serialreblogger · 3 months
hi hello!! just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you and hope you are well! here's a picture of my lizard and my cat :]
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!!!! is beautiful 🩵💜🩵 thank you friend!! the feeling is mutual, i'd love to know how you've been
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serialreblogger · 3 months
what if you’re giving birth to twins and it’s the end of daylights savings day and the older twin was born first but the second twin travels back in time and is born an hour before the first twin, would that be fucked up or what.
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serialreblogger · 6 months
Early season 1 when Aang is talking to Roku instead of being chained up sokka katara and zuko are thrown into a cell together
Zuko: oh spirits this is bad. Fuck fuck fuck my father’s going to kill me
Sokka: wtf??? How is this bad for you?? Ur the prince?? Like we’re w/ the avatar obvi this is bad for us but why the fuck are you even in the cell??
Zuko: I’m banished, idiot. By going into fire nation waters I’ve committed treason and greatly disrespected my father! He’ll be furious with me!!
Katara: ur his son I’m sure it won’t be that bad
Zuko: the last time I disrespected him he burned half my face off
Katara and Sokka: *horrified silence*
Sokka: oh my fucking spirits that’s awful
Zuko: what? No it’s not. It was my fault
Katara: *repeatedly under her breath* wtf wtf wtf wtf-
Sokka: zuko I cannot stress enough how much that was not your fault
Zuko: yes it was I spoke out of turn and disrespected him in front of his whole war council. He had every right to punish me how he saw fit, including banishing me
Sokka: he banished and burned half your face off just because you talked out of turn??!?????
Zuko: I mean I insulted one of his generals but the man was planning on sacrificing an untrained unit for no reason! It would have been a massacre! Quit judging me!!
Sokka: tui and la what the fuck
Katara: ok. zuko we’re adopting you now
Zuko: what?? No you’re not???
Cue zuko going along with them when aang busts them out bc he has no other options, having to stay with them cus they’re lowkey kidnapping him/he has no other option, and our boi slowly joining them/realizing what happened was fucked up. Also katara introducing him to their dad as “sokkas boyfreind slash your new son and my new brother”
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serialreblogger · 8 months
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serialreblogger · 9 months
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serialreblogger · 9 months
my friend asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend because her parents are homophobic af but they ended up hating me so much that they were glad when she said she was gay task failed successfully
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serialreblogger · 9 months
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serialreblogger · 9 months
TIL that NASA has been launching jellyfish into space since the 90’s. Originally 2,478 were sent up and there were 60,000 orbiting Earth by the mission’s end 20 years later. The jellyfish that have returned reportedly ‘hate life on Earth.’
via reddit.com
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serialreblogger · 9 months
my blorbo appears on screen and I start making clicking-chattering noises like a cat when a bird flies past the window
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serialreblogger · 9 months
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are evil dragons really evil, or are they just vitamin D deficient?
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serialreblogger · 9 months
Glaze is out!
Tired of having your artwork used for AI training but find watermarks dismaying and ineffective?
Well check this out! Software that makes your Art look messed up to training AIs and unusable in a data set but nearly unchanged to human eyes.
I just learned about this. It's in Beta. Please read all the information before using.
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serialreblogger · 9 months
If I may once again dip my toe into the discourse surrounding Greek Mythology, a lot of people like to rewrite or reframe the story of Medusa, and that’s great! Highly encourage it. But, DON’T YOU DARE GO AND DEMONIZE MY BOY PERSEUS!
Perseus isn’t some vile misogynist who hunts down and murders Medusa for the hell of it. He’s a scared kid who’s trying to save his mom from a forced marriage (whom herself has been a victim of terrible abuse from her father) to a creepy evil king and gets duped by the Gods into cleaning up their mess for them. He’s not the villain, he’s just another pawn. So if I see one more motherfucker trying to make him out to be the “real monster” I will throw hands.
You know what would be way more interesting?! Medusa sees Perseus rolling up to her crib and freaks out cause ‘holy shit this is a fucking kid. a fucking toddler with a sword and shield.’ and they hash it out and then TEAM UP to kill the evil kind trying to force marry Perseus’ mother! Think of the dynamics that you could write! The interactions that could occur. I mean, one of ‘em is gonna have to wear a blindfold but hey, minor problems.
What I’m saying is, gimme a buddy cop movie where Perseus and Medusa team up to fight evil in Ancient Greece.
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serialreblogger · 9 months
the way tumblr tags trend is so funny, sometimes it seems like if ONE post gets popular the entire tag trends.
I’m gonna do an experiment. let’s use the tag
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#mole interest
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serialreblogger · 9 months
posting hole is out. posting mole is IN
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serialreblogger · 9 months
Hiya Linden!!! Just wanted to say hi and that I'm' still thinking of you. I hope things are going okay.
<3 same for u shine, i hope the goats are well
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serialreblogger · 9 months
Hiya Linden!!! Just wanted to say hi and that I'm' still thinking of you. I hope things are going okay.
<3 same for u shine, i hope the goats are well
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serialreblogger · 9 months
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The Arrowfam/Green Arrow Comics Iceberg
Thank you to @batphobique @cissie-queen-jones @thequiver and @capes-and-arrows for being very helpful in remembering and collecting all of these unhinged tidbits.
full iceberg + sources under the cut!
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