penrot · 15 days
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Purfect pair, one without hair and one with too much.
Second imagine completely inspired me, felt like it fit so well. I think this is inspiring a Cat!AU, right now a drawing one rather than a writing one. Currently working on the Origins one. So cute.
I adore cats so much.
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penrot · 2 months
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Quick - Boop!
A quick little doodle in honour of Boop Day.
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penrot · 2 months
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Tom does not need to convince them he is right they just accept everything he says as fact.
(I see so many shirts with phrases and I want to put Tom in them. All of them.)
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penrot · 3 months
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Pariah: Harry and his voice of reason (Tom, Scarcrux)
A bit of an older drawing I hated, but after adjusting the values, I liked it? I just made the colours darker, added some background texture, fixed Tom's gradient, and it is a thousand times better.
I feel like I have a lot of "I hate this" drawings I need to go back to now...
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penrot · 3 months
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Tom's Stability
He is very stable and shares his stability. Harry gets some as well, obviously. Realised I have not posted much here lately, especially artwork, so I am starting off with this.
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penrot · 5 months
Through the Window Chapter 58 Preview
Finally hit one year! And Happy Yuletide to those who celebrate!
Voldemort scanned the parchment. “Despite having a boost of thirty percent in your core, you only have ninety percent of your magical capacity. Meaning that each horcrux you support takes ten percent of your core. My original thought was that they only took around five. Perhaps we should talk to the horcruxes and see if they can’t take less - “ 
Harry shivered. “No, no, that won’t be an issue.”
Voldemort glared. “Harry, they are taking a significant amount of your magic, not to mention how much it costs to keep yourself alive and magical; most wixen fall unconscious when it falls to - “
“No, I will be fine.”
“Harry, we cannot know that - “ Voldemort growled. 
“Okay, okay, we can keep note of it. But don’t tell them.” Harry’s hands clenched at the bottom of his shirt. 
Voldemort sighed. “Why?”
Surprise lit him as Harry’s eyes watered. “I don’t want them to disappear.” 
Voldemort gritted his teeth. “Fine. But you have to face the fact that one day you may have to decrease the amount of magic you give them. And if you find the next horcrux and choose to awaken him, know that that day will be drawing closer.” 
Harry swallowed hard. “I know.” He responded in a small voice.
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penrot · 6 months
One-Year Anniversary: Through the Window
It has been one year since Through the Window has been published. Well, that was technically yesterday, however I was traveling all day long. But I digress.
It has been a long year, and I have continually updated at least once a week for an entire year. And, after many, many updates, here is the year-end review of what all was accomplished in one year:
312,393 Hits
252,599 Words
10,431 Kudos
4,760 Subscriptions
2,217 Comment Threads
3rd page on Highest Hits for Harry Potter/ Tom Riddle | Voldemort
3rd page on Highest Kudos for Harry Potter/ Tom Riddle | Voldemort
Considering this was meant to be a 10-Chapter shitpost, I am glad it has turned out this was. It has given me the motivation to get through some harder times and has helped me during days I could not walk further than the bathroom. For when I alone for the summer, and for when I was physically reunited with my two friends. I definitely would not have gotten as much done if I did not have something to keep me going. Even if it just was 600 words a day, having something consistent grounded me when other things did not.
I hope to see you for future updates, as the plot progresses, and I begin to cause feelings.
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penrot · 6 months
Through the Window Chapter 57 Preview
This chapter was a bit fun to write, and Voldemort finally realises that Marvolo has been added to the harem.
“Hello, Sweetheart.” Marvolo reached out and ruffled Harry’s hair. 
“Can I rest here?” Harry yawned again.
“Anyhting, for you.” Marvolo’s face brightened. 
Harry walked past Marvolo and into the room. Marvolo met Voldemort’s eyes, and smirked. 
Not him as well!
Voldemort walked away, gritting his teeth, and to his own bedroom. He flopped into bed, grabbed a pillow, and screeched into it. His fingers gripped at the pillow tightly, distorting the stuffing within. He screamed for a while, then finally raised his head. His hair was flying everywhere, and redness permeated his face. 
His rising… he check his chart… revulsion at the situationw as made worst as he could feel his body heat up. It was different than when the others, more volitile. It made his entire body heated and sensitive, the touch of his clothes suffocating. He wanted to strip - to aliviate any of those feelings, but he refused to give into them. 
They intensified, and he felt himself growing hard. He hugged his pillow tightly, shaking his head in a futile attempt to clear his mind. But their connection ran deeper than he could shut down, and it persisted. There was growing frustration inside him as well - at least when they were having sex, there would be a rising arc, but this was just a persistent feeling with no end in him. Voldemort was positive that he would end up combusting. It was all too much.
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penrot · 6 months
I have made a final decision on the climax/middle-end of the fic.
I will wreck you all.
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penrot · 6 months
Through the Window Chapter 56 Preview
A little preview on what will happen in the majority of the chapter. It is a really fluffy chapter, with not much else.
They climbed higher and higher in the sky until they were above the stands. For a few moments, Harry took in the scenery. He could see past the gardens all the way into the small town below. Muggles were walking around, tiny like ants. 
Without much thought, Harry flew to the ground. Riddle’s hands could have left bruises in Harry’s waist. Harry lessened their speed, but some of the damage was already done. Riddle shook silently.  He evened out their broom until they were running parallel to the ground, several metres up. Harry lifted a hand from the handle and rested it on one of Riddle’s hands. He lightly patted him.
“Are you fine? Sorry, I went a bit fast.” Harry apologised. 
Riddle just nodded.
There was a bit of guilt in Harry for spooking him. He didn’t mean to, but Riddle was still uncertain. The next time they went for a wave, Harry went significantly slower. 
Little by little, Riddle peeked his head out a little more. Within a few waves, he was sitting straight. Harry was glad he was getting a little used to it. He hoped that one day they would be able to fly around together, but at this point in time, he wasn’t so sure of that potential future. 
“We can go a bit faster," Riddle whispered. 
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penrot · 6 months
Through the Window Chapter 55 Preview
Okay, the last preview was last-minute changed to be in this chapter. Apologies. But here is another suggestive part of the chapter. My brain is frazzled, but here is the snippet! __________
“Why, hello, Angel. Are you - “
Riddle was silenced as Harry jumped into bed, straddled him, and locked him into a heated kiss. Riddle let out a muffled laugh and drew Harry in closer. Harry clutched at his shirt desperately while Riddle cupped his face.  
Harry drew away for just a second. “I want you.” 
Riddle chuckled. “At least let us get undressed first. I will always be here, no need to rush.” 
“Mh, less talking, less clothes.” Harry demanded. 
There was no arguing about that. 
Riddle and Harry tore the outer layers off of each other, throwing them to the floor without a care in the world. Harry palmed at Riddle’s covered crotch while he ran a hand through Harry’s hair. Riddle grasped Harry by the hip and pushed him onto his back. He crawled between Harry’s legs, parting them easily. 
Kisses trailed from Harry’s mouth down to his neck. They peppered his chest, his stomach. Their eyes bore into each other as Riddle stripped Harry’s boxers off of him with his teeth. Harry let out a small whine as Riddle threw off his own boxers. 
“Fuck me, now.” Harry demanded. 
“Paitence.” Riddle purred.
“But - “
“I need you fully prepped for this. I won’t be gentle, Harry.” Riddle warned, planting a kiss on his brow.
“Promise?” Harry teased. 
Riddle’s smile sent delightful chills down Harry’s spine. “I promise.”
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penrot · 6 months
hi! i was wondering what happened to the dursleys. after harry escaped i don’t think they were mentioned again (i might be wrong and just forgot about it). would harry and all the voldys go pay them a visit?
The Dursleys will make an appearance again, as a nice little gift. And they were mentioned as "moving away to Spain" in a short throw-away line. Voldemort has them right where he wants them, currently.
Feel free to ask any more questions!
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penrot · 6 months
Hello! Will the horcruxes inside Harry and Nagini also manifest or since they are tiny portions of the soul and already inside living beings they don't have independence?
The horcruxes in Harry and Nagini will not manifest, as they kind of already have some physical form? In a way. It also does not have any part to do with me running out of names for the different horcruxes. (:
Feel free to ask any more questions!
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penrot · 6 months
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Palette Challenge 3! (I may or may not post two, it was... rough. I cannot do pastels yet.) I got this pallet and instantly thought of a colour-run.
For those who do not know, colour-runs are generally where you run around a trail (or track) and people throw coloured powders at you. I have mostly seen it done for charities.
I do find these experimental colour palettes exciting and you will see more. I may be pickier with my palettes in the future or adjust the values, as I think it needs more contrast.
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penrot · 6 months
hi! i’ve been reading through the window and i love it. i was wondering if there will be harrymort in the future. for now it’s only the horcruxs but id like to know if we can expect anything from voldy anytime soon. wishing you well 🩷🩷
There will be Harrymort in the future! It will not be soon, there will be the last horcrux, his development of feelings, tragic incident, the fallout, then we will have Harrymort. Voldemort will come to terms with his feelings for Harry about the time Harry and the last horcrux get together.
I have a few scenes planned where Harry sees Voldemort from behind, thinks it is the last horcrux, says/does something romantic towards him, then realises that it was Voldemort.to
Feel free to ask any more questions about this!
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penrot · 6 months
Through the Window Chapter 54 Preview
A little warning for suggestive content.
Had some fun with this chapter. I wrote a snippet or two way back around Chapter 30ish so this was good to finally get out!
“Have a nice dream?” Marvolo snickered. 
“I think? I don’t remember.” Harry shrugged. A yawn escaped him and he scratched at his neck. 
“I think we can recall it, ‘Ah, ah, Riddle, Riddle, harder!’” Marvolo imitated him. 
Horror struck Harry. “No!” He covered his reddening face. 
“Yes, I think it also went. ‘Ah, Riddle- mh, so deep!’. I think I’m missing a few moans.” Marvolo barked a laugh. 
Harry wanted to curl up and die. It was bad enough that Marvolo had overheard, but Ominis had as well. And Ominis looked just as red as Harry did. Riddle wrapped him in a hug from behind, laying him back down and nuzzling his neck. 
“I think it was cute.” Riddle muttered, giving him a kiss. 
I am starting to reply to comments today and I am not ready for the... 373 comments in my inbox. But I persist.
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penrot · 7 months
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Palette Challenge!
My self-made rules:
Lowering opacity, using the canvas white-space, different brushes, gradients, all okay. It comes from my background in traditional art, which I used all of these made-up rules.
There will be more!
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