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Today’s secret: Testosterone is not a bad thing. Stop shame boys for having alot of it .
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I heard my mother asking our neighbour for some salt. I asked her why she was asking them as we have salt at home. She replied: "It's because they are always asking us for things; they're poor. So, I thought I'd ask something small from them so as not burden them, but at the same time make them feel as if we need them too. That way it'll be easier for them to ask us for anything they need from us.”
Ali al-Jifri
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by mofusand
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by mofusand
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Sometimes I look through perverse “trad” accounts and I have to wonder if they don’t actually just hate traditional living and that their accounts only exist for the purpose of tearing it down. It is so disgusting what I see on these accounts sometimes. But regardless if these people are sincere or not, they’re still basically sharing instruction manuals on how to abuse and it makes my stomach churn.
So let’s set some things straight. Ladies:
You are not “property.” You are still a human being created in the image of God. Your husband can’t just “do with you as he pleases” as you are not just some old rag doll.
The family does not revolve around the husband. The family is a complete unit. Yes, you should dedicate your life to serving the family— as should your husband. That’s the whole point. If your husband isn’t sacrificing for your needs too, he’s not a godly husband.
In fact, he should be sacrificing up to the point of laying down his life for you. He is to love you as Jesus loves his church. If he is not considering your needs, then he is not following that model. True leadership in the Christian sense is about serving others, not taking what you can from them.
God gave you a brain, too. You are allowed to have your own opinions and feelings. Approaching your husband to tell him what you are thinking isn’t “speaking out of turn.” How is he supposed to know how to care for you if he doesn’t know what you want or need? Besides, you two should constantly be growing together. How do you expect to do that if you don’t know what the other person is interested in or something new that they’ve learned?
Harkening back to my first point, that means you also aren’t a sex toy. He cannot abuse your body. Neither are you a slave.
It is not your husband’s place to “discipline” you. It is his job to correct you when you are wrong, yes, and it’s also your job to correct him when he’s wrong. But not discipline. He is not your father. This is ridiculous. That is perverted and disgusting. Stop it with this nonsense.
You are allowed to separate if he’s abusing you. Please get help. I’m serious.
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Content warning: gender equality and feminism and swearing. I cuss a lot.
Imma talk about some fucked up shit now.
Men are objectified af in movies like wolverine and superman and jurassic world or any movie you've seen with a buff male.
They eat a lot of protein and whatnot I'm not sure on the exact diet but they have to do a bunch of workouts just to look 'good'
They have said themselves the hardest part about being in the movies is the diet for the body they need for that role. Their mental health was so affected by it.
One time one of them had a break and was allowed to eat whatever. He cried. He cried thinking about it. He was so happy to not have to eat eggs or fish and he could just have food.
Some guys just wanna look like that and that's okay!! Do what you want!! Wear makeup and put the girls to shame with your eyeliner!!
I know the strongest men who have stamina to last 1000 years who look chubby. Those dudes are strong as fuck and look like they eat McDonalds every day. NOPE.
You dont even have to be FIT to look nice. You dont have to be fit or buff or strong to attract a mate. Dress up in bright colors like a bird and you'll be good.
Why is society telling men to look like this??
If I did like men honestly I would rather someone who's healthy. Our standards for men should be 1. They can function with or without some help. 2. They treat you right. 3. You like him and he likes you back.
So a message to all the men. Just be you. Body type doesnt matter. Women/men do have preferences just like you. Be kind. Stay healthy.
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For beginner witches ✨
Learn the phases of the moon and what each phase contributes for you. Also, search up “tonight’s moon phase” and it’ll tell you what moon is there that night and tell you when to expect other phases!
PHASE CORRESPONDENCES •full moon: love magick, charging, healing, banishing, cleansing, clarity •Waxing gibbous: motivation, attraction, success, good health •Dark/new moon: deconstructive magick, curses, banishing, soul searching, divination •waning crescent: balance, success, attaining wisdom, atonement, illness •last quarter: breaking bad habits, relinquishing, breaking curses, banishing •waning gibbous: relinquishing, undoing bindings, cleansing, undoing curses •Waxing crescent: constructive magick, attraction, wealth/success, luck & friendship
Use this for magick and making moon water. To make moon water you simply put some water under the moon, it’s okay if it’s cloudy, and you only need to put it out for an hour or more. Store it in a dark space.
Sun water: for ego, dignity, power, pride, self confidence and leader ship Just leave water under the sun and store in a light/open area.
SIGILS : https://wxtches-energies.tumblr.com/post/161188398036/the-sigil-wheel-is-a-really-good-method-decide
Candles! : buy them from the dollar store , it’s much cheaper there. I have a few witchy shops in my city as well and candles can be 60 cents each! Here’s a post for candle colour correspondences:
What type of witch are you? : Here’s a master post and it’s HUGE on types of witches with a detailed description:
No material spells: Here’s a few one word spells to get you started! :
Secret witches master post:
Importance of salt in witchcraft:
How to cast a circle (many methods) :
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• abalone: It is a shell and is used in the purification and cleaning ceremony, representing the element of water. 
• agate: It strengthens the heart and courage, as well as being an antidote to poisons. sharpens vision, attracts inheritance, enlightens the mind, brings eloquence and aids in discovery. 
• mossy agate: it increases vitality. agate amulets are extremely useful in the case of mental illness and paralysis.
• amethyst: helps in meditation, reassures thoughts, brings calm and peace. It teaches the art of humility and opens the mind to higher vibrations. 
• amber: a fossified resin. It is essential for depression, physical pain, mood swings and protection. Ideally, it should always be clean after use. 
• aquamarine: harmonizes environments, unlocks communications, reduces stress, motivates connection with nature and establishes joy in relationships.
• amazonite: strengthens male qualities, strives to calm the nervous system. 
• alexandrite: variety from dark green to natural light and red to artificial light. It allows you to uncover lies and any deception from people nearby, protects the psychic and alleviates cancers. 
• citrus: it binds with the sun. Stimulates creativity, dispels negative emotions, clarifies thoughts and broadens cosmic awareness.
• carnelian: It has a connection to the earth’s energy, brings security, opens the way for new situations, increases motivation and is a stimulating stone for thoughts. 
• chrysocolla: holistic therapy stone. Helps relieve fears, alleviates sadness and anger, brings balance to emotions. 
• chrysoprase: insight. It acts on mental problems, calms various kinds of affliction, and eliminates selfishness. 
• moon stone: it absorbs moon energy, calms the mind and is directly related to human emotions. used against depressions, extreme stress and protects us against self destructive tendencies. also, it brings immense power of seduction. 
• pyrite: Useful in treating respiratory problems, it is aid against allergies. Considered the stone that attracts money and riches, it facilitates success in business. 
• quartz: reflects the real purity. used for healing, enhancement of shamanic powers. 
• blue quartz: helps in the total development of patience, tolerance and compassion. It is a soothing, anti-inflammatory and regulates hormones. it favors relations in general and expression, stimulating casual and spontaneous behavior. 
• quartz smoke: It increases feelings of hope, helps in detachment from the negative, and works towards acceptance. 
• rose quartz: it heals accumulated hurts of some past, dissolves the burden that suppresses the ability to give and receive love, emanates an energy that replaces sadness, fears and resentment. still solves serious emotional problems.
• green quartz: Strengthens overall health, tones and stimulates blood circulation and establishes body energy. Conveys luck in love. 
• emerald: serves for physical, emotional and mental balance. increases wisdom, ability, strengthens immunity and brings a sense of rebirth. 
• grenade: Patience, love, compassion and courage are the definitions. Ideal for clearing thoughts of negativity. 
• lapis lazuli: for clairvoyance and intuition. it relates to the mind, peace, spirituality and enlightenment. expands on personal power. 
• petrified wood: He works in regression and past lives, has a relationship with the earth. awakens ecological awareness. 
• malachite: healing stone. for protection, sleep and complete relaxation. 
• obsidian: It helps to forget old love and past memories, sharpens the visions, helps release anger, and teaches detachment. 
• sodalite: It serves to change attitudes, balance metabolism, intellectual understanding and strengthen communication. awakens the third vision. 
• black tourmaline: repels all negative energies around. 
• rhodochrosite: soothes and soothes the heart. It has a strong influence on the process and creative sense and on the intuitive mind. helps in depression and creates feeling of peace.
• ruby: aid in concentration and power to bring mental strength. strengthens the heart and works with the blood, with the circulation.
• sapphire: acts against negative vibrations. It brings relief against rheumatism, sciatica, pain, epilepsy and hysteria. stimulates meditation and prayer performance. 
• topaz: promotes passion and relieves fear. It gives strength and intelligence, magnetizes our inner being, and stimulates mental clarity. its brilliance favors the joy of living and facing life with optimism, with faith. 
• blue tourmaline: stimulates the proper functioning of the lungs and throat. Helps insomnia and allows for peaceful sleep. 
• pink tourmaline: donor of love in the meterial sphere. your presence generates joy and enthusiasm for life. using it can inspire the heart to get rid of hurts and to trust love again. 
• green tourmaline: It is a healing stone in every way imaginable. It is capable of purifying and strengthening the nervous system and conducts greater amount of strength through the spiritual. 
• turquoise: ability to absorb feelings of negativity. its color changes when the wearer is ill or when something unpleasant is about to happen. Great environment protector, improves meditation, circulation and peace of mind. sea ​​and sky symbol stone. 
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Screenshots of Professional Astrologers Recommending Books
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Chris Brennen wrote “Hellenistic Astrology: the Study of Fate and Fortune”, runs the Astrology Podcast, and I enjoy his timeline and recommendations always.
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🌌The Planets and the Days of the Week🌌
Each of the planets rules a day of the week. Use it’s associated metals,crystals, incense,and other elements to strengthen a spell or ritual worked on that day. In addition, the associations with the sun can be used not only on Sunday but with all sun magic, and the Monday associations can be used in all magic. If you are calling a particular archangel,apply the associations of its planet or weekday.
🌌 Days Of The Week 🌌
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☀️Sunday ☀️
Planet: Sun
Archangel: Michael
Color(s): Gold
Element: Fire
Crystals: Amber,carnelian,diamond,clear crystal quartz,tiger eye, or golden topaz
Incense: Cloves,cinnamon,or frankincense
Trees: Bay,birch, or laurel
Herbs and Oils: Chamomile,juniper,rosemary,saffron, or St.John’s Wort
Metal: Gold
Astrological Rulership: Leo
For ambition,power,and success; for fathers; improving health; prosperity; self- confidence; and overcoming bad luck.
🌕 Monday 🌕
Planet: Moon
Archangel: Gabriel
Color(s): Silver or translucent white
Element: Water
Crystals: Moonstone, mother of pearl, pearl, selenite, or opal
Incense: Jasmine, myrrh, mimosa, or lemon
Trees: Willow or alder
Herbs and Oils: Lotus,poppy, or wintergreen
Metal: Silver
Astrological Rulership: Cancer
For home and family matters,for women (especially mothers and grandmothers),children,animals,fertility,secrets,and psychic gifts.
⭐ Tuesday ⭐
Planet: Mars
Archangel: Samael or Camael
Color(s): Red
Element: Fire
Crystals: Garnet,Bloodstone,Ruby, or Red Jasper
Incense: Dragon’s blood, all spices, ginger, mint, or thyme
Trees: Cypress,Holly, or Pine
Herbs and Oils: Basil,cinnamon,coriander,garlic,pepper, or tarragon
Metal: Iron or Steel
Astrological Rulership: Aries (co-ruler of Scorpio)
For courage,change,independence,overcoming seemingly impossible odds and bullies,energy,passion,strength,perfection,principles,and fierce defense of the vulnerable.
☿️ Wednesday ☿️
Planet: Mercury
Archangel: Raphael
Color(s): Yellow
Element: Air
Crystals: Yellow agate, citrine, falcon’s eye, yellow jasper, malachite, or onyx
Incense: Lavender,lemongrass, or mace
Trees: Hazel or ash
Herbs and Oils: Dill,fennel,parsley, or valerian
Astrological Rulership: Gemini or Virgo
For money making, examinations and tests, learning new things, shot-distance travel, moving, short holidays, repelling envy, malice,spite, and deceit.
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♃ Thursday ♃
Planet: Jupiter
Archangel: Sachiel
Color(s): Blue or Purple
Element: Air
Crystals: Azurite,Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, or Turquoise
Incense: Agrimony, Cedar, Sandalwood, or Sage
Tree: Beech, Oak, or Ash
Herbs and Oils: Borage, cinquefoil, coltsfoot, hyssop, or mistletoe
Metal: Tin
Astrological Rulership: Sagittarius (co-ruler or Pisces)
For expansion,career,leadership,long distance travel, moving, justice, marriage, self-employment,loyalty, male potency,and banishing excesses.
♀️ Friday ♀️
Planet: Venus
Archangel: Anael
Color(s): Green or Pink
Element: Earth
Crystals: Amethyst (also mercury),emerald,jade, moss agate, or rose quartz
Incense: Geranium,rose,strawberry,or vervain
Trees: Almond,apple or birch
Herbs and Oils: Feverfew, mugwort, pennyroyal, verbena, or yarrow
Metal: Copper
Astrological Rulership: Taurus or Libra
For all love magic, fidelity,sacred sex,mending quarrels, environment,fertility, women’s health, gradual growth in all matters, beauty,friendship, reducing the influence of destructive lovers,and possessiveness.
🪐 Saturday 🪐
Planet: Saturn
Archangel: Cassiel
Color(s): Brown,black,or grey
Element: Earth
Crystals: Haematite, jet, lodestone, obsidian, or smoky quartz
Incense: Aconite,cypress,or patchouli
Trees: Blackthorn or yew
Herbs: Aspen,bistort,comfrey,horsetail, or Solomon’s seal
Metals: Lead and Pewter
Astrological Rulership: Capricorn (co-ruler of Aquarius)
For unfinished business,endings,slow-moving official matters, Locating lost objects,animals,anti-addiction and debt, lifting depression,pain and illness,long-term psychic protection,locating lost objects(as well as animals and people), and establishing boundaries.
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