#750 notes
oncanvas · 5 months
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Sky and Water I, M. C. Escher, 1938
Woodcut on paper 43.9 x 43.9 cm (17 ¼ x 17 ¼ in.)
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minty-bunni · 2 years
Okay, but stuntman Danny making one hell of an entrance into the world of professional stunts.
He skips over all the "small" stuff and heads immediately into "a human has a 99% chance of death if they attempt this" type stunts. Either he goes the Hollywood stuntman route (safer but popularity could ensure a paycheck there) or grows his own fanbase (doing way wilder stunts) with videosharing sites and public stunts.
Either way he just straight up goes "normal humans can do that, but I'm a superpowered crime against nature so I'm going to show them how it is done" and then immediately makes use of immortality/quick healing/powers. Just shoves himself in a woodchipper and walks away fine.
The episode in ZLS when Tae literally falls to pieces and the other girls put her back together while hiding the fact they are all zombies from an audience? Yes, he does that kind of stuff.
People mistake him for being an illusionist or some sort of magician when stuff like that happens and his secret never gets revealed because who would think a guy flaunting his ability to survive stuff would actually be dead?
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writergirl719 · 4 months
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fighter-spirits · 8 months
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take it
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ywpd-translations · 7 months
Ride 750: Blue sky
(Thank you to @monkeyingaround for helping me with a couple of things in this chapter!! <3)
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Pag 1
1: Right?
2: 'morning!
Did you bring the thing we talked about yesterday?
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Pag 2
1: Summer is here
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Pag 3
1: Yeah
2: Look at the color of the sky!!
3: It's a crisp blue sky!!
Well, the color is sky blue, after all
4: Ka....!! You're seriously so narrow-minded! Your eyes are so narrow, too, and that's why you're not close with our kohai
My eyes have nothing to do with... huh!? The kouhai!?
Se... senpaii!! Teh
5: Huh?
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Pag 4
1: Rokudai!!
Naruko-san, Imaizumi-san
Good morning!!
Why are you greeting us with so much enthusiasm?
2: You have a huge bag as usual. What is it?
Thank you so much!!
Why are you thanking us!!
Oh, Kinaka is here too
Good morning!!
3: We collected
4: everyone's laundry at training camp, and now we're putting them to dry!!
Don's take it all on yourself!!
5: It's towels and t-shirts used at training camp that we don't know who they belong to!!
Ah yeah, but even so
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Pag 5
1: And the weather is nice, so putting them to dry is nice!!
You already finished drying the first round?
An extreme manager spirit!!
2: What about the other first years?
Ah, they haven't arrived yet, teh
They're not coming?
3: I'll kick them out
What a fast decision!!
4: Think about it again, please!!
Hmm, then let's kick out half of them
…. that's what I meant, Hotshot
5: Ah, uhm... by the way, uhm... what about Onoda-san?
Ah, he should be here soon
6: Ah, he's not a morning person?
….. no
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Pag 6
1: After training camp, Onoda-kun....
2: Fu fu fu
Ratatata, to the sun...
3: I want to go together... fu fu fu
5: Far
6: Far away..!
Fu fu
That student on the city bike i so fast!!
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Pag 7
2: Good morning, everyone...!!
3: He watched everything I recorded while we were at the training camp, and now he's here!!
All the anime!!
4: Look, he's gleaming!! That's the face he has when he's in a good mood because he watched a good anime and came to school while singing its theme song!!
5: Interesting... he watches anime, and... his face is gleaming....
You're taking notes about Onoda-kun's life?
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Pag 8
1: Ahh, I'm so happy that “Kawazanyou wa at shiro”, shortened in “Kawashiro”, really has good animation as the preview reviews had said
Oh, yeah?
Imaizumi-kun, will you watch it too?
I'll think about it
Think about it...!!
2: And the second part of “People of the dead”, “the bloody battle” was so scary but so good!
Oh, yeah?
3: You have never seen it, but Onoda-kun
4: He hums an anime song during races
5: And he becomes super fast!!
7: Th.... that's so cool...!!
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Pag 9
1: Now!!
2: Third years
Make up supplementary lessons for the members of the bicycles racing team that were away for trainig camp
3: It'll be boring like every year, but we'll get through it
Tch, supplementary lessons?!
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Pag 10
2: Apply this formula
3: Therefore, the value we're looking for is...
6: Go, Rokudai
For us, too
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Pag 11
2: Another three minutes
3: I can see a light!!
He's coming
4: Ohh!!
5: I wasn't expecting this, Furuya
Yeah, Murakami
6: The only one among us first years who could run the whole 1000km in this training camp in the time limit is-
Just a little bit more!
You're in time!
Press on the pedals one last time!
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Pag 12
1: The former manager and beginner, Rokudai Renta!!
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Pag 13
1: The only survivor
2: Two minutes before the time limit, 23:58, the first year Rokudai
3: completes the 1000km...
4: and is ranked
5: sixth
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Pag 14
1: You did it, Rokudai
2: Kinaka-kun!!
3: Thank you, Kinaka-kun.... I could have never done it if you hadn't been there, Kinaka-kun, teh....!!
You did it with your own strength
Guaaaa, thank youu....
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Pag 15
1: Cough cough
Are you alright!? Is it your throat, Kinaka-kun!?
You slammed your elbow into it
3: Alright now, let's gather around, give an ending ment, and then leave
4: Please make a firm ending speech, captain!!
5: Right... a speech... I have to say some wise saying.... wh- what should I do
Kakaka you can just say whatever you're feeling!!
6: Anyway, finally
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Pag 16
1 / 3: All six members who will fight in our last Inter High
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Pag 17
3: Are here!!
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Pag 18
1: Thank you so much!!
Thank you!!
2: I'm tired..
But you retired so early on
Yeah but the senpai's race was so intense
I know, right
3: Ahh... this year even just watching it from here made my heart rate increase
4: Yes!! It was an intense training camp!!
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Pag 19
1: We're counting on you, Rokudai
4: Oi.... Issa, wake up
5: The teacher looks incredibly angry!!
6: Huh? That daifuku is half the price!? Really, Naruko-san?
It's no use, he's sleep-talking!!
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Pag 20
1: Everyone worked really hard at the training camp
3: It's coming soon this year, the Inter High
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captainhysunstuff · 1 year
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11 more images below the cut:
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Light heads to meet L at the pick-up point for their date and is met with a surprise.  Another more frustrating surprise was finding out that Sayu had followed him.  She briefly meets “Hideki Ryuga,” and has her suspicions all but confirmed as far as she knows.  With the delay over, they drive off to officially begin the date.
Master List
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magmabloodrebuke · 4 days
fr tumblr ... i am growing mold spores. is there any chance anyone has one of these skins that they don't want anymore ..? i can pay the full price of 750g/ea; i do not have nearly enough to buy blueprints for even one of them right now :')
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(divinity by alphruss & gooseberry chewsticks by batfossil)
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au idea: college au bc why not, scar breaks up with grian to be with jimmy and jimmy breaks up with tango to be with scar. tango and grian are left to pick up the pieces and agree to fake date to piss of jim and scar, cue fake dating -> lovers slow burn with a healthy dose copious, insane-person amount of anger and how to deal with it
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dearestones · 11 months
1 prompt down!
14 more slots are still open! :D
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jaundicerat · 2 years
Hannibal is not a Cannibal AU
SO I'm getting back into Hannibal (NBC) again and had the thought "What if Hannibal wasn't the Ripper, but was still a total piece of shit?" and that thought spiraled into an AU concept.
The only other major changes I made was Will is a few years younger, Abigail was a child instead of a teen when the Shrike was active, and Hannibal and Will met through Alana when Will was in grad school. These changes are for convenience's sake more than anything.
Hannibal is still a malignant narcissist. 
He's extremely petty and engages in social sabotage to get back at people. Slights against him or his family more often than not lead to ostracization and losing one's career prospects. His emotions are large and loud, from burning hatred to obsession, but his reactions are cold and calculated.
He dresses well and attends galas, the opera, and art shows with his beautiful husband on his arm while he plays with his circle of sycophants like dolls. He dresses up his daughter in pretty dresses and scarves to cover the slash across her throat while people fawn over his lovely family, and what a doting father he is.
His only real bond is with Will. Abigail, to him, is an extension of Will rather than a separate person. Will belongs to him, and therefore she does too. She is a chip of control he uses to keep his husband content in their little family, and to not seek relationships outside the home.
Hannibal lords over Will's life, and Will doesn't seem to notice or care. They met through Alana Bloom when Will was still a shy graduate student, and Hannibal was a trauma surgeon. He saw a perfect partner in the young man almost 15 years his junior, and started manipulating their relationship to ensure that Will would remain chained to him.
Will is still a maladjusted empath.
He meets Hannibal through Alana, being her favorite charity project, and was quietly hostile at first, but drawn in by the fact that Hannibal was unreadable to him. Hannibal, the manipulative bastard he is, manages to worm his way into his life and implant himself in it. They met when Will was 23 and he was Will Lecter by 26.
He clings to his bonds with his family and dogs, and rejects everyone else, because he can see their untrustworthiness (sometimes with the "help" of Hannibal.) People are naturally drawn in by his sharp tongue and pretty face, but with a flash of his Cartier wedding ring or a glare from his burly, 6’ tall husband sends them packing. He enjoys that extra padding to send people away that he didn’t have the luxury of in college.
He quit working for the BAU after shooting Garrett Jacob Hobbs. He keeps his lecturing job, teaching trainees at Quantico to think like he does, but is steadfast in keeping Jack Crawford out of his classroom, lest another young adult gets traumatized or ruined by the job before they are even agents.
Abigail is his baby, something to protect and love, like her birth father and his own parents failed to do. He's constantly worried about her. She was placed with them after the GJH incident when she was 10 years old. He took the cocooning period very seriously, being a stay-at-home dad until she was 13.
Abigail is still traumatized to the point of apathy. 
Her first father tried to kill her (the gash across her throat is a constant reminder) and her new fathers are better, by a wide margin, but as she gets older she can see the cracks in the foundation of her parent’s marriage. Not that Hannibal would ever allow the exposure of those imperfections.
She was homeschooled by Will for 3 years, before being enrolled in a private school just before she turned 14. This should give her more than enough time to socialize with children her age, but she is so numbed by her trauma that maintaining friendships is difficult for her.
Will and her have bonded to each other in the wake of the traumatic shooting of GJH, leading to him micromanaging out of anxiety, and her people-pleasing. Hannibal doesn't love her, she knows that, but he buys her nice things, and makes her good food. He even puts on shows of affection for Will's approval.
They send her to Alana Bloom for therapy, where she mostly lies and flashes looks of sadness and grief for the doctor, and that she is oh-so-grateful to her fathers for taking her in. She was never a suspect, not really, being a little girl while the Shrike was active. However, she (like Will) is kept under a microscope by the psychiatric circles her fathers' brush up against in their work.
Other misc. things for this AU to make sense that don't fit in the character analysis part:
Jack Crawford’s sphere of control over Will is lessened by Hannibal being Will’s husband, rather than just an ally that Jack feels he can assert control over. That almost completely nullifies Jack’s manipulations to keep Will in the field after the Shrike case, coupled with the fact that they are granted custody of Abigail Hobbs.
Hannibal eventually became a psychiatrist for the same reason he gives in the show, lack of control over his patient’s mortality, even when his work is flawless.
Alana Bloom is the Lecter’s only “family friend.” Being Hannibal’s former protégé, Abigail’s therapist, and an advocate for Will’s wellbeing while working for the FBI, she is the only trusted person outside the family by the two men. Will trusts her with the safety of his only child, and Hannibal knows she won't interfere in his marriage.
The Chesapeake Ripper, and by extension the Copycat, is a nonentity. Without the Copycat showing Will what the Shrike was not, the whole case was a lot more taxing on him, further incentivizing his resignation.
Will still had encephalitis, which Hannibal caught and had treated quickly. It gave him ample opportunity to further appear as the brilliant physician and loving, caring husband.
They still have dogs, but they are 3 dogs raised from puppies instead of Will’s 7 strays. One is large and trained as a guard dog, while the other 2 are small terriers.
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deanncastiel · 1 year
i was going to go to this con and the radio co concert tomorrow (technically today) but i had so many tech issues buying the radio co tickets that i didn't end up getting any and so didn't go to the con and all this to say that i'm a little sad bc i kept thinking "oh this is the con i would have been at" but alas that is life
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oncanvas · 1 month
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Triumph of the Will - The Challenge, James Tissot, circa 1877
Oil on canvas 85 ¼ x 43 in. (216.5 x 109.3 cm)
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mercuriallily · 2 years
Please send me the ability to write competently for my university application I am suffering
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shepherdingthepie · 29 days
ok I know these posts are like bait but my neurodivergent ass really needs some motivation on this one
I’m currently closeted as a trans dude and im like sick of it but im really scared to come out
50 notes and I’ll come out to my trans friend
200 notes and I’ll come out to my whole (lgbtq) friend group
500 notes and I’ll come out to my friends who aren’t queer
750 notes and I’ll start using my real name and pronouns at school next year
3000 notes and I’ll come out to my parents who I’m like 75% sure support trans people
5000 notes and I’ll come out to my extended family
10000 notes and I’ll come out to my racist, homophobic, transphobic grandparents who live in Indiana(no hate against Indiana I just felt the need to specify)
Edit: I came out to my trans friend!! He took it really well and sent me a screen recording of him changing my contact name in his phone:)
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falling-raine · 3 months
might as well do this- uh no pressure to anyone who sees this btw
at 10 notes ill drink a glass of water
at 50 ill do some homework
at 75 ill clean my room
at 100 ill make sure to set up a selfcare app with everything i need to do and stick to it
at 250 ill work on my book plot
at 500 ill finish my takehome test
at 750 ill finish my presentation on why ppl should listen to tma
at 1k ill change my pronouns on discord to show my neos
at 2k ill share a fic i already wrote here but have been to scared to share
at 3k ill plan a fic
at 6k ill finish my animation
at 8k ill finish all my play list
at 10k ill try to fix my sleep schedual
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riseofthewerewolf · 10 days
One of these days, I'm gonna clean up this blog. You know what fuck it.
25 notes and this blog gets cleaned up a bit
50 and I clean my room
75 and I start on my projects
100 and I finish my VA demo reel
200 and I relearn how to cook
250 and I start eating healthier
500 and I get my license
750 and I start getting into a workout routine
1000 and I start saving for a big move
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