malachiexists13 8 days
I have been coping so hard since Chapter 259 of JJK 馃榾 I'm not very vocal about it but Choso is one of my three favorites so I tried drawing him in my sketchbook <3
Not very good because I don't usually use colored pencils and I used the sketch as line art. I also don't normally do fanart.. but for Choso, I tried 馃槫
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Should I try drawing other JJK characters, too? If so, who?
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malachiexists13 1 month
I'm touching y'all's hands when i say this - it's important to me that you know two things:
1. you can always stop playing a game if it's not for you
2. you can change routes if you aren't enjoying the character you're playing
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malachiexists13 2 months
I just spent 1.5k diamonds on Ellis today. And I have a bunch of screenshots from the Wrapped in Wicked Romance event because of it <3 Slight spoilers ig? I bought the premium epilogue.
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I adore this man so much and I can't even explain it <3
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By the way, Jude.. What the hell is this supposed to mean?
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malachiexists13 2 months
The poll has ended. And so, I'm staying true to my word. Based on the majority vote of 69.2%--
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Reading this clown's route ^
I have no idea how I'm going to feel about Clavis. I remember having a love/hate towards him back when I read Chevalier's route. But that was around when Ikepri first came out in English so.. I'm probably not gonna post any screenshots like I've done in the past unless there's something specific I want to talk about from the story.
(also how to pronounce his name. I feel like I'm saying it wrong--)
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malachiexists13 2 months
Over a fucking year later, and I finally finished Sariel's route. Don't ask why it took me a year, I couldn't tell you. In order to actually finish it, it took me realizing I was on Chapter 16, hadn't used up my 5 free tickets yet, and had enough tickets saved to read 10 more chapters. So that's what I did for the last three hours.
Anyway-- help me decide.
Feels like a lose lose putting these two up against each other. I don't give a fuck about spoilers or and I am practically desensitized to anything more one of these two could throw at me. And they're the last two of the Ikepri cast that actually interested me (for now) so please help me decide whose route to do next.
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malachiexists13 2 months
Spoilers for William's Route: Chapter 3 [Part 3]
My ID if you want to add me -> P6FYJHJMZ (Should come up as "Eria")
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Girl-- please. Please do not let your guard down so easily!! Yes, he supports people regardless of status as long as he's fond of them. Great. But there has to be some reason as to WHY he feels the need to do that? I don't want to doubt him, but you can't ignore the possibility that THAT reason may be a malicious one.
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Don't question me, Bryan. I'm not at liberty to answer anything.
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NO. For the love of God-- NEVER do that to me again. Please. You gave me a knife before and I absolutely cannot be held accountable, remember???
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[NOTES] "WILLIAM IS SUCH A MOTHERFUCKER?? OH MY GOD?? Genuinely, what's he doing though? He takes Robin out to a place in the middle of nowhere (shady), tells her HE owns the place and that it's a gathering spot for people to hangout regardless of social status.. Only to then threaten her so that one guest in particular, the Bryan Bennett dude, would intervene? All because Robin seems to look up to him?? Is this another one of William's ploys to give Robin whatever is she wants but won't go for? It's giving me hella Mitsuhide vibes. Especially after Bryan says that William supports anyone regardless of status as long as he's fond of them. That really seems like something Mitsuhide would do... Maybe I should stop comparing him to Mitsuhide lol."
PARTS: 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3 (current)
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malachiexists13 2 months
Spoilers for William's Route: Chapter 3 [Part 2.5]
My ID if you want to add me -> P6FYJHJMZ (Should come up as "Eria")
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Mitsuhide deja vu pt.2
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I already wanna scream just being stuck here so you're on the right track.
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Uhh realistically? No. Because I'm autistic, and I struggle with social things. Yay
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Excuse me. A lady who can what William??
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Girl he just threatened you. Can you not?
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Mitsuhide deja vu pt.3. This really feels like something Mitsuhide would do.
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I'm not surprised. Also stop trying to imply I'm special.
PARTS: 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 (current) | 3
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malachiexists13 2 months
Spoilers for William's Route: Chapter 3 [Part 2]
My ID if you want to be friends -> P6FYJHJMZ (Should come up as "Eria")
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Oh. Am I going to be murdered?
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Of course the fucker's whose curse is based on the Queen of Hearts has Alice in Wonderland references.
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Of course you are-- Can I just say. I can't decide whether I hate it or love it when he smiles like that. He's so pretty, but he also annoys me.
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Are your standards that low? (Mine are too, I can't talk.)
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Hey-- hey. No. No magic.
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Yeah I don't have the best judgment. But the MC is even worse than me, I won't deny that.
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Okay. This.. really gives me Mitsuhide vibes. Based on what happens in Chapter 4 and 5 of Mitsuhide's route-- THIS really reminds me of that.
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PARTS: 1 | 1.5 | 2 (current) | 2.5 | 3
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malachiexists13 2 months
Spoilers for William's Route: Chapter 2 [Part 1.5]
My ID if you want to be friends -> P6FYJHJMZ
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I'm getting deja vu from Mitsuhide's route.
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I'd love to. Except as much as I talk mad shit, I am incapable of being mean to people. Even if they're fictional 馃ゲ (unless they're an actual asshole.)
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I'm not supposed to do that. Daddy Victor said not to get close.
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Oh boy! Am I gonna die this time? 馃槏
I've started taking notes as I play to keep track of my thoughts. So here: [NOTES] "Day 2 of William being way too nice. He's also now giving me Mitsuhide vibes?? Like, he's untrustworthy. You can see that clearly. But he's also really good at reading people and noticing their desires. And he even goes out of his way to call out Robin's AND give her whatever she seemed to want but that she refused to voice? WHAT IS HE PLANNING???"
PARTS: 1 | 1.5 (current) | 2 | 2.5 | 3
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malachiexists13 2 months
Spoilers for William Rex's Route: Chapter 2 [Part 1]
My ID if you want to be friends -> P6FYJHJMZ
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Famous last words spoken before doing something unnecessary.
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Why-- ..why are you sorry for that??
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Stop it. It's Chapter 2. This is way too early to be fond of me.
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When did Roger become a twink
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NO. Stop it. Don't look at me like that.
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Am I the only one who gets Sirius vibes from him when he says "lil lady"? Like the more I see of this guy, the more he reminds me of Sirius. But also kinda reminds me of Faust.
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Too late, I guess. Don't die? Maybe? Idk.
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Why-- Is he just cheerfully singing on the way to the theatre? This man can SING? Or is it just awful singing.
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No. I'm incapable of expressing my wants.
PARTS: 1 (current) | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3
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malachiexists13 2 months
I downloaded Ikemen Villains so eventually I'll add that to my masterlist and guidelines. I'd just like to get to know the characters a bit first so it'll be a while. But I am currently reading William's route! It was either him or Harrison and after reading through the prologue, I felt more drawn to William. Will I regret this decision? Maybe!
Anyway-- I don't have much to say about the characters yet? I know I made a silly predictions post about their personalities over a year ago so I guess I'm finding out if my assumptions were accurate. Here are my first impressions after playing the prologue--
William is more friendly than I originally thought? But he's also weird. Like there's something off about him. He gives me Gilbert vibes.
Harrison still reminds me of Edgar but less.. overly friendly? Like he seems more like a regular dude but also gives me Mitsuhide vibes with the whole teasing the MC by asking if she thinks he's lying or not.
Liam feels like if Asmodeus from Obey Me and Clavis somehow got mixed together.
Alfons.. exists? Idk. I can't think of anyone he specifically reminds me of. Kinda gives Sariel vibes? But that's it.
Elbert is.. interesting. But also weird. I don't know how to describe him.
Roger reminds me of both Sirius and Faust simultaneously and I don't know whether I'll love him or love to hate him.
Jude is an ass with a pretty face and I still can't believe I have the same birth date as him. But the way he talks being described as rough reminds me of I think Motonari?
Ellis is the only good thing in this game /hj. Like sureee. He offered to kill MC in the prologue but-- he's pretty, and I'm willing to ignore his yandere vibes. Also I may or may not have rerolled the free 5 star card gacha multiple times until I got him <3
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Victor is not what I was expecting. He's such a.. happy? person? Idk. I certainly wasn't expecting a cheerful man who constantly smiles. Let me guess-- he's this game's 'dad' type character?
Anyway-- that's just my current impressions. I really think the premise so far is interesting and I like the art style :) Out of all the games I've played from CYBIRD thus far, Ikemen Prince and Ikemen Villains are my favorite in terms of art. Maybe I'll post screenshots for the routes as I play through them, idk.
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malachiexists13 2 months
Looks like I'm gonna make a side blog!! I'll probably announce it next week.
I wanna write more original stuff but my blog has been primarily fandom since day one that idk if I should :/ Would you guys be interested in reading something that's not fanfic from me? Or should I make a side blog for that and keep this strictly fandom?
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malachiexists13 2 months
I wanna write more original stuff but my blog has been primarily fandom since day one that idk if I should :/ Would you guys be interested in reading something that's not fanfic from me? Or should I make a side blog for that and keep this strictly fandom?
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malachiexists13 2 months
Hello! I鈥檓 slightly confused on your request guidelines with something鈥攆or multiple fandoms, it says no ships. Does this mean just CharacterxCharacter, or is polyamorous also against the rules in this fandom? It鈥檚 fine either way, but I wanted to clarify before sending in a request.
Hi! No ships basically means there are no specific ships for that fandom that I'm comfortable writing. Polyamorous is alright as long as it's for x reader or x MC and the characters involved aren't related. Thank you for asking <3
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malachiexists13 2 months
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[ID: Basic ass chibi dude: "Oh! A new request?"
Request is for a Romance/Suggestive fic with plus-sized reader x fem! characters. It's actually a smut.
Basic ass chibi dude looks annoyed.
Basic ass chibi dude: "Another for the trash."]
In case you HAVEN'T read my guidelines.. I don't do readers with specific physical attributes. Nor do I write smut for any female characters. Picking "suggestive" as a genre is NOT a loophole so don't even try.
I would like to point out more issues about this one request I got as in-- if you're going to pick multiple characters, please specify whether it's for headcanons or a poly relationship somewhere on the form. Also, if you can't be bothered to read the rules, at least pay attention to what's allowed for each character and what's not?
Am I bitchy for complaining like this? Yes. But I feel like if I don't say something while it's early, it'll just keep happening. My guidelines are there for a reason. They are not suggestions, I am actively telling you what I will and won't write. Can't be bothered to read it? Don't bother submitting a request then because it'll either be ignored or deleted.
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malachiexists13 3 months
I've now seen people trying to DEFEND Wilbur by saying he's autistic. So from an actual autistic person, FUCK YOU.
I cannot explain how actually angry that makes me. Autism is NOT AN EXCUSE and it hurts so much to know that people would actually try to use it as one. Being autistic does not mean you can't understand consent. You just struggle with SOCIAL CUES. CONSENT IS NOT A SOCIAL CUE!!!
If you dare to try to use autism as an excuse for this sort of bullshit, fuck you. All this does is fuel the stigma around autism. It isn't and should never be an excuse to hurt or abuse someone.
//tw: mention of abuse, talk of manipulation, the wilbur situation
Wilbur's apology was such bullshit, but you know what's also bullshit? Some people's complete and utter lack of awareness about what a MANIPULATOR is. Manipulators lie, they gaslight and deceive you into believing them. And it fucks you up so badly that you struggle to remember details or even trust your own gut about a person. That is what Wilbur Soot has done to Shelby and so many others.
Just because a CC hasn't spoken out against Wilbur yet, doesn't mean they support his actions. Wilbur has been lying and manipulating people for YEARS. Shelby said it took her ten months of therapy just to even realize what happened to her was abuse. And you expect CCs who were close to Wilbur to speak up in less than an hour after his shitty apology?
Content Creators are people too, and I feel like too many of us forget that. And they were likely manipulated by Wilbur just like Shelby was. Possibly even on stream where viewers took it as a 'bit'. If you want to drop the MCYT community, do it. Go find something else to watch. But there is no need to shit on and think the worst of creators before you walk out the door. They are still people, and they thought Wilbur was their friend. We don't know what happens behind the scenes so we have no right to judge.
I did not watch Shelby's stream or her VOD, but from what I've heard, Shelby said Wilbur's friends were mostly unaware and not to attack them. I've even seen screenshots of her liking tweets that also say to not attack people associated with Wilbur. They are NOT her abuser, Wilbur is. Give them time before you start attacking them, as they were likely very affected by Wilbur's behavior too. Tommy, for example, was 15 when he met Wilbur. He was a CHILD. It's been almost five years. And he had just gotten surgery barely a week before Shelby told her story. Not to mention, his tour coming up. Assuming Tommy would side with an abuser all because he's yet to talk about the situation shows how much of an asshole YOU are.
And don't push people to tell their story either. You are not owed ANYTHING. Let people speak up when they're ready to. Shelby is already so brave by being able to tell her story. Show some respect by letting others who may have been hurt too have time to process before you hound and harass them.
Have some empathy, treat CCs like actual people, and be patient. Assuming the worst of everyone in life will get you nowhere. It costs you nothing to be patient and understanding.
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malachiexists13 3 months
//tw: mention of abuse, talk of manipulation, the wilbur situation
Wilbur's apology was such bullshit, but you know what's also bullshit? Some people's complete and utter lack of awareness about what a MANIPULATOR is. Manipulators lie, they gaslight and deceive you into believing them. And it fucks you up so badly that you struggle to remember details or even trust your own gut about a person. That is what Wilbur Soot has done to Shelby and so many others.
Just because a CC hasn't spoken out against Wilbur yet, doesn't mean they support his actions. Wilbur has been lying and manipulating people for YEARS. Shelby said it took her ten months of therapy just to even realize what happened to her was abuse. And you expect CCs who were close to Wilbur to speak up in less than an hour after his shitty apology?
Content Creators are people too, and I feel like too many of us forget that. And they were likely manipulated by Wilbur just like Shelby was. Possibly even on stream where viewers took it as a 'bit'. If you want to drop the MCYT community, do it. Go find something else to watch. But there is no need to shit on and think the worst of creators before you walk out the door. They are still people, and they thought Wilbur was their friend. We don't know what happens behind the scenes so we have no right to judge.
I did not watch Shelby's stream or her VOD, but from what I've heard, Shelby said Wilbur's friends were mostly unaware and not to attack them. I've even seen screenshots of her liking tweets that also say to not attack people associated with Wilbur. They are NOT her abuser, Wilbur is. Give them time before you start attacking them, as they were likely very affected by Wilbur's behavior too. Tommy, for example, was 15 when he met Wilbur. He was a CHILD. It's been almost five years. And he had just gotten surgery barely a week before Shelby told her story. Not to mention, his tour coming up. Assuming Tommy would side with an abuser all because he's yet to talk about the situation shows how much of an asshole YOU are.
And don't push people to tell their story either. You are not owed ANYTHING. Let people speak up when they're ready to. Shelby is already so brave by being able to tell her story. Show some respect by letting others who may have been hurt too have time to process before you hound and harass them.
Have some empathy, treat CCs like actual people, and be patient. Assuming the worst of everyone in life will get you nowhere. It costs you nothing to be patient and understanding.
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