scaly-freaks · 10 hours
Pausing the endless train of misery/horror/angst to do my daily Amaegon affirmation (she's his baby, the light of his life, the reason he has to breathe, the cure for the ache in his stomach, the twinkle in his eye, she's the sweetest thing he's ever put in his mouth, she's all his homicidal/suicidal tendencies wrapped into human form).
And then I continue writing them absolutely hating each other.
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scaly-freaks · 10 hours
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 Andrea Gibson, You Better Be Lightning
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scaly-freaks · 11 hours
I'm sorryyyy I just wanted it to turn into a murder mistery 😭 But hey, the question was if you HAD to kill someone off, soo this is just a potential Au of a potential Au 😌 In the original rockstar!aegon Au (that was created yesterday?) the worst thing to happen is aegon giving amara an std, so we can all stay horny and happy here
And now it's a tragedy, look what you did! 😭
But okay, I'm happy with potentials, we can go back to the original one hehe. I can only imagine the absolute chaos that would go down if Aegon gives her an STD ("babe, it's curable! I swear!" vs "I'M GOING TO HUNT YOU DOWN LIKE A WOUNDED DOG IN THE STREET!").
ARRRGHHHHH lowkey, she'd be so happy with Aegon though (if he doesn't cheat because old habits die hard, and loving her is one thing, but thinking she's still into his brother could drive him into doing stupid things - plus rockstars aren't known for fidelity). Things are just so much more funnier with him, he makes her laugh so hard, and even when he doesn't do philosophical conversations and debate the meaning of life the way Aemond can, her heartstrings are still pulled when Aegon brings her breakfast in bed and giggles over video games and bad movies with his head in her lap.
Oh, and he definitely got off to fucking his brother's on-again, off-again girlfriend. When it was still in that grey area, that man was performing like a pornstar and ended up fucking his way into falling in love 🙄
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scaly-freaks · 11 hours
Yeah that was kinda the (more realistic) ending I would expect from them in such a situation, with aegon getting into harder drugs and dragging them both down. But my girl amara always somehow survives, I can’t think of her dead so soon nonono 😤
Don't worry, she spends the remainder of her short life in so much ecstasy (both drugged and sexual) that she never comes down long enough to be sad about anything much anymore :( Nothing is worth losing your life for, but he does love her to a painful degree and if it counts for anything, couldn't live without her even if - and here it gets poignant - they ended up having a kid. The kid would obviously be orphaned then, and inherit her father's portion of the Targ estate, but that isn't the same as having Mummy and Daddy around so...ARGH ://///
MAN, I just really wanted to talk about this AU to envision all the perverted scenarios Aegon would pull to hook Amara, how are we here talking about their deaths?!?! Rewind, rewind.
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scaly-freaks · 12 hours
Wow I NEED that fic so bad you don’t even know. I'm surely going to be dreaming about this lol. How do you see their story end? Would it be a 'everyone is happy and we're all friends' type of ending where aegon and amara plan their double-wedding with alys and aemond?
And would someone die in this?? If you had to choose one character to kill off, who would it be and how would it fit into the story 🧐 don’t know why but lately i've been craving some murder mistery stories so maybe I would kill off aemond?? And since the whole world has been talking about aegon being (very obviously) into amara and jealous of aemond, on top of being an addict doing crazy stuff all the time, he would look very very guilty..
This went kind of off topic lol oopsies
Ehehehe....you might not like this answer but....I'd kill Amara.
She would HAUNT that fucking narrative like the ghost to end all ghosts. I don't really think of endings tbh, and mine tend to be very shitty (I think Burning Jasmine was my only happy one in a long time). Alys is going to string Aemond along till the end of time and then suddenly cut him loose altogether, so no, he's not getting his happy ending with her. Maybe if Aegon's feeling kind in later years, he might let Aemond climb into the bed for a cuddle with him and Amara idk (granted the Targaryen incest thing is in this AU because everyone's like...okay we get that you're in a rock band and it's all grit and sex, but ya'll are brothers, why are you grinding up on each other like that).
But yeah if Amara did die, it'd probably be a murder-suicide at Aegon's hands tbh (think Sid and Nancy). And then for years, there are documentaries and true crime Youtube videos lasting 2 hours, and reddit forums, and conspiracy theories, and just picking apart wtf was wrong with these two people to implode that spectacularly.
The rabbit hole would get deep, because everyone in Amara's life knows she was very much a good girl and wouldn't touch drugs (except weed) with a bargepole. But the fans turn her into a Nancy Spungen/Courtney Love figure, and accuse her of driving Aegon to harder drugs (he goes from coke to heroin in a pretty short space of time when they get together). Truth is, he got her into the dope, and it went downhill from there. They'd have entire weeks of not getting out of bed, barely eating, and instead fucking and getting high at the same time. Aegon comes up with his best work during that time, mostly because he's not sober, and he's constantly in the presence of a muse that makes his head crash into a kaleidoscope of orgasmic proportions.
But yeah, they definitely end up dead.
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scaly-freaks · 12 hours
I was not the anon who brought this Au up originally, but yeah props to them for making us both obsessed i guess. There is just something about amara being the only one on aegons mind while she couldn’t really care less about him that makes me crazyyy like, I can see aemond genuinely starting to move on from alys, seeing a future with amara and just generally being a nice and respectable man wanting to date amara and even being ready to leave the bad. So amara has the choice of ending up in a healthy and good relationship with aemond but somehow the thought turns her completely off and she's like 'wtf no I can’t do this'. And somehow she lands in aegons arms, the little pervy creep who is like 'yaay she doesn’t wanna be happy she wants me!'. (I wouldn’t put it past aegon to carry a paper face-mask of amaras face with him at all times so he can put it on whoever he's hooking up with, and all the girls tolerate it so they can tell everyone they slept with someone famous. But if they’re being real with themselves they’re all super weirded out by him)
Interesting, interesting. Because I do not see Aemond getting over Alys at allllll. Hear me out -
He's the kid who was turned into the emotional support by their mother, so he looks to an older woman to for once support his emotions and help him get them out. We're not going to get into what kind of kinks he and Alys get into when they sleep together but iykyk. And to me, it's like Amara can't hope to match up. She would be the normal relationship for him, the one without any objection from anyone (except Aegon but who gives af about him), but Aemond just...can't. Alys calls, his insides pull tight, and even though he knows he's so close to falling in love with Amara, he can't step over the edge.
Off topic, but so many 'A' names in this thing - Alicent, Alys, Aemond, Aegon, Amara - anyway -
The paper mask thing made me giggle so hard because oooh ofc he does. At this point he's probably built up quite a bit of resentment, and if he gets to fuck her, he's not just doing it because he thinks she's hot, he's violating his brother's "sanctified relationship" that everyone in their family approve of. Amara is still very much in an on-again, off-again thing with Aemond, because she refuses to accept she can't turn him away from Alys, and Aemond still has a huge weak spot for her and when they're together, things just click.
But anyway, she ends up on the roof of the bar they're at one night, alone and upset and crying into her sleeves with the cigarettes she stole from Aemond (she never used to smoke, but picked up the habit because the smell of the brand reminded her of him). She hears the doors to the roof open and close, and stands up like, "Aemond?" and there's so much hope in her eyes, Aegon just feels sick to his stomach. He kinda came up there to comfort her, but hearing his brother's name from that sweet little voice pisses him off real quick.
Now fictional intrusive thoughts say that Amara ends up being shoved over that ledge by accident that night, probably in a tussle to get Aegon off her (they're both drunk) but woah, I don't want her to die.
He gets all stroppy and weird about why she wants Aemond so bad when she knows he's got his head split between her and Alys, and she's like, "Oh sure, and if I went with you, I'd have your head split between me and any woman who'll open her legs, yes?"
He doesn't take the bait, and leans in to light his cigarette with the end of hers, and the wind slows down as they stare at each other. She doesn't pull away when his hand brushes her ankle, so he plays with it a bit, kneading the bone through the skin, until she fidgets to make him get off. That triggers something, and he grabs the end of her net kimono as she gets up to go back down, and as Amara shoves him, SOMEHOW, their lips end up colliding (oh yeah, wonder how that happened).
And it's literally all Aegon needs. Because for about five seconds, she kisses him back, and she does it the way you do when you're into someone. Obviously, she's horrified, and leaves instantly, but now he knows.
Let the games begin, as they say.
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scaly-freaks · 12 hours
I need more of the rockstar!aegon Au, i'm literally going crazy thinking of it. How do you think aegons and aemonds relationship would be? Like maybe they sort of befriend amara (or aegon forces everyone to take her with them) and aemond and her somehow end up flirting the whole time but aemond doesn’t know aegon likes her? But personally I feel like aemond would know about aegons crush and think its soo funny that amara likes him and not aegon, to the point where thats the only reason he would date her, to make aegon jealous of what he has lol. Would it even be possible for amaras dream to come true or would aegon just straight up not let them get near eachoter?
JSHDJKKJDHKD I love it when someone brings up an AU, and then I add onto it and it turns into a domino effect. But honestly? This one was WILDLY addictive (and if you were the anon who brought it up, well done).
So because I've been feeling Aemond quite a bit more recently, I'm going to have Amara fully be in lust with him. The grinding onstage with Aegon is over, and he's like *flashes his best charming smile* so do you wanna grab a drink - and she just dreamily drifts off, hand pulling from his, ZEROED IN on his brother.
Aemond in this AU is kind of reserved in comparison to Aegon who will sleep with absolutely anyone under the sun (and is good at it - he claims he's a sex addict, but the others think he just does too much coke, has too much energy, and sex is the easiest way to work it off).
Aemond knows immediately his brother wants to literally split this girl open and turn her world upside down, so he's like sure whatever go for it because most girls tend to be attracted to Aegon's charisma straight off the bat. So Aegon invites Amara and her friends (Mirian and Gwen bc OFC) out with the band, and Aemond watches her do that thing where she blank-smiles Aegon and nods distractedly, but then shifts over to sit next to Aemond and wants to know more about him. Aegon gets progressively drunker, and more annoyed, and ends up trashing the bar with his buddies because it's "fun" and it's "what rockstars do so who cares, Rhaenyra will handle it" and Aemond is very aware what getting it on with Amara will do in the long run to the band, but he's kind of sick of touring at this point so he's like...fuck it.
He and Amara sleep together soon after, because she's joining them on tour as a not groupie but everyone knows she's Aemond's groupie only and there may as well be a huge NO ENTRY sign flashing over her head. She's there for him only, and she's starting to get smitten a lil bit. She has a sense he may be into a lady named Alys Rivers who's an executive at their record label, but with the optimism of youth, is like I can make him forget her. Because it genuinely seems like she might. The sex is amazing, she makes him laugh, his eyes begin to genuinely light up when he sees her enter a room, and all signs point to them turning into a relationship.
Aegon gets over it for the time being, because he's rolling through so many women at this point, it's like urgh whatever, she's not that hot anyway (he says, whilst crying into his pillow each night).
OKAY I rambled too long, but ummmmmmmmmmmm if you have more thoughts please hit me with 'em (because in this AU, Amara does end up with Aegon so......hehehe)
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scaly-freaks · 15 hours
“there’s no bitch on earth like a mother frightened for her kids.”
— stephen king
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scaly-freaks · 18 hours
I have a HC about jaehaera and Jaehaerys that once jaehaera is old enough to understand that Amara is not Jaehaerys’s mom she gets possessive over Amara and telling Jaehaerys “hey that’s MY mom!” 😂😂
That is so cute 😭😭 And when Jaehaerys won't give up, Jaehaera is like "FINE" and runs off to find Aegon and is all "My daddy, not yours!" and Aegon just looks at her like "baby girl, I've got some bad news for you..."
But no seriously, Jaehaera's possessiveness is typical Targ-possessiveness. She clings to Amara with both arms, both legs AND squishes their cheeks together as if she wants to melt them both into one and never be apart from her mother again (she will grow up to realise that is not ideal, but right now, it's all she wants)
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scaly-freaks · 18 hours
I keep thinking about an au where aegon is a rockstar and does that thing where they invite a fan up on the stage. and he sees amara in the crowd and just signals to his manager as if to say "that one."
Okay, so like a rock band, and it's him, Jace, Aemond and Daeron and maybe it's a family affair so Rhaenyra is their manager? I already think of Billy Idol as my other Aegon fancast so him on stage...OKAY I'M GETTING VIBES OF HOW TGC AS ROCKSTAR!AEGON WOULD BE.
(Aegon would milk tf out of Amara being a fan and getting to grind on her up on stage, but I have a feeling her bias is probably Aemond so...that's awkward...she appreciates the raw sexuality of the lead singer of course, but she came here for the pirate!)
And back to the Billy Idol!Aegon thing...tell me this doesn't give you Aegon with Aemond and Daeron vibes.
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Also bonus Aegon and Maelor vibes because i'm weak.
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ANYWAY, Billy Idol is part of the reason I came back to the fandom because his face kept reminding me of Tom, and then Aegon obv bc of the chaotic blonde thing, and BAM here I am.
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scaly-freaks · 21 hours
What if I said an Aegon AU like this -
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scaly-freaks · 22 hours
True Love Waits by Radiohead is such a “them” song.
I'll drown my beliefs To have your babies I'll dress like your niece And wash your swollen feet
Just don't leave Don't leave
I'm not living I'm just killing time Your tiny hands Your crazy kitten smile
Just don't leave Don't leave
And true love waits In haunted attics And true love lives On lollipops and crisps
Just don't leave Don't leave
@theageofsilver thought you might appreciate this
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scaly-freaks · 2 days
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First sketches for House of the Dragon Uni AU, Aegon goes first cause he’s the elder and i love him and he’s fun (and i feel too much pressure to draw Aemond yet)
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scaly-freaks · 2 days
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TOM GLYNN-CARNEY (Emma D’Arcy, Matt Smith & The House of the Dragon Cast Read Fan Comments)
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scaly-freaks · 2 days
"Intensely ambitious" mixed with "incapable" is the funniest fucking description I've ever read. Aegon is a walking comedy sketch.
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scaly-freaks · 2 days
POV: Your name's Amara, and you're drunk and some guy is talking really loud in your personal space (you can't catch what he's arguing about with Helaena because they keep flicking each others foreheads).
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scaly-freaks · 2 days
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Aditi Rao Hydari in Heeramandi (Netflix, 2024)
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