#;ooc: if you reblog this pls send one in :)
ultra-rage · 4 months
Send "🎶" to get a song based on what I know about you.
Or based off your pure vibes alone.
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retiredcultistredux · 10 months
*Running down a hallway* Zan! Prince Fluff! Where are you? I need your help! I've got Kirby with me and a wish version of red riding hood chasing me! -☘
[I wrote way too much for this (spent too much time on it smh) with only 2 drawings, it's past midnight and I'm tired so no more posts til after I wake up later. That being said this is a very long post with a bunch of text!!]
Meanwhile, with Prince Fluff and Zan...
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Prince Fluff had just woken up, sitting there on the floor groggy and dazed. Zan was looking at him with a concerned expression, her eyes widening a bit as she saw he was ok--well, as 'ok' as he could've been.
Zan: "Fluff, are you ok?"
Prince Fluff: "I...I think so...what happened...?"
Zan: "I'm not entirely sure. You ran off ahead of me, and then I heard shouting followed by you screaming...by the time I arrived, you were unconscious and everyone else was gone. I...I'm sorry I couldn't stop whatever happened..."
Prince Fluff: "Don't apologize...it was my fault for getting so angry with you and running head-first into a bad situation. You were right, I should've been careful...all I remember is Ester's amulet thing started glowing, and then I just felt...overwhelming pain. I guess that's when I passed out."
Zan: "...Wait, his amulet? That means--"
Her sentence was cut short as she heard the voice of a young girl who had floated up to her and Prince Fluff, carrying...wait, was that Kirby? Why was he so...dull?
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Prince Fluff: "Wha--Kirby? What happened?"
Zan: "I've never seen anything like this...it's like all the color was drained out of him, and he looks so...numb..."
Prince Fluff: "Also, wait, Ester might be chasing you? Ugh, I'm so tired of that guy...!"
Zan: "...Wait. What if he doesn't chase after us? Javez probably needs to keep him around near the Jamba Heart for whatever the two of them are planning...and I think they might need Kirby for their plan as well. So...what if he's expecting us to go to him? Maybe we can stall for time and try to figure out how to fix Kirby. Then, if Ester does show up...well, we'll deal with him when we see him."
Prince Fluff: "...You...might have a point...ok. We'll wait here for a bit, but we can't wait too long. That ritual thing could be ready at any time, and whether they need Kirby or not, we're gonna have to show up to stop them regardless in order to save Hyness. ...Do you think he can hold his own for a bit?"
Zan: "I don't think they want to physically harm Hyness any further. The most either of them would do at this point is try to get into his head, which is still bad, but...we can't just rush in there blindly either...let's figure out what's up with Kirby and then develop a strategy."
Prince Fluff: "...Right."
[The focus has shifted back over to Prince Fluff and Zan for a bit. Maybe try helping them develop a strategy for confronting Ester and Javez?]
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
just popping in to say i feel better than i did earlier, and i appreciate everyone who sent in those lil asks! i might hang onto them for now rather than post them, but really, thank you very much <3
i'll be lurking a bit here and there, but i have a few things i'm trying to get done before tomorrow, and what happened today i think just took it out of me? bc i feel kinda drained. so forgive me if i'm not very present tonight ;n;
with that all said and done, please have a safe and lovely rest of your monday!
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earthtooz · 1 year
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x : POCKY GAME ! :*+゚
in which: you play the pocky game w/ various bllk boys!
warnings: gn!reader, ooc for some, fluff, lots of kissing, suggestive but not nsfw, 300-600 words depending on which blurb :p, the writing is better in some parts than others forgive me i was fighting for my life trying to get everything right >.<
a/n: if you enjoy pls like or reblog!!! okay sorry back to ur regularly scheduled content, but pls consider reblogging!!!!! have a lovely day !!!!
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CONFIDENT AND COCKY. he’s the one who taunts you into it, placing the confectionary sweet between his teeth and staring at you mockingly, daring you to take the other end.
“c’mon, sweets. what’s the worst that could happen?” he jeers, sitting back in his seat. you scoff at his egotistical show. you can’t stand him, really, you can’t.
you curse that he knows this trait of yours: that you could never say no to a good challenge. you know that he’s got you cornered, unable to contain his smirk when you roll your eyes and latch on to the opposite end of the pocky. at least he was considerate enough to take the breadstick end for himself.
both of you ignore the way you step in between his legs, placing your hands on his broad shoulders for stability before the game begins, but not without a wink sent your way first.
you hate his guts. he knows it, but he wants you so desperately it hurts. 
he tries to contain his eagerness yet he can't stop his hands from snaking up to loosely hold your hips, fearing that this was just another daydream of his imagination. you, on the other hand, remain unrushed, taking your time and not falling for his bait.
you love watching him suffer, don’t you? pushing then pulling back when he gets too close, leaving him in a lovesick haze. 
he loves that you know exactly what to do every time to send him spiralling. 
after what feels like an eternity yet no time at all, his heart stutters at the gentle hover of your lips over his before going into overdrive when you press against him, leaving no biscuit or space untouched. with little control, he gives himself fully into the kiss, conveying every pent up feeling of desire that you leave brewing within him. he has longed for this moment for ages. 
and somehow, you feel it. despite his playboy appearance, you can tell with this one kiss that he’s fully devoted himself to you. as ridiculous as the notion may sound, it's evident through the bruising embrace of his, the way he’s trying to commit your lips to memory, and the way that he's tilting his head to access more of you.
it’s enough to make your heart flutter. 
but. you knew you couldn’t give in to his wants. not yet.
abruptly parting from him, he quietly whines at the loss of contact, frowning when you push his hands away with that pretty smirk of yours. so unabashed in rejecting him, aren’t you?
“you’ve gotta work harder next time, pretty boy,” you whisper against his lips before lowering your head to press a quick kiss against his neck. “i’m not that easy to impress, especially not with a stick of pocky.”
he watches longingly as you walk away, a new fire of determination burning in his veins. 
oliver, KARASU, KAISER, SHIDOU, kunigami (after… yk) 
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DOUBTFUL BUT REALLY WANTS THIS. the party is in full swing, the bass of the music is buzzing through the speakers, groups of people are getting drunk, and you? well, you're playing a game for prepubescent teenagers.
“truth or dare?” one of the party goers asks the soccer player whom you’ve harbored feelings for for a while. your stomach flips in anticipation at which option he’ll choose. 
his face twists into a split second of contemplation before the answer slips out of his mouth. “dare,” he answers confidently, returning the asker’s smug expression with one of his own.
“i dare you to play the pocky game with the person who you think is the most attractive in this room.”
everyone lets out a collective ‘ooo’ at the dare and you try to ignore the way your heart drops to your stomach, your nerves crawling all over you. the soccer player laughs before accepting it, catching the strawberry pocky box that is thrown in his direction.
who just casually has pocky as a party snack? 
you don’t get to spend long dwelling on your query because your eyes suddenly lock with his and he stands up, never breaking eye contact as he walks over to where you sit.
the group erupts into cheers of encouragement when he bends down to be eye-level with you, holding the box of pocky in his hands with a small, shy smile. he was so cute- hold on. he thought you were the most attractive person in the room? oh my goodness, where you about the kiss the man you’ve been pining after for months?
“wanna play?” he asks, sounding a little uncertain.
the only response you can muster is a stupid nod, blissful expectancy settling heavy in the air as he rips open the packet and fishes out a stick. 
“let me know if you’re uncomfortable with this.” his voice is low, murmuring something that he only wanted you to hear.
“it’s fine,” you reassure before latching your mouth to the opposite end, trying not to show the flurry of emotions whirlpooling within you in this very moment. 
was this real? are you dreaming? 
when your noses lightly bump into each other, you wake up to reality because this was real. you weren’t dreaming and his face was now mere millimetres away from yours. his eyes glance up from your lips to meet your eyes and you feel a spark occur, one that wasn’t unwelcome.
there’s just one little bit left, you can practically feel his lips against yours, the gap tormenting the two of you as one of you waits for the other to make the first move. he shakily exhales. you're going to go insane from anticipation.
fuck it. you’ve come this far.
he jolts a little in surprise at your boldness before melting into you, smiling into the kiss as all tension seeps out of his shoulders. distantly, you hear cheers and whoops from everyone, too caught up in the feeling of finally having him against you, blissfully relishing at the way your arms wind around his neck, embracing him like you've been meaning to for a while.
he smiles against you when noticing how eager you are, relieved and delighted at the same time.
"you're perfect," he whispers when he reluctantly breaks away, eyes droopy yet filled with desire.
you’re caught off guard when he tells the person next to you to move aside before sitting down, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as everyone else watches. 
thank goodness for truth or dare.
isagi, yukimiya, REO, SAE (ik he’s like a ‘cool’ guy or whatever but i think he’s a total dork so let me have my moment),
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DOES IT BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU. he could not care less about some stupid game and he sure doesn’t need a fucking game to kiss the love of his life. he could do that whenever he pleases; a luxury that he will never take for granted.
but when you looked so happy and excited to try it out, how could he say no? 
“this is ridiculous,” he mutters, making his opinion known for the umpteenth time before connecting his lips to the end of the pocky stick. after a small countdown, the game begins and he starts without hesitation, biting down on the breadstick with an unmatched pace, quickly crossing into your territory.
before he could reach you though, you pull away, unsatisfied with his impatience. he groans at the sudden lack of contact, especially when he was so close to getting what he wanted.
“could you at least try a little harder?” you ask, unimpressed as he finishes the snack.
“i’m trying very hard, isn’t the point of this game to kiss one another?” he counters.
“well, yeah-”
“-if anything, you’re losing right now, love, so why don’t you try a little harder?” he asks in a low tone, nearing his face towards yours as his voice turns a little more sultry at the end. 
you push his face away, grinning to hide the effect he still has on you. “oh shut up, creep. what if i proposed a challenge?” 
“i’m listening.”
“let’s play it so that we try not to kiss, how about that, pretty boy? loser does whatever the winner wants.”
he straightens up a little at the nickname usage and the prospect of a prize. quirking a brow out of fascination, he relents. “fine. ass deal, but whatever you want.”
you keen at his willingness before grabbing another stick to set up the game once again. when you glance back up at him, a shiver runs down your spine at the darkened, lidded look he was giving you.
he prompts you to do the same when he takes a bite from the snack. 
this time, he’s slow and methodical with his actions, taking small bites to meet you in the middle where you enter a stalemate. here you can feel his breath against your lips, fanning against you ever so gently. 
this is going to be a lot harder than you anticipated because he’s really good at resisting temptation and urging you at the same time. it’s almost unfair how he keeps nearing your lips, threatening to close the gap before leaning away, leaving you to chase after him, all whilst holding a delicate piece of breadstick between his teeth. you can’t exactly make out if he’s smirking or not, but the mirth is evident in his eyes. 
he’s luring you in and it’s working.
next thing you know, you’re surging up to meet his lips in a clash of teeth, passion, and desire, all in one. it’s messy, but he wouldn’t want it any other way, especially when he’s the one who got what he wanted.
oh well, this wasn’t too bad for you either.
“see,” he says, pulling away, breathless and panting, his swollen lips forming into a smile. “this is way better than some stupid game.”
“shut up and make out with me.”
he keeps it to himself how you bought his least favourite flavour because it tastes better with you.
RIN, niko, chigiri (hear me out on this one: i’m right)
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HOW DID YOU GET HERE? you were enjoying your packet of pocky, really, you weren’t expecting anything exhilarating. however, that changed when he snuck up beside you, peering over your shoulder to see what you were eating.
you don’t miss the way his eyes light up upon seeing the branded snack in your hands and immediately asks if he can have one. when you glance inside the packet to see how many you have remaining, you tell him that there’s only one left which you tauntingly put in your mouth to gloat in his face.
what you were not expecting at all was for him to take a bite of the opposite end and you're immediately stunned into silence.
if that wasn’t enough, there was no shame when he began nibbling on it, closing the gap between your faces as he concentrates intensely on eating the confectionary sweet. 
you’re quite literally frozen, not having it in you to merely blink, too scared to move or retract away from him lest your poor heart give out from how it thunders in your chest, reverberating with the might of a thousand suns. 
if that wasn’t bad enough, the way he gently grabs your face with both hands to keep you cemented where you are only worsens your current predicament. warm palms holding either side as he stares determinedly at your lips, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
was he always this pretty?
then, when you don’t think he can get any closer, he snaps the stick, pulling back with a satisfied grin, hands lingering where they’ve sought purchase before returning to his side.
“thanks for sharing, y/n. best pocky i’ve ever had in my life,” he says before turning around, walking away to leave you on the verge of a meltdown. 
NAGI, bachira (but with more excitement), otoya, 
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yes-im-youtube-kids · 3 months
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I AM A MINOR, if you haven’t noticed
DO NOT ship me and Spotify Kids. We are both MINORS and are NOT OK WITH THAT
Google is my parent, incognito is my fav sibling, obvi zotap is my bae
Petsmart is my second (consecutive) parent
Eharmony is my third (consecutive) parent, adding me to the pink sparkle family, shakesqueer is my fav sibling
they/xe please
please interact with my blog pls pls pls
I draw a lil bit
I curse a lot a bit
I am:
-I’ve got anxiety
-probably autistic
-sometimes depressed
-really fucking emotionally stunted
I am involved with the illegal dealing of explosives and other dangerous weaponry—if you need a bomb or some other killing machine hop into my asks or @ me and I can make you one. I can make specialized bombs or other weapons from blades to firearms for any occasion!* I do all of this for a range of prices—could be anything from merely seeing the chaos of my making to your soul!
if I come across as rude I prolly didn’t mean it it was either for the bit or I didn’t realize it was rude
I occasionally go ooc I can’t always contain my hyperfixations I apologize sincerely
uuhhhhh idk what else to put here
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L to R: Incognito, YTK, Pandora, SK, Firehouse
5 corps down, many to go
*legally obliged to say these are emojis. That I send to you via reblogs. I don’t make irl bombs or weapons
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nervocat · 5 months
hi again im the person that send you questions just a min ago and i wanted to send a request separately.can you write about kafka x gn reader in a hs or uni au but the reader is introvterted and has a small friend group but sucu an academic achiever,academically smart? thanks in advance <3
“A cat brings you the book that you had requested from the library. Sorry for the long wait, the owner was busy . . . ”
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★ — NOTES: this was hard to come up with ideas for and I don't exactly like the outcome, but it's not the worst, one more request to go!! ✦ — WORD COUNT: 364 ★ — FANDOM: honkai: star rail ✦ — CW: none, but I feel like Kafka is slightly ooc
                “ Kafka with a Smart Academic Achiever ”
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You were in your late years of university, a straight A student with a high gpa. You were also with Kafka, the most sought after person in uni, who also has good grades.
Why does she like you? You're not sure, but she makes sure you know she loves you. She takes you to hang out at the café near the university you two attend and sometimes study's there with you.
Kafka slacked off a bit on her homework and some minor assignments (to your surprise), but she still has A’s and is extremely smart. You work late into the night sometimes and Kafka comes to your dorm to check on you and make sure you go to bed and not deprive yourself of the sleep you deserve — is how she puts it.
You share a lot of classes together and Kafkas friends (who have now become your friends) — Blade and Silver Wolf, or Silver. You four are a friend group with the two dealing with Kafkas flirtatious antics during passing time between classes. It's nothing extreme, just some comments here and there and hand holding. It earn a sigh from Blade and an eyeroll from Silver.
You visit each others dorms frequently just to hang out whether it's just the two of you or with Blade and Silver, doesn't matter. As long as she gets to hang out with you.
Kafka helps you on assignments and homework even if you say you don't need it, she'll help you regardless. Unless you keep telling her, then she'll willingly back off. Will stay in your room though until you're done with your work.
Spends as much time as she can with you, but isn't exactly clingy and will back off if you want her too. She's a very understanding person.
If you're stressed out from school then she'll do whatever you want whether that be staying cooped up in your dorm or going outside, it's up to you. As long as you take a well needed break, she's up for anything you want to do.
No matter the situation you both have in university, she'll stick by your side, and so will your guys’ friends. Until the end Kafka will wait for you, and she'll wait for forever for her beloved. ✧
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🐾 ★ — © nervocat || I appreciate any reblogs made, and pls don't repost or translate my works anywhere, ty — ✦ ☁️
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wackymaci · 9 days
PRESENTING.,,, A FULLY CANON CONVO: “ChalBel looks for loki (lmfao)/ and RETURNS HIM”
hey what if…. I just post the entire thing.
hm :)c (yes that’s the formal archive title^)
1. SEND A MINDREADER AFTER THE GOD OF LIES????? god it should have ALWAYS been set to happen this way!!
2. Once upon a time I said that i feel bad for never wholly portraying Bel in my art and posts due to the fact that Bel’s moments are usually up against Chal, who’s a chaotic mess, and so Bel always seems really calm and stoic when compared to her. THIS conversation is the most perfect, perfect, peak Bel showcase completely. please view the MOST Married Couple of All Time, they are SOOOO
3. a special thank you (as ALWAYS) to fenixe (who is not even here fgkFGK) - as we all know, fenixe and I never PLAN anything OoC together and even when shit happens we’re never conferencing about , like. intention. so for her to SO COMPLETELY AND ACCURATELY clock exactly what Loki’s doing (through Bel, mindreader!!) is so,, chefs kiss. THE ELYSIUM HIVEMIND??? We don’t OoC conference because we don’t NEED TOOOO LMAOOO-
4. Format is in fact spacier and slightly weird due to just being a full copypaste of the thread. I’m actually not going to post this as screenshots cause it is SOOOOOOOOOO LONG and. I can’t decide where to cut and paste. so… so!! hghhh this is why I do screenshots cause *i* hate when it’s formatted like this but whateverrrrrrr I’ll get over it. that being said I went ahead and bolded names idk if that’s easier to read or???
5. Obviously don’t reblog this lol
6. pls enjoy. HHHHHHGHHG-
Chal: -curled with Bel-
Libby: -wanders to-
Chal: Hi. How was your cult meeting?
Libby: Um, it was good…
Bel: -quiet- -petting Chal-
Libby: Can you go look for Loki for us?
Chal: …Who, me?
Libby: Uh-huh.
Chal: …Me specifically? What? Why?
Bel: I’ll go with you.
Chal: -glances between- Wh— huh? How is that my fucking job?
Libby: -flutters wings- We think Loki may be hiding in the pocket voids around here—no one else really knows how to get to them, so…
Chal: What do you mean he’s hiding?
Libby: ‘Cause the baby, and…
Chal: What do you mean the baby?
Bel: He’s pregnant.
Chal: He’s pregnant?
Libby: Yeah, so he ran away. We’re trying to find him, he.
Libby: -small voice- He um, Tory and Maci are really upset. Well, everyone’s really upset.
Chal: The fuck do Tory and Maci care?
Libby: Um…
Bel: Tory’s the other parent.
Chal: …Is he hiding from Maci?
Bel: I don’t think so? They’re on good terms now.
Chal: What am I supposed to do if I find him?
Libby: Bring him home.
Chal: -scoffs- He’s not gonna fucking listen to me.
Bel: If he doesn’t listen, should we call you?
Libby: Uh-huh. Me, or… Rane’s always in charge, or maybe Fen…
Chal: Whoa whoa whoa what if he flips out at me? What if he fucking turns me into a baby again?!
Bel: I’ll poof you away if I hear him thinking about it.
Libby: Please, Chal? He’s my mom, and no one else knows knows how to get into the voids.
Chal: Maybe I don’t even fucking know how to get into those anymore, it’s been a long fucking time since…
Libby: Chal pleeee-ase.
Chal: -frowns- -quiet-
Chal: -mumbles- Okay fine.
Bel: -takes Chal’s hand-
Libby: -hugs Chal- Thank you thank you.
Chal: -mumbles- Whatever.
Chal: -squeezes Bel’s hand- -poofs with-
Bel: -laces fingers-
Chal: What’s the fucking plan here? Should we have come up with a plan? What the fuck are I supposed to say if we actually find him?
Chal: This is so stupid. These things are like, all over the place. There’s so many of them and they all look the same. I don’t have a map. Only Loki has a map, maybe.
Bel: I guess just, say that his kids want him to come home?
Chal: -runs hands over face- Gods fuck oh my gods fuck. Yeah, ‘cause we’re gonna be the ones he’s gonna be thrilled to see. Fuck me oh my gods fuck this.
Chal: -curls wings- -sighs- …Well, he’s not in this one.
Bel: -looking around- How many of these are there?
Chal: Yeah, that’s the other thing— I have no idea. Tens? Hundreds? Thousands?
Chal: -poofs with-
Chal: …Probably not thousands. That seems like a lot.
Bel: I guess we’ll keep looking?
Chal: -small nod-
Chal: They’re not even nice to be in, they’re empty, they’re unsettling. Like accidentally ending up behind the fucking scenes or something.
Chal: -sighs- How long has Loki even been hiding for?
Bel: I’m not sure. I didn’t hear it.
Chal: But you heard Libby’s meeting? Did they all offer me up as sacrifice to Loki’s rage?
Bel: -shakes head- They wanted your help because you can navigate these places.
Bel: -pauses-
Bel: And they wanted me with you to do the talking if we find him.
Chal: …Oh. That makes more sense, he might listen to you. Definitely not me.
Chal: -poofs with-
Chal: What if he turns you into a baby?
Bel: I’ll, um.
Bel: I’ll try not to let it go there.
Chal: -stops- …Loki used to— Loki was a fucking, supervillain. Isn’t Loki fucking dangerous? Is this dangerous?
Chal: Is he going crazy in a fit of fucking rage? What if we have to fight him?
Chal: I, I can’t win against him in a fight. I don’t even know if I know how to fight anymore and I can’t do magic.
Bel: He hasn’t been overtly malicious in a long while.
Chal: Maybe he turned “overtly malicious” while he was running away. Maybe he’s gonna be in a real overtly malicious fucking mood about me and you trying to talk to him. Um, you trying to talk to him.
Bel: Still, it’s… We got asked to look for him by his kids. It’s important we try.
Chal: -mumbles- We don’t have to… Ugh, I guess.
Chal: You knew he was gonna have a baby…?
Bel: -nods- I heard it, but he didn’t want me to tell anyone.
Chal: Oh, shit.
Chal: -poofs with- -looking around-
Chal: And no one else knew? For like, a long fucking time?
Bel: No one but Tory and Maci, I guess.
Chal: -gives look- …And you and Ty.
Bel: Not on purpose.
Chal: Hmph.
Chal: How long am I supposed to keep going through the voids for? What if he’s not even in any of these? We could be here fucking forever. Who’s gonna put N to bed?
Bel: I guess when we need to put N to bed, we can stop.
Chal: -sulks- And then just, back at it tomorrow and every fucking day forever?
Chal: What if he hides for nine months?
Bel: If it’s too much labor, well…
Bel: We do have a daughter to take care of.
Chal: Right. Exactly, yeah. We do. I’m not taking N into the voids, so…
Chal: …-quieter- Is, um. Is Libby really upset?
Bel: She’s worried, mostly.
Chal: -sighs-
Chal: -mumbles- I’m sure Loki would probably come back on his own eventually…
Bel: Probably, but…
Bel: Well, he’s at risk for complications. If he’s not able to use his magic or get help…
Chal: Oh… Oh, that’s…
Chal: -frowns- Why… why’d he fucking leave then?
Bel: I don’t know.
Bel: Habit, or nerves?
Chal: -squints- That doesn’t make any sense. If he’s nervous about complications why banish himself to the fucking, middle of nowhere where no one can even get to him?
Chal: …Does Loki have anxiety?
Bel: -nods- A ton of it, actually.
Chal: -stops- Huh. …Seriously?
Bel: Yeah.
Chal: He could try therapy. He made me fucking do it.
Bel: -small smile- Maybe when he’s back home, you can suggest it.
Chal: Yeah, right. If he’s not mad enough at me for trying to find him, then that’ll do it for fucking sure…
Bel: -quiet-
Chal: -squeezes hand- -mumbles- This is so stupid. I mean, he could be in any of these. He could even be anywhere.
Bel: -soft sigh-
Chal: -poofs with-
Chal: Maybe he’s not even in here at all. Who said he was hiding here in the first place? If no one knows how to get in then how—
Loki: -looks at-
Chal: -stops short-
Bel: Oh—
Chal: -stutters- Oh, fuck—
Loki: -raises eyebrow- -faintly- Interesting.
Loki: -gestures to poof-
Bel: Wait!
Loki: -snarls- What.
Bel: You—
Bel: -runs hands over face- Ugh.
Chal: …Holy fuck you’re really fucking pregnant—
Loki: -eyeroll- -poofs-
Bel: Aaaaagh fuck you fuck you come back.
Chal: -sputters- That is SO pregnant! What happens if he has a baby in here?! Do you know how to deliver a baby?!
Chal: -clutches at- What if we find him again and he’s having a baby?
Bel: I-I mean, he knows how, so I could read his mind and figure it out…
Chal: I don’t—
Chal: -small noise- -poofs with-
Chal: -spins all around- -deflates- Fuck, fuck, it’s empty.
Bel: Maybe he’s still close?
Chal: Okay. Okay.
Chal: Okay if we find him again what do we do.
Bel: I’ll try to talk to him.
Bel: Like, actually talk.
Chal: Okay, fuck, okay.
Chal: Okay, lemme— -poofs with-
Chal: -frustrated groan- -poofs again-
Chal: -goes to poof- …. -freezes- Oh—
Loki: -sighs- -dryly- Oh, you’re after me, is that it? Here I thought I might be interrupting date night.
Bel: Shitokayokay—
Bel: Look, your children asked us to help find you.
Bel: They want you home.
Loki: -face falls slightly- -tucks arm around belly- -composes self-
Loki: Well, you can let them know you’ve found me. That I’m quite well. That I love them dearly.
Loki: …-frowns- That I don’t want to return, which they ought to know.
Bel: Why??
Bel: Everyone — Tory, Maci, your family, they’re upset.
Bel: They miss you.
Loki: -swallows hard- -petting belly-
Loki: Ah, well. You see, it’s simply because—
Loki: -gives look- -poofs-
Bel: WAIT—
Chal: NO!
Chal: -fidgets- D-do we keep going or pass a message?
Bel: Keep going!
Bel: All the fucking teleporting is making me nauseous, it’s fucking personal now, just go!
Chal: -scrambles- -poofs-
Loki: Don’t you have better things to do?
Chal: -startles- Oh shit, there you— Do the voids all go in— order?
Loki: Would you like a map? Would that be easier for you?
Bel: Oh my gods, just fucking listen!
Bel: Why are you even here? You know full well you’re just making yourself worse being all alone; what happened to not up and disappearing for this child?
Loki: -witty retort dies- -falters slightly-
Bel: And your kids figured out what’s wrong on their own — I didn’t tell anyone — because you always. fucking. do this.
Chal: -clutching Bel- -staring between-
Loki: None of this concerns you. Neither of you.
Chal: Bullshit, Libby misses you too.
Bel: Yeah, it does! My sister-in-law’s missing her fucking dad.
Loki: -evenly- I believe I’m designated Libby’s mother, thank you very much.
Bel: Ohmygods, it’s semantics.
Loki: -waves hand- I’ll return eventually. My children can come to me. When there aren’t search parties I can— they know this. They know I’ll always…
Bel: Fucking hell, they’re worried you’re gonna get hurt.
Bel: Wasn’t that the whole point of staying home? You’ve got support if something happens?
Bel: Fucking off to a hidey-void is familiar, I get it, but it’s not safer.
Loki: I won’t be hurt.
Loki: -glaring daggers- And it feels safer.
Loki: I don’t need support, this endless charade. I can handle myself, myself. I j-just— I just need time to— -falters-
Loki: -swallows- -viciously- Being chased through liminal spaces isn’t helpful, either.
Bel: Time to what? Sabotage your relationships because they can’t abandon you if you do it first, on your terms?
Loki: -breath hitches- -visible flinch-
Loki: -snarls- -POOFS-
Chal: -coughs- The dramatic smoke wasn’t necessary, can you not piss him off into exploding—
Chal: -poofs with-
Loki: Now you’re really starting to irritate me.
Bel: You’re irritated? I’m irritated!
Loki: You’re welcome to leave!
Bel: I’m not done yelling at you!
Bel: Tory thinks he’s done something wrong and who’s gotta listen to his head? Me!
Loki: -pales slightly- —Gods I told him it wasn’t personal, th-that none of this would be…
Bel: You’re fairly well known for lying.
Loki: -sneers- Well, then there’s what happened for “not up and disappearing with this child,” your answer in turn.
Bel: Bullshit, I know this is your other bit: you’re also well-known for acquiring nice situations, getting nervous about something happening to the nice situation, and then you create a catastrophe because if the nice thing you have is gonna go up in flames, at least it’s on your terms.
Bel: How will you know if people give a shit about you if you never give them a chance?
Loki: -opens mouth- -closes-
Loki: -blinking furious tears- -poofs-
Chal: -breathless- I think you’re fucking winning, -poofs after-
Loki: -frustrated groan- This seems like all just a lot of fuss for no reason.
Loki: They’ve others to occupy their time— They can fuck the clones, if they’re so deprived. Tell them I said so.
Chal: Aagh, gods.
Bel: What do you mean, no reason? Your children want you home, Tory and Maci want you home, Rane’s made a fucking council to figure out where you went.
Loki: Rane’s always making councils, it’s her favorite hobby.
Chal: You keep swerving around all the fucking subjects.
Loki: -glares at- -icily- No reason, as my children can come and go to find me as they see fit, for visits if they wish. All these theatrics, sprung upon me before I’d a chance to find them. Tory and Maci—
Loki: -voice wobbles slightly- …Are f… furious, I’m sure, and I won’t return to be in the line of fire.
Loki: And Rane just likes gathering councils. There, all your subjects.
Bel: I’m not stupid. You think Tory and Maci will blow up if you come back?
Bel: Your children don’t even know where you are; it’s why we found you.
Bel: Everyone misses you and wants you safe. Go home.
Loki: You must understand this was all very impromptu. I didn’t mean… I didn’t… I would have sent for my children, I didn’t get a chance to— I’d never leave them—
Loki: I-In the meantime, Maci and Tory will find another fifty things to be angry about beyond myself and the turmoil I’ve caused; eventually I can fall further from out of their graces and into irrelevance, I— I’ll return when tempers are cooled, once they’ve moved on.
Bel: Tempers never went off! They’re worried, not angry. You’re creating scenarios in your head, and that’s the only place they exist.
Bel: If you care about them at all, you’ll cut it out with the borderline behavior and stop sabotaging the relationship you built.
Loki: -hugging belly- -stares away from-
Loki: You’re utterly naive if you think I could just, what, waltz back? Popped out for a quick break? Pretend it never happened, fall back to— the normalcy that— the way I— we’d—
Loki: And say it does and I dissolve into panic again and—
Loki: —Oh for gods’ sake, might we all sit in a circle and discuss our feelings here? Might we all be better off? Begone with this. Let me be.
Bel: You literally can. Just go back.
Loki: I won’t. I won’t return to collapse again— and again, again. They ought to have known what they’d— I’d warned them. Their own stupidity if they’d chosen bare optimism instead.
Loki: -sneers- And you can pass that message along, as well. -goes to poof-
Loki: -green fizzles- -goes nowhere-
Chal: -startles- …O-oh, shit…?
Loki: …-closes eyes- -SIGHS-
Bel: Out of juice?
Loki: -withering glare- -yes-
Chal: -holds out panicky hands- Are you gonna— have the, fucking baby?
Loki: …No, Chal.
Bel: It’s fucking with his magic.
Loki: -snaps at- Perhaps it’s merely a side effect of hauling myself and a large, developing mystery, to travel rapidfire across many, many difficult to reach pockets in succession.
Loki: I was quite comfortable where you’d found me. Quiet. Alone, peaceful. A bed that wasn’t sweltering, no impossible expectations looming over my head. Functioning magic, m-mostly. Here we are, a million voids later.
Chal: Shit, it is fucking with you? You look all— sweaty.
Loki: Just go away.
Bel: Fine, it’s not like I have much else to say to you—
Bel: -lunges for Loki- -poofs with-
Loki: -struggles away from- -PREGNANT AND AWKWARD- -snarling- How DARE you, you’ll pay for this I swear it—
Chal: -yelling- No the fuck he won’t, he’s fucking helping your stupid ass anyway!
Bel: -poofs back to palace-
Loki: -crumples to knees- -trying not to cry-
Loki: -folds over belly-
Libby: -gasps- You actually found—?!
Bel: Yeah, somehow.
Bel: Also fuck him, he kept teleporting from pocket to pocket.
Chal: I-I think we’re all dizzy and nauseous, really fucking fun, fucking asshole—
Libby: Are you okay?! Are you— -kneels to Loki- A-are you, okay, the baby…?
Loki: -hangs head- The baby’s okay, I…
Loki: -tears streaming- -whispers- Please don’t call your siblings, they shouldn’t s-see me in this state.
Loki: You won, let me be.
Libby: I…
Chal: -beseeches Tory-
Tory: -poofs-
Chal: -points-
Tory: -pauses-
Loki: -hunches into ball- -choked sob-
Libby: -hovers- The, the baby’s okay, he said…
Tory: -quiet- -pets Chal’s shoulder-
Chal: -stumbles back against Tory- S, sorry I don’t know if I— maybe I shouldn’t have called you if, b-but he said not the kids and Bel and me already spent too much time fucking yelling at him in the voids and I don’t, uhh…
Tory: -kisses top of head- You did really good.
Chal: -beams slightly- Bel did better.
Tory: You’re a team.
Chal: -BEAMS MORE- -squeezes Bel’s hand-
Chal: Please don’t let him fucking kill us.
Tory: -crouches by Loki-
Loki: -sobbing in heap- -trembling-
Tory: -pets-
Loki: -coughs- -sobs-
Chal: -inches closer to Bel- H-his um, he couldn’t teleport… Maybe the baby, we dunno.
Tory: -squeezes Loki’s shoulder- Stand up.
Loki: -tears streaming- -sniffling- -shakes head-
Loki: …-struggles up anyway- -holding belly-
Loki: -can’t look at-
Tory: -hugs Loki-
Loki: -stiffens- … -sobs- -crumples into-
Tory: -rubbing back-
Loki: -trembling-
Libby: I-I um, I’ll tell everyone that he… I-I’ll tell them to see you tomorrow, if…
Libby: You’re… staying, right? You’re not leaving again tomorrow?
Loki: -small voice- -hoarse- I’ll b-be here.
Tory: -brushes hair out of face-
Loki: -small sob- -stares into floor-
Tory: You’re okay?
Loki: -shakes head-
Tory: Do you want to sit down?
Loki: -wobbly nod- -not looking at-
Chal: -like watching a trainwreck- -backs away-
Chal: -so awkward- Do you— you can— have our room if, we’ll all go s-someplace else if you, have to cry on the floor or, something.
Tory: -guides Loki to couch- I’ll take care of him.
Chal: -nodnodnod- -grabs Bel/Libby- -mutters- I need to fucking lie down. We’re walking to bed, I’m teleporting zero more times tonight.
aaaaand..,,, scene
thanks for reading<3 yknow…. I hope posting these threads (pieces, whole parts) provides some insight into why I’m the way I am with elysium lmfao
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formula1bby · 2 years
Dating Pierre Gasly Headcanons
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It’s exactly what it sounds like lol Pure fluff really
pierre gasly x gn!reader
Warnings: none really, just fluff
req?: yes/no
a/n: heyo first time writing for Formula 1 so many apologies if anything is ooc for people. Constructive criticism is okay but flat out hate isn’t, pls be respectful. If you like this pls comment or reblog! And if you have any ideas or anything you want me to write, my requests are open so feel free to hop in and say your piece. (Or if you just want to talk really haha) Anyway, hope you all enjoy!
I feel like he'd definitely keep your relationship private at the start, definitely asked you out in a really private setting, maybe before a race when you two are chilling in his driver room or maybe right after a race when he gets a second alone before heading to media
Regardless, people probably wouldn't even know you were dating until like a month later because your comfort always comes before his need to show you off
When you tell him you're ready to go public tho? Hoo boy this man has everything planned down to the picture to use to announce your relationship on Instagram
Your first time walking into the paddock as a couple was intense. The reporters couldn't get enough of you guys! Before practice that day there were already countless articles and pictures of you two posted everywhere and fans were absolutely adoring the way Pierre looked at you as if you hung the moon in the sky
I feel like some of the drivers would have already known you two were a couple (Charles definitely did because he pestered Pierre to tell him after catching his friend checking his phone every two seconds waiting for a message from you), but for those that didn't know, it wasn't really a surprise to them because of how close you and Pierre had been before. You two were literally the last to know about your feelings for each other
After a good race, Pierre wants nothing more than to spend the rest of the day and night with you, his perfect partner he couldn't imagine how he got so lucky with
This could be you guys going out to a club together or ordering takeaway (with the promise to not tell his trainer he was breaking his diet) and staying in the hotel room all night doing whatever struck your fancy (more often than not this would be some *ahem* physical activity)
Pierre always doted on you after a good race, insisting you were his good luck charm that weekend, even when you tried to tell him you should be the one doting on him
He would smother you in kisses after a race, regardless of if he was absolutely soaked in champagne from a podium
After a bad race, he would situate himself in your arms and lay on top of you when you get back to the hotel
You guys definitely wouldn't be going out in order to give him the time to gather himself and recharge before even attempting to be in any sort of public setting before the next race
I also feel like he wouldn't really talk too much after a bad race, instead just wanting to soak in your presence. You would probably be muttering sweet nothings and reassurances to him though while holding him in your arms, the TV playing some crappy show in the background
Overall though, I feel like Pierre would be a very touchy boyfriend who just wants to show his partner off to anyone and everyone who will pay attention but he definitely cherishes the quiet, private moments between you guys
10/10 would recommend dating Pierre
There it is! I'll probably do a part 2 at some point, so if any of you guys have any ideas for that, feel free to drop into my asks and leave suggestions! Also, requests are open! So if you have any scenario or headcanons or one-shot idea you want, feel free to send that in as well :)
Cazza out (^▽^)
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actorsmask · 6 months
"Even an organization like the Masked Fools sing praises of their Aeon. The Aeon will never give you up, never let you down, or run around and desert you. They will never make you cry, say goodbye, or tell a lie and hurt you.”
— Ast Rickley, super popstar of the Epsilon XII System
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Alias: Ahanon
Pronouns: They/them
Age: 23
Path: Elation
Element: Fire
Affiliation(s): Masked Fools, Wildfire
Birthday: 08/12
Weapon: Sickles +a gun
Character Details / Character Relationships
Character Story I / Character Story II / Character Story III / Character Story IV
On the Run, a Home Found.
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Credits: @SkT_7an on twitter/X and sk.t7an on IG
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Okay, mod speaking!
Hello! This is a blog for my HSR OC, Ahanon or Blythe! FYI, if the character interacting with Ahanon is close enough, they may call them Blythe!
Finished event(s)!
50 Follower event / Event ended!
Now, about the mod!
What do you call me? — Ahanon as well! Or Blythe!
Pronouns? — She/her
Nationality? — Filipino!(it’s always funnier in the Philippines)
Sexuality? — Bisexual
I will not tolerate homophobia, racism, or misogyny. It will be an immediate block.
You may have your own opinion, but if I see a hate comment or just something disrespectful, it will be deleted and you will be blocked.
Mod is a minor, so please do not send anything NSFW. I can do slightly suggestive but that is the deadliest line drawn.
Mod has a life guys!!!! Though I am a phone addict and answer very quickly, there will be times I will not answer immediately, so if I don’t respond quickly please do not spam or I will ignore your ask.
Pls discuss with me in DMs if you wanna do a ship!
If you want me to write something, you can hop into the asks!(though I can’t guarantee it’ll meet your standards)
Think that’s everything, have fun!
actor’s mask does actor’s mask shit!=OOC
actor’s mask loses her primos!=Genshin talk
actor’s mask loses her crystals!=hsr talk
actor’s mask loses her fingers!=prjsekai talk
actor’s mask tries to write!=(poorly written)Drabbles or small fics
actor’s mask shares media!=reblogs
RP People!
actor’s mask talks to anons!
actor’s mask talks to fan club anon!
actor’s mask talks to lenoraven!
actor’s mask talks to crimson ashes!
actor’s mask talks to Hanako!
actor’s mask talks to Warau!
actor’s mask talks to Etsuo!
actor’s mask talks to 🌷!
actor’s mask talks to hyenapriest!
actor’s mask talks to astral timekeeper!
actor’s mask talks to the architect!
actor’s mask talks to amberlynn!
actor’s mask talks to elinoir!
actor’s mask talks to the cursed one!
actor’s mask talks to simon!
actor’s mask talks to phyvas!
actor’s mask talks to yin!
HSR RP blogs!
actor’s mask talks to mr-cold-feet
actor’s mask answers silly sampo!
actor’s mask talks to life of a faker!
actor’s mask talks to s1lvermane!
actor’s mask talks to ask lynx!
actor’s mask talks to Bronya!
actor’s mask talks to the underworld-doctor-natasha!
actor’s mask talks to Pitch-Dark Hook The Great!
actor’s mask talks to six phasedice!
actor’s mask talks to Argenti!
actor’s mask talks to blade official!
actor’s mask talks to the lucky coin!
actor’s mask talks to aventurine official!
actor’s mask talks to audhd-aventurine!
actor’s mask talks to trashcan loving raccoon!
actor’s mask talks to dr vrat1o!
actor’s mask talks to dr ratio official!
actor’s mask talks to veritas ratio!
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sungracd · 2 months
NAME : i've been going by kasumi for like ever lol, but just kas pls
PRONOUNS : she/her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : ims or discord are equally fine tbh but i'm equally slow either way
NAME OF MUSE(S) : adrian saint-clair, the one and only muse i have energy for :')
BEST EXPERIENCE : aaa i don't want to say 'best' because i'm really enjoying where i'm at right now but the memories that stick out to me most are when i was apart of a group. the tekken rpc here is still so friendly ♡ but before that i had a group of ff friends on a different site. maybe that's the joy of playing canon characters but unfortunately i'm probably sticking with this muse for a while sldkj adri has a chokehold on me-
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : i think the biggest dealbreaker is having a lot of negative/guilt trippy ooc. and idk if this one is a common belief so much these days or maybe just not around here but the whole elitist attitude of higher word count = better writing. omg did that mentality grind my gears lmao. also just being intolerant in general of people's ideas/portrayals/anything and feeling the need to express it rather than just walking away.
MUSE PREFERENCES : female or femme apparently lol. when i had a multi they were all female characters so yeah. idk what it is, maybe i just put way too much pressure on myself when it comes to male characters but i just can't feel comfortable writing them even though there's so many i love. 😭 i also can't do villains. i love morally gray and angst and even dark themes as long as it can be balanced out with fluff and comfort and sweet things.
PLOTS OR MEMES : as much as i appreciate the ease of memes, they're a hit or miss a lot of the time for me. i rarely post them much nowadays but i do still like to send them in for others! i feel a lot more comfy plotting something first, even if it's just the bare minimum cause i like the certainty of being on the same page and making sure we want to write the same ideas.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : both! i just write whatever i'm feeling at the moment really, sometimes that's something short and casual or more long and introspective.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : definitely in the morning, or generally anytime right after i wake up while my brain still feels refreshed and uncluttered.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : lol no. i mean we're both air signs so there's that, but adri is nice and outgoing and i'm more reserved and cautious. i think in a way writing them helps me to channel all the positive emotions i have a hard time expressing into something productive. c:
tagged by @ruinare ty! ♡ & tagging @zouin / @holyrisen / @deathsmaidens / @literanis / @rotdame / @killerhubby / @enypneon + anyone who wants it!
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bloodybcrbie · 2 months
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NAME : alexis, but people i'm close to call me lex / lexi .
PRONOUNS : she/her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : my biggest red flag is that i am terrible at initiating communication with people . absolutely horrible at it . but i do love talking ooc <33 i prefer using discord rather than tumblr ims , so if you ever wish to speak with me , just text me on discord or ask me for it if you don't already have it <3
NAME OF MUSE(S) : tiffany valentine ( child's play / chucky franchise )
BEST EXPERIENCE : hmm , i would have to say my best rp experience was several years ago , during the peak of tumblr rp ( 2016 - 2018 ish ) . i have so many great memories from that . the rp community was just so . . lively and more communicative .
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : i don't get annoyed easily , so i don't really have pet peeves that sincerely provoke me lol . but i suppose one of my greatest pet peeves is bothering me for replies or posting vagues / sending anon hate to other people . like pls ? at your big age ? we're adults here lol . if you have a problem , then speak to the person directly .
MUSE PREFERENCES : i have a special place in my heart for horror / dbd / slasher muses , but i don't have a preference per se .
PLOTS OR MEMES : truthfully , i prefer either or . but i love plotting so so much . i love talking about my muse and the potential dynamics between muses as well . it makes me enthusiastic and a little bit more eager to interact with you if we have prior discussions .
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : i tend to write long replies , but i try to adjust based on the other person . i don't want my replies to be overwhelming for my partners , but at the same time , i'm not gonna limit myself creatively .
BEST TIME TO WRITE : whenever the mood strikes , tbh . but i typically find myself writing during the late afternoons / late evenings . i'm a night owl lol
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : hm , in terms of questionable taste in men ? sure lol . but , truthfully , my muse and i do not share any remarkable similarities to each other . tiffany is a hopeless romantic who wears her heart on her sleeve , meanwhile i am somewhat guarded when it comes to both romantic and platonic relationships . the greatest thing we have in common is that we both take time to doll ourselves up ( hair , makeup , the like ) .
TAGGED BY: @sclvged ( thank you , sweetface ! ) TAGGING: @manufactoredxbyxdesign , @leadxxr , @sheldoney / @whyscserious , @tootyfuckingfruity , @corvidamned , and anybody who would like to do this <3
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teacup-captor · 1 year
I have a ko-fi now. Billionares if you see this and you have a billion to spare please follow the link below
(alternatively if you do not have a billion to spare but you have some money for business transactions I do commissions)
[Psst! I intend to do some more roleplaying on this account. Everything under the "#Gargoyle Leo" tag is rp!]
Call us Teacup (have fun with the pronouns we go by All of them.) feel free 2 ask who's fronting :P
Or send me a Sherlock (ANY ADAPTATION) to edit into a catboy!!!!
Or just tell me about your day or make random noises at me <333 infodump if you'd like omg!!! /g
Other blogs I have!!!
@teacup-crafter (creative stuff archive PLS PLS PLS SEND ME ASKS WITH SHERLOCK ART REQUESTS)
@tths-system-antics (system blog (very inactive. Sorry))
@your-fave-is-soup (gimmick blog for souping blorbos. I'm active I just don't get asks. I love souping blorbos)
@bentleysbeetle (Good Omens RP blog. Adoptive child of Aziraphale (and by proxy, Crowley) and best friends with Bentley. Dabbles in crime solving. Also- I do tarot readings there. Long story. You get a silly one and a serious one if you ask.)
@youngpoetthomasthorne (poetry + aesthetic but mainly Thomas Thorne BBC Ghosts rp blog)
Tag system:
#Gargoyle Leo - this is my tag for the Good Omens roleplay :) everything under this tag is roleplay!! Everything else is ooc :P as a general I'm only roleplaying when I'm directly interacting with other Good Omens roleplayers. My character is called Leo and uses it/they/he/she/ne pronouns. They're totally not based on anyone what are you even saying /j
#sigmord - stimboards
#trinket box - things I am saving <3 little trinkets :D
#bees for me - bees sent in my inbox or bee posts I have been tagged in
#why can't i just be normal moments - I AM NOT BEING SELF-DEPRICATING. This is my tag for unhinged things I've said (on Discord mostly, but I'm open for other things too)
#good omens season 2 spoilers - self-explanatory
#bbc ghosts 5 - bbc ghosts s5 spoilers
Trigger warnings get tagged as #tw [trigger] and #[trigger] tw just so you're covered
I also have tags for my friends. If I reblogged your post and you don't understand one of my tags it's probably bc I reblogged it from a friend
(* body focused as in you post only/primarily pictures of bodies especially in a weight focused way)
(if you don't know what's going on regarding Israel vs Palestine I'm very happy to give an explanation but I am N O T discussing this. Good people are pro Palestine.)
(If you apply for the rest of my DNI feel free to ask why or discuss calmly with me but if you start getting angry you're fucking blocked)
-Homophobes, transphobes, enbyphobes, racist, yadda yadda if ya hate people fur things they cannot or should not change fuck off right to hell
-Against therians/otherkins
-Ableists (that includes if you believe NPD or other PDs are inherently bad or use terms like "nArC AbUsE". They're people too and they can be nice.)
-Against mspec gays/lesbians, turigirls, lesboys, or other contradicting labels
-Against self-diagnosis
-Endo/t*lpa (*u) systems and their supporters (if you're syscourse neutral you can stay, just know that I'm under the belief that endo systems are either not systems or they're invalidating their own trauma. If you use labels such as "neurogenic" to say you formed from trauma bc of a mental illness, that is literally trauma and makes you traumagenic)
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buraiikan · 3 months
✔ for koto pls & thank you !
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My muse(s): Jimbei !
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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@dayrisen || quick && easy plotting guide !
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duunswitch · 1 year
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Name / Alias: Kelpy, though you may also know me as Newt or Ven!
Pronouns: they/them, though I'll also accept she/her since I'm not out among family
Blog type: single muse | Multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective | mutuals only | private | other
Type of muses: canon | OCs | both| other (specify)
Triggers people MUST tag: Dolls, specifically porcelain and BJD. Lifelike dolls as well; toys like barbie are fine.
Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it’s mandatory | I have it, it’s not mandatory but I’m more likely to follow back / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it’s up to people whether to fill it or not | I don’t have one | other (specify)
Reblog karma: I practice it | I practice it sometimes | I don’t practice it | I always reblog memes from the source | indifferent | other (specify)
Rule passwords: I have one and it’s mandatory | I have one and it’s optional | I don’t have one | I send passwords | don’t sent passwords
I have no sleep schedule, please don't try to match my reply speed bc I reply immediately a lot of the time and do not expect people to do the same.
Mutuals mean mutuals only.
I'm small and anxious so I tend not to reach out first a lot of the time; I promise I don't bite though so you should definitely just kick in my inbox and forcibly befriend me. I promise I'll be happy about it.
Sometimes I'm like a rat terrier with a rat about subjects; if you're tired of hearing about it just tell me to shut up lmao. autism means I don't always recognize the cues and need to be told straight up that I'm doing a thing
I'm just a small seaweed, please be gentle
Despite my best attempts, I promise I'm not stupid. Please don't treat me like a child; lmao I had an ex friend treat me like I was an idiotic 5 year old at a con once bc we got separated and never have I wanted to punch someone so badly. Don't condescend to me. If you do chances are I'll go silent and you'll never hear from me again.
Acting like I owe you my time! I'm always willing to interact and yell w/ people, I promise! I'm really excited to interact with people at all times, but more than once I've had other muses both IC and OOC act like I/my muse owed them all of my time and energy and that always ends in a block. 
Please be legible posts lmao. I have bad eyesight, don't make it worse.
Lack of respect. Treating me like I'm an idiot/child, or not respecting my time.
Not actually giving me equal effort. I absolutely do not expect anyone to match my length and definitely not my reply speed lmao but if I give you a couple paras, please don't slap down one line and call it good. UNLESS you can give me enough to work with in said line for a reply. (Legit once had someone reply to a ten para starter with two lines and MAN did that kill a muse.)
Harassing me/friends over people they're RPing with or ships we have. If someone is genuinely dangerous that's one thing, then sure lemme know privately but showing up on anon or posting vagues about it doesn't get you the result you think it does.
Yoinking my icons/other stuff. Unless otherwise specified, I make everything myself. I've had icons drawn specifically for me by friends as a bday gift stolen more than once in other fandoms, and it's annoying.
Forceshipping. I promise, I'm super easy to ship with; I see two characters interact once and my brain's already going "hey what if they kiss tho" within three posts if they have the chemistry for it so if you're interested then just say so! Forcing it when I/the muse clearly aren't interested tho, no pls.
Not tagging things, or being an asshole about people politely requesting you tag a trigger for them. Your blog so if you don't wanna tag triggers alright, but don't be a dick about saying no. 
I don’t know your muse, our styles wouldn’t click, or I’m not a fan of a lot of the content you post. I like to keep my dash clean with people I know and those I can see myself writing with.
I know you from before and you’re someone I haven’t had good interactions with. I've been in many fandoms on tumblr in the last decade or so in the RP comm, and surprise I do in fact recognize distinct rp styles; if you're known for being a predator or anything in another fandom, there's a high chance I know and I've been there to watch it happen. I know who you are, you aren't fooling me with a new blog and a new alias.
I didn’t see you follow; tumblr's bad at doing it's job so I may not have noticed. Or I did, but you're a personal with an RP sideblog and didn't post anywhere where your RP blog is so I don't know there's an RP blog to follow.
tagged by: @pseudomonacarriea tagging: theft!
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babydxhl · 1 year
✔ (Pretty sure I sent this for Roman a lifetime ago but maybe for Khare? Only if you're okay with that!)
send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse!
ofc it's fine you silly goose
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse pls tell me more I loooove what I've read so far
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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jeoseungsaja · 2 years
Tumblr media
NAME:  Alex.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: I’M PRETTY SLOW no matter the platform used to communicate (my deepest apologies; it’s not on purpose, though), but I prefer to use Discord (available upon request!) I also use IM’s if preferred, but with those I’m much slower. 
NAME OF MUSE(s): I’m only going to name the ones I have in here (since I was also tagged in my multi 👀❤) – Grim Reaper (Jeoseung Saja / Saja), Wang Yeo (verse four) and Lee Hyuk (verse three). 
RP EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): I started writing before I got into the RPC, but if we’re talking RPC exclusively, then since 2013 (9ish years). 
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: For RPing I’ve only used this platform (dumblr) and Discord. I 110% prefer dumblr for rping/writing and Discord for OOC and plotting. 
BEST EXPERIENCE: MEETING YOU LOVELY PEOPLE!!! I’ve met some absolutely WONDERFUL people in this community and I think that’s the best part of it. Being able to share experiences together, being able to write comfortably and freely together; being able to simply YELL happily and excitedly about our interests — IT’S A BLAST and I’m so thankful for all of you.
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: OH BOY, I do have a few 🙃. I actually share some of Ferre’s pet peeves, pls don’t mind me if I leave them here: Self-centered writing partners, non-communicative partners (as in, you’ve been trying to reach out to them and gotten no response at all; I don’t mind the time of a response, I just get disheartened when there’s 0 OOC talking, if that makes sense), facechasing; frequent vague-posting. 
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I’m fine with either but the latter (smut) I don’t write much unless it’s something that fits the plot/bond and I’ll also just write it if I feel comfortable with my writing partner. The other two (fluff and angst) are easier for me to write and I usually will write those genres more frequently than smut. 
PLOTS OR MEMES: These days I’m more into plotting, and then memes to fortify said plots BUT!! Memes are also super good as icebreakers if there aren’t any solid ideas at the moment (which can be plotted out later on!), so always feel free to send memes even if we haven’t interacted! 
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I have a penchant for long replies, I just tend to go crazy with words when I’m inspired and when we’ve talked about the dynamic which could be developed with our muses; there’s no need to match length, though! Sometimes I’ll do short replies as to restrain myself (LMAO WIUEHDWUEHD) or when my brain doesn’t have enough energy to write several paragraphs. 
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Whenever I have the energy and time to do so! Lately I’ve been a little low on the writing battery so I’ve been taking things little by little. 
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): Not completely, no, but I’d like to think that there are parts of me that I’ve unconsciously deposited in my muses. I think it’s...almost impossible to not feel even the slightest of familiarity in some regards to your muses, since you’re the one developing them and such! 
tagged by: @ofgentleresolve​ 💖💖💖 tagging: whoever wishes to do this one, pls feel free to snatch it! 
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