gayforminatozaki · 4 months
i hate all men and not even my brother is exempt from that. maybe he should learn to respect me again.
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ineffablydaydreaming · 8 months
Okay. I need to ramble.
Crowley's entire existence revolves around the apple, it's an event that's in constant repetition. Let me explain:
To humanity, he only had to give them the apple once. With humanity, neither the two hesitated: Crowley says it out loud, he doesn't get what's wrong with knowing the difference between good and evil (even though personally I don't interpret that as being the only thing the apple is about), so he didn't hesitate in creating the original sin, because he either didn't think it was a big deal, or because he thought it was important that humans gained that Knowledge and formed their own opinions and thoughts on the universe rather than being eternally naive, or both. And the humans didn't hesitate to grasp that knowledge either, because... Well, we're humans, you and I. I think we can probably relate.
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So as soon as he climbed that wall of Eden he was done, but just with humanity. When he re-encountered Aziraphale, the apple event started to repeat itself again. Over and over, throughout their entire 6000 years of being together, Crowley tried giving Aziraphale the apple, but differently from humanity, Aziraphale hesitated every single time and only took small pieces.
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Over and over, Crowley voices his thoughts on God's plan and God Herself. "You can't kill children! [...] But that's something one'd expect my side to do..." He also voices his thoughts on Heaven and Hell's way of working, especially the way they treat humans. "Our administrations don't care how things are done, they just want them done." "That only works if you start everyone off equal. You can't start someone off like that and expect them to do as well as someone born in a castle."
All of this is Crowley offering Aziraphale the apple. The apple is knowledge, it's the knowledge that you aren't the good guys. you are flawed. you are corrupt. they are brainwashing you. you're just a tool for them to meet their own goals. they don't care about you nor humanity, just keeping the status quo.
He's tempting him, constantly, with the knowledge, for him to finally realize the truth, and sometimes it works. The Beginning, The Deluge, A Companion to Owls, The Ressurectionist and Armageddon were all attempts Crowley made for Aziraphale to finally eat the apple. In The Beginning and in The Deluge it doesn't do much. You can see the doubt in his eyes and his voice, how he doesn't approve of what God wants to do but can't say it nor do anything about it.
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In A Companion to Owls, it's the first time he lies without lying by omission, instead directly lying to Gabriel. He looks at Crowley before he does it. He looks at Crowley, because they share empathy for humanity, for Job's children they refused to let die.
He looks at Crowley, and Crowley offers him a slice of the apple. And he bit it.
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In The Ressurectionist, it's not about Aziraphale going against his staff, it's him questioning the morals he was taught by Heaven. It isn't much in comparison... But you can see he regrets what he did and chooses to help Elspeth. The one who rebels is Crowley, who prevents her from dying and going to Hell, and it's implied he's tortured because of it (next flashback is him asking for Holy Water).
In this case, Crowley simply led him to the apple. Humanity offered it. He took another bite.
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In Armageddon, Crowley offers him the apple, saying that they can't just let the world end while watching it. Aziraphale hesitates, then bites it, agreeing to help raise Warlock. They realize they got the wrong boy and Crowley wants to give up, but Aziraphale doesn't give up, instead continues his search. Crowley offers him the apple, saying they need to kill the antichrist somehow, saying he won't do it because of his own morals while Aziraphale says he won't do it because of Heaven's reputation: he refuses to bite it. But only this time. After their two breakups, he's hopeful, he thinks he can fix things, he talks to Metatron. His hope vanishes.
He bites the apple, at last. It's why he doesn't hesitate trying to shoot Adam while he's in Tracy's body. It's why he tries to defend Adam saying Heaven and Hell might be going against the Ineffable Plan. It's why he tells Crowley to do something when Satan is coming. It's why he and Crowley swap bodies in order to survive. He eats the apple, he has the knowledge, and he doesn't give it up.
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He and Crowley always do what they think is right. I doubt I need to explain Season 2 in this post, do I? Entire season is Aziraphale evading Heaven and trying to find a solution to Gabriel's situation on his own. He bit the apple on the first episode before Crowley even showed up.
But then, why did Aziraphale give Adam and Eve the flaming sword if he didn't talk to Crowley beforehand? Wasn't that his own idea?
Well. Before the Beginning, I truly feel like that conversation about how the nebula will have to be shut down in 6000 years didn't just plant the seed of doubt on Crowley, it also did on Aziraphale. His was much tinier, quieter, he was still loyal to Heaven... Until he no longer could be. Until he saw an unarmed Adam and a pregnant Eve leaving the Garden to the outside world where everything was cold and deadly and out to get them. The seed of doubt tied its roots on Aziraphale's sympathy and kindness, for Crowley but, especially, for humanity. He's their guardian, after all. He couldn't just stand and watch.
Because, back then, in space, he had bit a tiny piece of the apple when Crowley, unintentionally, offered it to him. "You can't create an entire universe, run it for a couple thousand years, then stop!" He tasted it, even if just for a fraction, but then handed it away. "It's not up to us to make decisions for the Almighty." But the taste, the seed of doubt, was still there, lingering. So he gives away the flaming sword.
Their sympathy for humanity (and for each other; "I wouldn't want you to get in trouble!") is a trait they mutually share, and because they've both tasted the apple, they're willing to break their respective rules in order to stand for what they think is right. And we can see that Aziraphale's sympathy doesn't extend only to humans, he feels it for Gabriel when he says something terrible would happen if he didn't come to the bookshop.
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But Crowley wasn't the first person in the universe to offer someone the apple, you see.
This is the ironic part.
You see, Crowley offered the apple to Aziraphale, then to humanity, then tried, for thousands of years, to make Aziraphale eat the rest of it. But do you know who made Crowley eat the apple himself? Do you know who made Crowley receive the knowledge? Do you know who made Crowley differentiate fair from unfair, good from evil, bad from good? Do you know who made Crowley decide to disagree, to form his own thoughts, to express his unsatisfaction with God's plan?
Aziraphale started it -- he stated a fact, a knowledge, that Crowley disagreed with and thought was unfair and a bad idea. Crowley's Fall began right then and there with him voicing his concerns and losing his faith.
Aziraphale stated where the apple was and Crowley willingly picked it up and ate it, and now, Crowley is in a constant loop of offering the apple to Aziraphale himself.
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Crowley fell because he bit the apple before it was even called an apple. Aziraphale offered it to him without even knowing and now he's doomed to eat it too.
"I'm just a demon who goes along with Hell's plans as far as he can."
"You're just an angel who goes along with Heaven's plans as far as he can."
"But that sounds..." "Lonely? Yeah."
"We're on our side."
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bonefall · 6 months
while i do agree with the sentiment that bloodclan should be more nuanced as an entity i still believe it is wrong to portray them as the necessary "response" to clan injustice (haven't read the books in years but i am pretty sure that bloodclan started with no connection to the clans) / an opposition to the clan's flaws. some of the thing scourge did was out of selfishness and bloodclan isn't the other colour of the black and white debacle with the clans. the clans are heavily flawed yes, but it isn't realistic to completely say that their structure had no redeeming qualities altogether and that all outsider groups is fundamentally better than the clans.
all clans and groups are flawed in their own way and i believe we shouldnt brush past the things that other groups (the sisters and what they do with their toms *cough cough*) did solely to be able to degrade the clans and their culture.
Buddy, you're setting up a strawman. I promise you that if you look into the reduxes I've made of BloodClan, Guardians, The Sisters, and the Tribe, you will see that I don't make any of them a "flawless" alternative to Clan life.
Nor do I say that the Clans have no redeeming qualities. In fact, you can browse the "Clan Culture" tag to see the various expansions I've made to show how these traditions, values, and technological advances make Clan life so alluring.
The overarching theme of BB is that the nature of culture is change. For better AND for worse.
With respect, I think there's something insidious in the wording of "the things the other groups did." We're talking about fan responses to a work that consistently demonizes and degrades foreigners to make the Clans look like the "best way to live," justifying xenophobia. These are not real groups, they are writing choices.
In the franchise with some pretty extreme examples of misogyny, the authors said "What if bizarro world where women rule and have no men... woag..." and only includes a single Clan-alligned member of this culture, with a BAD opinion of them, who can't even do his diplomatic job because he HATES them so much.
In the same franchise that shows Fireheart getting bullied, facing prejudice, and fighting a murderous tyrant who publically executes a mixed-race character, their endgame villain is an outsider, like him, but this one IS a godless heathen who HATES love and friendship and banned families.
In the VERY same franchise which made its first non-malicious group barely able to get through an arc without needing to be saved by Clan cats, totally unable to defend themselves, framed as "whiny" for not wanting their clearly 'inferior' culture to be forcefully changed.
And I'm re-stating all this because, again, no offense to you in particular Anon, but I've been seeing a few people with a sentiment like yours lately. Complaints into a vacuum that don't make targeted critique of anyone's fanworks, gesturing at this broad "woobification" which is apparently out there somewhere over the rainbow, saying things like "well Scourge is selfish" or "well Moonlight abandoned her 13 year old" as if we haven't BEEN knew.
As if we're not all directly responding to these choices. As if I haven't written ESSAYS on this topic.
Since this was about BloodClan in particular though, and you admit you haven't read the books in years, please go back and actually read Rise of Scourge before trying to make critique of the ways fanon rewrites its origin. It's EXPLICITLY a response to the Clans, in the text, that the Erins wrote, it is canon that fanon is working with.
And you want people to take that out and approach it a different way... why? Because it's so incredulous to you that a nation forms in response to a threatening neighbor? That a common enemy through invasions is a way that people might choose to unite, and encourage their new culture to value brutality? Because you don't like the idea of Clan Culture's XENOPHOBIC BATTLE CULTURE affecting surrounding communities??
Could YOU, maybe, be doing this "woobification" thing I keep hearing about? Can I play this stupid game too? What's our stupid prize? Can it be a lollipop? Do we get stickers
TL;DR, ok.
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euryvices · 3 months
As someone who has never even touched ATLA (anime), and has only ever seen the movie, let me give you a list of reasons why i absolutely adored it :
aang is literally a kid in this one, like he's a child hero and golden boy, and god, doesn't your chest hurt a little from seeing all that youth pain and pain? don't you feel raw?
katara is a total badass. i know some of the anime fans don't like how she's different, but i look up to her so much and she's younger than me canonically. i would die for her. i esp like the fact that she saw jet, liked him, but the second she realised he was kind of a cult-leader she went fuck that shit im out
sokka being a playboy/summer-fling/taylor swift's james from the love triangle coded kinda guy makes so much sense. in the movie he was obsessed with one (1) girl and that never made sense to me. like okay bby pop off monogamous king??? but i definitely feel that sokka is not the kind of person (esp in this time of his life) to be a one-woman guy. also i want to see him get in trouble for it sorry idk
iroh is zuko's dad and none of y'all can convince me otherwise.
i am so obsessed with jet he's literally babygirl. sebastian ATE TF UP!!!!!!
the complexities of monk gyatso being a friend and sort of a parental figure. how aang brought out his childish side, and how life is so terribly aching and huge with grief. how it's palpable in every room. and how love is an intimate boyfriend to time's cruelty and god why can't we let there be tenderness? this isn't fair.
FLUFFY!!!!! BIG!!!!! DOG!!!!! I LOVE APPA!!!!!! HES SO CUTE!!!!!!
ozai is more despicable that any father ive read about or even my own. i wish him all the most terrible forms of daily death.
absolute brilliant fucking chad actors (sorry for using the f-word and c-word) they're absolute g's. i love every single one of them and their ability to act and their personalities and also THEY HAVE A BIG WATER BISON THAT LOOKS ADORABLE HOW ARE YOU NOT HAPPY (SORRY FOR USING THE B-WORD)??????
Rant being over, I respect y'alls opinions fr. I get that seeing somethings change or become different in a new iteration of your favorite work is tough. But let's remember the amount of effort and time it takes for these actors, sets and even storyboard artists to work on these things!!!! Life is so terribly short, why must you fill your time with dissatisfaction? Find the things you love about the new show!! Find the positives!!!
also azula is so luke castellan coded
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lassieposting · 9 months
So anyway, things I've been thinking about this morning: Garrus Vakarian probably likes foreign films
Turians are the Proud Soldier Race Guys. They have an incredibly rigid, collectivist, by-the-book kind of culture, where every single individual is obligated to spend a good chunk of their formative adolescent/young adult years in the military, where Turian Ideals are hammered into them. So they don't seem like they'd have a big media scene glorifying tropes which go against their general cultural values - specifically, in this case, an individual going outside standard procedures to Get Shit Done on their own terms.
And this is a trope that Garrus loves. When we first meet him, he's sick of being the Good Little C-Sec Cop who follows orders and gets swamped with red tape and can't get the bad guy because Procedure Says No. He clearly sees himself as/wants to be the cowboy cop, detective-gone-rogue type, and he's got a pretty romanticised idea of what that would look like in his head. Bless him.
But. He's learned about that trope from somewhere, and I can't really see it being his own people. Especially with a father like Castis, who's so staunchly exactly what's expected from a turian. He seems like the type who'd have strong opinions about what his kids are reading and watching and being influenced by, because while he obviously loves Garrus, he wants him to grow up to fit a certain mould. The Turian version of the wish-fulfilment vigilante flick is the Spectre Movie, but Garrus isn't allowed to watch those, because Castis doesn't approve of Spectres being Outside The Law.
So baby Garrus grows up lowkey feeling stifled by the way society works, and maybe that's a problem with him, so he gets his head down and does his best to be a Good Turian and make his dad proud, and then he gets his discharge papers and goes to work for C-Sec, and suddenly he's living on the Citadel by himself, and he's got free time nobody is telling him to do X or Y with. He's basically moved away from home for the first time - the Citadel is not Turian-controlled, it's a thriving multicultural melting pot with plenty of people living there who don't exactly conform to Turian standards, he's got colleagues with interests he's never even heard of, and he's gonna start seeing new things.
Human superhero films and cop movies with lots of explosions and no paperwork. Small-budget Batarian short films about victorious anti-Hegemony rebellions. Even his own people's Spectre films. Some kid selling drugs in the wards has a Batman comic in his confiscated backpack? Garrus borrows it to browse on his lunch break. Some Salarian ex-STG operative publishes a memoir? Garrus reads it on the shuttle to work. All these people who feel like he does.
Like. Give me Archangel who regularly spouts lines from Batman or X-Men or Krogan Thunder 3 (or whatever the fuck else he's been watching) as part of his Good Guy Victory Speeches, that makes at least one of his multispecies team who Knows That Franchise pull up short and go "Oh my god, you're a nerd."
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apomaro-mellow · 4 months
King&Prince 12
Right after breakfast, Steve went to the first part of his schedule, which turned out to be music practice. His actual duty was just corralling the more stubborn ones and making sure they went. After that, he was to be with Nancy. She brought him to her study, which seemed equally devoted to academic knowledge and weaponry.
"What exactly are your intentions here?", she asked, point blank as she sat behind her desk.
There was a chair, but Steve wasn't sure if he could sit. "I don't really have any. I just...I can't go home."
"Bullshit. Even if your dad is some kind of asshole, he wouldn't let his heir just sit and rot here." Nancy's eyes were as sharp as her tongue and it clashed with her soft face.
Steve looked away. "He doesn't give a damn about me. If I go back, I'll just be another prisoner. Maybe even worse off than I am here."
"I wouldn't be so sure." Nancy looked him up and down. "Even if you have the king's protection, there are plenty in this castle and out who see you as an enemy."
"Does that include you? You think I have a secret plan to assassinate King Edward?"
Nancy stood up and walked around her desk. "I know you couldn't lay a hand on him. My issue is having a royal from a nation we've been fighting against walking free around the people I love. People who don't know how to defend themselves." She stepped up until she was nearly toe-to-toe with Steve. This close, he could see how small she was, and yet that didn't diminish how intimidating she was.
"So let me say this one time. If you touch a single hair on their heads, you better hope that Eddie gets to your first. At least he'll make it quick."
Warned sufficiently, Steve was dismissed and the next thing he was tasked with doing was being extra help in the kitchen. Dustin's mother, Claudia, had him on vegetable peeling duty.
"My spells can do the trick most of the time but the potatoes I like to leave some of the skin on. And the enchantment either does it completely or not at all."
Steve's only experience in kitchens had been the food that came from them. He was never really involved in the process of making the meals. Which meant by the end of kitchen duty, he had a few cuts and scrapes on his hands.
"How are you so good with a sword but you nicked yourself peeling carrots?", Lucas asked, doing some warm up stretches.
"Two different skillsets", Steve said, doing some of his own stretching. "By the way, why do we have an audience now?"
Just outside of the training arena, sat Will and Max, looking far too interested in it for people not at all interested in combat. Steve had already asked if they wanted training too and they denied.
"We're just here for the show", Max said.
Done with stretching, Steve began to teach Lucas some basic forms. In his head, he was already thinking of matching Lucas with different weapons. Swordplay was always the go to but not everyone was meant for it. It was a good place to start though.
After that first session, he could already see the promise in him. And there was a spark to be better too, even when he fell or dropped his sword. Steve didn't know what was driving him, but it must be important.
Once that finished, they washed up and went down to the kitchens to meet up with the others for lunch. Mike had been late to the meal, barging through the doors in his excitement to give the news.
"You're not gonna believe this! Eddie's actually performing at the Sunrise Festival!"
"No way!", Dustin exclaimed.
"This is big", Will said.
"Do you think this is why he's making us take music lessons?", El asked.
At that, many of them groaned, the loudest of all being Dustin. He'd made it very clear his opinion on playing music. But it was also true that he appreciated it.
"I think it's great we'll get a chance to play with him", El said.
"Nothing's set in stone", Max said. "And Eddie's not going to let us play if we're not up to par with him."
"Is he really that good at playing music?", Steve asked, speaking up finally.
"He's like a musical genius", Lucas said.
"Like a god", Dustin seconded.
It was hard to imagine someone like the king playing an instrument. He couldn't imagine any one fitting him, he didn't seem musical at all. After lunch, his schedule was to basically be Robin's assistant and it turned out she was a jack of many trades. In addition to being the one teaching the kids music, she was also in charge of the library, and was taking the lead on some of the activities for the Sunrise Festival.
As far as Steve could tell, it was to celebrate the coming of spring, which was difficult to think that this place had after only hearing of it being a dark, desolate wasteland. But he saw the sun everyday and even got to feel some of its warmth on his face. He couldn't deny it anymore. At the end of the day, he had dinner with the king and his inner circle, which included Nancy, Jeff, Robin, and two others he hadn't met until now, Gareth, and Franklin.
"So", Eddie started as he sat down at the head of the table. "How was your day, little prince?"
"It was...busy... My schedule's pretty filled up." Steve was sure he had Nancy to thank for that.
"Get used to it", Nancy said.
Eddie grinned. "She's right. It only gets more busy from here. Mark your calendar, Harrington. The festival is in two weeks."
Part 14
Tag Team
@thesuninyaface @only-evanescent @snakeorsquid @ignoremyworld @theclichefortunecookie @goodolefashionedloverboi @just-a-tiny-void @0body0disphoria0 @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @samsoble @jamieweasley13 @y4r3luv @xtkxkrzrizir @un-knownperson @greekgeek24 @justdrugsformethanks @potato-of-the-lord @notaqueenakhaleesi @swimmingbirdrunningrock @queenie-ofthe-void @nebulainajar @lil-gremlin-things @nicememerino @robininblue @hornedqueenofhell @anne-bennett-cosplayer @moomkin77 @here4thetrama @bookworm0690 @autumncrocusandladybug
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oneatlatime · 3 months
Hiii!!! I’ve been binging through your blog for the past few weeks and I noticed how you talk about how Kataang(Katara x Aang) is portrayed in the show. Honestly yeah, I will admit I didn’t like it at first but now I just don’t really care for it. But I’d be interested hearing an in-depth opinion on the ship(unless you already did and I just never noticed or forgot 😭).
Another question, do you think you’re going to read the comics that came out the series? If you’re asking my opinion I’d say they’re a uuuh 7-8 out of 10 IG?
I do have thoughts on Kataang which I haven't shared yet. Part of me thinks I should wait to answer your ask until I've finished the series; it's obvious to me that these two are being set up to be the big finale couple, which means if I talk about them now I'm probably missing the pieces I need to have a full, well-rounded opinion. But you know what? I feel like talking about them now. So here goes.
Short answer: It peeves me that Aang comes from a culture that seemingly doesn't even have parents, yet he still manages to date his mother.
Long answer: they're both way too young. I'm a huge fan of letting the kids be kids for as long as possible. Especially with these kids, who have been prevented from being kids by the war. As Katara points out in the opening scene of the very first episode, she's been the mother since her own died (or at least she feels like she has had to be the mother). Call me crazy, but I'd rather Katara spend a few years after the war doing dumb childish stuff to recapture that lost childhood than jump straight into a relationship. Isn't the safety and space to do dumb childish stuff one of the things those who are trying to end the war are fighting for? Shouldn't she get to enjoy that? And Aang is just way too young no matter what way you look at it. He's 12 right? I think that would make him a grade 6 student. Back in my day (yells at cloud) Grade 6 students collected yugioh cards and feuded over who had the snazzier lunch box. I could picture a 12 year old having a crush on a slightly older girl that goes to the same school, but it would be short lived and unactionable. I guess Katara would be around 14? So, a grade 8 student. A grade 8 girl would not date a grade 6 boy. It would just never happen.
They've both got bigger fish to fry. Aang is the last Air Nomad AND the current Avatar. When he fully takes on both of those positions, what time will he have for a girlfriend? Katara is the only Southern Waterbender. Whether or not she wants the responsibility, it will be her duty to single-handedly reconstruct a huge portion of her nation's culture from the ground up once she returns south. Does she have the time to ping pong around the globe mothering her boyfriend as he rides giant animals or does Avatar stuff? Say she wants to: what will her family and the rest of her tribe think of the only person who can access such a huge part of their culture riding off into the sunset?
Their current relationship dynamic is still too mother/son. This is more obvious in season 1 than in season 2 (maybe that's growth?) but you can't depict a male/female pair as pieta and then expect me to ship. I think this could change somewhat, but I've already been disappointed in that. I thought that once Katara had mastered waterbending and therefore felt she had something other than mothering to contribute to the group, she would back off with the mothering. And she did, a little, but not enough for my tastes. Maybe as Aang fully steps into the Avatar role and the last Air Nomad role (sidenote: no idea what the latter would look like) he'll move on to a more equal relationship with Katara.
I think Katara is meant for better things than rebirthing a nation. Bending seems to be at least somewhat genetic. So if Aang wants Airbending in any form to survive after his death, he's going to need a billion kids. While I could definitely see Katara wanting children, I don't see her as the barefoot pregnant type.
I'm not convinced that Aang has a clear picture of Katara. She has flaws, which is good! Does Aang see them?
I get the feeling that, while they are helping each others' skills grow as they travel the globe, they are also preventing each others' personalities from growing. As long as Aang is around, Katara has someone to mother. As long as Katara is around, Aang has someone who prevents him from feeling the full weight of his responsibilities. Again, this is worse in season 1, but how often did Katara deny that Aang was to blame for something that was at least somewhat his fault? Aang will never become a fully rounded person until he can look at his flaws and mistakes dead on and say "my bad" without a Katara in the background going "no you're perfect!" Katara deserves to find out what kind of person she is outside of a nurturing role. Quick thought experiment: what if you pair Katara with someone who needs no nurturing, or better yet, nurtures her? And what if you pair Aang with someone as bluntly truthful as Toph? Katara and Aang might find both of those situations uncomfortable at first, but I think it would contribute to their growth.
Aang having a crush on an oblivious Katara would be a great single season arc. I think it would fit both of their characters well, and I think Aang growing past latching on to the first person he saw after the iceberg would be a good way to show that he's rooting himself in his time-displaced present, and fully committing to ending the war. And don't get me wrong, I love Aang and Katara both as a fighting team and as friends.
These kids are all fighting a war, and all kids. I don't mind the supporting characters having romances, because it's not like Sokka or Suki can end the war, no matter how hard they try/might want to. But I'm a big believer in doing one thing at a time, and I think if you're the only person in the whole world who can end a war, then ending the war should take precedence over dating. I'm aware that that's an unrealistic expectation and out of step with the show's theme of balance. In the real world, birth rates skyrocket during war time because people live for the moment and grab happiness (read boinking) wherever they see it. But both these kids are pre-boinking age so I'm going to be a cranky old fart about it.
Being the wife of the Avatar is a position that will often come with being relegated to second place, especially with the amount of work that undoing a century of war will take. Although she works well in a team, Katara is a naturally dominant personality. Katara did enough of putting herself in second place before the series started. I think Katara could very easily fall into the pattern of subjugating her own needs and desires and putting her husband's first, but I don't want that to happen. And one way to prevent that from happening is to prevent her from dating the single most politically important person in the universe. (To be clear, Aang would never deliberately squish a wife like that, I just think the workload of being Avatar and last air nomad would cause that to happen)
A lot of my objections to this pairing are very adult objections. I don't know what I would have thought about this pairing when I was the age of the show's target audience. It undoubtedly would have bothered me less, although I probably would have been put off by how twee it is. As an adult, all I can see are babies playing house.
As for the comics, I hadn't made any concrete plans to read them. I don't know where I'd get access to them. I'm not sure how canonical they are. I guess I should probably decide whether or not I want to read them after I've finished the whole series. I've been told that my girl Jin appears in one of them, so I definitely have some interest. I have also had the Avatar Kyoshi novels strenuously recommended to me. But so much of Avatar's charm, to me, is in the medium. And while comics are closer to animation than books are, they're still static. Avatar does movement so well.
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anxiousdreamcore · 13 days
I saw that recent post you made writing out how you view all the Avatar characters, and in it, you mentioned that your opinion of the characters has changed a lot in the past year and a half (I can't believe it's been that long since ATWOW!)
So how did your opinion of the characters change and why? Who changed the most radically? I'd love to hear your thought process!
Warning: yapping ahead
My opinion changed as I began consuming content from different people in the fanbase, as I sadly started out my journey relegated to mostly the recom side of the fandom.
A very specific vision I’ve formed was one of him and Neytiri. Two individuals forced to be close by circumstance, and not necessarily liking each other but they’re known each other for so long that they know each other, you know? The way I see it, they can’t pretend to be strangers, and their argument in the high ground comics, which is the only time any of the children oppose Neytiri makes me think that this is the dynamic going on between them.
Being a Spider fan outside of the recom space was a horrible experience for many of my mutuals, and I heard from more than one person that just liking the character earned them death threats, so I kept to the only space where he was actually liked, which uh…may or may not have been a bit of an echo chamber.
First months after ATWOW came out the opinions were extremely polarising and there was little depth to go around. I realised later on though, I didn’t have to pick a side and didn’t have to force myself to forgive Quaritch, because I never wanted to. I didn’t have to see him as either a 🥺baby gworl🥺 or an emotionless monstrosity.
As I said before, the essays made by Quaritch fans sold me at first. They seemed to provide a lot of proof and I was on board with the identity crisis theory, but as time went on I believed it less and less. Looking at the movie with fresh eyes months later, I formed and opinion of my own and that is — That recom Quaritch is an amalgamation of his past self and the Na’vi instincts/perspective of his new body. He’s a fucked up soup that is, in a way, different than his human predecessor but not different enough to be considered a wholly separate creature. If human Quaritch was a dying garden then recom Quaritch is that same garden decayed to the core, with one single flower emerging amongst the rot, not yet consumed by it. (That flower being his fatherhood obv)
I went from seeing him as a man perhaps capable of redemption and seeing value in Pandora, to a man who, while not enjoying it per ce, obviously doesn’t give much of a damn about the moon or its habitat or its many cultures. All that matters to Quaritch is that these things matter to his son, so he’ll entertain them and go easy on the destruction, just for him. He doesn’t yet accept Pandora, not fully, but he accepts that Spider does so.
The way I began to see it, Socorro is somewhat his only functioning organ. A breathing lung in an otherwise dead body. Miles hasn’t felt anything but manic happiness and rage for as long as we knew him on screen, and that only changed when he stood in the boy’s presence, constantly challenged by him, and brought out of his comfort zone over and over again. He needs him to be remotely alive and likeable to the audience. He needs him to be something more than a chained army dog.
That brings me to my next point; my other big change in perspective was one of his dynamic with Spider. The more I analysed the franchise the more I came to conclusion that Miles is just an unbearable softie for him, and it was really the deleted scenes and the fact that Spider has a new bow in the ikran taming scene that sold me. He not just likes Spider, he loves him, to death. His sacrifices might not seem sufficient, but for his character, they‘re very much drastic, as Miles is traditionally not a loving person.
Quaritch is canonically a traitor to the RDA because he jeopardised his mission three times in a row, all for a single child. His inner father and colonel are constantly fighting each other, as he knows what he should be focusing on, but can’t resist being a father; having priorities of his own. He was an old fool who thought he could have his cake and eat it too; make Spider safe and happy and be a colonel at the same time, but in the end he made up his mind on what matters more, and it’s Spider. The way I see it now is; Quaritch is only truly loyal to Spider. He can hate it, but he can’t run from it.
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wifetomegatron · 7 months
this is a half-baked drabble and if i wasn't so burnout from university i would actually have the strength to write something of substance on the topic. but just imagine the lost light having a temporary replacement for the human liaison — who is on a much-needed shore leave — and its the teenage girl they (the liason) have mentored back on earth (considering that there is an academy/institution to train members diplomats working on behalf of the council of worlds ).
clever, overachieving and uptight she had just turned twenty and is currently the youngest intergalactic diplomat from earth. and the council decided to put her under the care of rodimus and co. can you even imagine the chaos?
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on the first day, the captain had backflipped into the bridge to kick start her orientation, not expecting the girl to look at him with a brow raised: unimpressed if not appalled by the lack of professionalism. his disappointment was enough to make half the ship erupt in laughter, and ever since then, it had become rodimus' mission to win her over. ( it was also the day the influx of betting began.)
megatron was somewhat impressed at her passivity towards him —her courage borders closer to disinterest, the same way she regards everything outside of her work — if not a little insulted. she doesn't seem to care if she was talking to the mech who wanted to blow up her planet only half a decade ago. as long as he signs the forms to gainher to access the ship's database, he was just another walking, talking authorisation code.
the common opinion was that minimus would be pleased by her diligent work ethic if he wasn't somewhat concerned, and that was rare, coming from him — he sees a lot of himself in her. in a way, she wore her own magnus armor: the cold, serious exterior was evidently a way for her to hide the crippling fear of never being able to measure up. (she fumbles her fingers together in worry and taps her feet against the tables when she thinks no one is looking.)
confident and very much vain, she would always get into heated debates with perceptor. brainstorm enjoys the challenge, finding it amusing how she always ends up storming out of the lab with both arms crossed. the ambitious, know-it-all would always find a way to stubbornly have the final word, even if it meant dragging the argument for weeks on end. which was the birth of the iconic three-month debate that only ended because megatron had to intervene. 
the first ones to truly see her, beneath the cracks and past her line of defenses, were the medics. ratchet knows deep down, underneath the pompous, snobby exterior, she's just afraid. she's afraid of the responsibility shoved into her arms and the burden of representing an entire planet. velocity is in charge of her monthly checkups and she strongly advises against the levels of paracetamol she's taking: knowing that the only solution against the ever-present migraines was for her to unclench her jaws and stop working. and yet the girl is always hunched over the table, typing, writing, studying — first aid doesn't have the slightest clue about coffee and its significance on the human body other than that it keeps them awake. but he knows drinking over five cups a day can't possibly be healthy. 
her prodigious intellect had unknowingly dragged in the interest of prowl — who, for his own opportunistic goals — had offered to mentor her before her arrival aboard the ship. the former autobot prosecutor had used his title during megatron's title to declare himself sufficiently reliable in teaching cybertronian law to her, claiming to be more dependable than even minimus. they had handed her away to him too quickly, without ever remembering that this was the same ruthless mech whose borderline-cruel reputation proceeded him. and so when he called her incompetent over the phone for a single, silly typo, she had burst into tears. pushing past the med bay doors to cry above ratchet's servos.
she cried and cried and cried, and suddenly everyone remembers the fact that she is a child — no more than twenty, which is barely half a lifespan and less than a minute for these titans — held together by the expensive frills of her clothes to hide that they were the only thing holding her together. without her facade, she is lonely and empty, drained to the bone even if the tears don't stop.
ever since then, rodimus had switched his goals up a little, trading it for the ingenious plan to give her the big, stress-free, holiday she'd been too afraid to even dream about. they go on leave for strange, exotic new planets where she can play poker with brainstorm and perceptor instead of arguing about who's smarter. where nautica and riptide help her learn how to surf — the brainiac had mastered it in less than an hour and rodimus being jealous was an understatement. he ignored ratchet's remark on how he was even too heavy to stay afloat on water to begin with. chromedome and rewind takes turn in blocking prowl's attempts at calling her when she's relaxing, going as far as to even 'accidentally' toss the her phone out of airlock. she wasn't very pleased by swerve is doing an excellent job at distracting her with his jokes. even cyclonus was part of the plan, going as far as to teach her how to meditate.
it was working : velocity announces that her weight was back to normal. she starts to laugh more, no longer bothered by the loudness of her joy. the colour returning to her cheeks.
movie nights with tailgate became a weekly routine, and now and then, bots would bend down to ask the tiny human if she had drank water, stretched, or even slept. flustered by the oncoming attention, she was almost overwhelmed when whirl had appeared in the hallways to chase her down with her waterbottle — yelling about how she still had to finish it before the day ended. 
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arcanavoid · 11 months
About Julian
In my post About Dorian I mentioned how people in the fandom typically reduce the M6 into one or two personality traits. I’ll be talking about Julian today and the fandom's treatment of him!
I'm going to try and keep this factual and not opinionated, nothing like “he should only be like this” and more like “this is what he is in game, but people show him like this” 
It's gonna be a long post so if you don't want to get into the topic, or don't feel like reading something long then go ahead and scroll by! I don't mind! 
And if you want to make this a civilized discussion then i don't mind talking and hearing others points out either!
So let's go!
Julian is a Doctor who went to Parka to learn medicine and got most of his experience on battle fields while he apprenticed under Nazali. He started up his own clinic in Vesuvia and ended up being hired by the palace to work on the red plague cure, eventually treating Lucio himself. 
After the apprentice died he was stricken with grief, eventually he had an affair with Asra but it didn’t exactly last. He soon found a cure in the form of killing Lucio through sickly hallucinations of the hanged man. 
Julian is a smart man, who often blames himself for things that were not his fault, even putting himself at risk with no evidence simply to save others or because he feels guilty. He loves people with his whole being and yet doesn't trust himself to be around them as he thinks he’ll hurt them with again no evidence. 
So tell me why most of the Arcana fandom will portray him as, for lack of a better word, idiotic and whoreish. 
I know Nyx Hydra poked fun at Julian a few times, mentioning that he likes to use leeches or make him kinky, but that is simply not his whole personality.
Yes, he can be flustered easily, and easy to arouse, and a masochist. But he is also lovey dovey, and soft and mushy and loves with his whole heart not just his dick.
And he literally went to school, i know its a big joke that he simply doesn't know what a medical school is but he literally went to one… and even if he didnt and there's no evidence of that he was at least mentored by Nazali who definitely did go to school. 
Now again i'm not saying he can't be horny, oh on the contrary he is horny, for someone he loves, not just a stranger. And by all means he's not the smartest man in the world, he actively struggles to comprehend magic and the Arcana realms but that's because he is smart with science and medicine! 
And yes you can write porn without plot with him, he doesn't have to show off his undying love in every single thing he's in. and yes you can make him marvel and question magic and still show his smarts in reality. He literally tries to use logic in the tower's realm and figures out that the realm is looped by testing out his hypothesis. 
All I'm saying is that a lot of people reduce his character when he really is rich in personality, and hopefully this will help bring some light as to what his character might look like more fleshed out. 
Another point I want to touch, is Julian as a background or side character. I’ve written a fanfic that was focused on my Mc, Asra, my friends Mc, and Julian. But my friends Mc and julian were supporting cast, so Julian wasn’t as fleshed out as Asra, but i didn’t reduce him to only horny or kinda dumb whenever he was “on screen” his traits just didn’t show as much as it would if he was a main character.
So what should we take away from this? 
Well, Julian can be horny and isn't the smartest man in the world, but he is much more than that! He's loving and cares so much about the people close to him, he's smart and doesn’t know much about magic but is willing to try and figure it out with the knowledge he has. He gives his whole self to someone, his heart and body. And he does not need to constantly show these traits in depth especially if he's mostly a side character in someone's story. 
Julian is a lovely character, and I would love to do an analysis of him after I re-do his route, but I think this is good enough for now.
Of course you can all do what you'd like with him, but when it becomes prevalent that the fandom is mostly thinking of him in a reduced state it becomes a little saddening, and it's good to remind ourselves that he's not all horny and unknowing! 
Feel free to give your reasoning for making him more horny, since i’ll be honest i don't think as many people think they’re dumbing him down. If anything I think Lucio might be dumbed down more, but I definitely notice the dumbing down of Julian too.
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sincerely-sofie · 28 days
Chapter 8 of Sofie Plays "Slay the Princess": The Hero and the Princess (Round 3) + The Damsel
This is a love story, but it's a love story that I wrote at thirteen during my Warrior Cats phase.
[ Beginning ] - [ Previous Part ] - [ Next Part ]
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... Hopefully she doesn't mind the flesh rotting off of my avian visage?
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This run is going exactly like the one where I was forced to kill her by the Narrator--- I'm hoping I can change it by not alluding to her gnawing off her own limbs and just checking upstairs for a key.
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Interestingly, the option to slay the Princess is no longer available here. The run is a bit different, despite being very similar.
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I can't select any of the options. Am I stuck like this?
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Can I please chuck the blade away so that she can defend herself with it. Please. Pretty please. Narrator pleeeeeeeease---
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Huzzah! Okay new game title: Slay the Borb.
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... I didn't think that was actually going to be the route we took, but alright. Fair. Knowing the way the writing in this game has gone, she's going to miss anything vital and just make it hurt.
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This is probably the single game I hate having so many predictions about prove to be correct.
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Oh, shoot, it's a new chapter? I couldn't see through my tears.
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New party member: Now introducing the Voice of the Simp! ... Smitten. Voice of the Smitten. Yes. That's what I said.
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Mirror check! The Smitten is a dork. Moving on.
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Once again, I didn't take the knife. I really gotta see what happens when I enter the basement with it in hand.
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The Smitten ranting about how much he loves the Princess to the Narrator and Hero's utter dismay like:
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I don't have any comments to make on this exchange other than how hilarious it is and how relatable it feels for someone who's had hallucinations try to talk to real people in the past.
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The Hero was pulling out a squirt bottle for the Smitten two minutes ago, but the second the Princess calls him a hero he's competing for the Smitten's title. Peak character right there.
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The idea of the Princess having a sort of Narrator instructing her on how to behave and what actions to take / things to say is INSANE and a question I had the second the Narrator told me to go down into that first basement. The immediate deconfirmation is a little saddening, but the Smitten's comment makes me wonder if the one who has reality warping powers here isn't the Princess, but us.
Hear me out. The way we interact with the Princess in the first chapter of every loop seems to dictate what the next Princess will be. It's like our opinion of her shapes what she becomes. She savaged our player character in that very first interaction, and then in the next, she was a wild animal that swallowed us whole. In the chapter preceding the Stranger, we never entered the cabin in the first place. We never met. And when we finally did, she was a fractal of possibilities--- almost as if because we hadn't formed an opinion of her yet.
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GIRL HUH. Yeah no she's not real. This is a cardboard cut out with a speaker behind it.
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Hey wait her eyes look different. Am I crazy?
Yeah no a lot more than her eyes are different! The gal is having a crisis of identity that is represented by the art style and that is VERY COOL and also VERY DISTRESSING
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Chickened out and didn't press the issue of her having her own wants beyond leaving the cabin beyond a second question. I said that if she wants to leave, then we'll leave, and she was abruptly back to normal. Sweetie you need therapy.
The Smitten just said "We have each other. We don't need the world for our happy ending." and that COULD just be his mushy romanticism showing... but what if it's not?
Turns out the Narrator is the one who's been locking us in the basement 90% of the time, not the cabin itself, or the Princess. When we were locked in, I asked the Princess if she thought she could open the door, and said I believed in her when she asked if I thought she could.
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Ultra Princess I'm genuinely so thrilled to hear your terrifying ambience again this princess scares me infinitely more than the ones who gnaw off their arms or eat me please take her away ;w;
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Continuing this in the next post. Can't wait to take my next mirror selfie! I'm not scared whatsoever :,D
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Hello pinnieeee :DD, I'm currently disintegrating rn so how world the Icons deal with a sick queen? I have a stong feeling snake mommy will be the most calm (and probably most normal) about it, or she could also have a mental breakdown, who knows? 🤷‍♀️
I think you did an ask like this with the clergy sluts but I'm not sure if you did one with the big dicked/titted man/womanchildren
istg daddy-big-dick's gonna make our condition worse
[To be fair, I don't know if answered this for the Icons too, but I can't really find it, so I assume I didn't. Also, I hope you get better soon!]
Icons with a sick Queen
Vesper has to be reminded he can't quite literally fuck you out of illness. It's common sense that sharing lust with a concubus can help them survive harsh conditions, but you're only a human for now. Vesper forgets this, and tries to eat you out... Nevertheless, he may be severely misinformed, but he can drag a human doctor to Hell without trouble. They're staying in the manor until you're okay. Their payment is getting ravaged by imps. Vesper will sit next to you while you rest and possibly read for you. You have to tell him to stop anxiously bouncing his leg because it shakes the little bed you're in.
Zizz will be your personal bed. In fact, for most of the duration of your sickness, you're carried everywhere like a baby. You may have trouble sleeping because of pain/discomfort, so he'll be there to make sure you don't spend too much time agonizing awake, only to take care of basic needs. He's stressed enough to lose his own sleep balance, and it shows a little as he becomes sluggish in his work. He's calling several people, and conversing with you amidst your dreams, getting as many opinions as he can regarding your condition.
Rinx has brought ten bags of wildly different medicine types home, and he has no idea what to do. Do not let him load you with drugs. He just doesn't want you in such blatant misery, and he had to be sure he was getting the right stuff, so he got everything there was. He's curling around your laying form and worriedly asking if you're okay every single time you shift slightly. If you make him move away (probably, because demons are hot and you're likely overheated), he's going to whine about it. Rinx isn't above getting you high so you can feel better.
Kalymir is a disaster. Get up. Come on, get the fuck up, don't make that deflating balloon face at him, you look like a corpse (very flattering). He has good intentions, but he's the worst. He doesn't really like pills, so you're going to have to yell at him to get them. Don't ask- Scream. The King hates to see you so down and placid, so he'll taunt you in hopes of getting a rise out of you. A half-hearted "go fuck yourself" will suffice. Catch this fucker dumping the juiciest steak on your lap and demanding you eat. If you want a doctor (which is recommended with this hysterical fucker around), yell at Kalymir until he gives in.
Vorticia is, predictably, a touch calmer about this. Although, given humans are so frail, she's far from remotely secure in her ability to cure you. She worries that you'll perish at any moment, simply because surface-dwellers are that weak. Most of your time awake is definitely spent eating, if you can, a variety of soups and broths and every dish under the sun that's said to have healing properties. Other than that, the woman keeps you company, makes sure you're comfortable, and gives you things to entertain yourself with. She looks perfectly calm around you, but inside she's running a mile a minute. If you start losing your appetite (something possibly fatal for a glutton), she's going to really panic. Possibly drag an entire human medical team into Gluttony.
Cero is not waiting more than a day for you to overcome it on your own. If you're still sick, or worse, by day two, he's picking you up and forcing his way into a good enough hospital in the surface. He's not waiting in lines, or checking in, or bothering to present documents- He demands to see the best doctor in the premises, and if he's denied, he threatens to start impaling random people in the waiting rooms, by the minute. Everyone is sweating bullets throughout the duration of your stay, as Cero is always present to scrutinize everything each doctor and nurse does. When asked about it, he says you're overreacting about it and he's just there to be sure you won't make a scene.
Livius is, hilariously enough, in as shitty a mood as you are. He's an emotional sponge of a person, so he's going to be as uncomfortable and tired as you are. He's very worried, and less than composed about it, tearing up because humans are so weak. You're going to DIE. You're going to KEEL OVER AND DIE and he doesn't know what he's going to do- He might as well die too!! Please get this man a fucking breather or he will hyperventilate himself into a bed next to you. Your fate is almost entirely on your hands, as Livius will simply freeze and eerily wait for you to tell him what to do. He's very ominous and quiet when you're sick, it's as if his confidence vanishes in the blink of an eye, and he has this vacant look.
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lord-squiggletits · 2 months
Thinking about IDW Optimus again and the fandom's aversion to even acknowledging he exists bc he's a cop or whatever and like. Most of the time people literally just replace him in fic with some white bread knockoff archivist/librarian, not even bothering to keep in IDW OP's personality (which just bolsters my theory that the problem isn't him being a cop the problem is that he's too multifaceted but I digress).
And it's annoying because you could totally write IDW Optimus as not a cop while still keeping his canon personality. You just have to realize that the reason IDW OP became a cop in the first place is because his formative experiences when he was young shaped him to basically have two priorities: 1. To help people and 2. To do it by being on the ground actively doing something about the bad things happening to people.
IDW OP would not be a fucking librarian or archivist because even though those are noble pursuits that can help people and change the world, and Optimus is educated/smart enough for the profession, he wouldn't be satisfied just teaching people or spreading information about activism or social-historical studies or whatever. He's a mech of action: he needs to be doing things right now, in front of him, to people he sees/interacts with in his own eyes, improving society with concrete actions rather than indirect action or abstract inspiration.
So basically the alternate job ideas I can think of for IDW Optimus are something like being a firefighter (or any first responder really) or even whatever the equivalent would be to international charity organizations, those ones that send volunteers across the world to do stuff like build housing/infrastructure or distribute food or whatnot. I mean I can't imagine that the equivalents to these things would be exactly the same in IDW Cybertron, so you'd have to get a little creative with it, but these are just some ideas of jobs that would fit IDW Optimus' personality while still filling the niche of "not a cop" for people who are just that opposed to it.
Though I think the revulsion against coptimus is annoying in general tbh because IDW is already a continuity that rejects the idea of easily defined good/evil people or groups. It feels like people really want Optimus to be a good person in a very sanitized and academically approved way, so he has to be nice and squeaky clean but also like, a perfect leftist who knows theory and holds the most progressive opinions on every single issue....
There is no room for the idea that good people join bad institutions, there's no room for the idea that the reason people think cops are good guys who help people is bc of the government propaganda everything is saturated with. Hell there's even later issues of the Optimus Prime series by John Barber where Optimus like, MULTIPLE FUCKING TIMES, is shown in flashbacks grappling with the fact that he as a cop/Zeta's regime that he works for might not actually be improving society like they say they are, and dealing with the fact that he feels more like a lesser evil compared to the Decepticons (perhaps not "lesser" at all).
It's like there's this idea in fandom of like, fictional media and opinions on media having to strictly adhere to progressive ideals at all times. So people just go "cops bad, this character is a cop, therefore they suck" without being willing to engage with the idea of like. IDW OP is born wanting to fight injustice and protect people -> a good way to protect people is to fight the people who are hurting them and committing crimes -> surely following the law is a reliable moral code to guide him in this -> becomes a cop because he's been indoctrinated into a society (much like our own) where he was told that the state/the law exist to protect the people and being a cop means you get to fight bad guys that hurt people. There's really so many interesting concepts there that could be (and CANONICALLY IS) explored about how good, well-intentioned people can be led to harmful actions simply because they have been fed the idea that the things they're doing are good/helpful/noble. Which is especially important for a character like Optimus, I think, who has a cultural icon status as The Irrefutable and Perfect Good, so it's really important actually to use IDW Optimus as an example of how even the most noble people you know have held problematic beliefs or done bad things at some point in their life. You know, because no one is born perfect and ideologically pure, and in fact society is constructed in exactly a manner to make people drink the kool-aid and believe that the systems designed to hurt them/others are just a normal, if flawed, society.
I mean the writing in IDW literally has Optimus deal directly and indirectly with the harm he's done as a cop and how people don't/didn't trust him because of that. I don't know what the fuck else this fandom wants if the source material literally saying "OP realizes that cops suck and he hurt people and earned their disdain by doing the things he did" doesn't stop them from going EW cop bastard sucks and is the worst Optimus. Like the narrative barely stops short of outright saying ACAB and Optimus himself would agree with this sentiment.
At that point, the collective fandom beef with IDW OP isn't because he's a cop and the narrative didn't do enough to condemn that. The problem is literally just that people don't read and don't care
TLDR: Consider the fact that good people can do bad things sometimes especially when living from birth in a corrupt society that thoroughly disguises its vices/oppressive structures as completely normal parts of existence
#squiggposting#idw op love#like honestly just admit that you havent actually read his parts of the story#or that in a continuity of moral grayness you insist OP must be the one person who's perfectly good#bc idk Optimus is supposed to be good and perfect bc nostalgia/marketing/mythology says he should be#also i feel like theres evidence here of a very juvenile mindset of like#to be good a person has to have all the right beliefs and say it in all the right ways#which is the mindset only extremely insular or inexperienced ppl could possibly have lmao#heartbreaking i know but IRL there are very few people who are and always have been progressive and perfect#there are ppl within progressive mvmts that have unaddressed harmful beliefs outside of their Chosen Issue#there are people who wouldnt ID as progressive at all but are still good ppl who act well towards others#like if youve actually interacted with ppl IRL you understand that if you reject everyone who isnt Perfectly Progressive#youll have few if any allies and possibly alienate ppl who would help/ARE HELPING#like idk do you know how many ppl i personally know who i think have some bigoted/problematic beliefs#but im still friends or collaborators w them bc i understand that theyre still good ppl learning and growing#like. learn to understand that 'goodness' doesnt always look like a walking leftist textbook please i'm begging#and in fact sometimes stories. esp adult and mature ones. will present you w problematic ppl#and you have to like. grapple with their flaws and explore the tension between intention and consequences#a bit of a philosophy tangent rather than anything TF related which is why i kept it to the tags
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haihaihaitani · 23 days
5:56 PM ~ *Takashi Mitsuya*
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Summary: Takashi seems to have taken offense with all of the clothes in your possession. But it seems he has a trick up his sleeve when you tell him you have nothing to wear.
Pairing: Takashi Mitsuya X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff Drabble
Word Count: 773
Warning: Body image issues
"No, not that one either." You frowned as you looked down at the dress you were wearing.
"What's wrong with this one?"
Takashi glanced at you through the mirror with a small frown of distaste. "It's the wrong cut and the wrong color."
"I thought I looked just fine in this."
"I mean, you look absolutely beautiful in everything, but this dress just isn't it." He shook his head. "No, I'm sorry. I simply cannot have you go out in this dress. You have to have something else."
"Well..." You glanced at your closet and rubbed your arms. 
Every single formal dress you owned was taken out and strewn across your bedroom. You were trying to find the perfect outfit for this gala tonight and everything you tried that you owned wasn't right for your fashionista boyfriend. You didn't want to seem ungrateful; you really valued his opinion as he truly had an eye for fashion. But it was starting to feel like he didn't have a problem with the dresses, he had a problem with you.
He stopped drying his face and his frown deepened. "You don't have any more, do you?"
You shook your head. "Sorry. I don't. This was my last dress and it's from high school. I can barely fit in it."
"Hmm." He pursed his lips before handing you your robe. "Here, change into something comfortable. We'll figure this out, I promise."
"Not in time." You glanced at the clock as you slipped into the robe. "The gala starts at six, which is in four minutes. Neither of us are dressed and we still need to drive twenty minutes to get there."
"We can be fashionably late." He assured you.
"I don't think Mikey is going to like that."
"Frankly, Mikey can get the fuck over it. I want to make sure you look absolutely stunning tonight. I want heads to turn. I want your picture on the front of magazines." He explained before kissing your forehead. "Everyone in the entire world needs to see how beautiful you look."
"Are you sure?" The words slipped out before you could stop them. You sighed and pressed your forehead to his. "I know you're trying to help and I really appreciate it. But I can't help but worry it's not the clothes you have a problem with. I worry-"
"No. Stop." His words were soft but firm. He held your face and kissed your nose. "Don't even think what I know you're thinking. I don't feel that way at all. You really are perfect just the way you are. It's just sometimes the clothes we choose don't flatter our bodies. Nothing is wrong with that, I promise. And I wouldn't ask you to change a single thing about you. So please don't think I'm being critical of you and your body. I'm being critical of fashion designers who don't see your beauty the way I do."
You could feel the tears well in your eyes at his words. You took the moment to press your lips to his. You shouldn't have worried in the first place. Of course Takashi knew exactly what to say. He always knew what to say at the right time.
When he pulled away, he gave you a small smile. "I may have an ace up my sleeve, but you need to close your eyes."
You nodded and closed your eyes. You heard some rustling and it sounded like he left the room. You were about to crack your eye open when he scolded you, reminding you not to peek. You couldn't help but whine but kept your eyes closed. 
After a few minutes, you felt his hand on your face. "Alright. Open your eyes."
And when you did, your jaw dropped. "Oh my God, Takashi! It's beautiful!"
The dress before you was stunning, form fitting and bedazzled just right. It looked like a dress that came out of a fairytale. And it looked like he was giving it to you.
"This is for you. I will admit, I did have a selfish reason for telling you not to wear all of those dresses you own. I wanted you to wear one of my creations tonight. Is that alright?"
You nodded and threw your arms around him, hugging him tight. "It's more than alright! I'll be honored to wear one of your dresses! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"You're very welcome my darling." He kissed both of your cheeks. "Now, for your makeup, I was thinking-"
"Dearest, I love you, but don't even fucking start with me. I know more about makeup than you do."
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probablyhuntersmom · 1 year
Thinking out loud...I'm both relieved that Hunter wasn't singled out by The Collector to go through these horrors...yet ofc curious what it may've looked like.
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Nonetheless, his mind would be unleashing nightmares upon him even after Belos's death.
C-PTSD nightmares seem to have three flavours (going off my own experience..this isn't textbook or researched, as a disclaimer).
There are two kinds that have the theme of immediate danger.
First is the type where you yourself are being physically threatened. I don't want to choose the more graphic violent ones for this post but an example I can cite is being arrested and thrown into prison. Those got me on pretty high alert and idk, it was like this I guess:
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Second would be the ones where you can't save someone else. Those hurt and yes, they pack a nasty punch. I've only had this type once as far as I can remember. But poor Hunter would have it worse since Belos could literally puppet him to be the one to harm the best friend he loved most:
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The relational ones, though? That involve being blamed and/or abandoned, with no physical threats? Those are where you are in touch with the shame, which in a way makes it the worst of all three in my opinion. Because the deep sense of shame is the aspect of the condition which you can't reason your way out of using impersonal logic...in the way that you can e.g. come up with an escape plan or hold off an assailant.
The most memorable one was being in a dark room, almost entirely pitch black, seeing my 5 or 6-year-old self looking at me like this:
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and because you just know stuff in dreams, I knew she was demanding an answer from me, as to why I wasn't there for her to protect her.
And holy smokes this was freakier than the first two categories. Because I had no adrenaline in my system, and somehow this third kind of dream always takes place in narrow spaces where I can't sprint and run elsewhere. Brainnnn, whyyyy?? Therefore I couldn't even give myself an adrenaline rush from fleeing anyway if I wanted to. (Idk if anyone else experiences this?) The first two kinds always took place in wide spaces e.g. underground parking lots and forests.
A similar nightmare involved an abusive family member whom I was trapped on a small boat with, and I had to listen to him demean and minimize me all over again while I was stuck, and I somehow didn't make myself just jump off the boat to swim away.
This type of nightmare is the one that can get me upset for hours after I wake from them, while with the others I get out of the shock a lot quicker for some reason.
For Hunter...it would involve Belos, other Grimwalkers, his friends and others such as those he previously worked with in the Castle, blaming him and judging him in his nightmares. Worst is if Flapjack does the same to him and rejects him. And I apologize for this angsty train ride but...but...he might see those poor lost palismen all over again, since it points towards the profession we see him thriving in, during the epilogue sequence...:
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*drags this lost child to therapy sessions*
So yeah. The first two kinds are a more straightforward fit with how C-PTSD changes a person's neural networks and primes them to act relatively calmly in actual physical crises. The high price paid is, the person therefore struggles once things become safer (e.g. arguing with someone who is actually a safe presence), in some twisted unfair form of compensation. This is seen in how Hunter's triggers properly emerge once he's actually physically distanced from Belos: Labyrinth Runners and For the Future are the main examples.
It is painful and difficult, only becoming easier once the person has built a solid support network and can repair their own relationship with themselves.
In fact, my body sometimes feels as though I strangely want such a thrill e.g. riding in an ambulance all over again, a re-enactment of those times of high alert, because they are still more 'comfortable': rather than having no choice but to experience and accept that ingrained sense of shame, process it, and ride the wave instead of simply throwing a punch at it or evading it. Wanting that thrill is our equivalent of wanting a "fix", I guess.
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Safe to say, this is why the canon Watching and Dreaming moments that hit hardest are the (false) blaming statements that Luz's friends direct at her. Because the ultimate test is whether the dreamer believes those or not.
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L'amour de ma vie
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Fyodor x GN!reader
Genre: One shot, Fluff, Scenarios
Word Count: 0.9k
Brief Summary: Your darling takes you on a surprise holiday overseas <3
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You were very much in love with your dear boyfriend Fyodor, so you understood his goals and the means of accomplishing them. You knew splendidly how he was often preoccupied with criminal schemes, computer work, and such, which is why this unexpected vacation came to you as a total surprise.
   In one particularly uneventful day, you were laying upon your soft large bed when Fyodor walked in, stating he'd be taking you on a week-long trip to Paris. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he saw your eyes fill with a blissful sense of excitement. Without a single complaint, you packed your luggage alongside him and took off to France the very next morning.
   Now the two of you are strolling across the spacious halls of the Louver, frequently pausing to admire the works of art that stood before your gaze. You resumed your steps, only to cease them once more so you could comprehend the artistry of the following painting. The perfect date, one might say. Your eyes went over the detailed pieces, scanning each minor detail with utmost care and forming your own interpretation of the wonderful creation in front of you. The sensation of your partner's gentle touch of his hand on your lower waist was almost lost due to your unwavering concentration devoted to the exhibits alone.
   That was until his fingertips soothingly began dancing up along your spine, successfully giving every inch of your body goosebumps as he leaned to plant a small kiss behind your ear.
   "What's your opinion on this one, my dear?" he asks while whispering. With a question such as this one, he managed to open your mouth. You quickly went over your thoughts and personal understanding of the piece while he remained quiet, a grin on his face as he thoroughly enjoyed your enthusiasm.
   You entered different halls of the museum, accompanied by your lover, whose tender yet firm grip never left your body. The day went on, the conversation you led during your time at the museum varied from topic to topic and silence seldom instilled between the two of you.
   As the closing hour of the place got nearer and nearer, you two left the building, the cold night wind instantly hitting you. The taunting sound of Fyodor's chuckle was immediately registered by you as the cool air prompted your shivers. You turned to face your smug boyfriend who was staring down at you with a self-satisfied smirk.
   "Didn't I tell you you should bring a coat, my sweet?" he asked with a tinge of sadism in his gaze, watching you scoff while realizing you should've listened to your boyfriend.
   "I can handle a little wind, alright? Let's just get going," you replied with slight annoyance, sighing as you both advanced a few steps forward.
   Not even one forth from the walk back to the hotel, you unconsciously inched closer to Fyodor, seeking his warmth. Despite him already being quite close to you, as he had wrapped an arm around your shoulders, he could sense even the slightest action of yours.
   "All you have to do is to admit that I was right, my darling," his voice sounded slightly mocking, "Come on, you're neither unintelligent nor immature. I'm sure it wouldn't be so hard to simply say 'I'm sorry, Fyodor, you were correct and I should've listened to you'," he chuckled as his eyes bore holes into your head.
   A loud sigh erupted from your chest as you overcame your spite.
   "You were, in fact, right, my dear Fyodor!" you exclaim sarcastically.
   Your partner's chuckling increased as he quickly leaned in to peck your cheek before taking off his coat and lovingly wrapping it around your trembling figure. You can't help but smile at the gesture, despite his questionable antics that you've long got used to. Other than that, your walk back went peacefully.
   Arriving at your hotel room, you hummed, feeling the warmth of your room, a direct contrast from the weather outside. You took off your boyfriend's coat and hung it onto the clothing hanger. Fyodor smiled and put a hand onto your back, leading you toward the bed.
   "Did you enjoy our date, sweetheart?" he questions.
   "Oh, it was great. Truly wonderful," your words gradually morphed into a yawn. You began to strip, leaving yourself covered in your underwear and a tank top. Plopping onto the bed and stretching, you let yourself get lost in the comfort of the fluffy blanket as you lie on your back. Fyodor chuckles at you as he soon does the same. Positioning himself next to you, he wraps one arm around your waist and brings his second one around your back, pulling you closer to his chest as he looks into your eyes.
   You place a hand onto his cheek, bringing his face toward yours. Soon your lips collide into a tender kiss. His grasp on you tightens as your kiss deepens. Your hands roam around the curves of each other's bodies as your make-out progresses.
   "Mmm...~ I love you, Fedya..." you interrupt the moment with a soft hum.
   "I love you just as much," Fyodor replies as he pushes a strand of hair behind your ear and kisses your forehead, nose, chin, and finally lips.
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Thank you so much for reading! I hope you have enjoyed it, and I'm open to new requests for future fanfics <3
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