taeandpuppies · 1 day
"If you were actually in that much pain you'd be screaming in agony" well, the thing is, screaming takes energy and so does being in pain, and I also have other shit to do, you know. I think people only have the context of pain as being an acute concept, like stubbing your toe...something that comes and then gets better. You kinda get used to chronic pain, but it never stops hurting. You just learn to exist with it, because you don't have another choice
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taeandpuppies · 3 days
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hyunho off to prom
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taeandpuppies · 3 days
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COME BACK TO ME (2024) day 152/547 until joon returns
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taeandpuppies · 6 days
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taeandpuppies · 10 days
Well it's still hot so..
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Are you today's weather?
Because you are hot!
OH! Well the bunny is back from its adventure. Welcome home 🥰
I mean, if you need a place to cool you down from all the hotness I guess I provided, I can give you a relief that you crave so much, you will moan at the feeling.
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Tell me when, and I will have you breathing heavily under me.
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taeandpuppies · 18 days
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I wonder what they think when they see us.
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taeandpuppies · 18 days
If you ever foolishly forget, I'm never not thinking of you
- 🐷
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How can i forget when i have you close 💛
I hope you never forget that you are always on my mind too. Always
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taeandpuppies · 1 month
There’s no such thing as work-life balance for neurodivergent & chronically ill people.
This is because everything in my life requires work:
maintaining friendships
keeping up with my hygiene
managing bills
making money
remembering my basic needs
sleeping regularly
outputting creatively
All requires some aspect of work for me.
And when everything in your life requires work, your balance goes out the window.
If you're neurodivergent and overwhelmed — I see you.
If you're chronically ill and overwhelmed — I see you.
You're not dysfunctional.
You're not incapable.
You're doing your best.
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taeandpuppies · 2 months
What is this sweet scenario?! 🤧
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Learning from the best friend huh... maybe not the best trait to take after 😂
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Me to you after 😂
Wouldn't change a thing | Kim Taehyung
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A/N: fluff for @taeandpuppies happy birthday 💜
summary: Thinking back to his confession, surely you could have reacted differently.
Genre: fluff, just pure fluff. (maybe a tiny bit of angst. Blink and you missed it. )
Wordcount: 2.2 K
You've always wondered how love would nestle into you, how love would find a home within you. Sure, you imagined about it, imagined how it would be ur love someone like you've always read in books, you've read in poems.
Was it really possible to have that kind of love find you? Well, yes, yes it was.
To be laying here on these baby blue sheets, the comforting yellow walls with the added white and green accesoires displayed all over the room, some may say they would end up running with the splash off colour surrounding you but to you, to you it felt like laying in a meadow on an early spring day. The dandelions swaying in the slight breeze, the clouds just drifiting by being in their own element.
''What are you thinking of?'' The sweet sound of his voice would be the singing of the birds, bringing a sense of serenity to you. Turning towards Taehyung, you propped yourself up and looked at him with this beaming smile that he just couldn't resist and pinched your cheek lovingly.
The bed truly felt like laying on a cloud, being in your own world with the one that houses your heart and not having to think of the world below you.
''Just about you and me.'' You shrugged happily, not minding at all he has the flesh of your cheek pinched between two of his fingers, your smile growing just bigger at the action.
Putting the mark between the pages, he laid the book down on the nightstand and instead cupped your face between his hands as his eyes flickered over your face before he just shrugged aswell and left a sweet peck on your lips and patted his chest when he pulled away.
Getting yourself comfortable on his chest, you began to trace little circles on the skin of his shoulder and thought about how moments like these really were everything you have been thinking about before love actually did find you.
Naturally, when you first met Taehyung, you didn't think much of it. Ofcourse, he was kind, he seemed to be understanding and way more patient than you innitially thought he would be. You were careful about feeling affection for him, thinking nothing more than just being friends. You didn't even dare to imagine if he could fall for you but naturally even with the protected armor you couldn't help to fall for him fully and surprsisingly you were proven wrong on one summer night that love actually was infront of you all along.
''Remember the day when I laughed it off when you told me you loved me?'' You looked up at him, now picking at the hairs that were growing on his chin, Taehyung sighing loudly at the memory of that torturous evening for him.
''How can I ever forget..''
Giggling at his reaction, you thought back to that moment. How you looked at him suspiciously once you entered the car and he looked way too nervous based on the way he kept on picking his nails and almost running red lights. ''I do not have a drivers license but I think we would be more safe if I drove..'' You told him after telling him to park the car right at the parking 50 meters ahead. (You were thankful you spotted that one. )
''What is going on, Tae?'' It didn't seem like he was listening, his eyes looking around frantically and you were getting concerned at his behavior. Was someone following him?
Reaching out, you grabbed a hold of his hand and places a reassuring hand on his cheek, letting him know you were there and that it was okay. ''If you want me to get out, I-''
''No!'' the sudden loudness of his voice made you jump in your seat, your hand falling at your side, shocked at this strong reaction.
Shaking his head, Taehyung gulped and held onto your hands this time. ''No-'' He began, ''No thats not.. thats not it.'' He has never felt this nervous to be honest. This moment of baring his heart out to him was not something that he thought would be this scary. What could happen? A rejection would hurt for a little while but after that he could move on. There would be a 50 percent chance of a yes too.
Laying your hands on your lap, he dropped his head into his own and let out a little scream and took in some deep breaths. You watched this all with amazement, many, many questions visible to read of off your face.
''Taehyung, you can tell me, you know I will not jud-''
''-I love you.'' Again he interrupted you, but this time you were left flabbergasted and fully speechless as you openly gawked at him. The silence in the car that followed after was killing for the poor man that was sweating buckets right now, chest heaving up and down as if he ran a marathon at full speed.
You however wasn't even noticing the silence as your mind was jerked awake at that confession, going through every script you once imagined but this particular one did seem to be written now and you were unable to come up with an answer and just stared at the poor man waiting what felt to him like centuries.
So you did what you did best when it came to these moments -A habit that you somehow picked up from your best friend, and you were gonna strangle her later for that- you laughed. You laughed.
Maybe it wasn't even laughing anymore, it sounded like cackling to you and being the idiot you were, slapped his leg and told him he shouldn't joke like that but the way his face fell and his eyes seemed to be shimmering in the dim streetlights had you stopping abruptly and you swallowed the lump in your throat as you opened and closed your mouth but you were unable to come up with any word, let alone sentences and just watched how he fully seemed to be turning away from you.
''Wait.'' Ah. You finally seemed to have found your voice and you were startled by it, to be honest and tried it again, this time a bit softer.
''You- you were serious? Love as in love?'' You found the words one by one and hesitatingly asked wether he truly meant it but afraid of his rejection (ironically), you were approaching him carefully.
''Ofcourse!'' The sudden harshness of his voice made you wince but you suppose you deserved that. ''Why would you think I was joking, y/n, I-'' Closing his eyes, Taehyung rubbed his eyes in exhaustion and turned himself towards you again, open to a conversation, a discussion or whatever it would be. ''This is not laughable, I basically layed my heart in your hands y/n''
''Laugh.. Oh.. Oh! Fuck me, really.'' Now it just fully dawned upon you, that you actually laughed, you actually laughed right when the man you love too, basically confessed his own feelings to you all because you were unable to comprehend his words.
''Its not- I didn't mean- I love you..'' Now it was your turn to hide your face in your hands, slapping your own cheeks multiple times and muttering how stupid you were and how you didn't mean it and that you definitely were gonna strangle your friend
This however, made Taehyung chuckle, watching how you were having a breakdown over yourself was kind of amusing to him, only because you did break his heart but he was slowly becoming hopeful based on your reaction and you words, catching some of the sentences you mumbled out.
Once you came back to your senses, you peeked at Taehyung through the gaps of your fingers and the hint of a small smile gave you some courage to face him.
''Taehyung. I apologize for reacting like this. I promise this is not what you think it is..'' You started off, nodding at your own spurt of thoughts, choosing your words carefully now.
''It is not?'' Taehyung questioned, leaning back into the seat and just simply watched you look for words. He might wanted to make you sweat just a little now, but his hammering heart into his chest was telling him, he did need an answer and quite quickly otherwise he was definitely gonna faint.
Shaking your head quite aggressively, you reached for his hand and squeezed them with all your might as if he was gonna walk out any moment. "I actually cant believe it. That's why I laughed. I- I didn't know how to react." you bow your head in shame, stuttering and trying to apologize in every way you could think of. There was no way, you were going to let go of this man just because your mind was shortcutting thanks to his confession.
''Okay.'' That one word did put fear into you and somehow your mind once again decided that there was one thing left to do and that was-
Gripping his biceps, you looked up at him with determination dripping from your face, your expression stern as you nodded and Taehyung's eyes widened at the sudden moodchange. ''Uh, y/n..'' The hint of amusent was clear in his tone of voice but all you could focus on were his lips, going through every scenario you might have daydreamed about once and how this would end, yet when you didn't come up with anything this time around aswell, your mind was set and you pulled him towards you, placing your lips on his.
Okay, Taehyung was now 99 percent sure he was gonna faint. The softness of his lips he only could have imagined up until now, had his heart doing cartwheels and he was unable to move for a few seconds what to you this time around did feel like forever. Guess the tables were turned.
It didn't take long for Taehyung though to back to his senses, especially when he felt your grip loosening around his arms and did what any sane person would do, he cupped your chin and moved his lips against yours, tilting your head slightly to deepen the kiss needing to let you know this really was what he wanted.
If you could actually think in that moment (let's face it, you havent been doing that for atleast 15 minutes now) you would have asked him if it was okay to kiss him, but alas here you were just doing without any thinking.
Your own heart was now the one running a marathon when you felt him stiffen against your grip and when he didn't kiss you back, you were ready to apologize a million times more but the moment you were about to pull away the gentle hand of the man across from you, blacked out the many thoughts you were having now and calmed down your racing heart to a calmer pace when you felt his lips move against yours.
''I still cant grap the fact that you laughed.'' Taehyung laughs in disbelief still, playing with a strand of hair as he thinks back at the memory of pure shock.
''But somehow I still managed to get you.'' You prop up your chin on his chest, poking his lips and wiggle your eyebrows at him. ''It somehow did not scare you away, didn't it? '' He scoffed at that, dropping the strand of hair and flicked your forehead instead.
''Or-'' Taehyung begins, a smirk forms itself on his lips and pulls you even closer with his hand pressed against your back, tracing your lips with his thumb while licking his lips as he thinks back at the way he had you pressed against the passenger seat right after that kiss.
''- Or your kissing game was just too good, your lips clouded my thinking and you just reeled me in like this.'' Taehyung taps your lips before he bends down to kiss you just like how you kissed eachother the first time. Minus the not thinking part this time.
''I also remember you wacking the back of your friend's head when I brought you home.'' Taehyung chuckles, laying back down against the pillows, moving his hand over your back . ''It was really funny how she looked at you all confused while rubbing the back of her head.''
You let out a shriek of laughter, the way she just stood there dumbfounded when you kissed her cheek afterwards was something you always teased her with until this day still. ''Yeah, somehow it left an impression on you so I should thank her too.''
Taehyung hums, and feels how you lay yourself back down on his chest, together listening to the quiet of the evening and enjoying the last sunlight of the day that shines through the window.
Did he imagine something entirely else when he made up his mind to confess to you? Yeah, no one would think the other would laugh and not at all being a reaction of disbelief. He supposes that he wouldn't change of thing if he could go back in time and confess in a different way. Not like that was possible anyways, you were you and he loved you just because of that.
Besides he absolutely adores your laugh. It's truly like the blooming of cherry blossoms. A sight to behold.
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taeandpuppies · 2 months
Okay it took way too long to get to read this..my apologies!
BUT! It was an adorable story 🤧🤧
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A spider really can take the energy out of you.. 😤
Carry Me - Kim Taehyung
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A/N: Happy birthday @taeandpuppies
W/C: 1.1K
Note: Blank blogs will be blocked. I don’t trust y’all, so make sure you have your age in your bio/desc or something on your blog or a pfp. Minors DNI or get blocked!
Prompts: “Can you carry me to the bed?”
Warnings: Fluff, mention of a spider, cuteness.
Age Warning: No age warning applies to this.
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The sun was just starting to set, and the orange glow was slowly filling the room from the large window in the living room, the back door to the backyard was open allowing a cool breeze to fill the room and cool the room down, you and Taehyung were on the couch together with a film playing on the television screen, and you could hear Yeontan barking at something outside, you and Taehyung look at each other before standing from the couch, deciding you should inspect what the commotion was about.
“I hope it’s nothing serious or dangerous,” You say as you exit the house and push your glasses up as they feel like they are slipping off, Taehyung right behind you. You both pause as you see the tiny dog jumping next to a dried leaf that is stuck in the grass and barking at it.
“Well, it’s nothing dangerous,” Taehyung says. “I hope a leaf isn’t dangerous,” You chuckle and move closer to the Yeontan, you bend down and reach for the leaf, only for Yeontan to bark more and jump a little more. “What’s going on baby?” Your eyes suddenly catch something moving next to the leaf.
“OH MY GOSH!” You scream, your heart racing as you pull your hand away from the leaf and instead pick Yeontan up before taking big steps towards the house. “Oh, my fucking gosh, inside, now, inside, inside!” Taehyung could see the panic in your eyes as you practically jogged towards him before moving past him. “It’s not for the leaf, Tae!” Taehyung quickly spins around and follows you inside.
“What, what was it?” He asks as you both enter the house hastily, he shuts the door, even locking it. “Do we need to call for help?” You put Yeontan down on the floor before placing your hand on top of the countertop in the kitchen and moving your other hand to your chest. “Angel, talk to me, please, what is it?” His voice is thick with concern, you lift your head as you take in slow deep breaths to calm yourself.
“It was a giant spider, Tae…” You quietly say, you watch as the concern on his face turns into horror, his eyes widen and his lips part. “That’s what he was barking at…” He quickly rushes towards Yeontan, which causes him to run away from Taehyung, quickly believing it is now a game of catch.
“Tan, are you okay?!” He asks as he continues to follow Yeontan through the kitchen and into the living room, Yeontan happily moves and stays just out of Taehyung’s reach. “Tannie!” You slowly turn and watch as they move around the couch, with the ending credits to the movie now rolling.
“Tae, Tae, Tae…” You call out before making your way into the living room and grabbing onto his shoulders to stop him from going after Yeontan. “As much as he loves the game right now, you’re not loving it,” He looks at the ground as Yeontan waits at the end of the couch for him to chase him some more. “He looks fine, it doesn’t look like he got bitten, besides, we would have noticed it if it did happen,” He lifts his head to look at you and slowly nods his head, realising by now you would have seen signs, you would have heard it also.
“You’re right…” He says and moves his hands to your waist, his arms wrap around you, and he pulls you against him, into a tight hug, your arms automatically wrap around him, one of your hands moving to the back of his head to hold him. “How bad did it look?” He feels you shiver against him before he pulls back from the hug, keeping his arms around you loosely. “That horrifying?”
“It looked so scary,” You mumble as you release him from the hug, you sit down on the couch and slouch onto it, suddenly feeling exhausted after the events that just happened. “I feel so tired right now, those things can really suck the energy out of you when you see them!” Taehyung sits down next to you, nodding his head in agreement.
“I didn’t even see it, but I feel tired…” He mumbles, Yeontan approaches you both and presses his cold nose against Taehyung’s leg, causing him to jump and yelp. “OH MY!” You couldn’t help but laugh at it. “It’s not funny, I thought it was the spider…” You shake your head as Yeontan begins licking his leg.
“Well… you locked it outside, hopefully it won’t come inside,” You say and sit upright to glance towards the door that was shut and locked just to make sure. “Otherwise we just surrender the house to it and move somewhere else,” Taehyung nods his head as you lean back against the couch. “Can I ask a favour of you?” The couch shakes slightly as he turns himself to fully face you.
“Hmm?” He hums as he pats the spot between you and him, signalling for Yeontan to jump up and lay between you both. “Anything, what do you need, sugar water for the shock?” You shake your head, softly chuckling.
“No, no, no need for that…” You say before taking in a deep breath. Yeontan jumps onto the couch and quickly makes himself comfortable between you both. “Although, I’m gonna feel bad for asking this, but… can you carry me to the bed?” You lift your arms tiredly and look at him with a tired smile on your lips.
“That really took all of your energy…” He slowly says. You nod your head before lowering your hands and moving one hand to the top of Yeontan’s head to gently scratch him. “Let me go prepare the bed for us then, open it for us and get the television set up there, and then I’ll come and get you, okay?” You nod your head and watch as he gets up and makes his way towards the bedroom.
“Your dad is such a catch, honestly, Tannie…” You say as you gently pet the top of his head. “Really… but you, on the other hand, you’re going to give us both a heart attack, don’t go near those things…” He lowers his head and shuts his eyes. “They’re scary, how are you not scared…” You pet down his body before closing your eyes and taking in slow deep breaths, slowly feeling yourself falling asleep on the couch, your neck would surely be sore tomorrow morning with the position you were in. “Tae…?” You could feel yourself being moved before something soft hit your back, and you immediately knew you had reached the bed.
“Hmm, it’s just me, sleep, angel, I’m just going to fetch Tannie, and then we’ll join you,” He softly says, you hum tiredly, not opening your eyes at all, too tired to even try to open them. You were quickly drifting off when you felt the bed shake gently and a warm fluffy body laying down behind your legs near your thighs before you felt arms wrap around you. “Sleep well, angel,” He softly kisses your cheek and almost instantly you fall asleep.
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taeandpuppies · 2 months
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Since you deserve all the colours in the world. And you are the colour in my life.
Happy birthday💛
Thank you my moon and stars 💛💛
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taeandpuppies · 2 months
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Our Artist Hyunjin Day!
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taeandpuppies · 3 months
they call me the forgetter because i uh
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taeandpuppies · 3 months
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(by gammsystrar)
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taeandpuppies · 3 months
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V x ‘FRI(END)S’ (2024)
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taeandpuppies · 3 months
Sometimes I just want to be woken up by gentle cuddles and soft kisses on my face.
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taeandpuppies · 3 months
Sometimes I just want to be woken up by gentle cuddles and soft kisses on my face.
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