raewrites423 · 4 days
New Neighbor: Part Two-Revenge
Teaser 2 18+, MDNI! The below content is SFW
A smirk played on your lips as you spoke, “already want to be under me again?” You teased Hyuck’s advance. You turned your attention back to your task, reaching back into your backpack because not giving into him made the game more fun. At least you thought you knew the game until a firm hand on your chin forced your head to turn and you were back trapped in his gaze. Your lips parted, eyes widening in surprise. His entire aura contrasted that of last time, now filled with power. You were thrown.
“No," His voice was just as dark as his expression, "it’s my turn now.” Hyuck’s lips pressed hungrily to yours, walking you back against the wall and caging you in with his arms. He kissed along your jaw until he got to your ear, “I’m a switch for a reason.”
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raewrites423 · 12 days
New Neighbor: Part Two-Revenge
Hello my friends, our lovely neighbor is not finished with reader💝 Part 2 is also 18+, MDNI! The below content is SFW
Your rendezvous with Donghyuck was a week ago now and your relationship did not miss a beat, although neither of you discussed what exactly what this was. Hyuck helped you with your midterms and you helped with his, binge night continued as normal, but the chemistry was almost too much to bear.
Just when you thought this weekend would be a repeat of your last encounter, Donghyuck continued to surprise you.
“No," His voice was just as dark as his expression, "it’s my turn now.”
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raewrites423 · 16 days
★New Neighbor: Part One - Playing with Fire
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Y/n just moved into a new college apartment and meets her new neighbor, Donghyuck. He is equal parts annoying and cute and she's in for a lot more than she bargained for living on her own this year. Focusing on her studies is proving to be much more difficult than she originally thought. Distractions, distractions. *Sexual themes, Dom/Sub, Sub!Hyuck, Littleshit!Hyuck, dirty talk, Hyuck likes pain beware* ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
You plopped the final container onto the floor among the sea of boxes that was your new living room and stood up straight with a huff and a back crack. After two years of commuting from home to class, an apartment was the next step in your life so here you were just a block from campus moving all of your belongings into your new place. The freedom was very much needed considering your parents waited up for you citing your curfew was 11:00pm, same as high school.
Now, in your new apartment, you could come and go as you pleased. No one could tell you what to do, and you could have anyone over whenever you wanted at any time. It didn’t look like much with brown cardboard covering every inch of the simple space, but it would come together little by little. It was a quaint studio unfurnished save for the beat up old couch your parents had to offer and your bed. It smelled a little like what they used to lay the carpet with, but nothing a candle couldn’t cover. The next step was unpacking said sea of boxes; there couldn't be a thought more tiring than that.
You had been monotonously folding your clothes into your drawers for almost an hour when an unfortunate thought crossed your mind, a pit sinking in your stomach. Freezing in your spot, T-Shirt in hand, you couldn’t remember if you locked your car after the last trip inside. Your arm dropped to rest atop the edge of the open drawer as you mentally retraced your steps. The quick recap did not leave you with a satisfying conclusion so you jumped up in a rush, dropping the shirt sloppily into the drawer, and snatched your keys off the kitchen counter and threw the door open.
Only to smash it directly into something.
You gasped and swung the wooden door closed behind you once in the hallway, hands covering your agape mouth as you looked at what—who—you hit. A guy slightly taller than your eye-level stood in front of you with a hand rubbing his face, eyes screwed shut, and a groan of pain leaving his lips.
“Oh my god. I am so sorry. Are you okay?” The boy opened his eyes and blinked a few times trying to center himself until his gaze landed on you partially obstructed by the view of his hand.
“I’m—,“ He began, but you didn't let him finish.
“Oh no, your nose is bleeding, you’re not fine! Come here.” You grabbed his free wrist and pulled him into your apartment. “Sit here." After navigating the two of you through the boxes, you plopped him down on the couch. All you had to offer him was a wad of toilet paper to hold under his bleeding nose. “Hang on, hold this here, let me get you some ice.”
The frozen bag of microwavable peas you had bought would have to do. Back from the kitchen, you sat beside him on the couch and gently pressed the frozen bag up against his banged-up forehead. He already had a bump and a bruise slowly darkening. The pressure earned a wince from the boy. Living in an apartment would apparently take more getting used to than you thought. No more swinging the door open at random.
You felt horrible, guilt eating away at you already. The only other time you felt anything remotely like this was at your cousin's seventh birthday party. A pinata, a plastic baseball bat, and some poor dad's awaiting stomach too close to the danger zone. You went inside and cried in your room for an hour convinced you did irreparable damage to his liver.
The silence between you and the stranger didn't last long before you were dumping out another apology. “I am so, so sorry about this. I wasn’t thinking. I thought I left my car unlocked and so I rushed out and…” You rambled momentarily, before realizing you didn’t even know his name. “I’m sorry,” you apologized again mostly for beginning to rant, “what’s your name?”
He tilted his head back a little to be able to speak around the rolled up toilet paper, “It’s okay, thanks for the help. My name is Donghyuck.” He sounded nasally from the obstruction. “I see you’re my new neighbor,” he laughed. You would have focused more on how pretty his laugh and smile were if you weren’t too busy smacking your forehead with your other hand.
“I would say it’s nice to meet you, but I don’t know if I deserve to, considering the circumstances,” you chuckled a bit, “but I’m ___. And please don’t thank me, you’re battered and bruised because of me.”
He laughed again at that. “Ah this is nothing, you should have seen the other guy,” he nodded his head in the direction of the door. A full, real, genuine smile appeared as a result of his joke.
“Yeah, wait, did you dent my door?” You joked, your eyebrows pulled together, peering past him to look at your door.
“Hey! That’s not the concern here. Your door doesn’t need frozen vegetables on its forehead.”
You dropped your arm containing the now-warming frozen vegetables into your lap and laughed, head thrown back and all. It was the first time you actually let yourself look at Donghyuck. This entire time, you were too painfully embarrassed to look him in the eye and, although you were watching him as he attempted to stop his bleeding nose, it didn’t take away from his looks.
He was beautiful. His light brown hair complimented his tan skin well with soft cheeks, bright brown eyes, and a sharp jawline. The contrasting soft and hard features paired well together. When you walked Donghyuck the short way out of your apartment, not before offering any of the limited food you have, you threw yourself onto your squeaky, old bed. What a way to kick off your new independent life.
Donghyuck, however, spent the next year paying you back for the trouble you caused him that fateful first day with plenty of trouble of his own. You two had grown closer over the time you spent as neighbors; the epitome of sweet and sour.
The Following Year
“Jesus Christ!” You clutched your racing heart as you shut your apartment door behind you, eyeing the dark figure in your kitchen just a few feet away. “Would you please stop doing that? Why haven’t I stolen back that spare key yet?” You flicked your light on to view your shameless, annoying neighbor.
Donghyuck just grinned at you, leaning with his back against the kitchen counter as he scarfed down your new box of Cheerios straight from the bag, “you have the best cereal,” he said, muffled, as he dumped another handful into his mouth.
“You gave me a heart attack just so you can eat my cereal?” You plopped your bookbag on the ground somewhere along your trek to the couch to which Donghyuck followed, dropping beside you and lifting his feet to the coffee table. “Don’t you want to see me?” He batted his puppy dog eyes at you with fake innocence and absolutely real cuteness, unfortunately for you.
With an exaggerated frown, you shoved his feet off the table. This had been a constant battle with Hyuck. His favorite hobby, especially recently, seemed to be aggravating you. Hyuck’s natural state was Little Shit, but his Little Shitness had amplified in the past few weeks since he stole that spare key you originally planned to give to your mom for emergencies. He knew how to pull the right strings to get what he wanted and it was impossible to say no when he gave you that face. It was akin to how your pet looked when you accidentally stepped on their foot.
“Is it wrong to not want a heart attack at 20?” You threw back at him.
“How about this,” he began, “you just expect me to be in your apartment and then no more heart attacks.” He chose instead to drape his legs over yours, stretching out the full length of the rather short couch. You rolled your eyes and he continued, “besides, it’s also binge watching night.”
Every Thursday night was dubbed “binge watch night” where you two would cram in as many episodes of your latest series as you could before midnight. This tradition had been going strong with minimal interruption since the summer when neither of you had enough extra curricular activities to keep you busy.
You felt your face fall and he narrowed his eyes at you, “what?” Looking everywhere but him, you hesitantly admitted, “I um… I actually have a date coming over… tonight…”
“That’s breaking code!” Hyuck whined, head dropping back over the armrest letting his hair flop back with gravity. Guilt instantly hit you.
“I-I know, I’m sorry, I figured we could have binge night tomorrow?” You offered weakly.
Hyuck lifted his head back up, “I already promised Mark I’d hang out with him.” Your heart sank at the disappointment written on his face.
“I’m sorry, Hyuckie, there was no other time we could get together.” 4
“What time’s he coming over?” He asked, pulling himself into a proper sitting position. You found your thighs felt cold from where his sweatpant-covered calves had been resting.
“At 8:00, so in a few hours.”
His thinking face kicked into gear. “We can watch at least two episodes!” He lunged for the remote on the coffee table and booted up Netflix. The least you could do was give him two episodes since you were bailing on him the rest of the night.
When Donghyuck was kicked out for the night for _____’s date night he knew exactly what was going to happen. It might not be the same guy, he was never sure, but it was a similar routine. This wasn’t an uncommon occurrence and every time Donghyuck was stuck between boiling jealousy and extreme desire. The walls were thin, something you had yet to really take into consideration when the “activities” began.
Hyuck laid writhing in his bed that sat against your shared wall, pressing his pillow over his ears desperately trying to tune it out, to not be affected, to not do what he so desperately wanted every single time he heard them. It was torturous. The first time he had listened out of curiosity as most people would, he told himself, but what he was left with after was an unsatisfied, guilty orgasm and a horrendous need clawing at his insides.
What he heard wasn’t what he expected to hear—a girl’s high pitched moans and a guy’s low grunts. Whatever was going on in there, it was the opposite. It awakened something in Hyuck. “Good boys don’t touch without permission,” he heard your muffled voice say and “do you think you deserve to cum?” followed by whimpers that Donghyuck swore the parking lot could hear.
Words weren’t all he had heard. The sharp sound of a smack had him whimpering into his palm as if he’d been on the receiving end, nearly making him finish on that alone. Every noise was deafening. He’d never been so fixated on anything in his life. It felt like a drug and every time it took all his mental effort to block it out. His bangs stuck to his forehead with sweat and his labored breathing made him dizzy. By the time it was over, he’d run himself a cold shower and nearly tear his hair out. Then, he would pretend he never heard anything and go back to normal.
Midterms had rapidly approached, leaving you frantic and without a second to yourself. With a paper here and a project or a test there, you were up to your neck in work and drowning. Your fingers hovered over your laptop keyboard, struggling to find words to even get started on one of the papers you had. Dry eyes and chapped lips from anxiously gnawing on them-you weren’t in the best shape of your life.
That’s why when you heard the loud rumbling, gunshots, and hoots and hollers coming from Hyuck’s apartment, you immediately pounded on your shared wall to give him the hint.
The noises didn’t stop. Aggravated, you stood up with a frustrated groan and stormed out of your apartment, straight to his door.
He smiled brightly in the doorway, “hey, ______”, controller still in hand and headset snug over his messy hair. You didn't return his warm greeting.
“Would you keep it down? You know it's midterms. And you should be studying, too.” You pointed out, eyebrow raising.
“I was! I needed a break. You should take one, too, come play a round!” He held the controller out towards you and you gave him an exasperated look.
“I can’t. I have a paper due by the end of the week.” You folded your arms across your chest and Hyuck’s eyes flickered down toward your movement momentarily before snapping back up to your face. “So, if you’d be so kind, please keep it down.” With that, you turned and went back to working.
You were halfway done with the assigned chapter of homework post-classes when a sudden knock sounded at your door. Your eyebrows furrowed and you placed your hefty textbook on the coffee table open to the page you were on. There was no reason for anyone to be coming over at this hour. Once across the room, you peered through the eyehole to see a delivery person with a bag of food in hand, looking expectantly at the door.
Confused, you opened it, “hi, um, I think you might have the wrong apartment. I–,” You went to explain further, but your neighbor’s door flew open before you had the chance.
“Ahh! That’s where my food ended up. Should have known you were trying to take it, ____.” Donghyuck waltzed out and took the package from the guy, swapping money into his hand instead. “Have a nice night!” He waved to the perplexed delivery guy as he walked back down the hall to the stairs. “Since I’m already here…” Hyuck pushed past you into your apartment.
You rolled your eyes with your back to him, “Hyuck, I’m in the middle of homework.”
“And now you’re about to be in the middle of eating delicious Chinese food.” He raised the little carton and shook it invitingly. The boy had already made himself at home on your couch, textbook tossed to the floor, now upside-down and closed.
“You–I didn’t know what page I was on!” The frustration came out in a whine as you rifled through the pages around where the reading was centered hoping to find a section you recognized to go off of.
“Ah, let me help.” Purposefully, knowing you would be frazzled by that, he still reached over with his greasy, crumb covered hand to grab your textbook.
You smacked his hand out of the way. “No, no! No touching.” You refused to let his grimy hands get all over your pages and gunk them up. He withdrew his hand slowly and looked at you, taken aback and blinking. It was hard to tell what was going through his head at that moment, he looked half like he’d seen a ghost and half like–
Donghyuck, with a mouth full of egg roll and much less bothered than you, turned the TV on, “okay, then leave the book and watch this show with me. Jeno said it’s better than Alice in Borderland, which can’t be possible so…” It was hard to stay mad at him. He did buy you both Chinese food.
You agreed to only one episode, but of course the episodes were an hour long. The break was nice, but the textbook beside you wasn’t going to read itself. Getting good grades this semester was important; you had to prove to your family and yourself that you could live alone and still be responsible. That you could have the freedom you want and still get your work done. There wasn’t much worse than disapproving stares of your parents if your grades reflected what they expected to come with living on your own.
The episode came to a close and immediately Hyuck was trying to weasel his way into another one, “come on! You can’t expect us to leave it at that! That’s basically a cliffhanger.” He gestured at the tv, nearly knocking over the empty noodle carton.
“One. episode.” You were firm in your decision, punctuating each word poignantly.
He made a discontented noise and grabbed the trash, “can’t have any fun these days…” The statement was half-hearted and dramatic for comedic effect, Hyuck’s specialty.
You helped him carry the remainder over to the bin, “nope, I’m no fun at all that’s why you keep coming back to my apartment.” You joked with him, opening your front door to escort him out.
His smile spilled open and cracked his fake-hurt facade. “Okay, well, it’s not my fault your apartment just has better things.” He shrugged, “try to actually have a weekend, yeah? Starting tomorrow?” He offered. “Then I won’t have to invade and force you to have some fun.”
“I have fun! It’s just midterms, Hyuck. Maybe, instead, you should study with me.” You countered. He made a repulsed face, “I could think of a million more fun things to do with you other than studying.”
You paused, heat rising to your cheeks, desperately trying to seem like you didn’t read into that statement. You knew he didn’t mean it the way it sounded, but it definitely came off suggestive. Laughing it off, albeit a bit awkwardly, you agree with him in order to strategically diffuse and act like you didn’t think of what you just had.
“Yeah, yeah, we know you aren’t fond of studying,” was how you changed your course of thought. “Well, let me get back to it at least for tonight and then I’ll worry about having fun.” You mocked him lightheartedly at the end.
“Right like I haven't heard that one before.” He raised his eyebrows, amused, before making his exit to the hall.
As luck would have it, your brain decided to repeat his comment over and over again, “I could think of a million more fun things to do with you other than studying”, instead of the words of the textbook. You hurried through the last few pages, skimming more than comprehending. It was obvious you weren’t going to soak up much from the rest of this reading even if you stared at it the rest of the night.
Saturday you were already up and at it, sitting at your desk on your computer. You had made quite the progress on one of your papers and now you focused on the PowerPoint for your presentation coming up. As if on cue, in the middle of your work, you were startled out of focus by the loud interruption of your neighbor.
At the sound of your front door being flung open and then shut again, you nearly jumped out of your skin. You swiveled in your spot to see Donghyuck in only a towel wrapped around his waist, dripping water onto your tiled kitchen floor. His smooth, tan skin was on full display against the white towel draped low.
Your eyes widened comically, “what the hell are you doing?” You almost couldn’t ignore the desire to let your gaze wander lower than his face, fighting against your natural reaction as you waited for him to answer.
“My shower won’t get hot! I need to use yours.” He pointed to the door beside him to your bathroom. You sighed at him, “Hyuck, we’re on the same water heating system.” You bit the inside of your lip in an attempt to gather some more control. Eyes on his face. “
Something's wrong with my shower then because it’s not working. I’ll be quick!” He assured you with a charming smile before disappearing into your bathroom giving you no chance to protest any further.
The sound of the shower humming actually aided in your focus like a nice white noise to keep distractions at bay. You got more work done than you probably would have originally, now several slides down. It worked so well that when the running water turned off, it felt like your mind had as well. You made an exasperated noise, deleting your latest sentence after rereading its clunkiness.
“Just like I said, nice and warm.” Hyuck’s voice right behind you, directly in your ear, made you yelp.
“Why must you do that?” He laughed, but you weren’t laughing with him. He was too close and too lacking in clothes for you to be relaxed and jovial. “And would you put some damn clothes on? This is my home, not a locker room.” You averted your eyes to the side for your own sanity. Warmth spread along your cheeks and neck. The clean, freshly-showered scent on him was potent and your brain felt fuzzy.
“Does it bother you?” Hyuck’s voice was a little more even then, even and low, a little too much so for your liking.
“Yes and I’m trying to work.” You turned back to your computer to emphasize that. Your eyes might have been back on the screen, but you were not processing anything in front of you. He hadn’t moved from his spot behind you. You could tell even before he spoke that his presence was still too close.
“Oh so I’m distracting you? That’s one way to get you to stop being such a workaholic.” It was impossible not to miss the tease in his voice. You poked your tongue into your cheek as you turned around, looking him dead in the eye. His tone matched the smirk on his full lips.
“I’m going to kick your ass if you don’t leave me to my work.” You smile a tight smile, speaking in a sickly sweet voice. “Now be good and go entertain yourself until I’m finished.” Hyuck blinked at you. Whatever you said seemed to have worked as he swallowed hard and listened for the time being.
“Fine, but I’ll get you out of that chair so help me.” He pouted and turned on his heel to leave.
Safe now from his eyes, your gaze roamed the expanse of his exposed back as he headed to your door. Your tongue swiped over your lips and you turned back around to attempt working once more. It wasn’t nearly as successful as earlier.
It was the night before one of your final papers was due and you stared at it with your head in your palm and low-lidded eyes. You had been editing for an hour now after finalizing the conclusion. Once you finished looking it over, you would call it good. Only to move onto the next project anyway. Midterms were kicking your ass. Your headphones blared random movie scores to drown out any distractions, including hearing your neighbor let himself into your apartment as he so often did.
One second you were looking at your computer screen, and the next you were staring at the wall behind it. Your gaze dropped to your desk where your now-shut laptop sat with a hand on the lid. Trailing your eyes up the arm in view, you landed on Donghyuck smiling triumphantly at you from his decision. You saw red.
“DONGHYUCK!” You roared his name and jumped up from the chair. He cowered back slightly at the sheer anger radiating from you. “Why would you do that?!” You questioned wildly, eyes wide and eyebrows pulled tight together.
“You wouldn’t answer my texts, I wanted you to take a break!” He responded with almost equal intensity.
“I hadn’t saved yet! You made me lose everything I just did!” You gestured to the now closed laptop. “This is due tomorrow,” you all but growled at him.
“I didn’t know that! I thought you would have been more responsible…” He shrugged and moved to lean his back against the wall. Hyuck was really digging into every nerve. Your hands balled at your sides, muscles tensing, jaw clenching.
“How was I supposed to know my shithead of a neighbor was going to come in and ruin everything? Maybe I should have just expected it at this point.” You unleashed everything. These last few weeks of minimal sleep, he had been pushing all of your buttons, getting on every last nerve despite all the work you had to do. This was the final straw.
“It’s not my fault you didn’t save!” He justified, crossing his arms.
“It’s your fault it’s gone! I wouldn’t have just randomly shut my computer! I've been working on that all day. You better pray that my conclusion is still there.” You took a step closer to him.
“You’re overreacting, I’m sure it’s fine!” You couldn’t help but let out a baffled laugh at him out of the sheer ridiculousness.
“You’re telling me I’m overreacting? You know I’ve been working my ass off and you’ve done nothing to help! All you’ve done is distract and bother me every time I try to focus!” You threw your hands around wildly as you spoke, your emotions raging.
“Yeah! Because you’ve had a stick up your ass, I’m trying to do you a favor.”
That was it. You rushed forward and jabbed your pointer finger into his chest, “listen, asshole, I have work to do. I don't have time to be playing your little games. It’d be much appreciated if you could behave for once until I finish what I need to do unless you want me to throw your xbox out the window.”
Donghyuck's eyes dropped then slid back up to your face lazily, breath coming out heavier than before. The whole mood shifted as he licked his lips and swallowed. The force of the change in air between you two sent a chill to the base of your gut. Your tense shoulders relaxed a little and you backed off, eyeing him curiously.
Then it clicked all at once—why he wanted to bother you constantly, why he had been acting so weird around you, why he would shut up right after you reprimanded him. “Wait…" Donghyuck's gaze never wavered from you as you spoke, "do you, like, like this?” Your anger had dissolved leaving intrigue behind. Donghyuck blinked quickly a couple of times to regulate himself.
“W-Uh, what? Wh—,“ he stuttered, deep redness coloring his cheeks. You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Is that what this is? Huh? You like when I’m stern with you? Like when I’m mad?” Your voice was tempting, teasing, egging him on now. He licked over his parted lips again and then nodded slowly at you, he couldn’t even deny it. You let out a patronizing laugh at his brazen honesty. “Can’t even speak now? Can’t even use your words?”
He swallowed hard, “I hear you…” A little breathless, “I hear what you do with the guys you bring home. No one has ever been able to do that for me.” He looked at you with glossy eyes. Hyuck just admitted to listening in when you had sex and liking it. Your jaw clenched. Want and need bloomed deep within you.
“You… want me to dom you?”
The boy who just stuttered regained his footing, “unless you don’t think you can… you nervous?” He said teasingly, back to his old tricks.
It didn’t take much deliberation for you to decide to test the waters. Donghyuck was attractive, that was a fact, and now you not only knew he wanted you, but he’d been taunting you, egging you on, inciting you to give him even a fraction of what his twisted, horny mind wanted.
“Oh I know I can.” You were quick to stand up a little taller, stepping into his personal space and he tilted backwards into the wall at your first show of dominance. “The question is if you can handle it?”
“You’re cute,” he scoffed, “I don’t think you are up for it as much as you’re acting like you are.” His cocky expression stayed, looking straight at you. You wanted nothing more than to wipe that look off of his face. No one, especially not your subs, spoke to you in this manner.
“Me? I don’t think you know what you’re up against, pretty boy.” He raised his eyebrows once at the nickname—noted.
“Hmm… I don’t know. No girls ever seem to have it in them,” he paused, clearly choosing his words very carefully judging by the glint in his eye as he spoke, “they aren’t dominant enough... too soft, too sweet… you know what? Maybe I’ll just take the lead from here,” he started to reach for your shoulders to flip you two around, but you caught the hint he was putting down.
He wanted more; angrier, more aggressive. He wanted to feel it and he was pushing all the buttons he knew in order to get you to. You weren’t so mad as you were annoyed, but you knew how to deal with a brat like him. You looked him dead in the eye and placed your hand under his chin, feigning a sweet gesture to make sure his mouth was closed as you brought your right hand up to slap him straight on the cheek. He turned his head back to you after the force and his dominant façade faltered. He breathed heavily, eyes low lidded, mouth dropped open with a red mark seeping into his skin. It took him a full beat to regain himself after that one. He straightened up and pulled himself together once more with a short, cocky as ever chuckle.
Grinning, he said, “that all?” His eyes sparkled as he spoke smugly, taking a step off the wall closer to you, “did I hit a nerve, angel?” You would have to do something about the cockiness in his voice.
You had the advantage of him not standing much taller than you, his eye level just the tiniest fraction higher than yours. You placed your hands on his chest in front of you and pushed, sending him stumbling backwards back into the wall heavily. Another break in the façade. He took in a deep breath after the impact, head dropping back against the wall momentarily before lolling back up to look at you with a lazy smirk still toying on his lips. There was much less strength behind his fire already and you’d barely done anything. You knew Donghyuck, though, and he wouldn’t give up that easy even if you’d started making a dent in his act.
“You know you’re so cute when you try,” his eyes were much darker now, heavy with unsatisfied lust as he stared you down, egging you on. His heart beat wildly under the palm you still held flat on his chest over his thin T-shirt.
You leaned your body against his, pressing as much of yourself into him as possible to pin him against the wall, making sure to get right up to his ear as you spoke, “the safe word is sunflower. Try not to use it, angel,” you threw the term right back at him and the effect was stronger than you thought, his breath leaving him in a whoosh.
The left side of his mouth still quirked up, “I don’t think I’ll be needing that,” he dismissed, an eyebrow raising tauntingly. It was your turn to smirk and his lip twitched, face almost dropping as he saw your commanding expression.
You’d slipped into your persona effortlessly, something you’d done countless times. “We’ll see about that.”
You crashed your lips into his, parting them easily and tilting your head to lick your tongue across his plump lips until his tongue met yours. You wasted no time in making the kiss deep, sucking on his lips and licking against his tongue. His willingness to submit was palpable through the kiss, so pliant and ready to let you take the lead and have control even if he wasn’t ready to stop being a brat yet. You reached up to wind a hand into his hair, gripping onto the roots tightly and pulling, content at the whine you heard leave him before he could hold himself back. You bit down on his bottom lip and immediately his hands rushed to hold onto you, grabbing your hips tight as if to communicate without words how much he liked it.
Now that he was out of breath and a little weaker in the knees, you broke apart and watched him pant with flushed cheeks and blown out pupils. His hands lessened their grip on you, but grappled at your clothes to pull you back to him.
“On the bed.” You ordered, ignoring his silent plea.
Even in this state--disheveled hair, rosy cheeks, drunk gaze--he managed a, “make me.” Completely opposite of his body's actions.
Your hand came across the same cheek as earlier and he gasped openly at the feeling. It was definitely harder than the first time.
“You need me to smack you around that badly, you little pain slut?” You remembered his thing for name calling from earlier and it didn’t disappoint. The look of pure desire on his face after you uttered that word sent a bolt of pleasure straight down your center.
As he was caught off guard, you shoved him to his knees. Dirty talk was going to be the way to get him to behave. You stared down at him below you with hands on your hips.
“You just want to be smacked around and put in your place like my own personal whore. Pathetic. Can’t even ask for what you want, have to be a little brat to force it out of me, huh?” You lifted your sock-clad foot and pressed it onto his crotch. He shuddered under you and your words, his own failing him now. His hands moved to grab your calf, running them up and down your leg from your knee to your ankle as you kept your foot on him. “That’s what I thought. Not so brave now, are you?” You smirked down at him.
His head, previously hanging low, tilted up to look at you, eyes shining and you almost think he might beg. But, of course, it’s Donghyuck. “You,” pant, “wish.” His words held bite, but the way he clutched at your leg told another story. You had him.
“Oh you can speak?” You pressed a little harder and heard his intake of breath. “Now, why don’t we try this again? Get on the bed.” You lifted your foot off with his hands reluctantly retreating and he obeyed this time, seating himself on the edge looking at you. “That’s it, good boy.” You smiled victoriously. “Now strip.” You commanded.
He blinked at you for a moment before doing what he was told. First, he tugged his shirt over his head and that was thrown somewhere for you to find later. Your eyes raked shamelessly over the newly exposed skin you could now openly gawk at. It had been so tempting when he got out of the shower to look, but now you were free to. His honey skin was glowing and smooth. He was slim, but not overly defined. Just beautiful. You wanted to touch him desperately, but you couldn't--at least not yet. He stood to slip off his gray sweatpants, leaving him standing in a pair of black Celine underwear. You nodded once as a cue to finish the job. He slid his thumbs into the waistband and pulled down, freeing his hard cock.
He wasn’t small, not the largest, but average, and it was leaking and pink all for you and as pretty as you expected. It betrayed all you needed to know about how much he was truly ready and willing for you despite his antics.
He sat back down now fully naked on your bed and you took your time in taking in his body, watching a pink blush appear on his cheeks. “You are so pretty,” you walked up to him and traced a finger down his neck to his chest. You flattened your hand and smoothed it over his warm skin. “Too bad you were a brat today, brats don’t get what they want.” You threaded your hand through his hair and yanked his head backward, exposing his neck to reinforce your power. You leaned into his ear, “lie down, arms above your head.” He did what he was told again as if he were under your spell. “Someone’s eager now, hm?” You taunted. No bite back. You smiled to yourself.
You went a few steps to your closet to retrieve something and returned to your bed. Donghyuck’s eyes widened at the sight of what’s in your grasp—black rope. His pretty mouth parted to where you can see his cute front teeth peeking out behind his top lip. “Bad boys like you don’t get to touch.” You took his wrists and wrapped the rope around them and your bed frame snugly. You didn’t miss the way Donghyuck’s chest heaved a little heavier at being tied up, his whole body squirming slightly at being so exposed and turned on.
You had to take a moment to enjoy how good he looked tied up and ready for you on your bed. Light sheets accentuated his tan skin and flushed features, a sheen of sweat across his whole body. He was beautifully vulnerable and completely at your mercy.
From your spot standing at his bedside, you watched him tug a bit on the restraints to test their strength before he looked at you through his lashes with that heavy, wanting gaze. “See, the only way you can tame me is by tying me up.” He still had some fire in him after all.
You just smirked and smacked a hand down onto his delicious thigh, “wishful thinking that this is the only trick up my sleeve.” He whimpered at the sting, biting down on his lip to keep himself quiet. “Cute.”
“It’s funny,” you started again, leaning your hands against the bed, “you’re acting as if you didn’t get hard while listening to me fuck someone else, as if you didn’t touch yourself to my voice, as if you didn’t cum to what you just imagined sex with me would be like.” You slid a hand up his thigh from his knee as you spoke, watching him squirm the higher on his leg you got. As your hand moved, you knelt onto the bed beside him. “Did you or did you not cum from listening to me?” You asked. He stared at you, cheeks deepening in color, and stayed silent. You smacked him again on the thigh, closer to his cock this time. “Answer me.”
He swallowed hard. “I did,” he managed to say.
“That’s what I thought.” You landed a smack to his cock and he couldn’t stop the sound that left him from the unsuspecting feeling, a gasp of pleasure. “You enjoyed it that much, huh? Just had to get yourself off you were so desperate.” His hips canted up at the degradation.
“Not my fault you’re loud.” He choked out. You smacked his hard cock again, leaving it redder than before. He groaned, pulling on the rope again. You crawled up the bed to leave bite marks all over him, every suck and nip had him writhing.
“You’re so sensitive for how big you talk.” You commented, moving down his body, kissing and biting, leaving pretty red and purple marks until your lips hovered over his aching, leaking cock. As you spoke, your lips brushed the sensitive head, “did you ever think I was loud so you could hear me?”
His eyes rolled back after those words left your mouth, then fluttered shut as you licked your tongue flat across the tip of his dick. “W-What?” He choked out as your lips engulfed just the head. He was quivering from trying not to buck his hips into your mouth.
“An annoyingly handsome boy next door, you think I hadn’t thought about this?” You pulled off to say only to sink back down as far as you could on his length, his breathy whine was well worth the effort.
“Y-You thought about this?” His breathing was growing labored the longer you teased him.
“About wrecking you? Absolutely.” You slid your tongue up the underside of the shaft. He moaned out loud at that, hips moving against his will as they searched for more to grant him that release, hands gripping at his restraints. “Eyes open.”
He looked at you, pupils blown, as you stood from the bed. You stripped slowly out of your clothes now and watched his eyes rove down your naked body, the pure lust in his expression enough to leave you breathless. Once completely naked, you climbed back onto the bed, positioning yourself over top of him straddling his hips. He watched your every move and then locked his eyes low, onto your pussy mere inches from his cock. “You want something?” You asked in a taunting voice.
“You.” He said, breathless. “Fuck me.”
“If you want me to fuck you, you have to ask nicely.” You lowered down trapping his cock between your pussy and his stomach, not allowing him inside yet. You began rocking your hips shallowly forward and backward, just enough for him to slip between your folds and feel how wet you were.
A groan left his throat, “I know you want it, too. I can feel how wet you are, just fuck me.” Donghyuck tried one last attempt at being bratty.
“If you want your cock in my pussy, you will ask nicely. Or I, with the free hands, can get myself off just fine, and leave you here, tied up and hard, to sit and think about your attitude.” You lifted yourself up slightly, just enough to slide your fingers over your clit a few times before dipping into yourself, gasping at the feeling.
The strain on Donghyuck’s jaw was evident from clenching it so hard as he watched you finger fuck yourself right in front of him. His eyes glued to your digits appearing and disappearing in and out of you. He licked his lips, barely daring to blink. You wanted him just as badly. Your fingers were great and all, but there was a dick right in front of you that would fill you up much better. But, you had to stay strong against Donghyuck.
“All you have to do is ask.” You moaned, mostly for the show of it all, letting your fingers glide deliciously. The sound alone was enough to make him dizzy. His hips shifted below you, inadvertently trying to chase access. “Good boys ask nicely.” You tilted your head to the side, delivering a particularly hard thrust into yourself.
He bit his lower lip and furrowed his brow, sweat beading on his forehead. His eyes followed your fingers disappearing into you. You had him right where you wanted him, he could feel the brush of your fingers moving atop his cock as you hovered just over him. One movement and he could be inside you. So you reminded him.
“All I have to do is--” you used your wet fingers to wrap around his cock and align him up with you, just barely brushing the tip against your wet lips. His mouth parted in anticipation, trying to keep his hips still when you were right there waiting and ready for him to thrust up into. “--sit.”
“Please.” It came out rushed and desperate. Almost as if he didn’t mean to say it, there was a pause following it as you just quirked a brow up, but as soon as the word left his lips it was like the dam broke. “Please fuck me,” he begged with a whine to his tone, “please, I need it. I need to feel you, I--,” Before he could finish, as a reward for finally letting go, you sank his tip into you. The hips he kept so still the whole time finally moved, canting up to push another inch into your tight pussy.
“That’s my good boy.” You praised, finally sinking down the rest of the way, sitting fully onto him.
He tossed his head back from the pleasure and you didn't look much different. He filled you up so perfectly in the way your fingers couldn't reach, sliding so well. “Please let me touch you, please.” It was as though please became his favorite word.
“I don’t know… you were very bad for me today.” You rose up and sank back down again relishing in his girth.
“I won’t be anymore, please, I just want to touch you.” He shook from the sensations, tugging against the rope hard, his pretty wrists rubbed red from his movement.
One more grind and you lifted off to free his hands and they immediately flew to your hips as you sat back down on his ready cock. He grabbed at you and ran his hands up and down your soft sides before he couldn’t take that anymore and sat up, pressing your bodies flush together as you rode him. He filled you up at the perfect angle and rocked with you, hitting the right spot over and over again. His warm hands wandered everywhere: your back, your neck, your hair, your ass.
“Fuck.” He breathed into your ear. “Fuck this is so much better than I could have imagined. I did get myself off, shit, to the thought of you, but I never dreamed your pussy was this tight, this good,” he groaned. “You’re amazing.” He kissed your neck, leaving his own light marks as he went.
You let yourself enjoy the pleasure momentarily before you turned the act back on; equal for a moment to just enjoy each other, before you go back to giving him everything he had been pining for.
Amidst your grinding, you slid a hand up to his throat, lightly smoothing over the base and upon hearing his breath hitch, you knew it was the right move. You gripped tighter onto his neck, putting pressure on the sides, and his kissing stopped, mouth open in a silent moan as you choked him, eyes low-lidded as he looked at you. His grip tightened against your hip, leaning into his other hand to support the two of you.
“There it is, the pain slut you know you are. Look at yourself, on the verge of cumming because a pretty girl has her hand around your throat,” you taunted.
It was quite an effort to not show how much this was affecting you. You were getting closer with each grind of your bodies together, skin to skin. Watching his facial expressions of pleasure was only making it harder on you. His eyebrows furrowing, lips parted, eyes struggling to stay open to see everything. You removed your hand from his throat, aiming at giving him some air, but his own hand caught your retreating wrist, pinning your grip back to his throat and squeezing, indicating he wanted it harder.
“Fuck.” You breathed involuntarily and gave him what he wanted, tightening your grip and toppling him back onto his back against the sheets.
The moment you tightened your grip on his throat and pushed him back, his eyes locked directly onto your own, pleading as his movements sped up, “c-close,” he managed hoarsely.
You didn���t miss a beat, “gonna cum for me?” Your voice was sweet. “Should I let you?”
“Please, please, please,” he chanted, holding onto your hand against his throat. Watching his desperation sent you hurtling toward your peak as well.
“I’ll allow it,” you granted, “go on, cum for me.”
Instantly, Donghyuck’s head lolled back, exposing his sharp jawline and neck for you to suck on. He choked out a whiny moan as he came inside you, breathing heavily, hips stuttering. You finished at the tail end of his orgasm, rubbing your clit to the sight and sounds of him.
“Shit.” He breathed, coming down from his high and feeling your hand slip off of his throat. You slowly pulled off of him once your brain cleared a little more, plopping in the free space on your bed on your back, legs overlapping Donghyuck’s as you stretched out your knees.
“Fuck,” he swore again.
“Is that all you can say?” You asked, smiling at the ceiling, running through what the hell just happened.
“Yeah. No brain.” He draped an arm over his eyes, spent.
“Are you happy, then?” You turned to him, “happy you made me mad?” You joked.
“Absolutely. I would do it the same all over again.”
“You could have just asked…?”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Donghyuck laid his head to the right to look at you, a grin on his face. You just laughed like Donghyuck always made you laugh.
“I was supposed to finish a paper today.” You rubbed your hands over your face.
Donghyuck propped himself up on his elbow, “well you finished something else instead.” He grinned like he’d been waiting to make that joke for ages. You smacked his arm and the two of you just laughed.
“I have to pee. Find my underwear, it's around here somewhere.” You instructed him when you left. It was hard to believe what just happened, it had happened so quickly, so sudden. Things either got cleared up or got a lot more complicated, but you weren’t going to think about that right now. Right now, you were going to enjoy it and enjoy whatever this was for what it was worth.
When you came back, Donghyuck looked to die for in just his gray sweats lounging on your bed. He twirled your panties around his pointer finger, “I think you’ll need new underwear, I can’t find them.” He jokingly lied, then slid the lacy pair into his pocket and shrugged innocently.
“You are something else.”
“Something else wants to eat snacks and watch Netflix, you in?”
Whatever this was, you were happy.
Next up- New Neighbor, Part Two: Revenge
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raewrites423 · 17 days
☼New Neighbor: Coming Soon
When Donghyuck was kicked out for the night for your date night, he knew exactly what was going to happen. It might not be the same guy, he was never sure, but it was a similar routine. This wasn’t an uncommon occurrence and every time Donghyuck was stuck between boiling jealousy and extreme desire. The walls were thin, something you had yet to really take into consideration when the “activities” began.
Hyuck laid writhing in his bed that sat against your shared wall, pressing his pillow over his ears desperately trying to tune it out, to not be affected, to not do what he so desperately wanted every single time he heard. It was torturous. The first time he had listened out of curiosity as most people would, he told himself, but what he was left with after was an unsatisfied, guilty orgasm and a horrendous need clawing at his insides.
What he heard wasn’t what he expected to hear—a girl’s high pitched moans and a guy’s low grunts. Whatever was going on in there, it was the opposite. It awakened something in Hyuck.
“Good boys don’t touch without permission,” he heard your muffled voice reprimand and “do you think you deserve to cum?” followed by whimpers Donghyuck swore the parking lot could hear. But, words weren’t all he had heard.
The sharp sound of a smack had him whimpering into his palm as if he’d been on the receiving end, nearly making him finish on that alone. Every noise was deafening. He’d never been so fixated on anything in his life. It felt like a drug and every time it took all his mental effort to block it out. His bangs stuck to his forehead with sweat and his labored breathing made him dizzy.
By the time it was over, he’d run himself a cold shower and nearly tear his hair out. Then, he would pretend he never heard anything and go back to normal.
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raewrites423 · 18 days
☼ New Neighbor: Coming Soon
~Will be Mature themes in the rest of the fic~
“I have fun! It’s just midterms, Hyuck. Maybe, instead, you should study with me.” You countered.
He made a repulsed face, “I could think of a million more fun things to do with you other than studying.”
You paused, heat rising to your cheeks, desperately trying to seem like you didn’t read into that statement. You knew he didn’t mean it the way it sounded, but it definitely came off suggestive.
Laughing it off, albeit a bit awkwardly, you agreed with him in order to strategically diffuse and act like you didn’t think of what you just had. “Yeah, yeah, we know you aren’t fond of studying,” was how you changed your course of thought. “Well, let me get back to it at least for tonight and then I’ll worry about having fun.” You mocked him lightheartedly at the end.
“Right like I haven't heard that one before.” He raised his eyebrows, amused, before making his exit to the hall.
As luck would have it, your brain decided to repeat his comment over and over again, “I could think of a million more fun things to do with you other than studying”, instead of the words of the textbook. You hurried through the last few pages, skimming more than comprehending. It was obvious you weren’t going to soak up much from the rest of this reading even if you stared at it the rest of the night.
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raewrites423 · 19 days
I am entering the dungeon of debauchery and releasing my writings upon the world. For all of us who can't be normal about liking anything, I am excited to post my first one soon!
If you like my writing and want to support me (and you have the means) you can send me a Ko-fi! If you don't have the means, I'm happy just to share my work with you (:
Thank you for being here and sharing in the madness!
See my first work here:
New Neighbor: Part One - Playing with Fire (8394 words) by raewrites423 Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: NCT (Band) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Lee Donghyuck | Haechan & Reader Characters: Lee Donghyuck | Haechan, Reader Additional Tags: Lee Donghyuck | Haechan is a Little Shit, Lee Donghyuck | Haechan is Whipped, Alternate Universe - College/University, College, Reader-Insert, Begging, Lee Donghyuck | Haechan is a Brat
Summary: Y/n just moved into a new college apartment and meets her new neighbor, Donghyuck. He is equal parts annoying and cute and she's in for a lot more than she bargained for living on her own this year. Focusing on her studies is proving to be much more difficult than she originally thought. Distractions, distractions.
Buy me a Kofi here if you like my writing and are able:
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