missstar-gazer · 2 years
Jimin shoves hobi off the clouds and hops down after him determined to see her first. Hobi groans as he stands up brushing himself off before hurrying towards her. Both of the reach the window at the same time and knock before glaring at each other.
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missstar-gazer · 2 years
Lucifer slams the door open to his lovers house panicking when she wasn't in the living room. He rushes to the bed room stumbling at the doorway.
Bro I dunno have scared luci
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missstar-gazer · 2 years
Painful teething
Rain poured off the roof and onto the young idol's already drenched back. His feet stumbled as he tried to stand up to reach to doorbell causing him to fall into the door. He let out a low groan before knocking.
Lol I love him I promise but he suffering
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missstar-gazer · 2 years
emotional rush
The new demon paces back and forth as his emotions rushed through him. His eyes dart to see his lover enter the room. The demon holds up his hands in defense warning her that his emotions were in control at the moment but his eyes pleaded for help.
bro i really really dunno but have freaking hobi
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missstar-gazer · 2 years
Time Ticking Feathers
The young angel sat on the corner of her bed. It was the first moment to herself in quite some time and it was desperately needed. As she relaxes, the tattoo on her back glows before wings unfold from it. She lets out an exhausted sigh as she notices a dark feather near her shoulder. Reaching up, she quickly plucks it before holding it near her face to examine it. The angel makes a mental note of how long it took this feather to turn dark and to her dismay, it was a much shorter time frame than the last few feathers. Deep in her thoughts and worries, she hadn't noticed the demon enter the bedroom.
bro i dunno
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missstar-gazer · 2 years
Day 18 of the Angst challenge. (Grievous injury)
Adeline loved being on stage. She would often take the leads in musicals and plays and made sure she always was in good health to not miss any opportunities that came her way. She was truly living her best dream. One could say she was a rising star.
However, one could also say she was overusing her voice to be able to belt all those lines and songs night after night. Such events lead to her getting ill one day. Annoyed at becoming ill, she stayed home but made sure to still practice. This resulted in her illness getting worse and worse and soon she had no voice for over a week. Terrified at not being able to use her voice she went to her doctor. The doctor told her the bad news rather quickly and without mercy. "You won't ever be able to use your voice again."
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missstar-gazer · 2 years
Day 17 of the Angst challenge. (Personal failure)
Jaeyeong held herself to a high standard when it came to her dancing. She often spent nights and days in the studio until she just about passed out to make sure she did perfect when the tours came up. She would eat just barely enough to maintain her weight. She was a perfectionist through and through.
So when her next tour came up and she danced her heart out only to make some fatal flaws in her eyes. Well it broke her heart. To the point of indulging more than a few cups of alcohol. Her vision blurry from tears and the affects of alcohol, she sat in her car ignoring the pleas of her friends to join them. It wouldn't be right if she missed practice even in this state-
0 notes
missstar-gazer · 2 years
Day 16 of the Angst challenge. (Insecurity)
Chaviva was known as a beautiful angel but the angel would argue with you for hours if you told her such. She had many insecurities but the biggest one was her wings. Her once snowy white wings now dulled made her fearful of letting anyone get too close to see the missing feathers. She knew angels were supposed to be perfect and being born into angelhood should mean she was definitely perfect. However, she knew that she couldn't live up to the standard and it broke her heart.
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missstar-gazer · 2 years
White sat at her table happily talking with her guests. She had just came of age and a ball was thrown in her honor. She was happy to see many dear friends attend but she hoped her dearest friend would arrive shortly
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missstar-gazer · 2 years
Day 15 of the Angst challenge. (Helplessness)
Mei opens her eyes to see the morning sunlight shine through her window. With a groan, she turns away from it and pulls the blankets over her head. Nothing could pull the young woman out of bed when her head was full of despair. Nothing she had attempted to cheer herself up with worked anymore. Her drawings had only gotten darker in nature and so did anything else that used to bring her joy.
And so she stayed in her bed without eating or drinking hoping that maybe just maybe she could waste away without burdening anyone any longer.
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missstar-gazer · 2 years
Day 14 of the Angst challenge. (Hear our prayer)
The young Italian doesn't dare look up to see whose hands reached for her. Her body shaking as she allowed yet another to use her for their pleasure. As she squeezes her eyes shut more she silently sends a prayer to anyone who would listen. Heaven or hell wouldn't make a difference to her as long as someone would come safe her from their grip.
0 notes
missstar-gazer · 2 years
Day 13 of the Angst challenge. (Revenge)
Nasya lost a big part of herself when she heard the news. Her mother who she adored so much was murdered. Her father left after hearing the news not to avenge his wide but rather to go be heartbroken with his new lover. Rather upset with her father, Nasya took it upon herself to take out the one who murder not only her mother but her family as well.
Atlas pleaded with his older sister to not do it as he feared he would lose another family member but she paid him no mind. She grabbed some weapons that she had been training with from her uncle before heading out.
Hours passed as atlas paced back and forth. He was waiting on the arrival of his sister dead or alive. Fear gripping his heart until a knock at the door startled him. He ran to the door only to find his sister bleeding out as she weakly reaches for him.
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missstar-gazer · 2 years
Day 12 of the Angst challenge. (Forced apart)
Adeline loved him. She loved him more than she knew she ever could love someone. She would had done anything for this man, even become a solider to fight by his side in the war he was in. But at the end of the day she was a actress and he knew that. So when he broke the news to her that they wouldn't be able to see each other anymore she broke down.
"Please love let me fight with you- I know I'm not strong but I rather die helping you than know I stood on stage while you died!"
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missstar-gazer · 2 years
Day 11 of the Angst challenge. (Forbidden love)
James was a man of many things and being a sailor was one of them. He ran by his captains orders and made sure to not cross her. However there would come a rule that he just had to break. The captains daughter was not to be dated. But if you saw her you would fall for her too.
And so they began to date in secret. However he soon got his own doubts. Surely there was a reason to have such a rule. Months go by and doubts fill his mind. That is until he makes his choice. He led her to their favorite spot to break her heart and his along side hers.
"Angel... I've been thinking. There's a reason we have to sneak around and it's just... it's just not worth it being forbiden-"
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missstar-gazer · 2 years
Ash had remained in her room for a few days now. The medicine she was on brought her new fears and distorted the voices she heard. She decided it was safer to remain in her room than join the others in activities. It only gotten worse when her roommate was able to return home.
Ash sat in her bed quietly as she shuffles her playing deck. She had little to no interaction the past days and her hands shook as she shuffled.
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missstar-gazer · 2 years
Being new to the area and wanting to have something to make the house feel more like home, Ash decided to visit the local flower shop. As she steps into the small shop, a small smile spreads to her lips. Something about the shop made her feel more at ease in the new town. She hadn't noticed the worker heading towards her to ask if she needed help as she walks around
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missstar-gazer · 2 years
After trying to make it work with a literal demon, Hobi had enough. He missed his true love and how happy she made him. He only hoped that she would be in a forgiving mood. He packs up a small suit case and heads for her place. A small suit case allowed him to show her that he was serious but small enough that if he had to admit defeat it wouldn't kill him.
As he reaches the house, fear gripped at his heart. He could feel his heart pounding with each step he took but eventually he reached the door and knocked.
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