#Digimon Adventure Last Evolution Kizuna
ashxketchum · 6 months
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deramonfaqs · 3 months
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xnananko · 3 months
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What if…..?
What if…. Sora would have fought with Taichi and the others ? I always thought that it didn‘t feel right for Sora not beeing there. Even with all her inner conflicts ( like finding herself, maybe loosing biyomon ), I always interpreted Sora more selfless and more courageous. So somehow this didn‘t really felt like her. …for me.
So..what if Sora would have come to Taichi and Yamato… taking Taichis hand and beeing like „come on Taichi, we can do it.“. ( ..and here I am lost in my Taiorahead again xD) …so this is how it could be ..IF.. ;)
This also is the very first time I tried to color different….and used a very thin outline…I orientated myself a lot on the colors from the kizuna movie and on the style ….at first it felt very strange but I think at the end I am happy with the way it turned out….I‘m not sure if I will color more in this way or not…maybe :)
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digitalgate02 · 5 months
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Daily Daisuke Doodle 2021 compilation - Winter Holidays/Christmas compilation
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rosepink97 · 5 months
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Original artist is @/pen_lem from X (Twitter)
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Today’s character of the day is: Yolei Inoue aka Miyako Inoue from Digimon 
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seventeenlovesthree · 8 months
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@izumikoushiroweek: Day 1 - What is your favourite Koushirou or Izzy quote? How about Tentomon?
I've really, really, REALLY tried to fit all my favourite quotes into one two edits, but that was very tough. In the end, I left out a lot of more humorous quotes by both Koushirou and Tentomon in both sub and (English & German) dub and instead picked the ones that were most iconic to me - and that also represented their personalities the best. The focus still lies primarily on Koushirou of course - his drive to gain knowledge and understand the world, things and people around him; his determination to get things done; him being driven by logic, but also willing to change and adapt for the sake of others, trying to speak what's on his mind and also from his heart; him caring deeply about his friends and family, being a proud mentor and role model, even if the people around him exhaust him sometimes. And of course he's got a loyal partner by his side who will always encourage him to take his time, take it easy and accepting himself as he is.
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deathberi · 2 years
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#mimitachikawaweek2022 day 2 — simple yet sophisticated  ↳ passion / hobbies / beliefs
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kazarinn · 7 days
I watched Last Evolution a while back and found it to be extremely grim and cynical with its talk of "potential" but i'd be willing to watch the movie again if the translation was at fault if there was a more accurate sub. I see a couple sub groups did translations for the movie, but I wasn't sure if there was one you recommended or worked on? Otherwise I'd be very interested in hearing what bothered you about the official translation, regardless of my own feelings about what I watched, but I was having a hard time finding a post on your blog that talked about it directly.
Hello! Yes, I would absolutely agree the official subs are a mess to the point I can't even recommend the movie with them. Personally, I think any of the fansubs should be fine; the one I personally had a hand in was the L Subs version (which I did not translate myself but was lightly involved with the subbing process for), but to my understanding, there is at least one other well-done one done by a fan who clearly knows and loves the series.
(I actually am tentatively interested in maybe trying it out myself in the future for the hell of it, but I'm not super pressed to do it ASAP because there are so many other things with higher priority. Other than subs of the movie itself, I also personally translated the Shueisha Mirai Bunko version of the novelization, which doesn't have a 1:1 transcription of the dialogue but is still more accurate than whatever was going on with the official translation, or at least I would like to believe.)
I haven't made a proper post breaking it down yet, but what I will say is that, as someone who has spent a long time translating for this series and has gone through the movie's dialogue multiple times (way too many times?) in Japanese, it is absolutely, 100%, for sure, not supposed to be a cynical movie. The official translation had butchered a number of things related to that, such as:
The fact that they didn't preserve the nuances related to 宿命 and 運命, an issue that my senior translator (who translated the L Subs version) and I consider to be important enough that my senior wrote about it on Twitter and I touched on it in my own discussion of Crest names. There are certain distinct contexts where the word that means "something truly unavoidable" and the word that means "something we are guided towards" come up.
The fact that Menoa's motives make no sense in the official subs; certain lines are translated to suggest the opposite of what they should, and certain lines will directly contradict each other, meaning the only thing that a viewer can get out of it is that "she wants to save everyone" and that she might even be right about her ideas (which probably doesn't help the viewing of the movie as cynical, since it sounds like Taichi and Yamato are rejecting her "good but extreme" intentions at worst and not her distorted view of the world as a whole).
The conversation between Gennai and Taichi in the middle of the movie has about two or three critical lines that are mistranslated, and those are probably some of the most important lines in terms of establishing the movie's themes, especially given the issue of "potential"/"possibility" that you mentioned.
In general (well, this has very little to do with your question, but I feel the need to vent about this anyway) the official translation is just plain klutzy about everything. There's no conscientiousness about character voice, one of the most important things in translating Digimon works. References to the original series' plot points or lore don't match up at all, and I don't get the impression the translator or editor was familiar with the original series. (Adventure tri. and The Beginning's subs had this problem too, but not to the same degree; in the case of Adventure tri., the lore was vaguely referenced or contradictory in Japanese to the extent a compliant English translation probably wouldn't have even been possible, and in the case of The Beginning, the issues were less common and less plot-relevant.) Even beyond just plot-important lines, there are far too many lines that are semantically mistranslated. All of it makes the movie an unpleasant experience to watch in terms of sheer vibe, and that's something I think is far more important than people tend to treat it as.
I will give a disclaimer that I feel obligated to give during these situations: if you did not like the movie, while I think it is highly likely that you'll enjoy it better with a properly done translation, I cannot guarantee that it'll turn your opinion over 180 degrees and make it your favorite movie ever. I am a translator before I am a literary critic, so while literary analysis is important for a translator, there is a point I have to hold back before it starts turning into my own fanfiction. But it's exactly because of this that the official translation is so poisonous, because a translator's job should be to maximize potential for readings and interpretations for others. If a work could potentially have a "nonsense interpretation" and a "sensible interpretation", and a translation outright invalidates the possibility of having the sensible interpretation because of how sloppy and nonsensical it is, it becomes a perfect example of what I've referred to as "insidiously bad translation", where it looks passable on the surface but is far more poisonous than it seems.
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lar27 · 2 months
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maryo274 · 1 year
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Ever the loverboy, huh?
Sorry Willis, Yolei's already taken. She has ..... 2 boyfriends? Well, a boyfriend and a bodyguard. 🤣
Akiyoshi Hongo ©
Art by Maryo274 ©
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kursed-arcana · 6 months
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shihalyfie · 2 months
Hi! I wasn't able to see 02TB in theaters and with it coming out on english blu-ray soon I was wondering how was the official translation? I'm nervous about it after seeing your post talking about the Kizuna translation and how messy thst was.
I've also heard the subbed version was using dubtitles is this true?
The dubtitles thing is true, unfortunately. The good news is, even with it using dubtitles, the translation doesn't seem to be nearly as bad as Kizuna's was!
In the case of Kizuna, it seems that the movie was translated to English using the messed up translation that was in the official subs, then the dub was written based on that messed up translation, making it two tiers of disaster. (A more detailed breakdown is in the post the OP mentioned.) In the case of 02TB, whatever translation was used as a base seems to have been generally accurate, and although "dubtitles" usually is an inherent recipe for disaster, it seems like the dub was written with the knowledge that the script would be made into subs later. So unlike...pretty much every other American English Digimon dub...there's no added jokes, no extra lines, everything sticks pretty closely to the Japanese script, and the furthest they went was just playing with the phrasing and making minor changes so things would lip-sync. Pretty surprising, honestly.
That doesn't mean I don't still have some quibbles with it. In particular, I'm guessing whoever did the base translation wasn't familiar with Adventure lore or what lore points are kind of die-on-a-hill level for the fandom (especially "is this epilogue-compliant or not?"), so there was some loss in nuance regarding the discussion of partnerships and such that made the issue way more confusing than it needed to be. But that's not something I can entirely blame the translator for, and besides, I'm not sure that's something that would be any different if the subs weren't dubtitles; it's a recurring problem that goes beyond just this movie, and it was a problem in tri. and Kizuna too (and I'd argue it was much worse there, since unlike them, 02TB doesn't really reference the original series that much).
To put it simply, in the case of Kizuna, the subs were messy enough to ruin much of the meaning of the plot itself, and if someone were to ask me about Kizuna having only seen it with the official subs or dub, I would probably strongly suggest that they go over it again with a properly done translation (a fansub or a translation of one of the novels or whatnot). But for 02TB, if someone's only seen the official subs (dubtitles) or dub, I wouldn't really see any reason to worry about anything, especially since the movie itself was refreshingly easy-to-understand and straightforward. I don't think the minor little quibbles I had were enough to significantly change the overall plot or anything, so while I'll probably still make a post to clarify the aforementioned lore translation issues once the Blu-ray comes out, it's not something I think would matter too much if you're not a hardcore fanfic/meta writer or whatnot.
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ashxketchum · 10 months
Sharing my favourite part from the latest storyboard and character analysis posted by Digimon Partners
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The Kizuna part of the analysis is titled as"vaguely thinking about his dreams for the future".
Takeru, who opted for literature as his field of study at university, is studying English and French languages, along with joining a Children Literature's Club. As always with the help of his good natured personality, he has many friends, both male and female, and enjoys a fun campus life. On the side, he dabbles in writing as a hobby and works to assist in Digimon related matters. He responds to Koushiro's calls actively and was present for the battles against Parrotmon and Eosmon.
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In 02 The Beginning, we will see Takeru as a sophomore in college. While enjoying college life, he also seems to have started to take his writing seriously…? We are looking forward to seeing what kind of a young man he has become!
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digitalgate02 · 5 months
Okay so, being honest here -- sorry in advance -- but Daisuke's crush on Hikari IN THE ORIGINAL VERSION does not make Hikari herself "uncomfortable" like in the American version.
Yes, you heard me right: Hikari does not feel he's hostile around her, or that he makes her uncomfortable -- She's pretty much fine around Daisuke in 02 and its 02 material. Why? Because he does NOT impose himself on her, he does NOT claim her as his gf or something.
Daisuke RESPECTS Hikari's space pretty much, and even a little too much (ep 4 he's concerned about her wellbeing imo). The fact he never had done anything like, claiming she belongs to him or idk, treat her like a prize should be enough proof for that.
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Also: Hikari and everyone else knows he got a crush on her. Except Daisuke himself, who keeps believing this is a secret and nobody knows (check ep 5 and how he reacts to Hikari's question to him being delusional about being alone with her for a second.)
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Since Hikari is full aware of Daisuke's crush on her, she tends to take advantage of it in ep 6 and possibly in other scenarios as well: Because he wouldn't deny her something. If the others ask him some favor and he denies it, Hikari can change his mind if she asks said favor instead.
"Okay Ni, but then why does she dodge the romantic feelings he have for her?"
Probably because: 1- she's not interested in having a relationship at this age; 2- she does NOT want to reject him out of the blue, because he didn't simply make a move yet
(and he NEVER made one, lol)
"Daisuke did make a move in Natsu e no Tobira story and got rejected!"
No, he didn't. Narrator is Daisuke himself and he does not imply he had asked her out and she rejected him. Who does imply that is Chibimon not Daisuke.
Daisuke in that material is hella upset about a chain of disappointments, it's not entirely about Hikari "dumping" him. Also, since the narrator is Daisuke and he tends to turn everything more and more DRAMATIC, i don't trust his info to be accurate (lol, "Iori going out with a girl" srsly Dai?)
Besides, in the Kizuna drama CD we clearly see he hadn't given up on her yet. And this is the drama CD in which he barely mention his crush on her for the rest of the track -- and he also gets a compliment from her by being his usual self.
Daisuke just freezes like if he had no idea HOW to react to that. He finally got his chance aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand he just froze with her calling him "cool". He never thought what would happen next if he ever got her attention. Yup.
So yeah, she's not uncomfortable around him in the OG version. thanks✌️
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sweetlittleangelbunny · 3 months
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I decided to watch Digimon Adventure Last Evolution Kizuna recently, partly due to the new TCG set coming out, but also just cause I like the movie 😊
I have some complaints but overall I really like the movie, and Menoa is kind of a comfort character to me, so I wanted to draw her again 🥰
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