solerwoler · 16 days
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I don’t think we don’t talk about Galgo and Ahab enough…
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These two, when working together share half a brain cell
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solerwoler · 3 months
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I don’t know what part of my brain decided to start understanding how to art but here’s this random pred artwork :]
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solerwoler · 4 months
Bruh… imagine this.
Scar gets taken in by the elder to recover from his injuries. Before the ship door closes, Scar reaches his hand out to Lex. She is left behind in the cold harsh winds of the Arctic. Lex gets questioned by fbi, cia, or whatever and lies about what happened.
2-3 years (idk time jump)
Lex has recovered from the events that took place. She’s gets reminded of the incident by the spear she was gifted though. She comes home one night to have the sudden feeling of being watched.
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Scar reveals to her how the alien queen is still alive (we can also get clips before that the queen is alive but this is the first time Lex is hearing it). Since Scar, was the reason why the queen is still alive and sees Lex as a blooded warrior as well, he wanted her help. She is immediately taken back by this because she very much does not want to repeat her experience. Scar plays Sebastian’s last words to her. “They must not reach the surface.”Initially she is enraged by the low blow Scar took but eventually she steps up and goes with Scar to hunt down the queen.
Eventually Lex and Scar get into trouble with secret lab bullshit or something where he gets captured and sends off a distress signal.
Who is this distress signal too???
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Lex meets Wolf and that’s all I got for now but If you can’t tell this shit is my Roman Empire.
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Anyways if you’ve read all this thank you for coming to my Ted talk :]
If Scar had lived at the end of AVP and had also not infected by a chestburster, what do you think would’ve been the outcome between him and Lex?
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solerwoler · 4 months
Yall this better be real
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solerwoler · 4 months
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I found these memes I made when the 2018 predator movie came out and I thought y’all should see them
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solerwoler · 4 months
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Avp drawings
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I’m also still very much upset on lost potential of this series
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solerwoler · 6 months
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…so I originally wanted a reference for the back of soldier boy’s suit by typing “soldier boy’s back”…
Ended up drawing this
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solerwoler · 6 months
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Can’t draw backgrounds for shit but have to start somewhere
Also soldier boy in a kimono :]
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solerwoler · 6 months
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Kind of late to the party
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solerwoler · 8 months
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I don’t know how didn’t find these bts photos until now.
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solerwoler · 10 months
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Behold your eyes to these random out of context photos I used for a video that will never be released on the internet.
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solerwoler · 1 year
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A friend requested that I make this
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solerwoler · 1 year
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This post did not do well before, but I’m reposting previous sketch and close ups bc I can >:{
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solerwoler · 1 year
for your predator critics the not knowing how his equipment worked other than brain damage which i saw people mention the technology also isnt his the technology was taken from the different alien species that enslaved them so it's likely he doesn't have a manual or know how it works 100% and the later predators are just better trained with it
*please take this with a grain of salt I am not a total expert on the matter*
I’ve only read a couple of comics but none of the ones I read have dived into the origins of the yautja. I have not heard of the yautja being enslaved by another alien race, but it would be interesting concept to consider in feral preds case of not understanding the tech.
However I find this unlikely, considering the spear gun would only shoot based on whatever the helmet aims at(helmet primarily designed for preds). This proves this weapon was designed by yautia and not stolen from the alien race.
Whether or not feral pred knew how the spear gun worked, the equipment is faulty. The aspect I was mostly annoyed about is how the spear gun required the helmet in order to be functional.
There was one moment in Captain America: Civil War where Stark is trying to stop Cap from escaping and required to shoot a small projectile missile. The issue was Stark’s iron man suit’s aiming tool was malfunctioning due to critical damage from Captain America and the winter soldier. Stark resorted to aiming manually and got the lucky shot. The critical thing to get out of this is that Iron man’s suit did not stop stark from shooting the missile regardless if the aiming tool was being used.
My short answer to why the feral preds gun has this faulty mechanic: plot convenience 
Conclusion: It would be interesting to get more behind the lore of the origins of the predator species ( unless there already is some in graphic novel form) similar to how xenomorph a got there’s through Prometheus and alien covenant.
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solerwoler · 1 year
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🌙Watching and Dreaming☀️
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solerwoler · 1 year
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I found some old script from an abandoned Au I had made a while ago. But I totally forgot how I wrote script for yautja.
Pardon my messy grammar and lack of skill in dialogue.
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solerwoler · 1 year
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I just watched Prey again, I love this movie so fricken much, but it definitely has some problems I wish I can just ignore. Again no hate just stating some plot holes.
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Each character that ate the orange totsiyaa were so cold they can barely move. Although both were in horrible condition, you would think Naru would at least show some symptoms after eating the flower.
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This literally made me angry because you’d think feral pred would know how his own equipment worked. He literally died by his own hand, but why did he fire if he knew that shooting the gun will only hit wherever the helmet was aiming? Or did he not know because he tried to shoot at Sarii three times? I also find it stupid that this gun is unable to shoot manually. It must have been a prototype and they changed it up after this.
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Look Arnold took an entire afternoon to set up all the traps, Naru was seen sharpening sticks for one of her traps literally right after she shot the pred in the head. This may be nit picky but it was very convenient that Naru knew the exact path that the pred would take or that he would use the trees. Either way it would be nice if it was implied that she sharpened sticks before.
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Everyone who has fought a predator barely came out alive, Naru did leave injured, but she literally took a bear trap to the shin. Bear traps can break bones, but Naru takes it like a champ, not even limping.
Anyways that’s all I had to say about the movie. Overall I love this movie so much it’s so good, I just wanted to list these problems.
If you actually read all this thank you for coming to my Ted talk :>
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