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For @rosewalkersjayaforever
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Jaya's moments from «Seabound» and «Dragons rising» season 2
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Chaos at the bottom of the sea.
Pain and loss
Nya merges with the sea like Nyad, only Kai is not standing in the background, but will try to stop his sister, attention will also be paid to ninja, Pixal, Wu and Benthomaar, not just Jay
Nya was next to Jay and watched with a sad look and pain in her heart how bad and hard it was for him, he was barely breathing, as if he was going to suffocate. Turning around, the girl noticed Benthomaar standing near the window, remembering the story of Nyad, which was told by the Merlopian, the water master thought about it and since there was no other choice, she let go of her boyfriend's hand and approached the prince.
— Bentho, do you remember you told me the story about Nyad? How could she defeat Wojira? — the girl asked, what did he look up to.
— She merged with the sea —Benthomaar replied, not paying attention to her, as he looked at Jay, who was sick from the amount of salt water in his lungs.
— But how is this possible? How did she do it? — The brunette continued to persistently ask her friend.
— She opened up to the full power of the ocean and became one with him — then he looked at the girl, and after that Nya looked at the sea outside the window, where fish were swimming, Benthomaar quickly realized, he would not let her do this, as happened with Nyad.
— Don't even think about such things! — Nyad had defeated Wojira, but she had lost herself... what she had done... could not be undone… She's gone forever.…
But the blue-eyed one was no longer listening to the Prince of Merlopia, she was still looking sadly at the sea, and then she heard the cough again. It was Jay, and the girl herself had now approached him. When she got closer to him, she heard his hoarse breathing, he had already turned pale and was barely opening his eyes, this kind of hurt her. Nya took her beloved's hand again.
— Don't worry, Jay.… I will fix everything, but you need to be patient and please don't leave me… I'll feel bad without you — the water ninja whispered.
Gripe opens the door, scaring Kalmaar, and his crown falls.
— My Lord! The ninja is still not visible! — The King of Merlopia turns to him.
— They're here, keep looking! Search each of these buildings if necessary.
— Yes, my lord — he nods. — Meanwhile, we've found someone who claims to know them.
— What? Who! — The Merlopian asked.
— He refuses to talk, but we found this on him — he pulls out a framed photo, it shows a police commissioner with a ninja, showing the villain, who grinned.
— Take me to him! Immediately! — Kalmaar demands.
The sun had just glanced, illuminating with its rays, the ninjas were fast asleep, except for Nya, she still held Jay's hand, then looked at the others as they slept in different poses, but hearing coughing and heavy breathing, she turned back to Walker and put her palm on his cheek, stroking.
— I wish we had more time, but we never had a break ... — said the water master, holding back tears and tenderly kissed the brown-haired man on the cheek, the girl got up and headed for the door, and at that second the guy's blue eyes opened and Jay followed the movements of his beloved when she I was leaving the room, although it was a little blurry.
Closing the door, she walked over to the sea, while watching it move under the influence of the wind, then Nya looked back at the door. There was no other way to improve the situation, she would have risked anything to get Jay better.
Tears came out of her eyes and she whispered goodbye:
— «I love you...» — it was addressed to Jay, her Ying. Having made her decision, she took a deep breath and dived into the water, starting to spin and do a spinjitsu, as it was with Cole, only now under water. She allowed the water to pass completely through her body, as Benthomaar said, to open up to the full power of the sea, her eyes began to glow white.
Meanwhile, Jay is suffocating and the sea water from his lungs comes out, while he woke everyone up.
— Jay? — Wu asks.
— What's going on? — Lloyd asked.
— The water is being pulled out of his lungs! — Zane exclaimed.
When the water was completely out, Jay began to cough, gulping air.
— How?.. — Cole didn't have time to say it when a bright glow seemed to dazzle everyone outside, and then everyone turned to the sea.
— No! — Benthomaar realized what Nya was going to do, merge with the sea, as Nyad had done several thousand years ago.
— What is she doing? — The elder asked Benthomaar, everyone was looking at her.
— She is trying to merge with the sea, but this is something that cannot be undone! She will be lost forever! — The Prince of Merlopia replied, to say that the others were shocked is to say nothing.
— We have to stop her! — everyone except Kai and Jay run out of the room to stop the water master.
— What...? — Jay asked, barely opening his eyes.
— Jay, how are you? — The fire master asked.
— I'm fine..Thank you for asking— the lightning master smiled — What's going on? What did I miss? — before the elder Smith could say, looking out the window with Walker, they see the silhouette of a girl.
— Nya?.. — getting up from the sofa, Kai helped him of course and both brown-haired men come to the window.
After completing her transformation, Nya was blue like water, her eyes turned blue-white, she had water lines and patterns on her, and a wave was depicted in the middle of her chest. After looking at her hands to the end and looking out the window, the elemental ninja notices her brother and beloved. Smiling, she floats up to the window and puts both palms against the glass, where Jay and Kai's palms were, blue-eyed smiled, and amber-eyed was still shocked in disbelief, looking at his sister in her new form.
In the distance, the roar of a Wojira could be heard, changing its face to gray, and in an instant it took off from its place, floating away.
— Nya... — Sister, wait! — but they will be quickly thrown back by a powerful wave.
After leaving the door, the master and his students rather run to the sea, where the brunette was, noticing the blue glow under the water.
— Nya! Nya, come back! — The son of the FMS called, but Nya did not hear her teacher and sailed on and on.
— She's going after Kalmaar — the others turned to the two who cared about the girl — She's going to fight him! — And we're going to help her! — Jay barely holds on, his legs gave way, he almost falls, but Kai quickly grabs him tighter so that the winner in the «Prime Empire» could stand on his feet.
— Jay, but you can barely stand — the master said regretfully.
— I don't care! I have to go! I have to help her! — Walker declared — Just like me! — The blacksmith's son agreed with his friend.
— Okay, then we are with you — Garmadon's brother said with a smile, then the ninja smiled, Pixal with Benthomaar, and Kai and Jay in response.
— Who are you?
— I'm the Police Commissioner — the policeman replied.
— The Commissioner? — Kalmaar repeats in confusion, and Gripe turns to him.
— I think it's some kind of lord. Like a king.
— I am a representative of the law. My job is to protect the people and property of this city — the Commissioner smooths his hand to his chest.
— Then I'd say you didn't do a good job. Where is the ninja? Tell me, and I'll show you mercy.
— Even if I knew, I would never tell you.
— I'll ask for the last time — the King's trident starts attacking, pointing at the police — Where are the ninjas? The Merlopian demanded, aiming his weapon, the Commissar just shakes his head, refusing.
Kalmaar wanted to attack, but then the building began to rattle. Wojira's eyes light up outside the window, looking inside the building and she slides up the building, warning that someone is approaching, noticing that glow. Kalmaar and other the merlopians are running to the roof. The king of Melopia walks over the head of a Wojira, then he found out that it was the girl he was fighting with when the blue glow was approaching them.
— It's her! That girl who tried to stop me! — Kalmaar exclaimed, and then Nya abruptly surfaced in her aquatic form and a tornado from the water.
— I'm not a girl at all! My name is Nya! — the water spirit said angrily in a distant voice, there was also a kind of echo in it, he activated the amulet of the Storm with his trident, Wojira raised her head and pushed it towards her.
— You're going to pay for meeting and pissing me off! — she exclaimed and the struggle began.
Nya started throwing jets of water at Kalmaar over and over again, he dodged, but he couldn't even defend himself and threw him back. The girl landed on the sea snake, it was clear from her expression that she was very angry, angry, he pointed his trident at her, but she slipped past him. She stopped behind and hit the Merlopian right on his back, using her element to throw him away again. The King stood up with his mouth full, looking at Nya:
— You have become one with the ocean!
Like that Nyad! Stupid sacrifice! — He raised his trident at the water spirit again, shooting at her, but it didn't do her any harm. — It won't do you any good! — he kept shooting, but they passed through her as if she had become a ghost. She angrily approached the King, knowing that she could defeat this tomboy — Don't expect that you can defeat me and Wojira! — Nya got tired of his chatter, as well as himself, so she kicked Kalmaar in the face.
The rest arrived on their elemental dragons, when their dragons disappeared, the ninjas landed on the roof, the Wojira roared, rising higher and higher than the buildings of the city and was a few meters away from them, then they noticed Kai's sister in a new form and how she fought with the Merlopian Kalmaar.
— Nya! — shouted both brown-haired men, she stopped the fight, the jets of water disappeared, turning towards them, where the voices of Kai and Jay were.
— Kai? Jay? — the elemental ninja asked in a puzzled way, the others were sharply surprised by the girl's distant voice along with the echo, except for themselves, they smiled at the creature they loved, but soon both guys noticed the danger, paying attention to Kalmaar. He stood up, preparing another attack, but in a different way.
— Nya! Look out! — Smith and Walker shouted, but it was too late. The king of Merlopia sent a powerful stream of energy, hitting her, this time he did not pass through her, as he had done before, the girl literally disappeared, friends, brother and teacher were afraid — NO!
Kalmaar grinned, and they got angry, especially Kai, damn it, he killed his sister right in front of his eyes, he will pay for it. The son of Trimaar stood in front of the Wave and Storm amulets again, hitting one of them. — Destroy the ninja! — The King ordered, the snake let out a roar again and shot at the ninja with the help of the elements of water and wind, and knocked them down. Kai, Wu and Jay collided and three fell, the blue ninja nunchucks fell into the sea. When he got up and did not find his weapon, his attention was attracted by the staff that the master had used for many years, he quickly took it and, together with Kai, rushed to run to the villain.
— Jay, Kai! Wait! — The elder shouted, but they were too busy, they ignored their teacher, both pushed off with a staff and climbed onto the Wojira, the two of them fought with the Merlopian in turn.
— My sister! You're going to pay for taking her away from me! You bastard! — You'll pay for it! — You killed my girlfriend and my friend's sister! — they shout, but Kalmaar didn't care, and thus the blue ninja and the red were defeated.
— Stupid attack! — the son of Trimaar points at them with his trident — Your emotions are blinding you! — He declared as the fire and lightning ninja tried to stand up.
They managed to get up, coming to their senses, they were still furious, their anger seemed to possess their minds. Without thinking anything through, they jumped up again, attacking King Kalmaar, but in vain, he was able to throw them off the Wojira and the ninjas fell screaming. Kai flew into the ocean, and Jay landed on one of the fins of the Queen of the Endless Sea.
— You're a weakling! Enjoy your last rotten breath while you have the chance, ninja! — the Merlopian wanted to attack again, but suddenly the Prince of Merlopia Benthomaar attacked him from behind, kicking him. Jay rolled and fell again, but was quickly caught by his best friend Cole.
— Are you okay, Jay? — the dark-haired man with dark green eyes asked, worried.
— Yes, Cole..It seems, yes, I'm fine — he smiled, as always stupidly, to which the earth ninja grinned — And where is Kai? — Walker asked anxiously.
— He fell into the water... — So what are we standing for? We need to help Kai soon, before the water gets into his lungs! There will be no second chance! — the blue-eyed man declared, and he and Bucket ran to the sea rather to help their friend, they hope that they will save him.
— You are not my king! — Bentho shouted, throwing a spear at Kalmaar, who defended himself by covering himself with his trident, but unfortunately the trident was blown to pieces, the prince managed to land with his new friends.
— What have you done? — The King of Merlopia shouted, Wojira's red eyes turned blue again, she hit the building in order to get rid of the arrogant parasite that she had upstairs and knocked the Merlopians off their feet. — Destroy them! Destroy it! — Kalmaar tried to hit the Storm(Wave)stone, but nothing came out, his trident was broken into two parts, and the sea snake was only angered more. With a roar, the Master of the Sea threw off the Merlopian, throwing him into the air and when he falls, screaming, she swallows the son of Trimaar whole. Benthomaar just stared at the sight sadly, shaking his head. Yes, Kalmaar awakened a giant snake, killed their father, Ninjago was flooded, because of him Jay almost drowned and died from a lot of salt water in his lungs and Nya merged with the sea, but still he was his brother, although not so good and wonderful.
— LET'S RUN!!! — Lloyd shouted when the Queen of the Endless Sea releases a discharge from her mouth, but a huge water ball crashes into Wojira's head, the others turn around and their gaze fell on the dragon, which consists entirely of water.
— Is that's Nya? — the team leader asked, pointing with his finger.
The water dragon growled angrily. — It looks like her—and she looks pissed — Cole added.
The sea beast hurled the dragon into the building, causing others to stumble. The dragon-shaped Nya shakes her head, growling. Wojira attacks the ninja again, everyone flees, until Nya interferes again, grabbing the snake and throwing it into another building. Wojira dives under the water to knock down the dragon, which consists of water, she again climbed out to her full height, wrapping around her. She is released, then purple lightning flashes in the sky and disappears after the third time.
— No! — Sister! — Nya's brother shouts, watching her evaporate again.
The Master of the sea again draws attention to the ninjas, they retreat in fright, she opens her mouth again, controlling the fury of the storm, the others let out a scream, tightly closing their eyes. It began to rain heavily, and a flash of lightning flashed behind Wojira, causing her to turn around in disbelief.
Nya began to spin, turning back into human form.
—Nya...— the lightning master spoke softly with the fire master, watching Nya fly like a rocket. The water spirit then extended her fist to gain speed. The Wojira let out a roar, and the girl in the new form came closer and closer until she destroyed the amulet of the Wave. After the blue stone was destroyed, a shock wave emanated from it, knocking over the ninja, and Wojira was electrocuted, she rose into the sky, unable to control the force of the Storm anymore, after which she was destroyed. As soon as the sea beast disappeared, the storm subsided, and Nya emerges from the water, landing on the roof where the ninjas were. They began to congratulate the girl, she just turned around and looked at them in surprise, as if she was seeing them for the first time.
— Nya! You did it! — Jay exclaimed, smiling. He wanted to hug his Yang, but he walked through it, as it was with Cole when he turned into a ghost. Freckled gasped in surprise, he wanted to touch Nya, but could not, the others had worried expressions on their faces.
— Ha, it's going to take a little getting used to. But we'll figure out a way to get you back. Don't worry.
— Back? — Nya asked, confused by what her brother meant.
— To a normal life. You know, the old you—Jay kept his optimism with a smile. The elemental ninja looked at her hand. — Back to normal? — The brown—haired men looked at each other before looking at Nya again. — Are you okay? — Smith asked, puzzled.
Nya didn't answer anything, she watched the clouds dissolve, becoming white clouds again, the shining sun came out, and the sea also appeared.
— Do you hear that? — Do we hear what? — Kai asked, confused.
— The sea… It's so loud… Such a powerful one...— his sister replied, looking at the sea in fascination.
— It's calling her — the Prince of Merlopia explained, and the girl's figure began to ripple at that moment.
— Nya — both guys gasped.
— I'm sorry. It's hard to keep this shape — she apologizes.
— What do you mean by «shape»? — Jay asked — This is how you should look!
— What I was. Yes — the blue and red ninja stared at the girl, not knowing what to do in this situation. — I have to go now. I will remember you.
— Remember? What are you talking about? Where are you going? — the former red shogun, running after his sister.
— Nya! Stop it! Listen to me! — Walker also joined the conversation and stood in front of Nya — There's something wrong with you. You have to concentrate. You have to focus, you have to turn back — but she didn't listen to her Ying and also went through it, Jay shivered from the cold, as if he had fallen from a waterfall.
— Where are you going! Answer me! — Kai demands, but Nya still didn't answer, she jumped onto the ledge of the roof.
— Nya, I'm begging you. No matter what you hear, no matter what you experience. Fight it, Nya. Remember who you are. Remember — Master Wu begged, coming closer. He hoped that Nya would remember and come back. The girl turns to her teacher, brother and friends with a smile. — I am Nya. I am the sea. We are one.
— Nya! You don't belong there! Your place is here! With us! You're my sister! You're Jay's girlfriend and Yang! You are the daughter of our parents! Maya and Ray! You are a disciple of Master Wu and a friend of our friends, you are not the sea! You're one of us! We are a team! And you're just going to leave us?! — he shouted, forcing her to jump off and return, then he fell to his knees — I promised that I would always protect you… But I didn't hold back... — tears flowed from his eyes, the hothead didn't want to show his weakness, but he couldn't, he didn't want Nya to leave.
Then he heard footsteps approaching, he raised his head and saw his sister, merging with the Endless sea, she touched his cheek, gently stroking.
— And you kept your promise, Kai. I am grateful to you — she said, as always with a smile. She came up to Cole — Cole, I considered you an older brother and always will, even when you fell into the dark, I always blamed myself because it was my fault that this happened to you, but now that you're alive, I was so happy, so glad, I wanted to hurry you up a hug. That's what, always stay on earth, even when you're lonely, because this is your element — then she hugged the master of the earth, and he didn't care that his clothes were wet and the girl was cold, now it wasn't up to that.
— Zane, when I found out that you were a nindroid, I was shocked, but you were still and will be our friend, our brother. And when you sacrificed yourself, defeating the Overlord and «died», I was horrified, it hurt me a lot, but learning that you were alive and seeing you in this form, you have no idea how happy I was to see you again. But now it's my turn, don't be a machine, find joy in the darkest of times — and also hugged the titanium ninja again.
— Lloyd, when you were still a kid, you stole candy from everyone in Jamanakai to be like your father and also released snakes, you were an annoying, naughty boy, but despite this, you admitted your mistakes and it's okay, all people make them. Then you became a green ninja, I didn't even think that this would happen to you, I really thought that it would turn out to be Kai or Zane, but know, Lloyd, you are a good leader, you take care of others, of your team members, as a leader, you lead the team and are responsible for It's a responsibility. I understand how hard it is for you, but do not hesitate to call us, talk to us and we will always listen and help you, you have a kind heart and you have always been like a younger brother to me.
— Pixal, I couldn't even imagine that you would turn out to be the new Samurai X when I fought with you, but I'm happy for you, because I'm a water master now. You can take whatever you want from Samurai X's cave. You can take blueprints, tools, and old mechs as well to preserve the Samurai legacy.
— Bentho, you are our family now, and you are also our new friend and we are glad for that, you have a new home—this is a monastery and we are your family. Thank you for telling me the story about Nyad.
— Master Wu, thank you for teaching me to become a ninja, a water ninja. You were much more than our teacher, you were like a father to us, and we were like your children.
— Jay, you're an annoying chatterbox who tells jokes we don't understand, not as funny as you saw yourself, but you could cheer us up, you always helped, supported us when we needed help. And you have no idea how wonderful you are, a kind and cheerful boy, I have never met someone like you, Jay, you have always been and will always be an optimist, you will always make us laugh and I like it. I love you, Jay, my boyfriend, my Ying — Jay's hot tears ran, and his lips trembled, he bent his head as Nya stroked his face, and then hugged him. He also didn't care that he was wet and Nya was icy, as with the previous participants. There was Kai, Nya's brother, the son of a blacksmith and a master of fire.
— Kai, my beloved older brother. Please stand up — he obeyed — Thank you for raising me, for bringing me up, for always being by my side when our parents left for reasons already known to us. Thank you for saving me that first time in the volcano, you saved me as much as I saved you. You continued to protect me even when I didn't need it myself, you were afraid of losing me, just like I was afraid of you. But before I leave, I want you to know that I will always be with you, I will be with you, in your hearts, we will have to part on such a note and there is nothing we can do about it, you are a wonderful and the best brother in the world and I am glad for that, you were my father, mother, by a parent… Thank you for the childhood you gave me, without you, I do not know what would have happened next. I love you, brother — Kai did not expect that Nya would do this, after all that he did for her, his sister, and he was glad of it, glad that Nya was happy and he too, but he did not want her to leave, brown-haired hugged the water spirit tightly, he could not do anything He let her merge with the sea, but now it's too late, it can't be fixed, tears began to flow, but he still let her go, It would have been bad if she had stayed, the girl had little time to return to where the sea called her.
The elemental ninja returned to her former place, she looked at the others again, they had sad faces, It hurt, but she can't do anything about it, the ocean is calling her and she must go, she must return to it and be happy. She doesn't want to say goodbye to her family like that, it was too early.
— Nya... I... love you... — Jay said softly, he could only say that — And I love you! All of us, we will miss you, Nya! After all, you are expensive to us all! — she just smiled sadly — Tell mom, now I understand that this is how cookies crumbles. You are my friends, my brothers, my sister, my teacher. Goodbye — these were her last words, everyone wanted to take off and stop, but they didn't, they just stood and watched as Nya turned, raised her arms and jumped into the water.
— NO!!! NYA!!! — COME BACK!! SISTER!!! — Kai and Jay run to the edge, then the others run up, the water from the streets returns back to where it belongs — SISTER!!! NO!!! — the amber-eyed one jumps onto the ledge, summoning a fiery dragon and chased after the blue glow — KAI, WAIT! — but Wu was ignored again, the fire ninja wanted to touch his sister, but it was too late, she disappeared over the horizon, the fire ninja clenched his hands to his white knuckles, angry at himself that he could not stop her.
— Kai, are you okay? — Maya asked, approaching her son.
— How can I be calm, Mom?! My sister left, she merged with the sea, and I couldn't do anything! She didn't deserve this! — Smith blamed himself.
— Kai..But you couldn't do anything if you wanted to, the sea called her and she came back to him. It hurts me too, because Ray and I lost our daughter, but we have to hope for the best. I am sure that Nya will come back someday and we will become a family again, as before, she will remember us again. I didn't have time to say goodbye to her either... — The elder Smith put her hand on his shoulder.
Kai lifts his head slightly and looks at his mother.:
— She told us to give you something. Something about cookies...
— Cookies? — Maya asks, arching an eyebrow questioningly.
— Yes, she said: «Tell Mom that I now understand how the cookies crumbles» — she looked stunned. — Did she say that?
— Yes, why? What does it mean? — Kai and Nya's mom smiled.
— This is only understood with your sister — Maya tenderly stroked her son's hand. Then Ray's wife left Kai alone, as Jay arrived.
— How are you?.. I can't even imagine what it's like for you, because she was your sister — the lightning master said sadly.
— Not really, but I'm holding on somehow.. It's the same with you, because she was your girlfriend and Yang...
— It's all my fault... — Freckles said without raising his head.
— What makes you think that?.. — Kai didn't understand what his friend meant.
— I had to get out of the car by myself! I could have waited for you, but I didn't wait and got into trouble! Because of me, Nya gave up her human form and merged with the Boundless Ocean...
— You're a fool, Jay.. — the former red shogun laughed — Nya sacrificed herself to save not only you, but all of us and Ninjago! Why can't you understand that?
— We would have found another way to defeat this sea reptile if I hadn't ruined everything! But Nya, she could have consulted with us and she didn't... It's all my fault, Kai! I couldn't do nothing, I couldn't stop…
— I didn't do anything either, I wanted to save my sister, but I also couldn't.. But you are not to blame for this, Jay, just like me, Kalmaar is to blame and he deserves for all these sins that he has done, he will be fed to Wojira. And you weren't the only one who loved her either, we loved her too, she was expensive to all of us. When there was seawater in your lungs and you were unconscious, my sister was always by your side, she would have done everything possible to save you and she did, being merged with the sea. Nya is a hero and always will be, she knows how to surprise in her unusual ways. She loved you, Jay, so don't beat yourself up about it.
— Just like she loves you...I think you're right.. Thank you, Kai — the lightning ninja thanked him — You're welcome, buddy — the brown—haired man grinned — And now we have to go.
When Jay and I entered the courtyard of the monastery, I thought that the whole city had come, there were a lot of people and there were those whom we encountered and met, they were all here to thanks Nya for what she did, she saved Ninjago, the whole world. We started the funeral, stood next to a large white vase, and in our hands were bowls filled with water, Master Wu began his speech:
— We gathered here today to honor the memory of Nya — while the teacher was saying this, each of us began to pour water from a bowl into this jug, which depicted the blue ocean — the Inventor, Samurai X, ninja, master of the water and our dear friend. Her courage and strength saved us over and over again — I also saw my mother crying bitterly from the loss of Nya, and my dad comforted her, he held on, but I could see a couple of small tears in his eyes — And even though we couldn't save her, we will always remember her. Wherever she is, she is in our hearts now — after Wu finished his speech, he, I and the ninja from Pixal lowered our heads and closed our eyes.
— I knew you'd come here — I was startled by this, when I turned my head towards the voice, I saw Skylor.
—Oh, hi, Skylor — I waved at her — What are you doing here?
— I came to check how you are and I see that you are holding on — the amber craftswoman smiled faintly, I turned away, hearing her take a deep breath, she sat down next to me — Kai, everything will be fine, I know that words are not enough, it can say anything, but do it..I know it's not easy, but just you know that you have friends, Master Wu and I, if you need help, we're always there to help you. And even if the team splits up again, as it was with Zane, I will always be with you, I will do everything possible to make it easier for you and make you always happy, as before — I was surprised and turned to her, she noticed that I was crying, she was surprised, because she and others have never seen me cry, I wanted to calm down, I didn't want to show my weakness, but I didn't do it well, I just couldn't, she hugged me without words, and I just snuggled up to her, she comforted me, stroking my back and kissed the top of my head — I love you, Kai — I raised my head to look at her amber eyes, like mine — I love you too, Skylor — she smiled, and I answered her and we kissed. We turn around with a smile and look at the sunset, as well as at the sea. It's so beautiful...
— I love you, Nya, my little sister. You are free now and probably happy, but know that our friends, Jay, Master Wu, our parents and your older brother will always love you very much and miss you — the last lonely tear rolls down my face — I am sure that we will meet, Nya, and be together again, we will be happy, as before.
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For @rosewalkersjayaforever
Ninjago swap au.
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Для Роза Уолкер.
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Hi! I wanted to ask you. Can you draw my fan character(original character) Jaynin (Jaynet?) He, no matter how venomous my AU is, where ninjas change places, in general Jay changes with Nya, she is a lightning master, and he is a water master. in general, can you draw it?
He looks like this, he has blue and slightly long shoulder-length hair, blue eyes, gray skin, he has painted marks with drops of💧water (something like this) green clothes, dark blue pants and red shoes, he also has gold there, like Nyad and also a helmet, and his trident is orange with light green, something like patterns together, there are also emeralds, they are as beautifully blue as turquoise. On another art, you can draw Jay and Jaynin(Jaynet), where they are ordinary and where they merged with the sea, like Nya and Nyad. And on another art, where my character and Nyad met, or both blushed. If someone draws well and if it's not difficult for you, you can draw my original character.
I would be very glad and happy🤗🤗🤗if you would draw it, you can put tags that will be at the bottom.
He also has ears like Kalmaar and Benthomaar, he is a Merlopian, and Nyad, also this necklace, on the left and right are blue, and they have patterns from the waves in the same color as the front and also on the left and also in the front in the same color as the front, it's okay if you don't understand, oh what am I😅I want to wish you good luck✨🛐.if someone wants to draw my character.
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Jaya's Moments in «Dragons Rising» Season 2 Episode 3 + Agent Jay Walker (⚠️Spoilers! ⚠️)
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