omgthatdress · 9 hours
History of the gay leather scene for pride month? Okay!
I already did a history of fetish wear, but I haven't covered the leather scene specifically. Unfortunately, while preserved vintage fetish wear was rare, preserved vintage leather gear is even rarer.
If you're lucky enough to be in regular contact with queer elders, you should seriously talk to them about donating their vintage gear for preservation. This is how history gets saved!
That being said, I'm gonna have to do some research. Bear with me.
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omgthatdress · 12 hours
It's pride month.
What should OMGTD do for pride month?
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omgthatdress · 2 days
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okay but who (in an alternate universe where luxury clothing brands are size-inclusive) is going to buy me this AMAZING Gül Hürgel crab dress to wear to the crab rave?
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omgthatdress · 2 days
Vladimir Putin & Benjamin Netanyahu found guilty at The Hague next!
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omgthatdress · 2 days
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omgthatdress · 2 days
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omgthatdress · 3 days
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leather daddy Jedi out there blessing everyone with a better understanding of themselves. IT'S A FUCKING LOOK.
BDSM-themed Met Gala with the dude who makes robes for the pope as Chair.
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omgthatdress · 3 days
#I wish I didn't see this reblog #I could've lived in a better world #alas #now both of us will have this nightmare
okay but shouldn't all BDSM orgies end with someone telling you that you need Jesus? Because religious shame make all your kinks that much hotter? Would be on theme as fuck. ngl.
BDSM-themed Met Gala with the dude who makes robes for the pope as Chair.
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omgthatdress · 3 days
vs. the nightmare that I'll actually get:
BDSM themes Met Gala chaired by Chris Pratt.
BDSM-themed Met Gala with the dude who makes robes for the pope as Chair.
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omgthatdress · 4 days
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Got this wild Twitter thread on my feed today
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omgthatdress · 4 days
BDSM-themed Met Gala with the dude who makes robes for the pope as Chair.
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omgthatdress · 9 days
today in "google AI is fucking useless because it hallucinates things that never happened", i bought a couple CVS thermometers that have both been acting up, tried to search if there had been a problem with the whole product line:
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there is no record of this product recall. it did not happen. the date "feb 8 2024" is the date someone listed a thermometer for sale on ebay.
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omgthatdress · 11 days
Tips for Spotting Bad & Bullshit History
There's no way to make sure you never fall for historical misinformation, and I'm not expecting anyone to fact-check every detail of everything they read unless they're getting paid for it. But you can make an effort to avoid the Worst Takes.
Ask yourself – if I wanted to verify this, where would I start? If you look at a statement and can’t actually find any facts to check, then you already know it’s bullshit.
Read the Wikipedia article on weasel words. Some experts say it’s very helpful!
Look for specifics: a who, a what, a where, a when. If one of those is missing or very broad, that’s a red flag. Statements need to be rooted in a time and a place. “People in the past have always…” Nope.
Vague is bad. Unless you’re looking at a deliberate large-scale overview that’s being broad and generalizing on purpose, you want names and dates and places and primary sources, pictures and quotes and examples.
But an example is not a trend. There’s a difference between what’s possible and what’s common, and history is full of exceptions and outliers. Extremely unusual people and events are overrepresented in the historical record (because nobody writes down what’s normal,) and they can tell us a lot about history, but they’re not directly representative of their place or time. Imagine a historian trying to reconstruct the 21st century based solely on Kiwifarm.
If a historian is competent or even just trying, you won’t have to go digging for sources, they will be shoved right into your face. Not out of mere academic rigor, but because a person who found them, either first- or second hand, is proud to have found them. People who have proof want to show you the proof, people who figured something out will want to show you their work, walk you through it. If they don’t, ask yourself – how do you know this? And - why won’t you tell me how you know this?
Someone might have a legit historical source, and then try to stretch it to cover times and places where it no longer applies. What’s true of 12th century England may not be true of 14th century Venice, even though both are “Medieval Europe,” so watch for those stretches.
Anecdotes are fine, they reveal a lot about people’s values and perceptions, pro historians often use them for context, but what anecdotes are not is factual truth. Notice when someone is feeding you cute anecdotes.
If someone attributes a large-scale social or cultural transformation to a single person or event, yeah that’s usually bullshit. Chances are, that person was part of a larger trend, a small link in a long chain. You can still appreciate their contribution, just put it in context!
Second-guess anyone who acts like they possess secret knowledge that the Media or Academia (or somebody) is hiding, they’re usually bullshit. Remember, if something has a Wikipedia article, it’s not actually a dark secret.
Remember that if it happened in the past sixty years, tons of people will still remember it, and you can literally just go and ask them.
Learn to recognise a smear tactic. Did this person really fuck dogs, or was their posthumous biography written by their worst enemy? Should we take it at face value? Also learn to recognise overt propaganda in the opposite direction: is the king that great or does he have a court historian on retainer? Remember that people sometimes *lie* in their autobiographies.
It’s fine to speculate about what “could” or “might” have happened, professional historians also fill the gaps in the sources with the occasional educated guess. But failing to differentiate clearly between fact and speculation is a huge mistake.
Do not seek validation in history. It's not there. I’m not saying you should approach history in an impersonal, apolitical way, of course not. Our present situation influences our interpretation of history, and it should. What I’m saying is, try not to hang too much of your individual or group identity on a historical narrative. Especially if it’s bullshit. You’re worthy and human because you’re worthy and human today, not because of the deeds and misdeeds of people in the past.
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omgthatdress · 11 days
I was about to be irritated at a shitty "kids' education" website on 1770s clothing but then I learned that there's a staymaker buried at King's Chapel and now I'm just delighted to know the gravesite of a clothing worker from that era and I want to take him flowers
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omgthatdress · 13 days
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I love you, free knitting pattern bin at my local yarn store!
Only times I have ever had the urge to trans my gender is looking at 1960s menswear. And watching sphinx cats rub on beards.
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omgthatdress · 15 days
Look... I fully respect the Bridgerton costume designers' decision to just abandon historical accuracy and do their own thing.
But I will never, EVER forgive them for not using period accurate British court fashion in the one setting ridiculous enough that they might have actually pulled it off.
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omgthatdress · 15 days
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