markscoffeee · 3 years
i’m gonna drop an art tip here
i think an important thing to learn, especially if you start out with drawing anime, is that faces don’t necessarily have to narrow from top to bottom
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i like to think of wide top, wide middle, wide bottom, and rectangle-like as the 4 main face shapes
what you should keep in mind about them:
you’re only halfway done: the jawlines, the width-length ratio, the amount of fat in the cheeks, the intensity or subtlety of the face’s curves are all important components you still have to decide on after choosing the shape itself
none of these shapes are exclusively feminine or masculine, don’t hesitate drawing them on any gender
most people in real life have some variation of the wide middle type
if you are trying to draw real people, getting the shape of their face down is the first step
i’ve seen tutorials say the shape of the face can tell a lot of the character’s personality - you don’t necessarily have to live by that rule. as long as you aren’t unrealistically drastic about their proportions, their face shape determines their inner qualities as much as it would in real life (not at all)
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markscoffeee · 3 years
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Found some hands tutorial by me
Not in English but hope it will help???????
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markscoffeee · 3 years
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markscoffeee · 3 years
I animated a thing!! for school! n haven’t left my computer desk for two straight weeks whilst I worked on this n binged bobs burgers so I think I'm gonna lie down, just forever
Programs used: Toom Boom Harmony, Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, Medibang Paint Pro
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markscoffeee · 3 years
Just a basic tutorial on Youtube I found of how to animate drawings in Photoshop. I love animation!
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markscoffeee · 3 years
Do you ever do tutorials? I am enamored with the way you color hair.
Aw thank you so much. ;w; Tutorials aren't something I usually do because I'm terrible at explaining my method of drawing and painting haha. And I honestly don't think my painting style is that big of a deal? But I'm gonna give it a try on explaining how I do it. You'll be shocked by how ridiculously simple and unimpressive it is. XD 1. So! First step after applying the base color, I create a new layer with the multiply effect. Lowering the percentage of how strong the opacity is depending on the light and shadow of the picture. 2. Take note of where the hair starts off on the head and I'll make the shadows accordingly to that motion (like the picture below)
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3. I use a pen pressured sharp brush for the majority of my art, so it gives a more realistic look of strands of hair. Sometimes I apply the whole shadow and then use the eraser to take off parts that are too heavy.
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4. After the shadows are done I make a second layer with the overlay effect. I lower the percentage to the intensity of the light in the composition and usually apply with a white color (but that can also vary depending on the light of the illustration). And same effect, sharp brush but don't apply as much light unless you want a really glowy look. Sometimes that can be too much and will look like greasy or rubbery hair haha
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5. To stand out a little more in certain compositions, I usually create a second layer with the overlay effect, but with lower opacity than the first. For this one I cover a portion of the area underneath the light source and use the blur to smooth it. Then with the sharp eraser I take off parts to give the effect of the hair.
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And voila! That's how I do it. xD Hope this was helpful in some way, or at least a little clear on how my method is nothing sort of mindblowing haha just the simplest brushes and it's just hand motion.
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markscoffeee · 3 years
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How to Hair
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markscoffeee · 3 years
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hope this helps a little bit , horns floating on top of hair is the biggest tragedy
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markscoffeee · 3 years
Hii, may we have some Allen/Viktor stubble tutorials?
just a disclaimer that im not a pro but im willing to help with my own knowledge
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markscoffeee · 3 years
Hewwo! Can you give a tutorial on how to draw side profiles? Thank you 💖
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I'm admittedly not the best at keeping a page layout clean, but this hopefully didn't end up being too confusing, haha
I hope this answered your question sufficiently? :'D
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markscoffeee · 3 years
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I got a few asks in my inbox wondering how i draw eyes, so here is a 'tutorial'. It may not be the best way, but i hope it helps someone! Feel free to ask for another tutorial if you are curious how i draw something else.
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markscoffeee · 3 years
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Originally threw this together upon a friend’s request, so I thought I would share it here as well! I hope this is helpful - I try to keep things as basic and broken-down as possible when sharing tutorials, but let me know if you have any more questions <3 I hope this helps!
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markscoffeee · 3 years
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markscoffeee · 3 years
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Marshal’s dream of starting a cafe has finally been realized ☕️🍰
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markscoffeee · 3 years
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the queen of Oz is a trans lesbian and she’s dating Dorothy
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markscoffeee · 3 years
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—like or rb if you use, thanks! ⌕࣪ ̣˖
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markscoffeee · 3 years
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Tumblr makes it look really low quality, but they’re fine if you click on them~ :)
Tutorial time! Here’s a quick hair tip tutorial for eat-my-shxrts (I’m working on the eyes/facial features one, but since I finished this one I thought I’d post it :) Hope this is helpful, I wish I was better at explaining how I draw XD
I also included a process gif! Featuring some of my faves with varying hairstyles~ :) <3
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