marbarmars-arts · 1 year
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Day 11: BIS Anniversary (ft. a FUCK TON OF PEOPLE LOOK AT IT--) 
Happy 14th Anniversary to the hit DS game Bowser's Inside Story from your host of Fawful Month!! Such a good M&L game! 
If you guys were curious this is all I ended up finishing last year because I didn't have enough time :') 
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I think this year was a good time to polish it up wouldn't ya think? 
First thing you might notice after you've been looking at this for a while is yeah...despite it being the anniversary date for the OG BIS, I did include characters exclusive to the remake, but I think it's fun! I enjoy the story of it to some extent. Not the gameplay very much,, 
Man this game is just so great! Yeah, looking back on it now it's very obvious someone on the team was having a little too much fun with making people fat xD but it was such a different time in 2009. I still need to finish it both the og and the remake, hope to do so this year! 
I've just been keeping myself so busy + Splatoon 3 brainrot I can't put it down, it's Splatoon 2 all over again for me! Anyways...this was the game where Fawful came back to be the big baddie and he's all hot and stuff I-I mean all evil and stuff! Thank u everyone @ Alphadream for concluding Fawful's arc in this game, he wouldn't be the same if this game wasn't made, omg IMAGINE IF BIS DIDN'T EXIST. THE AGONY. There's an alt universe where we only get to see Fawful for SSS and PiT and wonder just what the heck he'd do. 
I was born in 2003 so technically I've been around about as long as M&L as a series has, but man sometimes do I wish I was actually old enough to be around social media at the time BIS released to see what the fanbase and stuff would be like, how initial reception went... 
Kinda sucks I hopped on the M&L train permanently around Paper Jam...and joined the community right after the company hit the bucket. Wish I was there while it had mainstream relevance...but I'm here now! Kinda wish I didn't complete Paper Jam as my first M&L but here we are x'D 
With all that said, I'll see you tomorrow! Really hoped you enjoyed the art!
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federthenotsogreat · 1 year
Fawful Month day 14: 💞Valentine
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This one is for @darkfawful!
I know it isn't valentines day for you yet but I hope you don't mind :3
Jolliful is just perfect for this prompt so I decided to draw the beans for you! It's just a small doodle but one day I'll draw you something proper, hehe
Lovely valentines day you two 💞
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Day 9: Minion
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cammiluna · 2 months
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This is a sketchbook that I've kept at my work desk to draw during my shifts if i was in a phone call with a customer that either entitledly nagged about something or needed five minutes to look up their account number
I'm gonna scan a couple of pages since now my desk setup is all put back together for it
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Apparently, this was the book where i tried to get in on #fawfulmonth2023. it was near the end of the month and i was gonna do all prompts within a few pages of this book, but personal life got in the way and I only managed 3. I forgot what Kamek and Fawful were talking about. :O
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Gaz, Geno and Mallow from ifool SG. Can you tell what kind of job I work?
i got too lazy to scan anymore.
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Actually, a lot of my ifool SG stuff are on here. The Margie stuff is all in another post.
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i have an ifool prologue fanfic involving this girl. should i post it?
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marbarmars · 1 year
So about that Fawful month thing 👁️👁️
Are we allowed to include fan characters (ocs, sonas...) in the drawings as well? And what exactly are the rules on blood if it's tagged according? Do I have to use specific tags for that?
I wanted to ask before I start brainstorming 👀💧
Hey Feder!! :D Of course you can include fan characters in Fawful Month!! OCs, Sonas, and even ships hehehe (you know Mintful is gonna be in it a few times) I also wanted to say on top of the fan character question, you can put your AU interpretations of Fawful and things like that not JUST in AU day...you can put these types of things in any prompt you see fit. AU day is my silly excuse to go and ramble about my ships and AUs on that day especially mwahaha >:) For the rules on blood and slightly mature themes, as long as it's tagged accordingly (like tw blood and stuff) I don't mind! Me personally I don't mind seeing scarier and bloodier interpretations of prompts but it's moreso a safety measure in case someone is sensitive to that kind of stuff. Just don't forget the #FawfulMonth2023 tag on each prompt! That's the only one that's mandatory that way I'll be able to see all the art pretty easily (and ofc reblog it) I guess an additional note to that as well, while we're on precautions, I KNOW IT'S COMMON SENSE and I know you well enough that you wouldn't draw it in that kind of way but like...if any of these prompts are drawn in a hateful way towards Fawful or hateful in general that'll break my heart and you'll get a very sad reaction from me, and y'all some of you know it's heartbreaking when I'm sad so pls don't gkjsgdkjh </3 (bc Fawful Month is all about the love for the silly bean guy!! And I'm not pointing anybody out btw, just figured this needed to be said) But yeah to end this on a cheery note, I'm glad you're interested and intend on joining in on the fun this year! And glad you asked this question bc I haven't ran into this type of question before. :)
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marbarmars-arts · 1 year
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📜Day 23: Paper (ft. Dimentio)🎭
Fawful and Dimentio but I swapped their RPGs (or at least tried my very best to)
(The Paper Jam it could've been) 
I'm very spooky at replicating styles and this is not the last time I'll do so this month either kjgdhskjgh xD 
This isn't my first time trying to draw Fawful in the Paper Mario style but this is my first time drawing Dimentio is the M&L style. It feels like I coulda done better with Dimmy but...I've been proven people really like my stuff even when I'm not entirely satisfied (ie, day 21) :D 
A funny theoretical Paper Jam plot would be these two teaming up...Paper Fawful and Dimentio. Like if you wanna say "oh they're dead how can you bring them back for a crossover--" then just use the theoretical other versions of those characters hehehe 
I'll be back tomorrow with uhm, if you know what prompt comes next you know Fawful will be a in dress so stick around for that <3
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marbarmars-arts · 1 year
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Day 4: Superstar (ft. Koopalings) 
CHECK IT OUT!! It's the final standoff against the Mario Bros to see who will be the real superstar~!
Hehehe look at the first wip I had for this piece, drew it while I was exhausted one night inspiration hit me like a home run swing xD
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I spent a whole weekend making this! I really have to thank this series of lyrical adaptations of the Koopaling boss fights in Color Splash made by youtube channel "The Muses' Mire" (I'm linking the playlist if you wanna listen to them) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjhTemDs-_XLTht0rzA7q2SnPJ5LuUPmz 
The Iggy and Roy songs are my favorite in particular btw...anyways! I was really digging the songs and then I thought: hey I need the koopalings to be in a prompt, I really like em...so then my thoughts aligned: ah hey! These guys made a reappearance in Superstar Saga! 
Like I know it wasn't much, they didn't even speak in the original game, but it feels pretty important to me, and in a game where it feels like everyone was trying to be a superstar...my idea was complete! Fawful and the Koopalings are trying their best to be superstars! 
I had thought about adding Bowletta to this somehow but I figured I already had enough characters here...oh yeah dw I won't forget to talk about Fawful here hehe! Tis his month! I always like to represent this day by drawing Fawful in this pink outfit, the penultimate battle! 
I adore Fawful's winded speech at the end of Superstar Saga..it really gives me that vibe that he's stepping up to the plate and it marks his start to be his own supervillain! So glad Alphadream decided to give him such a cool character arc...well, like always, see you tomorrow!
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marbarmars-arts · 1 year
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Day 8: Rivals! (Ft. Dimentio and my brainrot)
Took another crack at comic making (albeit much simpler this time)! Sometimes I remember Dimentio exists and I like him a lot,,, so now Fawf and Dim rival to take top spot in my brain <3 
Twas a little unsatisfied with the art looking back last year's version of the prompt (even though ppl really liked it) so I hope y'all like it again xD 
People really like to compare Fawful and Dimentio and I get where they come from, they're both such cool baddies in their respective RPGs but the more you try to compare them, the more differences you'll find and it's 2 really interesting takes on villainy. 
(I will try my best to condense this lmao) Dimentio definitely wears the title of "Charming Magician" well because he's often more cool and collected than Fawful, and his approach to doing bad deeds is mainly manipulation of other parties. Fawful can manipulate ppl yea but this is Dimmy's whole shtick! He smooth talks whoever he can without remorse to get what he wants and that's something to admire in a sense. But he's just not a man of words either, he very much acts, and his actions are some of the most memorable by fans.
Dimentio's fame reminds me a lot of Mephiles the Dark, in the sense that they both "kill" the protagonist and are really menacing, getting a lot of praise for it...which yea I get it xD there's something to be said if not many characters in their universes can kill the main guy 
I say this is a brainrot battle but you can tell from my content that Fawful usually takes up my mind a lot and lemme tell you some reasons why! :3 
Where Fawf differs from Dimmy is that he seems a lot more...humane. Not saying he's got a heart of gold or anything (oh hell no) but we get to see Fawful's frustrations and anxieties where with Dimentio we would not...and I find that really relatable to me. Like we can be really successful people, seem really confident, but deep down we have insecurities and doubts...just like me whoa. 
We get to see (and Fawful says it himself at the end of BIS) that he puts a lot of time and physical effort into his work as a villain. Very dedicated and passionate about what he's doing. Dimentio also works hard to me he seems to be more of an observer and participate when needed or feels the need to do so, while Fawful is constantly inserting himself into the situation and getting everything done with his name on it! 
(I know I'm not some big famous person or anything, but I feel as though I really put forth all of my work and dedication to art, and I can get insecure and nervous!) Anyways, I could talk about this for hours...but I'll cut it off here xD See ya tomorrow guys!!
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marbarmars-arts · 1 year
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Day 9: Minion (ft. Cackletta!)
In the wee days of old, Fawful used to be Cackletta's most best pupil! ...I bet those days are fun :D 
He's trying to take notes from her on how to be intimidating and scary hehehe 
I'm so glad I've gotten better at drawing Cackletta bc trust me u don't wanna see how I drew her before LMAO not my best work but I wanted to draw her at least once this month!! She deserves it fr 
(ALSO I SWEAR TO YOU I DREW THIS BEFORE THE DIRECT WAS EVEN ANNOUNCED,,,it's awesome timing that I had Superstar Saga art planned on this day haha (would have been insane if I had this drawing planned for yesterday too lmao)
I wish I was passionate enough to give Cackletta her own month, if anybody needs more exposure as a character, she's definitely a candidate. (or just a whole M&L month in general perhaps...that would be awesome) Definitely gets overshadowed by her pupil :') 
But anyways...I also wish we got to see more interactions from the two of em!! They seem like really funny saturday morning cartoon villains and I wish we got moreeee! Especially since Cackletta is only in this game. (I can see why people get frustrated over the Minions Mode in the remake, they kinda make Fawful seem like he doesn't give a shit about her :') where it seems more ambiguous in the og plot leaning towards caring mentor/mentee feelings, or however you wanna headcanon that) 
They're two scragglies having hooligan fun and I like the fan content where it shows more of that <3 okie now have a great day and come back tomorrow! The next prompt I drew is like a parallel to this one except more,,,pink xD
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marbarmars-arts · 1 year
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I'm excited to announce that I'm returning to host Fawful Month this upcoming February!! :)
Here's ur prompts! (they're unchanged from last year lol) and this year's tag is...! #FawfulMonth2023 I hope you guys are excited to see more of this smiling green bean in your future :3
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marbarmars-arts · 1 year
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👑Day 24: Princess! (ft. Luigi, Kamek, and Minty last minute :D)👑
They're all pwetty pwincesses <3 
(There's a wip plot point in Minty Frazzles where Minty impersonates Peach at a costume party held in her castle) 
I know Fawful technically doesn't dress up as Peach in-game...but look at those Fawful statues tho xD he rocks the look pretty well xD 
PEACH IS SO CUTE. There I'll start with that lhgkjsgd and this leads into why Alphadream is so based because literally everyone wants to steal her look and maaaybe her gender. Her design is so iconic in a good way .///. I really enjoy the silly moment in Superstar Saga where Luigi dresses up like Peach to throw Cackletta (or I guess it's Bowletta in this case) and Fawful for a loop. It's super funny and endearing how Luigi just, it seemed like he enjoyed the cosplay hehe 
Thus leads me into my inspiration for Minty dressing up as Peach to be a plot idea I wanna add in sometime. This is still a wip in my brain so things I might say here could change if/when I add this part of the plot to the comic...but anyways! The basic point is that Fawful and Minty need to come up with a plan to get something within Peach's Castle...I don't know what that would be yet. There's a Halloween/Costume party going on in the castle so it seems like a perfect excuse to disguise themselves and blend in. Fawful suggests dressing Minty up as Peach so she could fly under the radar, and it turns out her cosplay looks pretty close to the real deal. With a careful eye you can see some differences, but how he puts it, it would be enough to distract the toads guarding the place at least. It works as planned at first, but I can totally imagine Minty running into Toadsworth and he's like "hrmmmm you seem off Princess" but the real kick in the nuts (and ultimately why the plan fails) would be that Bowser accidentally kidnaps Minty because he thinks she's Peach xD Shenanigans ensues and Fawful having to bail her out of a very awkward and dangerous situation later and there ya have it. 
Speaking of comedy, and Princess Luigi, tomorrow's prompt will reference something from a certain comic with a princess plumber bro in it...see ya then!!
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federthenotsogreat · 1 year
Fawful Month day 21: 🌹Beanstar/Dark Star
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And here it is, my last drawing for Fawful Month! I'll sadly not be able to continue drawing for the last week do to personal reasons, but I'm glad that I had a chance to be a part of this event!
Some of my drawings were greater than others, but in the end I'm just happy that I participated!
I hope you enjoyed my art during the last three weeks! Have a great day! 💖
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federthenotsogreat · 1 year
Fawful Month day 13: 🗜️Fawfulization
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Nothing to see here
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marbarmars-arts · 1 year
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 ⚽Day 26: Spinoff!⚽ 
Yoo look it's new Fawful DLC in Mario Strikers: Battle League! Here's the new artwork for it xD 
Gosh I wish this was actually official haha 
My very first time trying to replicate the Mario Strikers artstyle, it was TOUGH. Partially because I also drew Fawful wearing Headgear, but I can't see him in the game without it, why wouldn't he use his technology to his advantage? 
This piece was one of the very first ones I wanted to work on this month. Last year I made a mere concept of what I feel like Fawful in Mario Strikers: Charged would look like, same month that Battle League got revealed haha! I really wished I did more last year, it's what motivated me this year to make this look as good as I could possibly make it, having Fawful wear mostly Turbo Gear (modified it a little bit lol) 
Like literally out of all the spinoffs I would want Fawful to make an appearance in, the Strikers series would outline his personality the best imo. Like it's such an ANGRY UNFAIR SPORT, full of raw emotion and personality (especially in the first two games) I can imagine Fawful having really boastful victories and angry, explosive loses, wanting the camera all to himself hehe! Fawful in Mario Party and Mario Kart would also be cool...but I really would want to see how he would be animated in Strikers the most. 
Speaking of spinoffs...get ready to settle it in smash tomorrow! Also worked hard on this one xD
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marbarmars-arts · 1 year
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Day 12: Chortles   
Sometimes things are 10x funnier when you're absolutely exhausted <3 
The utter representation of me trying to complete Fawful Month while half asleep some nights..
I bet this skrunkly is so tired 75% of the time...work hard, but don't work so hard you're exhausting yourself guy :')
(I'll be honest all of this is so last minute xD Like I usually write this stuff a couple days beforehand but I've been so busy and trying to catch up recently I'm like. Yep we're writing this on the day it needs to be released.)
I interpret Fawful to be loud as hell when he's asleep, snoring and such. I can totally see him just dozing off thinking about something funny and just like, slowly drift away to sleep while chuckling quietly to himself. :)
I'm pretty proud of the coloring for this...I'm trying to learn that not every picture needs to be accurately colored and playing with warm and cool colors are so fun fr! I also tried to make it look like there was TV static in the bg 
This was definitely more of a comfort piece of art than anything, and I legit did try to make this while half asleep during several occasions. It may not be like a super special "I spent my weekend on this" piece but I wanted to make an improvement over last year's version. 
With all that said, I will see you tomorrow! You'll see 2 pictures! One is of course a Fawful Month prompt but the other is a surprise for my followers <3 (it's nothing crazy but still, very heartwarming)
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marbarmars-arts · 1 year
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Day 7: Fashion!   
He's your sparkly gremlin-like idol for the day! Full of fabulous fury and sick rapping skills(?)! 
It's Fawful dressed like Pearl from Splatoon 2! 
I had a couple different ideas for this prompt at first but none of them were things I really felt like committing to...but then I was like tsk tsk, ya gotta combine your Pearl brainrot with your Fawful brainrot and here we are! :D
Yea...definitely glad I went with the whole Pearl thing as the final idea rather than the other concepts I had (such as toads and koopas dressing up in Fawful's fashion) because this feels much more personally satisfying to me! :3 
Like Fawful, I also have a big fat crush on Pearl, I have a thing for people who are unconventionally attractive haha! She was one of the first crushes that made me realize that I was pan, the crush I had before I realized what liking women and not being straight even meant! 
(Another character I had a crush on that made me realize my sexuality was one of my OCs, but anyways!) I thought it would be really cool to combine Fawful with the outfit choices of Pearl! Fawf and Pearl share some traits with each other too, they're both gremlins and super cool! 
I think I can call it a wrap here...not too much to really talk about in terms of explaining stuff since the prompt was pretty straightforward for me...so I'll see ya tomorrow! (another indulgent thingy tomorrow btw) ;D
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