scarletooyoroi · 27 days
Having her approval had set a certain light against dulled metals of ships fashioned into foundation. Similar to the sun, it left things simply brighter as if it was a trick of the eyes. It truly felt like her heart could use such a boost. In turn, allowing for Poisson to acclimate to a second sunrise nestled within this stalwart network of ships with a haul and canyon alike.
..In truth, Thoma couldn't shake that history and its boundless gluttony was intending to intertwine past and present within Fontaine. The instincts of warriors bred within Inazuma held a natural affinity for such weather. Those idle thoughts were masked with truth, a gentle chuckle springing free in as snags one of the skewers in kind. It was a bite of home that now held a more distinct weight.
"If the head of this humble organization meets this with a smile, one of these days I'll have to more bake more for the Spina, makes for a good ration of energy."
His posture remains settled by the table, pulling up one of the nearby seats as he keeps a respectful distance organized, now if only he could've foreseen this particular turn of events! "Suppose, ah? Haha! Is saturating the hopes a part of this certain recipe..?"
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"Ah!?" And just like that, the well practiced decorum had found itself momentarily shattered. Scarlet flame dashed across his cheeks at the unexpectedly smooth transition. His own efforts serving as the opening door towards a night set exclusively with them? It's clear the unforeseen expectation is welcomed, and in truth, he imagined that the circumstances would've made time more sparse.
Shoot. His heart is being worn exactly across his sleeve right now, isn't it? The stark realization causes him to unleash a prompt ahem as he adjusts himself within his seat. "On such short notice? I'd need some appropriate attire if we're spending time in such an establishment." Or he could be thinking on this too hard, good first impressions after all! Thoma's attention would be quick to meet with those glittering sapphire eyes.
"Battlefields are one end, but I doubt a wild appearance and some spear work would have the red carpet dished out." He adds in with a modest shot of laughter.
"I've been looking forward for us sharing some more time together. Ms.Navia, I'd be delighted to."
@scarletooyoroi sent: What was a better idea than an exchange of sweets on an off day? Being a field body for so long since his newest journey, hitting up familiar haunts with a welcomed companion was novel. There was a certain energy to Navia that attracted him, compelling the ronin to form up a more delectable memory this time around.
Harmless pot shots, shared stories, there was certainly no shortage of mirth for them to share. A new line was being defined, and in truth, he welcomed it with open arms.
"Goodness! To think pleasantries can be turned into mishaps. Have to pity dealing with an robotic exhaust blast like that." Yet, he's quick to remedy the situation as his side of this 'culinary exchange' was made. A fresh batch of Tri-Color dango being drawn onto their snack and tea table, the luster certainly showed his skill. "This has been a long time staple in Hanamizaka, by old and young alike." With that said, while a touch dramatic, he'd give a short, gentlemanly bow to Navia.
"And now, I'd like to bring another Inazuma memory into the growing measure. How about a treat for treat trade?" He'd mention, peeking a gleaming jade eye towards her.
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       A soft laugh escaped her lips as Thoma returned to the room with his plate of treats in hand; they'd not known each other long ( and she could not say for how long he'd remain in Poisson, interrupted as they both had been by their chaotic meeting in the waterways and the Epiclese's latest farce of a trial ), but his presence brought a warmth to her hometown that she hadn't realised was missing. Thoma was charismatic, charming, good in a fight and had travelled from a country that Navia had always longed to know more about. As the Tri-color dango was placed in front of her, she suppressed another laugh at his short bow before taking a bite. “ I can see why. It's delicious! ” Milky and sweet at the same time, she would absolutely have to trouble him for the recipe at some point.
       “ A trade? ” Her blue eyes lit up, resting her chin on the palm of her hand thoughtfully. “ Well, seeing as you are already highly skilled in the kitchen, I suppose I could show you how to make my specialty dish. ” She did not have a batch prepared, unfortunately, but the art of baking was sometimes just as fun as the art of eating. “ Or, as is Fontanian tradition, we make this our entrée and I take you out to the Hotel Debord for our main course. On me, of course, seeing as you're a guest of the Spina. ”
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scarletooyoroi · 1 month
ROMANTIC GESTURES BOLD what applies to your muse, italicize if there's potential / it depends.
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Holding hands · buying flowers (he'd prefer to find them.) · cooking · cuddles · writing a poem / song · holding door open · tying shoe laces · sharing a milkshake with two straws · offering their jacket when it's cold (It's a literal line in dialogue!) · kissing in the rain · publicly confessing love · long walks at the beach · doing the titanic pose on a boat · taking cute pictures in a photo booth · sharing a taxi / uber (Do boats count.) · kissing the back of their hand · slow dancing · getting tickets of their favorite artist / sports team / other · introducing them to their parents!!! (You will meet his Mother.) · lighting candles · flower petals on bed · love letters · star gazing · brushing / doing their hair · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument / sport while gently guiding their hands (His brand of weaponry for self defense) · compliments · late night drives walks· taking selfies together · drawing them · self-made gifts · massages · proposing with a family heirloom ring (He has a Omamori that his parents passed onto him.) · lending them their favorite book to read · paying for dinner / coffee · mixtapes / playlists · surprise birthday parties · feeding them · handing them keys to their apartment · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes · tucking a hair strand behind their ear · running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving (Depends on the factors.) · moving cities to be together · blowing a kiss · breakfast in bed · defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) · joint bubble baths · dropping the L-bomb ("i love you") · dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them · wearing their clothes · yawning before putting an arm around them leaning into them while watching a movie (Would literally hold them close one way or another. No set ups.) · granting them the last bite (from meal)
tagged by: @immobiliter cause Navia was 200% gonna get her details.
tagging: Any and all! Let that inner romantic shine a bit!
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scarletooyoroi · 1 month
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... .......
"M.. Ma'am.. I believe am amiable discussion could be had. I'm quite confused on what sparked this level of vigor here!" In the words of some wise soul he heard damned on the streets.
Well fuck.
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She heard The Slime Comment(TM).
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scarletooyoroi · 1 month
A desire for good drink or to study the essence of her technique.
From what he's learned within Fontaine's high walls, the craft of entertainment often held skills that were woven in an odd relation to forms of combat. In this case, the unseen horizon as he likes to call it. 'Deception' in the form of just playing with someone's sense of understanding. For a journey such as his, it comes as a surprise, a welcomed one.
He intends to indulge in these matters from the position of a 'challenger.' "The latter would be on the Mora. I've hailed from lands where relations to such technique wouldn't be uncommon. Could say it sprung a touch of nostalgia, on the other hand, it's simply a wonder to the eyes." Thoma openly admits. Even the cadence of his voice held a mastered rhythm, someone who knew the advantageous pace of timed breathes.
Thoma's attention wasn't layered on studying the patterns of a person. Lynette's talents are what took the metaphorical stage. It leads to an abrupt oh! of surprise once he witnesses the elegant cup seemingly spawn from nowhere.
"..Huh. A natural assumption would be the usage of a Vision's secret space." Thoma begins. "A convenient boon that allows us to store all manners of material, but, what you've done wasn't that simple at all. Managing that all before my eyes no less."
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"I'd like to wager two guesses." He adds in, respectably clapping his hands at the ocular trick.
"Either the card at hand holds a pocket dimension in itself, a modest sized one. Or, you've managed to hold an art of teleportation. The tea's freshness is still potently clear." Thoma notes, making a motion of the steam.
"How close would I be by chance?"
Feline eyes watched him, Thoma a man wanted by many once upon a time and still in a way wanted depending on who you asked. His actions and bravery causes many to seek his death and head on a plater, not many would willing defy and archon unless you were "father" and her co-workers.
Her ears move slowly as she listens intently on his breathing, the tone of voice he uses- the small movements hold nuances she didn't expect.
A fighter and adventure through and through, trusting but not naive. His stance was ready like he was used to moving and fighting on the run.
Well toned muscles catch her eyes, gloved hand a spear user ? Swords don't need badges unless you were using force in your swing or have an unorthodox fighting style.
" your gaze seemed intense, either you wished to ask for a cup but were to awkward about it or you were trying to understand how I made the cup appear"
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If she has to guess it was the later but she was ment to be friendly to all customers and people that watched the show.
Once again she performed the same trick, this time slower a small part of her wanting to see if he could pick up what she did. Curiosity driving her- Just what would he see ?
@scarletooyoroi // conti.
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scarletooyoroi · 1 month
" your staring"
Her ears twitches in irritation, she's uses to people looking at her. As the assistant of a magician she has to be used to the looks. But his seem rather intense.....was it truly that odd to see her pull a cup out of a card.
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"Would you like a cup ?"
Oh! First of all that's certainly rude of him. Old habits certainly died hard, and trying to perceive with apt attention how her abilities worked snagged his attention. This was Fontaine's fabled magic at work, a sense of wonder for bot the studious and the imaginative alike. Naturally being in the border between, no surprises could be held for Thoma's case that he might be a bit too committed in figuring out the mystery.
"Apologies!" He's quick to begin, a modest, bashful smile growing as he brushes at the side of his neck. "It was the play upon fantasy and reality that captured me. I hadn't even caught any hint of elemental energy in that technique either. Just color me impressed!" As an exchange of information, from a glance, it's clear that Thoma holds the trained eye of a warrior.
Where he pictured that a more sensible form of make up should've been had, the magician's offer had came as an abrupt surprise.
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"You wouldn't mind? Much as I was blatantly staring prior?" There's a pause before a soft huff escapes, a sense of gratitude welling up within.
"This would be a first time I've tried a Fontainian blend, I'd love to."
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scarletooyoroi · 1 month
"How I wish that freak would leave soon." Last time their intel checked, the Father was very much still in Fontaine. It was a horrendous situation in the eyes of Keres who just wanted her gone. They sat there, reading through yet another report of their operations. Seeing that once again the House of Hearth had been sighted near it, annoyingly.
"…if you meet her, know that you've to leave. No buts or ifs." No matter the situation, no matter rudeness. Keres wasn't going to risk anything. Much less that Thoma lost his life to something as pointless as being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
He keeps his silence while letting the scene play out. For it wasn't the first, or second, nor the last time this instance of irrationale would bare its head from his perspective. Decisions around the Fatui were akin to a moth to a flame, one that Keres holds a particular gambit in partaking in, playing too close to an establishment that holds dangerous potentials. In terms of commentary, there was little to be had, for his reasons for aiding in these operations played on leaving grounds he frequents a touch lighter.
"If there's a day where the Knave crosses my path, it'd be for reasons we've long been aware of, and a plan they've enacted. Faith in my escape would be as grating as faith in me entering a clash with them." Thoma answers, deciding to drop the pretenses veiled in what ifs. Since the days spent in Inazuma, there was an innate understanding that 'potential' would inevitably be a force that catches their eyes. "I believe the goal would be ensuring a method that keeps us in one piece. Harbingers aren't a force we can create a normal escape plan with."
Does he feel a similar tension? Absolutely.
It's what keeps the focus to a sharpened state within his gaze. Any reports gained were eased to the side, enough intel gathered to let his perspective begin to mold more possibilities.
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"From my experience, it's certainly no different from Inazuma's atmosphere when their involvement ran deep. Cleaning up the streets this time would simply be the price, with no form of overarching storm as a means to mat down their concentration. In truth, holding until a pull is made sounds like the most effective idea." Yet, this wasn't about keeping the board cleared.
Keres's made note of a specific possibility.
"If we're to encounter her, that means we have something either she wants or wants wiped clear. Hopefully the former means there's an advantage that we can play."
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scarletooyoroi · 1 month
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The act of engaging in worship over the time of Thoma's life has reached uncomfortable connotations. Within Inazuma, the reverence to these greater powers are no strange custom, as much of its culture found itself rooted giving such reverence towards beings like the Raiden Shogun and Orobashi respectively. While the latter hadn't been an issue, the former found itself to be a beast as dangerous then the actual Shogun, being a personal opponent after disrupting the 100th Vision Ceremony.
It allowed him to take witness of a different brand of clarity. To see how this said faith that grants great spiritual strength and durability, could also lead them to any justification or brazen bravery to oblivion and beyond in the name for this belief. It's.. complicated to him, he long since learned within the house of the Kamisato of this history, honored it as their customs, and to a degree took part in these ceremonies as a gesture of respect and good faith.
Catching such a connective wire to the soul being extended to misuse serves as an entirely different beast.
Within his part in the Vision Hunt Decree, amidst his escape from the Tenryou and Bounty Hunters alike, there was a particularly horrific tale he's come across during that fight heavy retreat--
The Tragedy of Higi Village.
Within this domain terrorized by the war, and left to rot with what little resources and deals kept it afloat, taking refuge in the skeletal remnants of this bygone village had opened the chapter to a horrific story. It all began with the discovery of particular notes, elevated to mysteriously scatters belongings, bathed in long since rusted blood, only for the ledgers to soon be unearthed as well.
Worship also found itself taken root within this area, akin to a poisonous vein as the sickening tale unearthed itself. Sickness was being made as a ruse, and the cases that sound like a spiritual journey was in fact the tailcoats of murder performed at an asinine degree, men, women and children alike finding themselves horrifically vulnerable as their caretaker was also their banisher.
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Thoma never did discover the root cause of what begin these 'sacrificial rites', and only the agonizingly small hint of this 'him' being the motivational source of this madness only added to the twisted picture this drew out to him. Even if he's aware that the Tatarigami heavily permeated this area, the ill effects it carved onto the psyche usually lead to violence.. never something calculated.
This story and the later time of Inazuma at large before his departure has left him with a disturbed, bitter taste in his mouth on this matter. While his belief in the Seven and amiable gods is not swayed and is in the process of being re-contextualized, these acts of reverence will never find themselves being performed by him in earnest. A measure of respect for good they've brought to the world, but never can he let himself be thrust into such destructive blindness.
His faith is carried only for his values and those he truly trusts.
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scarletooyoroi · 1 month
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I'm singlehandedly taking you all on at the back of Dennys
All. Three. Of. You!!!!
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scarletooyoroi · 1 month
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Want to take a wild guess of how many tickle fetishes I found amidst this collective
When I just go into the genshin thoma tag alone
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scarletooyoroi · 1 month
t/homa x reader tag my detested
Why is this tag just flooded with the worst of this AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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scarletooyoroi · 1 month
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Genius Invokation TCG | Character Cards | Thoma
Download Link (Google Drive)
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scarletooyoroi · 1 month
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new and sparkly 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒂 𝒎𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒔 of genshit w/ multiple verses for flexibility. private & selective / dupe, oc, mumu friendly. rb / like if you're interested in writing together. support my brand aka dior 26 she/her !!
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scarletooyoroi · 1 month
To think these would be some of his introductory words. There's no helping it, between ally and foe alike, he laughs, not quite expecting someone to share a measure of calm against this storm aching to brew. His stance hadn't faltered nor did the pristine positioning of the spear, for his eyes kept locked upon his opposition. "Think little of it, a change of momentum is always good for the soul. Now, let's ensure the new passengers here are also acquainted." He signifies, taking his cue the instant her heels clicked firm up the steel steps.
Being pulled from their territory had only agitated the phantasm's already finicky dispositions. While he's unsure what drew their attention to the vessel, Navia would direct his thoughts with the sudden burst of momentum made from the boat, immediately prompting the both of them into a daring charge. For such a new opponent, seeing the way their bodies in all their malleability shot forth and conjured makeshift weapons and sprays, they were a marvel as much of a threat.
No time to lose!
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A sweltering tick of heat would imbue his body with strength as he's quickly on the move. As those bubbling forms drew above the staircase, within a flash step, a shot of crimson glory would flicker across their solitary eyes as they'd immediately be met with a lash of a searing hot spear edge. Vaporize occurs, evaporating one weapon to steam as the incoming stream would immediately be counteracted swiftly after. With a hand drawn forth, he'd fashion the blessing of Pyro in the name of protection.
A scarlet haze of a shield would form, carefully arched in a way to ensure that the hissing steam and rapid pace of droplets would flare off to the sides instead of directly behind him. For an instant, the shield looks as if it dawns crystalline wings as only a few harmless droplets of rain water pattered around Navia's direction.
"Aggressive lil guys! Even the Hydro within them is bizarre, is there--!" There's a clip in those words as he'd buffer the shield with force, blowing the rest of the stream away with a commanding wave of his hand before charging forth.
"Any reason they typically get this angry, Ms?!" Before the second in the duo could try a slick move, Thoma's apt movements would slide him underneath their bulbous body, the spear briefly diminished as he'd balance upon his palms, jolting a foot upward as a scarlet arc followed his heel, blowing it away with a reverse axe kick. After flipping back onto his feet, the growing hostility found it woven with anxiety, the Phantasms hadn't expected resistance.
"..Hm." Strange. Why it did it feel like they had a pointed aggression to Navia in particular?
@scarletooyoroi sent: "So." There's a particular pause given the sensitive gravity of this situation, as if this was a mere street side scuffle. With the sight of angered water phantasms abound, frightened passengers backlogged within the vessel's confines, not to mention the two of them being an emergency line of defense--
Things were not looking well.
Good word has been given to the 'Golden Rose' of the Spina as a moniker many relieved sighs spilled before finding refuge, which leads to the current moment at hand; the two of them surrounded upon the main deck, his spear brandished and arched in order to cover their bases. Despite the severity, his voice hadn't lost the upbeat quality. The clear solution would be to give a good hand where its needed.
"I happen to be pretty new. While I certainly hadn't expected a first impression of this magnitude--" A soft huff escapes, it looks like Navia's makeshift companion had some backbone. "Glad to know even the high seas don't enjoy a dull moment."
"You're not familiar with speed driving a boat by chance, no? I'll keep this Phantasms from cooking up any trouble. Seeing how they already made the pilot faint." (For Navia!)
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       It wasn't unusual for the Spina to be called upon in an emergency and for its rose to come sprinting to the rescue, even outside of Poisson and the Fleuve Cendre. Navia wouldn't say that it was down to the inefficiency of the Maison Gardiennage — at least not in public — but it was certainly down to their lack of a presence outside of the Court itself. Within the sanctity of the affluent townhouses and cafés within its quartiers, the gardemeks kept most crime at bay. Outside of that, in Fontaine's lush, rolling hills, turquoise waterways and quaint villages, the kind of order that the Chief Justice rendered at the Opera Epiclese was a difficult thing to find indeed.
       And so she had found herself here, on a vessel no doubt bound for Fontaine's hub, intercepted by two imposing phantasms that were terrorising those on board. All save one — who had a vision of his own, she noticed — and was brandishing his spear as if he meant to fight alongside her. Axe in hand, Navia turned her head at his words. “ You've only recently arrived? ” She shook her head, directing her next words, seemingly, at the phantasms threatening them. “ What a terrible first impression! ”
       Still, proper introductions would have to wait until those on board this craft were safe, and though her companion likely meant his suggestion in jest, Navia's gaze was quick to hone in on the helm, and the poor pilot slumped on the deck beside it. “ Oh! I'll drive — ” This did not mean that she could drive, or had ever driven a speedboat like this one before, but it couldn't be that hard, could it? Trusting that her vision-wielding companion would cover her, Navia turned and hurried up the steps to the helm, taking in the levers and buttons and wheel now at her disposal. If they could just get these people, cowering below, safely to shore, then it would be far easier to deal with the phantasms without causing any collateral damage. Navia pulled a lever and some mechanism must have kicked into life, as the boat began to accelerate along the riverway. Good start, good start. Now just to get them all to shore...
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scarletooyoroi · 1 month
What’s that I hear? “Walk ‘em like a dog”? Oh! It’s your favorite activity: to be walked like a dog.
He doesn't let his mouth lead the charge to familiar realm of scathing words. In truth, it was a classic game, a typical sort outside of the rarities who could effective back up their words. (That in itself being a different and more fun game altogether.) Those jade eyes would hold their calm temperance, finding no reason to eagerly bite the bate that intend to incite a 'advantage'. Such serpentine behaviors ran with a brand of corrosive glory.
As for Thoma? His form holds the pride of his composure, a soft huff escapes from him. "Another 'pictured truth' I see. Everyone certainly holds their right to words. So let me not impede on the simple blessings." He'd decisively note as his response. The experience of his coat, his back, his will carrying the decisively alliances that forged him into who he is today, they serve as too precious of a gift, a foundation that allowed such thoughts to flow from his shoulders akin to gentle streams.
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"Don't let your fright from inner peace get to seized in reckless endeavors. I'd certainly hate for an abysmal fate to befall you." That was the interesting measure as he departs from the interaction.
Were those merely words of concern? On the other hand, did that serve as a hidden threat?
0 notes
scarletooyoroi · 1 month
Inevitability always had many forms. Countless and varied as the stars in the sky, a connecting name in Chiori found itself fashioning a grand reason once he stepped into the prideful, near suffocating heights of Fontaine's walls.
What awaited the seamstress was a smile, an initial look of disbelief, only for the warmth of his thoughts to weave together a bridge to sweet memories. The samurai found himself patting away any invisible dust before appropriately stepping inside, introducing him to her very resolve flourishing with life.
"They've had their graduation so to speak. A touch overdue, but, what can you do when fickle decrees serve as a roadblock?" One that allowed them all to be tempered through peril, to shine as proud and protective fangs of Inazuma's future.
Thoma's jade eyes had witnessed the realm of triumphed adversity, polished and proud shine within her craft. In a way that would bring sword masters to shame, her hands flew across her project, offering a sanctum of diligence and passion for what's being woven together. In many ways, it truly was no different from the day she ignited gallant flames that stride upon his coat.
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"Your hard work kept me safe all this time." Above all else, the stir of soul within wanted that to be an important article expressed before anything else.
"And I see that you've turned what was once a torch into a wildfire." For a moment he pauses, simply drinking in the gravity of how she spun the imagination to life through thread, hard work and a tender love for her passion. A silent strength rests within this shop, needing no reason to flaunt.
A moment after, his attention draws back towards her eyes.
"Have you been doing well, Chiori?"
  THE SEAMSTRESS' HEAD DOES NOT RAISE AT THE SOUND OF THE BELL when someone opens the door, remaining focused on her work. Whoever they are, they can browse her ready-made wares and wait patiently if they're looking to speak with her personally.
  When she does finish with the stitching, she sets down her needle and thread, smooths out the fabric, and finally looks up to glance at their patron. The bell hadn't sounded again, so it would appear they have indeed waited.
  She sees a familiar red jacket and a head of blonde hair, and though her eyes remain as sharp as ever, she does appear to become the most minute bit more friendly.
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  "Well look who it is. Have the Kamisatos finally figured out how to survive without you, or did they leave you behind after the film festival, Thoma?"
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scarletooyoroi · 3 months
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HC; Origins of the Coat.
Yeah I see the angle, I'M GOIN FOR IT.
Out of all of his gear, there's a reason why his coat in particular has it's own brand of special significance. Not to mention how it's design seems to have a distinct flare when it comes to seeing how the animated flames could almost come to life upon the fabric.
It's due to this being one of the Chioriya brands many creations. During his more established days in Inazuma (primarily being in the realm of the Kamisato bodyguard), was this a token of companionship and respect from Chiori herself before their departure to Fontaine. Both of their lives in particular were rooted in not only finding their own path, but ensuring that no amount of adversity due to external circumstances would push either them or their ideals into obscurity.
I imagine on top of simply looking out for someone she's known since childhood, their aligned position in pushing against the traditionalist values for their own ends might've been a constant talking point. In turn, making it so the terms they situated upon always held an amiable note as they'd look out for each other.
The coat in particular was a wish to have his 'golden angle' of attire that's both functional and fashionable. To let him wear that semblance of an undying flame that he carries for his particular reason. You could say it struck a chord of motivation.
| @vagrantminor for the finest involvement.
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scarletooyoroi · 3 months
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Okay but who in the Genshin team is always doing the silent storytelling like this?
Because it's such a good damn idea for Wuwang hill (which is right by Rhodeia's domain) to have these guys here. The power of Hydro giving these specters an actual form to briefly take while they're around there? Given how close this particular land is to 'The border' of the beyond, I'm always eating up these details.
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