ancientorigins · 2 months
As the Romans set foot on Britannic soil, they encountered a diverse tapestry of Iron Age tribes, each wielding its own distinct identity and influence. From the enigmatic Parisi of East Yorkshire, with their mysterious burial rites, to the resolute Caledonians of Scotland's rugged hinterlands, these tribes stood as testament to the multifaceted nature of Britannia's ancient past.
Through meticulous archaeological inquiry and rigorous historical analysis, this compendium unveils the intricate social structures, intricate cultural practices, and nuanced geopolitical dynamics that shaped Iron Age Britain. By delving into the enduring legacy of these venerable tribes, historians have gained invaluable insights into the complex tapestry of Britannia's rich heritage, illuminating the path to a deeper understanding of the island's historical trajectory.
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dosa-sambhar · 1 year
I love SEOKSOON'S commitment to being so unserious at times BEST THING I SAW IN DAYSSS
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also happiness doesn't come from grades, it comes from booseoksoon
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coppercoil-creeper · 1 year
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Bit of an art dump of sorts. These aren't dragonadays, so I'll just uh put them here I suppose. You get a couple doodles of friends as well!
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clancarruthers · 1 year
THE ANCIENT HISTORY OF CARATACUS   The ancient sources containing information about the Roman campaigns inBritannia in the 1st century, the time of Caratacus, are limited. By closely reading Roman histories, a few other textual sources, and archeology, such as coins, historians have been able to create a plausible historical timeline. Though the work of ancient historians always involves some…
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humblegoatart · 6 months
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daily sketch 2023 || dec 9th
revisiting a character from a oneshot a few years back (they/them)
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ravencromwell · 1 month
For the character ask game, Athos Dane: 7, 10, and 20.
7. A quote of them you remember: "No one suffers as beautifully as you." And before everyone starts laughing at my terrible cliche—it is terribly cliched, I would pair it with "My plaything is dead". The no one suffers as beautifully as you comes just after Athos's interlude with Beloc where Beloc tried, and did real damn good for a teenager, to be defiant, but eventually answered Athos's questions about his name etc. without yet having the Soul Seal on. Contrast this to Athos's "Sing for me, Holland" in ACOL, which Holland refuses to do.
Yes, Beloc is undoubtedly fun, but fundamentally, he knows how this game is going to go. The fact that Holland still has defiance, after seven years, seems to just fucking enthrall Athos. He makes Holland fill the blood goblets partially just to fuck with Kell, but also for that flicker of rage and humiliation Kell notices as being so out of character. Fundamentally, he doesn't know when Holland will give him the last scrap of power, and that's what keeps him coming back.
But any love or fascination or what have you is utterly gone once Holland is no longer a spectacle: my plaything, he says, in his own pov while talking to his sister. He feels "annoyance at his servant's incompetence" The one time he mentions Holland by name, it's to tell Kell how he and Holland are fundamentally flawed when compared to Athos.
Everything this man did for seven fucking years around Holland was either about furthering his goals or getting some kind of reaction, be it in his choice of conversation topics or experiment subjects.
Holland has a line that is so fucking sad to me in that context in ACOL where he says he never screamed if he could help it, out of the quixotic hope if Athos didn't get a reaction, he'd just kill him already. There's something so fucking tragic I don't have words for the fact that Holland's refusal to stop being a person, at least in small ways, and even the ways he tried to provoke Athos, were so much of what made him interesting enough to never let fade into the background as a particularly useful pair of hands. Because as we see with essentially sending Beloc out as canon fodder, and again with the dismissive "my plaything" comment after Holland's dead, once there's no longer potential for interesting power dynamics, he's bored moving on. 
10. Describe the character in one sentence.: "Intelligence has never tempered my desire. It merely ensures I take what I wish without consequence."—Athos Dane, to his hypothetical biographer, poor bastard.
20. A weird headcanon:
He may have learned to read on the coast primarily to sniff out magic, but when he arrives at the castle, he finds he quite enjoys books outside of magic. Vortalis was a military histories fan, which Athos "journey of the battle" absolutely fucking devours for the play by play.
Astrid likes the White London version of Caesar: careful, methodical, only moving when the field was to his advantage.
Athos, though, it's the underdogs. The White London Hannibal bringing his elephants in what everyone called folly; the Lord Caradoc/Caratacus resisting a much larger force. Just _immensely his jam.
And once he got started, he wanted more of anything Holland thought might rouse his interest. I don't think the Danes had any _reason to go to Grey London, but I suspect that by God, if the Mareshes Antari could go, they sent Holland there on the semiregular (I will play with the toys, too!) One of the things Grey had neither Red nor White did was a thriving fiction culture. And if you're one Holland Vosijk, who wants to be able to bring back some escapism for yourself, you'd better be prepared to bring back gifts.
Which leads me to: Athos Dane, sometime Shakespeare fan and more often critic.
1. Huge, huge fucking fan of Iago. Iago knows how to properly manipulate some people. (Except of course, as is the problem with so many people, he got squeamish in the end. If he had killed the messengers from Venice when they found him in the alley, he would never have needed to kill his wife and certainly never have been tortured and executed. But Iago pre–Othello Act Five: _spectacular.
2. Huge Richard III fan—likes all the histories, honestly. But that "winter of our discontent" monologue: gets him _every time. Richard, now there's a man who knows how to embrace being hated. (Though that he cares at all about fool's opinion of him just demonstrates he lacked an Astrid. Without that one person for unconditional affection and non-judgment, he could only embrace it so far.
3. Hamlet completely cracks him up in an awful way. Or rather, the ways in which Holland and Hamlet's desire for revenge mirror one another. "You thought you were Hamlet, coming down that hall and did not understand we were not his foolish uncle!"
4. The rest of it: Romeo and Juliet, the comedies, most of the other tragedies, just _trash. Characters too weak to dominate the way they should or unrealistic ("blood never denies blood what they want" he says of the Capulets etc. smiling beatifically at Astrid.
5. Astrid has the copy of Titus Andronicus. Major Queen Tamora fangirl "We shall serve the Arnesians their royals in pie," Athos says, when Astrid sighs over missing their opportunity with Holland.
Athos is very theatrical, has a multitude of ideas for how to stage the Shakespeare sets with magic when they take Arnes, and is very keen to read other plays.
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kom-poetry-channel · 21 days
This makes two patter songs I know of in Norwegian; the other one begins "Når en pepperkakebaker baker pepperkakekaker…", which perhaps I will translate into English at some point. Probably this reflects the state of my knowledge more than Norwegian poetry. At any rate I had a lot of fun with this, in particular with 'paradox', 'Pingvin', and 'Froskene'. This is very much a text that rewards reading aloud, both in English and Norwegian; the "toskene/Froskene" rhyme is not all that inspired qua poetry but the line "synge kvekkekoret fra Aristofanes' Froskene", recited at speed and with the driving energy of being close to the end of a verse and the ability to take a quick breath, is Much Fun.
Some notes on the references:
"Hafrsfjord og Stiklestad" versus "Marathon and Waterloo" - the "Fifteen Decisive Battles" was quite influential in Victorian England, but meaningless to Norwegians both then and now, and I think the "order categorical" wouldn't particularly land with a modern English audience. I changed it to have two famous Norwegian battles of roughly equal importance to modern military thinking.
"enkle og kvadratiske" - same as the original but the illustration is the solution to a cubic, commenting on the general's implicit assertion that he knows "both kinds" of equations.
"Heimskringler og Trymskvider" replacing "King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's" - Norse mythology rather than British, obviously; but also I found it amusing to put these singular works in the plural, making the general claim to know more than one of each.
"paradokser lett bestrider" - another use of 'Trymskvider' in that it rhymes, but note the illustration. Of course, in the twenty-first century every armchair general is necessarily very familiar with Paradox Entertainment!
Raphael, Dow, Ziffanij - same as the original; the joke is that, as shown by the paintings, distinguishing these artists is not actually all that difficult.
Pinafore - Gilbert and Sullivan's previous work; intertextuality!
"babylonske språkreform" - mostly for the rhyme with 'uniform', but also it amused me to think that a Norwegian major-general would obviously pick an extremely specific archaic dialect of cuneiform and stick to it come reform or new alphabets. He also probably writes Høgnorsk.
"Caratacus' uniform" - as in the original, the joke is that the 'uniform' consists of a loincloth and nothing else; memorising its details is no feat.
"på missilet og på fugl Pingvin" - as soon as I realised that 'Pingvin', as in the missile, rhymes with 'ravelin', which is both obsolete and untranslatable, I knew I'd have to work the bird in somehow.
"artilleri/liturgi" - this one is my least favourite, as the nun is actually supposed to be more knowledgeable than the general about tactics, his presumed area of expertise, not hers. But at least I managed to get a nun in there at all.
"bentfram eventyrerisk" versus "plucky and adventurey" - the word 'plucky' is just Not Translateable. "The beginning of the century" has a very different meaning now than it did in 1879, two centuries' worth of difference, but happily 'napoleonisk' rhymes with 'eventyrerisk' with only a small change in emphasis, so it all works out.
Jeg er selve prototypen på moderne generalmajor kan alt om planter, dyreliv og steinarter som fins på jord. Jeg kjenner kongerekken, og kan nevne alle deres slag fra Stiklestad til Hafrsfjord: Slik er det militære fag. Jeg har også mye kunnskap hva angår det matematiske, forstår godt alle ligninger, både enkle og kvadratiske. I diskusjon om binomikk der gjør jeg alltid god figur, med mange glade fakta om hypotenusens kvadratur! På integral- og differensialregning der er jeg god jeg kan latinske navn på en mikroskopisk smådyr-zoo, kort sagt: Om planter, dyreliv og steinarter som fins på jord er jeg selve prototypen på moderne generalmajor!
Jeg er kjent med sagatiden, både Heimskringler og Trymskvider, løser vanskelige kryssord, alle paradokser lett bestrider, siterer elegeisk alle synder til Elagabalus takler merkelige kjeglesnitt om så de kommer helt bardus, kan skille Raphael fra Dow og Zoffanij, de toskene, og synge kvekkekoret fra Aristofanes' Froskene!
Så kan jeg nynne flerstemt om en opera er litt innafor, og plystre all musikk fra det forbante tullball ``Pinafore''. Jeg kan skrive kileskrift fra før den babylonske språkreform, og gjengi all detalj hva angår Caratacus' uniform; kort sagt: Om planter, dyreliv og steinarter som fins på jord er jeg selve prototypen på moderne generalmajor!
Når jeg vet hva som menes med "mamelon" og "ravelin", når jeg ser forskjell på missilet og på fugl Pingvin, når jeg ikke rundt sorti og bakholdsangrep uforsiktig trør, når jeg forstår nøyaktig hva en kvartermester faktisk gjør,
når jeg har lært meg litt om ymse fremgang i artilleri, og vet mere om taktikk enn yngste nonne kan om liturgi, kort sagt, når jeg har lært litt mer om elementær strategi, vil du si at ingen bedre generalmajor sin hest kan ri!
For min kunnskap, skjønt at jeg er bentfram eventyrerisk, er oppdatert kun til det som kalles napoleonisk; men dog, hva angår planter, dyreliv og stein på jord, er jeg selve prototypen på moderne generalmajor!
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crematorydesire · 4 months
Pax Romana was the hip new grail war I started working on because I'm a shameless hack who saw Samurai Remnant and went "period pieces are cool". It's such a copycat that there's even rogues in there as well.
Saber is Rhea Silvia, Archer is Bao Si, Lancer is Conall Cernach, Rider is Scipio Africanus, Caster is Demetrius (the alexandria guy), Assassin is Amulius, and Berserker is Tullus Hostilius.
I also liked the pseudo-historical/historical Masters thing that Samurai Remnant had going on so I stole that too.
Conall's Master is the child of Caratacus and the parent of Saint Cyllin, the missing link that binds the two together - based on the fact that according to some genealogies Cyllin is the son of Caratacus despite Caracatus having died 20+ years before he was born. So it goes Caratacus > Mage Cyllin > Saint Cyllin, an ahistorical person who's affiliated with the budding Mage's association.
Bao Si's Master is Ban Zhao, one of if not the first female historians ever, hailing from China and on an ahistorical journey up the silk road for the sake of knowledge.
Scipio's Master is the most ahistorical of them all; the lost blood of Africanus. Scipio Africanus's progeny were largely unimportant, so much so that they eventually went completely off the grid, no longer having enough historical relevance to be remembered. Postumus is the last bloodline of Africanus, a soldier whose only desire is to make something of himself before he dies alone and worthless.
Demetrius's Master is Lucius Caecilius, a merchant from Pompeii who became famous because his house was one of the few things to survive the incident. As mentioned previously, this takes place in the year 79, the time of the Pompeii incident, so he's alive and well.
Amulius's Master is Berenice, the queen of Judaea who fell in love with Titus (they began seeing each other quite a few years before Titus would become emperor). She was an unpopular figure, as their love affair came out fresh off the heels of the jewish-roman wars, and ultimately when Titus rose to the throne she was dismissed as his lover and she left Rome. Although it just so happens that before she has the chance to leave, she receives the promise of a wish granting miracle.
Tullus Hostilius's Master is Tacitus, a well known historian who had a tendency to glorify the romans of the past, a very ironic stance given the conceit of a Holy Grail War. He's the most direct character foil for the overseer of the grail war, Pliny the elder, a fellow historian.
Saber's Master is as of yet undecided because they're the protagonist and that means they need to have extra attention paid to them for the sake of the themes and such, it's hard work.
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koolkat9 · 1 year
What are your favorite musicals and which musicals would you assign to your favorite countries based on personality? Yes, This is me asking what Music themes you'd assign them too I guess without looking at youtube and seeing videos 10 years old. I miss seeing Character Theme videos.
Oooh this is a good one! I'm also going to share musicals that make me think of some ships too because I want to ramble about the two musicals that make me think of a GerEng AU.
Okay but Characters.
Canada- Dear Evan Hansen
I know. Kind of basic. But I love DEH. "Waving Through a Window" is such a Mattie song. But what really sells the idea for me is that "So Big / So Small" is such a good song for Royal Red Bros. Francis is the dad that left, and Arthur tries to pick up the pieces, but also fails Matthew. Just the dynamic between Evan's Mom and Evan is just perfect for these two. Like Evan's mom does love Evan, but being a single mom isn't easy and to provide for him she has to work ridiculous hours so she's not there for him physically. Which is a similar postion Arthur finds himself in.
Also the lines
"That night I tucked you into bed
I will never forget how you sat up and said
'Is there another truck coming to our drive way?
A truck that will take mommy away.'"
Just hit me so hard with feels for Arthur and Matt. Just imagining a little Mattie asking Arthur one night if Arthur is going to leave him behind too. Because Francis left and Arthur seems so much more focused on Alfred. Matthew it terrified it will happen again. And it breaks Arthur's heart.
Canada - Next to Normal (Specifically the song "Superboy and the Invisible Girl")
I don't know enough about what this musical is actually about other than we follow our main character Diana who is struggling with bipolar disorder and hallucinations of her dead son. And basically I think it shows how her condition affects her family?
But we did "Superboy and the Invisible Girl" for some concert once and I actually played Diana. And every time I rehearsed this song, all I could think of was ACE Family.
It is primarily Natalie, Diana's daughter, feeling neglected and ignored because of her Mother's grief over her son's death.
This line really makes me think of the two, especially after Alfred has become independent and Matthew attempts to pick up the pieces of a broken Arthur:
"Super boy and the invisible girl
He's the one you'd wish would appear
He's your hero, forever your son
He's not here, I am here"
America - Hamliltion
For obvious reasons. American history. Main character is smart, but also so impulsive. "I'm not Throwing Away my Shot" always make me think of Al.
England - Mary Poppins
Of course I choose something obvious. You know how much I love Arthur with kids. And Mary Poppins is that strict parental figure, but she does want what's best for the kids in her care, and I think that's perfect for Arthur.
Also I just love imagining Arthur singing "Feed the Birds."
Also also. get 2p England involved and make Oliver Bert. So double the Englands making it more fitting. Alternatively Gilbert could be Bert to make it Pruk instead.
GerEng - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
I have this whole musical casted with Hetalia characters. But the summary first because its probably a musical not many know. I really don't know how to encompass everything so I'm just going to steal the summary from IMDb:
"A down-on-his-luck inventor turns a broken-down Grand Prix car into a fancy vehicle for his children, and then they go off on a magical fantasy adventure to save their grandfather in a far-off land."
God I had orginally had a long decription of a cast list for this but I'll ramble about that in another post. All you need to know though:
Arthur as Caratacus Potts - The down on his luck inventor and single father. Sometimes his work distracts him, but he really does love his kids
Ludwig as Truly Scrumptious - A candy heiress who meets the Potts family after almost running over the children when they run out into the road. She and Caratacus kind of get off on the wrong foot when she argues that the kids should be in school and not running around. But after he impresses her with his inventions and she joins them on their adventure in their magic car, the two fall in love.
Peter as Jeremy and Jemimah - Because I can't think of a second child to go with Peter I just have Peter right now. Because I love GerEng being dads to him.
Anyway. The songs.
First we have "You Two" which actually makes me imagine things separate from this au. Because this is also so good for ACE Family. I ramble about it more here.
"Doll On a Music Box" One of my favourite songs to listen too to daydream about GerEng. Just them pulling the same stunt Caratacus and Truly do to rescue the kids. Also Ludwig dressed up as a doll is a nice image.
"Lovely Lonely Man" Could work for either of them, but I always have loved the idea of Ludwig singing this about Arthur. Because Ludwig fell fast just like the song suggests while Arthur took a bit of time. It's just a perfect monologue of Ludwig admitting his feelings to himself.
God I could go on but I'll save the rest for a separate post
Okay one last one for GerEng! Music Man.
Summary from Stage Agent: "There’s trouble in River City! When smooth-talking con man Harold Hill arrives in a small, tight-knit town in Iowa, he expects to dupe its residents with his elaborate moneymaking scheme: Despite his complete lack of musical literacy, he will convince everyone that he is a brilliant bandleader and recruit all the boys in town to form a band, pocketing the cash for instruments and uniforms. The problem? Some of the town members, especially the stern librarian, Marian Paroo, don’t quite buy Harold’s story. As Harold struggles to keep his scheme afloat, he also finds himself increasingly attached to the townspeople, who have all experienced a positive change since Harold came to town. Complicating matters even more, Harold is also falling head-over-heels for the beautiful Marian."
God I could go on about this one too, but keeping it brief:
Arthur as the con man Harold Hill selfish and prideful only to have a change of heart by forming genuine connections within the town.
Ludwig as the stern yet also hopeless romantic Marian. That despite knowing Arthur is a con man sees him grow and falls for him
"Goodnight My Someone / Seventy-Six Trombones (Double Reprise)" The two leads main songs coming together with them singing each other's half way through. God I just love thinking of GerEng for this scene so much! I think its so romantic to sing each other's themes to each other.
Also "Goodnight My Someone" on its own is very fitting for Ludwig. As is Marian's chacter as whole. Both are stern indivduals, refusing to take nonsense from anyone. They seem like a stick in the mud, perhaps a little cold, but both have a sweetness deep down, longing for connection. And "Goodnight My Someone" is when we first see this side of Marian.
"Marian the Librarian" Just the back and forth and tension in this song. Hill/Arthur is kind of a dick. Flirting, but really he's just playing a game at this point and bugging Marian/Ludwig at work when they're clearly aren't having it. It's another fun scene I like imagining GerEng. Especially since Arthur is really pushing his luck angering someone who could snap him like a toothpick he'd be into that let's be honest but that's not a discussion for this blog
Thank you anon for letting me combine my love of musical theatre and my love for Hetalia together! I encourage more questions like this actually so don't be scared guys!
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ancientorigins · 2 months
The legacy of the enigmatic Catuvellauni tribe shaped the very fabric of Iron Age Britain, from the heart of ancient Britannia to their clashes with the formidable Roman Empire.
At the core of Catuvellaunian society, chieftains commanded political and military authority, while druids played pivotal roles as spiritual leaders, shaping beliefs and rituals. Their mastery in craftsmanship, evident in intricate jewelry and pottery, not only served practical needs but also symbolized cultural identity and status within the tribe, leaving a timeless legacy of ancient British art.
The tales of the Catuvellauni tell of the Great "War Chiefs" whose stronghold near modern-day St. Albans, was a beacon of power and resilience against the tides of history. Their valorous defiance against the Roman invaders echoed through the annals of history. From the charismatic leadership of Cassivellaunus to the poignant plea of Caratacus, their story encapsulates the resilience and bravery of a tribe unwilling to yield to foreign domination.
Their heritage lives on as a testament to the indomitable spirit of a people who shaped the course of ancient British history.
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rock-n-raceway · 10 months
Masc/Neu names for Puppet!
Requested By: 🚦🟪🥀 | Divider Cred
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🎁 Alex (Taken from Alexis, meaning helper or defender)
🤍 Caratacus (Meaning loved or to love)
🎁 Faroald (Meaning journey & power/authority)
🤍 Friedhold (Meaning peaceful power)
🎁 Phobos (Meaning fear)
🤍 Tisiphone (Meaning avenging murder)
🎁 Tisis (Meaning vengeance & shortening of previous!)
🤍 Silenus (Unknown meaning, just thought it had vibes!)
🎁 Psyche (Meaning The Soul)
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mabelsyrupit · 2 months
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clancarruthers · 2 years
KING CARRATACUS HILLFORT – CAER CARADOC CARRUTHERS DNA ANCESTOR CARATACUS LAST STAND The Iron Age hill fort of Caer Caradoc in Shropshire’s hill country has been connected with the battle due to its name which translates as the fortress of Caractacus.  CARADOC CARRATACUS – Legend states that the battle was fought at a Celtic Camp in the Malvern Hills. CARADOC CARATACUS HILLFORT The River Severn,…
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magpiejay1234 · 5 months
Spectre vs. Lightning is a fun duel, but with this Duel, Spectre's role in S2 is over, and so is his role in series overall. His lack of appearance in S3 is speculated to be due to a VA contract dispute, but it is unknown if this is true.
Lightning's LINK-4 Armatos Legio Magnus Dux is based of Roman Emperor Claudius, who charged with his elephant during the long invasion of modern-day England. This would make Spectre Caratacus.
With Spectre's data captured, Revolver now has a person to save, much like the rest of the main cast. With Spectre's defeat, Knights of Hanoi are now down to Revolver in S2.
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humblegoatart · 1 month
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daily sketch 4/25/24
now that i’m fleshing out this character more, ive decided their full name is Caratacus Caspian Blythe, and they go by Caspian. anyhow…i have been thinking about them
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jarwoski · 6 months
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