#Brian Thomas headcanon
Tim, waking up Brian: I need you to go to the store.
Brian: What? It’s like 3AM?
Tim: I know, but the fridge is empty and Toby keeps trying to eat mustard.
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
Hiya, hope you're having a pog day <3
I wanted to make a request if possible (also if you're comfortable with it, if not, feel free to ignore this ask!! no worries)
nsfw headcanons for Hoodie and Masky with a trans masc s/o (with top surgery scars)
Masky + Hoodie w/ a trans masc partner who has top surgery scars 
Masky + Hoodie x Reader (separately) 
Genre: Fluff + NSFW, headcanons 
Content/warnings: There’s a lot of talk of reader’s body but it’s all positive, Tim is insecure about his scars, chest + tummy kisses, tooth rotting fluff AND some soft romantic NSFW 😌 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
A/N: Sorry if you wanted like…hardcore nasty NSFW, this is really sweet 😔 
Tim Wright/Masky 
Although I don’t personally headcanon Tim as trans (though i definitely enjoy trans tim content 👌😋), he certainly has his fair share of scars 
They’re mostly on his arms and hands
Some are from fights, others are from miscellaneous accidents, some have been there as long as he can remember and he’s not even sure where they came from
But theres one thing he knows for sure:
He HATES when people point them out 
He can’t really explain it, he just hates having attention drawn to them 
You may not feel the same way, but even if you say you don’t mind he’ll be careful not to point them out 
That’s not to say you won’t catch him staring when he thinks you’re not looking, though 
The scars just look so…natural, on you 
Like they’ve always been there 
He forgets that they’re scars, really 
He’s not sure why he feels so different about scars on you than he does on him 
The longer he’s with you the less he notices your scars anymore 
And the less he notices his own too 
Over time he becomes less insecure about them as he watches you not only live with but accept and maybe even embrace your scars 
And there’s something he loves about being able to run his hand down your bare chest, the marks on his hand matching with your scars 
Especially when he finds you in bed with him, climbing on top of him and straddling his lap 
He cant stop himself from reaching out and pulling your shirt off, his large hands splaying out over your torso as he admires you, feeling your heartbeat thump behind your ribs 
If your position allows him to see your chest, don’t be surprised if he can’t pull his eyes away 
He’s not very talkative during sex, but he’s always sure to remind you how handsome you are 
He knows sex can sometimes trigger dysphoria, and he doesn’t want you to forget that you’re his sweet boy, forever and always
You can thank him for the praise by taking one of his scarred hands and pressing a soft kiss to it, a silent reassurance that his feelings about you are not unrequited 
Brian Thomas/Hoodie 
Brian, on the other hand, is very vocal about how attractive he finds your scars 
Although he’s got a few of his own, they’re generally not very noticeable 
And even if someone did point them out, he’d simply laugh them off 
So he feels comfortable telling you how much he loves your scars 
They’re a reminder of how strong you are, he says 
It’s not easy embracing your true trans self in this world, and you should wear your scars with pride 
He’s got an artistic streak, so don’t be surprised if he asks to draw on them 
He may even suggest getting a cool tattoo to emphasize them! 
Like barbed wire or a flower chain or something 
But if you don’t want that, he’s perfectly content simply being allowed to run his fingers over your scars 
He’ll often absentmindedly begin tracing them whenever you’re laying together, sometimes not even realizing he’s doing it 
He loves to kiss your chest too 
He’s a romantic type, what can I say 🤷 
He just loves to give your scars all the gentle attention they deserve, he can’t help it 
Don’t be surprised if his hands find your scars as if they have a mind of their own, always wandering to your chest whenever you’re standing at the counter or sitting on the couch with him 
And don’t be surprised if those wandering hands lead to more than just gentle touches 
If you allow him his way during sex, he’ll always insist on having you on your back 
He’ll pay extra attention to your chest, and i don’t just mean your scars (although they certainly aren’t ignored) 
He’s much more vocal than Tim, a constant stream of praises and reassurances spilling from his mouth and he drones on and on about how handsome you are and how lucky he is to have such a beautiful boy like you to take care of 
You’re an absolute beauty to him, and he’s going to make sure he tells you every chance he gets  
Brian Thomas: The Dysphoria Miracle Cure 
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macabrelinguine · 1 year
I’m here bc I keep coming back to ur blog bc it’s so good and I can’t get enough. Could you write how the four main marble hornets boys would react to finding out their partner has been stalking them . Like I imagine it’s bc of the operator:) thank you
AAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH. You guys are so niceeee
Tim - Absolutely the fuck not. He is NOT about this. He is tired, scared, and he doesn’t need another point of stress. He’ll probably just ask you to stop at first, and if you continue he’ll have a dilemma. He loves you, obviously. He doesn’t want you to be scared of him. But if you don’t stop then that’s another problem. He’ll end up bringing you to therapy, probably, or at least trying to get you some help. He knows this isn’t on purpose, and he strives to find peaceful solutions.
Jay - My guy will just straight up start crying. Not sobbing, but quiet, barely noticeable tears will fall down his face. He trusted you! He isn’t mad or anything he’s just scared. He doesn’t trust you anymore, which makes him even more sad. He couldn’t believe you’d do something like this. Maybe it’s not the best decision, and he’s definitely going to regret it later, but he cuts you off. If you can’t stop, he’ll just call the police. While giant monsters aren’t going to find their way into a police report, stalking is.
Brian - He’s more mellow about it. You’re stalking him? Cool! Stop it right now. He doesn’t support this at all, but he’s too tired to deal with this. “Just, like…stop” He won’t do anything too drastic, at the very most he’ll yell at you about it. That’s probably not going to happen, because he doesn’t like yelling, but if you keep stalking him after that he’s probably going to cut you off. If you apologize and promise not to do it again he’ll take you back.
Alex - Yeah lol same. He’s stalking you right back, that’s probably how he even found out you were stalking him in the first place. He won’t tell you what he’s doing, but he will in some way let you know he’s caught you. He doesn’t care if you stop, it’s just a little bit annoying. He’s trying to stalk you. He had the idea first. You’re being really unoriginal here. He might scare you a bit with threats of going to the police, but in the end he won’t do it. He doesn’t care what you do as long as he can keep track of you doing it.
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pls more proxy yonder headcanons,,,,maybe even an imagine/oneshot:))
Sorry! I'm not the mental place to write full length stories. I'm happy to do headcanons though! ^^
Masky/Tim Masky isn't very different as a yandere, actually. He's still very violent and has a short temper. That being said, Masky is super different from Tim, although those differences dimish when they're yanderes. Tim is definitely a lot nicer, softer, and sweeter with you. Masky will fuck you up with barely any provocation, and Tim will be there to clean your wounds and calm you down, to give you some water and dry your tears. But if you fight him? If you refuse his kindness? Well, he'll get mad. And all those nice things will be stripped away, leaving you chained in a dark, cold room, bruised and bloody.
Hoodie/Brian Brian really doesn't want to hurt you. And he won't! He'll leave that to Hoodie. Brian will be the voice of reason, just trying to convice you to give up, to stop fighting. It's not worth it, dear. You'll just get hurt, you'll just make everyone upset, please just listen to him. He fully manipulates and takes advantage of you, and he won't care, because, in the end, you'll love him! And that will make anything worth it. Hoodie, however, prefers beatings to keep you in line. He'll use whatever he can find, be that brick, metal, or just his hands. He just wants your love! Refuse it, and there will be consequences.
Toby Congratulations, I saved the worst for last! Toby has huge mood swings. One minute he’ll be cuddling up to you, and the next his blades are ripping through your flesh. But don't worry! I'm sure he'll do it less if you're obedient. At least a little less. When he's in a good mood, he's the sweetest! Maybe too sweet. No, you need him. After all, no one else will love you. He's the only one. And you love him too, don't you?! But when he's in a bad mood…look out. Every little thing will set him off, prompting him to rip into your skin. Sometimes he just claws chunks of flesh out with his nails, and laughs when you cry.
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sketchyface · 1 year
I like the HC that Seth was ToTheArk and the reason he stopped posting after Hoody dies was cuz Hoody knew the password to their YouTube channel lol
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astradreaming · 1 year
he had a rlly shitty abusive father.
so when he was young, his mother left in the night or when his father wasn't home. But Brian was there and saw him leaving and she said that "she'd be back for him- ect" but she never did?? at all, like never came back, never called, that was the last time he'd ever see her again.
and that's the reason he hates liars so much??
so like not only is the Alex/Tim thing a punch in the gut but the whole betrayal reminded him of his mother🤔🤔
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
i have never been more excited to see a yes with marble hornets in my LIFE
if you have the time or enjoyment, i would love some brian knife play with an afab reader! headcannons would be just fine! thank you beloved mwah
Burns Like Ice
[GN!Reader, afab]
[Warnings: Knife play, some praise, some degradation, it's actually pretty general, fingering, slight overstimulation. There is NO BLOOD PLAY in here. None. It just feels like it, but I promise there's none. MINORS DNI]
[AN: honestly I'm slowly becoming a headcanon blog unless I feel like writing in depth- lucky for you, you're getting the latter. 975 words <3]
"And you're sure you want me to use this on you?" Brian asks as his fingers gently curve over the slope of your clothed ass, almost hesitant to touch you with his own flesh knowing he'll be slicing at you in a moment. He seems a bit nervous despite the two of you talked extensively about it before hand. He can't deny that you look oh so pretty underneath him though. His hazel colored eyes watch you with a burning intensity as you roll to your back and look up at him, a sly grin on your lips.
You nod fervently. "I'll be fine," you reassure him as you watch him walk the blade over his fingers. You grab at his chest and press a bit. "Unless you want me to get myself off-"
Brian chuckles lowly before shaking his head at you, gaze darkening. His hand spreads your legs a little further as he nestles between them. You can see the curve of his muscles as he takes the sharpened blade to your shirt and slowly cuts upwards. His hands tear it off of you, the material weak beneath his touch as he discards the ruined article of clothing. "You got all dressed up for me?" He observes in a teasing tone as the tip of the knife traces your bra's cups and the straps.
Your heart is fluttering like a bird in your chest. You slowly nod, not wanting to move too much as the blade hooks in the underwire. "Of course," you murmur. Your eyes are glued on the metal as it slides down your stomach to your hips, where he makes quick work of your shorts. A playful giggle escapes his lips upon seeing your underwear.
"You're soaked and it's barely been a minute," he teases as the knife toys with the edge of your underwear, hooking in the lace and quickly cutting upwards to snap the small bridges of fabric. It feels like ice against your warm skin. His free hand slides down your thighs to your cunt that's dripping through the fabric. His index finger slides over your slit. "Such pretty panties," he coos in a sickly sweet condescending tone, the blade sliding over your hip to the hip of the underwear. "Shame that they're hiding such a pretty cunt. Let me fix that," he purrs as he cuts the underwear off of you in one fell swoop.
He does the same thing with the other side, not even bothering to hear you complain about the price of it as his fingers are pushing into your cunt. You cry out, back arching as his index and middle effortlessly slide into you. "I don't even need to warm you up," he snickers, "your body is more than ready all on it's own." His fingers curl deeper into you as the knife traces your thighs, his grin becoming sleazier by the moment.
You roll your hips upwards to push him in deeper. Mouth hanging open, you moan for him, crying out for him to touch you some more. You can hear his breathing, the way your hearts pound in sync and feel burned by his gaze. Your cunt squeezes around his fingers as slick gushes between your legs and soaks the bed. "Fuck," you hiss, "Brian please-"
His fingers trace your walls as he chuckles. His eyes leave the sight of your weeping cunt before he carefully maneuvers the knife in his hands, taking a tea towel to wrap around the blade so he can hold it without injury. "Why don't you cum on this?" He muses, the handle of the knife being pressed against your clit. He pushes it just a bit harder and cackles at the way you moan, eyes fluttered shut and hands clawing the sheets in an effort to ground yourself from how he works you.
Brian presses the handle a little harder before swirling it. Slow, big circles on your pearl send the heat in your lower abdomen to a boil. "Aw, are you gonna cum that easily? I thought you were better than that, sweetheart." He tsks his tongue at you as the pressure on your clit grows harder. Damn him! He knows how to work you in all the right ways, your body mapped out to perfection in his head as he exploits your favored movements.
He taps the hilt of the knife against your clit as his fingers roughly pound into you. He's reveling in the sound of you mewling and begging for him. "Do it," he rasps, his cheeks tinged with the slightest shade of pink from how pretty you look, squirming and needy beneath him, "cum on my fingers. Show me how desperate you are."
Unable to keep the coil in your stomach together, you release it. Your mouth hangs open as you ground your hips against his fingers and the handle of the knife, cunt fluttering and squeezing tightly as your orgasm ripples throughout your body. You're cursing to the heavens as your vision spins and sputters. You can feel slick gushing from between your legs as he rolls another finger into you. "Oh gods," you shakily moan as you feel the handle of the knife rolling on your throbbing clit. Your legs are trembling and your whole body shaking.
Your flesh feels warm, far too warm as your heart rate begins to level out. Dazed, you look up to find Brian's eyes before feeling the cold sting on the blade on your heated flesh. It's once again hooked into the underwire of your bra before he snips it upwards.
"That was cute," he says in a teasing tone. "But I'm not done with you. Keep your legs spread."
A thick heat blankets your cheeks as you feel his knee between your legs, rubbing against your almost over stimulated cunt.
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mersei47 · 2 months
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reverse roles for (late) April fools!
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creepy-friday · 10 months
More Creepypasta Mansion Headcanons
Warnings: dark content,violence,
blood,mental illness and drugs mentions,suggestive content
if your room is close to Jeff or Ben,you're not getting any sleep.Both of them would play loud obnoxious music;Jeff would blast metal while the blonde would play hours of techno music while gaming sounds would be heard plus inappropriate loud sounds from whatever he's watching/playing/enjoying himself to
The calmest and safest times are during breakfast or when the others eat in general,everytime someone is in the kitchen they just do their own thing and leave
EJ doesn't need sleep,so if you happen to wander the hallways at night you might bump into him
Slenderman doesn't care about anything that doesn't directly affect him,he would actually be pissed if a resident would complain about something that he doesn't care about,that's why all the creeps can be unhinged at times
One violent fight has to happen at least once per month we all know the violent motherfuckers who start it and an argument has to happen at least once per day
If you're a shy and an empathetic person then your stay in the mansion can be hell,that's why you should stick with the ones who can make your life a little bearable
Even lone wolves like EJ and Bloody Painter don't stay alone for long periods of time.If you're isolated for a long period of time you might hear the static again..some say it's Slenderman who doesn't want his creeps to be alone because the eldritch might care about them,some say that it's because their loneliness can get into their quality of work and it would piss him off
Besides the blood and the desperation,most creeps keep themselves clean,but you might see some residents like Jeff who can wear the same pair of sweatpants for 7 days in a row
If you need money you can simply go to Ben,he will either order what you need for you or make himself useful and get you some cash,altough he is a little fuck and wants something in return even if it's HIS JOB to provide the residents what they need.Maybe a blowjob under the desk will do
Drugs are easy to obtain,even Nina has a bottle of something hidden inside her room,you just have to know what you want
One of the top unspoken rules between the residents is to never,in under any circumstances,never enter another creep's room without permision,the only keys that are provided are to proxies rooms.
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pitsazawr · 5 months
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silly guys team meeting!!
I like imagine that Alex and Brain's friendship is one where they constantly tease each other HHHH
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Brian: Toby, we’ll be back by 11:00! Don’t wait up for us!
Clock: 11:01
Toby: That’s it, they’re dead. I’m orphaned now. There is no hope left for me. I will spend my days begging through the street-
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
yo i want to see headcannons of any of the marble hornets or even ticci toby with a cottagecore fem s/o, how would they react with the way she styled herself? i mean.. they are a vicious ruthless monster and then here she is their s/o who is just love nature, 70s fashion, sweet and friendly like yk
Proxies with a cottagecore S/O 
Toby, Tim/Masky + Brian/Hoodie x Gender Neutral Reader (Separately) 
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons 
Content/Warnings: Toby’s section gets a bit suggestive because that’s how he is (small touches, staring, ogling, but it’s all light), a minuscule mention of blood, mostly fluff 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
Oooohhhh this boy 
Keep in mind, he’s about 19, 20 
Those horny teenager hormones are still coursing through him, and they aren’t leaving any time soon 
Seeing you in such cute little clothes gets him a liiiiittle worked up, he just can’t help it! 
If you’re wearing pants, he’s eyeing you up when you walk away, 100% 
If you’re wearing a skirt, don’t be surprised if his hands wander up your thighs 
He’ll stop if you tell him to of course, he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable! But if he knows he’s got the green light, you know what to expect 
He also loooooves that you love nature! He loves it too! 
Be prepared to pick all the leaves and sticks out of his hair when he comes back home after a long day/night 
And also wash the blood of off him (don’t be surprised if he asks you to join him in the shower) 
AND be prepared for him to bring back random bugs, frogs, and other small animals and try to convince you to let him keep them
(do not let him) 
He’ll definitely be bringing back random plants and berries to see if you can cook with them 
He’s really good at foraging, although he’d be significantly better if he could remember what’s edible and what’s not 
He’s got some brain damage and ADHD but he tries his best yk 
Just pat his head and tell him he’s done good 
He also may or may not sneak into your closet to try on your clothes every once in a while 
Masculine, feminine, androgynous, he doesn’t care! He likes your clothes! 
Overall he’s rather sweet, if a bit oblivious; you may have to teach him a few things, but he’ll learn for you! 
Tim grew up in an old farmhouse, he knows a lot about this sort of thing! 
In fact, your cottagecore aesthetic is borderline nostalgic for him, it really warms his heart in a way he’s waaaay too embarrassed to ever admit, even if he personally doesn’t partake in the lifestyle 
He’ll totally adjust fine to the cottagecore life 
He’s had his fair share of experience with cooking with whatever he can forage from the woods (and he actually knows what can and can’t be eaten), so he’s very helpful in the kitchen! 
He’s also a very skilled hunter, so he’s more than willing to bring back a fresh kill for you to cook 
He’ll skin it and do all the dirty work for you, that way your job is easy 
In return all you have to do cook him dinner while he’s in the shower washing off the smell, and he’ll be happy
He thinks your style is absolutely adorable, even if he won’t outright say it! 
That’s okay though, because you can see it in the way his eyes widen a bit when you come down the stairs all dressed up in the prettiest little outfit he could ever imagine 
He’ll pause and look down, exhaling the smoke from his cigarette before looking up and giving a brief compliment: 
“Lookin’ good, sweetheart.” 
He’s kinda emotionally constipated, but you’ll learn to read him 
If you craft, please give him homemade gifts! 
Baskets, wreaths, flower arrangements, whatever little cottagecore trinket you can conjure 
You’ll have his heart forever 
One of Tim’s favorite pastimes is whittling, so don’t he surprised if he leaves a little deer statue on your beside table as a thank you 
Tim isn’t high maintenance or hard to satisfy at all, he’s more than happy to share a quaint little cottage with you 
All he needs is a kiss on the cheek when he leaves for ‘work’ to keep him warm until he can hug you again 
Brian is probably the most well versed on internet aesthetics, and dare I say may even be a bit cottagecore himself! 
It’s a lot more subtle of course, but you can see it in the way he hoards potted plants and persistently makes sure the hummingbird feeder and bird bath are full 
He’s also the most invested in nature, if that makes sense; he knows a lot about the native flora and fauna of his area and will always point them out to you if you’re around 
It’s not unusual for you to catch him staring out the window at the birds 
He doesn’t really like to cook and he doesn’t forage since it’s not something that’s ever interested him, but he has a way with sewing! 
He collects patches for his bags and clothes, and he likes to alter and add to his own garments 
He’s phenomenal with patchwork and fixing up tears 
Never again will you have to be upset about a rip in your favorite dress or a split seam in your best pair of pants! 
Brian will have it fixed up like new in no time 
You won’t even be able to tell it was ever torn! 
Although he doesn’t forage, Brian always brings a bag with him to pick up any plants he hasn’t seen before or wants more of
If he particularly likes one he’ll uproot it and put it in a pot to keep in your cottage 
Soon half of your house will belong to the plants, but it’s okay because he makes sure they’re arranged cutely 
He cares just as much about the aesthetic as you do, don’t worry 
He definitely likes to match outfits too! 
If he’s ever in town and sees a piece of clothing he likes, he’s buying another (or at least the closest thing) for you too 
Be ready for many fashion shows, all while he compliments every single outfit (and you’d better do the same for him!)
When he’s home there will certainly be many calm, domestic nights filled with mundane couples activities and exhausting laughter 
He’s a romantic at heart, and nothing will ever change that 
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macabrelinguine · 1 year
Hello, If you feel comfortable, could you write for Jay, Masky/Tim, and Hoodie/Brian -separately- who has a ghost reader attached to them? They do the usual ghost stuff (ex: flickering lights on and off, slamming doors. etc.), and follow them everywhere all the time, but they also sing to them whenever they're stressed to make them feel better.
Writing this assuming they didn’t know the reader before they were a ghost
Jay - He’sjust pretty confused until he hears the singing. He knows he doesn’t hav a small animal knocking things over in his house, so what is it? When he gets extra stressed and you start singing to him, he’ll get a little clarity. He’s very smart but can be a dumbass, so leave him a note if you want to get noticed. Once he knows you’re there, he’ll say hi to you and ask your opinion on things, set up a form of communication.
Tim/Masky - Tim probably thinks he just forgot to take his meds. He’ll get a little weirded out if it continues when he’s SURE he took medicine that morning. He’ll deduce it after a while, and he’ll say hi. Masky won’t care. He’s just there to get his job done
Brian/Hoodie - Brian knows sooner than others because he sets up security cameras immediately when this happens. If he starts getting stressed and he hears you singing, he’s flattered. He’ll see if there’s a way to talk to you. Hoodie cares a bit more that Masky does, wanting to learn of your abilities, mostly in case he needs it later.
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mouschiwrites · 6 months
Creepypasta/MH - Going To Sleep With Them
Characters: Eyeless Jack, Jeff the Killer, Nina the Killer, Clockwork, Jane the Killer, Brian/Hoody, Tim/Masky
Eyeless Jack
He goes to sleep pretty early; he’s in bed no later than 8 PM
But he gets up in the middle of the night for… feeding purposes
He tries to be discreet, keeping a close eye on your sleeping form as he slips out of the sheets and out the window
He won’t kiss you goodbye, he really doesn’t want to disturb you
But he’ll gaze longingly at you right before he drops from the windowsill to the ground
When he comes back, he makes sure to wash up thoroughly before getting back in bed
If you don’t wake up at the sound of the shower running, you will when he crawls in next to you
He smells nice and clean, completely void of the irony tinge of blood
If he’s upset he won’t touch you, he’ll just curl up on the far edge of the bed, trying to make himself small and unnoticeable
He’ll squirm away from your touch if you try to comfort him
He just needs to feel alone for a while
But if he’s not upset, he’ll curl around you
He clings to you like a koala, pressing his cheek against you
He’s not very warm, but his skin is soft from showering
Plus, as mentioned earlier, he smells nice :)
Once settled, he won’t move until morning
Jeff the Killer
He has no sleep schedule
When he’s tired he’ll conk out on the bed, barely bothering to change clothes
He’ll take off his hoodie and maybe his jeans, but that’s about it
If you happen to be in bed at the same time, he’ll cuddle up to you
You better hope that he’s showered recently, because he doesn’t see sleeping as an “occasion” to shower for
He likes to have your head on his chest with his arm around you
The pressure comforts him
Plus it allows him to sprawl out a little, which he likes a lot
He isn’t the type to curl up when he sleeps, he goes full starfish if space allows
He also moves in his sleep
You might wake up to him smacking or kicking you, or even shoving you to the edge of the bed
It’s unintentional, but if you mention it to him he thinks it’s hilarious
He will get upset if you actually try to sleep somewhere else, though
Even if you’re not touching, knowing that you’re near helps Jeff feel peaceful while he sleeps
Fortunately he’s not a blanket hog, so at least you have the blanket to yourself
He can sleep blanketless even in the dead of winter
He might crawl under the covers at first, but he manages to wiggle out of them by the time he wakes up
Nina the Killer
She goes to bed whenever you do
But if she’s really tired, she goes to bed by herself, telling you that she’ll be waiting whenever you’re ready to join her
She loves to cuddle
She doesn’t care what position, she loves them all
Her favorites are the ones where she gets to wrap her arms around you though
Kind of like Jeff, she does move a lot in her sleep
But instead of pushing you away, she tries to get closer
She still might end up hitting you, but it’s in an attempt to hold you
If you mention it to her she’ll laugh, but she actually feels pretty bad
She’ll sadly say she understands if you want to sleep somewhere else :(
She has so many pairs of cute PJs and old T-shirts to sleep in
She usually tries to get ready before bed, but if she’s not in the mood she’ll just conk out in her clothes
At least she’s not stinky like Jeff though, she actually wears deodorant and sometimes perfume
You might wake up with makeup smeared on you/the pillows
She generally tries to go to bed around a set time, but if she’s busy she’ll stay up
You can’t coax her to bed if she’s busy, but she’ll gladly come if she��s not
She’s pretty chill when it comes to cuddling
She will if you want to, but she’s fine if you don’t
Unless she's had a nightmare, then she does prefer to cuddle
Or if she's not in the mood, then she'll flat-out refuse
She likes to be the big spoon when you do cuddle
She's pretty warm, which is always nice in the colder months
She's eerily still when she sleeps
It's almost like she dies for a few hours
Unfortunately that means that if you need to get up and you're cuddling, you are trapped
You'll have to wake her up if you want out
She'll just grunt and turn to the other side of the bed, then proceed with her stone-still slumber
Which means you won't be cuddling anymore when you get back :(
She always changes her clothes before she goes to sleep
Even if it's just a T-shirt, she makes an effort to sleep in different clothes than the ones she wore during the day
Jane the Killer
You can tell she's getting ready to go to bed when you hear her showering
She's a night shower person, and she always showers before she goes to bed
She'll change into nice PJs and climb into bed, smelling clean and feeling soft
Unless she has... plans... for the evening, she sticks to a specific bedtime
She likes to have you in bed with her, but she won't force you to adhere to her schedule
She isn't a huge fan of cuddling, she prefers to just know you're there
She might reach out and rest her hand on you during the night, just to reassure herself
She won't object if you decide to hold her hand
If she's out for the evening, she looks forward to coming home to you
She doesn't like to sleep during the day, so she'll just take however much time is left in the night to sleep in bed with you :)
Her favorite thing ever is to climb under the covers and see/hear you sleepily acknowledge her before drifting back off
It makes her feel seen and loved
Also, she always kisses your hand before she goes to sleep
No matter how tired or upset she is, she never forgets
He doesn't go to bed until very late at night
You're usually in bed before he is
But that's the way he likes it; he loves knowing that you're waiting for him whenever he's ready to sleep
He'll slip under the covers silently, wrapping himself around you and allowing your bodies to melt against each other
If you wake up while he does this, he'll apologize and kiss your cheek before telling you to go back to sleep
He usually changes into different clothes to sleep, but sometimes he forgets
You can always tell when he forgets; his clothes reek vaguely of earth and sweat
He doesn't move a whole lot in his sleep, but when he does move he'll try to keep physical contact with you
Sometimes he'll literally heave you over him so that you're on his other side and he can keep cuddling you
He's a pretty lonely guy, and he sees sleep as his solace
Having you to hold makes him feel like he's not really alone
If he wakes up in the middle of the night and you're gone, he'll get up and find you
Once he finds you he just waits, rubbing his eyes and yawning until you go back to bed
He does not sleep often
Or well
Sleeping next to him is both nice and a nuisance
For one, he tosses and turns constantly, and when he finally drifts off, he usually wakes with a start not even two hours later
He gets nightmares almost every night, which makes him anxious to fall asleep
You'll probably end up getting only a little more sleep than him
On the other hand, he does like to hold you
It calms his nerves when you're in his arms, so he'll hold you against him while he tries to get some rest
Sometimes he doesn't even try to sleep, he just stares into the darkness with you in his arms
He presses a kiss on the top of your head when his anxieties start to get to be too much
It's honestly more refreshing than sleep for him
But if he falls asleep while holding you, be prepared to be jumpscared when he suddenly sits up with a gasp
He'll apologize, but it won't sound all that sincere
He's more occupied trying to calm himself down
He doesn't bother to shower at night because he wakes up in a cold sweat too frequently, so he prefers to shower in the morning
He tries to change clothes before bed so that he doesn't smell too bad though
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Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed :) take care my sweethearts <33
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sketchyface · 2 years
So I’m about to go to sleep but I need to post this before I do. I’ll edit this post and add more context tomorrow when I wake up
I HC that when Brian became Hoody he developed Cotard’s Syndrome (also known as Cotard’a Delusion or Walking Corpse Syndrome)
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maggotfagg0t · 6 months
I think my crippling brainrot towards slenderverse series is the true slender sickness..
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