peregiis · 4 years
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     hey! it’s aaron here, just saying that all of my current blogs will be moved to temporary low activity status. it’s been difficult working up my muse for everything, but the desire to write is more than persisting. so instead of totally falling from the face of the earth, i’ll be posting whenever i can manage on whatever blog i happen to have the muse for. 
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peregiis · 4 years
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     alright but my favorite part about the hand kiss thing is that-
     most of anybody else: peach is happy and feels respected, but this is typical behavior for a princess to receive. it just means it’s a highly formal air and she’ll go into super princess mode. even then, she’s had sleazeballs that act all prim and proper and this literal kiss-up means they’re trying their damndest to get something or to fall into her good graces for future benefit. she’s been through this song and dance before, and she wont be so easily won ove-
     mario: shivers and has that mess of a lovestruck smile on her face, her other hand cupping her face because she’s so absolutely dead. she would fall to the floor if it wouldn’t cause a scene. 
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peregiis · 4 years
vibe check *kisses the back of your hand tenderly*
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peregiis · 4 years
valorxdrive replied to your post:      sighs as cheek to cheek plays in the...
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peregiis · 4 years
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     sighs as cheek to cheek plays in the background.
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peregiis · 4 years
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     Despite the circumstances that’d brought the two face-to-face, Mario found himself delighting in their shared small-talk enough to almost forget his reason for coming until it was once again brought to his attention, at which point he fumbles a bit and shakes his head.
     “Ah, no, it was-a just such a nice-a day, see, and I’m-a thought it would-a be nice to take a little walk, y’know,” he rattles on a bit, though it seems he’s slowly losing his train of thought as he runs over the events of his morning. “…And ah, then I decided to come and-a visit you!”
He seems satisfied enough with his explanation up until his hidden arm is acknowledged. Usually, he’d be all over with his arms, gesturing and moving about, but to be engaging in active conversation and never once lowering that arm was clearly a dead giveaway to the fact he was hiding something. So much for his surprise…
     “Be–, behind-a my back? What’s-a behind my back?” Mario knows full well what the princess is referring to, but he stalls regardless. He can’t go very far in stalling, however, so he cracks. “Ah… well…”
C’mon… just say it! You’ve gotten this far, don’t back out now!
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     “Yeah… ah… I’m-a thought, maybe…”
Cheeks begin to redden and eyes drift awkwardly off to the side. Holding his hat upon his chest strips him of the luxury that is tipping the brim to hide his flushing face, so it’s with great embarrassment that he wishes he could turn to dust and float off into the breeze. Just to avoid looking silly.
A faint smoke begins to rise from his feet and that fact alone pushes him to the breaking point – he releases his arm from behind his back, revealing in his hand a pink, heart-shaped box of homemade sweets tied nice n’ neat with a little blue ribbon, accompanied by a bouquet of red and pink roses. Was it cliche? Perhaps, but in Mario’s eyes, nothing was more romantic. Everybody liked yummy treats and flowers, right?
     “Do you wanna… be-a my… valentine…?”
Stars, help him, he was going to melt those chocolates.
     It was never quite as bad once the two got into it, and that swell of playful confidence was found deep inside the princess’s heart. Hands fell to hips, balling once they made their touchdown, a desire for joking prods filing forth through that smugish smile. She looked onto him, his fumbles toward a recovery only causing knowing brows to rise in their accusatory state. Mario talked more with his hands than he did with his mouth, the princess wasn’t quite sure he could keep up the secret before he got tired of holding them in one place and just accidentally unveiled it. Either way, his vocal tripping, stammers and stutters, hesitant words and a flush of bright red tinting his plush cheeks. Suddenly, the same color flushed against Peach’s.
     Wh... was it happening? A lightness enveloped her heart and heat singed her ears. It wasn’t right to assume, don’t get your hopes up, but... Oh, Peach heaved a sigh through her nose, straight from the center of her chest, every movement Mario made from then on only refilling that claustrophobic feeling. She could feel her vision shudder, fingers flexing anxiously even after their press down against her dress. A poorly-masked attempt at silencing her shaking hands. Her head road on a plane higher than the one they were on now, and higher it went once Mario’s gift was presented.
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     Words... such a fickle concept failed to describe the elation screaming through her veins. Sapphire eyes met a matching blue ribbon lacing up a peachy-pink Valentine’s day box of chocolates, paired perfectly with red and pink roses held in a beautiful bouquet. Lungs could only manage a hollow inhale. She had ascended past the stars and the air was running thin. Her glove met the front of her mouth, whether from shock or to check if she was still breathing? If she was awake and experiencing this hallmark moment of life? Truly, she couldn’t tell.
     The ringing in her ears nearly missed Mario’s words, but not even they would abstain from such a magical phrase. And without falter did her response ring out resoundingly. 
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     “Yes!! I’d want nothing more!!” One more item would have to be added to Mario’s grasp as Peach tossed her form onto her valentine’s. Arms fell atop his shoulders, wrapping in the tightest hug she could muster, a few kisses planted against his cheek, each releasing with a ‘mwah!’ right by the hero’s ear. Laughter sounded, breaking only for a breathless, “Oh, Mario~!”. While thoughts had the desire to roam other places, like where they would spend their Valentine’s day, where their status would go after today, and plenty of other things she wanted to worry over...
     She just wanted to soak everything in right now. Wrapped around her favorite person in the world, body lighter than a Lakitu’s cloud, smiling so much it hurt. 
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peregiis · 4 years
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     Peach is typically perceived as the slowest runner in the group, her jumping capabilities bettered by the fact that she can hover for a short amount of time, but her ground capabilities vastly outweighed by those she adventures with. The only reason this is the truth is because of her dress, truth be told. If she wasn’t in her full dress, she can be nimble just like the Mario Bros., dodging or jumping out of the way with plenty of speed and grace to spare. 
     All she would need is some regular clothes, even a skirt would be fine. Running around with the crowd she frequents, along with her natural abilities, has made her skills plenty honed. Having to lift a dress to sprint sort of holds her back, though.
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peregiis · 4 years
Enter your name here to find out your Pokemon Type specialization and then go here and set it to generate Six of that type to find your team
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peregiis · 4 years
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     Plague of love?! Oh no no! A thought process like that wouldn’t last in her vicinity, that’s for sure! “Well, dear, when there’s a strong bond between two people, there are certain activities that they desire to take part in together. Like soaring through the air at the other’s side without a care in the world! Or the beating of baddies back-to-back, keeping your lover safe while they do the same for you! And one of these intimate bond-creating activities happens to be cake baking! Love isn’t so bad when you find that special soul to fall into it with.”
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   “ What’s cake hafta do with the plague of love? ”
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peregiis · 4 years
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     “He’s right y’know.”
“Well, when… two people love each other very much, they…”
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“…Bake a cake.”
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peregiis · 4 years
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     this is the only icon i need.
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peregiis · 4 years
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     yes 3 am is a perfect time to make icons dont you dare question me.
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peregiis · 4 years
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     As soon as the double doors crack open, Mario raises a hand in greeting, fully expecting to greet the taller figure of the princess - yet, he’s cut off when he notices a considerable lack of pink and a large, bulbous mushroom filling his sights. Oh, that’s right, it was a holiday after all - and when the hustle and bustle of the holiday season kept the princess pre-occupied, servants were always sent to carry out tasks in her steed.
Mario lowers his hand and gives a small wave, a ‘hello’, somehow feeling much more at ease in the presence of the friendly mushroom servant. That sense of ease doesn’t last long, however, as before he can say much else, the Toad has already taken off to alert the princess of his presence, leaving him outside to sit and ruminate on his plans.
As he waits, Mario can’t help feeling the anxiety bubbling up in his gut, threatening to make him quake. Were both his hands free, he’d surely be twiddling his thumbs intensely, but he has to settle for rocking on his heels and lightly kicking the dirt beneath his boots. The single question burning in his mind gives rise to many other questions–
     What if she says no? What if gets mad? What if she’s busy today? What if–
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He shakes his head as though to chase away the bad thoughts. Even if the plumber was uncertain about the outcome of today, he knew one thing, and that was how one could never know the turnout of a situation should said situation never occur. 
So, he waits. His heart is racing, he feels it thrashing violently against his chest. And yet, he sits, and he waits. And the waiting pays off when the doors gradually open, this time to the person he wished to see - the princess herself.
Mario perks up, pasting the biggest, nonchalant grin as he can muster across his face. One arm remains behind the back, whereas another reaches up to pluck his iconic red cap right off his head and respectfully lower it to his chest.
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     “Princess!” he chirps excitedly, shortly before answering her question. “I was just in-a town and I thought, hey, yanno, I’m-a think I’m-a pay the princess a visit today!”
Well, that much was true… but… if it were just a simple visit… why did it seem as though he were hiding something?
     There was a large part of Peach relieved to see Mario had beaten her to the punch. It was next up in her to-do list to do the same at his place. She couldn’t imagine how painful it would’ve been standing outside that door again, pacing back and forth with a mind scrambling into shambles. Such was a fate she most certainly did not envy. 
     Still, this side of the spectrum wasn’t all that fun, either. When Mario’s smile forced itself into cruise control, a light demeanor settling on the surface, she could almost see it resting under a palm tree on the furthest of tropical islands. To be so relaxed, oh, it would’ve been a dream. His respectful gesture, a voice that’s actively enjoyable to hear, enough to cause a giggle to bubble forth and rest against the air. She felt seconds away from a wistful sigh, but keeping it in, knowing there was more to be done yet. Today of all days? There was certainly something else in the lineup.
     “Call me the happiest girl in the kingdom that you did! I wouldn’t want to miss you on today of all days!” ...She didn’t like how that came out. Perhaps Mario wouldn’t notice the tensing of her jaw after she finished blurting her heart. “--I-In town?” she stuttered, desperate to have anything but that line linger. “What were you going through for? Hope I’m not keeping you from unfinished business.” Eyes find themselves trace his form, following the arm that was stowed away neatly behind his back. Hmm... 
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     “Might that behind your back be something from your trek through town?” Coyness settles, all while wondering what he might have back there. Her brain jumps to hasty conclusions, nearly laughable scenarios. What if it was a wedding ring, goodness gracious. Mario getting down on one knee, she’d fall to the ground out cold in shock. Though Peach could certainly say they weren’t there quite yet. Whatever it was, Mario had the princess captured hook, line, and sinker. Her day, just like that, was hitched on its presentation... 
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peregiis · 4 years
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     The castle’s doors ring out with a hearty knock, catching the attention of a nearby Toad attendant. During this week of all weeks? You didn’t have to guess as to who resided behind the entrance. Even still, with a small peek outward, a mushroom-capped smile waved at Mario, speaking a small hello. “We’ll tell the Princess you’re here and she’ll be right down!” Then, the doors click shut with slight haste, knowing Peach wouldn’t want her hero to wait but a second more. 
     A call down the halls, a few telephone minigames, and the word arrived at Peach’s ear.
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     And all the woman could do was hold in a shriek.
     It was like the fast-forward button was hit: makeup and mascara primer primed and ready to last, blush applied, highlighter stick for a much-needed glow, a little eye shadow for an extra punch, mascara licking eyelashes to their finest height, and lipstick coating both top and bottom with a roll of the mouth. The flurry slows, halting in the mirror to look over the princess staring her back. Once lips give a resounding pop, heels are off to answer the door!
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     “Mario!” Chimed a voice, its fitting producer stepping outside alongside it. Her smile, stars did she try and look confident, but it was a wrecking ball of emotions crashing about her insides. Her face screamed to laugh and giggle and bumble about with a bubbly look filling her expression. Through it all, a lady clutching tight at that final ounce of self-restraint would face the other. It was safe to say Mario wouldn’t be the only one standing with a smile suffering from a slight case of distress. “It’s great to see you! If I could hazard an ask, what brings you here?”
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peregiis · 4 years
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     Aw, there’s that blush. It puts a spin in her body, twirling to hide her face with a graceful fan of the dress, hands that were quick to stiffen suddenly rushing to her cheeks. He’s excited? Yes, of course he’s excited! She’s had this planned for a while now, and it would go off without a hitch! 
     Date... the word’s proper mentioning sent trembles through her chest. Not get-together, not pow-wow, not a casual hangout. A date. Hopefully without a hitch.
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     “I guess the feeling is mutual, then~.” Airy, breathless, riding on cloud nine...
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peregiis · 4 years
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.+* My favorite kisses *+.
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peregiis · 4 years
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     The scent of sweet frosting and fresh carrots was pungent through the castle, all people in the immediate vicinity knowing such a fantastic scent meant one thing: Princess Peach was done with yet another cake. 
     And what a sight this one was! The finished creation reached the ceiling of the kitchen, a four-tiered cake filled thick with moist goodness, a sugary punch to the jaw after every bite. You’ll be begging for more once that fork of yours was licked clean of everything on it. Lucky enough, there was plenty to send home. 
     Ah, and she wouldn’t forget the decorations, either! The top was crowned with a cute flower in full bloom, blue and white in color, popping significantly from the orange, brown and white layers down below. Carrots forged by icing stuck from each layer, their green leaves water-falling down onto the platform below it before drizzling outward, the grandiose gullet-filler seemingly perfecting itself. Fists dropped to her hips as a satisfied smile rose upwards, smirk denoting a job well-done. 
     She’d have her assistant chefs wheel it into the walk-in freezer for tomorrow. She was dead tired. Tomorrow was going to be a fun one, though!
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