#(or someone that has no connection to anything zelda before this??)
ganondoodle · 6 months
so guess what they released more interviews and i think given what a writing shitshow totk was and what they have been saying in all these interviews is actually painting a really bad picture; i dont have the time, nor the energy to go over every detail
but they were commenting on people wanting the more linear format back and aonuma himself basically said that he thinks people who feel like that do so only bc of nostalgia and "Why do you want to go back to a type of game where you're more limited or more restricted in the types of things or ways you can play?"
what .. the fuck, more freedom DOESNT automatically mean better??? like ... restriction can be a GOOD thing just as tooo much freedom can be BAD?? like in totk??? are you fukcing shitting me- what the hell are games even for then, has he had an awakening to the fact that he actually just loves sandbox games without realizing it???? im not playing fucking zelda for a sandbox, especially not when its advertised as a somethign else
its pretty clear that they want to keep this format going with everything they say there, ... maybe it really is over huh
also i hate how they kept talking around answering anything about story/lore; they go asked how ganondorf even connects to ganon since theres nothign about it in game, and all they got out was welllll we dont wanna say anything bc its up to the player; about every question you got the answer of "make somethign up yourself" which is just ... its really clear they dont actually care but dont want to say everything is meaningless actually, so they try to be vague about it and with doing that really just confirm they didnt think about it and they dont care- so no lore actually matters, nothing thats been said or established has any meaning bc they will get rid of it the second it crosses paths with their new -more freedom equals better- philosophy, they say its bc they want you to be "free" to think up anything but apparently dont realize that when there are no rules, no consistent lore or anything that it ROBS it, it stops having meaning, its fun to connect dots only when there are rules you need to work with and dots to connect in the first place, when you have an established world with its restrictions it drives you to think more creatively about things- but when there are no rules?? its fucking boring!! thats what it is!!
when you discard all rules i wont care to get invested into anything bc i know it will not be considered again, be done away with without any reason and wont have influence on coming or previous games ... bc there are no rules, anything is possible and everything can be changed any second, so nothing matters
(they also talked about the many viral videos of those very few dedicated people that make godzilla mechs in totk and how happy they are about that- i get that to some extent, but the way they kept talkign about it really just felt like it confirmed my suspicion that that whole mechanic was mainly implemented to let people do that since that gets shared around en masse making it seem like that is why people enjoy it while neither the game nor the narrative are build around it in any way ..)
it just makes all the time i spend thinking, feeling and theorizing about zelda like a true waste of time, bc nothing matters and there are no rules-
i am someone who greatly enjoys working with and around established lore/rules, its fun to me to recontextulize things by being smart or creative with it all without breaking anything or as little as possible of the established things!
if i wanted to do just do anything i want I COULD HAVE ALREADY DONE THAT bc theres nothing actually stopping anyone to just make up what they want! i DONT need canon to lose all rules for that??!!
maybe ill have to make myself believe the franchise ended with botw on a good note ... ono
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ladyrijus · 1 year
Skyward Sword Zelda is such a tragic figure in my opinion. Just put yourself in her shoes and imagine this.
It's the best day of your life. Your dearest friend, dork that he is, has finally become a knight. It's what every kid on Skyloft works towards and he finally did it. You're so proud of him. When you fly together, you muster up the courage to tell him you love him.
You never get the chance.
Instead you're whisked away into a world you believed was left behind, and saved by a woman who declares that she is your guardian, chosen by you. You have never met her before. You didn't even know there were people like you who lived down here, in the Surface.
"You must purify yourself if you are to transcend time and hold the seal," the mysterious woman with the painted tear remarks as she shepherds you through strange destinations unlike anything your books have ever taught you, "it was your will." No matter how many times she tells you this, in every iteration the language could allow, it doesn't make sense. Why would a goddess need to turn human? What could you do, that she could not?
Where does divinity and humanity diverge?
A goddess is revered by her people who pray, in spite of her silence, for her benevolence and guidance. She is their unwavering stone, a higher power to rely on. But a girl? A girl is loved. She is someone tangible, a figure who people will see, and know, and care about, and fight for.
And that's when it clicks. Your friend isn't really your friend at all, but a hero, a pawn, who was intended to be used against an enemy of yours you no longer recognize.
You're using him. You've been using him all this time. It's sickening.
With each prayer, with each goddess damned spring you rush to, you are faced with your own marbled reflection, a testament to the fact your humanity is only a pretense, carefully timed to ensnare your friend into a hero's fate.
He doesn't seem to understand that though. He keeps running after you like the fool he is, hoping to save Zelda, his precious Zelda, that you no longer are. The smile you wear becomes harder to hold. You were Hylia first, and that is all you will ever be.
You play into the charade anyways. After all, Zelda was the reason why he went through his trials. To tell him now that she was gone would mean to destroy everything you had worked for. So you tell him everything he wants to hear: that you're your father's daughter, that you're his friend, that you're his Zelda.
And when you close your eyes, smiling from within the amber and ignoring the dull thuds of his fist against its surface, you wonder if you look anything like the statue you and your love had stood upon on the best day of your life.
"Maybe all of this is a dream," you wonder while drifting in between millennia. Time passes like the waterfalls in Skyloft, rapid, yet everlasting. Maybe you'd wake up in your bed in the Academy again. Your love would have been sleeping in (again) and everything would be how it used to be. You could be Zelda once more. And most importantly, Hylia would be nothing beyond a giant statue for you to ignore for the rest of your days.
... There's something to be said about how you fall again once you wake up.
"What kind of goddess am I," you think crudely, "to sever my own wings?"
But this time, your love is there to catch you. And he does. In that moment you pray, in your own name, he doesn't let you go.
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candy8448 · 7 months
I was thinking about the stakes in tears of the kingdom:
(A small analysis essay)
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(Ill be using words that will hopefully not out any spoilers)
In breath of the wild you had to defeat ganon, the stakes were that if you didn't defeat ganon in time zelda would be too weak to hold him any longer and the kingdom of hyrule will be doomed.
However in totk, there is nothing like that. There is no urgent stakes for defeating ganondorf. Everything is almost at a standstill, everything has been waiting since the begining of this Hyrule and there is no time limit for fighting ganondorf. In fact, ganondorf is kinda just waiting for link at the end.
And then i remembered, this game isn't about saving Hyrule, Hyrule is fine, everyone is actually kind of excited at these turn of events. There is no current evil they should be concerned of other than the gloom which is easily dodged.
This game is about finding and being with Zelda.
It's been that from the very start.
From the moment you wake up on the geat sky island you are given the objective to find zelda
Everyone who is close to you is asking where is zelda, you are told to investigate each region because zelda was spotted there, not because a great evil has arrived and they are in danger (even though that is also the case, zelda is still at the forefront of your concern)
It's only later in the game, once you have almost everything done that the goal becomes defeat ganondorf but even then, it is because you now know what happened wih zelda and need to make sure her efforts were worth it. Once you know that zelda's goals are to defeat ganondorf, that is when you join her in her goals rather than looking for her.
Even until the very last second of the end credits scene it is about getting to zelda, saving zelda, making sure zelda is okay, standing by zelda...
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Breath of the wild was about regaining your memories, doing what you can and gaining forces to aid in defeating ganon because that is what you are told to do by the king at the begining, a role told to someone who has no memories, no way to make a decision of what he wants to do. This is even so in the memories, he is a soldier that must do as he is told, no choices made by himself alone. The game is about rebuilding and defeating an evil before it can stop that healing. He, We are a slate that has no job to do other than save everybody in time.
In tears of the kingdom, we have those memories, we have those experiences, he has the connections and emotions to decide for himself what he wants, not a duty to the kingdom. He got to chose what is important to him and he got to put that front and center in his life, above duty, above a role, above anything else,
And he chose Zelda...
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breannasfluff · 1 month
Eldritch Memory - The End
To open his eyes is to relive a memory. Water draining away and a lid opening. Staring up at the glowing lights overhead, hazy as he tries to focus. The faint tug of divinity is like a string, stretching away to someone.
He is in the shrine. He knows nothing. He knows everything. He remembers….
He remembers…
Finally, he climbs out of the basin. At least he’s got clothes this time. As opposed to…yet the memory slips away. His slate is on the pedestal, and he picks it up. It’s muscle memory to tap at the screen and summon different clothes.
Then he pauses because…how did he know to do that? 
Time is repeating, circling, twisting in a loop. The air calls to him, caresses him. Home, it whispers. Part of us.
Shaking his head, he puts the slate on his belt clip and leaves the room. There’s no voice to guide him, but the sense remains. Get out. 
Down an overgrown hall, up some crumbling stairs. A halo of light beckons him on and then—he is outside. He doesn’t linger, just heads for the edge of the overlook.
Hyrule is laid out before him, oh so familiar. He knows this land. Yet he doesn’t know himself. 
He stands there for…well, long enough that the sun’s shifted before he turns to make his way down. There’s a multitude of things to explore, starting with the apple trees.
At some point, muscle memory has him taking the slate from his hip and tapping a glowing marker on the map. Then he dissolves into blue light.
Hateno, his mind supplies when he reappears. Unfortunately, it doesn’t give him anything else. Yet the familiarity here is stronger. Even better, the thread of divinity is so close it pulses, nearly visible. He follows it across the bridge and to a house.
The divinity is linked to a girl with blond hair, pulling weeds near the house. Both hands wrap around the stubborn plant and tug. It comes out and she falls back with an oomph. Then she looks up and sees him.
Link. Of course. That’s his name. How could he forget? And this is—is…
“Link? Is something wrong?”
Is it? “Who are you?”
There’s a sharpness to her gaze as she pulls herself up. Brushing her hands on her skirt, she walks over. “Link, what happened? You feel…different.” She reaches out and lays a hand on his arm.
There’s a spark—a connection—and a missing chunk slots into place. “Zelda.”
And not just Zelda, but the Calamity. The shrine. Waking up and fighting and saving the land. Living in Hateno and traveling. Being strange, yet being accepted by the land and its people.
And more recently—
Read the rest here!
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spaceless-vacuum · 1 year
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Fandom‧˚。゚・° 。✎ Legend of Zelda
Pairing‧˚。゚・° 。✎ Fierce Deity x reader
Word count‧˚。゚・° 。✎ 538
Summery‧˚。゚・° 。✎ I’ve decided to add my own thoughts on Fierce Deity and him with the reader.
Fierce is the type that needs a reader that's there for a few weeks before processing that they exist. Being trapped in a mask doesn't help his connection with mortals any. He doesn't register people unless they're there for a while first. It's partial uncaring cold demeanor and partial abandonment issues.
He is extremely attached to Time and as a result Link. Mostly just Time and Wind though. I feel like he has a soft spot for kids who like to get into trouble. Probably likes Wild as well but refuses to admit it because he's an adult and doesn't need Fierce to tell him he's competent enough.
He tells you he loves you when he's ready and not a moment sooner. Everyday he imagines what it's like to be beside you. He doesn't need flowers or a soft song to win him over Just the soft presence of your company.
He finds your small mistakes adorable and remarkable. He'll see you trip over your own shoes and think to himself how lucky he is to be beside you. Or when you mess up your cooking he'll laugh and giggle and wonder what that giggle meant.
He's not mean, just a bit tough and unable to connect well with others. Please don't take anything too seriously but don't be a pushover. Say sorry when you upset him but don't let yourself be walked on just because he's so big and tough.
He's so used to people fearing him that the moment he feels like he's done something wrong he shuts down and won't talk at all. He doesn't need a pep talk at that point he needs to be left alone until he can properly process his emotions.
When he's upset or angry he likes to find a task to do. Anything from a fight, training, helping set up camp, or even digging a hole. As long as he feels productive and appreciated he's happy to give it his all. especially if this task helps the group out.
Just don't demean him or laugh at him. I feel like he can be a bit sensitive when someone he cares about only likes him when he’s tough and gritty. The moment he feels silly he shuts down and this moment can be what makes or breaks the relationship. He needs someone who loves all of him and not just one part.           
Any person who can love the flipside earns a place in his heart. This is why he works so closely with Time. They truly understand each other with how expectations can be met and exceeded while still being fun. Just don't call him goofy. Silly can be tolerated if you're close enough already. Save it though he's more sensitive than he looks when it comes to those he loves.
He doesn't run from a fight but he will run from emotions. He doesn't show it but he doesn't get a lot of attention from people who want to love him for him. Sure people like strength and muscles but true love comes when they love all of them.
And the truth is he's a sucker for a happy ending. He's always imagined his true love to be that of a fairytale. Fair and kind and sweet and someone who needs a talented knight to come save them. He doesn't know what or who he's looking for but he will find his angel one day.
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*grips your shoulders* I cannot stress enough how much I need Rauru/Reader/Sonia polyamory headcanons. Pleeeeeaaaassseeee.
(SFW and NSFW if you would be so kind!)
To me, when it comes to Rauru/Reader/Sonia polyam content, the most interesting scenario/AU to explore would be where the reader is the one sent to the past instead of Zelda, and they inadvertently alter the timeline in such a drastic way that it pulls an Age of Calamity and the series of events leading to BotW/TotK never happen in the first place.
Perhaps Ganon’s war against the fledgling Hyrule is less severe, or perhaps Rauru and Sonia are warned and prepared by the reader’s existing knowledge to let him get too powerful in the first place. Maybe the reader has divine powers themselves in some form?
I’ll make the Ganon redemption I want to see in the world.
Regardless, the reader is sent back to the age of the first king and queen of Hyrule, and is then faced with the challenge of changing the flow of time and fate itself. Lots of interesting concepts to explore within that! But of course you asked for headcanons, so let me offer some with that rambling preface out of the way:
The relationship develops a bit jarringly at first between yourself and the Hyrule royals, jumping from awkward strangers to sweet confidants, and then to abrupt lovers without much warning. Part of this is due to the frantic response you have from being plucked straight out of your own timeline and they being the only ones who know about the truth, but it’s also in part to the fact that there is a strange sort of connection the three of you share.
For the people in Hyrule after all, it is often said that all good things come in threes—wealth, prosperity, even love. It doesn’t help at all that both Sonia and Rauru are both genuinely interesting people to be around. Sonia’s wit can be as sharp as her tongue, while Rauru is a man of many stories and a lovely voice with which to tell them. They are both natural leaders, and it isn’t difficult for one seeking comfort to find it in the king and queen’s presence. Sonia’s careful touch, Rauru’s soothing voice… how far can the intimate comfort of a stranger in a strange time go before one thinks to talk about it openly?
In fact, nobody *does* talk about it for a long while, leaving things unlabeled and unmentioned until someone else entirely asks about it, perhaps even thinking it a funny joke—things are so entwined between the three of you that it’s difficult to tell whether the king or queen is the one who has a consort. Emotions unwind like a ball of yarn tumbling down a hill from there, leading to multiple awkward conversations and only the occasional lingering glance and raised eyebrow from Mineru who, perhaps more than anyone, understands some of her younger brother’s protective body language.
Sonia at least is the most forthright. She is the one to verbalize her emotions first and without very much hesitation at all, while Rauru takes a little more time to do so himself—perhaps it is a culture difference, a particular form of courtship for Zonai that he’s unable to follow. Perhaps he’s unsure how people will treat you or if they might see you as any lesser than they are as the forming couple of the new kingdom. All the same, he admits to his feelings shortly after Sonia does, though it takes a while for them to figure out how to present the relationship to their court without it being misinterpreted.
[Spicy headcanons below the cut:]
The first time you, Sonia and Rauru have sex, it is before anything is established or even *talked* about—a purely spur-of-the-moment series of actions and reactions, though there is never a moment where either the king or the queen treat it as something they regret. It’s a bit scary in a way, being a third party not only in an established relationship, but a royal one at that; but Rauru is attentive and Sonia is calming, and you are left scarcely able to concentrate between the pleasure of their lips, hands and bodies.
Be it due to the queen’s powers of time or the king’s inhuman heritage, but they have a combined sexual stamina that is either terrifying or mind-blowing depending on one’s perspective—this fact is learned repeatedly through the night of your first encounter with them, though you never quite get used to the fact that they’re completely capable of going through an entire evening without a blink of sleep.
Godspeed to you if you have a mommy and/or daddy kink, since the royal couple is more than capable, willing, and enthusiastic about partaking in such carnal desires.
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cloudninetonine · 7 months
*walks on in, pats your head, hands you a cake and a pot of tea, doesn't elaborate* Hey hey, so first of all, happy birthday! Be it early or belated depending on when you see this, second of all, glad you're answering asks again, as always take your time yes?
Third of all, going to be screaming over Player's Aid 13 and 14 here before Irl stuff drags me away by the throat lol.
To start off, I absolutely adore Player's reactions, because they're very realistic depiction of panic from someone clearly not used to this sort of situation, they aren't native to Hyrule, they aren’t like the heroes or the princesses who are used to monsters and the very real threat of that, so when you throw them straight into the deep end they can’t keep their head above water and it’s a fantastic example of trauma reactions, and Wild is so soft with them! They were there for him when his world is the second most lonely of eras, they were his one true companion besides Wolfie and whatever horses he tamed and he cares for them so so much and wants them safe and I love that, and it’s so fun to take a peek of his thoughts on what happened to Twilight and how protective he is of people, he’s such a delight and I love these two so much. Also, interesting... So Wild ‘came close’ to death before getting Mipha’s Grace, Player was emotionally destroyed due it, I’m guessing that was actually a Game Over, because he woke up somewhere else (maybe where they last saved?) Hm... I wonder if that still works, and if Player still has access to the game mechanics, food for thought. It’s super interesting to see the dissonance between how things look like from Hyrule and where the disconnect from Player as The Guide vs Player The Unfortunate Rando Zelda Fan Dink Snatched Off the Streets (affectionate) and how that might connect to the nature of the Guide as a possible Deity (I remember that snippet Cloud, I have MANY theories and thoughts but this ask is going to be long enough as it is and I am going to save those theories for when irl gives me time for another ask lol). Also absolutely delighted about the way Hyrule just SPRINTED to get to Player and his bestie, it’s perfectly in character and I love that so much and how he cares for Player so much but man just zoomed, I’m surprised there wasn’t a dust cloud I’ll admit I laughed a bit lol.
Next, Dark Link. That’s it that’s the paragraph lol, but seriously Dark Link always steals every scene he is in and the part of me that is a horror fan is constantly delighted whenever he appears, he always brings a wonderful sense of threat, he is such a unnatural entity, he is an eldtrich being that is darkness, who is fear and who FEASTS on fear and he also very clearly loses his cool the second his dramatics are interrupted and gets super creative with threats as a result, love that for him and Eldtrich Dark Link is great and I genuinely think your interpretation of him might just be my favorite out of all I’ve seen, also that nightmare was super interesting and how it may relate to him but that might just be me, I’ll come back to that.
Also PLAYER SNIPING DINK’S EYE WITH A BRICK AND DIVERTING HIS ATTENTION TO PROTECT THE BOYS WE LOVE TO SEE IT! The true MVP of this chapter truly was The Conveniently Placed Brick™ and I couldn’t stop my cackle once I read that, it’s always so good to see the Links getting defended, because they’re brothers and technically all have the same spirit so of course they protect one another but they also are heroes, they protect and look after one another and others but who protects them? And I am always delighted to see people looking out for them and it gives some really good character for Player and possible points for Twi and Wars, sure they’re terrified and awfully out of their depth but they’ll be darned if they let anything terrify or hurt their boys on their watch because THAT’S THEIR HEROES DARN IT. Although I can see that possibly being foreshadowing... The payback for Twi is so worth it tho, to see the thing that almost did him in bleed must be so satisfying lol, Cloud you Monarch these were great and you’ve been blessed by Nayru, thank you for all of your hard work so far!
On another note, possibly the next one’s to remember might be Warriors and Twilight after this? I feel like after the panic is gone either Warriors or Twi might note that Player was defending them, like, actively making themselves a target so Dink would focus on them. Warriors would be interesting because he’s a soldier and I feel like he’s a very capable guy and good judge of character as a result, he canonically hates traitors and is basically Artemis’ left hand (Impa being the right) the most so he probably has to be good at reading people, while Legend is the one who’s more outwardly distrusting and vocal about it (Bite First Before They Bite You kind of deal, he basically uses jabs and sarcasm as a defense mechanism, love the guy and I think I have a idea of why he’s reacting the way he does but I want to SHAKE HIM), Warriors is probably more inwardly distrusting, the type to watch before making any sort of judgement and who has arguably Seen the most on the battlefield, like say soldiers of civilians breaking down and likely having some form of PTSD himself (although to be fair all Links probably have a form of it), you can’t exactly fake trauma reactions accurately because everyone reacts differently with only a few forms of overlap so it would be interesting if Wars was the third to remember due to his experience and seeing Player actively making themselves a target (something they wouldn’t do if they were working with the Shadow or only focusing on their own survival, LEGEND.)
On the other end, there’s Twilight whom is likely the most interesting and likely candidate, again Wild takes a lot after him as noted by Time and besides Wind (who basically adopted Player as a new older sibling, so he doesn’t count) possibly one of the Links closest to Player besides Wild and Hyrule, they both technically have the same trauma now (Twi 🤝 Player Almost Getting Murdered by Dark Link. They have a two person support club and need for therapy) so I feel like he might be the one who can empathize the most with Player at the moment, specially after their breakdown with Wolfie, wether or not he knows they know he can shift doesn’t really matter because again, you don’t just fake reactions like that specially when you think you are fully alone, so I can see them inwardly gravitating towards one another because they can understand each other the best now and Player did divert the attention of the source of his fear towards them, even if they were terrified themselves. Plus he has experience and knowledge of other worlds and is technically the resident dark magic expert, I don’t know if it’s intentional or not, but the fact he can shift at will at all in LU makes me remember this tidbit from the TP Manga (spoilers, I suppose?), that Twilight has been studying dark magic ever since he got to Ordon to try and understand it (granted it’s due to a misunderstanding but he’s been studying it enough it’s actually common for him to order books on magic and dark magic on Sera’s shop), he’s been studying it for a while and probably learned a lot from Midna and experimented before she left (because he had to learn how to shift into Wolfie at will after all, he had her help in the game and also maybe Player’s but he probably had to learn from scratch after they left). I feel like he’s the most likely besides maybe Hyrule to be able to tell Reader isn’t a magic user much less a dark magic user (mostly because I feel like the Shadow’s magic and other types of dark magic and Malice probably feel very different from one another), not to mention the whole thing with the Twilight Realm being another world entirely I feel like he wouldn’t just brush off the possibility of Player having been Midna’d too soon.
Although it could just be me wishfully thinking, in the end it’s you who decides how the story goes and I am fully prepared to be wrong but really excited to see where it’ll go, I’m just here to analyse what I can and theorize and freak out over your writing lol, as always thank you for sharing Player’s Aid with us and for all of your hard work in the fandom! I want to give Player a hug and lots of headpats, then shove them off for a cuddle pile with Wild, Hyrule, Wind and Wolfie, they’re going through it and I hope they’ll have a nice break ^^. And that you’ll slowly feel better soon.
Another thing that really stands out to me is the relationship the Chain has with each other and how you write everyone, although I’ll have to keep it brief-ish, everyone is perfectly in character and they really sound like a team, what with the worry the boys show towards one another (even Legend, though it comes out as an accuswtion because of course it does he doesn’t trust them) and how even though they disagree with some actions taken they can still understand it, even if it causes friction, how they plan and theorize and talk together, and it’s really good and it’s a brilliant choice to have it be mostly from Four’s perspective because of course he is the one watching all of this go down as a neutral party and the most analytical of the Links, and Sky being the one to defuse tension and Wind being the first to worry about Player and Time feeling extremely conflicted because as much as confirmation was necessary to try figuring out how Dark Link works he HATES that it’s at the cost of someone who seems harmless, even with suspicious circumstances behind themselves, I love and adore this so so much it’s so good.
And finally the dream sequence, I wonder if it’s fully from Player’s point of view or just a memory, because thinking about it originally Dark Link was in Time’s game as a test for Time, it’s his most iconic appearance as a test and obstacle to kill the Hero by digging into all of his insecurities and fears, and the temple he appears is the Water Temple and the one place we don’t really see him again is the Adult Timeline (because he otherwise shows up on both the Downfall and Child lines, although with Downfall it’s arguably Shadow Link more so than Dark and in Child we only really see him in the TP Manga and The Cutscene, plus Hyrule Warriors because Cia dragged him back), with the kingdom drowning due to Ganondorf returning and then becoming the Great Sea (remember, King Daphne’s chose certain people to save and we don’t know what happened to Lullaby or any other possible Zeldas or Links, since that time no Hero was recorded to come because ya know, Time went back and presumably not the Hero's Shade yet and Tetra is explicitly a reincarnation, I’m guessing some people wouldn’t have been high on his priorities list and all of old Hyrule would have gone under, including the Water Temple), there’s a lot of drowning imagery with both Player’s vision and the Shadow, which makes me personally wonder wether the flashback is of Player’s memory as the Guide (maybe with Hylia? Farore? It would make sense for The Guide to be an off shot of one of the Golden Three like in IRL mythology, say Eros being an offshot of Aphrodite or Aphrodite being an offshot of Ishtar. Or maybe their past existence as the Guide themselves trying to reunite, who knows). OR, the much more bonkers route that is firmly in the whiteboard and red string territory, if it’s somehow from Dark Link’s perspective and how it (he?) returned. Although given Dark Link’s entire outlook and goal being to consume the Guide’s powers so he can end everything I think it’s far more unlikely and definitely a reach. Or the dream might just have been from Player’s memory or from another’s perspective entirely and Player just so happened to see it because they are the Guide, either way it’s really interesting and I shall patiently look forward to what’ll happen next.
Keeping this brief because I don’t know Tumblr’s mobile ask limit, plus I have to work on the second part to Craein’s one shot, Lora’s little one shot(s), Linktober + Linktober Shadow and irl stuff has been kicking me while I’m still down with sleep deprivation, so this is it for now, again, thank you for everything. And a happy birthday soon.
-Wishing you all the best. An Awkward Summertime Musician.
Sum I literally love reading these analysis bits you send me they literally make me so happy you have no idea <3 Also I want those theories for that snippet please <3 PIUFHBIPU
Once again grateful for the love of Player's realistic reactions <3 I do writing Player terrified and in mental turmoil for things outta their control /lh It just builds character (and it's totally not projection /lie) Also I'm glad you caught on to the save file scene! It was brought forth from me getting fucked over while playing Tears <3 OIUYGFDIUY
AND YOU KNOW IF IT'S DINK I GOTTA BRING THE REAL HORROR OUT IN HIM- IN ALL THE VILLAINS HONESTLY, because listen, if an evil version of me made completely of darkness and shadows was my villain I'd be scared shitless for the things he could do. Also he may be a little messed up from outer influences
Protective Player. I love it, you love it- we all love it. But you know what I also love? Exploring the fears of the heroes, because while they may be allergic to cowardice there is always room for fear. Twilight may not have feared death in that moment but who said he wouldn't later? Same for Warriors? I feel like we've got to give these guys more human qualities- and to fear what's beyond life is something a lot of people tend to suffer from. C'est la vie! Or beyond vie I guess IGFIP
Also loving the theories on whose next to find out! I won't lie I'm still determining the next person! But I am going to take your analysis for future purposes so yoink
The Chain's relationship is lovely and a little bit complicated sometimes but I really do try to make sure everything makes sense! I want these guys to be as close to the source material as possible with only slight changes! So I hope to continue to stay to script!
Also the dream sequence....>:D
Nah I'm just kidding- I'm gonna be limited because of far future spoilers but it is from Player's perspective.
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waywardsalt · 1 year
im actually going to tear into totk’s dragon’s tears/ memories rn bc i remember feeling distinctly unsatisfied with them when i got all of them so im just going to write some general bullet points about them, about what i dislike or maybe what i do actually like about them, leaving out both master sword scenes and the mummydorf one because i’m here to talk about the stuff in the past not that
- off the bat (i play this game in english btw so all of this is based on the english text and translation i am aware some stuff is slightly different in other languages) im not really a fan of how the descriptions of all of the tears is just a literal description of what happens?? i think my issue with it is that some of the text is a little bit too in depth, as in it just tells you literally everything about the scene. this might be nitpick-y but i personally dont like it
- what’s up with zelda saying ‘but that must mean...!’ at the end of the scene. is it suggesting that she’s made the realization that rauru and sonia are the first king and queen of hyrule? because they literally tell her that like ten seconds before. i guess it’s suggesting she’s realizing she’s in the past but... idk the texts says ‘she’s left startled by a suspicion that she’s heard those names before’ yeah theyre the first king and queen of hyrule?? they tell her that. they tell her their names and that they are the first leaders of hyrule is she just now connecting the dots that she’s in the past? that’s what the next cutscene implies. but all of the surrounding dialogue and the description don’t suggest that that’s what she’s realizing i feel like this was kind of muddled in the translation
- why did sonia elbow rauru he was just standing weird he didnt say anything this isnt a nitpick im just confused. is it because he’s not being very empathetic towards what zelda’s going through? she elbows him and then she goes and talks to zelda why even elbow rauru. ordinarily you elbow someone like that if you mean for them to go do something why elbow someone if you’re going to do the thing you want anyways
- why doesnt zelda offer to help with the purah pad or anything like that. what happened to her sheikah tech fascination from botw. not even as someone actually familiar with the technology who could give mineru some points as to how it works
- what are sonia and zelda doing behind rauru when he shoots that insane fucking beam at the mulduga swarm they’re clearly doing something with their stones but like... are they amplifying rauru’s power somehow?? what do time powers have to do with the beam of light i dont- what were they doing please the text description only mentions him using his powers so are sonia and zelda just... supporting his powers? idk man
- dragon tear #5 is a whole can of worms with its worse-than-oot reenactment of that one scene from oot. why the focus on sonia and her tear btw. i mean yeah she dies to motivate rauru and zelda but like. why not aim for the new girl who probably doesn’t know how to use it as much and is probably more likely to be separate from the king who can shot insane lasers. im really not a fan of this scene for how strongly the game sides with rauru and zelda being passive and judgemental but ganondorf is literally the best part of it there’s a lot of character in just how he picks up his sword and stands up to leave
- putting memories 6 and 7 together just because of how there was just. no fucking care put into the idea of zelda learning to use her time powers. memory 6 zelda talks about wanting to use her time powers and sonia gives her tips on how she could use it and visualize the use of it and then in memory 7 she can just use it perfectly with great control and timing. why even bother talking about her nothing yet understanding how to use it when the very next scene she just uses it like it’s nothing. how much time has passed we get nothing to show us zelda trying to practice this power just. nope. she’s good she can use it perfectly. also more awkward dialogue sonia saying ‘what a picture zelda paints of him’ as she is. looking directly at zelda. change the line to like, ‘what a picture you paint of him’ she is literally looking right at zelda so why would she say it like that
- generally i feel like memory six should have been before 4 and 5 (4 being where she uses some power to... support??? rauru and it being before memory 5 so that there isnt this weird break in between the memories concerning ganondorf.) memory 6 does not have anything to do with memory 4 or 5 so just put it earlier so there isnt a weird shift in focus between the two big ganondorf scenes
- good god they introduce the idea of sonia and zelda being aware of ganondorf using a fake zelda but theres literally nothing about it having been a problem or them having experience or like. anything. they just TELL you that they know and suggest that it’s been like. a thing for a bit??? also obligatory ganondorf’s face model rigging is fucked comment he’s still the best part
- the pacing of these memories is just weird in general, memories 7 and 8 being separate but the same scene is strange when other memories are long as fuck but cover one event each, plus theres clearly barely any passage of time between memories 7 and 8 it almost feels like they were split up to fill space or just because otherwise it’d be... too long? man idk
- ‘queen sonia needs you!’ girl she is DEAD good fucking luck doing anything to help her
- ganondorf’s horse and its armor both look sick as fuck i really wish you got to see more of it outside the memory it appears in
- everything about the original sages honestly sucks. they aren’t characters they’re just walking macguffins. they have no names and are not relevant or mentioned or make any appearance until they are needed by the story. why does the zora sage talk about getting word about the attacked gerudo village in this scene when like. they’ve all met up and have clearly. been together for a bit. when she gives them the news it’s clearly the first they’ve heard of it... but... why would she wait until this moments to give this info unless for the benefit of the player watching the scene. why does the ZORA sage have this news and not... the gerudo sage?? what’s with the masks. they’re all made of zonaite or whatever sure theyre gifts from rauru but like. i hate that it kind of denotes them being subservient and lower than him and the zonai. honestly i really hate this scene in general mostly because of the uncomfortable showing of how rauru absolutely holds power over them and despite them being leaders as well they are expected to be wholly blindly loyal to him. rauru only gives them these stones when he needs their aid and they swear loyalty too him soon after but you also see that sonia and mineru have stones, too, so they’re clearly withholding these things despite it being kind of reasonable for him to give each race their own secret stone as further proof of their pact? there is so much shit to be said about the imperialistic themes or whatever in this fucking story and i really hate it
- i do kinda like how the next scene shows you that the one rock in the corner of that first hidden room in the forgotten temple is sonia’s grave
- zelda’s phrasing and description of how she and link found ganondorf is weird to me ‘he’s still alive’ ‘he lives on’ girl that was a mummy. he was not moving until you got there. he’s undead at best as far as you know. this is def a nitpick but eh. also the reliance on link is a... bit odd when zelda does not actually know that link is safe until she gets the master sword. its fine but still. also her shell-shocked expression after rauru talks about her being in the past for a reason is a bit... it doesn’t fit her emotion it’s kind of similar to the expression she had when sonia was killed
- the memory about the imprisoning war starts with practically the whole story up until now being repeated back to you by mineru with a decent amount of bias on mineru’s part and while it’s fine because of some of the extra stuff you learn but it does a lot more telling rather than showing when it comes to the actual imprisoning war and... idk the whole thing about their ‘fight’ kind of falls flat when you don’t actually see any fighting you just see that the sages have gotten their asses beat. i think it would have been a little interesting if in the god-awful repetitive sage-awakening scenes they had actually showed you the og sages fighting ganondorf instead of just. slow-mo freeze-frames for whatever. once again ganondorf if the best part of the scene
- the rest of the memories are fine idc
i get the feeling that the japanese-to-english translation was either all-around rough or somehow rushed, because some of the phrases in the game as well as some of the dialogue is really awkward and... could have been better. i don’t know how it works but it feels like a lot of it was very literal, direct translation and no one at noa thought that it ought to be tweaked just a little bit
these memories also do a fuck-ton of telling rather than showing and it really is like they don’t really trust you to connect the dots, and some of it does come off like they either didn’t want to make more memories or ran out of time or something. i felt like the memory of ganondorf just summoning his monsters and riding on his cool horse could have been a bit longer to actually show us the forces of hyrule fighting him and having a hard time with it
a lot of the character animations doesn’t have a whole lot of personality to them, ganondorf is the character who had the most distinct and interesting movements. rauru and sonia had their... singular movement (rauru putting a hand to his chin and sonia taking zelda’s hands) and zelda was kind of just... standing around and reacting to stuff, and neither mineru nor any of the other sages had any really interesting animations asides from mineru’s coughing fit in memory 16 (plus her reclining chair that was a nice touch). very few of their movements really express anything about the characters besides some really baseline values or traits.
the ordering of some memories is kind of odd, the excessive flashbacks in memory 17 are a bit much, the telling rather than showing, the sometimes awkward dialogue, a lot of the scenes are characters just... talking at each other, you don’t actually see very much of hyrule in the past or any characters beyond the main four, and it really did nothing to actually get me to care about these characters at all.
tldr i dont like totk’s dragon tears
#i didnt want to revisit this game but the memories in totk bother me. once im done with this tho i can go read my new volumes of berserk#salty talks#loz#legend of zelda#totk#literally the narrative of this game dragged the rest of the game through mud for me so im going to complain abt it more#any time i wanted to rewatch a part of a scene i have to sit through a few minutes of bullshit just to get to the point.#these things are so long and barely anything happens in them#half of these cutscenes are just characters standing around and talking theres so little actual character to most of the character movements#ganondorf has the most emotive and distinct movements in all of these scenes#they have the most personality and you get the most variety. with rauru and sonia its just. shes gentle n motherly hes uhhhh arrogant king#honest to god. i miss linebeck. i miss the way he was animated and the sheer amount of personality they gave him in every cutscene#fuck man i miss botw's memories. despite them being shorter (i'm pretty sure) i feel like there was more essence to them. more character#listen. i understand that gamedev is hard and so is writing and animating but like. this game is seventy fucking dollars.#despite him being so disappointingly one-note. ganondorf was the most interesting fucking character in these memories#finding the dragon's tears was fun but actually watching them was lame af#hey remember those posts i made about ph's cutscenes? maybe its the autism but i feel like i couldnt write those paragraphs abt totk#ig just. ph is my special interest and i have a negative bias against totk. if you think im dead wrong about this stuff go ahead.#i dont blame anyone for taking my words with a grain of salt. come to your own conclusions. if oyu like totk's memories cool!#anyways im done bye im gonna read berserk. which actually has a nuanced story and world and characters and a multi-faceted villain#totk spoilers#bitching abt totk
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timeturner-jay · 2 years
Meta Knight and Galaxia: An Observation (and maybe a theory)
Earlier today, I was watching a playthrough of Kirby's Return to Dreamland, and as the group was fighting Magolor Soul EX, I noticed something peculiar: 
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In his EX form, he uses Galaxia. Huh! I never knew about that! It's gotten my theory brain going a little, I'll admit. How did he get that? Why is there more than one of it to begin with?
If the Master Crown can summon Galaxia, is there some kind of connection between the two relics?
Well. Let's see.
Before the games officially started using the name "Galaxia" (a name that first appeared in the Kirby anime) for the legendary blade, the fan community had a different name for it: the Master Sword. What looks like a tongue-in-cheek reference to Legend of Zelda at first glance actually has some canon basis - in Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Meta Knight entrusts his sacred sword to Kirby for the final battle. The copy ability Kirby receives thereupon is simply called the "Master ability"; so the sword he got it from must consequently be called the Master Sword, right?
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(Granted, the sword's design has changed quite a bit since then, but it's presumably still the same weapon that is known as Galaxia nowadays. The in-game spritework also has that golden energy dance around the blade in ways that strongly resemble Galaxia's familiar prongs.)
So if Galaxia is the Master Sword, and the relic known as the Master Crown can summon alternate versions of it... Perhaps these two artifacts aren't so dissimilar. 👀 I wonder if a similar power to Crowned Magolor could be unleashed through it, if Meta Knight wanted to. Why doesn't he, then?
I've got a few thoughts about that, as well.
As you know, the Master Crown had a guardian, one who was protecting it fiercely without ever tapping into its true power - the dragon Landia.
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Perhaps Meta Knight's role is a similar one. Not just a wielder of the Master Sword Galaxia, but its guardian. Someone who can be trusted with such immense power. He does share one more similarity with Landia, after all...
I've compared Meta Knight's and Dragon Fire Kirby's wings in the past, delighted by the similarities, and pointed out that Meta Knight's wings seem a lot more draconic than bat-like to me, what with the talons and all... So perhaps, in a roundabout way, he too could be likened to a dragon protecting its hoard, just like Landia.
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Perhaps relic guardians (if indeed there is an official role like that) were selected specifically for their draconic qualities - after all, in many cultures, dragons are thought of as wise and long-lived protectors. Who better to entrust a relic with god-like powers to for safekeeping?
There's also the fact that Meta Knight seems so utterly unsurprised by anything happening in the RtD finale, outside of perhaps Magolor's betrayal itself - where everyone else is acting surprised and confused, he just takes it all in stride, like he knows what's going on and what to do about it. Like none of this is new to him. He even uses Galaxia to deflect some of Crowned!Magolor's attacks - how did he know that he'd be able to do that, unless he was a lot more familiar with this type of relic than he lets on?
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I just have a lot of thoughts about Meta Knight's role in the Kirby series. I doubt HAL will ever actually confirm anything, because being "a mysterious Knight" is kind of just his Thing now, but if you look into things just a little bit, there are a lot of vague implications that hang around him.
Maybe none of this means anything, and it's all just conjecture. But it's fun to think about, in any case. It could make for some interesting headcanons, if nothing else.
(There's also the fact that Void Termina summons the Master Crown for one of its attacks, so what does that mean for the Master Sword? And Meta Knight's own implied relationship with Void? The rabbit hole just keeps going and going!)
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zelda-photography · 2 years
Trailer Analysis
Yup, that's right, it's my turn to try and analyze the new trailer. I'll be keeping it under a read more so people who are trying to stay as blind as possible don't see anything. Also, I'll warn you right now that I'm not sure I have anything new to say, and also while I haven't read any in depth analyses yet, I haven't totally missed them so if I say something someone has already said I'm sorry and also no I didn't you're imagining things.
Alright, enough stalling, let's see what kind of brilliant clarity I can bring to this new pressing issue.
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Alright, opening shot that I'm pretty sure nobody knows what to think of it. I've seen some people say it could be Hylia, but honestly I think this is going to be an entirely new deity. I've seen people point out the triangles under the eyes are kind of similar to the sheikah eye, and we defo don't know enough about to sheikah, so maybe this was an ancient deity that they worshiped before they were part of Hyrule and fell in with the royal family? That's my crazy guess. My second crazy guess with even less baring on anything is, what if this is the real fierce deity? Food for thought.
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This was the shot that for me solidified that this was Zelda (I mean I knew it was but also confirmation never hurts you know). It's interesting that all the bokoblins have the big horn that we saw in one of the earlier trailers.
There's also very clearly two different humans portrayed here. Either it's just showing both men and women fighting, or I would guess hylians and sheikah? Sheikah usually have that bun on the back of their head, but the uniform the people with the buns are wearing doesn't look like anything the sheikah wear.
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Again we see whatever the new deity-figure is (am I the only one who thinks it looks like a bunny?) clearly on a floating island amidst the clouds, with what sort of looks like one of the gates over to the left. They're also surrounded by seven spirals - can you say Zonai? - but also that usually connects to the seven sages usually seen in zelda games. I'm very interested to see if there are going to be sages, or just like seven things to gather.
I also didn't point this out before, but a possible connection between This Thing and Dehydrated Ganondorf is they both have an eye on their forehead, so idk keep that in mind.
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Putting these right next to each other. I've seen people say they think this could be Ganondorf, and I get where they're coming from, but I agree with @the-east-art (they have a post with a couple of explanations) that this is more likely to be Zelda. Now time to say something crazy: I think this is a Zelda who was born to the Gerudo. It's why she has a gem on her forehead. It would also possibly provide an answer (eventually) to the seven statues in the desert (Them being like, previous seven sages to a Gerudo Zelda).
Also, bad news, looks like Zelda may be officially damseled considering she's shown falling into the malice, and that's not something one easily comes back from :( I mean obviously I hope there's some kind of Zelda subplot but I'm losing hope.
In the bottom picture, however, there are two of the spiral mcguffins above two people holding hands. Which leads to theory 3 (4?) of who these are: they just depict A Sage, not anyone specific, and the spiral depicts the power that person has. I don't think it is, but it's possible.
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I skipped the picture I had of the door - there's osme big spirals and two dragons on it, It's way more boring than I expected. Here, we get a good view of a gate, which we've seen in previous trailers, and uh I still dont' know what it is, or where link is, but hey he's in his champion's tunic so that seems relevant.
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Here, we can get a bit of a better view of what the islands look like, including a weird temple int he middle that looks like it's upside down - in fact, when Link dives down, I think you can see the 'top' of it, all pointy n stuff. I'm kind of hoping that there's going to be, like, people living on these island, or at least some kind of sentient species to interact with. A lot of the islands in this shot are taken up by the yellow trees.
Also, you can't really see them well here but I was getting tired of trying to get a good shot of them, but Link does have those like eight vials on his belt, half of them filled with strange green liquid. It's hard to say anything about them at this point, but I've seen people say it's a vessel to collect tears, and that sounds about right. I also think it could be the device used to get up and down from the sky, I believe when we saw it do that last trailer it was that same color.
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Everything is black and white, and I just figured that'd mean that time is stopped or something, but oddly enough that weird bat thing in the background is still flapping as Link uh,,,, rides this rock back to the heavens? I'm just happy to see what looks like a new enemy out there.
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Link with a new ace looking weapon, so that's fun. It's good to see they did go to the effort to make new weapons. Also he's in that outfit that make people think there's time travel in this. Honestly, I can't say one way or the other. It's probably just An Outfit, but uh what if he has to wear it during certain trials or something? Like, the clouds below look like the mist in the Lost Woods.
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Here, we can see that the floating islands are kind of scattered around some, but more than anything, we can see the Eldin Volcano has the same malice-stuff coming off of it as Hyrule castle, and Hyrule castle is really not floating as much as I expected it to. It's probably fair to think that the other four corners of Hyrule are in a similar state.
It makes me wonder how they're going to deal with the divine beasts in this sequel, like do they just do nothing now? Are they taken over again? Deactivated?
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And of course, now we have our paraglider evolved into a hawk glider thingy. Personally, I think he looks nice. Also, it's nice that we can see where we are and can recognize the layout. Also there's a weird glowing rune, but if you turn it upside down you can see that it's a similar depiction as the people from earlier in the trailer, but this one doesn't have a gem on the forehead. Maybe a sage? Maybe a recharge place for your vials/hawk glider?
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AAAAND TITLE! Tears of the Kingdom, makes a lot of people think of the tears you collect in silent realms, and I have to agree. You can see the zonai-style dragons in the circle around the title, very interesting. However, I'm more interested in what's behind it - namely, we just barely don't get the full picture we saw a snippet of earlier: the 'Zelda' standing under two spiral mcguffins. Now, we can see the other person was Mystery Deity all along.
I'm not sure what else to say, I'll probably just pop out some theory or other like at random in the next eight months. Right now, I'm just gonna say, uhhhh, I think Link will end up aiding the Mystery Deity and and does manage to fight off the Malice with it, but in doing so strengthens the Mystery Deity, and they become the new big bad. Bonus point for if at that point in the story, Link gets damseled and now you play as Zelda.
Anyway, let me know if you agree, disagree, have theories of your own, anything! i wanna talk Zelda!
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ladlez · 2 years
a/n edit: I'm so MAD i typed this out about 5 days ago then didn't post it, and now with the update it's slightly irrelevant because it is being more discussed BUT here this is anyway –
sorry but I'm thinking about how we recently learned that Wild knew an older/ghost(?) Twilight during his journey. I've read so many fics with this premise but 95% of the time it's a younger twi who remembers being a companion, and now we have a canon that is clearly not that...
thinking back over the content of the comic so far I'm going crazy thinking about how for all that time, for every moment we've seen so far, wild knew.
Twi has been brooding and tight-lipped about his connection to Time, but it's been an underlying thing we (the readers) are aware of. And it's pure tragedy, for us and for Twi, knowing what Time's fate will be. Wild, meanwhile, must know something of Twilight's fate. which, narratively, is [dial-up-modem noises]. It's about the time-travel-fuckery!!! It's about the tragedy of one having met the other before, but the other doesn't know— but for three people! Twi silently bears the loneliness of knowing someone who doesn't know him, of knowing a version of Time who doesn't yet exist. Twi carries this burden of knowledge, while (apparently?) being oblivious to the fact that the other member of the chain he's particularly close to carries the same knowledge about him. [edit: yesterday's update implies that wild has explained to twilight that they've met before, but we still don't know how much he revealed, so...]
we've seen the way the knowledge affects twi
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But we haven't until now seen any hint of how knowing of Twilight's fate affects wild. We haven't even seen a hint that he knew more. Why????
His close relationship to twilight is evident but there's an easiness between them. Wild has never gazed after twilight solemnly...
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...has never had the air of secrecy and tension with twi that twi has with time.
And ok this could just be something jojo missed or didn't think about, but why did wild say this about companions, if he apparently had one the whole time?
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Wild has been a largely light-hearted personality among the group so far and he has appeared to be very honest about his journey, but this maybe blows that all open by implying how much he's been hiding about what he knows. He can't have told twi much of anything, if twi thinks he had no companion.
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AND while we know the story of Twilight and Time from TP (except any changes jojo might have made that we haven't seen), what happened between Wild and Wolfie is a complete mystery to us! It's a story that's entirely jojo's creation! So... What was their relationship like? What was Twi like, being noticeably older? Was he alive and dragged to another time, or was he a spirit? We saw him with both wild and zelda—
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wild's long hair implies this moment didn't occur pre-calamity, while zelda's long hair implies it was before the point pre-TOTK when she cut it shorter, so probably not long after they defeated ganon? Which means wolfie, having met wild soon after he emerged from the shrine of resurrection, was still around after wild's journey? What happened to him? Did he leave, and did they get to say goodbye? Or were they still together when wild hopped through that portal? Did wild ever know wolfie was actually Hylian, let alone a hero, or did he have to figure that out when he met Twilight for the first time? Was twi ever able to turn into his human form and actually speak to wild? Who or what brought him to the botw era?
If he's a spirit, same as Time - what is twilight going to regret so much that he sticks around?
Has wild altered his interactions with twi because of this? knowing that whatever twi finds out about him now, could prepare him for when he meets the younger wild... [edit: Plus now we know wild had some kind of intense reaction upon first meeting twi]
obviously i imagine (hope) we get answers to some of these in the comic, but i also think this new info is so ripe for us making content and I've hardly seen anything beyond the initial keysmash reactions. because this is genuinely making me 🤯🧐 Especially the parallel but clearly different dynamics of twilight & time VS. wild and twilight; the knowing and not knowing, the "one day you'll meet a younger me, and I won't know you, but here and now, i know you while you don't know me".
And, as a sidenote, all this is making me think— is wind the only one who has been honest about what he knows about his predecessor...?
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astridspeckles · 11 months
Random thoughts and ramblings about the amazing film Nimona! Warning this is a huge tangent and does talk about spoilers for the movie and a bit of spoilers about the graphic novel (that I haven't read since my copy hasn't arrived yet) also I've tried to write this post like 3 times but it keeps breaking so oof.
Kudos to the creator ND Stevenson who I swear is a massive source of creativinies that I would absorb like a sponge if I had the energy to because everything they're apart of is something I feel like I'd adore if if I took the plunge. Also he identifies as enby transmasc (which, I am too, and I didn't realize how huge of a blow it was to realize that people like me exist). I really ought to look into She-ra and their other works at some point. Anyway, anyway, anyway - this is about Nimona!
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I love that this obviously queer movie decided to be release during the later stage of June aka "Pride Month" because I feel like it gives people the chance to watch it with fresh eyes during July, which is Disabled Pride Month (I'm Australian so it isn't really a thing here as far as im aware sadly) which Ballister is such a fantastic and amazing character who is gay and disabled.
He is never portrayed as weak or lesser for his disability, I imagine for people that it'll actually be easy to forget that he is disabled as an amputee with how capable he's written. I feel like it might just go over peoples heads at some point because you never get to see stuff written so well unless if its poking you with it every few episodes or its extremely obvious at a glance. But with Ballister it 'just is who he is' and it moves on to focus on its plot like it has from the beginning.
And its never used as a plot set back or change the storybeat or anything of that sort of matter. Which is amazing. However it isn't just ignored either! He has a moment of weakness when he sees Ambroius again. He hesitates, he withdraws from reach out to him while looking at his arm (Oh, Nemesis!). It is still fresh and new and he's trying to handle it (you're doing great sweetie).
I'm not physically disabled (I do have a weak knee however) but a mentally disabled and experience fatigue constantly and I'm sure I'd have chronic pains if I didn't have a high pain tolerance. So while this sort of character isn't someone I can directly relate to it is someone I can connect with (Although I don't believe you need to be the same as something in order to connect/relate to it).
However I am at home a lot and I don't get exposed much to other people and that includes a lot of people with other cultures, beliefs, body types and disabilities. So being able to see people different than me on the screen is always awesome, and being able to connect with them is too. Which the Queen, Nimona and Ballister is fantastic for everyone and hopefully the Director will give the other sort of audience of this movie a time to think back and work through things.
But I haven't seen many disabled people in media, because I don't really have the energy to engage with much content for long. So I have a limited selection of characters who seem like fantastic representation - because while yes Toph from Avatar the Last Airbender is fantastic she has literal superpowers compared to the every day person so I love and praise how she's handled because everything she does is fantastic-
Seeing Ballister's strong and dedicated personality which still has that life to it made me instantly feel for him along side Hiccup from How to Train your Dragon (And before you ask - no, AstridSpeckles is not due to HTTYD, its inspired from Zelda actually!) And I just love how it was all written and displayed. In HTTYD it was to connect Toothless and Hiccup together in a beautiful narrative. Here they used his arm to make a beautiful narrative too - he uses it, constantly.
He fixes his arm with just one hand which is insane because its also his non dominant hand which wow thats amazing. And he doesn't shy away from using his arm for anything, he still touches people with it, still wields things with as much confidence as ever to do so. He reaches out to Nimona with it too in that scene. Also Ambroius reaches out to hold his hand in that scene too! So tenderly and without hesitation! Which if it was another case with other characters I reckon I'd be a little upset but you see how much they love eachother and how gentle and tactile and soft they are so it is just so beautiful to see here...
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Also I don't really know where else to put this but since im on a tangent about Ballister ima just say it here. He is such a fantastic knight! He knew the moment his sword was handed to him that it was off. He knew it didnt feel right, the weight was wrong? Or it just felt off? He knows his sword. He knows his morals. He knows what he has to do to make things right. He never betrayed himself ever!
Also the eye sparkles change. At the start their diamonds, but Ballister's turns into squares as he gets more exposed to different views where Ambroius turns into a triangle as his views are being pulled (the director whispering in his hear, his own heart, and his love for Ballister).
Also he too is a fantastic knight! His life falling apart? Never lashes out. Never hurts those around him (Okay, cutting off an arm isn't a love language.) So yes that is a case where he did hurt someone but that is addressed in its own ways.
But he never hurts or lashes out at the people he's protecting. He could easily just take it out on them, stop caring, fall into a pit of despair at his own problems. But you actively see him dealing with this own issues and then instantly being a knight the next scene and he doesn't falter or fall.
He is also so strong and I love that he had these moments, would of liked some more though but he isn't a main character like Nimona and Ballister so I understand why he didn't.
Also back to Ballister for a moment because the moment he heard Nimona's not really handling the things she's carrying, that she was able to tell him about her most vulnerable, scary and intrusive thoughts after knowing him for so little, that his thoughts in an instant was to get her the hell out of there and go with her.
He would try to work things out with Ambroius I believe, but he saw the hurt of Nimona who he hasn't known that long over the love of his life and said this is my priority. That would be so hard for anyone to do, for example a parent knowing their child is queer and the other parent not accepting them - there are cases where the parents stay together because its too hard for them not too, and lose the kid or kick the kid out.
The fact Ballister in a heartbeat acted accordingly to keep this new precious person in his life to abandon (like they did to him) without hesitation is absolutely insane and I love it so much. Also that it wasn't a move out of malice or defiance. It could of easily of been written differently that they need to protect her and they have to leave right now. But no. He took action (he always takes actions!) and while he lingered on Ambroius, it wasnt hesitation. It wasn't to hurt Ambroius either. He put Nimona being at risk first.
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So I've actually been aware of Nimona for a few years now. I've heard about its ups and downs and its eventually cancel to its amazing revival! But I was watching it as a passive observer, never interacting with it because I know I hyper-fixate, I didn't want too get invested and attached and because off the rollercoaster of it not coming to the big screen while being in the fandom at that time (im sorry you are all so much stronger than I am haha!)
However, it is alive and amazing! And I'm finally here in the fandom - I've finally watched it - I've finally decided to order the graphic novel like I planned to back during its first movie announcement so I can quote "Enjoy the movie and then read the book since the books are always better", so I can love both as much as I can, yknow?
From what I've discovered reading online here and there so far (and its likely that this is wrong so take this with a grain of salt since I haven't gotten my graphic novel yet) that apparently that the movie is leaps and bounds improved compared to the graphic novel (Note: Not better, improved.)
Improved origin stories, improved personalities, improved characterizations. So much of the voice actors provide life and inspiration to these characters bringing them to a level that the graphic novels didn't have the resource to do.
I also love how people also aren't going crazy (negatively) about the change of races to the characters - im so used to seeing discourse about this sort of thing but its so accepted here that it is so refreshing to see.
The graphic novel has a larger and looser timeline and I believe a darker story and not as much as a happy ending compared to the movie. I can't wait to read the graphic novel though it looks very interesting!
But the ending of the movie implies such a happier ending for everyone, since apparently I've seen that in the graphic novel Nimona visits Ballister while being shapeshifted as a nurse while he is in hospital and he caught on too late after she says goodbye and he never sees her again and is constantly reminded of her when she sees people with her hair colour and that is so bittersweet!
The fact we get her coming to him at the end with him going HOLY SHIT is because it is saying here that it doesn't end with that note. They are together still. And I really hope something more comes out after this because I need to see a bit more to know what is happening there.
I had written a lot more here but my post keeps breaking and doing ctrl+z is making me lose entire paragraphs and gifs I put in as text breakers so I'm gonna leave this here or maybe do another post when I end up reading the graphic novel, who knows. But yes. I love Nimona :D
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frankie-mercury · 2 years
A little blurb from Chapter 1 of my Chilling Adventures of Sabrina x Stranger Things Crossover
Eddie Munson/Reader definitely (possible Eddie Munson/Reader/Steve Harrington) smut, angst, sight gore, descriptions of the occult and witchcraft.
Chapter one will be a bumpy ride - setting the scene and establishing what has already happened. Season 4 of Stranger Things with some events pulled from Seasons 1-3. Reader is a Spellman who moved to Hawkins after becoming the queen of hell. Reader is mixed and afab.
Without giving away too much the upside down will be connected to the Dark Lord and more specifically Father Blackwood. If you have seen or caught up on Sabrina or Stranger Things I highly recommend not reading because for obvious reasons spoilers.
Hasn’t been edited yet as I’m still working through chapter 1 so I apologize for errors.
To say your life was hellish was a severe understatement. So much so that your two aunts Hilda and Zelda and cousin Ambrose quickly relocated you to Hawkins, Indiana your senior year of High School. So many things had changed leading up to this move. You had lost friends, lost family connection, fought the “devil” himself and became the Queen of hell at the age of 20. A part of you, buried deep in your soul, longed for normalcy, or what you perceived as normalcy. You loved the gifts of being a witch, you truly did, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Moving to Hawkins was exactly what you needed - even though leaving your family was one of the hardest decisions you had to make. It was what was best for you - and them.
Being the new kid is a feeling you despised - especially when you were the different new kid. The black clothing, crystal, sigil and pentacle jewelry also didn’t help with the wondering eyes. You decided your best course of action was to lay low and blend in, as much as a witch could amongst mortals. But per usual, people had other plans.
You had brought a book to read, not minding sitting alone at lunch. Sitting down with your poor excuse of a lunch you pulled your book from your backpack, opening to the last page you had read.
“Hey newbie!”
You jumped at the voice, turning to see a kid wearing a ballcap and a graphic tee with a patterned button up. He motioned for you to come sit at his table, the other boys looking at you. You sighed, shaking your head before putting your book back in your bag and walking over to their table, avoiding the wandering eyes as you sat down.
“How can I help you?”
“Dustin Henderson,” the boy said holding out a hand for you to shake.
“Y/n Spellman,” you said, shaking his hand.
“Eddie Munson,” you turned to put a face to the voice, finding him to be wearing the same shirt under a leather jacket and jean vest, long unruly hair brushing past his shoulders. “Ms. Spellman, it’s an honor,” he said, jokingly bowing to you. You lips unturned in a slight smirk, finding it funny that he knew nothing about you. “You don’t look like the other students here,” he said, gesturing to the necklaces that hung from your neck, all of the bearing pagan and occult symbols. “I like your style,” he added, his brown eyes meeting your sharply lined ones. “We would like to bestow you the privilege to join our group.”
“And what makes you think I’d even want to join your…group?” The boys laughed, egging Eddie on.
“Us freaks have to stick together,” he said, not breaking eye contact with you.
“Freaks? Does that have anything to do with the t-shirts all of you are wearing?”
“These? These have to do with DnD,” Dustin said excitedly. “We could teach you how to play! It’s a b-” The boy beside Dustin hit him upside the back of his head, shaking his own.
“Mike what was that for?” Dustin asked at the same time as you said,
“I know how to play DnD Dustin,”
“Only I can offer an invitation to someone into Hellfire Wheeler, you know that.” Eddie said, turning to look to you. “What do you say sweetheart?” Eddie asked, cocking his head to the side, seemingly interested that you played DnD.
“What’s the harm?” You asked with a shrug, sitting down next to Dustin. You looked at everyone at the table, eyes finding Eddie’s and looking at the magazine in his hands. “What’s the news?”
“The devil has come to Hawkins.” You smile broke for a second, rasing a brow.
“Apparently,” Eddie began, putting on a voice representing a newscaster, “the game has been connected to ritual sacrifice, sodomy, suicide, and even-” he took a dramatic pause, “murder”
“Exciting,” you chuckled under your breath, sighing in slight relief. You had already been at the end of one witch hunt you didn’t want to be at the end of another.
“What are you doing in Hawkins?” Mike asked. You chuckled softly, shaking your head.
“If I told you the truth you wouldn’t believe me,” you said, fingers unintentionally moving to your pentagram necklace.
“You’d be surprised,” Dustin breathed. You opened your mouth to say something, the bell signaling the end of lunch interrupted you. Dustin and Mike both said their goodbyes, as well as the other boys except for Eddie.
“I really like you,” Eddie said softly. “Meet me out in the woods after school.”
“Gonna kill me?”
“Oh no, you’re too hot to kill,” he said with a soft smirk.
“Smooth Munson,” you said with a smile. “You don’t mind being seen with a mixed girl?” You asked softly, your eyes sad as you met his. His brows furrowed in confusion, a faint look of pity meeting yours.
“Look at me, do you think I really care about appearances?” Eddie asked softly.
“No but…”
“No buts sweetheart. I’m not gonna hurt you. I might look scary but I’d never hurt someone.” He said shaking his head. The second bell rang, signalling your time was nearing an end. “Let me walk you to class.”
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So after watching the newest Tears of the Kingdom trailer multiple times and watching analysis videos, I have a couple of thoughts to add. I'm going to put a cut here, just in case I don't tag this post properly. Don't want to spoil anything for anyone!
The first thought made me laugh. Every time I saw the ice monster, that Link and Tulin are fighting, I kept thinking: where have I seen this before? It hit me today. It reminds me of the Ice Titan from Kingdom Hearts! The design is different, but the monster in TotK is like the Ice Titan on steroids. Moving on, the second thought is about Ganondorf. There is questions floating around if we are perhaps seeing Demise as well as Ganondorf in the trailer. I'll mirror Zeltik and others and say that what we're seeing is a transformation of Ganondorf, not Demise with one extra observation. It's about the more ribbed or muscle design on Ganondorf's shoulders.
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I've seen this before, and not to sound like a broken record, I've seen it in Kingdom Hearts. While I am not sure of the design's origin, whether in Japanese culture, or an Anime convention, or something else entirely. However, I do know that it is associated in KH as a design that appears on someone's body that has transformed into an alternate form, directly connected to dark power. What I think is cool here that not only do we see that muscle design, we also see the scales reminiscent of Demise. So whatever the origin, Nintendo has put their own spin on it here.
And that's it. I'm looking forward to this new installment of Zelda, despite the fact that it might be reverting back to some of its roots game play wise, which I have a love/hate relationship with. BotW was a breath of fresh air (pun not intended) and I loved the players choice in how they wanted to play. As long as that is still a thing, I should be okay. Regardless, I am looking forward to what choices they've made mechanically to the Zelda formula, as well as what TotK adds to the lore of the series.
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skyward-floored · 2 years
Ok first of all, read all of the royal castle town wedding. 10/10 it’s incredible and AAAAAAAH
Second of all, I’m gonna ramble about Sky BSKSBSKABKABAKz. I’m gonna take your word that you don’t get annoyed with rambles but! Sky is an interesting character that I find that I connect with a lot! I feel like he was always a lazy kid, not working hard to do anything. He wouldn’t study or anything and he would pass school, he would oversleep, he would daydream when he would fly, it seems that everything went easy for him. So he really never suffered the consequences of being lazy. Even when Zelda was in danger, he obviously went looking for her, but whenever he rested or did something else he probably would justify it, saying that he’ll have time, he’ll make it, he’ll help her. He always makes it. Except at the earth temple, he doesn’t make it, he’s late and Zelda was almost lost because he took his time, and that’s when the reality of the situation sunk in for him. And like, I know once he gets into the habit he doesn’t stop working until zelda is completely safe, which is the end of skord. But I imagine after, when it’s all done, he might slip back into his old habit.
Ok this might be more of a headcanon for me, but I think I’m a very lazy person, and I know bitterly that old habits die hard, and it’s REALLY hard to break free from those habits. So when it’s all over, Sky isn’t as lazy as he was before, but there’s still something there that he struggles with. And you know, gifted child syndrome, he starts to fall behind. I feel like he was lazy before cuz he didn’t try hard but now hes “lazy” because he has so much anxiety over falling behind, that he almost feels like not trying. Cuz what’s the point? I dunno. I’m projecting a lot and I might not even make sense but I love Sky and he deserves the world
First of all THANK YOU I literally always get SO excited when someone reads that fic since I have a feeling the mlp aspect kinda chases people off. Nice to know people really do like it :]
Second of all that’s really interesting!! Him being lazy but not suffering any real consequences for such a long time, I bet Impa’s speech was such a slap to the face. And I definitely get the “lazy because you’re afraid to fail” thing, that ah, definitely happens to me sometimes.
But yeah good thoughts, I too love Sky and he absolutely deserves the world <3
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swordswoman97 · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom Trailer analysis
-First off the into sequence to the trailer is sick. I don't notice anything new in there but it does look really cool.
-Hateno Village has gotten a makeover. It looks like it's been expanded or otherwise upgraded. Love the mushroom thing they've got going on, it's really neat.
-It also seems like attempts are being made to resettle Castle Town, though right now it seems like it's just a camp. Perhaps we'll get something like the Tarrey Town side quest to rebuild Castle Town? That could be neat.
-Next shown is Kakariko Village or at least the mountains overlooking it. I can't really make much out of the village itself though I'm guessing it's probably seen it's own improvements like Hateno, though the shrine seems to have been replaced with... something? Perhaps it's meant to give Link a way to the Sky Islands? There is however one new thing in that giant stone ring which seems like it's a part of something, definitely looks like it was carved on purpose.
-I'm not entirely sure where the next scene shows. My knee jerk reaction is somewhere in Faron, though the cliffs and the like also look like it could be somewhere in Tabantha. Not 100% sure.
-Next is definitely somewhere in the Gerudo desert and we watch as some structure rises out of the sand. It looks like a dungeon which has me really excited. Maybe a future version of the Arbiters Grounds? Or the Spirit Temple perhaps? Either way that structure is just screaming "dungeon"
-The castle surrounded by falling rocks. I think this is probably a scene from early in the game. The castle also looks very ominous, dark and foreboding, made only more true by the tendrils of malice as the rocks hit the ground and what I'm pretty sure is the theme BOTW used for the Blood Moon. We see the same scene from a far before
-Ganondorf looking at the Blood. God he looks terrifying and I love it.
-Another familiar scene Link trying to catch Zelda as she falls but failing
-The Gerudo desert filled with sinkholes. I think another of those things we saw in the Kakariko scene is in the background. The is just confirming my old theory that we would have to return to all the regions to fix something going wrong. Death Mountain is full of malice, the desert seems to be sinking and I can't imagine things are going much better in Zora's Domain or Rito Village.
-Speaking of Death Mountain, that next scene is definitely in Death Mountain, seemingly a mine of some sort. Link trying to fix the Malice spewing out of the volcano perhaps? Either way this area also screams "dungeon"
-A sky ship in a thunderstorm. Perhaps not all the being living on the sky islands are as hostile as the constructs? Or perhaps this is connected to another dungeon.
-Next scene is Link doing parkour in the sky, quickly shifting to Link (or someone else) skydiving through laser grids, and then to Link doing a puzzle which also seems dungeony. Next is Link paragliding through a narrow passage, which reminds me of the labyrinths, followed by Link fighting on horseback alongside a bunch of human allies, and finally Link rinding up an elevator, seemingly Shiekah tech. Looks like we're not as done with that tech as people thought.
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-I don't know who this dude is but they give off very rancid vibes. I think it's the mouth. Either way I don't think they're friendly. They're definitely not a race we've seen before though. Perhaps our first example of one of the Zonai? Or maybe they're something else? An interloper? A Twili? A demon? Whatever they are they fail the vibe check.
-Two more super quick scenes, one Link on a horse on a cliff and the other is some giant construct thing awakening. And that construct thing is just screaming "boss"
-A longer scene this one Link in the castle but seemingly completely rebuilt. Is this a flashback? Has Link been sent to the past? An illusion? Either way I don't think it's the castle in it's current state, not with the scene we saw earlier.
-Zelda is okay! Though I have no idea where she is. It looks like a brand new location. We also hear a voice that I first thought was King Rhoam but no it's definitely a new voice. Probably belonging to the character we see Zelda talking to after the shot of the master sword and Link drawing it. We don't see their face but unlike the last dude I definitely think this guy is on our side. The voice is calm and almost comforting and Zelda doesn't seem afraid of him. I've seen some people suggest he's a previous hero, which it might be but whoever he is he comes off as friendly rather than intimidating.
-Link flying on that bird thing again. Probably a method of travel across different sky islands or to the surface without diving.
-Link has fused his sword and shield, which seems to allow you to block attacking with your weapon. That is cool.
-There is a ball in the sky. It seems to be hollow inside and able to be entered.
-Link fighting something. It makes a keese noise so it might be some new keese or something.
-Link being launched up alongside a young Rito. I think it might be Teba's son Tulin, but whoever they are they appear a couple times so I think they might be replacing Teba as the new Rito champion which kind of sucks tbh I liked Teba. I liked having a more serious established warrior as one of the new champions alongside the more cheerful other three.
-Link escorting a wagon which he seems to have made himself. I'm guessing we're gonna have at least one escort mission where you have to get a ground from point a to point b without them getting killed.
-And we see the combat capabilities of the recall (rewind? I don't remember) ability as Link uses it to launch an octorock's projectile back at it.
-Link using some sort of rocket to propel himself up on an island, probably one off the coast of Faron based on the plants.
-More Link doing parkour in the sky. This is definitely some sort of big challenge whether an open air dungeon or something else.
-Link riding a mine cart while fighting a construct. This looks like it's the same area of Death Mountain we saw Link in earlier which just adds to the "dungeon" vibes.
-Mech battle! Except one of the mechs is actually a talus. But it's still cool.
-Horseback combat, seemingly in the wetlands near Zora's domain followed by Link shooting some sort of device which activates a bunch of lasers. This game loves it's lasers.
-Then we have Link and the Rito from earlier fighting what looks like a giant ice monster which is also giving off boss vibes into an explosion of malice as it closes its mouth
-Zelda again this time with dialogue. She mentions knowing what she's there for and that it's something only she can do. She's holding some tear shaped gem that's glowing yellow.
-Ganondorf firing his malice laser into the sky which seems to summon a bunch of monsters before dialogue from him. It is very intimidating and I love how good a job Matt Mercer is doing. Under the dialogue we also see Link's arm get attacked by malice. Probably how the master sword gets damaged and how Link's arm ends up all weird. We then see Ganondorf and once again he looks terrifying.
-Link fighting what looks like a miniboss before cutting to Link and the Rito child.
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-Another new character. She's wearing the same outfit as Zelda was and seems to have the yellow tear she was holding previously. I have three theories about her identity. 1 is that this is Zelda transformed in someway. 2 is that this is Hylia herself separate from Zelda. 3 is that this is the Zelda from 10000 years ago. I've got a slight theory connected to this one but I'll talk about that one later.
-Riju! She's here! She doesn't seem to look different in this shot so I suppose it hasn't been that long since BOTW since she doesn't seem to have aged any. She does however now have a sword. Edit: She doesn't just have any weapons, she has Urbosa's scimitars. Look at the official art!
-Link and some fighters on a hill. Most are hylian but we do see a Gerudo and a Goron among them. Perhaps Link will have to lead various fighters in battle at points?
-Link fighting alongside Sidon though Sidon looks different here than he does later in the trailer. We also hear a woman's voice saying something about "you" (presumably Link) not being alone. I'm guessing this voice is the dark skinned blonde woman shown earlier.
-Next we see Sidon, Riju, and the Rito youth from earlier charging. The Rito looks like they might be wielding Revali's bow and Sidon is whether wielding the light scale trident or a replica. Sidon is also wearing noticeably different things in this shot, wearing much fancier jewelry and more importantly his father's crown. He was not wearing the crown earlier he had the same appearance he had in BOTW. Sidon also seems to have another tear shaped gem on his hand, this one blue. My theory mentioned earlier is that perhaps these gems were used in the battle against Calamity Ganon 10,000 years ago and that's why the Divine Beasts weren't enough 100 years ago. The gems weren't mentioned in the stories, they didn't go looking for them, and perhaps not having them is how Ganon was able to take control of the divine beasts. Perhaps the original champions used them to enhance their abilities or otherwise protect themselves from Ganon and thus without them the champions of 100 years ago were left vulnerable.
-Link fighting a three headed dragon. I don't think I have to say what vibes that's giving off. But in case I do. Boss vibes. It gives off boss vibes.
-Final shot is Zelda standing on some sort of pedestal thing with the line "Link. You must find me" I'm guessing we have to reunite with Zelda somehow, figure out where she is, how to get there, and how to get back to her.
But yeah this trailer is jam packed and I am sooooo excited for Tears of the Kingdom. Fingers crossed I can get that day off.
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