or two how to cook)... making art and craft projects for them (such as handmade scarves or stuffed animals, friendship bracelets and best friend necklaces, even full canvas paintings and notebooks full of sketches and drawings)... having small (platonic) dates where Reader does something they (the teen/s or adult/s) want to do, but can't do with the others or that doesn't interest the others... Reader was the sort to toss a blanket around someone if they fell asleep on the couch, made coffee or hot chocolate in the mornings/nights when it was cold, just trying to keep their friends family happy and cared for
• Reader was friends and still is in this au with the other teens who had the bad thing happen to them (being Kurt, Kitty, and Pietro). Probably was the one who played it straight between the four, still a bit more light-hearted and joking, but more toned down. I am undecided if Reader is the same age, older, or younger than them
• When the bad thing happens, let's just say the remaining X-Men and Brotherhood kinda... lost it. I mentioned before a person or multiple persons was behind what happened, but I never went into full detail on what it might have been. Whatever it was (no spoilers yet!) led the platonic yans to believe that they were dead, and that it wasn't quick or painless. They know it wasn't an accident. So they go mad with grief, in a way. They take vengeance on those who caused it, more-or-less send a message out warning what happens if anyone targets their loved ones, and (maybe?) take control over the world... Or at least parts of New York and Canada...
• The platonic yans become more... dark. If they were holding their punches before... they aren't now. They become ruthless when dealing with enemies, they learn new skills and tricks and tactics, they aren't going to let the same thing that happened in the past happen now
• I imagine that it's somewhere between three to five years before Reader and the others end up in the future/au, and they are still wounded from what happened. The worst of their wounds healed up enough, but not everything else, so they aren't as quick or as fast as they want to be when moving through the changed world around them
• When they are found to be alive and are confirmed to be the Dark AU platonic yans kids/friends/siblings, the platonic yans are hunting them down as fast as they can. They don't want them to disappear, they don't want them to die, and they aren't about to have them ripped away from them again. Even if it means they have to keep them under house arrest or sedated or otherwise...
(And this is what I can say without revealing any spoilers! Enjoy😊💛🧡🍯🐝)
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celticcrossanon · 6 months
Hello Celta,
The problem with KCIII PR is that he’s playing it like 1990, it’s so obvious his defence of Harry, the brat. Sending out his minions, Lady C and others, to put out the word that Harry is innocent is not going to cut it. Thanks to Meghan Markle we can spot PR shenanigans a mile off. I stopped listening to Lady C months ago. Every single episode she found reason to slag off the late Princess Diana, to put her in a bad light and tear her down. The woman has been dead for 26 years, she can’t defend herself, so get lost Charles and your second wife. It’s absolutely disgusting that Charles tries to play us for fools.
He will take no measures or half measures, but that’s not gonna cut it. The government and the military are nvolved now, plus MI5 and MI6. I remember the intuitive reading Lilac Lantern did some months ago, and she said the people in charge will not like Charles actions or inactions. They will demand that he steps down. I better understand his reasoning after Fortunes Cookie’s reading, he’s the man that divorced Diana, he doesn’t want to be the man that banishes her son too. Too bad, so sad. He’s a grown man who played those games with Diana, and now that her threat is gone, he can tolerate his brat dialling up his treasonous behaviour with impunity? Not gonna happen Charles, both you and Harry are playing with fire. The UK is not gonna tolerate it.
Hi AnonymousRetired,
I think the PR tactics are very obvious as well. I haven't listened to Lady C for at least 6 months, I think, if not more, as I just couldn't deal with her theatrics - she has every right to do them, no gripe there, but for me they became very wearing so I tuned out and I now get my gossip from other people talking about what she said. :)
I wish that everyone, whatever their feelings, would let Princess Diana rest in peace. Just deal with the living and leave the dead alone. The constant referring to her has gone on for too long, imo, and it is at the stage where it is doing more harm than good (especially from her second son).
If King Charles is planning on rehabilitating Harry then he needs to both update his PR tactics and make them more subtle. If I, one of the most unobservant people in the world when it comes to PR, can see what he is doing, then it must be blindingly obvious to everyone else (and hence unsuccessful).
I can't see any way that Harry will be allowed back as a working royal. I had hoped that he would be able to return quietly and live in retirement, supported by his father out of his father's private fortune, but after Spare and the acting out of this year, I am starting to doubt whether that would be possible. Harry is making himself despised wherever he goes and he has no one but himself to blame for it.
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pastafossa · 8 months
Preview of Tuesday's new chapter of I'm Sending A Raven
The new chapter(s) will be dropping on Tuesday so here's a preview!
Warning in this preview for dehumanizing language, references to suicide attempts, ableist language, references to torture, references to human experimentation, references to starvation and calorie amounts, though there is a hint of hope at the end of the preview because finally, finally the Devil has come. Still, as with the darkfic this is for, proceed with caution if you're sensitive to any of this.
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Month Seven “Jonas is dead.  I was alerted a few hours ago that he’d had a heart attack due to the injuries sustained in subject twenty’s attack, but I refuse to believe it. Somehow the Ferryman is responsible, and so we must move swiftly. Granted, I expect it will take him time to locate this place and for Coulson’s people to move in. Jonas would know better than to admit to where we were. However, as a precaution, we are preparing to abandon the compound on this: the first day of the seventh month since recapturing subject twenty. We will be gone before nine a.m. Thus this email before dawn, since you are so reluctant to take my calls.  The move will not affect our plans, both in general and our plans involving subject twenty. This I assure you. I doubt she will notice our move at all, and in fact, she seems to notice very little at all since we foiled her repeated attempts to end her life two months ago. My staff had feared that once the initial shock of the supposed five-year gap wore off, she would return to her old ways, especially once the staff began phasing out their aged makeup and dyed hair. Instead, she seemed entirely unaware of the changes reverting, her spirit broken in entirety. This is not our only victory, either. Her response even to painful stimuli is greatly delayed, and she does not ‘search’ her surroundings with her eyes as she once did. Nor does she pace in the Kennel, instead simply laying in a corner for hours at a time without moving, even now with the building a hive of activity. It is as if she is simply waiting—waiting for a command, waiting for us to remove her from the Kennel for daily exercise or experiments, or perhaps waiting to die. She is still somewhat emaciated, admittedly, despite eating when ordered. I am unsure why she is so thin when her caloric intake is so rigorously monitored to ensure adequate nutrition. We will continue to watch her closely, but I do not believe this will affect her during the move. That she is dumb to the world is ultimately a blessing. Our goal is further experimentation with links as well as continued access to her genetics, neither of which require her input, and we have already learned a great many things from the samples we’ve taken from her body.  I will be sending you a more thorough outline of our process once we have made the move to Oregon. I believe you will find it helpful when working with those particularly stubborn captives w they are here”
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thecasualfkfan · 10 months
As the Red,White and Royal Blue movie is released,here's an email from the book which I really really love-
9/4/20 8:31 PM
to Henry
I’m so sorry. I don’t know what else to say. I’m so sorry. June and Nora send their love. Not as much love as me. Obviously.
Please don’t worry about me. We’ll figure it out. It just might take time. I’ve been working on patience. I’ve picked up all kinds of things from you.
God, what can I possibly write to make this better?
Here: I can’t decide if your emails make me miss you more or less. Sometimes I feel like a funny-looking rock in the middle of the most beautiful clear ocean when I read the kinds of things you write to me. You love so much bigger than yourself, bigger than everything. I can’t believe how lucky I am to even witness it—to be the one who gets to have it, and so much of it, is beyond luck and feels like fate. Catholic God made me to be the person you write those things about. I’ll say five Hail Marys. Muchas gracias, Santa Maria.
I can’t match you for prose, but what I can do is write you a list.
1. The sound of your laugh when I piss you off.
2. The way you smell underneath your fancy cologne, like clean linens but somehow also fresh grass (what kind of magic is this?).
3. That thing you do where you stick out your chin to try to look tough.
4. How your hands look when you play piano.
5. All the things I understand about myself now because of you.
6. How you think Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars (wrong) because deep down you’re a gigantic, sappy, embarrassing romantic who just wants the happily ever after.
7. Your ability to recite Keats.
8. Your ability to recite Bernadette’s “Don’t let it drag you down” monologue from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.
9. How hard you try.
10. How hard you’ve always tried.
11. How determined you are to keep trying.
12. That when your shoulders cover mine, nothing else in the entire stupid world matters.
13. The goddamn issue of Le Monde you brought back to London with you and kept and have on your nightstand (yes, I saw it).
14. The way you look when you first wake up.
15. Your shoulder-to-waist ratio.
16. Your huge, generous, ridiculous, indestructible heart.
17. Your equally huge dick.
18. The face you just made when you read that last one.
19. The way you look when you first wake up (I know I already said this, but I really, really love it).
20. The fact that you loved me all along.
I keep thinking about that last one ever since you told me, and what an idiot I was. It’s so hard for me to get out of my own head sometimes, but now I’m coming back to what I said to you the night in my room when it all started, and how I brushed you off when you offered to let me go after the DNC, how I used to try to act like it was nothing sometimes. I didn’t even know what you were offering to do to yourself. God, I want to fight everyone who’s ever hurt you, but it was me too, wasn’t it? All that time. I’m so sorry.
Please stay gorgeous and strong and unbelievable. I miss you I miss you I miss you I love you. I’m calling you as soon as I send this, but I know you like to have these things written down.
P.S. Richard Wagner to Eliza Wille, re:
Ludwig II–1864 (Remember when you played Wagner for me? He’s an asshole, but this is something.)
It is true that I have my young king who genuinely adores me. You cannot form an idea of our relations. I recall one of the dreams of my youth. I once dreamed that Shakespeare was alive: that I really saw and spoke to him: I can never forget the impression that dream made on me. Then I would have wished to see Beethoven, though he was already dead. Something of the same kind must pass in the mind of this lovable man when with me. He says he can hardly believe that he really possesses me. None can read without astonishment, without enchantment, the letters he writes to me.
- Ch 11, Red white and Royal Blue, Casey McQuiston
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rpstartersinc · 9 months
feel free to change pronouns / wording!
" it started with a simple choice, escape or die. "
" he almost killed you last time, didn't he? "
" what about me? you gotta take me with you. "
" i really didn't have a choice. "
" you haven't escaped anything unless you go on to something. "
" the first thing i noticed was the smell. "
" just like day follows night, every man succumbs to his nature. "
" you're lucky i was here. "
" maybe you're my guardian angel. "
" you can stand to eat a meal if you must, you can stand to make love if you're able, but it's impossible to stand and drink, it's the act of a barbarian, an animal at the watering hole. "
" you talk too much. "
" i walked here barefoot 'cause a guy came in my shoes. "
" people will be fascinated with your story. "
" it takes a prick to know one. "
" this is the place they were thinking about when they invented the word 'the pits'. "
" i like that you haven't asked what this is for. "
" you don't think people can change? "
" you're a good listener, it's dangerous - because it's so hard to resist being listened to. "
" what i want is to be master of my own destiny. "
" i'm sorry to have kept you so late. "
" were you gonna say goodbye? "
" there's no redemption for the likes of you. "
" he was looking pretty dead to me. "
" nothing you do will change the fact that they are gone. "
" i knew once you got my message, you'd come running. "
" i wonder what you're so guilty about that playing the hero was this important. "
" i can't go to the authorities, it's not an option for me. "
" i am a man of peace, so please do not be hurting me. "
" they almost killed me. "
" maybe i wanna feel good. "
" we're being betrayed. "
" i don't know why people can't be nicer. "
" it's always love that sends us down the rabbit hole. "
" what happened to your face? "
" i do not have friends, times like this are exactly why. "
" i think you should stop interfering with my business. "
" we have no relationship, i owe you nothing. "
" only a fool plays a game without knowing the rules first, or the other players. "
" you shouldn't be calling me. "
" ambitious men are never content. "
" it's not your fault you're weak. "
" you really need me to keep quiet, eh? "
" everything has its use by date, and everyone. "
" you can be such a child sometimes. "
" you can't spend the rest of your life refusing to care for anyone in case they leave. "
" my life isn't any man's to give or take. "
" we can compel men not to be bad but we cannot compel them to do good. "
" you have a fairly scary reputation. "
" this place means a great deal to me. "
" i can't treat it if i can't see it. "
" i didn't want to wake you. "
" will you come with me to my place? i don't wanna be there on my own. "
" there is no shame in being afraid. "
" you're a long way from home to be making threats. "
" for a man who doesn't want trouble you keep interesting company. "
" i am a businesswoman, this is the price. "
" what, so that's it? try to kill a guy and then eat ice cream? "
" what you want matters little. "
" he saw me alone and he tried to take his chance. "
" you're a hard man to find. "
" do my eyes deceive? is this a ghost? "
" what is this, are you jealous? "
" i liked it when you defended me tonight. "
" i'm beginning to think it's because you're scared. "
" you haven't said a word since we left. "
" please do not ruin my happy thoughts, your face is very... children will cry if they look at this face. "
" you don't have to suffer anything if you're strong enough to deny it. "
" i missed you. "
" it's such an arrogance to love someone and to expect it in return. "
" i never wanna be dependent on anyone else again. "
" perhaps a simple, earthy, no-strings fuck would do you a world of good. "
" just 'cause i left, it doesn't mean i don't still love you. "
" sounds like a date. "
" i'd prefer to get there alive. "
" have they hurt you? "
" where would the fun be if we all did as we are told? "
" i'm leaving you alone like this. "
" you're my friend, even if you don't want any. "
" don't forget who works for who. "
" you don't need to justify yourself to me. "
" you can hate me and still not let the tea go to waste. "
" i'm the one who will get the job of killing you. "
" loyalty comes out of love, or fear, or debt. "
" i never said i was a good person. "
" you can't blame yourself for that. "
" i am too happy you are alive. "
" you are a good man and you think too much. "
" the only thing stronger than love is the hate left behind when it's gone. "
" if you want me to beg, you will wait a long time. "
" the world has no place for me. "
" i don't think you've ever loved anyone in your life. "
" a warrior has to follow orders, even when they don't like them. "
" just 'cause i don't want you here doesn't mean i've forgotten my manners. "
" have dinner with me, just like two normal people. "
" i keep them to remember what a terrible human being i am. "
" you can love someone and do terrible things to them, all at the same time. "
" it's good to be nervous, it means it matters. "
" i think you shot me, you bastard. "
" you're fucking dying, and i'm the only thing that's gonna stop it, okay? "
" i made sure i wasn't followed. "
" i never stabbed anyone in my life, i'm not gonna start now. "
" good way to get yourself killed. "
" is this your blood? "
" how does it feel? knowing you're gonna fucking die and there's nothing you can do about it. "
" i never wanna see you again. "
" if you lie, then a crow will bite you. "
" you are the cause of my problems. "
" we need to keep you out of sight. "
" i almost had it, and then you made me forget. "
" i hate doing nothing. "
" the whole point of you staying is so that you can stay out of harm's way. "
" you're gonna bleed out, you need to stay still. "
" i have never seen so much money before in my whole life, forget all in one bag. "
" stop! they're gonna hear you! "
" you've lost the right to ever say my fucking name. "
" i've had enough of this shit, do you hear me?! "
" short version: it all went to shit. "
" a coward isn't capable of exhibiting love. "
" you'll never need to catch me as much as i need to be free. "
" every time we cage a man, we close him in with hate. "
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bunchofdogstuff · 2 months
A work in progress.
(( this is the first time I post something on tumblr... I hope it reaches someone! ))
(( Please let me know what you think! ))
It will start right at the North Pole.
Predictions from the distant past failed to calculate the exact point of impact, but modern technology has made things so, so easy… we can pinpoint the precise spot where the first lightning bolt will fall, even if we can’t do anything to stop it.
The sensors will go awry, the entire world will take notice for a moment. A lightning bolt? On a perfectly starry night? Where did it come from? Questions that will stall the minds of the brightest minds in the world, while disaster spreads through the ice fields, crawling so close to the floor, devouring everything on its way.
The Loathsome Mist will return, and with it, the shadows of the beings we stole this world from, so long ago that no one remembers anymore.
The Second Sacrifice will begin, and this time there’s no unlikely hero, no charitable soul to stop it as its core.
As time draws near to the end of the world, and all my attempts to stall it crumble to dust, I am faced with a choice.
I can either brave this alone, and pray to the stars that I find a solution like I did almost six hundred years ago… or I can submit, and seek his aid.
I’d rather die and take the whole world with me than having to talk with that pusillanimous buffoon again.
So I guess I am on my own.
Diary of Mustafá, the Witch. Entry Number 882.
My heart is beating so hard, it feels like it could just jump straight out of my throat in any second now. My lungs are on fire, my neck and my arms hurt as I get up. I can feel my own blood flowing from my arm and falling on the floor, mixing with the magic flowing in the air. Green, purple, golden, red, I can’t distinguish them as they swirl and dance… and I can’t really stop and marvel at it. Not with this sense of impending doom on my back.
I try to get my bearings, after all I hit my head real hard on my fall down the stairs. The stairs! I am standing on the stairway of the apartment complex where I’ve lived for the last three years. It’s dark, pitch black in fact, and yet I can perfectly see my blood dripping and my favorite hoodie being ruined by it.
It’s a very small space, barely having any room for an extinguisher on every floor. Ah, that’s right, and I’ve seen several extinguishers already, so I must have gone down a few floors. I started on floor eight, and I am on floor…
With some of the blood on my fingers I paint the walll, illuminating some of it with the bright color of pure magic.
3rd Floor.
I fell five floors straight!? No way, I must have run a little at least… run… run from…
The sound of steps interrupts me. They are slow, calm, she’s getting closer. She knows I don’t have the physique to run nor the knowledge to somehow disappear myself. And yet I push myself to start trotting down the stairs again, no point in trying to hide from her! 
As I go, I furiously tap on my phone, sending messages to the Fellowship. It’s not like any of them can help me now but, at least they can make sure to save whatever we can from the work before she takes it from my cold, dead hands.
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: WHAT. OMG RUN, RUN!!!! O.o
jeepers creepers man: what do you mean “chasing you”???
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: TAVY-CHAN RUUUUN!!!
jeepers creepers man: ok ok, calm down, calm down.
jeepers creepers man: i assume you tried to talk to her and it went poorly
jeepers creepers man: ok ok, fuck, hmmm…
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: shit shit SHIT I knew this was going to happen man
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: she’s gonna come for us next guys you better get ready. 
I don’t have time for this.
With a loud sigh I jam the phone in my pocket and stop running, panting, gasping for air and fighting for my life as I reach the door of the bottom floor. I didn’t even notice how her steps were no longer echoing in the stairway, I was just desperate to push that door and look for an exit. 
Only to find her standing right there, a bored look on her face and her hand raised in my direction. The Alchemist was a head smaller than me, at least! But her tiny frame commanded a strange, powerful presence. Her skin was dark, darker than mine at least! But what really caught my attention from the very start were her eyes: unnaturally golden, wide awake and yet so dull, dead. 
“End of the line, Octavia.” Her cold, emotionless voice makes me shiver. “Give me the book or I’ll take it from you.”
“C-Can’t we discuss this?”
“You don’t want a part in this game, kid. If this is the only way to make you understand, so be it.”
Green, purple and golden, the octarine light of magic, flowed through the Alchemist’s veins and straight to her hand. I have no idea what she has in mind but I do not want to just wait and figure that out. I raise my own hand, throwing it down as I jump back into the stairway. I may not be powerful enough to cast a proper fire, but I know how to make smoke.
I don’t know why I yelled, it just felt appropriate. There’s a very small yet loud explosion,  as if something had broken on the floor between us, and then a thick cloud of smoke expanded and covered the whole door. As I fall back, I can feel something brush past me, mere inches from my head. A ball of green light that breaks into pieces of glass on the wall behind me, surely aimed at my face before my little gambit.
This woman wants to kill me.
“Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”
Oh I’d make it as hard as I could. As I ran back up the stairs without really thinking where I will hide from this crazed Alchemist, I can’t help but look back and wonder how I ended up here. To think that a few months ago I would have simply kneeled and submitted my life at the first chance to end it all… 
And now here I am, running for my life, clinging to my backpack with all the strength I can muster and pushing my body far beyond its pathetic limits just so I can continue pushing my nose where it doesn’t belong. 
Truly, the life of a translator really is non-stop excitement.
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ephemeral--dreams · 1 year
take it & put it inside of me (2/2)
Rating: T
Word count: 1564
Warnings: Some references to what happened in part one but no violence in this one
Notes: Fucking around and finding out with the genshin lore
( part 1 ) 
☆ ☾ ☆ ──────────────────
Sifting through the information contained within irminsul comes with all manner of temptations and distractions.
It's not what he's here for, but he can't help prying a little. Who can blame him for his curiosity? You're an enigma that he can't pry apart, and here lies the chance to unravel the mystery. Just a peek. A detour, just to investigate you.
It's only the briefest of explorations. Scaramouche must return to seeking the information he's here to get. But he takes what little he finds and keeps it inside.
Getting his own memories back undoes what he did. Slowly, his existence returns to irminsul, memories of him seeping back into the world. And when they do, you eventually seek him out. 
Sumeru is so full of life. To see someone as lifeless as you standing in such a vibrant place feels wrong. You were more suited to the cold, dead environment of inazuma. Yet regardless, here you were.
"It's been a while. What, missed me too much to go on without me?"
"I was hardly going to hand myself over to be anyone else's outlet," You gaze at him assessingly. He can't quite read your expression. Never has he been able to. You linger on his vision before meeting his eyes again. "You look different."
"Well, I am different. Things happened. Life goes on. I'm never going back to Snezhnaya, before you ask."
"Where does that leave me?"
He waves a hand. "Do what you want… I guess I wouldn't complain about having you around again."
It's as much of an invitation as you would ever get from someone like him.
"Then I suppose I'll stay for now."
And so it is.
He lets you stay with him. You don't have anywhere else to go. Just by being here you've gone against the Tsaritsa. How foolish, that you've dropped everything just for a man who has only ever used you. Then again, that was exactly what you'd asked him to do.
Not that he is even doing that, as things are.
There really is something fundamentally different about Scaramouche. His words hold less bite, his teasing is more playful than harsh, but most of all… He's far less angry than he used to be. He hasn't raised a hand against you since you reunited. 
It's odd. 
In many ways it's a good thing. It's good, that he has grown, that he has changed. But it leaves you with this insistent, unscratched itch deep inside, one that hasn't been sated since the day he disappeared from the Fatui. 
You figure there is little you can do but wait and see. It's not the way it used to be, where a few well-placed words would provoke him. Your silver tongue is used for only two things - to keep people at a distance, or to lure them into playing into your hands. It is only able to do one of those things, to him, as he is. 
And it's not as if you're going to walk up and beg him to hurt you. That isn't the way it works between you. Not to mention how absolutely pitiful it would be to do so. 
You are a boat set adrift in too-calm waters. It's somehow worse than the storm.
A couple of weeks in, the dendro archon visits. Scaramouche seems irritated when he sees her at the door, but lets her inside nonetheless. 
Nahida is… very different than your former archon. Not in a bad way. It's pleasant enough talking to her. She doesn't seem at all surprised that you are there, but considering who she is, it makes sense that she knows already.
It's not until she stops in front of you before leaving, eyes suddenly sharp, that you feel uneasy. 
Her small hands hold one of yours. Her touch is careful in a way you're not used to. "You hate yourself so much. Is that why you think you should be hurt?"
The bluntness, the unexpectedness of the words sends you reeling. You've made yourself so hard to read, created so many layers of distance between you and everyone else. You suppose if anyone would be able to pick you apart it would be the archon of wisdom. Still, to do it in front of him-
"That's not relevant," you say, voice more unstable than you'd like for it to be. 
"I think it's quite relevant. Perhaps not to me, but to the two of you," someone who looks that young should not be this perceptive. "That's not for me to decide, though. Welcome to Sumeru. You're free to stay as long as you wish."
And then she's gone, and you find yourself avoiding the eyes of the only other person left in the room. You can feel him staring at you, like he's trying to figure you out. And now he's been given the information he needs to do it, too. 
He wants to be mad at Buer for meddling in his affairs, but for once he cannot bring himself to be. Not when he's been handed what he wants on a silver platter.
He's had quite a while to think. Months to ponder on you, on the way he felt, on all your enigmas. The last pieces settle into place after Nahida's words. Yes, he has had more than enough time to come to terms with his own feelings.
Making you confront yours, on the other hand…
There's something purposeful in the way he moves forward. Scaramouche has never once been gentle with you. Or anyone, really. Yet the intensity of his gaze as he observes you is almost off-putting with how softly he reaches out to touch you. 
Your eyes are blown wide, like you're ready to bolt at a moment's notice. Not that he would let you escape his grasp. Not now.
Not ever.
The kiss, too, lacks the sharp edge of teeth the both of you are used to. He can feel you jerk against him, the movement slight but noticeable with how close he is. 
There's a part of him that wants to tear you apart right then and there, now that he's got you vulnerable. Instead, he pulls away to meet your eyes again. He's already made such a mess of you, and he's far from done. He's never once seen you this off-kilter or reactive. 
"What are you…" You trail off, like you can't quite gather your words together when he's behaving this way. "This isn't…"
"You're still mine, aren't you? You gave yourself to me so that I could treat you however I wanted to. Well, what I want right now is this."
He leans in to brush his lips across yours again, gentler than he had any right to be. You shudder as if you're about to shatter apart, tears pricking at your eyes, as if being loved is somehow worse torture than anything else he'd ever done to you. There's something almost cruel in the delicate way he handles you, ripping down each one of those carefully crafted walls that had kept him out for so long like they're nothing but paper. 
It's satisfying to finally get a reaction out of you, to feel like he finally understands.
(Scaramouche amends his former statement. You're not like the gods. You're like him, he thinks - so starved for anything like love that you have no idea what to do when you receive it. Trying to escape the need for it altogether. And in the end, failing entirely to run from it.)
He keeps you there for long minutes. He doesn't particularly need air, being what he is, but you do. It's the only reason he finally moves back. 
You gasp for breath, still shaking. A slow smile curves his lips.
"Red is a nice color on you. Let's make it happen more often."
"Don't-" you huff out, unable to look at him. The flush deepens. He smiles wider. "Don't say things like that."
He scoffs. "That only makes me want to do it more, you know."
"This isn't how things are supposed to go."
"It's how they go now. You're not exactly running for the door, are you?" The way you stay is all too telling. You can't resist him and more than he can resist you, even now. "Didn't think so. Want to tell me what fucked you up this much, or am I going to have to pick you apart for another few years for that?"
"That's hardly your concern," there's that familiar iciness to your tone, trying to keep him from prying. It doesn't work as easily as it used to. You're trying to put back all the defenses he just broke down… But he'll let it be. Scaramouche has gotten what he wanted for today. He will have forever to figure out the rest. He has never once backed down from a challenge. 
Sooner or later, he will know all of your mysteries. 
"Sure it's not. I'll put it this way, then. Since your so difficult. If I'm forgiven despite everything, then you can't reasonably say you don't deserve the same," he leaves little room for argument. "Well, it doesn't matter to me either way. You can even consider it punishment that you're stuck here with me."
Perhaps, in piecing you together, he can do the same to himself.
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writingwhimsey · 10 months
All's Fair In Love & War- Nobunaga Ch. 36
Chapter 36
It was as if all the air had been sucked out of the room when Sato announced that Ranmaru had betrayed Nobunaga. Everyone was quiet for a moment. Though I noticed Nobunaga didn’t seem too surprised by this news. It made me wonder if he had suspected this from Ranmaru all along? I made a mental note to ask him about this later.
“Ranmaru has made his choice.” Nobunaga said, as if it were nothing more.
Everyone here had their own relationship with Ranmaru and clearly cared about him in their own way…as for myself…I couldn’t help but to think there was more to it than him simply being a double agent. While hiding behind a smile was something quite normal…I don’t think Ranmaru faked his friendliness and kindness.
“What should we do, my lord?” Hideyoshi asked. “We now have three enemies…”
“Three?” Sato asked.
Jiro gestured for her to come over to sit beside him and quickly filled her in on the news of the Uesugi-Takeda alliance. “Pretending to be dead…that’s a pretty good strategy.” Sato muttered.
“We do not know their goals yet.” Nobunaga said. “We know Kennyo’s only goal is to take my head, but he will likely continue to lay low until he is ready to make a move.”
“I will send more scouts to Echigo to see what I can learn.” MItsuhide said.
Nobunaga nodded. “Good. Until we have a better understanding of what their next move is, we won’t strike until then.”
“I imagine it won’t take too long before they make a move.” Hideyoshi said.
“Yes, word of the attempted assassination at Hono-ji has already started to get out.” Mitsuhide said. “I am sure we won’t be waiting long before we have some small fires we have to contend with.”
I repressed a sigh. I knew all too well how hard power was to obtain in this world and how easily it could be taken. Especially if rumors were going around that you were weak. If you didn’t make a show of strength when things turned like this…it could all be over just from in-fighting.
“When those fires start we shall extinguish them.” Nobunaga said, a strong air of confidence around him. “They will learn that I will not be taken down so easily.”
Later that night…
I stood on the balcony of the tenshu, overlooking Azuchi. A cup of sake rested on the railing. Nobunaga and I had both had some things to tend to before we would have our evening together. He must have still been handling his business and so I had the time to myself.
My mind kept playing over the events of the day, wondering what was next. I also felt my heart aching at the thought of…what if I had only delayed Nobunaga’s death for a short period of time? Knowing we had more enemies coming…I couldn’t help but to think…what if history was just delayed instead of changed?
It was as I was beginning to drown in the waves of anxiety, I felt two familiar arms wrap around me from behind and I was pulled against a strong chest. “What troubles you?” Nobunaga asked as he kissed my cheek.
I sighed as I turned around in his arms, so I could return his embrace. I rested my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. “Just…worried.” I answered.
Nobunaga’s hand came to stroke my hair. “Do you fear with our enemies piling up that you will still lose me?” He asked.
“Yes.” I answered. “I can’t help but to think…what if all I did was delay things instead of stopping them? I know how history originally played out…and what if…what if time tries to course correct?”
“I do not care if the heavens themselves try to swallow me whole, I will not leave this world without fulfilling my ambition…I will not leave your side.” Nobunaga told me. “Whatever challenges come, I will face them head on as I always have and I will conquer them as I always have.”
I looked up at Nobunaga, feeling my anxiety ebbing in the wake of his confidence. “We will.” I replied. “Just as you promise not to leave my side, I won’t leave yours.”
Nobunaga smiled at me. “Good…because you are…stuck with me as you said before.”
I returned his smile, stretching up to place a kiss on his lips. “I love you, Nobunaga.”
“I love you, Ava.” He told me. “Whatever comes our way, we shall face it and overcome it together.”
“Together.” I agreed. We were then sealing our vow with a kiss.
When we broke apart, I looked up at Nobunaga and I could see the concern in his eyes. “You seem like something is troubling you.” I told him, reaching up to stroke his cheek.
Nobunaga gave me a self-deprecating smile. “It appears you and I are two of a kind.” He told me. “Knowing that Kennyo targeted you to get to me…this likely won’t be the only time something like this happens.” His fingertips were gently trailing over my injured side, as he spoke.
“You act like I don’t make enough enemies of my own.” I replied with a smile. “Ebisu wasn’t the only one to come after me for my position and I am sure he won’t be the last.”
“And yet you wouldn’t be targeted to get to me if…”
I put a finger over his lips. “Don’t you even dare finish that sentence.” I told him. “There’s nothing that would make me want to leave your side. Besides, I am made of tougher stuff than that.”
Nobunaga smiled as he kissed my finger that was pressed to his lips. He was then reaching his hand up to remove my finger from his lips. “Despite knowing that you would have less enemies if you weren’t with me…I can’t help but to be a very selfish man and want to keep you at my side.”
“If wanting to be with the person you love is selfish then I am too.” I told him. “I don’t want to be without you or to have anyone else.”
“I feel the same way about you, Ava.” Nobunaga said, pulling me closer. “No matter what else happens, I want you by my side always.”
Our lips were soon meeting in a sweet kiss. It was a promise, a vow. Our love was strong and unbreakable. It was something we would cherish and protect forever. No matter what came at us, we would face it together.
The End (with an epilogue to follow)
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moonlit-flowerfield · 7 months
BIRTHDAY PRESENT FOR @hyacinthrame !!!
Prompt: "Draw Your Bow in This White World" Mafuyu Trained x "Weaving Precious Memories With You" Emu Trained
Summary: Mafuyu was sent out by the queen, its mother, to kill what it was told was a terrifying beast. Being separated from their guards and their retainer, Mafuyu manages to shoot the beast... Or so it thought.
Mafuyu uses It/Void pronouns. Mafuyu's mother's name is Madoka. Emu is a Märchenkanichen (Fairy Rabbit), a type of Fey I created that turns into a rabbit to traverse the human realm. Ena is a Dark Fey (looks being "The Wandering Hermit's Path" Ena Trained)
Ena's speech is in blue, as there is no brown. Shizuku's speech is in green, as there is no mint. Tsukasa's speech is in orange. Mafuyu's speech is in purple. Emu's speech is in pink. Mafuyu's Mother's speech is in red, because she's a red flag.
This is way longer than i meant to make it so uh. Ye. Tee hee, this. Might get chapters. Oops. :)
((Prerelease edit: this ended up being 1204 words, it's getting chapters))
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“L-Lord Mafuyu! You must slow down!!”
All Mafuyu heard was the cries of void's retainer, Ena, paired with distressed voices belonging to it guards, Tsukasa and Shizuku, as void ran after the beast. It couldn't let it's mother down. Not after the agreement they made.
“I'm sending you out to kill a beast that has been terrorizing and plaguing the village, Mafuyu. A princess needs to be able to protect her people.”
“. . . I wanted to ask you something. . .”
“Can it wait?”
Mafuyu glanced over to the side room, where Ena was violently shaking her head no. Mafuyu looked back to it's mother. “No. I wish to tell you I. . . I am not a female. I am non-bina—”
“Complete this mission perfectly and I will address you however you like. Your guards and retainer are not to end the beast's life. And I want proof.”
Mafuyu's eyes lit up just a little, and with a bow, it left with Ena out of the side door. “I must complete the mission perfectly.”
The beast had lost them all day. It only had a few days left to complete the mission. The dark night sky, paired with thick canopy filtering the dim moonlight, would not stop this royal.
Finally, the beast stopped. Possibly to eat. Drawing its bow, eyes narrowing sharply, Mafuyu aimed at its torso. A place that would cause too much pain to move.
The clouds covered the remaining moonlight as it released the arrow, and only a pained shriek told it that void it had hit it target. The moonlight returned, and Mafuyu approached the clearing the beast had been in.
... but there was no beast. The closest thing was a slightly larger than normal rose rabbit, with an arrow in its torso. Ena, Tsukasa and Shizuku caught up, only Tsukasa not being at a loss of breath. “MY GODS, Mafuyu, you can't just run off like that! This beast is—”
“... A rabbit?” Shizuku finished, confused. “Your mother wanted us to kill a rabbit?” The archer approached Mafuyu and tilted her head. Ena moved to the beast and frowned.
“Not a normal rabbit. It's a Märchenkaninchen, a fae that hides as a rabbit in our realm. It must be young, though... My dad said they normally aren't huge unless they're young and learning their powers still.” Ena got up, turning to Mafuyu. “Your mom must be mistaken. They're harmless fey.”
As if on cue, the rose rabbit turned into a girl with a pink bob. The light blue sweater was stained a dark pink with the blood of the fey. Shaking, scared pink eyes looked up at the four humans, as if surprised she wasn't dead.
“... We'll take her back to the castle. Explain to mother what she thought the beast was. Tsukasa, please carry her back to camp. We'll tend to the arrow wound there.” The male nodded, carefully scooping the fey up (and recoiling from the loud terrified squeak released right in his ear), before they all went back to camp.
At the camp, Mafuyu stayed awake with Ena to tend to the fey. “The arrow is deep enough that pushing it through is way safer.” Ena said. “I'll get the pocket knife I have so we can cut the feathering off the arrow.” She went to her tent.
Looking down at the fey, who was trembling in void's arms as if she would be eaten, Mafuyu tilted it's head a little. “Why are you so scared? We're trying to help you.”
The fey squeaked. “Y-You shot me! I-I have a right to be terrified!” The tone startled Mafuyu. Void didn't expect the fey to speak its language. “I was just trying to make a few flower garlands... Saki and Honami said the flowers they like are way deep in fey territory, so I was gonna help them...”
“Saki...? As in the Saki from the village outside my castle? My guard's little sister?” More importantly, wasn't it dangerous to give a fey your name...?
“Saki did say her big brother was a guard... so maybe? She— Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow—” The fey whined in pain, shaking more. “... I thought humans used iron arrows...?”
Mafuyu shook its head. “We use iron arrow heads. But I stick with non-metal. It doesn't rust.” It looked up at the tent Ena went into. “Besides. My retainer is a fey. I wouldn't want Ena getting hurt.”
“I was wondering about her horns...! It's impressive to see a dark fey work under humans, since a lot of them hate humanity...” Mafuyu tilted it's head again. "Ngh... Ow ow ow ow..."
Ena returned and quickly cut off the feathered part of the arrow. "I'm only half fey! Whatever, just— Take a deep breath in and breathe out when I push the arrow through. Lord Mafuyu, if she needs to, ca—"
"She can squeeze my arm or hand if needed, yes." Mafuyu remembered back to the one time Shizuku had been stuck in the situation the fey was in. And the pain the archer vividly described in excruciating detail (poor Tsukasa).
The fey timidly took Mafuyu's arm and inhaled deeply. Then let out a very pained yelp with an exhale as the arrow was pushed through and pulled out the other side. The fey squeezed void's arm tightly, as evident by her whitening knuckles, but void felt harrly anything... Which caused a little worry. As soon as the arrow was through, Ena used what little magic she possessed to keep the wound from bleeding more so they could fix the other fey up. “I'm going to remove your sweater and lift your shirt enough so I can stitch you up, okay?” The pink fey nodded and closed her eyes. Brown eyes looked up at duochromatic ones. “She's really weak... Mafuyu, are you sure bringing her to the castle will be a good idea...? I know you don't want to kill an innocent, but there has to be a way to tri—”
“I can't fail mother...” Mafuyu took a deep breath. “I'll stitch up their left wound, you stitch up the right.” The retainer nodded, and they hurried to keep the fey from worse pain.
Once they were done, Ena sighed a little. “I've set up a small protective barrier around us, if you want to sleep. I'm wiped out from everything.” Getting up again, she turned to the royal. “If you haven't slept by morning, I'm not letting you hit the road. So don't forget to.” And with that, she went to her tent.
Mafuyu looked at the fey, who seemed to be asleep. Brushing some hair from her eyes, Mafuyu tensed when void saw an eye open weakly. “I didn't mean to wake you.”
“It's okay...” She groaned. “I wasn't asleep yet...” Mafuyu held the fey closer. “. . . I'm Emu.”
Mafuyu blinked. “Ma— My name is Y—”
“You don't have to tell me your name... I know that humans get taught all fey can steal names, and I wouldn't wanna accidentally take yours... Good night, your highness...” The fey, Emu, closed her eyes again and fell asleep. Confused, but not sure it wanted to complain, Mafuyu curled up around Emu and fell asleep as well.
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hazel-of-sodor · 12 days
Something Holy This Way Comes
Ch.2 Secrets
Other Stories
Other Chapters
Progress on the restoration of the Glain route was progressing quickly with the extra engines. They had reached a small farming village named Tawel, high on the cliff overlooking the sea. Seagulls lined the cliff edge, crying angrily at Screech's presence. One started hopping towards her. Screech opened an eye to stare at the bird. The gull stopped for a moment, but then hopped forward again while looking the giant in the eye.
The seagull's flock turned to watch it sail away towards the ocean.
"Screech!" Mali said admonishingly from the station platform
Screech closed her eye.
 "The skyrat should have known better." She said lazily.
The seagull returned and landed on Screech's snowplow, squawking in indignation.
Screech eyed the bird in irritation.
Mali giggled.
 Screech slowly scooped up a pile of snow with her tendrils. The seagull failed to notice the tendrils moving until it was too late.
 The seagull's head popped up from the snow angrily. 
Screech rumbled in satisfaction. Miss Morgan exited the old station, stopping to take in the sight.
"I see you're getting along with the locals." She said amused.
Screech flicked a tendril at the seagull who hopped over it with a squawk.
Screech glared.
"Any progress with getting a new engine?" Mali asked, hoping to distract Screech before she gave into the whisper's urging to unmake the bird.
Miss Morgan nodded, "Yes, finally. We're negotiating for an engine from the Western Region. They're supposed to arrive middle of next year."
"So long?" Screech asked without looking away from the gull.
"The engine is being sent for overhaul at Swindon," Morgan explained. "They will come here once overhauled and we'll have a chance to buy them if we're satisfied."
"You know they will try something to sabotage the trial."
Miss Morgan locked eyes with the eldritch giant, "which is why you will be watching over our new engine when they arrive."
A smirk slowly dawned on Mali's face, "They don't know about Screech."
The whisper cackled.
Miss Morgan's grin was predatory, "No they don't. I suspect the only reason they are sending the new engine is to find out what's changed on our railway. Before her arrival, we were struggling to keep the trains running."
"And when they find out about me?"
"That's the best part," Morgan smirked, "they'll never believe it. It doesn't matter if their spy sees you, according to their records you were scrapped."
"Because I was." 
Freda spoke up from the cab, "Normally that would mean you were dead. Not on a distant railway with reality-breaking abilities."
"Technically I am dead."
Gwyn snorted, "You're awfully solid for a ghost." He said, rapping his knuckles on the side of her tender.
Screech looked back, unimpressed. "I was cut into pieces by burning axes before those pieces were melted back into raw metal. The fact death failed to drag me beyond does not mean I am alive."
"I would think that's exactly what it means."
Screech locked gazes with Mali, "Little Thief, every second I must hold back my true form or risk reducing your mind and body to ash in an instant. I am no longer of this world, I am of the beyond. Your very being is unable to withstand the true weight of my presence. If I were to ever slip, you would not die, you would be unmade."
Mali swallowed nervously, "So no startling you then."
"It would be unwise."
The seagull squawked in apparent agreement.
Mali went to speak then hesitated.
"What is it, Little Thief?" Screech rumbled.
"You say you confine yourself to your physical shape..."
"Do you not believe me little one?"
Mali shuddered as her bones rattled from Screech's attention. "If that shape is confined...how large are you actually."
Screech rumbled a laugh, the sound's echoes triggering an avalanche on the nearest mountain. Her eyes burned blue as she ever so slightly relaxed her grip on her form.
"Avon is taking on water while Enid complains about her snowplow fitting awkwardly."
Miss Morgan blinked, nonplussed, "Avon should be at Din by now."
"She is."
The humans were silent for a long moment as they understood what she was saying.
Miss Morgan finally shook her head ruefully, "I suppose that keeping anything from you is a lost cause."
"Only if I know to look." Screech admitted as she shifted slightly, "It's why I didn't recognize Tyto's approach. I can only focus on so much at once, although saying my name will normally get my attention.”
Mali jumped, "Wait does that mean you know..."
"Yes," Screech said bluntly
"Oh." Mali sounded very small.
Screech rolled her eyes, "I am hardly in the habit of spilling others' secrets."
"...Thank you," Mali said quietly.
Miss Morgan raised an eyebrow but didn't comment.
Gwyn looked at Screech thoughtfully, "How far can you reach if you try? say..."
"You had better not be asking one of my engines to spy on my meetings with the Other Railway." Miss Morgan said flatly.
"I don't trust them," Gwyn said seriously. "You know they want us gone. Removing you would accomplish that."
"They're not murderers Gwyn." Morgan frowned at him. 
"Screech existence says otherwise," Freda said quietly. There was an awkward silence.
"She has been in no danger." Screech finally said.
"...you were already watching." Miss Morgan sighed in resignation.
"I was."
"...thank you." 
It was quiet for a moment then Mali tentatively asked, "Any progress on the Argol line?"
"We hope to begin work on restoring the Argol Line in the spring. " Miss Morgan said, stretching, "By then Seren will be able to assist, and the first trains could be running by Autumn. They'll only go as far as the first station, but the sooner the lines open, the sooner it can help pay for its renovation.
"Will we have the engines to serve the line by then?" Freda asked.
Miss Morgan nodded, "I spoke with the North Western Region and the Chester and Holyhead board last night. The North Western is sending us another engine to help restore the old lines to Glain. Once the line is reconnected, the CH&R has promised to help run the trains until we're on our feet.
"Do they know about Screech?" Gwyn asked.
"No." Miss Morgan shook her head, "Tyto and Ceri promised to only tell Eagle. Screech will remain our ace in the hole for as long as we can manage."
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They Can Live In My New World Or Die In Their Old One- Chapter 2: A Queen's Justice
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Summary: You are known among the kingdom as The Mad Queen, a ruthless woman with a large military. Seeking to take your rightful throne, nobody who has ever seen you has returned before, all thought to presumably be dead. Your strength is unequal. Ser Leon Kennedy is a knight sent by King Graham to ask for a temporary truce. Hordes of monsters and the undead rising, the kingdom couldn't fight two wars. But how does one reason with a Mad Queen?
Riding back to the Kingdom felt almost boring, compared to the adrenaline that the Queen had brought with her. The blade sat uselessly by his side as he rode through the countryside. No happy towns with kids playing, the homes were boarded up, and the fields destroyed. Leon spurred the horse forward, trying to get the woman out of his head. 
“Welcome back Ser Leon!” The capital guards merrily greeted. Leon waved briefly before continuing on toward the castle. The common people went about their lives, unaware of the troubles beyond the capital. The last trouble these people had was when Albert Wesker, a renowned knight that Ser Redfield had fought beside when was uncovered he was aiding a foreign invasion forces. He had disappeared shortly after, and his title of Knight was removed. At the plaza, a blonde girl ran up to his horse. 
“Leon! You’re back!” Sherry sounded so happy. Leon smiled at her. 
“Of course, not even the Mad Queen could take me down.” He joked. “Now where’s Claire? Aren’t you meant to be with her when I’m gone?” Sherry looked down at her feet. Leon quickly picked the girl up and settled her on the horse. The horse took off on a trot once the riders were settled, returning its route towards the castle. Leon and Claire had been taking care of Sherry since her home was destroyed by the monster hordes. They were lucky to find the girl before the monsters did.
“Pretty boy’s back,” of course it was Leon’s luck to come back at the moment Chris Redfield was in the stables tending to his own steed. Leon dismounted from his own horse, before picking Sherry up and setting her down, sending her off to find Claire. “How did it go? Did you get her to agree?” 
“She…She’s giving us a single man. And in exchange, she wants the man who killed her family.” Chris clapped him on the back.
“Getting even one man from her is a successful negotiation. As for getting rid of that man, well good riddance. Now what was she like, is she really that terrifying? That your heart would run cold, from just meeting her eyes.” 
“She’s, I can’t quite explain. She’s gorgeous in this terrifying way. She inspires strength in her men for sure. Setanta wouldn’t follow her if she didn’t.”
“Hah The Mutt himself, swears himself to a woman! That’s truly a sight, I’d love to see that myself. Enough talk for now you should tell King Graham,” and with that, Chris ushered him off. 
As was promised, Leon returned to the Mad Queen’s castle the week following. The guards allowed him to pass easily once stating his name. The Queen’s Guard didn’t even bother wrangling. It was quiet, almost too much so. Standing before the doors, Setanta was nowhere to be seen. Servants still bustled around, one woman carrying a large basket of linens. “Pardon but where exactly is the Queen?”
“Oh, there’s a council meeting currently. Please wait, is that man beside you a prisoner sir?” Leon looked at the chained man. 
“Yes, I am to deliver him to the Queen directly. He is the Kingslayer,” Leon kicked the man slightly. The fool was out of it but his grin was full of gums and missing teeth. It frightened the poor woman. She scuttled back, clinging the basket closer. 
“Oh well if you’ll excuse me, I must deliver these to a room. He’s such an extravagant man,” the woman shuffled away hurriedly. The sound of boots and clacking armor alerted him to more individuals coming his way. He lowered his head, to kick the feet out from under the Kingslayer. The poor serving girl didn’t need the man to scare her. 
“Ah Ser Leon, I see you’ve kept your end of the deal,” a warm smile graced your face. “Setanta, bring the prisoner to the dungeons to await my justice. While you’re at it go retrieve our esteemed guest, if he’s given my girls any more troubles I’ll wring him out myself.” You pushed open the great doors to the throne room as Setanta grabbed the man off the floor, and hauled him over his shoulder. Leon followed close behind, noticing details he hadn’t previously, the floor was made of a black smoothed stone. 
“I never did get your name m’lady,” he decided to test his luck. The dragons weren’t upon the wall he quickly noted. “A rather impressive castle, to match an impressive woman.” He added. 
“Hmm, my name is public knowledge though I suppose your False King may have erased it. I am (Y/N) of the Great House (L/N), the rightful Queen of the United Sovereignty,” your lips turned upwards. “I have many names the common people use, but I believe that is the most suitable for our interactions,” you did appreciate his boldness.  He enthralled you, nobody ever spoke back to you, and here comes this knight openly challenging you on your fairness. “Since you’ve been so interesting I’ll give you this opportunity. If at any point in this journey, you are to partake in, you feel you need my help, if you can convince me I will aid you with the dragon fire I bring. All I ask in return is that you bend the knee, not everyone just you.”
“I doubt I will need this offer, but it is noted m’lady.” Before Leon could make a smart retort, the doors were once more pushed open, Setanta striding in. A second set of footsteps followed behind the large man. 
“He was causing problems for Addi again, but nothing she couldn’t handle,” Setanta’s low and rough voice was enough to shake most people. A true Southern man popped out from behind Setanta’s broad back and opened his mouth to retort, but once met with your icy gaze closed his mouth once more. 
“This is the man I promised you, Ser Leon, his name is Luis Serra, though he is more commonly referred to in our camps as ‘El Escorpion’ he’s from the Southern Isles. He can be a handful, but he’s incredibly intelligent, and a more than worthy fighter.” 
“Gracias mi reina, a compliment from you is truly the highest of compliments,” Luis knelt before you, kissing your hand. 
“It’s getting late, I cannot in good conscience let you leave now. El Escorpion you are free to return to your room or may stay and ask Ser Leon any questions you have.” You released the Southern man, who instead decided to stay.
“I have one question for you Leon, who else will be in this merry little band of misfits?”
“You and me, Ser Chris Redfield, Ada Wong a hired hand, Piers Nivans, and Ethan Winters. A crack team if I do say so myself,” Leon grinned. As Luis and Leon spoke, Setanta walked before your throne. You raised an eyebrow at the wolfish man.
“The prisoner is ready for your justice, all of the maids have already spread that a show of justice will be occurring tonight. Whoever told Ellie that we’d have the Kingslayer really did all the work for us,” Setanata’s grin was ever-present. 
“Very well, once it’s dark I will reign down my justice. In the meantime let us prepare.” Your eyes turned cold at the very thought. The man who slayed your family finally answering before you, it was finally time for retribution.
As the cold and dark settled in, the castle emptied out. The villages emptied, and a gathering around the scorched area of land. The prisoner was set in the center, with Setanta standing beside you. The commoners kept clear, not crowding their queen. To her sides were the large dragons. Luis and Leon were close to the front of the crowd. “You’ve never seen her justice before, you’re in for a treat,” Luis nudged Leon. Leon just looked at the Mad Queen. A hush fell as you straightened out your cape. 
“My loyal subjects! Before us, we finally have the man who killed my father and your King! He will answer for the injustice he perpetrated! You all choose to follow me, you all agreed to give me this Kingdom! For that, I will ensure justice is always seen through! All men will die, but I am no man! I walked into the storm, I walked into the darkness, and emerged a true queen! My dreams come true! You’re happiness and my reign, that is my dream! Now and forever!” You spun on your heel, turning to face the scorched ground. You raised your hand, and the two dragons fixed their eyes on you. “For the crime of treason against the crown, I sentence you to die.” You closed your fingers down and the two dragons snapped their head back to the man, and from their maws, great flames burst forth. The white dragon’s blue flames contrasted with the black and red dragon’s standard orange fire. When their jaws snapped shut nothing was left in the grounds. 
The crowd erupted in cheers, joy over their queen’s justice. But Leon felt his blood freeze, this wasn’t how justice should work. The white dragon lowered its head and you climbed onto the back. The two dragons let out a great roar, and the people erupted in another cheer. The beasts took off in the air to return to the great castle.
“I don’t know what that was but that wasn’t justice!” Leon burst into the throne room. You raised your eyebrow before the knight. “Now I see why you’re called the Mad Queen, killing someone who wronged you! Burning them to nothing but ashes, that’s murder, not justice.”
“He murdered my family. I assure you, Kennedy, I do not wish to be Queen of the Ashes. My show of strength will ensure peace, however, it is my justice and all who defy justice and perpetrate injustice will answer for it. Now I suggest you go to the room my girls prepared for you. You have an arduous journey before you. If I must be your final villain, return so you may enact your own justice on me. But do not fall before returning to me boy.”
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