playmaker0810 · 3 months
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camila_cabello: a bientot
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playmaker0810 · 5 months
oh my i haven't been here since FOREVER. how are y'all doin? still on the camren boat?
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playmaker0810 · 1 year
Camila has changed PR firms. She is no longer with The Lede Company. She is now with BT PR.
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playmaker0810 · 1 year
the way that this vid can make me smile the whole time still is just saying something lol tbh fetus camren was a whole another level of happiness for me
US Cosmopolitan Interview
MP: Okay, in general, what traits do you find most attractive?
Camila: My dream relationship is one where you can act like best friends. Where you’re close to each other that you can laugh and be yourselves.
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playmaker0810 · 1 year
i agree with all of these. ever since tyren happened, we got to see who the real Lauren is. i guess we could say that her being in the industry and all the toxicity it has made her that way but still after every "i've learned a lot, i've grown beyond that, i'm being who i am", it doesn't change the fact that she's the definition of contradiction. all of what we see and hear about her are very contradictory which makes us really question what she really stands for and what she believes in.
i think Lauren often forgets that those fans she had from 5H days are growing up too and most of us are mature enough to see the realities from the bullshits she used to say to us esp her not letting go of that entitled energy she had before. that truly irks me to the point that i pity her so much.
one thing that i've seen from a lot of artists and celebrities nowadays is that when you show RESPECT, LOVE and APPRECIATION towards your fans, they will be with you and supporting you til the end. heck they will even fight tooth and nail just to protect you. but Lauren didn't do that. she drove her loyal fans away from her.
Anyways, as a former fan of Lauren, i wish her luck. i hope she gets whatever she wants in life.
Hi I just wanted to know how ur feeling about L? I see stuck has said she is no longer a fan of her and I’m seeing quite a lot of fans of her doing the same. I personally have felt no connection to her lately and just genuinely fed up with her attitude and the way she has been coming across. I’ve not even bothered to watch any of her performances she done with this tour and especially her interviews which is something I always looked forward to. I don’t know if she has changed or if we’re finally seeing the real her? I know we can say contracts etc but there’s only so much we can keep saying that and I know she’s not completely independent. I personally have always been more of a C fan as I can relate a lot with her but I’ve always been a fan of L too just not as strong I guess u could say. It’s actually making me feel sad that I’m feeling this for her I just don’t understand what’s/is happening with her there’s just so many things about her I’m not liking and I’m clearly not alone with this so I’m hoping u could share if u have been feeling the same or can explain it maybe?
Hey! I can completely understand where you, and Stuck are coming from. I haven't been feeling Lauren for a while, now. The reasons are numerous.
Honestly, it's not about contracts, or her being Independent, at this point. She hasn't really changed, at all. This is who she's always been, she's just more free to be herself now.
I think it's safe to say, the majority of Camren shippers were more into Camila, as an entertainer. Lauren performs. Camila entertains. That's not a bad thing. It's simply why Camila can captivate an audience, and Lauren has a harder time keeping her fans engaged. Lauren always wanted to be a singer. Camila always wanted to be an entertainer.
Another reason...One of the things that Camren shippers love about them, was how much they complemented each other. Lauren, the more easy going. Camila, the energizer fucking bunny. Lauren, more aggressive. Camila, more passive. You get the point. Without the interaction with Camila, even if indirects, we are left with Lauren's easy going, which is why people think she is simply lazy. And her , what seems like, continuous outspoken aggression. There's more, but again, you get the point.
The one that really turns me off, is Lauren's attitude. That young Lady is one walking talking contradiction. Her self-righteous attitude really grinds my gears..And it leaks into her music....Of course, and as always, these are just my opinions.
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playmaker0810 · 1 year
when sam said that... ugh my heart 🤧
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Do you know what I wished for just now? I wished that what you chose to do and prayed for becomes reality.
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playmaker0810 · 1 year
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#domestication level 100. 
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playmaker0810 · 1 year
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go off queen
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playmaker0810 · 1 year
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GAP THE SERIES (2022-2023)
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playmaker0810 · 1 year
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“let’s get married.”
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playmaker0810 · 1 year
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first dance (😫😭💀)
GAP THE SERIES | EP. 10 [2022-2023]
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playmaker0810 · 1 year
Can we talk about the sex scene
Considering how poorly written this show is at times, I found it incredibly mature and important that most of the episode was framed around Mon and Sam navigating how to have their first time, and how scary and intimidating that can be, especially for a first time gay couple. How refreshing is it to see two twenty-something's nervously chat with their friends and each other, testing the waters, slowly moving boundaries, all to see it culminate into a beautiful resolution?
I love how the sex scene was filmed in a way that honored the intimacy and eagerness of a long awaited first time without having to even show us much skin or compromise the actor's bodies. It was so well done?!
And considering how tame Thai GLs have been since forever, I was pretty sure the scene would eventually cut, but wow, we actually got to see like....a proper representation of a first time. Start to finish to after care. It got me a little emotional to see because I don't think I've ever watched a sex scene in a film/show between two women that wasn't super sexualized, whereas this was purely focused on capturing the journey of emotions they were both going through. And idk about y'all but that's what I crave to see so dearly in shows these days - not some choreographed conundrum focused on the bodies, but a genuine chemistry that reflects how real queer couples exist and act. Especially two women!!!! Overall, super impressed with how they showed us that. As for how the episode ended.... let's save that for another time 😆
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playmaker0810 · 1 year
opening twitter and seeing:
- the director tweeting that freen and becky kept going after he yelled cut
- becky saying that they didn't get any directions for the love scene and they were just told to do what they wanted and that they got it in one take
- the director saying that he didn't tell freen to use tongue and her being all shy about it
- becky revealing the "i love you" and "teerak (darling, babe)" were adlib
- freen and becky working in another project that's "challenging" for the both of them
- the stylist replying with "oops" to a tweet that said that the kisses seemed very natural and it was as if they put a real couple in the series
- becky saying that she got home from eating with irin and her family was sitting there ready to watch gap and she had to sit there covering her face with a blanket
- someone asking what her family thought and becky saying "they know it was acting but they were like 'hmmmm'"
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playmaker0810 · 1 year
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GAP THE SERIES | Episode 8
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playmaker0810 · 1 year
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GAP THE SERIES | Episode 8
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playmaker0810 · 1 year
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She’s the autumn air She is everywhere Oh, this is my hymn for her My hymn for her
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playmaker0810 · 1 year
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avatrice did the thing
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