siegfriedthegreat · 5 years
I would be the worst spy of all time because on one hand I overshare like hell, but on the other hand I also have THE shittiest memory so it’s really a lose/lose scenario for everyone involved.
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siegfriedthegreat · 5 years
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As a Get smart nerd I'm delighted by this work development.
@xifindthathardtobelievex @bythxtmuch
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siegfriedthegreat · 5 years
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well since no one else is going to perform this vital public service here are some reviews of the top ten gun violins on google, by a violist who has shot a gun like twice.
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3/10. strings seem to disappear and there are no tuning pegs. impossible to aim as a gun because violin body gets in the way. 3 points for classic black finish, never goes out of style for murders at the symphony.
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0/10. same aiming problem as the last one and with strings that short the sound you produce will kill people on its own so why have a gun. also seems to be cut like you’re supposed to shoulder-mount it like a rocket launcher, which is a terrible idea with this kind of gun.
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6/10. looks like they’ve gone for an electric violin which is a great choice! it fits the aesthetic and you don’t need to worry about the instrument body this way. heavy, but the weight is concentrated near the chin so should be fine for short sessions. tuning pegs are directly in the firing line so using the gun destroys the violin, only fire as a last resort.
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2/10. not fit for either purpose. stupid fake gun gets in the way of the bow, and there’s no sound chamber at all. plus, where do you even put your shoulder. 2 points because I guess you could put it on your wall as a weird art piece.
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8/10. finally someone is thinking this through! the retractable barrel and folding fingerboard offer good flexibility and the bridge even doubles as a handy iron sight! needs to be de-strung to fire, so limited on-the-fly mode switching.
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1/10. firing the guns will absolutely annihilate the scroll but you might as well because it would have terrible sound anyway. 1 point for thinking of left-handed violinists for once.
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-4/10. not even a gun, just a violin that lets you scope the audience for dramatic effect.
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5/10. useful if you want to shoot yourself and the conductor at the same time, which is frequently a mood.
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6/10. he a little confused, but he got the spirit. technically works as both weapon and instrument but be VERY careful putting it under your chin if you haven’t unloaded the bolt.
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-100000/10 what the fuck
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siegfriedthegreat · 5 years
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omg i’m in love
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siegfriedthegreat · 7 years
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siegfriedthegreat · 7 years
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The Leatherdos is a hair clip that doubles as a multi-tool that combines 5 different tools in a tiny hair clip: screw-drivers, a wrench, a trolley coin, a ruler, and a cutting edge.
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siegfriedthegreat · 7 years
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she’s seen every episode. on purpose. (a moodboard for every show i watch)
GET SMART (1965-1970)
You’ll be in extreme danger every minute. And… loving it.
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siegfriedthegreat · 7 years
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I think I found one of their headquarters in Eastern Europe during my travels.
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siegfriedthegreat · 7 years
Chaos is the score upon which reality is written.
Henry Miller (via natanvance)
@siegfriedthegreat omg I felt like this would be such a  good Kaos quote. 
(via xifindthathardtobelievex)
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siegfriedthegreat · 7 years
This vid I started a while back, but picked up and finished last night!  It’s what got me to make that post yesterday.
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siegfriedthegreat · 7 years
He hummed absently in response.  He tried to get a sense of how stable the rubble around them was, it wouldn’t do for it to end up caving in on them.  They’d have to be careful about how they attempted to get out.  Next he attempted to determine if there were any gaps letting in air, or if they were on a clock with this.
“Any bones broken?” - Siegfriedthegreat
“For the thousandth time, no there aren’t. I checked myself, and yes, I am capable of that much at least.”
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siegfriedthegreat · 7 years
Send ‘rough touch’
and the generated outcome will be used for a small drabble scenario or starter { tw violence, possible noncon/dubcon implications, nsfw }
Your muse throws a punch at mine.
My muse throws a punch at yours.
Your muse suddenly grips my muse’s hair.
My muse suddenly grips your muse’s hair.
Your muse roughly grabs my muse’s arm.
My muse roughly grabs your muse’s arm.
Your muse grips my muse’s hips.
My muse grips your muse’s hips.
Your muse wraps their hands tightly around my muse’s neck.
My muse wraps their hands tightly around your muse’s neck.
Your muse slams mine against a wall hard.
My muse slams yours against a wall hard.
Your muse pushes my muse to their knees.
My muses pushes your to their knees.
Your muse bites mine.
My muse bites yours.
Your muse clutches their hand tightly around my muse’s mouth to silence them.
My muse clutches their hand tightly around your muse’s mouth to silence them.
Your muse grabs my muse’s wrists.
My muse grabs their muse’s wrists.
Your muse attempts to shove away mine.
My muse attempts to push off yours.
Your muse roughly kisses mine.
My muse roughly kisses yours.
Your muse pins mine onto the ground.
My muse pins yours to the ground.
Your muse delivers beatings to mine.
My muse delivers beatings to yours.
Your muse breaks my muse’s arm.
My muse breaks your muse’s arm.
Mun chooses.
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siegfriedthegreat · 7 years
He flicked a piece of rubble off her shoulder, trying to keep the set of his mouth serious as a grin fought to appear.  “Vell, I can’t argue with you on that.  Best keep alert since vie don’t know which side will find us.”
“Any bones broken?” - Siegfriedthegreat
“For the thousandth time, no there aren’t. I checked myself, and yes, I am capable of that much at least.”
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siegfriedthegreat · 7 years
Siegfried sighed, letting his folded arms fall to his side.  His fingers explored the wall of rubble currently blocking them in.  “If you’re certain,” he relented stiffly.  “But we’re still not going anywhere anytime soon thanks to the explosion.”
“Any bones broken?” - Siegfriedthegreat
“For the thousandth time, no there aren’t. I checked myself, and yes, I am capable of that much at least.”
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siegfriedthegreat · 7 years
them: ur fave is shit
me: absolutely *pulls out handwritten 27 page report on exactly how and why they are shit*
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siegfriedthegreat · 7 years
Guys, I’m free from classwork now, so if there’s a thread you wanted me to pick back up, or one you have an idea for shoot me a message.
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siegfriedthegreat · 7 years
Not that I don’t love them platonically, cause their friendship is absolutely adorable (and tends to be portrayed with a sibling slant), but honestly Max & Hymie are so shippable?  Like, let’s look at this for a second.
Hymie overcame his evil programming because he couldn’t bring himself to kill Max.
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Hymie later overcame his niceness programming as well to protect Max.
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Max defending Hymie.
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The cheek kisses!
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Max constantly putting his arm around his shoulders.
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That one episode they were super domestic.
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You can’t deny their cuteness, whether you like it platonically or romantically.
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