It's the time of year to reblog my Purim Steddie story! Somehow more relevant than ever. We're invincible, always have been, always will be.
Happy Purim!
Steve woke up to a loud noise from downstairs. He jumped out of bed, his heart pounding in his chest. He grabbed his bat, and slowly and quietly went down the stairs, only in his boxers. As he was approaching the end of the staircase, he heard the loud noise again, this time followed by soft humming. He kept walking towards the source, the kitchen, when the noise startled him again, and he jumped into the kitchen, holding the bat high and ready.
"Jesus Fucking Christ!" Eddie yelled and ducked behind the kitchen island. Steve lowered the bat, and scanned the very messy kitchen. Mixing bowls and pots were all over the place, along with ingredients that Steve couldn't think of what they can make together.
"Eddie? Did you go to war in my kitchen?" He put the bat on the floor and walked around the island, where Eddie was stretching up and standing again.
"Hi Stevie," Eddie avoided the question and kissed Steve quickly on the lips, who smiled against the kiss but kept his arms crossed on his chest.
"You scared me," He said when Eddie broke the kiss, "I thought someone broke in. Are you trying to cook something?"
"Not trying, sweetheart, I am cooking something. Baking, actually." Eddie smiled cheekily and started picking up pots from the floor.
"Then why are all the pots out?" Steve teased and Eddie stood up and released a nervous laugh, "Well, I... I didn't know exactly where you keep things, so I kinda took everything out?" He rubbed his neck and Steve laughed.
"It's okay," He started putting the pots in place, "What are you making?"
Eddie, relieved that Steve isn't mad, started clapping in excitement, "Hamantashen!"
Steve looked at him, confused, "Bless you..?"
"No!" Eddie slapped Steve's shoulder, "It's food. And it's amazing."
"I want to believe it's food," Steve teased and Eddie crossed his arms and looked at Steve seriously.
"I don't make fun of your traditional cultural food, do I?"
Steve froze in place, "No, you don't. I'm sorry. Wanna tell me what haman... what did you say, tashen, is?"
Eddie smiled, "With pleasure!" He then pulled a chair and pushed Steve onto it, who giggled to himself, knowing Eddie is about to make the explanation into a whole performance.
"It all started in the faraway kingdom of Ahasuerus," Eddie opened and his eyes lit up, "The King of The Persian Empire, who ruled from India to Kush. He was a hedonistic king who had parties and feasts almost every day," He checked on Steve, making sure he was following. Steve nodded and Eddie continued.
"One day, King Ahasuerus was having one of his many parties, when his wife, Vashti, refused to join. Ahasuerus, who had a very fragile ego, took it personally and decided to fire her, and banish her. Silly Ahasuerus, realized soon after that he misses her, and decided to look for a new wife. He sent people around the kingdom and put his eyes on Good Girl Esther, a Jewish sweetheart who was raised by her Jewish cousin, Mordechai," He checked on Steve again, who looked a little lost now, "Are you following?"
"Yes, it's just... Is all of that important for the food?" He asked carefully.
"Yes." Eddie stated, "moving on. Joining the story now, the infamous Haman. Haman was an official in the king's court, and had an order from Ahasuerus himself, that everyone who saw Haman had to bow down to him. They all did, except-" Eddie stopped to see if Steve completes him, but he only tilted his head at him and stayed silent, "Mordechai, Steve! Mordechai didn't bow down to Haman!"
Steve was invested now, "Oh shit, he probably didn't take that well, did he?"
Eddie smiled in delight, "Oh, absolutely not, Stevie, dear. Haman also had a fragile ego, even more fragile than Ahasuerus. He got so upset, that he decided it's required not to only kill Mordechai, but to execute all the Jews in the Persian Empire!"
"What?? How can he do that??" Steve was on the edge of his seat, "Did Ahasuerus agree? Wait! Isn't he married to Mordechai's cousin??"
Eddie held Steve's face, "He is, Stevie, he is." He did a little twirl and continued his lecture, "Ahasuerus is married to Esther, but he doesn't know she's Jewish. Haman came to Ahasuerus and asked him if he can kill all the Jews, and the stupid king agreed. Haman went on with his plan, and even prepared a special tree for Mordechai's hanging," He paused, enjoying Steve's curious face, and proceeded, "The rumour got spread, Haman was gonna kill all the Jews in the Empire and no one was saying a thing," Steve shook his head, "I know, terrible. Mordechai walked around wearing bags, but it didn't do a thing. That until..." He stopped again, teasing Steve.
"Until what??" Steve burst and Eddie laughed.
"Until Ahasuerus found out Mordechai saved his life. You see, Ahasuerus had these two guards who planned to assassinate him, and Mordechai uncovered their plan and saved the king's life."
"And Mordechai didn't want credit for that? How did Ahasuerus find out?" Steve asked quickly.
"He told Esther to tell Ahasuerus. The guards were executed and Mordechai got promoted, but here things get complicated." He paused again.
"How??" Steve stood up and Eddie pushed him back into his seat, giggling.
"Ahasuerus summoned Haman, and asked him, 'what is to be done for the man whom the king wishes to honor?'" Eddie finger quoted the sentence, "Haman, who thought Ahasuerus was talking about him, told him to give him a city, dress him in fancy clothes, give him a horse and have him escorted around the capital for everyone to see. Ahasuerus accepted the idea, and told Haman to do all that to Mordechai."
"Yes!" Steve jumped, "Poetic justice!"
Eddie chuckled, "Yes, but Haman was still gonna kill all the Jews. He went around the capital with Mordechai and cursed every step, having his rage and hate fueled more and more."
"So what happened? Didn't Ahasuerus realize Haman wants to kill the person who saved his life?" Steve asked.
"I remind you, Ahasuerus was very dumb," Eddie answered, "He didn't care about Jews or not Jews, and he didn't even know Mordechai and Esther were Jewish themselves. So what happened, is that as the date came close, Esther started to fast -"
"Wait, what date?" Steve cut him mid-sentence.
"Oh, right," Eddie shook his head, "I forgot that part. When Haman decided to kill the Jews, he left it to fate to set the date. He basically rolled dice, and it fell on the thirteenth day of the Hebrew month Adar, so everyone knew when the mass killing was due. We call it Pur."
"That's intense..." Steve almost whispered, "So all the Jews were just waiting for their death?"
"Almost. They all fasted and wore simple clothes and grieved, but Esther, who was the closest to the king, took it a step further. She was having feasts where she wouldn't eat, and Ahasuerus was getting worried. He asked her why she wouldn't eat or drink, and she said an evil man wants to kill her and all her people. Ahasuerus got scared, and asked her who it is, and that he would kill him immediately." Eddie stopped.
"And?? You can't stop here! What happened?! Did all the Jews die??" Steve started pacing around in worry.
"Esther told Ahasuerus it's Haman who wants to kill all the Jews." Eddie said seriously and Steve started jumping in excitement, and Eddie smiled, "Ahasuerus, who finally found some brains, ordered to kill Haman, who was hanged on the same tree he prepared for Mordechai."
Steve clapped and hugged Eddie, "Yes! Amazing!"
Eddie laughed, "It really was. All the Jews were celebrating for days afterwards, partying and drinking, and everything was good." He hugged Steve back.
"This is such a cool story," Steve said with dreamy eyes, "But what does it have to do with the hamantashen? Wait, it has Haman's name in it??"
"Yes, but it's not like that," Eddie assured, "There are a few interpretations of the meaning of the hamantashen. Some say it symbolises his ears, some say it's his hat or his pockets, but the idea behind it is to celebrate his defeat." Eddie smiled in victory, and Steve smiled back.
"As we should!" He laughed, "But what are hamantashen anyway?"
"Oh, they're cookies. Triangular cookies with filling, traditionally it's poppyseed filling, but poppyseed is disgusting, so I'm putting chocolate." Eddie said and Steve chuckled.
"Of course you are. Can I... help you make them?"
Eddie nodded enthusiastically and the boys got to work. They kneaded the dough in turns, and put it to rest in the fridge for a few minutes. They cleaned up the counter and Steve started washing some dishes, and then closed the tap.
"What holiday is this? Like this story, and the cookies, what are we celebrating?"
Eddie beamed, "It's called Purim, from Pur, fate. We celebrate the defeat of Haman, and how we were saved by the Pur, instead of killed."
"It must be a very happy holiday then," Steve smiled, "Are there more traditions, other than eating Haman's ears?"
Eddie laughed, "Of course there are. First of all, we wear costumes. Purim is the holiday of changed fate, so like Haman was killed instead of the Jews, we symbolise that by being someone else for a few days. We also have a big feast and read the Megillah, the story I just told you," He smiled, "We also make gift baskets for each other, and donate food and money for those who need them. Another thing we do, and you're gonna like that, is to get so drunk, that we can't tell between Evil Haman and Good Mordechai," he giggled, "I know I like this one."
"Do you... Wanna do that?" Steve asked shyly and Eddie started laughing.
"I think you know the answer to that." He winked.
They took the dough out of the fridge, rolled it and cut circles into it with a glass. They then put chocolate in the middle of some, after Steve convinced Eddie to make some with strawberry jam too. They folded them into triangles and put them in the oven, and then Steve poured them newly opened wine.
"Happy Purim, Eddie," Steve clinked their glasses together.
"Happy Purim indeed, Stevie, L'Chaim," He clinked back and took a long sip.
"You made that sound again," Steve said, "Like in tuches."
Eddie started laughing so hard, he had to put his glass down, "Steve, god. Yes, it's the same sound," He kissed him wetly on the cheek, "but it's a very different word. L'Chaim means cheers in Hebrew. It translates to 'to life'. We celebrate life." He smiled, a warm feeling set in his chest. "We celebrate life." He said again, quietly, and Steve smiled at him in understanding.
"We celebrate life." Steve repeated and kissed Eddie slowly and deeply.
The oven rang a few minutes later. Eddie pulled the tray out and a warm, sweet smell filled the kitchen. He put the hamantashen on a plate and took it to the living room, and Steve followed with the already half-empty bottle of wine, and another one he found in the fridge.
Steve and Eddie spent the rest of the day feeding each other hamantashen, getting drunk out of their minds and kissing like it was their first time, again and again and again.
They both passed out on the couch, laying on top of each other, full of wine and hamantashen and love.
Celebrating Life.
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he's nothing if not determined
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Microfic; Macropenis
Another @steddiemicrofic March for "pin" || 388 Words || Explicit Warnings & Tags: sex under the influence of drugs/alcohol, Eddie has a big dick
"I mean, you've heard about him, right?" Tommy asked.
"Eddie Munson?" Steve looked to where Eddie was balanced on a lunch table, orating about the unfairness of funding for the arts versus sports. "About how he deals?"
"No, everyone knows that. About how he's, like, this total and complete freakazoid obviously, but he's packing serious heat."
"Huge dick," Carol said, putting her finger in her mouth and making an obscene pop. "But he won't let anybody see it. I've tried."
"Uh…?" Steve looked back and forth between her and Tommy.
"Don't be such a prude, Steve," she said. "Tommy knew. It was pure espionage. Plus I was trying to score us free weed. I get pinned, we get pot, ya know?"
None of that really made Steve feel any less floored, but he let it go, looking back to Eddie instead. Steve was, of course, unable to keep himself from looking at Eddie's crotch. It looked fairly normal as far as Steve could tell. No massive bulge or anything. Just denim being denim.
Still, Steve couldn't let it go. Lunch ended, then the day ended, then the week, the month.
A party rolled around, Munson announcing his wares to the whole assembly like a merchant traveling town to town in some medieval flick. "Hear ye, hear ye!"
Somehow, Steve ended up alone with him on the front porch, both of them getting some fresh air while the party raged in the house and the backyard.
"Is it true?" Steve asked, floating high on beer and Eddie's star product.
"Is what true?"
"That you have, like, a horse dick."
Eddie spat beer all over his own shoes but quickly recovered, wiping his face with his sleeve.
"Why?" he asked. "You aiming to find out, Big Boy?"
Steve glanced behind him as though there might be someone there, but there was no one. "And if I was?"
Which was how he found himself pinned in the back of Eddie's van, one knee shoved up, Eddie easing inside of him inch by massive inch.
In that confined space, high and buzzed, the world felt soft as cotton. And Eddie felt…
"Well?" Eddie asked, brow sweaty as he pumped his hips. Steve's mouth hung open in uninhibited pleasure, come spurting out onto his belly.
"Yeah," Steve rasped. "Yeah, it's pretty big."
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jjk trauma dumping and spoilers under the cut hehe fml
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK I finished reading the manga last night and I cried so much like wtf I knew about Gojo's death and I knew Sukuna had black hair when he killed him BUT WHAT WHAT WHAT LEAVE ME ALONE god knows how I managed to avoid knowing that Sukuna moved to Megumi's body like wtf WTF I saw frames of poor sweet Megumi in the abyss but that was NOT my guess I thought Yuji had a rebellious phase and dyed his hair black what the fuck I physically screamed when it happened I can't it ruined me Gege is such a sadist I hate him and the last update was such a cliffhanger I could break something I need them to be happy let them be happy please ALSO Gojo's goodbye page was the fucking worst because they are all dead now I lost it what a nightmare why did I do this to myself fuck my life fuck it all time to write healing fanfics or something idk
however season 3 is gonna be nuts I can't tell when they'll stop it because the culling game is basically still going I'm excited I'm a masochistic and I'm a delusional piece of shit to think everything will be okay hehe see you next update or something fuck it
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I didn't bring my tobacco to work because I don't smoke here but now I really want a cigarette and I'll get home in over 6 hours. yay to the nicotine addiction!
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jjk season 2 🤮🤮 ended 🤮🤮 I fucking hate it 🤮🤮 what an awful show 🤮🤮 it ruined my life 🤮🤮 I'm gonna read the manga now 🤮🤮🤮🤮
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I didn't know the hunter x hunter fandom is so lively here lol it's fun keep going I'll post more fics soon
I don't think anyone understands how much I ship Leopika. like it's unhealthy. I'm obsessed with them. anyway I wrote a beautiful smut piece of them a few weeks ago and I love them so much I could cry
enjoyyyy - I need you like I need oxygen to live
I have 4 HxH works there and they're all so much fun and pain
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this is the vibe I randomly found it today and it fits perfectly I can't
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y'all "queers for palpatine" or whatever are so ridiculous. you are next and you have nothing to do about it. you're lost without the idf. if we don't eliminate them now, they will eliminate you. this site became unbearable, y'all are blind, and you deserve to be kidnapped in Gaza. not innocent babies and grandmas whose only crime was to sleep in their beds on a Saturday morning.
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I don't think anyone understands how much I ship Leopika. like it's unhealthy. I'm obsessed with them. anyway I wrote a beautiful smut piece of them a few weeks ago and I love them so much I could cry
enjoyyyy - I need you like I need oxygen to live
I have 4 HxH works there and they're all so much fun and pain
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this is the vibe I randomly found it today and it fits perfectly I can't
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Chapter 7-39
Read on Tapas / Read on Webtoon
More info/buy the books: https://aliceoseman.com/
Heartstopper updates three times a month, on the 1st, 11th, and 21st at 11am UK time.
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jjk is the worst thing that's ever happened to me I'm almost glad for manga spoilers lol usually it drives me insane but I honestly prefer it. I don't intend on reading the manga anyway so knowing the fate of my babies allows me to ignore it completely just like I ignore every other canon shit lol
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anyway I wrote amazing Killugon smut with an actual plot and my bestie who's a real life manga artist is making a real fucking doujinshi out of it and every time I think about it I tear up because she's so talented and brings them to life so beautifully and they have so much sex I'm so excited!!!!!!!!! fuck.
The fic is on my Ao3 - never knew I could feel like this
it's adorable I'm obsessed with it enjoy
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I'm the best person to be a shounen fan because I'm so delusional I just ignore all characters' canonical deaths and continue living my life, writing them and loving them forever.
deaths spoilers under the cut.
Nobara (I will never be okay after this)
Maki (is she even dead? Not to me anyway)
and the list goes on! I'll probably update this one when more people die in jjk because fuck it
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nevermind don't watch jjk season 2 wrecked me and it's not even over fuck this it's worse than Chainsaw Man manga and worse then HxH chimera ants arc fuck it fuck it it's not fair
jjk being my favourite show right now and my explore is filled with edits and fuck me I need to catch up with the broadcast
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Chapter 7-38
In Nick's room
Read on Tapas / Read on Webtoon
More info/buy the books: https://aliceoseman.com/
Heartstopper updates three times a month, on the 1st, 11th, and 21st at 11am UK time.
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jjk being my favourite show right now and my explore is filled with edits and fuck me I need to catch up with the broadcast
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you know what's really funny to me? That people always went after the Jewish people. Literally from the beginning of time, someone tried to eliminate us. They had supporters, they had a back, but they never succeeded. It was terrible, heartbreaking, cruel on every level, but never an actual success. We're stronger than you think, more united than you think, more durable than you think. We don't need you. We have each other. In Hebrew we're called Am HaNetzach, The Forever People. You cannot take us down. You can chant whatever you want, post whatever lies you want, but you will never break our spirit. We love each other a love bigger than you can imagine, and we will protect each other forever. We'll come out of this even stronger, and you Nazis will rot on the wrong side of history once again.
Shabbat Shalom 💙🤍
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