scary-lasagna · 13 days
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scary-lasagna · 13 days
hii is there a chance you might continue your story of yandere!hoodie x reader, the one with the name trust? i noticed it was like 4 years ago lol but it was really investing
thanks! <3
My writing style has changed so much since then, I'm a bit intimidated to continue it. But if everyone wants a resolution, I'll take a stab at it :]
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scary-lasagna · 13 days
I am gonna ask every single content creator I follow bc I am desperate. I have read at some point an au with a creator reader with the harbingers all over her making sure she is not getting bored and entertaining her and the tsaritsa being too ashamed to show her face after kidnapping the creator. I dont remember who made it, how long has it been since I read it or the name. If anybody knows, please help, I have been loonking for it for iver 2 weeks now😭(All I know is that its on tumblr
I'll post this incase anyone knows :]
I'm not in that fandom, so I have no idea.
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scary-lasagna · 13 days
Do you have anymore slender brothers hcs? Your blog is AMAZING and I love your writing!
All of the ones I have right now are in the master list which I'll be updating soon after I come back from hiatus.
Also going to use this ask to mention I'll have to be deleting some asks because I have like...wayyy too many right now. That's my fault and I should've closed asks but I'll clear out what I can.
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scary-lasagna · 13 days
I just graduated from my college with honors! I'm so proud of myself!!!!!!
Omg congrats!!!! :))
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scary-lasagna · 13 days
Jane: We are healing girlies~ Nina: We are healing girlies! Clock: FUCKIGNG AAAOAUAAAGHHHH Jane: ...Are you okay? Clock: Just healing! <3
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scary-lasagna · 16 days
Thank yaAA!!!! :)))
I actually aced all of them (I think, idk I'm pretty confident for my English one)
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scary-lasagna · 16 days
I wish you the best of luck for your finals!! I disinherited mine a bit ago so I know the stress you’re feeling!! *Throws you all my luck* 🍀 🍀
Thank you! I just finished my last one :)
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scary-lasagna · 17 days
I’m so sickkkkk of people humanising habit.
Make him feral he’s a fucking beast.
You can see him trying not to lose his shit at certain points in videos. He starts clawing shit and growling, baring his teeth and clenching his fists.
Habit is not redeemable and he’s not human.
No part of him is human…the skin he wears is not his own.
If anything he became slightly “domesticated” but that doesn’t mean he’s letting go of his roots.
Once a dog always a dog.
Tumblr media
(Creds in pic)
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scary-lasagna · 22 days
I hope you are doing okay!
I’m doing good! Just trying to get through finals and self-healing. I hope you all are doing alright too :]
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scary-lasagna · 1 month
Jeff: You can't think of one thing you like about me? Not one? Jane: Jane: I like the sound you make when you're pushed down the stairs.
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scary-lasagna · 1 month
Sorry I've been MIA!
I'll try to post here and there, but I've been swamped with school, work, and personal stuff.
So posts will be a little spotty right now!
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scary-lasagna · 1 month
I can understand lol. I'm turning 25 this year. I feel like an old lady. My back always hurts.
My back has been hurting for like a straight week now and it’s so awesome
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scary-lasagna · 2 months
Hiii there! I saw that you’ve written for Glitchy Red before on your master-list, but I’m not sure if you still write for him! If it’s okay, can you write some general headcannons about him?
Thank you! 🌙
Of course! I'm growing fonder of pokemon recently so I gotta give em some loving (this is me screaming to send me more)
Glitchy Red (General HC)
He only talks sparingly.
Due to this, he can be seen as cold, uncaring, brooding, and calculated.
Which are all true.
He's much more mentally strong than physically and spends much time doing mental workouts and strategy games.
He works with Ben on the off-chance they get assigned the same task: hacking through code to form a strategy for the next proxy mission.
Silver looks up to Red a lot, and will often go for him for advice.
Actually, Silver is one of the few people Red will hold a verbal conversation with.
The others are his own s/o and maybe Sally on a good day, considering she bribes him with friendship bracelets.
The hosts of the manor are usually pulled toward each other emotionally. They just feel more comfortable together oftentimes.
Backstorywise, Glitchy Red had a similar situation to Ben, except he was his own cult.
I'll go into it if needed, but ultimately Red died, and successfully transferred his soul into Pokemon Fire Red.
In no way did he think that through, because he was stuck in ONE copy, forever, with years going by without so much as the gameboy getting charged.
And that's when a dude bought him off eBay.
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scary-lasagna · 2 months
Happy birthday!!!!
Thank yaAA1!
I am an old lady now
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scary-lasagna · 2 months
General headcanons of cruel slender and his human!fem mate?
I don't think realistically Cruel!Slender should be paired with a human mate. He's incredibly animalistic with no appropriate level of sentience, so it's not enough to be classified as a monster-lover scenario.
He'll never see humans as anything outside of food, and even his 'proxies' are pushing it, considering he'll eat them if he's hungry enough.
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scary-lasagna · 2 months
What would tim and or maskys rules or discipline be for his daughter if she broke a rule or disobeyed him? This isn't a reader insert its just a question
I'd say he's a bit strict with things. He grew up in a tough household it seems, and he's a bit of a hardass when it comes to rules as well.
His offspring will get a stern talking to, explained why what they did was wrong, followed by a (most likely) unfair punishment.
If they snuck out, he obviously knows they did the moment they've left, and probably before they left, too.
He's overqualified as a parent, for sure.
But he'll patiently wait for them and stand at the door with his arms crossed to scare them when they re-enter the house after a night out.
"I hope you had fun cause you sure as hell won't be for a long time."
They get a two hour talking to, and a 4-6 month of grounding. He'll stick to his word, usually, unless it's a special occasion.
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