Top 5 Mobile App Development Trends in Dubai
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The mobile app market in UAE is experiencing an increase in demand for innovative platforms to simplify business processes. Every business is seeking a reliable mobile app development company. There is a flurry of app-development activity worldwide, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic.
In UAE, a recent survey revealed that around 84% of business owners believe that mobile apps are essential to staying relevant to the target audience. 2021 saw a 15% jump in mobile app downloads in the region, which has notably taken a hike since. If we speak of global market insights, then the mobile application market is all set to reach $693 billion this year.
relevant in 2022. If you want to launch an app what are the things you need to keep in mind and implement?
Top Mobile App Trends of 2022
Hired a mobile app development company in UAE? Make sure you discuss the following prospects for app building.
1. 5G
The majority of technology businesses are incorporating 5G into their most recent products, making it the newest buzzword in mobile technology. By the end of this year, more than 660 million mobile phones will get the 5G boost worldwide, including UAE. So, it makes sense to make an app that is compatible with the technology. With 5G, operations are 100 times faster than with 4G, lower latency (50 to 1 millisecond), and more cutting-edge features.
The good old flip phone is back with a glass screen fold twist. Many leading mobile manufacturers like Samsung have launched their foldable devices, the rest are working on their versions. The screen configuration for foldable devices will be different, along with their enhanced ability to multi-task. These are certain things to keep in mind when designing and developing an app.
3. AR/VR
AR/VR is everywhere, from gaming to ecommerce; everyone is investing to give the target audience an immersive entertainment or shopping experience. Even the healthcare industry is investing in AR/VR integrated apps. In ecommerce, it enables customers to get a real-life view of the products online. For instance, L’Oreal’s virtual makeup app allows customers to get a preview of how the eye shadow, lipstick, or foundation will look on their face. AR/VR innovations are high in demand and ruling the mobile app market.
By the end of 2022, the number of connected wearable devices will surpass around 929 million globally. That makes wearable app integration an important strategy for app development. This will play an important role in connecting businesses with customers in the new decade.
This is a trend that every entrepreneur in the food business should keep in mind. After COVID, consumer behavior has changed. They are more comfortable with the grocery and food delivery apps. Brands with their app or using third-party apps have seen exceptional growth in the past years.
Keeping up with the trends guarantees more exposure and growth for a business. Your app can give you a great boost, provided you integrate it well with the latest trends & technologies. Finally if you are searching for a mobile app development company in the UAE, check out Socialight Digital Marketing. It is a well-known company offering digital solutions to global companies at affordable packages.
Blog Source: https://socialight-marketing.com/top-5-mobile-app-development-trends-in-dubai/
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Top 5 Social Media Marketing Companies in Dubai
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Did you know that 93% of marketers globally use social media to promote their brands? And why wouldn’t they! As of the first quarter of 2022, there are more than 3.96 billion users across multiple social media platforms. In Dubai, 98% of the population remains active on the social network; all compelling reasons for businesses to rely on social media marketing in Dubai for maximum exposure and engagement with the target audience. The popularity of these platforms among the masses has made them an inseparable part of modern-day marketing strategy. Hence, businesses need to utilize the expertise and knowledge of social media marketing companies for promotional activities.   
(Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/278414/number-of-worldwide-social-network-users/ )
Role of a Social Media Marketing Company
A social media marketing company in Dubai uses multiple techniques and strategies to drive organic and inorganic traffic to the business through its social media pages. A social media marketing professional will either use organic content or paid advertising across multiple platforms to interact and engage with the target audience. It helps in the achievement of business goals.  
Benefits of Hiring a Social Media Marketing Expert
Social media marketing is a powerful tool for you to accomplish your promotional goals. Likewise, a social media marketing company helps you with the following:
It ensures your strong social media presence and social engagement, which improves the credibility and trustworthiness of your business in front of Google. It helps in boosting your overall rank and website authority.
You can connect and engage better with your target audience, and know their likes and dislikes from their reaction to the content. Accordingly, you can change the business approach.
Social media is the best form of customer support where you can communicate with clients directly and vice versa, following up by resolving an issue. 
Marketers can gather useful information from social media engagements and use the same to decide the direction of the content creation. 
Social media marketing helps you gain loyal and long-term customers. But that is only possible if the online engagement remains constant, which a social media expert ensures. 
Social media marketing companies follow a planner and content posting scheduler to maintain consistency in content generation. 
Social media experts make sure that you always stay in a positive light in front of the target audience. They make your audience aware of the brand and work constantly to improve and maintain the brand’s reputation.     
Top 5 Social Media Marketing Companies in Dubai
Here’s an updated list of the leading companies specializing in social media marketing in Dubai:
Nexa (https://www.digitalnexa.com/) 
Prism Advertising Agency (https://www.prism-me.com/) 
Socialight Digital Marketing     (https://socialight-marketing.com/) 
Digitalfarm (https://digitalfarm.ae/) 
Igloo (https://www.weareigloo.com/) 
Now that you know all the positive traction and visibility your business, brand, or organization can gain from social media marketing in Dubai, don’t delay hiring an expert to improvise your existing marketing efforts. Partner with a professional and pave the path to success. 
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Social Media Marketing in Dubai: Types, Tools & Tips
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Are you aiming to bring your brand name to the forefront and ahead of the others by using social media marketing in Dubai? Then first, you need to know the basic rules of marketing through social media platforms in the present context of ever-evolving trends and tools. The definition and scope of social media marketing are constantly changing, and so should your strategy. It should help you stand out amongst your competitors. In this blog, we will give you an outline of how to do that.
Guide to Social Media Marketing
To begin with, you need to be aware of a few social media marketing terms and their importance:
Content: What you post on social media     platforms. 
Context: Keep it short, simple, and straightforward 
Hashtags: Other than adding meta-information, they     also help describe and categorize the content. 
Share: This refers to how people connect with     your post and how they share it with others. 
Engagement: Like, comment, or share; it’s how     people interact and engage with your content. 
Your social media marketing stands on the core principles of:
Strategy: It is the backbone of social media     marketing; a constructive and result- oriented plan that involves the     creation of valuable and high quality content, driving engagement, and     increased lead conversions. 
Plan: Before publishing the content, you     need to know your target audience, ensure quality and keep it in context     with your brand and business. 
Publish: It is best to follow a consistent     schedule for publishing the content.  
Engage: You need to listen to your target     audience and engage with them through comments and recurring posts. Keep     tabs on the latest trends, diversity your marketing channels, gather     industry insights, and utilize niche influencers for promotions. 
Analytics: Collect and study user data, competitor     analysis, etc., to refine marketing strategy.
Advertise: For improved traction, invest in     social media advertising (organic, paid, and earned).
Types of Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing comes in multiple forms, and we are not talking about just the platforms.
Sponsorship or advertising
Content marketing
Influencer marketing
Paid media
Social media management
Building followers
Social Media Trends & Tools to Use
There are a few things to keep in mind when devising and executing social media marketing strategies:
Unlike previously, the reach of organic social media marketing has become quite complicated and time-consuming.
It is best to keep paid advertising in the mix to gain results. After all, social media platforms are businesses, and they are looking to earn from you.
It is recommended that you merge multiple social media channels to get your message to the target audience.
Don’t forget to use social media tools to gather insight.
Here’s a peek at the leading social media platforms along with the tools and trends that will benefit you:
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How to Increase Social Media Engagement
Firstly, you need to focus on the following:
Target audience
Social media channels
Here are some basic tips:
Set some primary goals and work towards their achievement.
Assess and understand your target audience and their needs.
Track the analytics to gain insights and change the strategy accordingly.
 Create clickable content that generates engagement.
Stick to a publishing schedule and maintain post consistency.
We hope that this write-up was insightful to you! If you are looking for some professional help in social media marketing in Dubai, reach out to Socialight Digital Marketing today for a quote & consultation.
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Web Design and Development Trends for Ecommerce Platform in 2022
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The pandemic has shown us clearly that going digital is a way to progress in the future. It’s for this reason why even businesses in Dubai with a successful physical presence are investing in digital platforms and websites, especially the ones in the retail industry. Similar trends are visible all over the world. According to NASDAQ, by 2040, 955 of all purchases will happen through ecommerce sites. Ecommerce sales have been growing in the UAE at 23% year-over-year (2018-2022). Just like the rapid acceleration of ecommerce businesses, the trends for ecommerce web design in Dubai are evolving too. 
These practices keep changing every year. Hence, every business owner and professional should keep this in mind when developing an ecommerce website. On that note, let’s brush up on the web design and web development trends of 2022. 
Top Ecommerce Web Design & Development Trends
Any reliable and reputed ecommerce website design company in Dubai should be well versed in the practices that we are about to discuss. But as a business owner, you should be aware of the same.
Web Design Trends
Vertical Alignment of Product Displays
Did you know that more than 68% of ecommerce visitors use mobile phones to access the websites? So, it is not enough to make your website mobile responsive. Your display should cater to the needs of the mobile users too. Vertically aligned product displays are important because they make scrolling on smartphones easier.
360-Degree Image View of Product
A panoramic or 360-degree view of the displayed product adds more credibility to the look and quality of the product. It gives a better idea to the customer about what they can expect on delivery, increasing the chances of a sale. 
Neutral Backgrounds
Neutral and subtle shades are the new rage in web designing for choosing the background. According to experts, it makes the content and the product displays pop against the neutral shades, attracting customers’ attention to the things that require it. 
Web Development Trends
Voice Search
With the growing prominence of voice assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa, etc. people have become comfortable commanding their devices to get a job done. It’s the reason many developers are integrating voice searches into the ecommerce sites to make shopping easy and enjoyable for the customers. 
Automation in Marketing
The use of advanced process automation tools to simplify marketing initiatives is another visible trend amongst ecommerce platforms. The aim is to simplify the promotional activities and create better engagement with the target audience. 
AI Chatbots
You cannot expect your human customer support to be available for customers 24x7. It is not only a complex approach but also expensive. Integrating AI chatbots to the platforms fixes that problem; as there is someone to take care of the customer’s needs, always.  
Why should you stay updated about the latest trends for web design in Dubai? That’s because such knowledge helps you build an attractive and functional website to drive more customer traffic and sales. 
If you are looking for a reliable ecommerce website development company in Dubai, then Socialight Digital Marketing has the best team to lend you the support. The company has a team of experienced professionals and a global clientele to attest to its credibility and web development skills. Check out their services and request a consultation today.
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Social Media Trends in 2022
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Social media is undoubtedly one of the most powerful marketing tools of this era. It is that one medium that impacts and influences our lives every day. Let’s take a look at the overwhelming stats:
More than 3.96 billion people are using social media globally.
57.6% of the total global population is on social media.
On average a user spends 95 minutes per day on social media platforms.
The global social media market will reach $223.11 billion at a 39.7% CAGR in 2022.
There are 9.52 million active social media accounts across the UAE. It accounts for almost 98% of the total population of the region.
These numbers are enough to hire a social media agency in Dubai for business marketing and promotions. How do the professionals benefit your business? They remain aware of the latest techniques and trends that increase brand awareness and visibility on social media platforms. A knowledgeable professional will utilize them to create your social media marketing strategy, benefiting your brand. Let's take a look at the top social media trends of 2022.
Top Relevant Social Media Trends    
Here’s a list of the social media trends that every online marketing professional and business owner should be aware of.
Brands are Heavily Investing in Social Commerce
The buying and selling of products and services on social media platforms are called social commerce. As per recent reports, over 73% of businesses are focussing on social commerce. Many brands are integrating their ecommerce platforms with social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, etc., to gain the benefits of social commerce. It is the trend to keep in mind when making a brand’s marketing and sales plan. 
Time is Right for Creators & Influencers on Social Platforms
Influencer and creator marketing aren't going away anytime soon. On the contrary, the growth and popularity in certain areas have been spectacular. Business owners should consider the influence of such marketing tactics on the consumers to increase brand awareness through social media outlets.
Livestream Shopping is Transforming Ecommerce
Besides social commerce, live streaming shopping is also gaining popularity amongst the general consumers, which has increased amid the pandemic months. The personalized approach and thrill of the activity; are a couple of things that attract consumers to Livestream shopping on social media platforms.
Short Videos are Gaining More Views
TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter; are all leading social media platforms that have their respective versions of short-span videos, which are great for branding and promotion. You can create a viral trend with your brand name through short videos. It is something to keep in mind for future marketing campaigns.
Wrapping Up!
When hiring a social media agency in Dubai, we can assume that you will start with a consultation. You can check their awareness of the latest media trends during the initial conversation. Take some queue points from what we just discussed. Socialight Digital Marketing, is led by a team of digital marketing specialists who make sure to be up to date with the relevant trends to offer efficient service to the clients. You can book a consultation or visit the site for more details on the services. 
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Ecommerce Web Design Trends You Should be Aware of in 2022
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Over the last decade, the ecommerce industry has rapidly boomed in Dubai and worldwide. At the same time, the essential digital trends within the sector, like ecommerce website development, app development, and ecommerce web design, have also evolved significantly. So, when hiring a professional agency for ecommerce web design in Dubai, you should be aware of the latest trends in the market. That way, you can ensure that the trending elements are present in your ecommerce site. Such insights will also help you choose the best web design company in Dubai to set the look and feel of your ecommerce platform. 
Top Ecommerce Design Trends of 2022
Ecommerce web design helps businesses offer a simple yet dynamic shopping experience to customers. The design and layout of the website should be user-friendly, appealing and glitch-free, preventing any shopping interruption. 
Now let’s take a look into the latest ecommerce design trends for 2022.
Go Neutral in the Background
Bold colors are out, while neutrals are in! Neutral tones in the background give a soothing and sophisticated effect that leaves an impressive brand impact on the audience. It also gives a minimalistic look that can be used as good contrast against other design elements within the website. 
Unique Layouts
The website layout adds structure to the content and product placement within the landing pages. Now, you can choose the generic templates offered by different site development platforms. However, that would be like any other website online. These days a lot of brands are experimenting with creative and unique layouts. These add uniqueness to the brand and its offerings. 
Micro Animations
As the user moves their cursor over the product, it changes colors and designs to give a glimpse of the variety available.
Once the payment is complete, the user gets an animated figure informing about successful processing.
An animated chatbot greets the user to answer all queries.
These are some examples of micro animations that make the website more attractive and engaging. Designers vouch for its usability, which is attracting more visitors to the website.
360 degree Product View
Instead of giving stills of the product from different angles, designers prefer to present a 360-degree view of the product. It assures the consumer regarding the look and quality of the product, boosting sales. 
Wrapping Up!
There are over 500,000 brands across billions of ecommerce sites and apps worldwide. So, the competition is tough, but still, you can rule the market, provided you stay aware of the latest trends and apply them to your business platform.  (Source: https://www.inc.com/encyclopedia/brands-and-brand-names.html)    
You indeed need trained and skilled professionals to ensure a spectacular design for your ecommerce website. While the professionals can take care of the technicalities, having a basic idea about what’s trending in the industry empowers you in decision-making when supervising the progress of the web design project.
On a concluding note, if you are looking for a professional team for your ecommerce web design in Dubai, then SociaLight Digital Marketing provides exactly what you need. Socialight has established its reputation as one of the leading digital marketing, web development, and web design company in Dubai and Bahrain with a wide range of services to offer its global clientele. Check out their offerings and book a consultation with the experts to infuse new life in your business through ensured growth and success.  
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Can Social Media Marketing Boost you SEO Output?
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Does social media marketing directly impact the search engine ranking of a website? Not really! What it does is present your website content in front of a large group of audiences, both local and global. An expert in social media marketing in Dubai will share varied, keyword-based targeted content across multiple social media sites regularly for exposure. Consistent exposure to your brand content increases brand awareness and generates more productive leads. Digital marketers use the term social SEO for this strategy.
  Eventually, it drives visitor traffic to your website. Social media marketing creates more engagement, backlinks, and increased brand queries. All of that comes together to accelerate or boost the overall SEO results. Hence, social media is an essential part of digital marketing services.
More than 53% of the world population is on social media.
 82% of the digital marketers recycle content across social media channels for more exposure.
More than 54% of the users depend on social media browsers for product research.
50% of the marketers plan to increase their paid advertising investment across YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok in 2022.
 93% of the Twitteratis prefer direct brand interaction on the platform.
90% of Instagram followers follow brands and businesses.
  These stats self-explain the importance of social media for your digital marketing and SEO efforts.  
  Defining Social SEO
Social SEO is the indirect utilization of social media platforms to boost brand visibility on social browsers and search engines, thus improving the organic search ranking. The heroes of social SEO are the social signals, such as likes, comments, and shares, which increase brand engagement with the target audience. These build customer loyalty while also increasing online traffic. 
  How does Social Media Marketing Impact the SEO Results?
Social media marketing intends to expose the content to the right group of people, who will further spread it amongst their groups and social communities. These are indirect factors that influence the SERPS. But there is more to social SEO than that:
  Digital marketers stress optimizing the brand social profiles because Google indexes that. 
Google indexes and crawls the Facebook links like shares and comments are indexed and crawled by Google. So, if your target audience is commenting and sharing your post, Google will take notice of that, and the SERP will reflect that.
Since social media marketing increases brand awareness, it boosts the brand searches online on both social browsers and search engines. So, it is essential to optimize the social content with high-ranking keywords. 
Other social platforms like Pinterest, Reddit, and Quora drive significant traffic to the website. So, regular content posting on those sites is equally essential. 
  These strategies play an essential role in boosting your SEO output. 
To ace the marketing game in the present and in the future, you will need efficient digital marketing services with a specialization in social SEO. 
    Socialight Digital Marketing ticks on all those boxes as a digital marketing agency, with expertise in social media marketing in Dubai. Over the years, they have built a network of local and global clients, benefitting from their wide range of online marketing services. So, check out their website and book a consultation with their experts today! 
  Blog Source: https://socialight-marketing.com/social-media-marketing-boost-seo/
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4 Reasons to Hire Digital Marketing Services for Your Start-Up in 2022
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We are down another year into the twentieth century; and we are still recovering from the pandemic and getting used to the new normal of doing business in Dubai. As we welcome 2022, what do you think is that one business aspect which has crossed over the threshold of 21-22? Anyone who predicted digitization of businesses got it right. The trend of rapid digitization started during the pandemic and has since evolved into something more than a passing trend. In the present market scenario, you either go digital or go nowhere. On that note, what does one need to support the ongoing digital transformation of businesses, especially start-ups? The list is long, but the most important support is a reliable digital marketing service.
 Relevance of Digital Marketing Services for Start-Ups
Digital marketing covers a broad spectrum of activities that helps improve the online visibility of a business and boosts its online presence and overall growth. Both of these aspects are quite essential for start-up businesses to succeed. If you are thinking of hiring a social media agency in Dubai, then simply contact Socialight Digital Marketing company. 
 Still not convinced that investing in a digital marketing service provider in 2022 is a good idea? We have come up with five compelling reasons to convince you.
1. Experienced Marketers
Yes! You can plan your marketing strategies, but that would hardly match the expertise and knowledge of a professional digital marketer. Being on the job for many years and having worked with different brands, professional digital marketer have the experience to build the perfect marketing plan for your business for a maximum exposure. 
2. Access Advanced Marketing Tools
There are uncountable marketing tools available online that are updated regularly. These tools are necessary since they assist you in streamlining your marketing plan according to the current trends. These tools are both time and money-saving that you can only access through a professional. These tools will take your marketing strategy to a whole new level, producing greater ROI.
3. Gain Exclusivity
Digital marketing experts do not give you basic marketing solutions! That’s the best part about hiring these services. The marketing plans are custom designed to fit the definite needs of the brand and the business. If you are starting a business and want to extend your customer base, your marketing plan will focus around those factors, providing you a competitive advantage. That’s how digital marketing services work.
4. Expand Your Reach
Well-designed digital marketing plans help you reach out to a broader spectrum of audiences. Since the internet is limitless, digital marketing allows you to harness that power, allowing your brand to grow beyond from the limitations of a local brand to spread your wings as a global name.  
Hopefully, that was enough to convince you about the importance of digital marketing services for your business. On a concluding note, if you are looking for a digital marketing and social media agency in Dubai, then Socialight Digital Marketing is right up your alley of needs. They have an impressive portfolio and the experience of working with businesses big and small, including start-ups. Reach out to them to book a consultation today!
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Top Upcoming Trends to Follow for Web Design & Social Media Marketing in Dubai
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You cannot possibly think of creating an online identity for your business without a website. It’s your business virtual address; the starting point of your digital marketing initiatives. We might as well add that not just any website would be enough. Your online business platform should have a captivating design backed by a clear layout and user-friendly interface to make it appealing to the targeted audience. In case your website is lacking either of these, a web design company in Dubai can fix it for you.
If the website is the foundation of your brand’s identity, then social media marketing is how you spread the word about it. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, and likewise are the most effective tools you have at your disposal to raise brand awareness. Social media marketing in Dubai completes your digital marketing agenda, which ultimately leads you to business growth and success.
The most fascinating aspect of web design and social media marketing is that the strategies employed are far from static. They keep developing and evolving over time. So, what was effective in 2021, might not work out as well in 2022 and a digital marketer needs to be aware of these trends and changes.
On that note, this blog will shed some light on the upcoming trends in social media marketing and web design for businesses to follow.
Upcoming Web Design Trends
Colorful Optimism: Businesses are already going through a down phase of constant market fluctuations post-COVID. A weak website is the last thing you need. So, as per predictions, bright colors, fun shapes, and optimistic designs are the trends of 2022.
Black and  White Elegance: Want to keep it simple and elegant? One can never go wrong with the timeless elegance of black and white. There are lots of creative areas to explore with just those two colors. 
Bold Typography: Keep the words to a minimum and go bold with the typography. 
Upcoming Social Media Marketing Trends
2022 is the year     of TikTok. In 2021, it received     the highest downloads of 3 million worldwide, with a 61% increase in     mentions. Do take that into account when planning     your social media marketing.     (SOURCE: https://offers.hubspot.com/social-media-trends-report-2022?hubs_post=blog.hubspot.com/marketing/social-media-predictions-2017&hubs_post-cta=3%20million%20global%20downloads) 
If you own an ecommerce business, you might want to start a social media store, allowing your potential customers to buy directly from the social media platforms. Invest more in social selling. 
Do not ignore influencer marketing; it should still be one of your top priorities in  2022.  
On a concluding note, before you start planning your digital marketing for 2022, discuss the use of the above-mentioned tactics with your social media marketing and web design company. Still don’t have a website or a professional to take care of your online marketing? There was never a better time to invest more in that direction. Start by hiring a reputed company specializing in web development, digital marketing, and social media marketing in Dubai.
Take a look at the services offered by Socialight Digital Marketing. It is known for its innovative solutions. Book a consultation today and take one step forward towards the digital success of your business.
Blog Source: https://socialight-marketing.com/top-trends-web-design-smm-dubai/
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Latest Mobile App Development Trends Your Business Should Invest In
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It is in the nature of technology to evolve, allowing existing solutions to scale up for a better future. So, it should not be surprising if the technology trends of 2021, become obsolete by 2022. Accordingly, businesses should prepare themselves to make modifications to their existing technology infrastructure to stay up-to-date with the latest trends. Since app development has experienced considerable technological developments in recent years; it is a significant area that businesses should focus on. If you are yet to invest in a mobile app development company in Dubai, you might want to make some budgetary adjustments and make room for it in the coming year.
Due to cost constraints, many small businesses and start-ups are hesitant to outsource their digital marketing, app development, or hire social media agencies in Dubai. But living in this Digital Age, one must invest in the technological infrastructure of a business. It is a necessary investment with a guaranteed return on investment.
Coming back to where we started; with the year 2021 coming to an end, here’s a glimpse of the emerging trends in mobile app development that businesses can benefit from.
Latest Mobile App Development Trends
According to IT and market experts, the following trends will be dominating the apps development arena in the coming months, in Dubai and globally.
Voice Search
The number of voice assistants has increased and so has their popularity. Billions of people around the world use smart speakers integrated with voice assistants regularly. Businesses must take advantage of this by developing apps that support voice search.
Compatibility with Wearables
With more companies launching their wearables; what was once considered a luxury has become more accessible to consumers. So, when building an app, don’t forget to include the feature that ensures compatibility with wearables. It will attract more app downloads from the App Store.
Devices that Fold
As per the market prediction, more mobile manufacturers will launch folding devices in the coming days. Keeping that in mind, it is essential to develop an app that is optimised for foldable screens. It might seem like a long shot, but investing in such features will increase the popularity and credibility of your app in the eyes of the consumer.
On-demand Apps
On-demand apps enable consumers to buy products or services and get them in real-time. Some examples would be delivery apps (food, groceries, medicines, etc.), on-demand taxi apps, telemedicine, housekeeping services, and likewise. The on-demand economy is flourishing, with several businesses investing in the same. Customers like such apps and services because it is more accessible and easy to use. It would be a worthwhile business development decision to build such an app.  
Are you searching for a reliable mobile app development company or social media agency in Dubai? Are you looking for a digital marketing company that offers reasonable service packages? Then look no further than SociaLight Digital Marketing. It is one of the leading companies providing online marketing, website design, and app development services to both big and small businesses at affordable rates and with flexible service terms.
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Why Digital Marketers Need Social Media Marketing in 2021?
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The year 2020, the year of the pandemic, marked a defining change in the B2B marketing approach. In Dubai, companies had to go digital almost immediately to be able to survive, and customers' purchasing behaviour changed as well. People became more cautious regarding what they were buying and from where they were buying it. The demand for online services and ecommerce increased tremendously. The rapid shift in market and consumer behaviour, prompted marketers to rethink their strategy for social media marketing in Dubai.
Businesses are still putting all their effort into bouncing back and boosting the economy in the post-COVID new normal of 2021. For this reason, if you are looking for a digital marketing agency in Dubai, make sure they have a specialized team in social media marketing because your business will require it.
Understanding the Relevance of Social Media Marketing
Social media is the most accessible and convenient medium to reach out to your target audience and engage with them. The popular platforms to use are:
Snapchat, etc. 
Social media enables you to create engaging and creative content to build awareness about your brand and business. Even small businesses can target a broad segment of potential customers through social media engagement and get the benefits.
Before getting further into the benefits of social media marketing in Dubai, let’s go through some latest market statistics.
More than half of the world’s population is on social media.
89% of digital marketers claim that social media is essential for marketing.
82% of the B2B marketers use social media for networking. 
54% of internet users rely on social media for product research. 
71% of the customers with a positive brand experience on social media will recommend it to an acquaintance. 
 The stats are proof that social media marketing is an essential part of digital marketing. (SOURCE: https://www.oberlo.in/blog/social-media-marketing-statistics) 
Why You Need Social Media for Businesses in 2021?
There is a special significance to social media marketing in 2021 for digital marketers.
Gain the Trust
Since 2020, customer behaviour has changed significantly, citing health and hygiene concerns as reasons for reluctance to purchase a product or hire a service. Social media is the best medium through which you can earn the trust and confidence of your target audience.
Brand Awareness
So, your business launched a brand new website, and your products are now available online. But do your existing customers know about that? What about targeting new customers? An active and strong social media presence allows you to connect with your target audience, enlighten them about your products/services and expand the consumer base.
Consumer Engagement
Direct customer feedback allows you to make improvements and creates a better brand impact. Social media helps you to engage with your target audience directly, gaining brand loyalty.
Analyze Marketing Metrics
Social media management tools help you measure the performance of your marketing strategies and track the KPIs. It helps you to evolve your marketing plan constantly, improving online visibility.
Are you looking for a digital marketing agency in Dubai with social media expertise? Then, Socialight Digital Marketing would be the right fit for your business needs. As a leading agency, it serves businesses big and small across Dubai and Bahrain, offering effective and affordable online marketing services.
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Social media, SEO, & Website Design: The Trifecta of Online Marketing in Dubai
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Dubai has seen a spectacular digital change in recent years, becoming the world’s most technologically advanced economy. It has a 98.4 percent internet penetration rate. Starting from the digitization of small and large-scale businesses to the recent formation of the Dubai Chamber of Digital Economy, the city is working hard towards making Dubai a model Smart City. Nevertheless, the very foundation of that objective relies on the digitization of all kinds of businesses to take forward the cause of an advanced digital economy. The trend has been already accelerating across multiple domains, and it has created a significant demand for online marketing in Dubai.
(Source: https://www.internetworldstats.com/me/ae.htm) 
Enterprises cannot thrive without marketing, and when businesses go online, the marketing efforts need to pace up and evolve as well; hence, the relevance and demand of online marketing. But, what exactly does that entail?
Online Marketing Equals to Website Design, SEO & Social Media 
It’s the simple formula that keeps the 21st Century digital marketing machinery running without any glitches. As a business owner, one would have to invest in each for a holistic and positive outcome for the business. 
Website Design is the Commencement Point
The process of digitizing a business begins with the design and development of a website. To begin, you will need a reliable team of professionals for website development and website design in Dubai. They will provide your business with an online address and identity so that it can remain digitally operational and visible to the target audience. 
Website design and development involves front-end and back-end construction of the website, creation of different pages, designing the navigation and sitemap, inserting pictures, graphics, the logo, deciding the color scheme of the site, and likewise. A website must be attractive and informative so that people feel the urge to visit it and purchase your products and services.
Importance of Search Engine Optimization
Now that you have created the website, what’s next? Remember; your website isn’t the only website in the market. There are several online platforms and your immediate competitors trying to attract your target audience through their website. 
This is where the role of search engine optimization (SEO) comes into play. Consumers use Search engines like Google, Bing, etc., to search for businesses. So, your business has to remain visible to the online users by ranking high on the search engine pages. Your target is to rank as the top ten businesses on the first page of Google’s search results. You will need digital marketing professionals to optimize your website so that it appears first in search engines as top results. 
Role of Social Media Marketing
Other than search engines, social media platforms are also where you can promote your business and engage with the target audience. Using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter as tools to promote your services, helps to reach a wider demographic of consumers. It ensures business growth and opens up avenues of direct interaction with the target audience. A marketing expert with an experience working in a social media company in Dubai can help you with the social media marketing of your business. 
To digitize your business and leverage its benefits, your online marketing efforts require website development, SEO, and social media marketing. Only then will your company stand out in the crowd.
Are you thinking of going digital? Socialight Digital Marketing can help you with online marketing in Dubai, with professionals experienced in website design, SEO, SMO, PPC, and much more. Book a free consultation and start your journey towards a digital future.
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Why Social Media is the Trump Card of Your online Marketing Strategy
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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world and our living habits as we once knew it. Most notably, it has acted as a catalyst for the digital revolution of the twenty-first century. In the last eighteen months, digital transformation and transition have experienced increasing acceptance across businesses. The number of digital platforms has increased, and more individuals are signing up for them. This trend has been visible in Bahrain as well. That’s why it has become very important for businesses to think through their promotional efforts and invest in professional online marketing in Bahrain.
 Now, online marketing is a vast domain with multiple areas to focus on. In this blog, we will shed some light on the significance of social media marketing. It will assist you in comprehending why there is a need to include marketing for a social media company in Bahrain for business benefits. 
 Relevance of Social Media in Online Marketing
As of 2020, more than 3.96 billion people worldwide are using different social media platforms, with Facebook having the most users. Within the same period, the number of users on TikTok has increased by 85%. A similar increase in sign-ups and regular activities has been noticed across other platforms as well. No wonder marketers are considering social media the ultimate trump card for online marketing. (Source: https://www.statista.com/topics/7863/social-media-use-during-coronavirus-covid-19-worldwide/)
 Social media marketing has the following benefits:
 Brand Visibility and Recognition
53% of the world's population uses social media these days. Over 54% of the user's research products are on social media. It means that if you showcase your business, brand, product, and services on social media platforms with a good promotional strategy it will boost your brand's online visibility. With more visibility, more people will get to know about your brand. (Source: https://blog.hootsuite.com/simon-kemp-social-media/  https://blog.globalwebindex.com/chart-of-the-day/social-browsers-brand/) 
 Expand Consumer Base 
You can target both local and worldwide consumers with consistent branding efforts on social media channels. It aids in the expansion of your consumer base and your business activities. Why limit your options when social media marketing can give you worldwide exposure and help grow your brand?!
 Increased SERPs
Social media marketing has a positive impact on search engine rankings. As more people see your brand on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and likewise; they would search more about your brand using appropriate keywords, thus boosting your SERPs. A well-executed social media marketing strategy can improve your search engine optimization efforts as well. 
 We hope that this blog was insightful for businesses trying to make their mark in this digital and social media-forward world. If you are looking for qualified and experienced professionals to provide you with a comprehensive marketing strategy, then Socialight Digital Marketing is just the company you need by your side. It is one of the leading companies for online marketing in Bahrain, with an exceptional track record of offering services to both local and global businesses. Click here to check out their marketing services as a top social media company in Bahrain.   
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Enhance Your Web Design Efforts with Right Social Media Strategies
The primary purpose of a website is to establish your online presence and to promote your services/products to a larger group of the target audience Why is there so much emphasis on online promotions? It’s because the outreach of the internet is virtually boundless, with an estimated user base of 4.72 billion who spend at least 170 minutes per day online. This advent of the internet has compelled companies big and small all around the world, including Bahrain, to invest in website development. More companies are hiring experts in web design in Bahrain to launch an online platform that would showcase their products and services. But is that enough? 
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(Source:https://datareportal.com/global-digital-overview#:~:text=The%20number%20of%20internet%20users,900%2C000%20new%20users%20each%20day https://www.statista.com/topics/1145/internet-usage-worldwide/#:~:text=As%20the%20internet%20has%20become,day%20online%2C%20primarily%20via%20smartphone) 
Web design, development, and deployment cover just the first phase of online promotion. It has to be followed by SEO, PPC, content strategy, and other online marketing techniques, including social media marketing. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and likewise allow you to spread the word about your business among the target audience, with immediate returns. So when hiring for web design, make sure that they have professionals with experience in marketing for social media company in Bahrain.
Leverage Social Media for Web Design and Development
Below are a few suggestions that will help you understand how to use social media as a powerful tool to your web design efforts.
Interlink Your Social Media Pages
Both the website and social media pages should go live at the same time, with both platforms being interlinked with each other. Create posts on social media with links that will lead the users to your website. You also need to make the icons of social media platforms clearly visible on the website so that the consumers and site visitors start following you for regular updates. This helps one to reach out to a broader spectrum of potential consumers.
On-site Social Media Logins
When designing the website you must integrate social media login. That way the user can directly log in to the site account through networking platforms without having to create their individual log-in id and password. It generates better conversation and engagement with the target audience.  
Ease of Sharing Content 
The content on your website, such as blogs, articles, videos, promotional banners, etc. should be optimized well so that the user finds ease in sharing the same across social media platforms. When the user tweets, pins, or posts your content tagging you on their profiles it creates a personalized engagement that strengthens the business-consumer relationship.
Embed Social Media Videos  
At present videos are the most popular and widely appreciated content online. People enjoy watching videos and connect better with the brand through them. So, embedding related videos from social media sites like YouTube on the website is highly recommended by experts to increase visitor traffic.  
To make all the above-mentioned deliver favourable results for your business, you need a strong work partner and collaborator; a trusted and reputable web design company in Bahrain with a team of skilled professionals. Socialight Digital Marketing is one of the leading digital marketing firms in the region, with experience in managing both local and international projects. They have a great reputation for providing the best in terms of business promotions online, owing to their extensive marketing expertise as a social media firm in Bahrain.
Blog Source: https://www.socialight-marketing.com/enhance-your-web-design-efforts-with-right-social-media-strategies/
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Top Web and App Design Trends to Follow in 2021
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Digital transformation is the trend of 2021; the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the new normal. In 2020, as everything went on lockdown to curb the spread of the virus, the digitally forward businesses began to reinforce their infrastructure, and even the brick-and-mortar firms switched to digital platforms to be able to survive. In the past year, the number of businesses with websites and mobile apps has multiplied in and around Bahrain. This has also increased the demand for professional services that offer web design and mobile app development in Bahrain. 
Web and App Design Trends of 2021
The role of professional app design and web design company in Bahrain is to create and develop visually appealing websites and mobile apps. It would help a business reach out to its target audience and turn those leads into purchases to generate profit. So the quality and creativity with which your app or website is developed is critical in attracting customers and generating profits. 
On that note, here are the top mobile app and web design trends that professionals are following this year. 
Intuitive Micro-Interactions
Micro-interactions are when there is direct consumer engagement with the app or website. For example, ecommerce websites and apps allow their consumers to create a wish-list of products they would like to buy later. Besides each product, there is a small bookmark symbol that allows the buyers to add the product to the wish list. The same happens on OTT and music streaming platforms where the user can create their watchlist and playlist. It helps create a personalized experience for the visitor while also benefiting the business. Animated elements as a means to provide feedback, visual call to action are great examples of micro-interactions.
Dark Theme
These days almost every website and app, has the dark theme option and it has received great reviews from the focus groups. Users prefer the dark mode over the light mode because it not only gives a very cool vibe to the platform but also improves the UI/UX (user interaction and user experience). Most professionals for web design in Bahrain are in favor of dark theme because:
It does not cause strain to the eyes, even after hours of use.
Highlights the design elements.
Extends the battery life of the device. 
Better to use at night. 
Return of Bold Typography
The bold typography has made a return into the world of app and web design this year. It gives the platform a very modern look. From the designer’s perspective, it helps things stand out, especially if there is a message that needs to be highlighted to catch the user’s eye.  
Other design trends include:
3D visuals and animation.
Realistic design.
Minimalist design. 
Muted colors against bold fonts. 
Immersive visuals. 
To yield the benefits of implementing these web design and mobile app design trends, you will need a team of skilled specialists who are up to date on the latest tools and techniques of web and mobile app development in Bahrain. Based locally, SociaLight Digital Marketing can offer you creative and advanced solutions through their collective expertise as a team and experience, handling all kinds of projects from both local and global businesses. Check out their website to find what more they can offer to improve your brand visibility.
Blog Source: https://www.socialight-marketing.com/top-web-app-design-trends-2021/
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Top 10 Social Media and Web Design Trends to Follow in 2021
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The business sector has changed, replacing conventional ways, thanks to the rapid technological growth and digitization over the last decade. To beat the competition, make a profit, and maintain steady growth in 2021, your company must embrace the latest digital trends and incorporate them into your marketing and business strategy. Remember that Bahrain being a developing economy, all your competitors will be putting in their best effort to take the top spot. Hence, you need to pool in all your resources as well, with a special focus on web design strategies and the use of social media in Bahrain for online marketing benefits.
 Keeping that in mind, this blog will highlight the top five (you mentioned ten points) social media and web design trends that businesses must follow in 2021.
 Web Design Trends of 2021
The online presence of a business is determined primarily by its website, followed by SEO and other digital marketing strategies that keep your products/services visible in front of your target audience. However, at the core of it all is how you plan your web design. Experts of web design in Bahrain would recommend the following points: 
 1. Retro font styles, or stick to serif fonts with a touch of elegance.
2. Get creative with the typography with the use of animation and visual effects.
3. Have fun with your design using emojis.
4. Parallax effect in scroll animation.
5. Include horizontal scrolling to feature services/products.
6. 3D visual effects to add glamour to your website design.
7. Invest heavily in multimedia representations throughout the website.
8. Surreal art and collage picture presentations.
9. Muted colors with pops of contrast.
10. Keep light and dark mode for better UX.
Social Media Trends of 2021
From a business perspective, the use of social media is for marketing purposes and to connect directly with the consumers, existing and potential. Here are some of the social media marketing trends you should keep up with:
1. Comprehensive social media usage instead of sticking to few platforms.
2. Encourage user-generated content and engage using the same.
3. Focus on the trending social causes. Consumers like it when you show that you care.
4. COVID is still present, so use your business and platform to spread awareness.
5. Increase engagement with social media polls on social topics, or simply your products.
6. Include influencer marketing in your social media strategy.
7. Use informative videos.
8. Livestreams are great way to connect directly with the consumers.
9. Update ‘Stories’ regularly and feature consumers in the same.
10. Use AR and VR in your social media content.
That’s what you must include in your marketing plans when using social media in Bahrain for commercial purposes.
 Concluding Thoughts
It does not matter whether you are running a major corporation, a start-up, or a small home business, to generate profits and to reach out to your target audience you needs a striking web platform and a vibrant social media presence. Not sure how to leverage the trends of social media and web design in Bahrain for your business activities? Well, Socialight Digital Marketing can assist you with that.
Being one of the leading digital marketing companies, Socialight has an impressive portfolio and exceptional track record of working with both local and global businesses, extending their expertise to drive growth through smart and affordable business and marketing solutions.
Blog Source: https://www.socialight-marketing.com/top-10-social-media-web-design-trends-2021/
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Role of Web Design Elements in Boosting the Online Marketing Results
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When you search for any product online, you type the keywords into the search engine and choose the five websites that come closest to providing the information you need. Now, you start browsing each website to see what they have to offer. So, when you are navigating the web, what is the first thing that grabs your attention? It’s mostly the following characteristics of the website:
  Look and design. 
Navigational ease.
Fast page loading time.
Visually appealing content.
Clear and creative written content.
  Any good website has to cater to its visitor with the above, which is taken care of by professionals adept in web design in Bahrain. 
  Online Marketing and Web Design: How are they related?
The digital face of your organization and brand is your website, which acts as a virtual business card. It is the first thing people will check before buying your products or services. Although most businesses in Bahrain spend a lot of money on online marketing in order to establish a strong digital identity, paying attention to web design is equally important. We have some recent global statistics to prove the same:
  More than 48% of the consumers believe in the credibility of a business by judging the web design.
The first impression of a website for 94% of the consumers is created by its design.
More than 38% of the consumers will close the site if the design is bad.
88% of the online shoppers will not return to a site if the design and UX are poor.  
  (Source: https://review42.com/resources/web-design-statistics/) 
  But what does the aforementioned have to do it with online marketing and its results? The relation between the two has been further explained in detail below:
  User-Experience/UX – Seamless navigation, ease of browsing, and fast loading time are essential factors that make or break the credibility of a website. Even if you manage to pull the ranks to the first page, if the website has poor user experience, consumers will reject it immediately. The UX has to be remarkable for the digital marketing efforts to be effective. 
  Search Engine Optimization – The planning of the website, number of landing pages, blog posts, content placement, addition of videos, pictures, and banners, etc. all have an impact on search engine optimization. Web designing gives structure and form to the site, while SEO breathes life to it. You will need professional help in both online marketing and web design in Bahrain, to make your website top the search engine rankings. 
  Brand Marketing and Advertising – Your web design, online advertising and branding efforts need to be in sync with each other, or else it becomes inconsistent and confusing for the consumer visiting the site. For example, your website design should match the look and feel of the social media marketing and advertising campaigns so that consumers can relate to it. This is the collective responsibility of digital marketing and web designing. 
  Website designing and online marketing are co-related, they are the two sides of the same coin. To produce desirable revenue-generating performance, both must be perfect.
  Socialight Digital Marketing is one of the top companies specializing in web design and online marketing in Bahrain. They have an experienced team of designers and SEO professionals, who can guarantee favorable results in increasing the visibility of your business by strategizing the winning combination of digital marketing and web designing, to generate maximum ROI.
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