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meat-suicide · 4 years
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meat-suicide · 4 years
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meat-suicide · 4 years
Guide for cutting female carcasses in non-industrial quantities at home.
Approved by the Ministry of Nutrition
When cutting female mascaras for the first time, it’s best to invite a specialist who knows how to do this quickly and efficiently. As a result, you can learn to do it yourself by asking about many details. It is recommended to carve the girl at the beginning of winter. At sub-zero temperatures, you can store meat in specially equipped places where a low temperature will allow you to save the product without prior salting. Not all owners have large freezers.
Cutting the carcass of a girl consists of a simple scheme - bleeding a carcass, then removing the peel (if necessary) and separating the parts. When performing such work, they share the scheme for cutting the girl’s body, hanging the carcass above the ground or on a wide table. It is not recommended to do this on the ground itself, as parasites and bacteria can enter the meat. You can put straw or polyethylene.
Process in detail
First of all, before you start cutting the body of a girl, you must prepare a workplace. Be sure to determine the purpose of the cutting. The resulting meat can be put on sale, prepared for the winter for yourself. You can also pre-determine the method of preparation of the resulting product, which will affect further cutting, sharing the necessary details. Before the execution of a girl, it is necessary that he does not eat anything for at least 24 hours and drink only water. Directly before the execution procedure, the girl must thoroughly rinse her stomach, vagina and intestines.
Blood collection from a woman’s carcass
First of all, in order to carry out the cutting correctly, it is necessary to pump the clogged clutch. This is very important at the first stage, since the distribution of blood throughout the body spoils the meat itself. It is no longer for sale, as not only the presentation is lost, but also the quality of the product. The less blood the better. If the girl will be distributed on the table, then it should lie flat on its side. The carotid artery or jugular vein is cut. In this case, clogging is not done by piercing the heart muscle. After opening the blood vessels, the blood should gradually drain into the scoop, then into another large container. A separate sterile vessel is used to collect blood, if later needed in cooking.
If the massacre will take place on the street, then the girl should kneel to raise her head so that the owner could comfortably cut her throat. When stabbed in the heart, after draining the bulk of the blood, residues in the chest may remain. As a result, blood clots form during oxidation, as the blood begins to coagulate, and bleeding does not pass completely. After bleeding from the carcass of a woman, it must be wiped with a dry soft cloth or napkin. Do not wash the meat from the inside, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate.
Depending on what the owner wants to do in the future, he cannot remove the skin, partially remove it or remove all the skin for future use for leather products or stuffed animals. If a fighter needs to completely remove the skin for a stuffed animal, you should adhere to the following scheme:
First you need to make an incision behind the ears, around the head of the cloves and down the neck along the spine, the incision continues to the anus.
The skin should be carefully trimmed around the genitals and anus, so as not to spoil the appearance of a future stuffed animal or product made from the skin of the vulva and anus.
Skin is removed from the back of the carcass. First removed from the legs, turning it towards the abdomen, sternum and scapula. Turn carefully and evenly, separating it from fat and meat with a sharp chopping knife. It is especially easy to remove the skin in oily women.
When the girl’s skin is removed from the sides, it must be turned to the opposite side.
After completing the work, the skin itself must be turned upside down along the line of the spine and left to cool.
Women carcass cut into two parts in the absence of special equipment.
Professionals, when they cut the carcass itself, hang it by the legs on special hooks. This allows them to facilitate the workflow by making cuts correctly. The suspension allows you to stretch the tissues and muscles of the cleft, facilitating the cutting of meat. If the soldier does not have such an opportunity, then the work may be somewhat delayed.
Having separated your head, bleeding women and removing the skin (if necessary), you can proceed to further cutting. Then, in a decapitated crest on the abdomen, it is necessary to cut out a layer of fat and abdominal muscles (an “apron”). After a peritoneal incision, the intestines, stomach, gall bladder, liver, spleen and uterus with ovaries must be removed.
When the killer removes internal fat, the kidneys can be removed. By cutting out the diaphragm, the heart, lungs, and the remnants of blood clots are removed. If the intestines will be used in the future (for example, for sausage), then all the contents should be emptied of them, and then thoroughly washed. After the carcass, women should be cut into two parts along the spine. Then the legs in the joints are separated. If before the skin was not cut, now it is much easier to remove, and then lard can be cut. The upper part of the carcass of the girl is divided into pieces along the ribs, and then along the vertebrae along the back.
Slaughter lines and equipment
Meat output
Typically, each half of the resulting frame after cutting is divided into six parts. Separately, all yellow lard is cut, which is layered under the skin, hands on the shoulder blade, legs with a thigh (ham), neck, chest and cut are cut separately.
With proper cutting, you can maintain the integrity of the internal organs that are also used in cooking - the liver, kidneys, heart, and uterus with ovaries and a vagina.
Parts of the carcass of a woman and their description
Most often on the shelves in butchers you can see some parts of the carcasses of girls. Large pieces can be sold in restaurants, but for the average buyer, the comb is cut so that he can buy a certain part for his own purposes.
The Ministry of Nutrition recommends buying meat from girls who were slaughtered only under production conditions. This can be determined by the corresponding marking.
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meat-suicide · 4 years
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meat-suicide · 5 years
1. The most correct Teacher for you:
A. Rich and authoritative person (VIP)
B. ordinary guy peer with you
C. Your own Father
2. What clothes will be most suitable for you as slaves?
A. expensive beautiful dress
B. simple work clothes (jeans or shorts and a T-shirt or top)
C. minimum clothes needed for basic decency (only panties or only loincloths)
D. The wearing of any clothing is prohibited for the slave, so I will be completely naked
3. Do you have the right to wear shoes?
A. Of course, I have the right, and I want to wear beautiful high hill shoes or over the knee boots.
B. I have the right to wear shoes that I need for work (sneakers).
C. I have to be barefoot in the warmer months
D. I have to be barefoot always, in summer or winter
4. What jewelry do you want to wear as a slave?
(you can choose several options)
A. expensive beautiful jewelry (necklaces, rings, bracelets)
B. Tattoo of slavery and submission
C. The best jewelry for a slave is whip scars, cuts, burns
D. The best slave necklaces, rings or bracelets are shackles that restrain any movement of arms and legs
5. Do you have the right to a pretty hairstyle?
A. Of course, I have the right, and I want the Master to regularly invite me to the hairdresser.
B. My hairstyle should be comfortable for work - a pigtail or ponytail.
C. I should have a short boyish haircut (no longer than 12 mm) - for comfortable work and getting punishments ... and because I will not spend time on hair care.
6. Is it necessary to shave pubic hair and armpit hair? , calves and abdomen?
A. obligatory and regular
B. I must do this by order of the Master
C. I have no right to shave ... My Master can punish me for the hair on my body or burn my hair on fire
7. How and where should you sleep?
A. in my Master’s bedroom, of course,
B. on the floor, near the door of Master’s room
C. in a small cage where I can’t even move
D. I have to sleep while standing in chains
8. Why should you receive light corporal punishment (flogging, cuts, burns, etc.)?
A. For petty misconduct or slow work
B. for good deeds or good work
C. light corporal punishment - this is not a punishment for any wrongdoing - I have to take it regularly to be in good shape
9. Which whipping device will be most right for you?
(You can choose several options)
A. eyelashes that keep your skin
B. whips that tear your skin
C. A thick stick for hitting bones (ribs and
patella and ankles) D. flexible stick (Spießrutenlaufen) for being barefooted
10. You work in the field, and your arms and legs are shackled, which restricts your movement. Your Master has set a deadline for your work and said that you will be executed to death if you do not finish on time. What would you do? - "I will…"
A. Try to work as quickly as possible with the hope of finishing on time or with the hope of mercy.
B. explain to Teacher that it is impossible to finish on time, because I restrain myself in the shackles and ask him to remove the shackles for the duration of the work.
C. said sarcastically that I will not work because it is impossible to be shackled, and I ask you to immediately begin your execution
D. I know that I still can’t finish the shackles in time, but I will finish all my work and after that I will inform you that I was late and deserved to be executed to death.
11. Your Master has given you two orders that contradict each other. The first order is a ban on doing something (for example, having sex with anyone other than Teacher). The second order is to do this (an example is to sexually serve the guests of the Master). Both orders promise execution for you, in case of violation. What would you do? - "I will…"
A. will remind him of the contradiction, say that it is illogical, and ask to cancel one of the orders.
B. follow the ban with the hope that this is a test of my loyalty.
S. acted on the second order with the hope that he had forgotten about the first order
D. ask which of the orders I must break, he will fulfill everything, as he says, and with gratitude I will accept my death sentence.
12. Your Master needs money. You know that one company is ready to pay a lot of money for a snuff film about the death penalty. What would you do? - "I will…"
A. do not tell him anything about it.
B. tell him about it, but ask to use this method only as a last resort.
C. tell him about it and will readily offer my snuff model service.
13. Your Master is bored. And you know that he promised to execute you to death for some minor offenses (in case this is actually committed). What would you do? - "I will do…"
A. Never commit this insult.
B. offer my help to Teacher and commit some insults if he orders it.
C. I will make some insults without asking him
D. to come up with several crimes (but not commit) and falsely confess, remaining innocent in reality.
14. So, you are sentenced to death, and all that remains for you is to choose how you should die. What would you do?
14-1. ask for a painless and quick execution in a few minutes:
A. decapitation
B. hanging
C. shooting
D. lethal injection
14-2. not to ask for mercy with the understanding that I deserve a qualified execution and painful death within 3-4 days ... and if I were allowed to, I would choose:
E. Piercing (through the rectum, with a stop at the navel)
F. Crucifix with nails and anal root
G. breaks all the bones on the wheel
X. slowly removes skin alive
K. makes an incision in the abdomen and slowly pulls the intestines
L. slowly fries over low heat
M. hanging on ribs on hooks
14-3. In my opinion, I deserve the slowest and most painful implementation, which combines several qualified methods (from the “14-2” list) within 10-15 days (in this case, please write down which methods you would like to combine, please )
15. Your execution should be:
A. Confidentiality because I'm embarrassed by the humiliation of the crowd
B. publicity because humiliation is an important part of execution
16. Do you have a last wish before execution?
Romantic dinner and good sex with the master
B. to smoke one cigarette
C. nothing
D. give 100-200 sticks on my sandals goodbye
17. Do you have to prepare tools for your execution and carry it to the place of execution yourself?
A. No, this work is for Masrera’s servants
B. I will do this as a last resort and only by order of the Master
C. Of course, this is my direct responsibility, and I will fulfill it without any order or reminder.
18. What clothes will be on you when you go to the place of execution?
A. Beautiful dress and high hill shoes
B. in dirty cheap clothes and barefoot
C. in panties or loincloth and barefoot
D. barely naked and barefoot
19. What should be your path to the place of execution?
A. I will fight and ask for mercy, and they will bring me by force
B. I want to go to the place as quickly as possible so that no one sees me except the Master and the executioners
C. I have to go slowly to accept the ridicule and humiliation of the crowd
D. I have to go slowly to accept the ridicule and humiliation from the crowd, and I have to stop every time if someone wants to rape me
20. Should executioners stimulate you with sticks or whips?
A. no, enough for me to die
B. yes, if I go slowly or fall
C. yes, only for my good shape ... slashing a slave is not a punishment, but it is an integral part of the path to the place of execution
21. What should happen before your execution?
(you can choose several options)
A. Nothing, I want to start the execution immediately
B. I will kiss the feet of my Master and curtsy for my executioners and spectators
C. Gang rape by all in all my holes
D. Preparatory torture (you can write its types and parts of your body)
22. How will you behave during the execution? - "I will do ..."
(you can choose several options)
A. Cry, whine and ask for mercy
B. swear and insult my executioners and spectators
C. Howl like a wild animal
D. restrain yourself and moan only
E. hold back and be silent to preserve my honor during my extremely misery
F. tells jokes for executioners and spectators ... and tells them about my suffering
23. How should your body be used after execution?
A. bury in the cemetery
B. bury in the grave in which I will dig myself
C. sell for organ transplantation (if any organs are preserved intact)
D. cook like meat - the master will take my tasty pieces, and the leftovers should be used for the audience
E take organs for transplantation, and a suitable part of my body needs to be used for cooking as meat, and the remains need to be crushed for fertilizer for the field
F. Throw in the garbage dump as useless carrion
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