simlicious Β· 2 days
OMG THANK YOU! A few days ago, I was talking to @quizicalgin about mesh toolkit and how I thought it would never be continued, and now this! πŸ₯Ή
Mesh ToolKit Seam Fixer for all ages
Mesh ToolKit's Seam Fixer was never properly finished and didn't work for toddlers, elders or female teens. I have added the missing data, making it work for all age/gender combinations.
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simlicious Β· 6 days
Welcome! If you like recolorable patterns, you might like to take a look at my simblr. I post mostly WIPs and personal stuff, but I also have tons of pattern downloads!
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Sul sul!Β 
I'm Robin (she/her), 24 years from The Netherlands. I’ve been playing the Sims through childhood, switched from Sims 3 to Sims 4 when it came out. But now I’ve switched back and only play the Sims 3. So that’s the content I’ll be following and sharing.I plan on posting gameplay here, as well as CAS edits and maybe lookbooksΒ 
Looking for fellow simmers to follow. Likes and reblogs would be appreciated!! I would love to make some mutuals and friends πŸ’š
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simlicious Β· 7 days
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I had a few especially productive days πŸ₯° If I continue at this rate, this collection will be my biggest ever (and I couldn't be happier about it)!
With patterns, I have to decide whether I want to make them look good on beds (so the designs appear centered on them) or rather focus on making them look good on clothing. For this collection, I focus on making them look nice on clothing because that's where they really shine! Sometimes I forget to optimize my patterns this way, but these geometric patterns with large designs benefit a lot from it!
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simlicious Β· 15 days
Hi there, my name is Ella, and I have had a constant headache for 14 years. I am 26 years old. Painkillers do not work.
The pain is caused by a Pineal Cyst. Pineal cysts are relatively common, 1-2% of the population has one, but it is not common that they cause symptoms. Few doctors on this planet even believe they do cause symptoms.
I need Pineal Cyst Removal Surgery if I am ever to experience a pain free day again. The only hospital that offers this surgery in my country, England, is deciding whether it wants to bear the risk of offering this surgery after I was on the waiting list for 6 months. I have found two European surgeons who can perform this surgery and believe I am a good candidate for it.
Needless to say, I, being a disabled unemployed person, cannot afford the surgery. I should be able to have it free on the NHS but it is not routinely offered so they won't fund me getting it abroad.
I am suicidally depressed because of my chronic pain. Doctors don't care about this cyst because it's not a threat to my life. Anti-depressants can only dull the pain so much.
Can people please reblog this, no matter how small your blog is, so that it can get traction?
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simlicious Β· 16 days
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To-cat-ata in B by sympawnies
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simlicious Β· 16 days
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I may not post much these days, but I am busy working on my African fabrics collection! I still have a ton of images waiting to be turned into patterns! I'm aiming for a release in June for Juneteenth. Seems like it is going to be a very big collection... It's a lot of fun to work with these bold designs and colors!
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simlicious Β· 22 days
Hey there! Sending some Simblr love your way! Share this with your favorite Simblrs and let the positivity spread! πŸ’– Keep shining!
aww, you just made my day! Thank you, @deniisu!
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simlicious Β· 1 month
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What if I say I learnt a way to make ts3 run even smootherπŸ™€ The game is currently running on 2.5+gb of RAM and 5+gb of VRAM… This is insane.
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simlicious Β· 1 month
Personal update πŸ˜ƒ
I have not done a personal update for quite some time, so here it is! Today, I dreamed that it was suddenly the 1st of December and I had nothing prepared for my advent calendar yet and was feeling in over my head and thinking "Do I really want to do this again?!" Maybe my brain telling me to actually prepare patterns ahead of time this year and to start early? πŸ€” I'll keep that in the back of my mind. I actually finally got Sims 4 running (let's see how long until the next patch breaks everything, maybe I have a few days left). I only want to play with tons of mods, which break all the time and are a pain to update, so I only do that procedure once or twice a year. When I actually get to play, I really like to immerse myself for a while until it is all over again. The funny thing is that I actually have fun playing because so many aspects are new to me (having fun in TS4 is almost unheard of, but apparently it can really happen πŸ˜†). Building and CAS are so much fun too! I'm not exactly a gameplay blog and not sure how many of you want to see TS4 on here anyway, so I doubt there will be many pics. I get super frustrated whenever I try to make sims in TS3 CAS, I guess I do not have some of y'all skills or the right CC at times (or do not know how to use it properly). In Sims 4, everything can be solved with a few skin overlays and I feel the weird head shape proportion thing that is so off in Sims 3 does not apply there, which makes everything easier. I do miss patterns though πŸ₯² I have been pretty preoccupied with other hobbies lately, I've been on a serious style rediscovery with my best friend, we discovered this style system called the Style Key and it is all about giving yourself permission to try out new things and your personal needs when choosing styles, which is really refreshing to all the systems that tell you "you cannot wear that with your body type!" So I've been trying things I did not actually dare to wear, like cute/playful outfits in pastel shades. I may wear the styles now that teenage me was too shy to wear and it feels great! I do not care anymore what other people may think about it. I recently discovered those colorful chunky plastic rings which surprisingly look good on me. I always felt like I could never really make jewelry work on me, and tried the tiniest minimalist pieces because everything felt "too much", but I have never tried the other extreme, the big chunky stuff because I told myself "that could never work". Turns out that trying out stuff instead of limiting myself feels really great and yields surprising results! And I feel more confident too because my outfits are fun and make me happy, and I am more relaxed if I feel happy too. In the Style Key system, I think I'm a Ruby (left-down quadrant) and I think the archetype "Spicy Girl Next Door" fits pretty nicely for me. The biggest takeaway for me is the realization that outfits have to "feel right" for me, not for anybody else and I do not dress to please anyone, but to help me feel good in my own skin and take into account my comfort needs and feelings on that day when I choose what to wear. The Style Key is not a system that tells you exactly what to wear, but it helps you figure out what you need your style to do for you and go from there. It's a bit daunting to get into because it is really so different from other systems and includes rather abstract theory/unusual concepts that are not really that intuitive, but the videos on the youtube channel really help to explain those concepts.
I also still work on some Python projects, but they're still a long way off from amounting to anything. But it's where I can use my problem-solving skills and just tinker around. I just really need something to bite my teeth into every now and then and that is perfect for it. 😊
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simlicious Β· 1 month
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Cream Puff the cat is the happiest when she gets her mans all to herself
rough sketchwork, csp
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simlicious Β· 1 month
Hey there! Sending some Simblr love your way! Share this with your favorite Simblrs and let the positivity spread! πŸ’– Keep shining!
πŸ₯Ή aww @elvgreen thank you for thinking of me!
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simlicious Β· 1 month
Thank you for the update πŸ’œ Download more TS3 rigs with IK bones from @thesweetsimmer111
Sims 3 CLIP Tool for Blender 3.x
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Here's the Sims 3 Clip tool, updated to work with the latest versions of Blender by myself, so you don't have to use those crusty old Blender versions. Also includes an adult male rig with IK bones to make animating less painful.
Download: SFS
If you're looking for more rigs or information you can check out the original website for the original version of the tool: https://sims3cliptool.wordpress.com/
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simlicious Β· 1 month
People You'd Like To Get To Know Better
Thanks for thinking of me, @kevinvoncrastenburg!
last song: Kashmir by Led Zeppelin (my bf made me watch a 25min song analysis of this song on YouTube and is stuck in my head now)
favorite color: currently, it's pastel purple!
currently watching: Star Trek: Discovery
sweet/savory/spicy: spicy
relationship: taken
current obsession: finding a new personal style that is really "me", learning programming in Python, starting a new TS4 mods folder
last thing I googled: "Sims+3" β€” I read that this finds more Sims 3 stuff than "Sims 3", but I guess I need to try "Sims+3+CC" next because I only got was "buy Sims 3 here".
I tag, but only if you feel like it: @windermeresimblr @greenplumbboblover @batsheba @elvgreen @bellakenobi
Btw, here is how you can get the gradient text
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simlicious Β· 1 month
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TS3 simmer's worst nightmare... and it still lives on...
I have it
The dissection begins
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simlicious Β· 1 month
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Today, I created four new patterns for my African collection! πŸ’ͺ
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simlicious Β· 1 month
Hi i was wondering if you have any cc resources or your own cc thats African style dresses? I saw you posted some sims in dresses you had made and theyre the closest thing ive found to what im looking for, but they werent available for download. Thank you in advance!
Hey there! You probably saw screenshots of the African patterns I was working on at the time. The collection is not finished yet, but I've been meaning to get back into creating patterns. Your ask has inspired me to work on that particular collection again, as the patterns are also very fun to make. I hope I can get it ready soon!
Here's a pic of the new patterns I made last night:
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simlicious Β· 2 months
I've never felt more comfortable in a community than on tumblr, you can make genuine connections here, even if they are just fleeting sometimes. They are still real in that we can feel and care for each other. We're living our lives side by side for years, and there is always someone who notices an absence, someone who cares about our well-being and how we are doing. Shoutout to all the people who care about someone in an online community this way!
online communities are so strange because people slip away so easily. you can be on here for years, folding people you've never met into the fabric of your daily life, and then they disappear, leaving only ghost posts scattered across tumblr behind. or their blog stays dormant, for weeks, months, years, until you're only still following them because you remember that they love sunflowers or they were kind to you when they didn't have to be or the last thing they posted was sad and raw and you still worry about them sometimes.
and sometimes they come back when you least expect it, years later, even, and there's this sudden rush of relief like there you are, there you are, even though you barely knew each other.
there's a strange kind of love to it. i don't know you and i want to hold your hand across miles and time zones and oceans. i can still see the imprint of you in this community you left. you don't think anyone will notice or care when you're gone, but we notice and we care and we wish you well.
i hope you're all okay out there. i hope the sun is shining on your face and you are breathing deeply. i miss you.
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