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🧿 to keep you safe from people who want to do you harm.<3 🧿
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we are the daughters of parents who should not have had kids
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I'm sure the camera operator was suitably terrified
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*pokes head in* Did I hear 'requests'? I'm so excited! If you're interested, could we please get some headcanons about Kid and Shanks each comforting a tired, run-down reader? I don't know about you, but work, school, and other responsibilities have me feeling like a wrung out dish cloth. And spicy headcanons are awesome too, if you're in the mood, because something tells me both of these red-heads like to use their bodies to help their partners relax~
As always, thank you for all the hard work, Raven. You make a lot of people very happy and we appreciate all you do. <3 Take care of yourself, witchlet!
AAAH Star thank you for the request and double thank you for making it a Kid one♥ I'll do fluff and spice head canons cause we deserve it! I hope you take some time to self care beloved.
Content warning: 18+ only, fluff and spice, Eustass Kid X GN Reader, Shanks X GN reader (no reader description or pronouns used), existing relationship with both. Minors DNI you will be blocked
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Kid realized something was up when you couldn't meet his eyes. Like you were trying to distance yourself from him when he was in the same room as you. He didn't like that. A chat with Killer reveals you've been stressed for a minute and a half and that makes Kid angry. Why didn't you say anything? He knows he's gotten on your ass about taking care of yourself from burnout, but do you ever listen?! Baka! His baka. Ok, so now he has to take matters into his own hand(s). Bet.
Whatever you were busy with, you're not anymore as he snatches you away and charges like a bulls to his cabin with you against his chest. Not slowing down, the first thing he does is toss you into a tub full of bubbles and hot water. Time to scrub away all your tension and he'll be doing the honors thank you very much. He leaves you to prune as he goes to the kitchen to help Killer prepare a plate for you. Nutritious finger foods, some sweet fruits, and your vitamins and supplements you've been neglecting to take.
As you eat, Kid - with as much patience as he can muster - meticulously combs your hair and lathers it with your usual products. He'll slap a face mask or two on you, yes at the same time because logic(??), and maybe even do your nails if you're into it. He'll even massage your upper back, working out all the knots that you didn't realize were there. He has to stop himself from going any further, there'll be time for that later. Now that you're clean and fed, it's time for him to whip out the shock factor.
Clearing his throat and pulling out a sheet of paper (that Killer gave him), he starts to list off: "Tell me how you're feeling." "Did I do something to hurt you?" "Do I need to kill anyone or destroy anything to get you to smile?" "What can I do to make you feel better?" "Do you need a shag?" "Why didn't you tell me you were struggling?" "Are you an idiot?" - Kid snuck that one in, it is not Killer approved. "You know I love you and I'd do anything to make you happy, right?"
Kid is still uncomfortable with being vulnerable but he won't let that stop him from being there for you as you spill everything that's been causing you anxiety and stress. Might cringe a little at the crying but that's because he's awkward and used to being the cause of someone's crying. Don't let it stop you though! He'll just smother you against his chest. He applies the logic of a weighted blanket here by using brute force to cement your face between his pecs until your breathing slows down. Snot and drool don't bother him but hearing your whimpering cries is enough to fracture his steel heart.
NGL, Kid's first thought when he sees how strung out you are is that he's not dicking you down enough. He's heard of Vitamin D deficiency, and he's truly an asshole to be depriving you of his D. He didn't think he was but shit he must have if you're struggling this much without him. Haah? It's because of lack of sunlight and proper food? Nope, doesn't believe you. He's taking you to pound town. Yes he said it exactly like that.
He won't deny himself an opportunity to fuck you, but if you don't want him to penetrate you with his actual D, he'll just fuck you with everything else. His fingers, his tongue, his teeth and lips, and all the toys he's been making for the two of you to play with. He'll build you up nice and slow, dragging it out at first because he's still a bit mad you didn't trust him enough to let him in when you were hurting - this is your punishment. The rewards will be delicious and bountiful, don't you worry.
Kid doesn't expect anything in return but if you feel generous enough to reciprocate, he won't say no. He definitely won't push it, might hint at it a few times, he'll respect your boundaries either way. Nah? Ok he'll focus on breaking his standing record of how many times he can make you cum without his Dick. Yes? Nice! Again he'll build you up nice and slow, cause he wants you to feel every drag of his Dick inside you - then when he thinks you've earned it, he'll ravage and mark you with his stamina and passion.
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Shanks is able to keep tabs on your well-being because he's generally closer with you and actively talks to you about most things. Also because he cheats and uses his advanced observation haki to feel you out. However, he knows how much you value your independence so he won't step in immediately when you start withdrawing, letting you be the one to come to him first. Sometimes you're really fucking stubborn and he waits too long to reach out until you're in the throes of a spiral or burn out. No one claimed he was a genius.
He's a communicator though and that's the first thing he'll do once he corners you after you've tried to dodge him for the fourth time tonight. No where left to run little one. Time to talk about your feelings. Yes now. With no choice, you spill your sorrows as he nods his head with a frown on his face, so upset that you've been suffering in silence when you had him all along. He needs a drink tbh.
After you cry it out some, Shanks finally releases you from his grip and pulls you into the shower. It's time to sluice off the depression, starting with a steamy shower. It'll open your pores to let all that stress dissipate. Then, he makes you dinner paired with a bottle of wine - where he starts listing off all the responsibilities he's taking off your plate (while stealing some food off your plate), penciling himself in your calendar for weekly dates with him, and weekly self dates for yourself. You need to treat yourself more! He'll give you all his gold! "No Captain," Benn calls from the doorway. "Yes Captain," Shanks retorts defiantly.
Ok so you can't have all the money but you can have pretty much anything you want. Currently its being held down in a cuddle sandwich between Shanks and Benn while Yasopp yapped out a story while sitting at the edge of the bed and somehow that distraction was enough to get you out of your own head. Oh Lucky Roo entered the cabin with some snacks, great you were getting hungry again.
Before you fall asleep much earlier than you had been recently - before midnight even! - Shanks sank into the bed with you as the others left and turned off the light. He whispers sweet nothings into your ears to help drive out any anxieties still lingering in the space between your ears. Don't wait too long to talk to him ok? He wants to do everything in his power to make you happy with him and happy in life.
Like the other one-armed, red-haired pirate, Shanks first thinks that the reason you're feeling down in the dumps is because he's been neglecting you physically. So he is quick to offer himself up to you - in mind, spirit, and chiseled body. He gives you a show because he knows you like to check him out when you think he doesn't notice - news flash he always does but he thinks its so cute you think you're getting away with it. He makes it a sensual and light hearted show that surely leaves you panting.
Shanks has always been a generous lover and that's no different now. He takes you in your favorite ways, not bothering to edge or tease you, going in for straight pleasure because you've been feeling everything but recently. Knowing your body like he knew his sword (Gryphon), he guides your way to bliss easily and repeatedly.
This is the one time he's purely selfless and does not pleasure himself, only focused on pleasing you. By the time he's through with you, your frown is upside down, lopsided and flooded with drool. Your voice is hoarse, your body is littered in love marks, he knows he's done a good job at wiping your mind blank of all your troubles, at least for a little bit. When you wake up, he'll be there to help you with the rest.
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The King of Hell
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Horse is mesmerized by zebra
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The most tender gaze.
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My Espurr has recently learned to open doors and she uses this skill exclusively to follow me into the bathroom. Help
this is exactly what living with a psychic type is like. i have a friend living with me right now, and their ralts likes to open my bedroom door at night to stare at the pidove in their cage. my sibling had to put a psychic-proof lock on the fridge to keep their espurr from stealing yogurt.
you can invest in those psychic-proof locks, but your espurr will probably holler outside the door. you can also distract her with a toy before you go to the bathroom, or put her in her pokeball if she's been ball trained really well (i'd only do that if you're going to spend a while in there, and give her a treat after).
alternatively, you can resign yourself to the fact that she's always going to be looking up at you with those big ol eyes while you're doing your business.
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"Mr balloon is stuck, I gotta free Mr balloon"
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“you’re the best at blowing bubbles because you blow kindly”
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stuckinthewrongworld · 12 hours
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