sayruq · 3 hours
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Saturday, June 1st: Hello everyone, happy pride. I’m Gem, a bi, mentally ill, and disabled woman in desperate need of help, as I'm currently struggling to pay off my overdrawn account and get groceries!!!
As most of you are already aware from my previous posts, I have been struggling financially these past few years due to COVID-19 and my welfare benefit (Universal Credit) being under continuous reviews, which is due to my worsening mental/physical health and the UK’s controversial changes to how benefits are assessed and assigned. After a lengthy health assessment, I was declared unfit for work and receive the basic ADP. I received my welfare yesterday which unfortunately went to my rent and bills, and has left me with nothing to get groceries or keep my utilities on for this month!!
To be quite honest, these past few months have been absolute hell for me, and with no other income, I've been relying on the kindness of others to get by. However, due to chargebacks and fees, I am now back in the red with my PayPal and desperately need help to get by this month!!
I know this is a lot to ask, but if anyone could spare any amount to help me, even if it’s just £1/$1/€1, it would save my life, and sharing definitely helps just as much.
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sayruq · 4 hours
*fundraiser down below*
Reminder that there is an app that can help you keep track of all the products to boycott when you run your errands. Boycotting is very important, and we must be aware of where our money is going.
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🌸Fundraisers 🌸
ALSO ALSO! Please help support these fundraisers down below. $1,$3,$5, whatever amount it still counts up!
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sayruq · 5 hours
Please don’t skip
I am Iman from northern Gaza. My family and I are displaced to the south. We are very tired due to the catastrophic situation and the famine we are experiencing, and there is no clean water. Each time we move, it becomes harder than the last, and sometimes we barely escape death. When we relocate, we have to build a new tent, which is very expensive for us.
My family is extremely exhausted. I am now asking for your help for me and my family.
I hope you can help me share my campaign to reach as many people as possible.
Every donation from you makes a significant difference in saving our lives.
Go Fund Me link
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sayruq · 6 hours
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sayruq · 6 hours
With all respect and appreciation, try as much as you can to support them and help me, so that I may be able to help my family before it is too late.
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Guys let's please help save this family. Boost. Donate if you can.
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sayruq · 6 hours
The baby had a diaper on but no head📢😯
I apologize for adding a picture of the child due to the difficulty of the scene. This child was martyred in the recent massacre in the Rafah area, south of Gaza. 💣💣
Contribute and share the post to support the children of Gaza.🚨🚨
I invite you to view the link below and support the children of this family in reaching safety.⬇️❤️
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sayruq · 6 hours
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Guys donations for this family have slowed down. Please boost and/or donate
Help the Hamad family get out of Gaza
I hope success that
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sayruq · 7 hours
Abdul Qader Jamal Tafesh, 33, spoke with the Euro-Med Monitor team after being taken into custody by the Israeli army from the Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip, where he had been sheltering as a displaced person. “On 12 December 2023, the soldiers arrested and detained me in one of their camps in the northern Gaza Strip,” he stated. “They interrogated me inside the Al-Barawi family villa on Beit Lahia Street, which the army had converted into a military barracks.” According to Tafesh, as soon as he and the other prisoners arrived in this home’s yard, they were inspected with tools including specific “eye fingerprint” scanners. “After being stripped of our clothes and placed in handcuffs, [one in five people] were told to line up in front of cameras, get down on their knees, and bow their head. I was among these people.” Once he was on the ground, continued Tafesh, “[O]ne of the soldiers blindfolded me, put a sticker with a number on my shoulder, and made me run for about 500 metres before throwing me to the ground.” He explained that one soldier beat and tortured him, switching his handcuffs from front to back even after he revealed that he was hurt and had previously had an operation during which platinum was inserted into his left shoulder, which the soldier could see because Tafesh was naked. “He also hit me with his shoe, which made the pain worse, and [specifically] at the operation site, which made me pass out multiple times. I asked them to bring a doctor or take me to a doctor, but they refused,” Tafesh stated. Added Tafesh: “I was approached by a soldier who asked, ‘Do you want to die?’ He lifted his own weapon, removed its components, and fired close to my head.”
Click the link to read the report which contains the testimonies of 100 men, women and children.
Trigger warnings for torture, starvation, sexual assault, rape, murder, solitary confinement, inhumane and degrading treatment, etc.
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sayruq · 7 hours
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Far from the first time this happened
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sayruq · 8 hours
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sayruq · 8 hours
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30 PRCS aid workers have been killed not counting the ones in the ambulance above. By the end of April, Israel killed 253 aid workers and targeted aid groups 8 times
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sayruq · 8 hours
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Every single time I think they can't go any lower, they do
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sayruq · 8 hours
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sayruq · 8 hours
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sayruq · 8 hours
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This genocide is hell on everyone but especially disabled people and their caretakers
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sayruq · 8 hours
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sayruq · 8 hours
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The proposal Hamas accepted
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Israel's response
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Hamas’s response
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