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Our show is coming to NETFLIX on the 31st of May! Please give it a watch if you've been interested. If it does well then we get to make more of it.
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my favorite episodes of Iron Chef is when they just have Some Guy™️ as a judge and a chef does a fun, interesting thing and Some Guy™️ just doesn't get it.
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my favorite episodes of Iron Chef is when they just have Some Guy™️ as a judge and a chef does a fun, interesting thing and Some Guy™️ just doesn't get it.
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I'm going to be real here, but if your religion's cornerstone isn't caring for the earth and world around you, caring for your fellow humans, and caring for yourself (and I mean REALLY caring for yourself, not elevating yourself above others), then what's even the point?
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Iron Chef us hilarious. Everyone plays themselves except one really eccentric guy who plays a chairman. A chairman of what? Who knows.
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Every once in a while I get glimpses of writing Tumblr... And y'all are unhinged. Like what is happening over there. What is going on?
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Lately I've been trying to withhold my outrage until I have a more clear picture of the situation at hand. Instead of allowing it to be a knee-jerk reaction that happens at a moment's notice, I've allowed it to become a slow, controlled burn. If something strikes me as off, the spark is lit and I'm on guard. If more context arrives and I realize I'm wrong, I smother it and move on.
I just think assuming your indignation is always righteous required a certain level of hubris that none of us are capable of sustaining.
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I choose neither bear nor man in the woods. I have social anxiety and I'm deathly afraid of bears.
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In my, maybe not so humble, opinion one of the biggest fallacies I see in the "voting" arguments is they're all presented as a false dichotomy.
"Don't vote, do XYZ instead."
I would like to present as an alternative:
"Vote and do XYZ."
Voting is part of a larger strategy. It is one thing in an entire system of actions that you should be taking to promote change in your local community outward. And in many ways voting helps the other things you do more effective because it's all synergistic.
Vote. Vote and then go out in your community and get to work. Do it all.
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I tend to consider myself fairly level headed most of the time, but something about Trader Joes throws my brain into an immediate frenzied rage.
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The best thing about a capri-sun is that they are not good and also not refreshing.
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An isopod would go to a pride event wearing every pin.
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I don't go to church but I do listen to World's Beyond Number religiously while high off my gourd and that's basically the same thing
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I read a comment on an Instagram reel the other day that basically amounted to "disgusting how this reel has an AI voiceover, there are so many starving voice actors in Hollywood" and I'm just dying at the implication that the automated text to voice caption reader on tiktoks and reels is stealing work from real people and should be replaced with honest to god voice actors.
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watching dramatic Food Network cooking competitions is so funny because in one scene the judges will be like,
"This is disgusting, your food looks like rotting shit in an abandoned coffee can. And it tastes like the ocean's sweaty gym socks. You and your line don't deserve to live on this earth."
And then five minutes later they say things like,
"You're beautiful. God themself kissed you on the day of your birth. You have the power of the world's finest chefs behind you. The light of a thousand suns radiates from your dishes."
But that tone change only happens when someone has been eliminatee and is headed home.
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What the fuck is wrong with you? Eh? No. I fucking saw you. You were being mean. Not just to others but to yourself. No. Try again. Fuck.
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I love seeing the little freaks in the mobile games ads get tortured for our entertainment. Modern day gladiator battles. YES! Freeze to death, queen!
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