ms-scarletwings · 2 days
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Rookie mistake: listening to one of your favorite jams (which got a massive bump years ago from a popular arg) and deciding to look at the comment section
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ms-scarletwings · 5 days
When life makes you this abnormal about the last audiobook you finished, I guess you make a tribute video/edit.
Content warnings: parasites, maggots, worms, body horror, blood, general disturbing audio and imagery
Spoiler warnings: The Troop, By Nick Cutter
The Troop, narrated by Corey Brill, mixed with a together mix of stock and film footage I cobbled together to the tune of Vessel’s “Red Sex”
Inspired by another video I saw putting the cognito ergo sum speech from I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream to the same song. Making this made me squeamish and it doesn’t do the novel’s own ick factor even 4% of justice.
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ms-scarletwings · 5 days
Sk oo dge???
(End-of-marathon panting)
Don’t ask what’s wrong with me just take this SKOOJ comp
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ms-scarletwings · 7 days
AM: Why don’t you do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. Or I’ll sew your pretty mouth shut.
Ted: Oh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. See- here’s the problem with round-clock torture is that… you can’t really step it up from there.
AM: Is that what you think?
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ms-scarletwings · 7 days
Y’know personally I think there is a LOT to be cooked on the matter of the thematic parallels with the self-inflicted predicament of the Narrator from the Stanley Parable and AM’s situation. Much more about the relationship and power dynamics between themselves and their chosen favorite protagonists..
I’m not even joking when I say I could talk for hours about my interests. Like. If you’re also in the fandom great! We can discuss theories and such. And if you’re not? BOY OH BOY I can and will yap your ear off about it.
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ms-scarletwings · 8 days
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crispy (dib) quality of these wonderful frames
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ms-scarletwings · 8 days
A compilation of a few of my at-the-time live reactions while gnawing through Corey Brill’s reading of The Troop
(Non readers turn back, Here thar be spoilers!)
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ms-scarletwings · 9 days
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ms-scarletwings · 9 days
I just finished a Hell of an audiobook lately
Its name is The Troop, written by Nick Cutter, narrated by Corey Brill,
And it has proved one of the most intensive experiences with literary media in my entire life.
Listen… listen here as I try to contextualize that. I’m a person who enjoys doing chores while Wayne June’s voice serenades me with the writings of Lovecraft, Poe, and Red Hook Studios. I grew up on a Little Shop to John Carpenter’s The Thing horror pipeline. I’ve played I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream at least three times to myself by now.
There were points where I laughed my ass off. Points where I yelled either in cheer or anger. A point or two where I almost cried. Many points where I gagged, physically gagged several times while driving down the road because of Cutter’s linguistic assault. I took needed breaks off and on and yet I still kept coming back for more. It’s… where do I actually start? With that Stephen King review where he mentions that The Troop scared the hell out of him?? With this?
TL/DR: This shit makes “Lord of the Flies” look like an episode of Rugrats.
I picked up this story working on no more knowledge than what I suggest anyone else interested in the roller coaster experience also start from: This is a story about a handful of Boy Scouts encountering a very hungry, very sick guy in the woods while on a camping trip.
I was hoping for something like World War Z, which is a phenomenally written work by Max Brooks. This was not much like WWZ in content, but in terms of the quality, pacing, and amount of thought put into the writing itself, I can’t think of a better comparison. Every scene is tapestried with descriptions and immersive detail to make sure you understand the full pov of its characters. You will know exactly what they hear, what they smell, what they taste, in ways elating and in ways that will make you lose your appetite.
The themes themselves share more spiritually with… Kitty Horrorshow, if anything. I can’t elaborate much on that without spoilers, and I honestly don’t encourage a jump into this text any less blind than this.
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All that said, this is a true disturbing work in the sense that it is sure as hell not going to be for everyone. I don’t think it’s really even for most people in its entirety. There are several scenes dedicated to the quite graphic portrayal of childhood bullying, body horror, parasites, violent harm done to animals domestic and not (extreme emphasis on this one), and the general etc. that comes with the territory of this being a horror novel with primarily 14 year olds as main characters. Be merry and be discretionary with this knowledge. I’m going to hope the nightmares about eating wallpaper and worms settle down as the days pass, as I still thank this book for adding them to my garden.
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ms-scarletwings · 9 days
Don’t ask what’s wrong with me just take this SKOOJ comp
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ms-scarletwings · 10 days
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Because Sly makes this exact gesture when he falls off a ledge in-game and, honestly, I can’t take it seriously.
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ms-scarletwings · 11 days
"you good?"
no man, kitty horrorshow games make me cry
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ms-scarletwings · 11 days
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ms-scarletwings · 12 days
Half spoiler:
My partial interpretation was that the dogs tweaking out worked against the humans tbh. The elder things were not any more or less evil than human beings, and optimistically may have even been reasoned with… if they didn’t wake up basically on a dissection table, having no idea what was going on other than being surrounded by a bunch of primates and their pack of animals trying to attack them.
They were ancient, but they were an advanced and highly social people of their own evolutionary timeline. Over the course of the story there is not a single action the awakened ones take that, from their POV, isn’t at least understandable.
Shoggoths on the other hand…
You KNEW when those penguins started acting up. When the 6 foot tall blind creatures that were just as comfortable around man and Elder thing alike, also bred for their domestic nature, started acting up and fleeing like hell,
You finally knew the presence of a genuine and true “ancient evil”.
I don’t know what it is about the “dogs/animals are unsettled” trope in cosmic horror stuff (or just horror in general) but man it never gets old for me. All the parts of At The Mountains of Madness when the dogs are tweaking about the elder things just puts a smile on my face. “Yes good boys, bark at the ancient evil, you tell em!” I also like the idea of animals just having a better vibe detector than humans, not burdened by logic or a thirst for knowledge, just a simple, “oh, bad for my survival, gonna bark at it, fuck that.”
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ms-scarletwings · 13 days
[Read the Holy Book]
You open to a random page:
"The boy came to a clearing, where a great bloated tick wallowed in a shallow pond, and he found that he could not speak, for She had filled his mouth with leeches as he was running through the swamp..."
You open to a random page:
"You will know you have come to the kingdom of the Hierophant, for the roaches will have the teeth of men, and the wasps will have not stingers but tongues, and the worms will twist themselves into knots until they are torn and bleeding..."
You open to a random page:
"Her mother, whose head was full of the Tattered King's perverted songs, shut the girl in the attic, where blood dripped from between the teeth of the mad-eyed rocking horse and the spiders laughed like murderers..."
You open to a random page:
"The Priestess sank into the mud, which whispered to her as it filled her ears, and she felt His oils and secrets slide across the wrinkled flesh of her brain, and she shivered, and the knife burrowed under her ribs..."
You open to a random page:
"And She waited there, beneath the soil and the loam, fed with meals of consecrated blood, and the teeth and sinew and seed grew within her belly as she moaned and prepared to birth a coven of new daughters..."
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ms-scarletwings · 13 days
He’s literally one of the most enjoyable characters to watch absolutely eat shit in a tumble ever designed. Total rubber ball of a person. The human incarnation of watching a slinky descending down a flight of stairs.
Florpus successor:
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crispy (dib) quality of these wonderful frames
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ms-scarletwings · 14 days
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