stephensharpe · 9 days
Congrats on 10 years! Where'd the time go?
Need to do a catch-up at some point.
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It's Heroes of Thantopolis's 10th Anniversary!
It's the big one - a decade of comics. With over 500 pages of adventure, action and fantasy, Heroes of Thantopolis is perfect for fans of invented mythologies, tightly woven mysteries and non-human characters.
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stephensharpe · 15 days
Thank you so much for the support!
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Look what arrived yesterday! Thank you @stephensharpe for these awesome goodies. Would highly recommend to any Surge & Kit fans!!
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stephensharpe · 16 days
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The 3rd and final pin that was successfully funded through pre-orders, this Sonadow pin features rose gold plating which I've not used in a long old while, as well as screen print detailing.
If you missed the pre-order, not to worry as there will be spares going up on my etsy shop as soon as I know the backers have all got theirs safely.
What other ship-pins would you love to see in future? Why not take a look back at the potential designs I did around valentines day! Personally, I'd love to get the Chao into production, I love what I did with the flowers on that design.
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stephensharpe · 17 days
I've been busy packing pre-orders this week. Once I know everyone has got theirs, I'll be listing the remaining pins in my shop. Love how everything came out, I definitely want to try and get Tangle and Whisper done in the near future.
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stephensharpe · 20 days
Seconding this^
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Day 3, and how could I resist a nod to The SEGA Scourge’s “Sonic: What If?” series. In this case, what if Emerl survived? I believe this was the first video I contributed artwork for.
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stephensharpe · 28 days
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Sandopolis, with a sprinkling of Desert Palace
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stephensharpe · 29 days
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Spent the entirety of yesterday working on self indulgent stuff. Actual purpose to be revealed soon-ish!
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stephensharpe · 1 month
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And for those of you that pre-ordered the Sonadow pin, I've got a matching sticker for that too!
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stephensharpe · 1 month
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While I'm waiting for more updates on the pre-order pins, I thought I'd go ahead and order the freebies that'll come with them.
If you don't follow my other socials, this is where we're at with Surge... The blobby-ness will be polished away and of course there's no printing yet.
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Very excited to see how the other 2 turn out.
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stephensharpe · 2 months
Big and Gamma have finally joined the roster.
Select a character, today!
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stephensharpe · 2 months
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So, you've collected all of the half emblem pins so far, but do you ever feel like something's missing?
Well, allow me to introduce the missing half! Just like how you can match up friends/rivals/lovers/enemies from the top halves! I'm going to take on the task of bringing you swappable bottoms! Starting with Sonic, I thought I'd start with the game these half emblem designs were based on, and gave him those sweet SOAP shoes. Then it occurred to me that Big and Gamma were just around the corner (later on this week in fact!), why not give him his upgrades from Adventure as well?
Hope you like them! 😄
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stephensharpe · 2 months
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Pre-order artwork has now been submitted and paid for! If you did fill out the form and haven't yet received any emails or invoices, please check your spam folders! I've been sending them to my alt accounts, and without fail they get flagged! Thanks so much to everyone that has paid, and supported these pins, and now, a little treat for you! These 2 have just set off on their journey, will hopefully see them some time next week! I've been looking forward to doing a Big pin, having teased him as an April Fools release since I started designing Sonic pins.
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stephensharpe · 2 months
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Hanging Garden (NYC) - a new 4 color RISO print up in the shop  🌳 Black, Aqua, Yellow, and Fluorescent pink for this one
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stephensharpe · 2 months
Me again! I've just sent out a follow up email to a small group of people in regards to the pin pre-orders! Please check your spam folders juuuust in case~
A couple of weeks ago, I put out a google form asking you which pins you would like to see go into production, around 48 people contributed to that form and I have emailed everyone, unfortunately Outlook has suspended my email for spam 🙄 so if you did fill out one of those google forms, please be sure to check your spam/junk folders! That said, I'll post the highlights here: Surge, Kit and the Sonadow pin will go into production! (payments pending ofc), I'm going to send out the invoices later on this week, so please look out for them. the quicker they're paid, the faster we can get them into people's hands.
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The Sonadow pin is currently undergoing some revision, I wasn't happy with the original's hands (the one pictured above is still kinda funky looking), and I've had to tweak the positioning to get them down to 50mm. Providing this all goes to plan, we should expect a May/June release, at which point we can explore maybe looking at some of those that didn't make it this time around.
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stephensharpe · 2 months
A couple of weeks ago, I put out a google form asking you which pins you would like to see go into production, around 48 people contributed to that form and I have emailed everyone, unfortunately Outlook has suspended my email for spam 🙄 so if you did fill out one of those google forms, please be sure to check your spam/junk folders! That said, I'll post the highlights here: Surge, Kit and the Sonadow pin will go into production! (payments pending ofc), I'm going to send out the invoices later on this week, so please look out for them. the quicker they're paid, the faster we can get them into people's hands.
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The Sonadow pin is currently undergoing some revision, I wasn't happy with the original's hands (the one pictured above is still kinda funky looking), and I've had to tweak the positioning to get them down to 50mm. Providing this all goes to plan, we should expect a May/June release, at which point we can explore maybe looking at some of those that didn't make it this time around.
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stephensharpe · 3 months
Just under 24 hours remaining!
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🤞Wishing an update on my Big and Gamma pins into existence 🤞 Just a reminder that there's only a couple of days left to sign up for my pin pre-order! Surge is pretty much going ahead, Kit, Whisper and Tangle need some help. Sonadow and Whispangle heart pins have a lot of backing behind them, but need a push with about 10 pledges each.
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stephensharpe · 3 months
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🤞Wishing an update on my Big and Gamma pins into existence 🤞 Just a reminder that there's only a couple of days left to sign up for my pin pre-order! Surge is pretty much going ahead, Kit, Whisper and Tangle need some help. Sonadow and Whispangle heart pins have a lot of backing behind them, but need a push with about 10 pledges each.
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