redditreceipts · 12 hours
heyy :)
sorry, didn't see it sooner (for some reasons tumblr doesn't show me when people are trying to @ me)
yeah, I would like to know where those people live where people are actively trying to kill them. I mean if they live in Uganda or somewhere where there's the death penalty on being transsexual, I would kinda get it.
but calling yourself a JEW IN 1930s GERMANY????? WHAT THE FUCK???!?!? this reminds me of that one sketch that goes like this: "the comparison is always Hitler. It's never even a mid-size dictator. it's always straight to Hitler"
have these people not received history class? either they don't know what the Jews in 1930s Germany went through or they think that their own feelings being affirmed is comparable to literal concentration camps being built 😭 I can't
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@redditreceipts thought of u xx
im really SO sick of this "people want us dead/are actively trying to kill us!" & "trans genocide" bullshit. it's disgusting fearmongering meant to quickly radicalize young people who are already or on the verge of being lured into GII.
femicide is a very real and commonplace crime, and in fact still never considered a hate crime despite blatantly being one (whereas any violence against any trans person is considered a hate crime even when the motive was unrelated), yet feminists aren't claiming everyone wants us dead and there's a female genocide lmao. so fucking stupid.
these people don't even call the years and years of rampant homosexual deaths due to the government's refusal to address AIDS "genocide" or anything of the sort. but calling pink-haired males "he/him" and defending the existence of female-only rape resources? literal genocide.
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redditreceipts · 12 hours
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Hey guys! Due to me being a bit more busy than usual at the time, I will not be posting receipts as much in the next following weeks / months, but I'll keep up with memes :)
Here is my usual pinned post, and remember to join a trade union!!!
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redditreceipts · 12 hours
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redditreceipts · 12 hours
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I would give anything to have that dinner right now that looks so delicious
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redditreceipts · 2 days
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I can't 😭
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redditreceipts · 2 days
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amazon telling their workers to not join a union because they are concerned about *checks notes* privacy
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redditreceipts · 2 days
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"I was literally serving fish" dude please take a shower. I know that the imagination of having a "feminine" smell makes you horny for some reason, but please. please. shower.
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"since taking estrogen I'm naturally more submissive" how do they say that and still call us the bioessentialists? 😭
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redditreceipts · 2 days
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"I feel that it's not fair that I am not getting the hot lesbian sex that porn has promised me since I was 12 years old!" he's just mad that he transitioned for a fetish and then his fetish didn't get fulfilled lol
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"I hope you find the right lesbian for you" - okay cool way to say that you see lesbians as validation machines that you are somehow entitled to to boost your ego of being a "real girl" instead of doing one second of self-reflection and looking inwards as to why it might be that lesbians are not attracted to you (hot tip: it's because you're a man)
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I really love how this guy just assumes that bisexual women are going to be into him. No my dude, we don't want your weird fetishy ass either lol
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redditreceipts · 2 days
comments under the infamous Lilly Tino video where he describes Kurt Cobain as probably having been trans, because Kurt liked to wear feminine clothing sometimes
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redditreceipts · 5 days
hello! i wanted to ask a question, this may be personal for you, so feel free to ignore if it is. im a woman, and im in a relationship with an autistic woman, we are both in our early twenties. i know for a fact that we have different views on the gender and trans thing, and so far it hasn't been a problem, but sometimes she says she doesn't understand gender and that she doesn't really know what she is, but she's also doesn't identify as non-binary. sometimes this kinda bothers me, because sometimes it's like she understands and is sure that she's a woman and there isn't anything wrong with that, and sometimes she says stuff like that. you also being autistic, do you maybe have some kind of insight on this, something that can help understand her feelings (both for me and her)? i want her to know that gender literally doesn't matter, but i feel like the way i've explained it in the past doesn't resonate with her or maybe I don't make myself clear hahaha if u could help I'd appreciate it a lot! thanks in advance :)
heyyy :) sorry first of all for the late answer, and say hi from me to your girlfriend!!
First of all, what exactly is it about gender that your girlfriend doesn't understand? I personally think that even before I became a feminist, I did understand gender in the same way I understood ableism for example. What I didn't understand was the enthusiastic participation in gender. Why would people identify as the offensive stereotype patriarchy had prescribed them? It was a mystery to me. Maybe it's the same for your girlfriend?
If I was speaking to my younger self, I would try to explain that most of the apparently arbitrary social norms that neurotypicals put up with are actually not that arbitrary. For example ironing your clothes: it might seem stupid and ridiculous that neurotypicals only want to go out with ironed clothes, because it literally doesn't make any difference in hygiene or anything else whether your clothes are crinkly or not. But the social signifier for ironed clothes is that you show the other neurotypicals around you that you have your life under control to such a degree that you have time and energy for such superfluous activities like ironing your clothing.
Gender is another social construct that seems random on the first glance, but is actually a mechanism to enforce social control towards women. Women are told to be meek, quiet, submissive, subservient, pretty, etc. This has been the case for centuries. But how did women cope with it? The thing for neurotypical people is that to endure the injustices of social structures that they are subjugated under, they have developed a system of justifications not only towards others but towards themselves. This lessens the pain of existence under an oppressive social system. An example is the fact that many members of racial minorities report themselves that they and other members of the same minority are inferior. It may seem stupid on the first glance, but it's actually a mechanism of survival - like a child that gets told that they are stupid, and the child then goes on to tell themselves that yes, they are really stupid and they deserve this treatment. People of all marginalised backgrounds start to grow into the stereotypes that are perpetuated against them, to lessen the pain of being falsely characterised as inferior - if they actually are inferior, there is nothing wrong with their oppression, right? This is the process of internalisation. It's a mechanism of self-preservation. Women, who have been treated as less than for millenia, have mastered this art of internalising the false narrative that is told about them. And that's where identity comes into play. Many women have mastered this art of self-delusion to a degree that they actively identify as the inferior stereotype that men have made up for them. Gender has become so naturalised that an entire movement has formed around the idea that gender is innate, unchanging, literally connected to your soul - and seeing it that way, you kinda get it, right? It's so much less painful to act as if your own dehumanisation is not something imposed, but rather something innate.
But the truth is that it's not. Gender is not something productive, and gender categories have to be abolished. Not feeling like any gender is a human's natural state and the only path to liberation for women is to let go of it. Nobody inherently identifies as any gender, and autistic people are less likely to condition themselves into doing so. Autistic people not feeling like any gender is the sign that gender is not inherent, but rather social. And in the end, that's a good thing, right? Because what else but oppression, violence and pain has gender ever brought upon humanity?
I think that it's also important for you (the person writing this ask) to acknowledge that even though your girlfriend might not identify with any gender stereotypes, it's possible that she doesn't want to be very gender non-conforming. I know that if I'm gender non-conforming, because of that and my autism, I just get treated like a child. People talk to me like I'm severely developmentally stunted, which is why I do try to present myself as more "adult" (as in using make-up, certain clothing items, perfume, etc.) It's not because I like it, but because I kinda don't want to deal with the double discrimination of being autistic and gnc lol
So yeah, I hope this helped you a bit (even though I've been very late in responding - sorry for that again!) I wish you and your girlfriend the best! ❤️
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redditreceipts · 5 days
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redditreceipts · 5 days
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The traditional and iconic keffiyeh is worn to represent Palestine everywhere we go and to stand in solidarity with our righteous cause and It's people. It consists of three main patterns: a fishnet to represent abundance, grace, and freedom. Sea Waves to represent strength and resilience after 73 years under military occupation. The Bold Lines represent the trade roles which have played a vital role in Palestine’s history and culture. - Handmade in Palestine
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redditreceipts · 5 days
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redditreceipts · 6 days
oh my god. this tiktok, in which a lesbian is speaking up against “genital preference”, has 2.3k likes so far. and all of the comments are actually POSITIVE. nature is healing. lesbians are waking up. there is hope!!
heres some of the comments:
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redditreceipts · 6 days
Looking through your blog helped me peak if i'm being honest. When i used to be a transmed after years of being the average TRA, i stumbled across your blog i just had like an epiphany. Your blog really opened my eyes and just wanted to thank you for it! <3
heyyy :) thank you!!! But I actually don't think that being gender critical and being a trans medicalist are mutually exclusive at all. I think that being gender critical is more about the questions "How can we best protect women's rights?", "How can we best understand gender to bring forward feminism?" and "What is a woman?", while the trans medicalist stance seeks to search answers to questions like "How do we know who benefits from gender-related medical intervention?", "How can we further the rights of people who receive gender-related medical intervention?" and "How can we best treat people with gender dysphoria?"
You can of course disagree with the answers the larger transmed community finds to these questions, but I don't think that it's impossible to be both a trans medicalist and a gender critical person, because both communities are generally concerned with different social issues. That is also why you don't see many transmeds discussing in depth topics like "What is a woman" or things like that, because that is not really their point.
Also, here is my collection of cakes with white cream and fruit posed onto the cake as though it was still growing on the plant (idk how to say it better but you get the point lol)
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redditreceipts · 6 days
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19 years old, Nguyen Thi Hien is the squad leader of Yen Vuc militia, Ham Rong district, Thanh Hoa province. She went through 800 bombing raids and was buried alive by B52 bombs 4 times, 1966 – author: Mai Nam.
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redditreceipts · 7 days
I find that many self-proclaimed radfems have a libefem understanding of gender. They say that gender is just a set of stereotypes. They don't understand that in radfem terms, gender is a system of reproductive, domestic (etc.) exploitation of women by men. Misogyny is the ideological means by which this system is maintained.
hey :) Well I think I get your point but I would still disagree.
Saying that gender is just a set of stereotypes is obviously wrong, because it's not just that. But I also don't think that gender is a system of exploitation.
I think that the societal system of reproductive, domestic etc. exploitation is patriarchy. Gender, in my opinion, is the ideological superstructure which justifies the exploitation. Is gender a system? I think that you could call it that, but you could call most sociological categories "systems" if you wanted to, and I don't think that it helps us very much. I think that we can better understand women's oppression by using the term "patriarchy" for our societal structure, and by using the term "gender" to describe the roles that patriarchy prescribes to us.
But in general, I am not really a fan of debating terms. If you were to write a book on your views on feminism, you could define the words as you see fit in the beginning and as long as people understand what you're trying to say, I don't think that it's wrong to have varying definitions of specific concepts.
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